/Lib/copyreg.py (ed29d719def30e9e81a1d207bbf4f19787cad0d7) (6843 bytes) (mode 100644) (type blob)

"""Helper to provide extensibility for pickle.

This is only useful to add pickle support for extension types defined in
C, not for instances of user-defined classes.

__all__ = ["pickle", "constructor",
           "add_extension", "remove_extension", "clear_extension_cache"]

dispatch_table = {}

def pickle(ob_type, pickle_function, constructor_ob=None):
    if not callable(pickle_function):
        raise TypeError("reduction functions must be callable")
    dispatch_table[ob_type] = pickle_function

    # The constructor_ob function is a vestige of safe for unpickling.
    # There is no reason for the caller to pass it anymore.
    if constructor_ob is not None:

def constructor(object):
    if not callable(object):
        raise TypeError("constructors must be callable")

# Example: provide pickling support for complex numbers.

except NameError:

    def pickle_complex(c):
        return complex, (c.real, c.imag)

    pickle(complex, pickle_complex, complex)

# Support for pickling new-style objects

def _reconstructor(cls, base, state):
    if base is object:
        obj = object.__new__(cls)
        obj = base.__new__(cls, state)
        if base.__init__ != object.__init__:
            base.__init__(obj, state)
    return obj

_HEAPTYPE = 1<<9

# Python code for object.__reduce_ex__ for protocols 0 and 1

def _reduce_ex(self, proto):
    assert proto < 2
    for base in self.__class__.__mro__:
        if hasattr(base, '__flags__') and not base.__flags__ & _HEAPTYPE:
        base = object # not really reachable
    if base is object:
        state = None
        if base is self.__class__:
            raise TypeError("can't pickle %s objects" % base.__name__)
        state = base(self)
    args = (self.__class__, base, state)
        getstate = self.__getstate__
    except AttributeError:
        if getattr(self, "__slots__", None):
            raise TypeError("a class that defines __slots__ without "
                            "defining __getstate__ cannot be pickled") from None
            dict = self.__dict__
        except AttributeError:
            dict = None
        dict = getstate()
    if dict:
        return _reconstructor, args, dict
        return _reconstructor, args

# Helper for __reduce_ex__ protocol 2

def __newobj__(cls, *args):
    return cls.__new__(cls, *args)

def __newobj_ex__(cls, args, kwargs):
    """Used by pickle protocol 4, instead of __newobj__ to allow classes with
    keyword-only arguments to be pickled correctly.
    return cls.__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)

def _slotnames(cls):
    """Return a list of slot names for a given class.

    This needs to find slots defined by the class and its bases, so we
    can't simply return the __slots__ attribute.  We must walk down
    the Method Resolution Order and concatenate the __slots__ of each
    class found there.  (This assumes classes don't modify their
    __slots__ attribute to misrepresent their slots after the class is

    # Get the value from a cache in the class if possible
    names = cls.__dict__.get("__slotnames__")
    if names is not None:
        return names

    # Not cached -- calculate the value
    names = []
    if not hasattr(cls, "__slots__"):
        # This class has no slots
        # Slots found -- gather slot names from all base classes
        for c in cls.__mro__:
            if "__slots__" in c.__dict__:
                slots = c.__dict__['__slots__']
                # if class has a single slot, it can be given as a string
                if isinstance(slots, str):
                    slots = (slots,)
                for name in slots:
                    # special descriptors
                    if name in ("__dict__", "__weakref__"):
                    # mangled names
                    elif name.startswith('__') and not name.endswith('__'):
                        names.append('_%s%s' % (c.__name__, name))

    # Cache the outcome in the class if at all possible
        cls.__slotnames__ = names
        pass # But don't die if we can't

    return names

# A registry of extension codes.  This is an ad-hoc compression
# mechanism.  Whenever a global reference to <module>, <name> is about
# to be pickled, the (<module>, <name>) tuple is looked up here to see
# if it is a registered extension code for it.  Extension codes are
# universal, so that the meaning of a pickle does not depend on
# context.  (There are also some codes reserved for local use that
# don't have this restriction.)  Codes are positive ints; 0 is
# reserved.

_extension_registry = {}                # key -> code
_inverted_registry = {}                 # code -> key
_extension_cache = {}                   # code -> object
# Don't ever rebind those names:  pickling grabs a reference to them when
# it's initialized, and won't see a rebinding.

def add_extension(module, name, code):
    """Register an extension code."""
    code = int(code)
    if not 1 <= code <= 0x7fffffff:
        raise ValueError("code out of range")
    key = (module, name)
    if (_extension_registry.get(key) == code and
        _inverted_registry.get(code) == key):
        return # Redundant registrations are benign
    if key in _extension_registry:
        raise ValueError("key %s is already registered with code %s" %
                         (key, _extension_registry[key]))
    if code in _inverted_registry:
        raise ValueError("code %s is already in use for key %s" %
                         (code, _inverted_registry[code]))
    _extension_registry[key] = code
    _inverted_registry[code] = key

def remove_extension(module, name, code):
    """Unregister an extension code.  For testing only."""
    key = (module, name)
    if (_extension_registry.get(key) != code or
        _inverted_registry.get(code) != key):
        raise ValueError("key %s is not registered with code %s" %
                         (key, code))
    del _extension_registry[key]
    del _inverted_registry[code]
    if code in _extension_cache:
        del _extension_cache[code]

def clear_extension_cache():

# Standard extension code assignments

# Reserved ranges

# First  Last Count  Purpose
#     1   127   127  Reserved for Python standard library
#   128   191    64  Reserved for Zope
#   192   239    48  Reserved for 3rd parties
#   240   255    16  Reserved for private use (will never be assigned)
#   256   Inf   Inf  Reserved for future assignment

# Extension codes are assigned by the Python Software Foundation.

Mode Type Size Ref File
100644 blob 582 58471109208922c9ee8c4b06135725f03ed16814 .bzrignore
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100644 blob 255 82694d81f276b2c59a0a93a4f678e1852e625052 .gitattributes
040000 tree - b266746952a70c852d4f760b431c28affc6853e2 .github
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100644 blob 8917 8f51c2ced49aed46d8b480280b630ea4264c57c3 .hgtags
100644 blob 606 482e241c4121b49c12d1fbca71cc7e89d9f30014 .mention-bot
100644 blob 3512 e7e8694530ca21a6d7a19da3fab687a3e9d79e9c .travis.yml
040000 tree - 86e43b96aa2645923c0974c3abce5271ef4ea936 Doc
040000 tree - 5dd6fc9dc09374506491247872c868eca111e256 Grammar
040000 tree - cd8b4bafaede5f4f9167489b08f32be2c9cc1cdd Include
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100644 blob 59187 6e11bfb7ff3d03f7e27eda4332852e5da9cdb29b Makefile.pre.in
040000 tree - 85564bdc71c71e515c16e5a8b59079b9f33fc75f Misc
040000 tree - 53e2f291ce7f7dfb0dad590b783d511a1b39c902 Modules
040000 tree - e09c5d64cef867edd1af25734a1dc8697aa2ba47 Objects
040000 tree - b4df9f86f76a7e10a7d98259980d4f5d5d1223a1 PC
040000 tree - 8a1ac51e0ac92ec3e8e807736db9aa886bcf5ce1 PCbuild
040000 tree - 75771c7c20fe7a121d596299c5440aef10c6f884 Parser
040000 tree - 3efbcc80237ab7c3d4eb5bf31c893ca6de88e747 Programs
040000 tree - c0852368c0479b7fa10b409fd99235423d2d3829 Python
100644 blob 9325 9c95815d9e9d91b8dae8e05d8bbc696fe19f796b README.rst
040000 tree - 01cd5744570f4be57d9ece0e62b324ef5d0d29fb Tools
100644 blob 10914 2a745e57466cae1af014f239e5b91a8fc1fd64d8 aclocal.m4
100755 blob 42856 1f5c50c0d1529d50b94dc3533ca72a47f0fa5849 config.guess
100755 blob 35740 d654d03cdcd2226a5d7584890717e674a8122f4f config.sub
100755 blob 484897 c9340c68605483dd0dada2fb2c6ea315b7c74019 configure
100644 blob 160603 e065ce554b4ec92b33fc8225aa45b0d3225bb98f configure.ac
100755 blob 7122 0ec27bcd488da5cad6ead13d70accbdbc40d31ef install-sh
100644 blob 41198 0a3d59ef9ae602fa02405c7b7068efaf7b55b21b pyconfig.h.in
100644 blob 98894 6a05643838bb4ef64ae093f7a0f816a80d6f09f4 setup.py
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