Jackalope / simdcpp (public) (License: GPLv3 or later version) (since 2020-04-21) (hash sha1)
SIMD template library for C++.
Some wrapper types for simd intrisics headers.

Goals: make functions with SIMD optimizations easier,
write single template function for several SIMD levels
with possibility to select supported levels in runtime.

The library is incomplete, see TODO for details.

Compiled with clang-10.0.0, c++17.

To include to existing cmake project:

target_include_directories(EXAMPLE PUBLIC ${SIMD_INCLUDE_DIRS})
target_link_libraries(EXAMPLE SIMD)

Mode Type Size Ref File
040000 tree - 70657620f9775fa4a61d9b2d1c2779da20ffbec8 simdcpp
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