mihai.leontescu / metrics (public) (License: GPLv3) (since 2018-07-12) (hash sha1)
Metrics for Linux to feed to Graphite in python
Disclaimer: I am not a programmer, I know some things can be done better. I choose to do them so, so I am able to understand them 80 years later :)

/metrics.d/LinuxCPU.py (9babdb001901ead9621e9d45af7522c48ee65fa0) (1225 bytes) (mode 100755) (type blob)


import time
import socket
import sys
import os

def cpu():
   file = open("/proc/stat","r")
   lines = file.readlines()

   now = int(time.time())
   met = ""
   for cpu in lines: 
      if ('cpu' in values[0]):
         met=met+"%s.%s.system.%s.user.ticks %s %s\n" % (sys.platform,os.uname()[1],values[0],values[1],now)
         met=met+"%s.%s.system.%s.nice.ticks %s %s\n" % (sys.platform,os.uname()[1],values[0],values[2],now)
         met=met+"%s.%s.system.%s.system.ticks %s %s\n" % (sys.platform,os.uname()[1],values[0],values[3],now)
         met=met+"%s.%s.system.%s.idle.ticks %s %s\n" % (sys.platform,os.uname()[1],values[0],values[4],now)
         met=met+"%s.%s.system.%s.iowait.ticks %s %s\n" % (sys.platform,os.uname()[1],values[0],values[5],now)
         met=met+"%s.%s.system.%s.irq.ticks %s %s\n" % (sys.platform,os.uname()[1],values[0],values[6],now)

      if (values[0] in 'ctxt'):
         met=met+"%s.%s.system.%s.contextswitches %s %s\n" % (sys.platform,os.uname()[1],values[0],values[1],now)

      if (values[0] in 'processes'):
         met=met+"%s.%s.system.%s.processes %s %s\n" % (sys.platform,os.uname()[1],values[0],values[1],now)

   return met

Mode Type Size Ref File
040000 tree - bdfaa25bd7c44e6091d31189c9d10c7019ebef91 conf
040000 tree - 211ff1b3b194e0ed0810abcf99eaf6d7f2535fc9 graphana_examples
100755 blob 1187 0033fae7b80040519f94dee23c3a4d93d95f6aa9 metrics-nosend.py
040000 tree - 620b68dd84166f2b7d8045753feeacbd8ef282d3 metrics.d
100755 blob 1439 735b3280bf3c1f9913316c9dca0e5fef2c48aa13 metrics.py
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