List of commits:
Subject Hash Author Date (UTC)
Initial Commit c1a0c0ceaf232bec3dd3faa0c5d49cf4f840f364 EyadMohammedOsama 2019-08-15 16:18:26
Initial Commit 34400f91e493a86b1a8e0a1e32bc74cfb546c681 EyadMohammedOsama 2019-08-13 23:04:27
Added download button b2778c1c6ed5e42de7bac6ae9223facf33469b8e EyadMohammedOsama 2019-08-08 22:17:29
Initial Commit 31265bb888791eb58829bdf07222d319a3387629 EyadMohammedOsama 2019-08-08 22:17:19
Added router for downloads 700b80e06b8b1809135fe32c0072beb7542570c6 EyadMohammedOsama 2019-08-08 22:17:08
Fiddle favoriting event implementation 5ea13953d8fdd949d122ff3d63bc427d2ac78a43 EyadMohammedOsama 2019-08-07 23:21:04
Added a trigger to fiddle favoriting 435bb1aacd90b540e822b68858a665955e7b6f35 EyadMohammedOsama 2019-08-07 23:20:20
Added Pusher.js ca81b2a591c04e678e415c3fdf10a41a3a11ac62 EyadMohammedOsama 2019-08-07 23:18:08
Configured broadcasting 61ad3285cfc37dfb4265874cf7b3496992846f7e EyadMohammedOsama 2019-08-07 23:17:36
Installed PHP Pusher 85bd7fa0401d69eff36ea21fa6bb60f28601ac14 EyadMohammedOsama 2019-08-07 23:16:31
Initial commit 4a865759d403eda3854c69005a3cfdbd7d737096 EyadMohammedOsama 2019-08-05 21:13:21
Added several new routes 85e08b7120e6ba249f3ecd523234c72f5c19c1cc EyadMohammedOsama 2019-08-05 21:12:53
Added several new routes ba3fca128d64c47fa0e9c8c08fd5e0a6635b08ae EyadMohammedOsama 2019-08-04 23:15:44
Configured sessions table 749fa85c728ab023aee73bff8f08677063edc70a EyadMohammedOsama 2019-08-04 23:15:19
Added a file system to store avatars e260a81485424f72c8a5154a91d5f7c83e180af5 EyadMohammedOsama 2019-08-04 23:15:00
Added new validation rules 42c291c0cbc2181e1fd9cf87991fded5550512cf EyadMohammedOsama 2019-08-04 23:14:36
Added new controllers c7a9229044be1d910911b89a6a049c0e0b4bd3a9 EyadMohammedOsama 2019-08-04 23:14:08
Added new helper file d4d3fd48a15af64a3abaffee411ecf542670be9b EyadMohammedOsama 2019-08-04 23:13:20
Added new models 0af667e894277c7a08499ac0bb2a82650485ccb9 EyadMohammedOsama 2019-08-04 23:13:03
Added new views e4ba7fc0daf2c8a9200a76e8d122ea52a9e56972 EyadMohammedOsama 2019-08-04 23:12:09
Commit c1a0c0ceaf232bec3dd3faa0c5d49cf4f840f364 - Initial Commit
Author: EyadMohammedOsama
Author date (UTC): 2019-08-15 16:18
Committer name: EyadMohammedOsama
Committer date (UTC): 2019-08-15 16:18
Parent(s): 34400f91e493a86b1a8e0a1e32bc74cfb546c681
Signing key:
Tree: 8a4471fdf067b98bc781b0157dafcd3cd1406893
File Lines added Lines deleted
app/Http/Controllers/Confirm.php 42 0
app/Http/Controllers/RequestVerification.php 61 0
app/Http/Controllers/Signup.php 75 0
app/UsersTokens.php 40 0
resources/views/Confirm.blade.php 16 0
resources/views/Mail/Verification.blade.php 5 0
resources/views/Mail/Welcome.blade.php 7 0
resources/views/RequestVerification.blade.php 22 20
resources/views/Signup.blade.php 53 19
File app/Http/Controllers/Confirm.php added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..336afc9)
1 <?php
3 namespace SICSF\Http\Controllers;
5 use Illuminate\Http\Request;
6 use SICSF\Users;
7 use SICSF\UsersTokens;
9 class Confirm extends Controller
10 {
11 /**
12 * Handle the incoming request.
13 *
14 * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
15 * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
16 */
17 public function __invoke(Request $request, $token)
18 {
19 $okay = NULL;
20 $username = NULL;
21 $info = UsersTokens::GetTokenInfo($token);
22 $now = date_timestamp_get(date_create());
23 if ($info === NULL || $now > $info->ExpirationDate) {
24 $okay = FALSE;
25 }
26 else if (UsersTokens::ConfirmationTokenExists($token)) {
27 $username = UsersTokens::GetTokenInfo($token)->Username;
28 UsersTokens::ClearConfirmationToken($token);
29 Users::ConfirmAccount($username);
30 $okay = TRUE;
31 }
32 else {
33 $okay = FALSE;
34 }
35 return view("Layout/Template", [
36 "title" => "SICSF - Account verification",
37 "view" => "Confirm",
38 "username" => $username,
39 "okay" => $okay
40 ]);
41 }
42 }
File app/Http/Controllers/RequestVerification.php added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..01b6a86)
1 <?php
3 namespace SICSF\Http\Controllers;
5 use Illuminate\Http\Request;
6 use SICSF\Users;
7 use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator;
8 use SICSF\UsersTokens;
9 use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Mail;
11 class RequestVerification extends Controller
12 {
13 /**
14 * Handle the incoming request.
15 *
16 * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
17 * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
18 */
19 public function __invoke(Request $request)
20 {
21 if ($request->isMethod("GET")) {
22 return view("Layout/Template", [
23 "title" => "SICSF - Request verification link",
24 "view" => "RequestVerification"
25 ]);
26 }
27 else if ($request->isMethod("POST")) {
28 $email = $request->input("email");
29 $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [
30 "email" => "required|email"
31 ]);
33 if ($validator->fails()) {
34 return response()->json([
35 "errors" => $validator->errors()->all()
36 ]);
37 }
39 $username = Users::GetUserByEmail($email)->Username;
40 if (Users::EmailExists($email) && !Users::IsConfirmed($username)) {
41 $token = base64_encode(bin2hex(random_bytes(64)));
43 Mail::send("Mail/Verification", [
44 "username" => $username,
45 "token" => $token
46 ], function($message) use ($username, $email) {
47 $message
48 ->to($email, $username)
49 ->subject("Verification request");
50 $message->from("", "SICSF Syria");
51 });
53 UsersTokens::AddConfirmationToken($username, $token);
54 }
56 return response()->json([
57 "success" => ["<div class='alert alert-success'>If the entered E-mail exist and isn't already registered, it will recieve an activation message.</div>"]
58 ]);
59 }
60 }
61 }
File app/Http/Controllers/Signup.php added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..6eba098)
1 <?php
3 namespace SICSF\Http\Controllers;
5 use Illuminate\Http\Request;
6 use SICSF\Users;
7 use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Mail;
8 use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator;
9 use SICSF\UsersTokens;
11 class Signup extends Controller
12 {
13 /**
14 * Handle the incoming request.
15 *
16 * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
17 * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
18 */
19 public function __invoke(Request $request)
20 {
21 if ($request->session()->has("username")) {
22 return redirect("/user/". $request->session()->get("username"));
23 }
24 else if ($request->isMethod("GET")) {
25 return view("Layout/Template", [
26 "title" => "SICSF - Signup for an account",
27 "view" => "Signup"
28 ]);
29 }
30 else if ($request->isMethod("POST")) {
31 $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [
32 "username" => "required|min:6|max:20|regex:/^([A-Za-z0-9_]){6,20}$/i|unique:Users,Username",
33 "email" => "required|email",
34 "password" => "required|min:8|max:1024",
35 "password-confirmation" => "required|min:8|max:1024|same:password"
36 ]);
38 if ($validator->fails()) {
39 return response()->json([
40 "errors" => $validator->errors()->all()
41 ]);
42 }
44 if (Users::EmailExists($request->input("email"))) {
45 return response()->json([
46 "success" => ["<div class='alert alert-success'>You've been successfully registered.<br/>If the entered E-mail exist and isn't already registered, it will recieve an activation message.</div>"]
47 ]);
48 }
50 $data = [
51 "Username" => $request->input("username"),
52 "Email" => $request->input("email"),
53 "Password" => $request->input("password")
54 ];
56 Users::AddUser($data);
57 $token = base64_encode(bin2hex(random_bytes(64)));
58 Mail::send("Mail/Welcome", [
59 "name" => $request->input("username"),
60 "token" => $token
61 ], function($message) use ($request) {
62 $message
63 ->to($request->input("email"), $request->input("username"))
64 ->subject("Welcome to SICSF");
65 $message->from("", "SICSF Syria");
66 });
68 UsersTokens::AddConfirmationToken($request->input("username"), $token);
70 return response()->json([
71 "success" => ["<div class='alert alert-success'>You've been successfully registered.<br/>If the entered E-mail exist and isn't already registered, it will recieve an activation message.</div>"]
72 ]);
73 }
74 }
75 }
File app/UsersTokens.php added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..786979e)
1 <?php
3 namespace SICSF;
5 use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
7 class UsersTokens extends Model
8 {
9 protected $table = "UsersTokens";
10 protected $primaryKey = NULL;
11 public $incrementing = FALSE;
12 protected $keyType = NULL;
13 public $timestamps = FALSE;
15 public static function GetConfirmationToken($username) {
16 return self::where("Username", $username)->first()->ConfirmationToken;
17 }
19 public static function GetTokenInfo($token) {
20 return self::where("ConfirmationToken", $token)->first();
21 }
23 public static function AddConfirmationToken($username, $token) {
24 $timestamp = date_timestamp_get(date_create());
25 self::where("Username", $username)->insert([
26 "Username" => $username,
27 "ConfirmationToken" => $token,
28 "CreationDate" => $timestamp,
29 "ExpirationDate" => $timestamp + (60 * 60 * 8)
30 ]);
31 }
33 public static function ConfirmationTokenExists($token) {
34 return (self::where("ConfirmationToken", $token)->count() === 1);
35 }
37 public static function ClearConfirmationToken($token) {
38 self::where("ConfirmationToken", $token)->delete();
39 }
40 }
File resources/views/Confirm.blade.php added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..913732c)
1 <h1 class="text-center">SICSF - Account verification</h1>
2 <br/>
3 <div class="container-fluid">
4 <div class="row">
5 <div class="col-xs-2 col-sm-2 col-md-3 col-lg-3"></div>
6 <div class="col-xs-8 col-sm-8 col-md-6 col-lg-6">
7 @if($okay)
8 <div class="alert alert-success text-center">Your account registered with username <b>{{ $username }}</b> has been successfully confirmed.<br/>You may login and start customizing it as you link.</div>
9 @else
10 <div class="alert alert-danger text-center">Expired or non-existent confirmation token.<br/>Maybe you should request another <a href="{{ URL::to('request-verification') }}">verification E-mail</a></div>
11 @endif
12 </div>
13 <div class="col-xs-2 col-sm-2 col-md-3 col-lg-3"></div>
14 </div>
15 </div>
16 <br/>
File resources/views/Mail/Verification.blade.php added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..890c33c)
1 <h1>Hello {{ $username }}</h1>
2 <p>It seems like you've requested a verification E-mail.</p>
3 <p>Visit the following link to verify your account:</p>
4 <a href="{{ URL::to('confirm/' . $token) }}">{{ URL::to('confirm/' . $token) }}</a>
5 <p>The above link is only valid for 8 hours since you requested verification.</p>
File resources/views/Mail/Welcome.blade.php added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..3104491)
1 <h1>Welcome To SICSF !</h1>
2 <p>Hello <b>{{ $name }}</b></p>
3 <p>It seems like you've created an account on SICSF.</p>
4 <p>Please be sure to verify the email by click the following link:</p>
5 <a href="{{ URL::to('confirm/' . $token) }}">{{ URL::to('confirm/' . $token) }}</a>
6 <p>The above link is only valid for 8 hours since your registeration, if it expires you can order a new one here: <a href="{{ URL::to('request-verification') }}">{{ URL::to('request-verification') }}</a></p>
7 <p>If you haven't registered any account, please ignore this message.</p>
File resources/views/RequestVerification.blade.php copied from file resources/views/ReportError.blade.php (similarity 59%) (mode: 100644) (index 53b786d..d69e0b8)
2 2 <div class="row"> <div class="row">
3 3 <div class="col-xs-2 col-sm-2 col-md-3 col-lg-3"></div> <div class="col-xs-2 col-sm-2 col-md-3 col-lg-3"></div>
4 4 <div class="col-xs-8 col-sm-8 col-md-6 col-lg-6 border border-dark rounded"> <div class="col-xs-8 col-sm-8 col-md-6 col-lg-6 border border-dark rounded">
5 <h2 class="text-center">Report An Error</h2>
6 <p>Have you faced any error?, if so, please use the following form to report these errors so i can fix them.</p>
7 <p>Describe in details the error you faced:</p>
8 <textarea class="form-control" rows="8" id="report-reason"></textarea>
5 <h2 class="text-center">Request verification</h2>
6 <p>Input the E-mail address you used to create your account:</p>
7 <input type="email" class="form-control" id="email"></textarea>
9 8 <br/> <br/>
10 <button class="btn btn-block btn-dark" id="report-button">Report <span class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></button>
9 <button class="btn btn-block btn-dark" id="request-button">Request verification <span class="fa fa-envelope"></button>
11 10 <br/> <br/>
12 11 <div id="result"></div> <div id="result"></div>
13 12 <br/> <br/>
15 14 </div> </div>
16 15 <div class="col-xs-2 col-sm-2 col-md-3 col-lg-3"></div> <div class="col-xs-2 col-sm-2 col-md-3 col-lg-3"></div>
17 16 </div> </div>
18 17 <br/> <br/>
19 18 </div> </div>
21 20 <script> <script>
22 21 $(document).ready(function() { $(document).ready(function() {
23 $("#report-button").on("click", function() {
24 var ReportReason = $("#report-reason").val();
26 var Message = "";
27 var IsValid = true;
22 $("#request-button").on("click", function() {
23 var Email = $("#email").val();
28 24
29 if (ReportReason.length > 8000 || ReportReason.length === 0) {
30 Message = "The reason field can't exceed 8000 characters in length and cannot be empty.<br/>";
25 var EmailPattern = /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/;
27 var Message = "";
28 var IsValid = true;
30 if (!EmailPattern.test(Email)) {
31 31 IsValid = false; IsValid = false;
32 Message += "E-mail cannot be empty, and must be formatted correctly.<br>";
32 33 } }
34 35 if (!IsValid) { if (!IsValid) {
35 36 Message = "<div class='alert alert-danger'>" + Message + "</div>"; Message = "<div class='alert alert-danger'>" + Message + "</div>";
36 37 $("#result").html(Message); $("#result").html(Message);
37 38 } }
38 39 else { else {
39 40 $.ajax({ $.ajax({
40 url : "{{ URL::to('report-error') }}",
41 url : "{{ URL::to('request-verification') }}",
41 42 type : "POST", type : "POST",
42 43 data : { data : {
43 44 "_token" : window.CSRFHashToken, "_token" : window.CSRFHashToken,
44 "ReportReason" : ReportReason
45 "email" : Email
45 46 }, },
46 47 success : function(result, status, xhr) { success : function(result, status, xhr) {
47 48 if ("success" in result) { if ("success" in result) {
48 49{{
49 text : "The error has been successfully reported.<br/>I'll fix it ASAP.",
50 text : "A verification message has been sent to your E-mail.<br/>Check it out.",
50 51 pos : "top-center", pos : "top-center",
51 52 backgroundColor : "#212529", backgroundColor : "#212529",
52 53 actionText : "Dismiss", actionText : "Dismiss",
61 62 $("#result").html(""); $("#result").html("");
62 63 } }
63 64 else { else {
64 $("#result").html("<div class='alert alert-danger'>" + result.errors + "</div>");
65 $("#result").html("<div class='alert alert-danger'>" + result.errors.join("<br/>") + "</div>");
65 66 } }
66 67 }, },
67 68 error : function(xhr, status, error) { error : function(xhr, status, error) {
68 $("#result").html("<div class='alert alert-danger'>An internal error has occured.<br/>Please try again later.</div>");
69 //$("#result").html("<div class='alert alert-danger'>An internal error has occured.<br/>Please try again later.</div>");
70 $("#result").html(xhr.responseText)
69 71 } }
70 72 }); });
71 73 } }
File resources/views/Signup.blade.php copied from file resources/views/Login.blade.php (similarity 50%) (mode: 100644) (index c284080..613987c)
2 2 <div class="row"> <div class="row">
3 3 <div class="col-xs-2 col-sm-2 col-md-3 col-lg-3"></div> <div class="col-xs-2 col-sm-2 col-md-3 col-lg-3"></div>
4 4 <div class="col-xs-8 col-sm-8 col-md-6 col-lg-6 border border-dark rounded"> <div class="col-xs-8 col-sm-8 col-md-6 col-lg-6 border border-dark rounded">
5 <h2 class="text-center">Login to your account</h2>
5 <h2 class="text-center">Signup for an account</h2>
6 6 <br/> <br/>
7 <form id="login-form">
7 <form id="signup-form">
8 <div class="form-group">
9 <div class="row">
10 <div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-6 col-md-5 col-lg-5">
11 <p>Pick a username:</p>
12 </div>
13 <div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-6 col-md-7 col-lg-7">
14 <input type="text" class="form-control" id="username">
15 </div>
16 </div>
17 </div>
8 19 <div class="form-group"> <div class="form-group">
9 20 <div class="row"> <div class="row">
10 21 <div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-6 col-md-5 col-lg-5"> <div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-6 col-md-5 col-lg-5">
19 30 <div class="form-group"> <div class="form-group">
20 31 <div class="row"> <div class="row">
21 32 <div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-6 col-md-5 col-lg-5"> <div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-6 col-md-5 col-lg-5">
22 <p>Enter your password:</p>
33 <p>Enter a password:</p>
23 34 </div> </div>
24 35 <div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-6 col-md-7 col-lg-7"> <div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-6 col-md-7 col-lg-7">
25 36 <input type="password" class="form-control" id="password"> <input type="password" class="form-control" id="password">
27 38 </div> </div>
28 39 </div> </div>
29 40
30 <button class="btn btn-block btn-dark">Login</button>
41 <div class="form-group">
42 <div class="row">
43 <div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-6 col-md-5 col-lg-5">
44 <p>Confirm your password:</p>
45 </div>
46 <div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-6 col-md-7 col-lg-7">
47 <input type="password" class="form-control" id="password-confirmation">
48 </div>
49 </div>
50 </div>
52 <p class="text-center">By clicking signup you state that you agree to <a href="{{ URL::to('/terms-of-service') }}" target="_blank">terms of service</a></p>
53 <button type="submit" class="btn btn-block btn-dark">Signup</button>
31 54 <br/> <br/>
32 55 <div id="result"></div> <div id="result"></div>
33 56 </form> </form>
36 59 </div> </div>
37 60 <br/> <br/>
38 61 </div> </div>
40 62 <script> <script>
41 63 $(document).ready(function() { $(document).ready(function() {
42 $("#login-form").on("submit", function(e) {
64 $("#signup-form").on("submit", function(e) {
43 65 e.preventDefault(); e.preventDefault();
44 var Email = $("#email").val();
45 var Password = $("#password").val();
66 var Username = $("#username").val();
67 var Email = $("#email").val();
68 var Password = $("#password").val();
69 var PasswordConfirmation = $("#password-confirmation").val();
46 70
71 var UsernamePattern = /^([A-Za-z0-9_]){6,20}$/;
47 72 var EmailPattern = /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/; var EmailPattern = /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/;
48 var PasswordPattern = /^([\S\s]){8,}$/;
73 var PasswordPattern = /^([\S\s]){8,1024}$/;
49 74 var IsValid = true; var IsValid = true;
50 75 var Message = ""; var Message = "";
51 76
77 if (!UsernamePattern.test(Username)) {
78 IsValid = false;
79 Message += "Username cannot be empty, and must only contain alphanumeric characters and underscore, also it must be between 6 and 20 characters in length.<br>"
80 }
52 82 if (!EmailPattern.test(Email)) { if (!EmailPattern.test(Email)) {
53 83 IsValid = false; IsValid = false;
54 84 Message += "E-mail cannot be empty, and must be formatted correctly.<br>"; Message += "E-mail cannot be empty, and must be formatted correctly.<br>";
59 89 Message += "Password must be at least 8 characters in length.<br>"; Message += "Password must be at least 8 characters in length.<br>";
60 90 } }
61 91
92 if (PasswordConfirmation !== Password) {
93 IsValid = false;
94 Message += "The password and its confirmation doesn't match.<br>";
95 }
62 97 if (!IsValid) { if (!IsValid) {
63 98 Message = "<div class='alert alert-danger'>" + Message + "</div>"; Message = "<div class='alert alert-danger'>" + Message + "</div>";
64 99 $("#result").html(Message); $("#result").html(Message);
65 100 } }
66 101 else { else {
102 $("#result").html("<div class='alert alert-info'>Please wait while we register you ...</div>");
67 103 $.ajax({ $.ajax({
68 104 type : "POST", type : "POST",
69 url : "{{ URL::to('login') }}",
105 url : "{{ URL::to('/signup') }}",
70 106 data : { data : {
71 107 "_token" : window.CSRFHashToken, "_token" : window.CSRFHashToken,
108 "username" : Username,
72 109 "email" : Email, "email" : Email,
73 110 "password" : Password, "password" : Password,
111 "password-confirmation" : PasswordConfirmation
74 112 }, },
75 113 success : function(result, status, xhr) { success : function(result, status, xhr) {
76 if ("errors" in result) {
77 if (Array.isArray(result.errors)) {
78 $("#result").html("<div class='alert alert-danger'>" + result.errors.join("<br/>") + "</div>");
79 }
80 else {
81 $("#result").html("<div class='alert alert-danger'>" + result.errors + "</div>")
82 }
114 var Response = result;
115 if ("success" in result) {
116 $("#result").html("<div class='alert alert-sucess'>" + result.success.join("<br/>") + "</div>");
83 117 } }
84 118 else { else {
85 $("#result").html("<div class='alert alert-success'>" + result.success + "</div>");
119 $("#result").html("<div class='alert alert-danger'>" + result.errors.join("<br/>") + "</div>");
86 120 } }
87 121 }, },
88 122 error : function(xhr, status, error) { error : function(xhr, status, error) {
89 $("#result").html("<div class='alert alert-danger'>An internal error has occured.<br>Please try again later.</div>")
123 $("#result").html("<div class='alert alert-danger'>An internal error has occured.<br>Please try again later.</div>");
90 124 } }
91 125 }); });
92 126 } }
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