List of commits:
Subject Hash Author Date (UTC)
feat(cke): Home Slider bfd8ec479aa9d8fe8bdf22f5a05ec4eedd6ce64d Gabi 2020-03-22 19:45:03
feat(cke): Basic layout. 351e7d2a3566e13a624a30496ce96efb6aab7304 Gabi 2020-03-22 18:54:31
build(cke): Deploy htaccess. 11945821044e4eb09db031fdddedea75587d8dbd Gabi 2020-03-22 17:09:31
build(cke): Update deploy 3d8d3a7623f6d036eb0ab0daf4977247e1409891 Gabi 2020-03-22 17:07:07
build(cke): Fix deploy 727b51304ff26321f728d4aefe84bccee8045f6e Gabi 2020-03-22 17:00:25
build(cke): Changed project structure. 3b6747207f946e7b72d1cfe3f7e601c377c4b04a Gabi 2020-03-22 16:53:28
build(cke): Deploy changes 118ec60c2c2d027100d528e84fcc8c35a3739080 Gabi 2020-03-22 16:42:57
fix(cke): Change include syntax. b7f33d2889810311688e4f39fbf20e46ecb837ad Gabi 2020-03-22 16:29:56
feat(cke): Check query params. b3a97739e100e8a5f612bdf2b04df02c5bb9ccda Gabi 2020-03-22 16:12:31
feat(cke): Htaccess 0516fa010d248f3b3064ad2efa83b62ef512b3a7 Gabi 2020-03-22 16:10:50
feat(cke): Initial PHP structure. 236cf15b8bb7f067063729f607a846ffd25c2fc6 Gabi 2020-03-21 16:59:32
test(cke): Test deploy 1bbd41c287f88269ff8362773212e2509b0741b5 Gabi 2020-03-21 16:19:50
build(cke): CPanel repo 941c0b1d9fe0a66d1bb78bf3dcdd72d64145ae13 Gabi 2020-03-21 16:04:36
About us 2ecf2ec89d59fa0b5bd350e16fc29ecb4d4b1ec8 Gabi 2020-03-12 16:42:44
Initial commit 82b9fdfd39cb6352971417fed862fd0cc0b6a938 Gabi 2020-03-12 15:02:54
Commit bfd8ec479aa9d8fe8bdf22f5a05ec4eedd6ce64d - feat(cke): Home Slider
Initialize home slider.
Author: Gabi
Author date (UTC): 2020-03-22 19:45
Committer name: Gabi
Committer date (UTC): 2020-03-22 19:45
Parent(s): 351e7d2a3566e13a624a30496ce96efb6aab7304
Signing key:
Tree: 79b0165979097deac61edf6b490d1aebe8dcf182
File Lines added Lines deleted
src/index.php 1 1
src/php/bootstrap.php 2 0
src/php/common/layout.php 2 2
src/php/pages/home.php 4 1
src/php/sections/home/weare.home.section.php 35 0
src/php/sliders/home.slider.php 120 0
File src/index.php changed (mode: 100644) (index c737e4e..8abfd39)
1 1 <?php <?php
2 include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/php/bootstrap.php';
2 include dirname(__FILE__) . '/php/bootstrap.php';
File src/php/bootstrap.php changed (mode: 100644) (index 91fa3cd..cf7e2d2)
1 1 <?php <?php
2 error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE | E_NOTICE);
2 4 define('APPDIR', dirname(__FILE__) . '/'); define('APPDIR', dirname(__FILE__) . '/');
3 5
4 6 // handle request params // handle request params
File src/php/common/layout.php changed (mode: 100644) (index b89f838..9b48d2c)
29 29 include APPDIR . "/common/navigation.php"; include APPDIR . "/common/navigation.php";
30 30 ?> ?>
31 31 <!-- animsition-overlay start --> <!-- animsition-overlay start -->
32 <main class="animsition-overlay" data-animsition-overlay="true">
32 <main class="animsition-overlay" data-animsition-overlay="true" data-page="<?=$path?>">
33 33 <?php <?php
34 include APPDIR . "/pages/${$path}.php";
34 include APPDIR . "/pages/$path.php";
35 35 ?> ?>
36 36 </main> </main>
37 37 <!-- animsition-overlay end --> <!-- animsition-overlay end -->
File src/php/pages/home.php changed (mode: 100644) (index 46760f4..9e60583)
1 <p>Home</p>
1 <?php
2 include APPDIR . "/sliders/home.slider.php";
3 include APPDIR . "/sections/home/weare.home.section.php";
4 ?>
File src/php/sections/home/weare.home.section.php added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..e00f3ad)
1 <!-- flex-min-height-box start -->
2 <section id="down" class="dark-bg-1 flex-min-height-box">
3 <!-- flex-min-height-inner start -->
4 <div class="flex-min-height-inner">
5 <!-- container start -->
6 <div class="container small top-bottom-padding-120">
7 <!-- flex-container start -->
8 <div data-animation-container class="flex-container">
9 <!-- column start -->
10 <div class="twelve-columns text-center">
11 <h2 class="large-title text-height-12">
12 <span data-animation-child class="title-fill" data-animation="title-fill-anim" data-text="We are">We are</span><br>
13 <span data-animation-child class="title-fill tr-delay01" data-animation="title-fill-anim" data-text="CK Elevators">CK ELEVATORS</span>
14 </h2>
15 </div><!-- column end -->
16 <!-- column start -->
17 <div class="six-columns">
18 <div class="content-right-margin-20">
19 <p data-animation-child class="p-style-medium text-color-5 fade-anim-box tr-delay02" data-animation="fade-anim">Affogato thundercats quinoa, portland cold-pressed edison bulb artisan paleo banjo tousled try-hard food truck pop-up bushwick godard. Occupy 90's try-hard tote bag chicharrones stumptown polaroid hashtag cliche +1, tousled fanny pack. Tote bag iPhone crucifix hella helvetica food truck bicycle rights cloud bread. Yr iPhone asymmetrical, next level vexillologist godard blog green juice chia. Tacos jean shorts pickled PBR&B poutine.</p>
20 </div>
21 </div><!-- column end -->
22 <!-- column start -->
23 <div class="six-columns">
24 <div class="content-left-margin-20">
25 <p data-animation-child class="p-style-medium text-color-5 fade-anim-box tr-delay03" data-animation="fade-anim">Godard slow-carb chartreuse occupy, tumblr letterpress pok pok tattooed yr lyft yuccie kinfolk. IPhone kombucha shaman gastropub snackwave 90's lo-fi pug chillwave pok pok tofu. Swag deep v listicle roof party seitan man braid raclette church-key trust fund locavore vexillologist green juice raw denim tilde meh. Austin thundercats locavore taiyaki snackwave hoodie put a bird on it tattooed selvage kitsch ramps. </p>
26 </div>
27 </div><!-- column end -->
28 <!-- column start -->
29 <div class="twelve-columns text-center">
30 <p data-animation-child class="p-letter-style text-color-4 text-height-13 fade-anim-box tr-delay04" data-animation="fade-anim">Godard slow-carb chartreuse occupy, tumblr letterpress</p>
31 </div><!-- column end -->
32 </div><!-- flex-container end -->
33 </div><!-- container end -->
34 </div><!-- flex-min-height-inner end -->
35 </section><!-- flex-min-height-box end -->
File src/php/sliders/home.slider.php added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..43facb2)
1 <!-- home-slider start -->
2 <section class="home-slider" id="up">
3 <!-- swiper-wrapper start -->
4 <div class="swiper-wrapper">
5 <!-- swiper-slide start -->
6 <div class="swiper-slide flex-min-height-box home-slide">
7 <!-- slide-bg -->
8 <div class="slide-bg overlay-loading2 overlay-dark-bg-1" style="background-image:url(assets/images/projects/draft/lift.jpg)"></div>
9 <!-- home-slider-content start -->
10 <div class="home-slider-content flex-min-height-inner dark-bg-1">
11 <!-- flex-container start -->
12 <div class="container top-bottom-padding-120 flex-container response-999">
13 <!-- column start -->
14 <div class="six-columns six-offset">
15 <div class="content-left-margin-40">
16 <h2 class="large-title-bold">
17 <span class="slider-title-fill slider-tr-delay01" data-text="We provide">We provide</span><br>
18 <span class="slider-title-fill slider-tr-delay02" data-text="all kinds of">all kinds of</span><br>
19 <span class="slider-title-fill slider-tr-delay03" data-text="elevators">elevators</span>
20 <p class="p-style-bold-up text-height-20 d-flex-wrap">
21 <span class="slider-title-fill slider-tr-delay04" data-text="Elevators">Elevators</span>
22 <span class="slider-title-fill slider-tr-delay05" data-text="for">for</span>
23 <span class="slider-title-fill slider-tr-delay06" data-text="Your Business">Your Business</span>
24 </p>
25 <div class="slider-fade slider-tr-delay07 top-margin-30">
26 <div class="border-btn-box border-btn-red pointer-large">
27 <div class="border-btn-inner">
28 <a href="#down" class="border-btn" data-text="Read more">Read more</a>
29 </div>
30 </div>
31 </div>
32 </div>
33 </div><!-- column end -->
34 </div><!-- flex-container end -->
35 </div><!-- home-slider-content end -->
36 </div><!-- swiper-slide end -->
37 <!-- swiper-slide start -->
38 <div class="swiper-slide flex-min-height-box home-slide">
39 <!-- slide-bg -->
40 <div class="slide-bg" style="background-image:url(assets/images/projects/draft/lift.jpg)"></div>
41 <!-- home-slider-content start -->
42 <div class="home-slider-content flex-min-height-inner dark-bg-2">
43 <!-- flex-container start -->
44 <div class="container top-bottom-padding-120 flex-container response-999">
45 <!-- column start -->
46 <div class="six-columns six-offset">
47 <div class="content-left-margin-40">
48 <h2 class="slider-overlay2 medium-title red-color">CK ELEVATORS</h2>
49 <h3 class="large-title-bold text-color-4">
50 <span class="slider-overlay2 slider-tr-delay01">Best Solutions</span><br>
51 <span class="slider-overlay2 slider-tr-delay02">& ideas for</span><br>
52 <span class="slider-overlay2 slider-tr-delay03">You Business</span>
53 </h3>
54 <div class="slider-fade slider-tr-delay04 top-margin-30">
55 <div class="border-btn-box pointer-large">
56 <div class="border-btn-inner">
57 <a href="#down" class="border-btn" data-text="Read more">Read more</a>
58 </div>
59 </div>
60 </div>
61 </div>
62 </div><!-- column end -->
63 </div><!-- flex-container end -->
64 </div><!-- home-slider-content end -->
65 </div><!-- swiper-slide end -->
66 <!-- swiper-slide start -->
67 <div class="swiper-slide flex-min-height-box home-slide red-slide">
68 <!-- slide-bg -->
69 <div class="slide-bg" style="background-image:url(assets/images/projects/draft/lift.jpg)"></div>
70 <!-- home-slider-content start -->
71 <div class="home-slider-content flex-min-height-inner red-bg">
72 <!-- flex-container start -->
73 <div class="container top-bottom-padding-120 flex-container response-999">
74 <!-- column start -->
75 <div class="six-columns">
76 <h2 class="large-title-bold">
77 <span class="slider-title-fill slider-tr-delay01" data-text="We’r Provided">We Provide</span><br>
78 <span class="slider-title-fill slider-tr-delay02" data-text="Best Digital">Best Elevators</span><br>
79 <span class="slider-title-fill slider-tr-delay03" data-text="Services">Services</span>
80 </h2>
81 <div class="small-title-oswald text-height-20 d-flex-wrap top-margin-20">
82 <span class="slider-title-fill slider-tr-delay04 top-margin-10" data-text="Creative team">Creative team</span>
83 <span class="slider-title-fill slider-tr-delay05 top-margin-10" data-text="Innovation ideas">Innovation ideas</span>
84 <span class="slider-title-fill slider-tr-delay06 top-margin-10" data-text="Best services">Best services</span>
85 </div>
86 <div class="arrow-btn-box slider-fade slider-tr-delay06 top-margin-30">
87 <a href="#down" class="arrow-btn pointer-large">Read more</a>
88 </div>
89 </div><!-- column end -->
90 </div><!-- flex-container end -->
91 </div><!-- home-slider-content end -->
92 </div><!-- swiper-slide end -->
93 </div><!-- swiper-wrapper end -->
95 <!-- swiper-button-next start -->
96 <div class="swiper-button-next">
97 <div class="slider-arrow-next-box">
98 <span class="slider-arrow-next"></span>
99 </div>
100 </div><!-- swiper-button-next end -->
101 <!-- swiper-button-prev start -->
102 <div class="swiper-button-prev">
103 <div class="slider-arrow-prev-box">
104 <span class="slider-arrow-prev"></span>
105 </div>
106 </div><!-- swiper-button-prev end -->
108 <!-- swiper-pagination -->
109 <div class="swiper-pagination"></div>
111 <!-- scroll-btn start -->
112 <a href="#down" class="scroll-btn pointer-large">
113 <div class="scroll-arrow-box">
114 <span class="scroll-arrow"></span>
115 </div>
116 <div class="scroll-btn-flip-box">
117 <span class="scroll-btn-flip" data-text="Scroll">Scroll</span>
118 </div>
119 </a><!-- scroll-btn end -->
120 </section><!-- home-slider end -->
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