List of commits:
Subject Hash Author Date (UTC)
Store latest version/revision into LATEST_VER/REV for easy web update. 2d3036b2a52f2825cb7be39dc3039c0c6637b4f0 Catalin(ux) M. BOIE 2010-10-27 13:03:22
Fixed install command. 85e4aa9778fa4f10df5f313aff4444f7ec1d2619 Catalin(ux) M. BOIE 2010-10-27 12:29:47
First version. 2d1ffe53a6cfd146f91157baeadb101a59fdd556 Catalin(ux) M. BOIE 2010-10-27 12:21:37
Commit 2d3036b2a52f2825cb7be39dc3039c0c6637b4f0 - Store latest version/revision into LATEST_VER/REV for easy web update.
Author: Catalin(ux) M. BOIE
Author date (UTC): 2010-10-27 13:03
Committer name: Catalin(ux) M. BOIE
Committer date (UTC): 2010-10-27 13:04
Parent(s): 85e4aa9778fa4f10df5f313aff4444f7ec1d2619
Signing key:
Tree: c900063eedf5d88dc5b48b47fca535114b3e2d85
File Lines added Lines deleted
duilder_release 3 0
File duilder_release changed (mode: 100755) (index 0b39a8f..dda1bd3)
... ... for f in Changelog-last Changelog README INSTALL LICENSE TODO; do
20 20 fi fi
21 21 done done
22 22
23 # Store lastest version and revision
24 echo ${VER} > "${dir}/us/${PRJ}/LATEST_VER"
25 echo ${REV} > "${dir}/us/${PRJ}/LATEST_REV"
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