Merge request 2 (0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -> 73c1c038213fff5531f0d016109bb404cc168cf0)
By: anonymous
Against ref: refs/heads/master
Date: 2019-07-01 16:59
This merge request can be merged without conflicts.
List of commits:
Subject Hash Author Date (UTC)
third commit 73c1c038213fff5531f0d016109bb404cc168cf0 EganovDV 2019-07-01 12:40:52
sdfsdfs a88e7554120a8c3dd31f23a56869f3ecd17f53b5 EganovDV 2019-07-01 12:39:49
first test 742bb0cf9164d4776b602001c8e3f7a45e6aa5b0 EganovDV 2019-07-01 11:35:25
Commit 73c1c038213fff5531f0d016109bb404cc168cf0 - third commit
Author: EganovDV
Author date (UTC): 2019-07-01 12:40
Committer name: EganovDV
Committer date (UTC): 2019-07-01 12:54
Parent(s): a88e7554120a8c3dd31f23a56869f3ecd17f53b5
Signing key:
Tree: 6859a8564d034df9741ffd928d68098a377818bf
File Lines added Lines deleted
1111 0 1
1111.txt 1 1
File 1111 deleted (index 7ec9a4b..0000000)
1 aa
File 1111.txt changed (mode: 100644) (index 7ec9a4b..a682c8f)
1 aa
1 ������
Commit a88e7554120a8c3dd31f23a56869f3ecd17f53b5 - sdfsdfs
Author: EganovDV
Author date (UTC): 2019-07-01 12:39
Committer name: EganovDV
Committer date (UTC): 2019-07-01 12:39
Parent(s): 742bb0cf9164d4776b602001c8e3f7a45e6aa5b0
Signing key:
Tree: c7742e11ddea5e484784f9be806fc5a08786eb72
File Lines added Lines deleted
1111.txt 0 0
File 1111.txt copied from file 1111 (similarity 100%)
Commit 742bb0cf9164d4776b602001c8e3f7a45e6aa5b0 - first test
Author: EganovDV
Author date (UTC): 2019-07-01 11:35
Committer name: EganovDV
Committer date (UTC): 2019-07-01 11:35
Signing key:
Tree: 5514377790fc2adfad712c47b945a8b99ce4dc75
File Lines added Lines deleted
1111 1 0
File 1111 added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..7ec9a4b)
1 aa
How to merge on your machine?
git fetch origin refs/mr/2:mr-2
git checkout main
git merge mr-2

To "see" all the merge requests as branches,
add, in the config file (.git/config), under the remote you want, a line like this:
fetch = +refs/mr/*:refs/remotes/your_remote_name_for_example_origin/mr/*
After you run a git fetch, you will have all the pull requests locally.
For example, you can merge one of them:
git checkout main
git merge mr/2