catalinux / Conn (public) (License: LGPLv2) (since 2016-03-01) (hash sha1)
Net library for easy building ipv4/ipv6 network daemons/clients
Date (UTC) User Event
2024-03-29 12:28 catalinux Reference refs/heads/main updated from f9de48ed05221de560fcc87ffb4935bceda0fe36 to 617c4983c3ea3d83ace1149ddb54b7991d3889ac
2024-03-29 06:28 catalinux Reference refs/heads/main updated from 20e4e5948c9dacb251a784f031bd7bd7a0db9fcf to f9de48ed05221de560fcc87ffb4935bceda0fe36

Author: Catalin(ux aka Dino) BOIE
Date: 2004-07-01
Project page:
Description: Net library for easy building ipv4/ipv6 network daemons/clients.
License: LGPL

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