/README (ceed2aac739967b1c911c5e406da0092c4086121) (3785 bytes) (mode 100644) (type blob)

== About ==
. Website: http://kernel.embedromix.ro/us/
. Author: Catalin(ux) M. BOIE
. Description: Light and fast Git hosting solution
. License: GPLv3
. Language: PHP (plans to rewrite in C in the near future)
. Database: PostgreSQL

== Features ==
. Free software
. No Java
. No Javascript
. Upgrades with the standard tools of the distributions
. Very little dependencies, all packaged in main-stream distributions
. SELinux friendly
. Very small (RPM is around 300KiB)
. IPv6 ready
. Internationalization ready

== Install ==
. Notes:
	- It is recommended to NOT install rocketgit on a multiuser machine.
	There are some things that should be fixed first. We are working on it.

. Prepare SELinux
	# setsebool -P \
		httpd_can_network_connect_db=on \

. Edit /etc/rocketgit/config.php
. Edit /etc/httpd/conf.d/rocketgit.conf

	Adjust php.ini to:
		- allow enough RAM and execution time
		- fix timezone
	You may want to activate an op cache to speed up the PHP scripts:
		yum install php-opcache
	Also, we recommend to activate opcache also for cli:
	change opcache.enable_cli to 1 in /etc/php.d/10-opcache.ini or

. Activate web server
	# systemctl enable httpd.service
	# systemctl restart httpd.service

. Activate sshd (for ssh:// access)
	# systemctl enable sshd.service
	# systemctl start sshd.service

. Activate xinetd (for git:// access)
	# systemctl enable xinetd.service
	# systemctl start xinetd.service

. Configure PostgreSQL server
	# systemctl enable postgresql.service
	# postgresql-setup initdb (TAKE CARE! YOU MAY DESTROY ALL YOUR DATA!)
	# systemctl start postgresql.service

. Create a PostgreSQL user and database
	# su - postgres
	$ createuser -d -R -S rocketgit
	$ createdb -O rocketgit rocketgit

. Allow access to PostgreSQL and restart:
	Add the following lines, before wildcard matches, in
	local	rocketgit	rocketgit			trust
	host 	rocketgit	rocketgit	trust
	host 	rocketgit	rocketgit	::1/128		trust

	systemctl restart postgresql.service

	- Check also the config file (/etc/rocketgit/config.php) and set
	correctly the rg_sql string.
	- If the web server and the db are not on the same host, you need to
	replace with your "safe network". You may want to use
	md5 for authentication. Also, you may want to change 'listen_addresses'
	to '*'. You may also want to activate SSL. Check PostgreSQL manual.

. Mail
	To be able to generate e-mails as other user, you have to:
	For sendmail:
		- Enable daemon: systemctl enable sendmail.service
		- Edit /etc/mail/trusted-users and add 'rocketgit' and 'apache'.
		- Restart daemon: 'systemctl restart sendmail.service' (Fedora)

. Edit firewall to permit ssh, git, http and https ports
	In /etc/sysconfig/iptables (IPv4) and ip6tables (IPv6), add something
	like this:
	-A INPUT -m tcp -p tcp --dport ssh -j ACCEPT
	-A INPUT -m tcp -p tcp --dport git -j ACCEPT
	-A INPUT -m tcp -p tcp --dport http -j ACCEPT
	-A INPUT -m tcp -p tcp --dport https -j ACCEPT

. Point your browser to the newly created server and you will be asked to
	create the admin account.

== Thanks ==
. Special thanks to my family that supports me in this project.
. Special thanks to my brother that contributed brain and time to this project.
. Special thanks to git people for the best tool to manage the sources.
. Special thanks to Petre Bandac for free hosting of rg2 server.
. Special thanks to a lot of people that came with suggestions.
. Special thanks to gitosys, Gitorious and other projects from where I learned
. Special thanks to OWASP for their good documentation on how to write a
	secure web application.
. See AUTHORS file for all the people who contributed to this project.

Mode Type Size Ref File
100644 blob 9 f3c7a7c5da68804a1bdf391127ba34aed33c3cca .exclude
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100644 blob 179 df01c6306393e7a8b180470b4beb8831e6c421e0 AUTHORS
100644 blob 1132 dd65951315f3de6d52d52a82fca59889d1d95187 Certs.txt
100644 blob 683 c61d848b6ba5c293c8a6d87e79849febd8f39e6c Compare.txt
100644 blob 202 76ae4b68b254d7b2fcc199dec13830136927826a History.txt
100644 blob 35147 94a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2 LICENSE
100644 blob 2193 7528f3903e2d8dfcb629e1dc04ab71dd518834d9 Makefile.in
100644 blob 3785 ceed2aac739967b1c911c5e406da0092c4086121 README
100644 blob 54128 9498d65f1bff8d737b2524029a30fa04f7e4dd63 TODO
100644 blob 1294 f22911eb777f0695fcf81ad686eac133eb11fcc4 TODO-plans
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040000 tree - fdcdb0084ad5db88a5cd75eeafdad7115122f535 inc
100644 blob 3227 cbd7d4581a1e6e83cdafe1be9945032008be86b6 rocketgit.spec.in
040000 tree - 4c2988e53c93b9f759722d98a21d56eb355ae340 root
040000 tree - 6bd31f1b596ef604ba6dcf5de64cd32bb5e3f8c9 samples
040000 tree - 13f8c62ea70e5b07136f083c59e76e35cded08ed scripts
040000 tree - bb78a8874242bc026658477a7427ca8c79bdcf80 selinux
100755 blob 242 bfcfb00931a643571fec9082e3308c6b68ca9189 spell_check.sh
040000 tree - 992c03fad9470d9ab7936386dac2f88637fd4076 tests
Before first commit, do not forget to setup your git environment:
git config --global user.name "your_name_here"
git config --global user.email "your@email_here"

Clone this repository using HTTP(S):
git clone https://rocketgit.com/user/catalinux/rocketgit

Clone this repository using ssh (do not forget to upload a key first):
git clone ssh://rocketgit@ssh.rocketgit.com/user/catalinux/rocketgit

Clone this repository using git:
git clone git://git.rocketgit.com/user/catalinux/rocketgit

You are allowed to anonymously push to this repository.
This means that your pushed commits will automatically be transformed into a merge request:
... clone the repository ...
... make some changes and some commits ...
git push origin main