/notes/bib/entry.bib (a48b9f171458948d9b0faac84ac3457a53af2bd7) (406 bytes) (mode 100644) (type blob)

	author={Aubert, Clément},
	title={CSCI 3410 - Database Systems},
	institution={{School of Computer and Cyber Sciences, Augusta University}},
	location={Augusta, Georgia, USA},
	note={Also available at http://hdl.handle.net/10675.2/624995},
	type={Lecture notes}

Mode Type Size Ref File
100644 blob 15398 ee75155d2d99639acd17d31b2cc23cd752078e7e CONTRIB.md
100644 blob 20625 25b8e45e7f103089fb70fae5a219f09a29ef5312 KNOWN_BUGS.md
100644 blob 17217 e5c1f9f898cca948da42333b100e331d62b61d3c LICENSE.md
100644 blob 1997 f8801648fd4ba5843a2cbca8b10e4f69ba5d9b25 Makefile
100644 blob 6695 0b91924ffc7b73e2d36150369d4fd41a44b099c5 README.md
040000 tree - eb7afc38251ada69e1967e1ce3e49967eca2267c install
040000 tree - f16b283429b64b620b3bd7681a446ff54d504f84 notes
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