Mode Type Size Ref File
100644 blob 87 73aa3b42bff7551e6119afa7abe23d3e217734f6 .gitignore
040000 tree - 95a787c159b70f34126479797de10c36a8263b68 .idea
100644 blob 952 ac97e2e573a73a21625fb0a55ce78def1bf41c83 TLO.iml
040000 tree - 8e9d3bd5387d7bff73afef15984fbcaa33237d06 app
100644 blob 462 811304402ef7022e1b12f86c5e8f065944f5dbdb build.gradle
100644 blob 872 9b6ae2a0f394a3e01ad79ab6a5b8dbefe592cb8f
040000 tree - cc255e0141e3521a338beedc0ec396c2a478c92c gradle
100644 blob 5080 91a7e269e19dfc62e27137a0b57ef3e430cee4fd gradlew
100644 blob 2404 aec99730b4e8fcd90b57a0e8e01544fea7c31a89 gradlew.bat
100644 blob 16 d3db1092cf4f5689e1a06500484e3f03ba7a6bf6 settings.gradle
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