Select Priority Who Date (UTC) User IP Ref Refs rights Description Operations
N/A 0 dongge N/A dongge Any All Autogenerated (owner) N/A
N/A 1 dongge N/A * Any Fetch Autogenerated (repo is public) N/A
100 dongge 2024-02-09 01:39 * Any All Edit
N/A 30001 dongge N/A * Any Anonymous push Autogenerated (sane default) N/A

Grant refs rights


IP can be empty, meaning any IP will match. You can use both IPv4 and IPv6. Some examples:,, 2001:6:3456::/64.
Priorities are used to order the rights. They are evaluated top to bottom. and must be greater than 10 and lower than 30000.
To add a deny rule, just do not select any right; if matched, the evaluation of the following rules will stop.

Bad whitespace: if checked, commits with mixed tabs and spaces, trailing spaces/tabs etc. will be allowed.

Anonymous push: any random person can anonymously push changes that will be automatically transformed in a merge request. This allows users who does not have an account here to be able to easy contribute to your project. See here for more info.

If your 'Reference' field does not start with '/', '/refs/heads/' will be automatically prepended.

User Reference Rights Description
fredusers/secretno rights selected User fred cannot push into /refs/heads/users/secret reference
coworker/refs/heads/xFetch,Push User coworker is allowed to fetch and push into branch x.
user1devel-.*Non fast-forward user1 is allowed to force push (non fast-forward) in any branch that starts with 'devel-', for example 'devel-1.0'.
*users/@USER@/Push Any user can push to his private ref '/refs/heads/users/username_of_the_pushing_user' (@USER@ is replaced with the username of the connecting user at the push time).
*emptyno rights selected This is a drop all rule. Can be used, for example, to block all the rules that might follow.