catalinux / Conn (public) (License: LGPLv2) (since 2016-03-01) (hash sha1)
Net library for easy building ipv4/ipv6 network daemons/clients

Mode Type Size Ref File
100644 blob 129 38f2534580e0aace0e6a5b49d79ada2c2ca162be .exclude
100644 blob 162 30a78e3a392ae33217d139ce27c4e1ebd04aa6e0 .gitignore
100644 blob 169 c003c095218f64ad33aeb89987f61eb575557d96 .mailmap
100644 blob 1945 fecf0e7a7e8580485101a179685aedc7e00affbb Changelog.pre109
100644 blob 81042 d6754c4bc9f1550b546b24e613edeeaa0f76b172 Conn.c
100644 blob 5994 f3e90d8ed62f256e05fb74235620ba9cce31a823 Conn.h
100644 blob 905 884fa11125512f99984f40735af6c380330f871c
100644 blob 747 662c3f3fe8d0a3d23770631d7a0a260719d81e62
100644 blob 5546 7bc5f77db036d7714b28600ffd90ab4c5ee080e2 Conn_intern.h
100644 blob 12705 e9e694f33101b90d22c688ca44cb47c33c011032 Conn_web.c
100644 blob 93 4754320eef2b558b97b9c75bd01e545f102670b7 Conn_web.h
100644 blob 30 d987fa5df957830331139935d517009e2911b0cf INSTALL
100644 blob 25275 92b8903ff3fea7f49ef5c041b67a087bca21c5ec LICENSE
100644 blob 1261 aa9a4eb4cd37aedafb0d69ec4f9bf348841e5af5
100644 blob 29 e214257f87a28e8fb0413b627cf7ee76ade2e94c
100644 blob 200 02d1f3eebc03e84013c23a35db5fe3b77f12f0cc README
100644 blob 19668 bf0f19113acc021dcdc92af4be32b2c737b362a7 TODO
100755 blob 30 92c4bc48245c00408cd7e1fd89bc1a03058f4ce4 configure
040000 tree - d4c9c4a69c5cfa2a84316967185f1661b6817779 docs
100755 blob 18252 e2438615edba7066a730ed6a796a5302263f1f37 duilder
100644 blob 1414 e672a355b5777d14d4f58e36075ed1967aa15ba3 duilder.conf
040000 tree - b255bf8fe16832bbbb513181b1dc6ae9420deed1 examples
040000 tree - 5643f06c34660e576e6c5d0dee5ac74a2bf34f51 tests
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