Merge request 1 (221eada34163a36e2b001380050bed3221f9e66c -> e1cc5ab2b248e6047c84b296d5e19c6c279cf17e)
By: anonymous
Against ref: refs/heads/master
Date: 2020-06-30 04:14
This merge request can be merged without conflicts.
List of commits:
Subject Hash Author Date (UTC)
test e1cc5ab2b248e6047c84b296d5e19c6c279cf17e mucbuc 2020-06-30 04:14:31
Commit e1cc5ab2b248e6047c84b296d5e19c6c279cf17e - test
Author: mucbuc
Author date (UTC): 2020-06-30 04:14
Committer name: mucbuc
Committer date (UTC): 2020-06-30 04:14
Parent(s): 221eada34163a36e2b001380050bed3221f9e66c
Signing key:
Tree: c0a14339f2d9e5a6d4f09a3e4c9039bfd41824d1
File Lines added Lines deleted 0 1
File changed (mode: 100644) (index 2b12d8b..2d10d72)
... ... int main()
55 55 } }
56 56
57 57 ``` ```
58 test
How to merge on your machine?
git fetch origin refs/mr/1:mr-1
git checkout main
git merge mr-1

To "see" all the merge requests as branches,
add, in the config file (.git/config), under the remote you want, a line like this:
fetch = +refs/mr/*:refs/remotes/your_remote_name_for_example_origin/mr/*
After you run a git fetch, you will have all the pull requests locally.
For example, you can merge one of them:
git checkout main
git merge mr/1