CarrollCloud / js-value-wrappers (public) (License: GPLv3) (since 2018-06-24) (hash sha1)
Wrappers are classes that contain a specific value, and have methods to work on said value.
Example: Dimension to store length values, contains methods to convert and display the dimension in various ways.
List of commits:
Subject Hash Author Date (UTC)
Index is simply for the npm entrypoint. 0028d75bb694d64078f0208160944b09870db975 Carroll 2018-06-24 02:12:00
DimWrapper is to hold a dimension. 46e9f9f9123b270f2ce4d3cc84d73f55c4cdf8ba Carroll 2018-06-24 02:11:47
NumericWrapper is to hold a number. Go figure. 2daf55f2e94126859ed26bdc9cb9e4e3f33541eb Carroll 2018-06-24 02:05:19
Wrapper is the base class for this package. 552caf51d2c7e4400dafe788e632972cd860b97e Carroll 2018-06-24 02:03:47
Uploading metadata 6ec5ca0bf2000ad865e4f64ddc26e2e64a0d6a99 Carroll 2018-06-24 02:02:09
Commit 0028d75bb694d64078f0208160944b09870db975 - Index is simply for the npm entrypoint.
Author: Carroll
Author date (UTC): 2018-06-24 02:12
Committer name: Carroll
Committer date (UTC): 2018-06-24 02:12
Parent(s): 46e9f9f9123b270f2ce4d3cc84d73f55c4cdf8ba
Signing key:
Tree: ce2e8c3c9ece42549a723e23774d7d4698f9a8aa
File Lines added Lines deleted
lib/index.d.ts 4 0
lib/index.js 9 0
src/index.ts 7 0
File lib/index.d.ts added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..78ca4f1)
1 import { Wrapper } from "./wrappers/Wrapper";
2 import { NumericWrapper } from "./wrappers/NumericWrapper";
3 import { DimWrapper } from "./wrappers/DimWrapper";
4 export { Wrapper, NumericWrapper, DimWrapper };
File lib/index.js added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..b8bc07c)
1 "use strict";
2 Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3 /* Import everything we want to export */
4 const Wrapper_1 = require("./wrappers/Wrapper");
5 exports.Wrapper = Wrapper_1.Wrapper;
6 const NumericWrapper_1 = require("./wrappers/NumericWrapper");
7 exports.NumericWrapper = NumericWrapper_1.NumericWrapper;
8 const DimWrapper_1 = require("./wrappers/DimWrapper");
9 exports.DimWrapper = DimWrapper_1.DimWrapper;
File src/index.ts added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..73a57b5)
1 /* Import everything we want to export */
2 import { Wrapper } from "./wrappers/Wrapper"
3 import { NumericWrapper } from "./wrappers/NumericWrapper"
4 import { DimWrapper } from "./wrappers/DimWrapper"
6 /* Now, we export these classes */
7 export { Wrapper, NumericWrapper, DimWrapper }
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