/include/dialogue.h (af2d2d667439b36c7cbfb3e54c62939cec5a567c) (23592 bytes) (mode 100644) (type blob)

#ifndef DIALOGUE_H
#define DIALOGUE_H

#  error Include tm_json.h before dialogue.h so dialogue can be loaded.

#include <stdio.h>

#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <cmath>

#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

// Moddable fopen.
	#define DIALOGUE_FOPEN fopen

namespace dialogue {

// Arithmetic operations on key/value pairs.
struct Operation {
	std::string key;
	char op;
	double valueNumber;
	std::string valueKey; // Has length > 0 if value is to be derived from variable.

// Interaction contexts, like multiple-choice or visual novel screens.
struct Screen {
	std::string id;
	std::string bg;
	std::string fg;
	std::vector<Operation> exec;
	std::string caption;
	std::vector<std::string> lines;
	std::vector<std::string> ids;

// Functions.
struct CSLFunction {
	std::vector<std::string> argNames;
	std::vector<Operation> exec;

// Dynamic values.
struct CSLDynamic {
	int type; // type is -1 for error, 0 for number, 1 for string, 2 for array.
	double valueNumber;
	std::string valueString;
	std::vector<std::string> valueArray;

class Talk {
		// Set fallbackDir to alternate folder containing dialogue.
		std::string fallbackDir;
		std::string file;
		Screen screen;
		std::vector<Screen> screens;
		std::map<std::string,CSLFunction> functions;
		std::map<std::string,double> numbers;
		std::map<std::string,std::string> strings;
		std::map<std::string,std::vector<std::string>> arrays;
		std::function<double(std::string)> callback;
		CSLDynamic go( const std::string &id );
		void append( std::string filePath );
		bool hasScreen( const std::string &id );
		bool hasFunction( const std::string &func );
		Screen getScreen( const std::string &id );
		void setScreen( const Screen &scr );
		bool hasVariable( const std::string &key );
		double getVariable( std::string key );
		void setVariable( const std::string &key, double valueNumber );
		int parseJSON( std::string &text );
		int parseCSL( std::string &text );
		CSLDynamic callFunction( const std::string &func, const std::vector<std::string> &args );
		std::vector<std::string> tokenize( const std::string &str, const std::string &sep = "\t\x20()," );
		std::string stringifyNumber( double n );
		std::string stringifyArray( const std::vector<std::string> &arr );
		Operation getOperation( std::string key, double valueNumber, const std::string &valueKey );
		CSLDynamic operate( Operation o );
		void transformString( std::string &str );
		Talk( const std::string &filePath = "" );

// Load a file, go to a screen, or call a function.
CSLDynamic Talk::go( const std::string &id ){
	// go returns 0.0 instead of nil.
	CSLDynamic zeroDynamic = { 0, 0.0, "", {} };
	if( ( id.length() >= 5 && id.substr( id.length() - 5 ) == ".json" )
		|| ( id.length() >= 4 && id.substr( id.length() - 4 ) == ".csl" ) ){
		// Load the file specified by id.
		std::string filePath = file.substr( 0, file.find_last_of( '/' ) + 1 ) + id;
		append( filePath );
		if( file == filePath ){
			screen = getScreen( "init" );
		std::srand( std::time( NULL ) );
	}else if( id.find( ")" ) == std::string::npos ){
		// Go to the screen specified by id.
		screen = getScreen( id );
		// Call a function.
		auto tokens = tokenize( id );
		if( tokens.size() > 0 ){
			std::string func = tokens[0];
			tokens.erase( tokens.begin() );
			auto result = callFunction( func, tokens );
			if( result.type >= 0 ) return result;
		return zeroDynamic;
	transformString( screen.caption );
	for( std::string &s : screen.lines ){
		transformString( s );
	for( std::string &s : screen.ids ){
		transformString( s );
	// Copy exec to a local stack to allow nested callback operations.
	std::vector<Operation> op_stack = screen.exec;
	for( Operation &o : op_stack ){
		auto result = operate( o );
		if( result.type >= 0 ) return result;
	return zeroDynamic;

void Talk::append( std::string filePath ){
	FILE *stream = DIALOGUE_FOPEN( filePath.c_str(), "rb" );
	if( !stream ){
		// Attempt to load from the fallback directory.
		std::string altPath;
		size_t pos = filePath.find_last_of( '/' );
		if( pos != filePath.length() - 1 ){
			// File does not look like a directory.
			if( pos == std::string::npos ){
				altPath = fallbackDir + "/" + filePath;
				altPath = fallbackDir + "/" + filePath.substr( pos + 1 );
			stream = DIALOGUE_FOPEN( altPath.c_str(), "rb" );
	if( !stream ){
		screen = {
			"ERROR: File \"" + filePath + "\" could not be loaded.",
			{ "Go to init" },
			{ "init" }
	std::string text = "";
	char buf[4096];
	while( size_t len = fread( buf, 1, sizeof( buf ), stream ) ){
		text += std::string( buf, len );
	fclose( stream );
	if( filePath.length() >= 5
		&& filePath.substr( filePath.length() - 5 ) == ".json" ){
		if( parseJSON( text ) == 0 ) file = filePath;
		if( parseCSL( text ) == 0 ) file = filePath;

bool Talk::hasScreen( const std::string &id ){
	for( Screen &s : screens ){
		if( s.id == id ){
			return true;
	return false;

bool Talk::hasFunction( const std::string &func ){
	return functions.find( func ) != functions.end();

Screen Talk::getScreen( const std::string &id ){
	for( Screen &s : screens ){
		if( s.id == id ){
			return s;
	return {
		"ERROR: Dialogue screen \"" + id + "\" not found.",
		{ "Go to init" },
		{ "init" }

void Talk::setScreen( const Screen &scr ){
	for( Screen &s : screens ){
		if( s.id == scr.id ){
			s = scr;
	screens.push_back( scr );

// Return whether the specified numeric variable exists.
bool Talk::hasVariable( const std::string &key ){
	return numbers.count( key ) > 0;

// Return a numeric value.
double Talk::getVariable( std::string key ){
	// Apply string replacement to the key.
	transformString( key );
	if( key == "RAND" ){
		// Returns a (pseudo)random number.
		return std::rand();
	}else if( key == "CLEARSCREEN" ){
		// Clears the current dialogue screen.
		screen.bg = "";
		screen.fg = "";
		screen.caption = "";
		screen.lines = {};
		screen.ids = {};
	}else if( key.length() >= 8 && key.substr( 0, 8 ) == "CALLBACK" ){
		// Returns the result of the callback function.
		std::string arg = key.length() >= 10 ? key.substr( 9 ) : "";
		return callback( arg );
	}else if( key.length() >= 6 && key.substr( 0, 6 ) == "STRLEN" ){
		// Returns the length of the parameter string.
		return std::max( key.length() - 7.0, 0.0 );
	}else if( key.length() >= 6 && key.substr( 0, 6 ) == "ARRLEN" ){
		// Returns the length of the named array if it exists, otherwise 0.
		if( key.back() == '@' ) key.resize( key.length() - 1 );
		if( key.length() >= 8 ){
			auto it = arrays.find( key.substr( 7 ) );
			if( it != arrays.end() ) return it->second.size();
	}else if( key.length() >= 5 && key.substr( 0, 5 ) == "GOSUB" ){
		// Executes the specified dialogue, then returns a number.
		std::string arg = key.length() >= 7 ? key.substr( 6 ) : "";
		// Screens returning non-numeric types default to 0.0.
		return go( arg ).valueNumber;
	}else if( key.length() >= 7 && key.substr( 0, 7 ) == "IFGOSUB" ){
		// :IFGOSUB condition sub
		// If condition value is nonzero, executes sub and returns a number.
		// Multiple spaces between params will break the parser, so avoid them.
		if( key.length() >= 9 ){
			std::string arg = key.substr( 8 );
			size_t space_at = arg.find_first_of( "\t\x20" );
			if( space_at != std::string::npos
				&& space_at + 1 < arg.length()
				&& getVariable( arg.substr( 0, space_at ) ) ){
				return go( arg.substr( space_at + 1 ) ).valueNumber;
	}else if( key.find( ")" ) != std::string::npos ){
		// Calls the specified function and returns its numeric result.
		auto tokens = tokenize( key );
		if( tokens.size() > 0 ){
			std::string func = tokens[0];
			tokens.erase( tokens.begin() );
			auto result = callFunction( func, tokens );
			if( result.type == 0 ){
				return result.valueNumber;
			}else if( result.type == 1 ){
					"%s returned a string when a number was expected.\n",
			}else if( result.type == 2 ){
					"%s returned an array when a number was expected.\n",
		// Returns the value of a variable if it exists, otherwise 0.
		auto it = numbers.find( key );
		if( it != numbers.end() ) return it->second;
	return 0.0;

void Talk::setVariable( const std::string &key, double valueNumber ){
	numbers[key] = valueNumber;

int Talk::parseJSON( std::string &text ){
	// All code dependent on tm_json.h is contained within this function.

	auto allocatedDocument = jsonAllocateDocumentEx( text.c_str(), text.size(), JSON_READER_JSON5 );

	auto err = allocatedDocument.document.error;
	if( err.type != JSON_OK ){
		screen = {
			"JSON ERROR: " +
				std::string( jsonGetErrorString( err.type ) ) + " at line " +
				std::to_string( err.line ) + ":" +
				std::to_string( err.column ),
			{ "Go to init" },
			{ "init" }
		jsonFreeDocument( &allocatedDocument );
		return err.type;

	auto viewToString = []( JsonStringView str ){
		return std::string( str.data, str.size );

	for( auto s : allocatedDocument.document.root.getObject() ){
		std::vector<Operation> exec;
		for( auto o : s.value["exec"].getObject() ){
			exec.push_back( getOperation(
				viewToString( o.name ),
				o.value.isString() ? viewToString( o.value.getString() ) : ""
			) );
		std::vector<std::string> lines;
		for( auto l : s.value["lines"].getArray() ) lines.push_back( viewToString( l.getString() ) );
		std::vector<std::string> ids;
		for( auto i : s.value["ids"].getArray() ) ids.push_back( viewToString( i.getString() ) );
		Screen scr = {
			viewToString( s.name ),
			viewToString( s.value["bg"].getString() ),
			viewToString( s.value["fg"].getString() ),
			viewToString( s.value["caption"].getString() ),
		// Overwrite the screen with the same id if applicable.
		bool over = false;
		for( auto &screen : screens ){
			if( screen.id == scr.id ){
				screen = scr;
				over = true;
		if( !over ) screens.push_back( scr );

	jsonFreeDocument( &allocatedDocument );

	return 0;

int Talk::parseCSL( std::string &text ){
	// FOR LINE IN text:
	//    IF LINE[0] == '[':
	//    ELSE:
	//        LEX AND ADD LINE TO exec.

	auto GetScreenPointer = [&]( const std::string &id ){
		for( Screen &s : screens ){
			if( s.id == id ){
				// Screen already exists.
				return &s;
		// Create a new screen.
		screens.push_back( {} );
		screens.back().id = id;
		return &screens.back();

	auto GetFunctionPointer = [&]( const std::string &key ){
		auto it = functions.find( key );
		if( it != functions.end() ){
			// Function already exists.
			return &it->second;
		// Create a new function.
		auto result = functions.insert( { key, {} } );
		if( result.second ){
			// Success.
			return &result.first->second;
			// Failure.
				"Failed to insert CSL function: %s\n",
			return (CSLFunction*)nullptr;

	Screen *screen_ptr = GetScreenPointer( "init" );
	CSLFunction *function_ptr = nullptr;

	auto Lex = [&]( std::string line ){
		// Strip only leading whitespace.
		size_t start_at = line.find_first_not_of( "\t\x20" );
		if( start_at == std::string::npos ) return;
		line = line.substr( start_at );
		if( line.length() && line[0] == '#' ) return;
		if( line.length() >= 2 && line[0] == '[' ){
			// Screen declaration.
			line.erase( 0, 1 );
			size_t bracket_at = line.find_last_of( ']' );
			if( bracket_at == std::string::npos ) return;
			line.erase( bracket_at );
			if( line.length() > 0 ){
				screen_ptr = GetScreenPointer( line );
				function_ptr = nullptr;
		}else if( line.length() >= 6 && line.substr( 0, 3 ) == "fun"
				&& ( line[3] == '\t' || line[3] == '\x20' ) ){
			// Function declaration.
			auto tokens = tokenize( line.substr( 4 ) );
			// The line should end with a single colon.
			// However, the tokenizer technically allows things like:
			// fun foo(bar):),(
			if( tokens.size() < 2 || tokens.back() != ":" ) return;
			function_ptr = GetFunctionPointer( tokens[0] );
			screen_ptr = nullptr;
			// Remove both the first and last token from the vector.
			tokens.erase( tokens.begin() );
			// Set the function's arguments.
			function_ptr->argNames = tokens;
			// Clear the function's code in case of redefinition.
		}else if( line.length() >= 6 && line.substr( 0, 6 ) == "return"
				&& line.find_last_not_of( "\t\x20" ) == 5 ){
			// Syntax sweetener to make a naked "return" line return 0.0.
			Operation o = getOperation(
			// Add the operation to the appropriate vector.
			if( screen_ptr ){
				screen_ptr->exec.push_back( o );
			}else if( function_ptr ){
				function_ptr->exec.push_back( o );
					"Failed to lex \"return\" because there was no containing block to return from.\n"
			std::string key_str, val_str;
			size_t colon_at = line.find_first_of( ':' );
			if( colon_at == std::string::npos ){
				// No variable is provided to receive the return value,
				// so process the right side as a numeric expression and
				// put the result in the empty string ("") variable.
				key_str = "";
				val_str = line;
				// A variable is provided for the return value.
				key_str = line.substr( 0, colon_at );
				val_str = line.substr( colon_at + 1 );
			char* p;
			double num = std::strtod( val_str.c_str(), &p );
			Operation o = getOperation(
			// If defining a string or array, or value is non-numeric,
			// treat value as a string.
			if( o.op == '$' || o.op == '@' || *p ) o.valueKey = val_str;
			// Add the operation to the appropriate vector.
			if( screen_ptr ){
				screen_ptr->exec.push_back( o );
			}else if( function_ptr ){
				function_ptr->exec.push_back( o );
					"Failed to lex CSL line because there was no containing block:\n%s\n",

	// Lex the text line by line.
	size_t start = 0, end = 0;
	while( ( end = text.find_first_of( "\r\n", start ) ) != std::string::npos ){
		Lex( text.substr( start, end - start ) );
		start = end + 1;
	Lex( text.substr( start ) );

	return 0;

CSLDynamic Talk::callFunction( const std::string &func, const std::vector<std::string> &args ){
	// callFunction returns 0.0 instead of nil.
	CSLDynamic zeroDynamic = { 0, 0.0, "", {} };
	// Find the function.
	auto it = functions.find( func );
	if( it == functions.end() ){
		fprintf( stderr, "CSL function not found: %s\n", func.c_str() );
		return zeroDynamic;
	CSLFunction &f = it->second;
	// Verify that argument counts match.
	if( args.size() != f.argNames.size() ){
			"%s expects %zu argument(s), got %zu\n",
		return zeroDynamic;
	// Fill the arguments.
	for( size_t i = 0; i < f.argNames.size(); i++ ){
		const std::string &argName = f.argNames[i];
		std::string argValue = args[i];
		if( argName.back() == '$' ){
			// String argument.
			// Use variable names (NOT inline values) for string arguments.
			if( argValue.back() == '$' ) argValue.pop_back();
			auto it = strings.find( argValue );
			if( it == strings.end() ){
					"Variable %s$ was not found in call to CSL function %s\n",
				return zeroDynamic;
			strings[argName.substr( 0, argName.length() - 1 )] = it->second;
		}else if( argName.back() == '@' ){
			// Array argument.
			// Use variable names (NOT inline values) for array arguments.
			if( argValue.back() == '@' ) argValue.pop_back();
			auto it = arrays.find( argValue );
			if( it == arrays.end() ){
					"Variable %s@ was not found in call to CSL function %s\n",
				return zeroDynamic;
			arrays[argName.substr( 0, argName.length() - 1 )] = it->second;
			// Number argument.
			// Variable names and inline values work here.
			char* p;
			double num = std::strtod( argValue.c_str(), &p );
			if( *p ) num = getVariable( argValue );
			numbers[argName] = num;
	// Copy f.exec to a local stack to allow nested callback operations.
	std::vector<Operation> op_stack = f.exec;
	for( Operation &o : op_stack ){
		CSLDynamic result = operate( o );
		if( result.type >= 0 ) return result;
	return zeroDynamic;

// Split str into a vector of its non-empty components that were
// separated by any of the characters in sep.
std::vector<std::string> Talk::tokenize( const std::string &str, const std::string &sep ){
	std::vector<std::string> result;
	std::string token;
	size_t start = 0, end = 0;
	while( ( end = str.find_first_of( sep, start ) ) != std::string::npos ){
		token = str.substr( start, end - start );
		if( token.length() > 0 ) result.push_back( token );
		start = end + 1;
	token = str.substr( start );
	if( token.length() > 0 ) result.push_back( token );
	return result;

// If n can be losslessly round-tripped between a double, a long long,
// and a double, return a string without a decimal. Otherwise, return a
// string with sprintf-style floating-point notation.
std::string Talk::stringifyNumber( double n ){
	long long rounded = std::llround( n );
	if( (double)rounded == n ){
		// Number is either an integer or so weird it's an extreme corner case.
		return std::to_string( rounded );
		// Number is not an integer.
		return std::to_string( n );

// Return a ;-separated list of strings with each string's ; characters
// escaped as: \;
std::string Talk::stringifyArray( const std::vector<std::string> &arr ){
	std::string result;
	for( size_t i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++ ){
		// Add separating ; characters.
		if( i > 0 ) result += ";";
		// Replace ; characters with \; and add the fragments to result.
		const std::string &str = arr[i];
		size_t start = 0, end = 0;
		while( ( end = str.find( ';', start ) ) != std::string::npos ){
			result += str.substr( start, end - start ) + "\\;";
			start = end + 1;
		result += str.substr( start );
	return result;

Operation Talk::getOperation( std::string key, double valueNumber, const std::string &valueKey ){
	char op = ':';
	if( key.length() > 0 && key.find_last_of( "$@=!<>?%*/+-_" ) == key.length() - 1 ){
		op = key.back();
		key.resize( key.length() - 1 );
	return {

CSLDynamic Talk::operate( Operation o ){
	CSLDynamic nilDynamic = { -1, 0.0, "", {} };
	// String assignment.
	if( o.op == '$' ){
		transformString( o.valueKey );
		strings[o.key] = o.valueKey;
		if( o.key == "return" ){
			return { 1, 0.0, o.valueKey, {} };
		}else if( o.key == "bg" ){
			screen.bg = o.valueKey;
		}else if( o.key == "fg" ){
			screen.fg = o.valueKey;
		}else if( o.key == "caption" ){
			screen.caption = o.valueKey;
		return nilDynamic;
	// Array assignment.
	if( o.op == '@' ){
		transformString( o.valueKey );
		// Make an empty array and get the iterator.
		const auto arr = arrays.insert( { o.key, {} } );
		auto &it = arr.first;
		bool success = arr.second;
		if( !success ) it->second = {};
		// Parse the array.
		size_t start = 0, off = 0, end = 0;
		while( ( end = o.valueKey.find( ';', start + off ) ) != std::string::npos ){
			// Allow \; escaping. TODO: \\ escaping.
			if( end > 0 && o.valueKey[end - 1] == '\\' ){
				// Remove the \ character from the string.
				o.valueKey.erase( end - 1, 1 );
				// `end` now points to the character after the ;.
				off = end - start;
			it->second.push_back( o.valueKey.substr( start, end - start ) );
			start = end + 1;
			off = 0;
		it->second.push_back( o.valueKey.substr( start ) );
		if( o.key == "return" ){
			return { 2, 0.0, "", it->second };
		}else if( o.key == "lines" ){
			screen.lines = it->second;
		}else if( o.key == "ids" ){
			screen.ids = it->second;
		return nilDynamic;
	// Numerical operations.
	double in = o.valueNumber, out = getVariable( o.key );
	if( o.valueKey.length() > 0 ){
		in = getVariable( o.valueKey );
	switch( o.op ){
		case ':': out = in;
		case '=': out = ( out == in ) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
		case '!': out = ( out != in ) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
		case '<': out = ( out < in ) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
		case '>': out = ( out > in ) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
		case '?': out = out ? in : 0.0;
		case '%': out = std::fmod( out, in );
		case '*': out *= in;
		case '/': out /= in;
		case '+': out += in;
		case '-': out -= in;
		case '_': out = std::floor( in );
	setVariable( o.key, out );
	if( o.key == "return" ) return { 0, out, "", {} };
	return nilDynamic;

void Talk::transformString( std::string &str ){
	bool replacing = false;
	std::string outStr = "";
	size_t start = 0, i = 0;
	for( i = 0; i < str.length(); i++ ){
		switch( str[i] ){
			case '`':
				if( replacing ){
					if( i - start > 1 ){
						// Add the variable value to the string.
						std::string key = str.substr( start + 1, i - start - 1 );
						if( key.back() == ')' ){
							// Call a function.
							auto tokens = tokenize( key );
							if( tokens.size() > 0 ){
								std::string func = tokens[0];
								tokens.erase( tokens.begin() );
								auto result =
									callFunction( func, tokens );
								if( result.type == 0 ){
									outStr +=
										stringifyNumber( result.valueNumber );
								}else if( result.type == 1 ){
									outStr += result.valueString;
								}else if( result.type == 2 ){
									outStr +=
										stringifyArray( result.valueArray );
						}else if( key.back() == '$' ){
							// String value.
							key.resize( key.length() - 1 );
							if( key == "bg" ){
								outStr += screen.bg;
							}else if( key == "fg" ){
								outStr += screen.fg;
							}else if( key == "caption" ){
								outStr += screen.caption;
								auto it = strings.find( key );
								if( it != strings.end() )
									outStr += it->second;
						}else if( key.back() == '@' ){
							// Array value.
							key.resize( key.length() - 1 );
							if( key == "lines" ){
								outStr += stringifyArray( screen.lines );
							}else if( key == "ids" ){
								outStr += stringifyArray( screen.ids );
								auto it = arrays.find( key );
								if( it != arrays.end() )
									outStr += stringifyArray( it->second );
							// Number value.
							outStr += stringifyNumber( getVariable( key ) );
					start = i + 1;
					if( i >= start ){
						outStr += str.substr( start, i - start );
					start = i;
				replacing = !replacing;
	if( start < str.length() ){
		outStr += str.substr( start );
	str = outStr;

Talk::Talk( const std::string &filePath ){
	callback = []( std::string param ){
		// Suppress unused parameter warnings.
		param = "";
		return 0.0;
	if( filePath.length() > 0 ){
		go( filePath );

} // namespace dialogue

#endif // DIALOGUE_H

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