List of commits:
Subject Hash Author Date (UTC)
Fix inconsistent code style in repo (only *.m-files) 1a87b28a285ad84af1836154f80761430554700c Jason Hoelscher-Obermaier 2017-04-12 10:36:03
Set default code style using .editorconfig in root of repository 83719dc571b5a4fce247907ea50fdb5841b5d5f6 Jason Hoelscher-Obermaier 2017-04-12 09:18:43
Refactor calculatePulsedQuadratures to prepare for increased efficiency... 7247ee11d4e93ab24f5c38d49e135ac283855f1b Jason Hoelscher-Obermaier 2017-04-12 08:44:18
Decrease verbosity: suppress output from pdfcrop in meta_ev.m f51caf728c9e727ea7036d1066ed5638d5f5adef Jason Hoelscher-Obermaier 2017-04-12 08:41:23
Try to suppress display of figures in meta_ev_test.m (unsuccessful) c87cedfa3c1e53a8f25ad8c4119704c8bdfe9b2f Jason Hoelscher-Obermaier 2017-04-11 09:22:12
Add class dual_homo_simulation which emulates a dual_homo_measurement but with simulated traces 41792061b163af8e7d57738c19382409e0321190 Jason Hoelscher-Obermaier 2017-04-10 11:07:24
Turn off warning regarding default_sample_no in PXItrace 0c6322c334c051e08198ba79ca85170ebd5e8e12 Jason Hoelscher-Obermaier 2017-04-10 11:04:03
Fix num2eng.m: correct display of 0 (w. tolerance of +-eps) and +-inf. 6345574b61460fec8dd19832056d6273a07f23e9 Jason Hoelscher-Obermaier 2017-04-10 10:44:17
Extend functionality of method 'plot_cuts' of class 'meta_ev' af350f1084ba30f3f56f70367b8dd7ea3071f1a9 Jason Hoelscher-Obermaier 2017-04-08 16:30:56
Bug fix in num2eng.m: Input 0 (or +/- eps) will now yield '0' as expected 7ab33199240f75e7013223cddf02e69cd83e3272 Jason Hoelscher-Obermaier 2017-04-08 16:27:52
Refactor meta_ev: move plotting methods to separate files. 6e5df82a5739d8f1ef7a209822f7a448ced1721c Jason Hoelscher-Obermaier 2017-04-08 09:27:21
Additional options for method plot_cuts in meta_ev.m eabae3d9b5b934c5b9d56396374cfdd6c9f5ed3f Jason Hoelscher-Obermaier 2017-04-08 08:53:29
Add class homotrace_simulated as wrapper around homotrace if simulation-data-streams are to be used... b09e4d8431e7784d3021ae949edd557291c8d482 Jason Hoelscher-Obermaier 2017-04-06 14:56:34
Replace unnecessary switch-expression in assert_consistency_of_varargin by isequal-test 0c946942de73edb17b0d1f7b62748b9c8f0a98d0 Jason Hoelscher-Obermaier 2017-04-06 14:27:26
Improve default color order for line plots 336545a7441b6b575ab47ef655377514207cd69b Jason Hoelscher-Obermaier 2017-04-07 21:40:27
Add method "plot_cuts" to meta_ev... d92ade078a2b85f08312fe9524d9dc2097c6aff6 Jason Hoelscher-Obermaier 2017-04-07 20:57:41
Add method filter_params to meta_ev.m a9b063dc0c5858ba211dafe6c78cbe49bf5063d5 Jason Hoelscher-Obermaier 2017-04-07 18:03:54
Replace unnecessary switch-expression in assert_consistency_of_varargin by isequal-test 6cb69108ba70daabd0a01aa61d4f5c9de25cb57a Jason Hoelscher-Obermaier 2017-04-06 14:27:26
Update submodule matlab-xunit to point to master (after updates to displayStack were merged). 086e1d0869d17ea2dfffa706717bbbceb981ab72 Jason Hoelscher-Obermaier 2017-04-06 08:41:39
Bug fix in sentence_case: return empty string if input is empty string 97a0aea577a1ce963e01957b16cc689d25f2a7a8 Jason Hoelscher-Obermaier 2017-04-05 16:22:00
Commit 1a87b28a285ad84af1836154f80761430554700c - Fix inconsistent code style in repo (only *.m-files)
- indentation: convert each leading tab to 4 spaces
- unnecessary white space:
-- remove any trailing whitespace
-- remove any leading new line
- ensure single trailing newline
Author: Jason Hoelscher-Obermaier
Author date (UTC): 2017-04-12 10:36
Committer name: Jason Hoelscher-Obermaier
Committer date (UTC): 2017-04-12 10:36
Parent(s): 83719dc571b5a4fce247907ea50fdb5841b5d5f6
Signing key:
Tree: 497e11862552db75d4928bf57d51c3581ed09170
File Lines added Lines deleted
@dac/dac.m 7 7
@dadac/filter.m 8 8
@dadac/plot.m 1 1
@dadac/postprocess.m 2 3
@dadac/pwelch.m 1 1
@dadac/pwelchplot.m 1 1
@daddc/daddc.m 3 3
@daddc/loadconfig.m 3 3
@ess/append.m 3 3
@ess/c2d.m 1 1
@ess/compactify.m 1 1
@ess/display.m 4 4
@ess/ess.m 19 19
@ess/initial.m 1 1
@ess/isphysmeas.m 3 3
@ess/kalman.m 1 1
@ess/kfss.m 2 2
@ess/lsim.m 3 3
@ess/parallel.m 4 4
@ess/prescale.m 1 1
@ess/selectIO.m 5 5
@ess/sscov.m 0 1
PXItraces/@PXItrace/PXI_running_variance.m 28 28
PXItraces/@PXItrace/PXItrace.m 4 4
PXItraces/@PXItrace/blocked_cross_correlation.m 5 5
PXItraces/@timetrace/show_snapshot.m 4 4
PXItraces/Felix/READhomotrace.m 13 13
PXItraces/Felix/check_range.m 20 20
PXItraces/Felix/fread_raw.m 1 1
PXItraces/Felix/new_fft.m 1 1
PXItraces/Felix/sanity_check_short.m 6 7
PXItraces/Felix/show_fourier_transform.m 11 11
PXItraces/Felix/show_integral.m 6 6
PXItraces/Felix/show_pwelch.m 4 4
PXItraces/PXIcalibration.m 7 7
PXItraces/SanityChecks/sanity_check_header_v2.m 1 1
PXItraces/Tobias/sanity_check_header.m 4 4
PXItraces/Tobias/sanity_check_header_v2.m 3 3
data_analysis/@entanglement_evaluation/calculateModeVectors.m 8 8
data_analysis/@entanglement_evaluation/calculatePulsedCMs.m 2 2
data_analysis/@entanglement_evaluation/calculatePulsedQuadratures.m 10 10
data_analysis/@entanglement_evaluation/calculate_log_neg.m 1 1
data_analysis/@entanglement_evaluation/calculate_mode_vectors_gammalist.m 5 5
data_analysis/@entanglement_evaluation/calibratePulsedCMs.m 3 3
data_analysis/@entanglement_evaluation/calulate_optimal_entanglement.m 26 26
data_analysis/@entanglement_evaluation/darknoisesubtractPulsedCMs.m 2 2
data_analysis/@entanglement_evaluation/entanglement_evaluation.m 1 1
data_analysis/@entanglement_evaluation/example_entanglement_evaluation.m 2 2
data_analysis/@entanglement_evaluation/exportResults.m 4 4
data_analysis/@entanglement_evaluation/plotLogneg.m 2 2
data_analysis/@entanglement_evaluation/plot_logneg_gammalist.m 99 99
data_analysis/@entanglement_evaluation/plot_logneg_gammalist_split.m 86 86
data_analysis/@entanglement_evaluation/recalibrate.m 4 4
data_analysis/@entanglement_evaluation/trace_out.m 33 33
data_analysis/@meta_ev/contour_plot.m 99 99
data_analysis/@meta_ev/get_meta_data.m 2 2
data_analysis/@meta_ev/meta_ev.m 307 307
data_analysis/@meta_ev/plot_cuts.m 91 91
data_analysis/@meta_ev/plot_logneg_versus_gamma.m 39 39
data_analysis/auxfunctions/OOP/assert_inherits_from.m 6 6
data_analysis/auxfunctions/files/append_string_to_txtfile.m 3 3
data_analysis/auxfunctions/files/isafile.m 8 8
data_analysis/auxfunctions/files/pseudo_hash.m 34 34
data_analysis/auxfunctions/gitrepos/get_git_status.m 7 7
data_analysis/auxfunctions/gitrepos/status_git_repos_on_path.m 9 9
data_analysis/auxfunctions/gitrepos/test_git_conveniences.m 51 51
data_analysis/auxfunctions/matrixcomp/householder_ON.m 2 2
data_analysis/auxfunctions/matrixcomp/rootm.m 7 7
data_analysis/auxfunctions/monitor/estimated_time_of_arrival.m 16 16
data_analysis/auxfunctions/orthonormality/assert_orthonormality.m 41 41
data_analysis/auxfunctions/orthonormality/orthonormality.m 4 4
data_analysis/auxfunctions/permute_data/permute_data.m 33 33
data_analysis/auxfunctions/permute_data/read_permute_write_data.m 9 9
data_analysis/auxfunctions/permute_data/read_permute_write_data__folder.m 19 19
data_analysis/auxfunctions/plots/gridxy.m 7 16
data_analysis/auxfunctions/plots/linspecer.m 24 24
data_analysis/auxfunctions/plots/plotCorrelationMatrix.m 23 24
data_analysis/auxfunctions/plots/quickCreateSaveNPS.m 8 8
data_analysis/auxfunctions/plots/sampleNPSfromMeasurementData.m 0 1
data_analysis/auxfunctions/postprocess/calibrate_cm.m 16 16
data_analysis/auxfunctions/postprocess/calibrate_cm_test.m 39 39
data_analysis/auxfunctions/structs/export_fields.m 23 23
data_analysis/auxfunctions/structs/getPropertyQueryFunction.m 1 1
data_analysis/entanglement/calculate_pulsed_logneg_theory.m 1 1
data_analysis/entanglement/combine_evaluations.m 3 3
data_analysis/entanglement/running_logneg_CM.m 9 9
data_analysis/gaussianity/gaussianity_plots.m 17 17
data_analysis/gaussianity/gaussianity_plots_2d.m 9 11
data_analysis/obsolete/@entanglement_evaluation_obsolete/entanglement_evaluation_obsolete.m 12 12
data_analysis/obsolete/@entanglement_evaluation_obsolete/exportCrossCorrelationFunctions.m 1 1
data_analysis/obsolete/@entanglement_evaluation_obsolete/findOptimalPulseWidth.m 1 1
data_analysis/obsolete/@entanglement_evaluation_obsolete/getOptPulseWidths.m 1 1
data_analysis/obsolete/@entanglement_evaluation_obsolete/importCrossCorrelationFunctions.m 1 1
data_analysis/obsolete/plottable_property/noise_power_spectrum.m 9 9
data_analysis/obsolete/plottable_property/plottable_property.m 7 7
data_analysis/obsolete/plottable_property/variance_versus_time.m 8 8
data_analysis/unittests/PXItrace_test.m 75 75
data_analysis/unittests/blocked_cross_correlation_test.m 64 64
data_analysis/unittests/entanglement_evaluation_test.m 722 722
data_analysis/unittests/homo_measurement_test.m 75 75
data_analysis/unittests/homotrace_test.m 47 47
data_analysis/unittests/meta_ev_test.m 213 213
data_analysis/unittests/old/gausseof_test.m 3 3
data_analysis/unittests/old/gausssfparams_test.m 2 2
data_analysis/unittests/other/estimated_time_of_arrival_test.m 44 45
data_analysis/unittests/permute_data_test.m 43 43
data_analysis/unittests/pseudo_hash_test.m 107 107
data_analysis/unittests/read_permute_write_data_test.m 44 44
data_analysis/unittests/test_cf-based_evaluation/calculate_cf_test_data.m 7 8
data_analysis/unittests/test_cf-based_evaluation/cf_based_CM.m 4 4
data_analysis/unittests/test_cf-based_evaluation/quick_comparison_CMs.m 3 3
data_analysis/unittests/test_cf-based_evaluation/simulate_test_data.m 12 12
data_analysis/unittests/test_cf-based_evaluation/test_cf_based_evaluation.m 3 4
data_analysis/unittests/testevaluation/setup_eval.m 0 1
data_analysis/unittests/testevaluation/setup_meas.m 0 1
data_analysis/unittests/timetrace_test.m 68 68
homo_measurements/@dual_homo_measurement/test_dual_homo_measurement.m 4 4
homo_measurements/@homo_measurement/homo_measurement.m 2 2
homo_measurements/quickcheck_dualhomo.m 4 4
homo_measurements/quickcheck_dualhomo_long.m 6 6
kalmanfilter/kalmanfilter.m 6 6
misc/3rdparty/AnDarksamtest.m 48 48
misc/3rdparty/DataHash.m 15 15
misc/3rdparty/GetFullPath/GetFullPath.m 16 16
misc/3rdparty/GetFullPath/InstallMex.m 2 2
misc/3rdparty/GetFullPath/uTest_GetFullPath.m 13 13
misc/3rdparty/Singleton.m 6 6
misc/3rdparty/allcomb.m 5 5
misc/3rdparty/allcomb_invert.m 16 16
misc/3rdparty/allcomb_invert_test.m 34 34
misc/3rdparty/bplot.m 21 21
misc/3rdparty/brewermap.m 161 161
misc/3rdparty/brewermap_view.m 98 98
misc/3rdparty/cbrewer/cbrewer.m 14 14
misc/3rdparty/cbrewer/change_jet.m 2 3
misc/3rdparty/cbrewer/interpolate_cbrewer.m 2 2
misc/3rdparty/cbrewer/plot_brewer_cmap.m 3 3
misc/3rdparty/comp_struct/comp_struct.m 130 130
misc/3rdparty/comp_struct/comp_struct_old.m 191 191
misc/3rdparty/comp_struct/comp_struct_test.m 15 15
misc/3rdparty/comp_struct/list_struct.m 36 36
misc/3rdparty/heatmap.m 32 32
misc/3rdparty/isalmost.m 2 2
misc/3rdparty/kde2d.m 3 22
misc/3rdparty/ndhist.m 91 101
misc/3rdparty/ntitle.m 26 27
misc/3rdparty/num2eng.m 17 17
misc/3rdparty/printstruct.m 45 45
misc/3rdparty/ringdown.m 5 5
misc/3rdparty/suptitle.m 0 3
misc/3rdparty/textprogressbar.m 9 9
misc/checkdim.m 1 1
misc/convenience/class_conveniences.m 41 41
misc/covmats/beam_splitter.m 1 1
misc/covmats/combineCMs_traceOutCM_test.m 1 1
misc/covmats/fidelity_test.m 1 1
misc/covmats/gausseof.m 17 17
misc/covmats/gausssfcm.m 0 1
misc/covmats/gausssfcm2.m 0 1
misc/covmats/gausssfparams.m 0 1
misc/covmats/gausssfparams2.m 3 3
misc/covmats/isphyscov.m 1 1
misc/covmats/logneg.m 15 15
misc/covmats/logneg_test.m 13 13
misc/covmats/ptSymEvals.m 0 1
misc/covmats/purity_test.m 1 1
misc/covmats/quadIndicesFromModeIndices.m 0 1
misc/covmats/smss.m 0 1
misc/covmats/states_test.m 1 1
misc/covmats/symevals.m 1 1
misc/covmats/test_symplectic_functions.m 38 39
misc/covmats/tmss.m 0 1
misc/covmats/traceOutCM_test.m 1 1
misc/covmats/wigner.m 3 3
misc/covmats/williamson_diagonalization.m 2 2
misc/covmats/williamson_test.m 1 1
misc/covupdate.m 1 1
misc/dfilt2ess.m 1 1
misc/filtervarargs.m 1 1
misc/gui/boundedline.m 33 35
misc/io/io_test.m 35 35
misc/io/sampleNoInFile.m 0 1
misc/io/varAndMeanFromFile.m 4 4
misc/matrices/createTestMatrix.m 0 1
misc/matrices/matrixfct_test.m 1 1
misc/meanupdate.m 1 1
misc/nssv.m 1 1
misc/plottools/figure.m 2 2
misc/plottools/labels.m 3 3
misc/plottools/sentence_case.m 7 7
misc/plottools/tex_escape.m 23 23
misc/plottools/tex_escape_test.m 21 21
misc/running_stats.m 7 7
misc/ui/perccount.m 2 2
misc/varargs2cell.m 2 2
misc/varargs2struct.m 5 5
misc/varupdate.m 1 1
statisticstests/archive/jarque_bera_test.m 1 1
statisticstests/neestest.m 6 6
statisticstests/nistest.m 28 28
statisticstests/whitenesstest.m 4 4
stochasticintegration/discretize.m 7 7
stochasticintegration/simgauss.m 1 1
stochasticintegration/simlinsys.m 7 7
tests/kalmanfilter_test.m 22 22
tests/kfcomparison_test.m 2 2
tests/montecarlo_test.m 1 1
tests/qfactor_test.m 1 1
File @dac/dac.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 5626ce4..a981b86)
... ... classdef dac < Singleton
11 11 % configuration % configuration
12 12 quiet % no output quiet % no output
13 13 prngseed % seed PRNG prngseed % seed PRNG
15 15 Ntmax % maximum numer of points to load Ntmax % maximum numer of points to load
16 16 Ntsim % maximum numer of points to simulate Ntsim % maximum numer of points to simulate
18 18 psdnwin % pwelch window number psdnwin % pwelch window number
19 19 psdwinfunc % pwelch window function psdwinfunc % pwelch window function
20 20 psdoverlap % pwelch window overlap psdoverlap % pwelch window overlap
... ... classdef dac < Singleton
23 23 refF % reference frequency refF % reference frequency
24 24 expFs % sample frequency expFs % sample frequency
25 25 Fs % Fs rescaled to refF Fs % Fs rescaled to refF
27 27 postprocess % run postprocessing (true/false) postprocess % run postprocessing (true/false)
28 28 postp % postprocessing (struct) postp % postprocessing (struct)
30 30 user % userinterface user % userinterface
31 31 end end
32 32
... ... classdef dac < Singleton
53 53 newObj.refF = []; newObj.refF = [];
54 54 newObj.expFs = []; newObj.expFs = [];
55 55 newObj.Fs = []; newObj.Fs = [];
57 57 % user interface % user interface
58 newObj.user = [];
58 newObj.user = [];
59 59 end end
60 60 end end
61 61
... ... classdef dac < Singleton
141 141 Value = obj.Fs; Value = obj.Fs;
142 142 end end
143 143 end end
145 145 end end
146 146 end end
File @dadac/filter.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 4c7909c..f64a77e)
... ... function dsout = filter(ds,varargin)
2 2 % dsout = filter(ds) % dsout = filter(ds)
3 3 % %
4 4 % Filters time data (dadac object) with specified bandwidth and filter % Filters time data (dadac object) with specified bandwidth and filter
5 % order. Uses internal function 'filter', but with different arguments.
5 % order. Uses internal function 'filter', but with different arguments.
6 6 % arguments: % arguments:
7 7 % - ds: time data (dadac object) % - ds: time data (dadac object)
8 8 % optional arguments: % optional arguments:
... ... forder=512;
22 22
23 23 % parse varargs % parse varargs
24 24 for ii=1:2:nargs for ii=1:2:nargs
25 switch args{ii}
26 case 'fresponse', fresponse = args{ii+1};
27 case 'frange', frange = args{ii+1};
28 case 'forder', forder = args{ii+1};
25 switch args{ii}
26 case 'fresponse', fresponse = args{ii+1};
27 case 'frange', frange = args{ii+1};
28 case 'forder', forder = args{ii+1};
29 29 otherwise, warning(['unrecognized argument ' args{ii}]) otherwise, warning(['unrecognized argument ' args{ii}])
30 30 end end
31 31 end end
... ... dsout = dadac(numel(ds),'type','fr');
53 53
54 54 % calculate spectrum for each entry in ds % calculate spectrum for each entry in ds
55 55 for ii = 1:numel(ds) for ii = 1:numel(ds)
57 % calculate filter for each row
57 % calculate filter for each row
58 58 for jj = 1:size(ds(ii).yData,2) for jj = 1:size(ds(ii).yData,2)
59 59 tf = filter(b,1,ds(ii).yData(:,jj)); tf = filter(b,1,ds(ii).yData(:,jj));
60 60 dsout(ii).yData(:,jj) = tf(:); dsout(ii).yData(:,jj) = tf(:);
61 61 end end
63 63 % copy other properties % copy other properties
64 64 dsout(ii).id = ds(ii).id; dsout(ii).id = ds(ii).id;
65 65 dsout(ii).label = ds(ii).label; dsout(ii).label = ds(ii).label;
File @dadac/plot.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 133b59b..9710634)
... ... function varargout = plot(ds,varargin)
6 6
7 7 for ii = 1:numel(ds) for ii = 1:numel(ds)
8 8 ph = figure(); ph = figure();
10 10 xvec = ds(ii).xData; xvec = ds(ii).xData;
11 11 if isempty(xvec) if isempty(xvec)
12 12 tempPh = plot(ds(ii).yData,varargin{:}); tempPh = plot(ds(ii).yData,varargin{:});
File @dadac/postprocess.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 2da57f2..e24a144)
... ... end
50 50 % $$$ if ~strcmp(pps.method,'none') % $$$ if ~strcmp(pps.method,'none')
51 51 if ~isempty(pps) if ~isempty(pps)
52 52 Hd = design(pps.fdesign,pps.method); Hd = design(pps.fdesign,pps.method);
53 %Hd = pps.hd;
53 %Hd = pps.hd;
54 54 for jj = part for jj = part
55 if ~ds(jj).postpd
55 if ~ds(jj).postpd
56 56 for ii = 1:size(ds(jj).yData,2) for ii = 1:size(ds(jj).yData,2)
57 57 ds(jj).yData(:,ii)=filter(Hd,ds(jj).yData(:,ii)); ds(jj).yData(:,ii)=filter(Hd,ds(jj).yData(:,ii));
58 58 ds(jj).postpd = true; ds(jj).postpd = true;
... ... else
75 75 pps.fdesign.Fpass2=Fpass2Scaled; pps.fdesign.Fpass2=Fpass2Scaled;
76 76 end end
77 77 pps.fdesign.Fs=FsScaled; pps.fdesign.Fs=FsScaled;
File @dadac/pwelch.m changed (mode: 100644) (index d3cebfa..f463ff4)
... ... for ii = 1:numel(ds)
42 42 win = PWELCH_WIN_FUNCTION(winlen); win = PWELCH_WIN_FUNCTION(winlen);
43 43
44 44 % calculate psd for each row % calculate psd for each row
45 fr = [];
45 fr = [];
46 46 for jj = 1:size(ds(ii).yData,2) for jj = 1:size(ds(ii).yData,2)
47 47 [power,fr] = pwelch(ds(ii).yData(:,jj),win,PWELCH_NOVERLAP,[],dao.expFs,PWELCH_RANGE); [power,fr] = pwelch(ds(ii).yData(:,jj),win,PWELCH_NOVERLAP,[],dao.expFs,PWELCH_RANGE);
48 48 dsout(ii).yData(:,jj) = power(:); dsout(ii).yData(:,jj) = power(:);
File @dadac/pwelchplot.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 3b7ad41..325d96e)
1 1 function pwelchplot(frdata) function pwelchplot(frdata)
2 2 % pwelchplot(frdata) % pwelchplot(frdata)
3 %
3 %
4 4 % Plots PSD. This is a helper for ess/pwelch and dadac/pwelch and is % Plots PSD. This is a helper for ess/pwelch and dadac/pwelch and is
5 5 % not supposed to be called directly! % not supposed to be called directly!
6 6 % %
File @daddc/daddc.m changed (mode: 100644) (index debcb09..c4a0ac8)
... ... classdef daddc
103 103 obj.basedir = Value; obj.basedir = Value;
104 104 end end
105 105 end end
107 107 function obj = set.config(obj,Value) function obj = set.config(obj,Value)
108 108 if isempty(Value) if isempty(Value)
109 109 obj.config = ''; obj.config = '';
... ... classdef daddc
121 121 % $$$ % create directory and add it to datadir % $$$ % create directory and add it to datadir
122 122 % $$$ function obj = makeDatadir(obj,varargin) % $$$ function obj = makeDatadir(obj,varargin)
123 123 % $$$ args = varargs2cell(varargin); % $$$ args = varargs2cell(varargin);
124 % $$$ if
125 % $$$
124 % $$$ if
125 % $$$
126 126 % $$$ end % $$$ end
127 127 % $$$ end % $$$ end
128 128
File @daddc/loadconfig.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 008f4b5..3694d55)
... ... function varargout = loadconfig(ddir,varargin)
4 4 % %
5 5 % Call configuration function in ddir.basedir and pass arguments. If % Call configuration function in ddir.basedir and pass arguments. If
6 6 % second argument is 'help' print help text of configuration function. % second argument is 'help' print help text of configuration function.
7 %
7 %
8 8 % Note: Only use FULL filenames for this to work correctly! % Note: Only use FULL filenames for this to work correctly!
9 9
10 10 varargout = cell(1,max(1,nargout)); % always return result varargout = cell(1,max(1,nargout)); % always return result
... ... end
30 30 clear(funcString); clear(funcString);
31 31
32 32 % to fix: % to fix:
33 % problems with 'dirNotInPath' check: search order in variable 'path'
33 % problems with 'dirNotInPath' check: search order in variable 'path'
34 34 % yields problems for finding correct parameter file % yields problems for finding correct parameter file
35 35
36 36 % add basedir to path if needed % add basedir to path if needed
... ... if ischar(varargin{1})
49 49 elseif isstruct(varargin{1}) || isempty(varargin{1}) elseif isstruct(varargin{1}) || isempty(varargin{1})
50 50 % load parameters % load parameters
51 51 argsStruct = varargs2struct(varargin); argsStruct = varargs2struct(varargin);
52 [varargout{:}] = confFunc(argsStruct);
52 [varargout{:}] = confFunc(argsStruct);
53 53 end end
54 54 % comment see above % comment see above
55 55 % only remove basedir from path if we added it before % only remove basedir from path if we added it before
File @ess/append.m changed (mode: 100644) (index d425f80..6b5cb14)
... ... function ssa=append(varargin)
3 3 % %
4 4 % Concatenate models sys1,sys2,... to form one model, without % Concatenate models sys1,sys2,... to form one model, without
5 5 % making a connection between the different models. % making a connection between the different models.
7 7 sss = cell(1,length(nargin)); sss = cell(1,length(nargin));
8 8 ssl = {}; ssr = {}; ssq = {}; ssm = {}; ssl = {}; ssr = {}; ssq = {}; ssm = {};
9 9 nvar = 0; nnvar = 0; jj = 1; nvar = 0; nnvar = 0; jj = 1;
11 11 for ii = 1:nargin for ii = 1:nargin
12 12 % dynamics % dynamics
13 13 sss{ii} = ss(varargin{ii}); sss{ii} = ss(varargin{ii});
... ... function ssa=append(varargin)
43 43 % incorrect. % incorrect.
44 44 ssr{ii} = rnotempty(varargin{ii}); ssr{ii} = rnotempty(varargin{ii});
45 45 end end
47 47 % append deterministic (ss) part % append deterministic (ss) part
48 48 ssa = ess(append(sss{:})); ssa = ess(append(sss{:}));
49 49
File @ess/c2d.m changed (mode: 100644) (index e52350c..9a5d660)
... ... if sys_c.Ts == 0
37 37 sys_d.c = H; sys_d.d = D; sys_d.c = H; sys_d.d = D;
38 38 sys_d.q = Q; sys_d.r = R; sys_d.m = M; sys_d.q = Q; sys_d.r = R; sys_d.m = M;
39 39 sys_d.Ts = Ts; sys_d.Ts = Ts;
41 41 case {'zoh','foh','impulse','tustin'} % 'matched' is broken case {'zoh','foh','impulse','tustin'} % 'matched' is broken
42 42 % convert ss part % convert ss part
43 43 % prescaling might be applied by ss/c2d % prescaling might be applied by ss/c2d
File @ess/compactify.m changed (mode: 100644) (index e4c88ef..b8d2b32)
... ... switch method
65 65 % delete InputGroup and OutputGroup % delete InputGroup and OutputGroup
66 66 sys.InputGroup = struct(); sys.InputGroup = struct();
67 67 sys.OutputGroup = struct(); sys.OutputGroup = struct();
69 69 % create new model and copy meta-properties % create new model and copy meta-properties
70 70 if sys.isnoisy() if sys.isnoisy()
71 71 nrm=intersect(intersect(hhor,dhor),nhor); nrm=intersect(intersect(hhor,dhor),nhor);
File @ess/display.m changed (mode: 100644) (index a0669fb..452a575)
1 1 function display(sys) function display(sys)
2 2 %DISPLAY Pretty-print for ess models. %DISPLAY Pretty-print for ess models.
3 3
5 5 %% Code adapted from @ss/display.m %% Code adapted from @ss/display.m
6 6
7 7 % Extract state-space data and sampling/delay times % Extract state-space data and sampling/delay times
... ... end
101 101 %% print l matrix %% print l matrix
102 102 function displm(sys,LeftMargin) function displm(sys,LeftMargin)
103 103 % this has to be changed if ss gets qlabel property % this has to be changed if ss gets qlabel property
104 wlabels = '';
104 wlabels = '';
105 105 xlabels = sys.StateName; xlabels = sys.StateName;
106 106 [nx,nq] = size(sys.l); [nx,nq] = size(sys.l);
107 107
... ... function displm(sys,LeftMargin)
114 114 if isempty(xlabels{i}), xlabels{i} = '?'; end if isempty(xlabels{i}), xlabels{i} = '?'; end
115 115 end end
116 116 end end
118 118 if isempty(wlabels) || isequal('',wlabels{:}), if isempty(wlabels) || isequal('',wlabels{:}),
119 119 for i=1:nq, for i=1:nq,
120 120 wlabels{i} = sprintf('w%d',i); wlabels{i} = sprintf('w%d',i);
121 121 end end
122 122 else else
123 for i=1:nq,
123 for i=1:nq,
124 124 if isempty(wlabels{i}), wlabels{i} = '?'; end if isempty(wlabels{i}), wlabels{i} = '?'; end
125 125 end end
126 126 end end
File @ess/ess.m changed (mode: 100644) (index fc6df34..631f40a)
... ... classdef ess < ss
12 12 % %
13 13 % This class extends ss. See 'help ss' for a list of additional % This class extends ss. See 'help ss' for a list of additional
14 14 % arguments. % arguments.
16 16 % adapt number of meta-properties in getMetaProperties if % adapt number of meta-properties in getMetaProperties if
17 17 % datastructure is changed! % datastructure is changed!
18 18 properties properties
... ... classdef ess < ss
26 26 isnoisy % system has noisy input isnoisy % system has noisy input
27 27 % (boolean) % (boolean)
28 28 end end
30 30
31 31 methods methods
33 33 %%% constructor %%% constructor
34 34 function obj = ess(varargin) function obj = ess(varargin)
35 35 % parse arguments % parse arguments
... ... classdef ess < ss
37 37 essvarlen = 8; essvarlen = 8;
38 38 addvarlen = essvarlen-ssvarlen; addvarlen = essvarlen-ssvarlen;
39 39 newArgs = cell(1,addvarlen); superArgs = {}; newArgs = cell(1,addvarlen); superArgs = {};
41 41 % copy from ss object % copy from ss object
42 42 if nargin>0 && isa(varargin{1},'StateSpaceModel') || isa(varargin{1},'tf') if nargin>0 && isa(varargin{1},'StateSpaceModel') || isa(varargin{1},'tf')
43 43 % create empty ss object and call copy constructor % create empty ss object and call copy constructor
... ... classdef ess < ss
52 52 % already ess model % already ess model
53 53 S = varargin{1}; S = varargin{1};
54 54 end end
56 56 superArgs{1} = []; superArgs{1} = [];
57 57 [copyNames,copyArgs] = getProperties(S); [copyNames,copyArgs] = getProperties(S);
59 59 % fields not set in ss object % fields not set in ss object
60 60 if nargin > 1 if nargin > 1
61 61 newArgs(1:nargin-1) = varargin(2:nargin); newArgs(1:nargin-1) = varargin(2:nargin);
... ... classdef ess < ss
86 86 newArgs = varargin(ssvarlen+1:essvarlen); newArgs = varargin(ssvarlen+1:essvarlen);
87 87 end end
88 88 end end
90 90 % call superclass constructor % call superclass constructor
91 91 obj = obj@ss(superArgs{:}); obj = obj@ss(superArgs{:});
93 93 % copy properties % copy properties
94 94 clen = length(copyArgs); clen = length(copyArgs);
95 95 if clen > 0 if clen > 0
... ... classdef ess < ss
97 97 obj.(copyNames{ii}) = copyArgs{ii}; obj.(copyNames{ii}) = copyArgs{ii};
98 98 end end
99 99 end end
101 101 % set new fields % set new fields
102 102 if length(newArgs) > 0 if length(newArgs) > 0
103 103 [obj.l,obj.q,obj.r,obj.m] = newArgs{:}; [obj.l,obj.q,obj.r,obj.m] = newArgs{:};
... ... classdef ess < ss
111 111 if ~h if ~h
112 112 error('Model dimensions are not valid!') error('Model dimensions are not valid!')
113 113 end end
115 115 end end
117 117 function nobj = cleanNoise(obj) function nobj = cleanNoise(obj)
118 118 % empty all noise matrices if noiseTest fails % empty all noise matrices if noiseTest fails
119 119 nobj = obj; nobj = obj;
... ... classdef ess < ss
121 121 nobj.l = []; nobj.q = []; nobj.r = []; nobj.m = []; nobj.l = []; nobj.q = []; nobj.r = []; nobj.m = [];
122 122 end end
123 123 end end
125 %% meta-properties
125 %% meta-properties
126 126 % extract object meta-properties = all except matrices % extract object meta-properties = all except matrices
127 127 % adapt number of meta-properties if datastructure is changed! % adapt number of meta-properties if datastructure is changed!
128 128 function props = getMetaProperties(ssObj) function props = getMetaProperties(ssObj)
... ... classdef ess < ss
142 142 ssObjout.(names{ii}) = props.(names{ii}); ssObjout.(names{ii}) = props.(names{ii});
143 143 end end
144 144 end end
147 147 %% set: these toggle isnoisy if required %% set: these toggle isnoisy if required
148 148 function obj = set.q(obj,Value) function obj = set.q(obj,Value)
149 149 tmpq = obj.q; tmpq = obj.q;
... ... classdef ess < ss
183 183 S.ess = localEssData(obj); % extra ess matrices (l,q,r,m) S.ess = localEssData(obj); % extra ess matrices (l,q,r,m)
184 184 S.prop = getMetaProperties(obj); % meta properties S.prop = getMetaProperties(obj); % meta properties
185 185 end end
187 187 end end
189 189 methods (Static) methods (Static)
190 190 % extend ss saveobj % extend ss saveobj
191 191 function obj = loadobj(S) function obj = loadobj(S)
... ... function c = extraEssProperties(obj)
251 251 % takes ess obj as input % takes ess obj as input
252 252 sp = properties('ss'); ep = properties(obj); sp = properties('ss'); ep = properties(obj);
253 253 % note order of input: ep must be before!! % note order of input: ep must be before!!
254 % 'stable' is needed such that original order
254 % 'stable' is needed such that original order
255 255 % of arguments is preserved for the ess constructor % of arguments is preserved for the ess constructor
256 c = setdiff(ep,sp,'stable');
256 c = setdiff(ep,sp,'stable');
257 257 end end
258 258
259 259 % local essdata % local essdata
File @ess/initial.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 6d3d125..9a72643)
... ... if isempty(xinit)
31 31 xinit = zeros(size(sys.a,1),1); xinit = zeros(size(sys.a,1),1);
32 32 end end
33 33
34 varargout = cell(1,nargout);
34 varargout = cell(1,nargout);
35 35
36 36 % create trajectory % create trajectory
37 37 if sys.isnoisy() if sys.isnoisy()
File @ess/isphysmeas.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 0e18116..e44ff41)
1 1 function bool = isphysmeas(sys,varargin) function bool = isphysmeas(sys,varargin)
2 2 % bool = isphysmeas(sys,...) % bool = isphysmeas(sys,...)
3 %
3 %
4 4 % optional arguments: % optional arguments:
5 5 % - 'eigs': show eigenvalues true/false % - 'eigs': show eigenvalues true/false
6 6 % - 'statevars': select relevant state variables (integer range) % - 'statevars': select relevant state variables (integer range)
... ... mat = L*(Q-M*inv(R)*M')*L'-(symm*C'*inv(R)*C*symm')/4;
31 31 bool = (num==0); bool = (num==0);
32 32
33 33 if showeigs if showeigs
34 fprintf('eigenvalues:\n')
35 eig(mat)
34 fprintf('eigenvalues:\n')
35 eig(mat)
36 36 end end
File @ess/kalman.m changed (mode: 100644) (index b5382d0..cb5bbc0)
... ... Q = sys.q; R = sys.r; M = sys.m;
17 17 % help ess/ss says: % help ess/ss says:
18 18 % 'augmented' is equivalent to SS(A,[B,L,0],C,[D,0,1]) % 'augmented' is equivalent to SS(A,[B,L,0],C,[D,0,1])
19 19 asys = ss(sys,'augmented'); asys = ss(sys,'augmented');
21 21 [kest,L,P,varargout{:}] = kalman(asys(:,{'KnownInput','ProcessNoise'}),Q,R,M,varargin{:}); [kest,L,P,varargout{:}] = kalman(asys(:,{'KnownInput','ProcessNoise'}),Q,R,M,varargin{:});
File @ess/kfss.m changed (mode: 100644) (index fe6cb05..3f43b73)
... ... function [ksys,kss,pss,psu] = kfss(sys)
8 8 % %
9 9 % The discrete Kalman filter is given by % The discrete Kalman filter is given by
10 10 % x[n|n] = (1-K)F x[n-1|n-1] + K z[n] + B u[n], % x[n|n] = (1-K)F x[n-1|n-1] + K z[n] + B u[n],
11 % z[n|n] = C x[n|n] + D u[n],
11 % z[n|n] = C x[n|n] + D u[n],
12 12 % where x[n|n] is the a posterior state. % where x[n|n] is the a posterior state.
13 13 % %
14 14 % The prior and posterior estimation error covariance matrices are % The prior and posterior estimation error covariance matrices are
... ... else
55 55 % ss gain equations see Simon p. 194, Heijden p.271 % ss gain equations see Simon p. 194, Heijden p.271
56 56 id = eye(sn); id = eye(sn);
57 57 kss = (pss*H'+M)/(H*pss*H'+R+H*M+(H*M)');% kalman gain kss = (pss*H'+M)/(H*pss*H'+R+H*M+(H*M)');% kalman gain
59 59 % a posteriori state x[n|n] % a posteriori state x[n|n]
60 60 A = (F-kss*H*F); % filter dynamics A = (F-kss*H*F); % filter dynamics
61 61
File @ess/lsim.m changed (mode: 100644) (index b01d5ee..e97e27d)
... ... function varargout = lsim(sys,varargin)
8 8 % observation-noise used to simulate the response. Note that the input % observation-noise used to simulate the response. Note that the input
9 9 % U now has modified dimensions! If this is not desired, use % U now has modified dimensions! If this is not desired, use
10 10 % lsim(ss(sys),...) instead. % lsim(ss(sys),...) instead.
11 %
11 %
12 12 % Wrapper function: See also SS/LSIM. % Wrapper function: See also SS/LSIM.
13 13
14 14 % reference varargin in struct (no copies are created!) % reference varargin in struct (no copies are created!)
... ... else
29 29 uaugmented = [argS.u,zeros(length(argS.t),sn+on)]; uaugmented = [argS.u,zeros(length(argS.t),sn+on)];
30 30 end end
31 31
32 varargout = cell(1,nargout);
32 varargout = cell(1,nargout);
33 33
34 34 % check if system is noisy, if not call ss/lsim on unmodified system % check if system is noisy, if not call ss/lsim on unmodified system
35 if sys.isnoisy()
35 if sys.isnoisy()
36 36 % generate and concatenate noise to deterministic input % generate and concatenate noise to deterministic input
37 37 % [argS.u,statenoise,obsnoise] % [argS.u,statenoise,obsnoise]
38 38 uaugmented(:,un+1:end) = gennoise(sys,argS.t,'combinednoise','true'); uaugmented(:,un+1:end) = gennoise(sys,argS.t,'combinednoise','true');
File @ess/parallel.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 921f2b1..2903dd5)
1 1 function sys_cc = parallel(varargin) function sys_cc = parallel(varargin)
2 2 % sys=parallel(sys1,sys2,...) % sys=parallel(sys1,sys2,...)
3 3 % %
4 % Connect sys1, sys2, ... in parallel, i.e. inputs of sys1 and sys2
4 % Connect sys1, sys2, ... in parallel, i.e. inputs of sys1 and sys2
5 5 % get the same determinsitic input u, outputs of sys1 and sys 2 are % get the same determinsitic input u, outputs of sys1 and sys 2 are
6 6 % directly summed. % directly summed.
7 7 % %
... ... function sys_cc = parallel(varargin)
24 24 % connect systems % connect systems
25 25 sys_cc=varargin{1}; sys_cc=varargin{1};
26 26 if nargin == 2 if nargin == 2
27 sys_cc=tparallel(sys_cc,varargin{2});
27 sys_cc=tparallel(sys_cc,varargin{2});
28 28 else else
29 29 error('Parallel connection of more than two models is currently not supported') error('Parallel connection of more than two models is currently not supported')
30 30 end end
... ... ec = @(x) cellfun(@(x)'',x,'UniformOutput',false); % return cell array {'',...}
53 53 sys_c.q = blkdiag(sys1.q,sys2.q); sys_c.q = blkdiag(sys1.q,sys2.q);
54 54 sys_c.r = sys1.r+sys2.r; sys_c.r = sys1.r+sys2.r;
55 55 sys_c.m = [sys1.m;sys2.m]; sys_c.m = [sys1.m;sys2.m];
57 57 elseif sys1.isnoisy() elseif sys1.isnoisy()
58 58 sys_c.l = blkdiag(sys1.l,zeros(size(sys2.a,1),1)); sys_c.l = blkdiag(sys1.l,zeros(size(sys2.a,1),1));
59 59 sys_c.q = blkdiag(sys1.q,zeros(1,1)); sys_c.q = blkdiag(sys1.q,zeros(1,1));
60 60 sys_c.r = sys1.r; sys_c.r = sys1.r;
61 61 sys_c.m = [sys1.m;zeros(1,size(sys2.c,1))]; sys_c.m = [sys1.m;zeros(1,size(sys2.c,1))];
63 63 elseif sys2.isnoisy() elseif sys2.isnoisy()
64 64 sys_c.l = blkdiag(zeros(size(sys1.a,1),1),sys2.l); sys_c.l = blkdiag(zeros(size(sys1.a,1),1),sys2.l);
65 65 sys_c.q = blkdiag(zeros(1,1),sys2.q); sys_c.q = blkdiag(zeros(1,1),sys2.q);
File @ess/prescale.m changed (mode: 100644) (index a3a2b84..f09684c)
1 1 function varargout = prescale(sys,varargin) function varargout = prescale(sys,varargin)
2 2 % Wrapper for prescale for ess objects. % Wrapper for prescale for ess objects.
3 %
3 %
4 4 % Converts ss to ess objects before passing all arguments to % Converts ss to ess objects before passing all arguments to
5 5 % ss/prescale. Specifically, the noise input (l) is appended to the % ss/prescale. Specifically, the noise input (l) is appended to the
6 6 % deterministic input (b). If this is not desired, use % deterministic input (b). If this is not desired, use
File @ess/selectIO.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 16eeb02..ace13f3)
1 1 function [ssys,opos] = selectIO(sys,varargin) function [ssys,opos] = selectIO(sys,varargin)
2 2 % ssys = selectIO(sys,...) % ssys = selectIO(sys,...)
3 %
3 %
4 4 % Select input/output channels from sys. Syntax as for ss models. % Select input/output channels from sys. Syntax as for ss models.
5 5 % See also: SS % See also: SS
7 7 is = size(sys.b,2); % input number is = size(sys.b,2); % input number
8 8 os = size(sys.c,1); % output number os = size(sys.c,1); % output number
9 9
... ... function [ssys,opos] = selectIO(sys,varargin)
19 19 else else
20 20 error('too many arguments') error('too many arguments')
21 21 end end
23 23 % if arguments are empty, use all channels % if arguments are empty, use all channels
24 24 if isempty(partO), partO = 1:os; end if isempty(partO), partO = 1:os; end
25 25 if isempty(partI), partI = 1:is; end if isempty(partI), partI = 1:is; end
... ... function [ssys,opos] = selectIO(sys,varargin)
29 29 ssys = ss(sys); ssys = ssys(partO,partI); ssys = ss(sys); ssys = ssys(partO,partI);
30 30 % modify R and M to match new output % modify R and M to match new output
31 31 % input need not be modified % input need not be modified
32 opos = findPosition('output',partO);
32 opos = findPosition('output',partO);
33 33 ssys = ess(ssys,sys.l,sys.q,sys.r(opos,opos),sys.m(:,opos)); ssys = ess(ssys,sys.l,sys.q,sys.r(opos,opos),sys.m(:,opos));
35 35 %% private %% private
36 36
37 37 function pos = findPosition(searchWhere,searchExp) function pos = findPosition(searchWhere,searchExp)
File @ess/sscov.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 9ab4733..2fc9017)
... ... end
12 12 cov = lyap(sys.a,sys.l*sys.q*sys.l'); cov = lyap(sys.a,sys.l*sys.q*sys.l');
13 13
14 14 end end
File PXItraces/@PXItrace/PXI_running_variance.m changed (mode: 100644) (index c998b31..b5a5ac1)
1 1 %% PXI_running_variance: takes a PXI trace and calculates its variance %% PXI_running_variance: takes a PXI trace and calculates its variance
2 2 function [vvar, mmean] = PXI_running_variance(PXItrace) function [vvar, mmean] = PXI_running_variance(PXItrace)
3 sample_no = PXItrace.sample_no;
4 samples_per_run = 1E7;
5 runs = floor(sample_no/samples_per_run);
3 sample_no = PXItrace.sample_no;
4 samples_per_run = 1E7;
5 runs = floor(sample_no/samples_per_run);
6 6
7 PXItrace.fopen()
8 c = onCleanup(@()PXItrace.fclose());
9 tic;
10 for k=1:runs
11 dat = PXItrace.fread(samples_per_run);
12 if k==1
13 vvar = var(dat);
14 mmean = mean(dat);
15 else
16 mmean2 = mean(dat);
17 vvar2 = var(dat);
7 PXItrace.fopen()
8 c = onCleanup(@()PXItrace.fclose());
9 tic;
10 for k=1:runs
11 dat = PXItrace.fread(samples_per_run);
12 if k==1
13 vvar = var(dat);
14 mmean = mean(dat);
15 else
16 mmean2 = mean(dat);
17 vvar2 = var(dat);
18 18
19 vvar = varupdate(...
20 mmean,vvar,k*samples_per_run,...
21 mmean2,vvar2,samples_per_run);
22 mmean = meanupdate(...
23 mmean,k*samples_per_run,...
24 mmean2,samples_per_run);
25 end
26 if k==5
27 t = toc;
28 exp_dur = t*runs/5;
29 disp(['Expected duration: ', num2str(round(exp_dur)), ' seconds'])
30 disp(['Expected duration: ', num2str(round(exp_dur/60)), ' minutes'])
31 end
32 end
19 vvar = varupdate(...
20 mmean,vvar,k*samples_per_run,...
21 mmean2,vvar2,samples_per_run);
22 mmean = meanupdate(...
23 mmean,k*samples_per_run,...
24 mmean2,samples_per_run);
25 end
26 if k==5
27 t = toc;
28 exp_dur = t*runs/5;
29 disp(['Expected duration: ', num2str(round(exp_dur)), ' seconds'])
30 disp(['Expected duration: ', num2str(round(exp_dur/60)), ' minutes'])
31 end
32 end
33 33 end end
File PXItraces/@PXItrace/PXItrace.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 3fb2f14..eae64e3)
... ... classdef PXItrace < class_conveniences
32 32 pseudohash % quick pseudohash computed with pseudo_hash pseudohash % quick pseudohash computed with pseudo_hash
33 33 chunk_index % for long measurements where traces are split into several chunks chunk_index % for long measurements where traces are split into several chunks
34 34 dummy = false; % dummy = true creates a short dummy file with random numbers to play around with dummy = false; % dummy = true creates a short dummy file with random numbers to play around with
35 stream = false % stream = true <==> PXItrace does not rely on existing file but on a stream
35 stream = false % stream = true <==> PXItrace does not rely on existing file but on a stream
36 36 % as created e.g. by simulation_data_stream.m % as created e.g. by simulation_data_stream.m
37 37 end end
38 38 properties(Dependent) properties(Dependent)
... ... classdef PXItrace < class_conveniences
42 42 bytes_per_sample bytes_per_sample
43 43 sample_no sample_no
44 44 end end
45 properties(Hidden)
45 properties(Hidden)
46 46 fileID % needed for fopen, fclose, fseek and fread fileID % needed for fopen, fclose, fseek and fread
47 47 NI_voltage_gain NI_voltage_gain
48 48 NI_voltage_offset NI_voltage_offset
... ... classdef PXItrace < class_conveniences
73 73 obj.pseudohash = pseudo_hash(filepath); obj.pseudohash = pseudo_hash(filepath);
74 74 end end
75 75 end end
77 77 %destructor %destructor
78 78 function delete(obj) function delete(obj)
79 79 %disp('destructor called'); %disp('destructor called');
... ... classdef PXItrace < class_conveniences
84 84 %disp(['deleted the dummy file ', obj.filename]); %disp(['deleted the dummy file ', obj.filename]);
85 85 delete(obj.filepath); delete(obj.filepath);
86 86 end end
87 end
87 end
88 88
89 89 function dir = function dir =
90 90 dir = fileparts(obj.filepath); dir = fileparts(obj.filepath);
File PXItraces/@PXItrace/blocked_cross_correlation.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 93da534..f340548)
... ... function [cf, cf_a, cf_b] = blocked_cross_correlation(tr_a, tr_b, block_size, va
8 8 elseif length(varargin)==1 elseif length(varargin)==1
9 9 scaleopt = varargin{1}; scaleopt = varargin{1};
10 10 assert(any(ismember(scaleopt, {'none', 'biased', 'unbiased', 'coeff'})),... assert(any(ismember(scaleopt, {'none', 'biased', 'unbiased', 'coeff'})),...
11 'scaleopt must be one of: "none", "biased", "unbiased", "coeff"!')
11 'scaleopt must be one of: "none", "biased", "unbiased", "coeff"!')
12 12 end end
13 13 disp(['calculating crosscorrelation between ',... disp(['calculating crosscorrelation between ',...
14 14 tr_a.filename,' and ',tr_b.filename,'.']); tr_a.filename,' and ',tr_b.filename,'.']);
16 16 tr_a.fopen; read_a = @()tr_a.fread(block_size); tr_a.fopen; read_a = @()tr_a.fread(block_size);
17 17 tr_b.fopen; read_b = @()tr_b.fread(block_size); tr_b.fopen; read_b = @()tr_b.fread(block_size);
19 19 sample_no = min(tr_a.sample_no, tr_b.sample_no); sample_no = min(tr_a.sample_no, tr_b.sample_no);
20 20 block_no = floor(sample_no/block_size); block_no = floor(sample_no/block_size);
21 21
... ... function [cf, cf_a, cf_b] = blocked_cross_correlation(tr_a, tr_b, block_size, va
42 42 a3 = zeropad; a3 = zeropad;
43 43 b3 = zeropad; b3 = zeropad;
44 44 elseif k==10 elseif k==10
45 print_eta(k, block_no)
45 print_eta(k, block_no)
46 46 a3 = read_a(); a3 = read_a();
47 47 b3 = read_b(); b3 = read_b();
48 48 else else
49 49 a3 = read_a(); a3 = read_a();
50 50 b3 = read_b(); b3 = read_b();
51 51 end end
53 53 cf = cf + myxcorr(a1,a2,a3, b1,b2,b3,k); cf = cf + myxcorr(a1,a2,a3, b1,b2,b3,k);
54 54 cf_a = cf_a + myxcorr(a1,a2,a3, a1,a2,a3,k); cf_a = cf_a + myxcorr(a1,a2,a3, a1,a2,a3,k);
55 55 cf_b = cf_b + myxcorr(b1,b2,b3, b1,b2,b3,k); cf_b = cf_b + myxcorr(b1,b2,b3, b1,b2,b3,k);
File PXItraces/@timetrace/show_snapshot.m changed (mode: 100644) (index c86a246..b9387fd)
1 1 function fig = show_snapshot(obj) function fig = show_snapshot(obj)
2 sample_no = 1000;
3 obj.fopen;
4 data_vec = obj.fread(sample_no);
5 obj.fclose;
2 sample_no = 1000;
3 obj.fopen;
4 data_vec = obj.fread(sample_no);
5 obj.fclose;
6 6 time_vec = obj.timevec_from_t1_to_t2(0,sample_no/obj.samplingrate); time_vec = obj.timevec_from_t1_to_t2(0,sample_no/obj.samplingrate);
7 7 fig = gcf; fig = gcf;
8 8 plt = plot(time_vec, data_vec,'.-',... plt = plot(time_vec, data_vec,'.-',...
File PXItraces/Felix/READhomotrace.m changed (mode: 100644) (index bd6d517..64c7442)
1 1 function data = READhomotrace(path,samplingrate) function data = READhomotrace(path,samplingrate)
2 2 temp_data = homotrace(path); temp_data = homotrace(path);
3 3 ttpath = char(path); ttpath = char(path);
5 5 %READhomotrace('F:\Experiment\2016\20160707 - LT SiN Norcada 500mum glued\P20muW\P20muW_1_amp_Range0200mV_Amplification30dB.dat',8e+7) %READhomotrace('F:\Experiment\2016\20160707 - LT SiN Norcada 500mum glued\P20muW\P20muW_1_amp_Range0200mV_Amplification30dB.dat',8e+7)
7 7 j = 1; j = 1;
8 8 k = 1; k = 1;
9 9 n = 1; n = 1;
10 10 u = 1; u = 1;
11 11 prev = 0; prev = 0;
13 13 for i = 1:length(ttpath) for i = 1:length(ttpath)
14 14 if ttpath(i) == '\' if ttpath(i) == '\'
15 15 prev = i + 1; prev = i + 1;
16 16 end end
17 17 end end
19 19 newpath = []; newpath = [];
21 21 for i = prev:length(ttpath) for i = prev:length(ttpath)
22 22 if ttpath(i) == '_' || ttpath(i) == '.' if ttpath(i) == '_' || ttpath(i) == '.'
23 23 if ttpath(i) == '.' if ttpath(i) == '.'
... ... function data = READhomotrace(path,samplingrate)
27 27 n = 1; n = 1;
28 28 k = 1; k = 1;
29 29 u = 1; u = 1;
31 31 else else
32 32 switch j switch j
33 33 case 1 case 1
... ... function data = READhomotrace(path,samplingrate)
72 72 k = k + 1; k = k + 1;
73 73 end end
74 74 end end
76 76 if voltsU == 'mV' if voltsU == 'mV'
77 77 volts = str2num(volts)/1000; volts = str2num(volts)/1000;
78 78 voltsU = 'V'; voltsU = 'V';
79 79 end end
81 81 if wattsU == 'muW' if wattsU == 'muW'
82 82 temp_data.signal_power_muW = str2num(watts); temp_data.signal_power_muW = str2num(watts);
83 83 end end
85 85 if ampU == 'dB' if ampU == 'dB'
86 86 amp = 10^(str2num(amp)/10); amp = 10^(str2num(amp)/10);
87 87 ampU = 'linear'; ampU = 'linear';
88 88 end end
90 90 if voltsU == 'V' if voltsU == 'V'
91 91 temp_data.DAQrange = volts; temp_data.DAQrange = volts;
92 92 else else
93 93 temp_data.DAQrange = DAQrange; temp_data.DAQrange = DAQrange;
94 94 end end
96 96 if ampU == 'linear' if ampU == 'linear'
97 97 temp_data.amplification = amp; temp_data.amplification = amp;
98 98 else else
99 99 temp_data.amplification = amplification; temp_data.amplification = amplification;
100 100 end end
102 102 if strcmp(ampORphase,'amp') if strcmp(ampORphase,'amp')
103 103 ampORphase = 'Amplitude'; ampORphase = 'Amplitude';
104 104 temp_data.quadrature = ampORphase; temp_data.quadrature = ampORphase;
... ... function data = READhomotrace(path,samplingrate)
106 106 ampORphase = 'Phase'; ampORphase = 'Phase';
107 107 temp_data.quadrature = ampORphase; temp_data.quadrature = ampORphase;
108 108 end end
110 110 temp_data.samplingrate = samplingrate; temp_data.samplingrate = samplingrate;
111 111 data = temp_data; data = temp_data;
112 112 end end
File PXItraces/Felix/check_range.m changed (mode: 100644) (index c4971bd..7945305)
... ... function [data, chunk_number, error_chunks] = check_range(obj,inv_scalar)
4 4 chunk_size = 1e+6; chunk_size = 1e+6;
5 5 chunk_number = floor(obj.sample_no/(chunk_size*inv_scalar)); chunk_number = floor(obj.sample_no/(chunk_size*inv_scalar));
6 6 %chunk_number = 1e+3; %chunk_number = 1e+3;
9 9 precision = obj.precision; precision = obj.precision;
11 11 minrange = intmin(precision); minrange = intmin(precision);
12 12 maxrange = intmax(precision); maxrange = intmax(precision);
15 15 temp_valids = zeros(chunk_number,1); temp_valids = zeros(chunk_number,1);
16 16 %temp_data = zeros(chunk_size,chunk_number); %temp_data = zeros(chunk_size,chunk_number);
17 17 %avgmax = zeros(1,chunk_number); %avgmax = zeros(1,chunk_number);
18 18 %avgmin = zeros(1,chunk_number); %avgmin = zeros(1,chunk_number);
20 20 k = 1; k = 1;
21 21 for i = 1:chunk_number for i = 1:chunk_number
22 22 s1 = (i-1) * chunk_size + 1; s1 = (i-1) * chunk_size + 1;
24 24 obj.fopen; obj.fopen;
25 25 obj.fseek(s1); obj.fseek(s1);
26 26 tmp = fread_raw(obj,chunk_size); tmp = fread_raw(obj,chunk_size);
27 27 obj.fclose; obj.fclose;
29 29 %do calculations with tmp %do calculations with tmp
31 31
32 32 valid = true; valid = true;
34 34 if max(tmp) > maxrange || min(tmp) < minrange if max(tmp) > maxrange || min(tmp) < minrange
35 35 valid = false; valid = false;
36 36 end end
39 39 temp_valids(i) = valid; temp_valids(i) = valid;
41 41 if not(valid) if not(valid)
42 42 disp(['chunk number ' num2str(i) ' out of range']); disp(['chunk number ' num2str(i) ' out of range']);
43 43 error_chunks(k) = tmp; error_chunks(k) = tmp;
44 44 k = k+1; k = k+1;
45 45 end end
50 50 %temp_data(:,i) = tmp; %temp_data(:,i) = tmp;
51 51 end end
55 55 data = temp_valids; data = temp_valids;
56 56 end end
File PXItraces/Felix/fread_raw.m changed (mode: 100644) (index d239c7e..a7b0713)
... ... function data = fread_raw(obj, size, varargin)
6 6 %to fread after the precision-argument, ie varargin{1}=SKIP, %to fread after the precision-argument, ie varargin{1}=SKIP,
7 7 %varargin{2}=MACHINEFORMAT etc %varargin{2}=MACHINEFORMAT etc
8 8 rawdata = fread(obj.fileID, size, obj.precision,varargin{:}); rawdata = fread(obj.fileID, size, obj.precision,varargin{:});
10 10
11 11 data = rawdata; data = rawdata;
12 12 end end
File PXItraces/Felix/new_fft.m changed (mode: 100644) (index a059a4f..d569812)
... ... function fig = new_fft(obj,time)
23 23 plot(f,mx); plot(f,mx);
24 24 title('Power Spectrum of the Vector'); title('Power Spectrum of the Vector');
25 25 xlabel('Frequency (Hz)'); xlabel('Frequency (Hz)');
26 ylabel('Power');
26 ylabel('Power');
27 27 end end
File PXItraces/Felix/sanity_check_short.m changed (mode: 100644) (index e112cdf..6b90577)
... ... function data = sanity_check_short(obj,inv_scalar)
4 4
5 5 %inv_scalar details how much of the file should be read %inv_scalar details how much of the file should be read
6 6 %1 is everything, 2 is half of the file, 100 is 1 percent etc... %1 is everything, 2 is half of the file, 100 is 1 percent etc...
8 8 [out, chunk_number] = check_range(obj,inv_scalar); [out, chunk_number] = check_range(obj,inv_scalar);
10 10 %add function to check for lock problems %add function to check for lock problems
12 12 if out == ones(chunk_number,1) if out == ones(chunk_number,1)
13 13 disp('no range errors detected'); disp('no range errors detected');
14 14 data = true; data = true;
15 15 else else
16 data = false;
16 data = false;
17 17 end end
20 end
21 18
20 end
File PXItraces/Felix/show_fourier_transform.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 92fe781..261f0b8)
1 1 function fig = show_fourier_transform(obj) function fig = show_fourier_transform(obj)
3 3 Fs = obj.samplingrate; Fs = obj.samplingrate;
4 4 T = 1/Fs; T = 1/Fs;
6 6
7 7 obj.fopen; obj.fopen;
8 8 X = obj.fread(Fs); X = obj.fread(Fs);
9 9 obj.fclose; obj.fclose;
11 11 L = length(X); L = length(X);
12 n = pow2(nextpow2(L));
12 n = pow2(nextpow2(L));
14 14 Y = fft(X(1:L),n); Y = fft(X(1:L),n);
15 15 t = (0:T:(L-1)*T); t = (0:T:(L-1)*T);
16 16 f = (0:n-1)*(Fs/n); f = (0:n-1)*(Fs/n);
17 17 power = Y.*conj(Y)/n; power = Y.*conj(Y)/n;
21 21 fig = gcf; fig = gcf;
22 22 %plot(t,X(1:L)); %plot(t,X(1:L));
23 23 plot(f,power); plot(f,power);
27 27 end end
File PXItraces/Felix/show_integral.m changed (mode: 100644) (index f74c7c5..1198335)
1 1 function fig = show_integral(obj) function fig = show_integral(obj)
3 3 obj.fopen; obj.fopen;
4 4 temp_data = obj.fread(1e+4); temp_data = obj.fread(1e+4);
5 5 obj.fclose; obj.fclose;
7 7 Fs = obj.samplingrate; Fs = obj.samplingrate;
8 8 T = 1/Fs; T = 1/Fs;
9 9 L = length(temp_data); L = length(temp_data);
11 11 temp_data_size = temp_data(1); temp_data_size = temp_data(1);
13 13 for i = 1:L-1 for i = 1:L-1
14 14 data(i) = int(temp_data(i:i+1)); data(i) = int(temp_data(i:i+1));
15 15 end end
17 17 t = (0:T:(L-2)*T); t = (0:T:(L-2)*T);
18 18 fig = gcf; fig = gcf;
19 19 plot(t,data); plot(t,data);
21 21 end end
File PXItraces/Felix/show_pwelch.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 7f9cdc9..53598f8)
1 1 function fig = show_pwelch(obj,time) function fig = show_pwelch(obj,time)
2 2 Fs = obj.samplingrate; % Sampling frequency Fs = obj.samplingrate; % Sampling frequency
4 4 obj.fopen; obj.fopen;
5 5 x = obj.fread(Fs*time); x = obj.fread(Fs*time);
6 6 obj.fclose; obj.fclose;
8 8 [pxx,f] = pwelch(x,[],[],[],Fs); [pxx,f] = pwelch(x,[],[],[],Fs);
9 9 %pmax = pwelch(x,[],[],[],Fs,'maxhold'); %pmax = pwelch(x,[],[],[],Fs,'maxhold');
10 10 %pmin = pwelch(x,[],[],[],Fs,'minhold'); %pmin = pwelch(x,[],[],[],Fs,'minhold');
12 12 fig = gcf; fig = gcf;
13 13 plot(f,pow2db(pxx)) plot(f,pow2db(pxx))
15 15 end end
File PXItraces/PXIcalibration.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 3fc88b9..f2f0d65)
... ... for k=1:2
57 57 %mytrace.fseek(randi(mytrace.sample_no)); %mytrace.fseek(randi(mytrace.sample_no));
58 58 data = mytrace.fread(sample_no)'; data = mytrace.fread(sample_no)';
59 59 mytrace.fclose(); mytrace.fclose();
61 61
62 62 % fit with fixed frequency cosine % fit with fixed frequency cosine
63 63 % x(1) = amp, x(2) = offset, x(3) = shift % x(1) = amp, x(2) = offset, x(3) = shift
... ... for k=1:2
69 69
70 70
71 71 fit_values = lsqcurvefit(cosfit,guess,timevec,data,lbound,ubound); fit_values = lsqcurvefit(cosfit,guess,timevec,data,lbound,ubound);
73 73 figure(fig_orig); figure(fig_orig);
74 74 plot(timevec, data); plot(timevec, data);
75 75 plot(timevec, cosfit(fit_values, timevec)); plot(timevec, cosfit(fit_values, timevec));
77 77 gain = fit_values(1); gain = fit_values(1);
78 78 offset = fit_values(2); offset = fit_values(2);
80 80 figure(fig_cali); figure(fig_cali);
81 81 plot(timevec, (data-offset)/gain) plot(timevec, (data-offset)/gain)
82 82 end end
86 86 %% define meas and fit traces %% define meas and fit traces
87 87 sample_no = 1e4; sample_no = 1e4;
88 88
File PXItraces/SanityChecks/sanity_check_header_v2.m changed (mode: 100644) (index d8bea7e..7187a63)
... ... fprintf('\nOptomechanics:\n');
71 71 if isempty(del_OM) if isempty(del_OM)
72 72 fprintf('All data is usable!!!\n'); fprintf('All data is usable!!!\n');
73 73 else else
74 fprintf('%.2f%% of data not usable!!!\n',100*length(del_OM)*read_nr/testobj.sample_no);
74 fprintf('%.2f%% of data not usable!!!\n',100*length(del_OM)*read_nr/testobj.sample_no);
75 75 end end
76 76
77 77 %% Output textfile %% Output textfile
File PXItraces/Tobias/sanity_check_header.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 722d3b3..425e9a2)
... ... toc;
73 73 % 'samplingrate', 80E6,... % 'samplingrate', 80E6,...
74 74 % 'DAQrange', 0.2,... % 'DAQrange', 0.2,...
75 75 % 'amplification', sqrt(1E3)); % 'amplification', sqrt(1E3));
76 %
76 %
77 77 % % cyc_end = 1+floor((testobj.sample_no)/(read_nr)); % % cyc_end = 1+floor((testobj.sample_no)/(read_nr));
78 78 % fprintf('\nOptomechanics:\n'); % fprintf('\nOptomechanics:\n');
79 79 % tic; % tic;
... ... fprintf('\nOptomechanics:\n');
100 100 if isempty(del_OM) if isempty(del_OM)
101 101 fprintf('All data is usable!!!\n'); fprintf('All data is usable!!!\n');
102 102 else else
103 fprintf('%.2f%% data not usable!!!\n',100*length(del_OM)*read_nr/testobj.sample_no);
103 fprintf('%.2f%% data not usable!!!\n',100*length(del_OM)*read_nr/testobj.sample_no);
104 104 end end
105 105
106 106 %% Output textfile %% Output textfile
... ... plot(x,upper_bound_sigma_OM,'color',[1,0,0]);
153 153 hold on; hold on;
154 154 plot(x,lower_bound_sigma_OM,'color',[1,0,0]); plot(x,lower_bound_sigma_OM,'color',[1,0,0]);
155 155
156 %% Sample length variance test
156 %% Sample length variance test
157 157 % figure(); % figure();
158 158 % for j=1:30 % for j=1:30
159 159 % clear x && vd; % clear x && vd;
... ... plot(x,lower_bound_sigma_OM,'color',[1,0,0]);
208 208 % filepath = fullfile(basedir, 'testdata_mod_100mV_offset_+100mV_CH0_Range0200mV_Amplification0dB.dat'); % filepath = fullfile(basedir, 'testdata_mod_100mV_offset_+100mV_CH0_Range0200mV_Amplification0dB.dat');
209 209 % testobj = timetrace(filepath, 'samplingrate', 80E6,... % testobj = timetrace(filepath, 'samplingrate', 80E6,...
210 210 % 'DAQrange', 0.2, 'amplification', sqrt(1E0)); % 'DAQrange', 0.2, 'amplification', sqrt(1E0));
211 %
211 %
212 212 % [del_DN,median_variance_DN,upper_bound_sigma_DN,lower_bound_sigma_DN,variance_data_DN] = sanity_check_darknoise(testobj,cyc_end,read_nr); % [del_DN,median_variance_DN,upper_bound_sigma_DN,lower_bound_sigma_DN,variance_data_DN] = sanity_check_darknoise(testobj,cyc_end,read_nr);
213 213 % [del_SN,median_variance_SN,upper_bound_sigma_SN,lower_bound_sigma_SN,variance_data_SN] = sanity_check_shotnoise(testobj,upper_bound_sigma_DN,cyc_end,read_nr); % [del_SN,median_variance_SN,upper_bound_sigma_SN,lower_bound_sigma_SN,variance_data_SN] = sanity_check_shotnoise(testobj,upper_bound_sigma_DN,cyc_end,read_nr);
214 214 % sanity_check_mechanical(testobj,upper_bound_sigma_DN,upper_bound_sigma_SN,cyc_end,read_nr); % sanity_check_mechanical(testobj,upper_bound_sigma_DN,upper_bound_sigma_SN,cyc_end,read_nr);
File PXItraces/Tobias/sanity_check_header_v2.m changed (mode: 100644) (index f4790b8..5224ead)
... ... fprintf('\nOptomechanics:\n');
71 71 if isempty(del_OM) if isempty(del_OM)
72 72 fprintf('All data is usable!!!\n'); fprintf('All data is usable!!!\n');
73 73 else else
74 fprintf('%.2f%% of data not usable!!!\n',100*length(del_OM)*read_nr/testobj.sample_no);
74 fprintf('%.2f%% of data not usable!!!\n',100*length(del_OM)*read_nr/testobj.sample_no);
75 75 end end
76 76
77 77 %% Output textfile %% Output textfile
78 78 % if ~isempty(del_DN) % if ~isempty(del_DN)
79 79 % dlmwrite('C:\Users\aspel\Desktop\Test\DN.txt',del_DN); % dlmwrite('C:\Users\aspel\Desktop\Test\DN.txt',del_DN);
80 80 % end % end
81 %
81 %
82 82 % if ~isempty(del_SN) % if ~isempty(del_SN)
83 83 % dlmwrite('C:\Users\aspel\Desktop\Test\SN.txt',del_SN); % dlmwrite('C:\Users\aspel\Desktop\Test\SN.txt',del_SN);
84 84 % end % end
85 %
85 %
86 86 % if ~isempty(del_OM) % if ~isempty(del_OM)
87 87 % dlmwrite('C:\Users\aspel\Desktop\Test\OM.txt',del_OM); % dlmwrite('C:\Users\aspel\Desktop\Test\OM.txt',del_OM);
88 88 % end % end
File data_analysis/@entanglement_evaluation/calculateModeVectors.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 5c2e565..4492231)
... ... function obj = calculateModeVectors(obj, varargin)
18 18
19 19 if ~dummy_mode if ~dummy_mode
20 20 assert(obj.samplingrate > 0,... assert(obj.samplingrate > 0,...
21 'Sampling rate must be positive.')
21 'Sampling rate must be positive.')
22 22 assert(~isempty(obj.opt_pulse_widths),... assert(~isempty(obj.opt_pulse_widths),...
23 23 'opt_pulse_widths must be provided or calculated using getOptPulseWidths'); 'opt_pulse_widths must be provided or calculated using getOptPulseWidths');
24 24 end end
26 26 obj.readout_modes = []; obj.readout_modes = [];
27 27 obj.entangling_modes = []; obj.entangling_modes = [];
28 28
... ... function obj = calculateModeVectors(obj, varargin)
59 59 [readout_mode_ON, R] = qr(readout_mode,0); [readout_mode_ON, R] = qr(readout_mode,0);
60 60 readout_mode_ON=readout_mode_ON(:,1:obj.mech_frequencies_no); readout_mode_ON=readout_mode_ON(:,1:obj.mech_frequencies_no);
61 61 entangling_mode_ON = flipud(readout_mode_ON); entangling_mode_ON = flipud(readout_mode_ON);
63 63 % test orthonormalization % test orthonormalization
64 % (the following tolerances were found to yield reasonable constraints
64 % (the following tolerances were found to yield reasonable constraints
65 65 % in a 47-mode evaluation of experimental data) % in a 47-mode evaluation of experimental data)
66 66 norm_tol = 1E-12; norm_tol = 1E-12;
67 67 orthog_tol = 1E-8; orthog_tol = 1E-8;
69 69 [orthonorm, orthog, normal, info] = orthonormality(readout_mode_ON',... [orthonorm, orthog, normal, info] = orthonormality(readout_mode_ON',...
70 70 norm_tol, orthog_tol); norm_tol, orthog_tol);
72 72 if ~orthonorm if ~orthonorm
73 73 message=sprintf('\nlight qr failed: launching hard qr...\n'); message=sprintf('\nlight qr failed: launching hard qr...\n');
74 74 disp(message) disp(message)
... ... function obj = calculateModeVectors(obj, varargin)
80 80 entangling_mode_ON = flipud(readout_mode_ON); entangling_mode_ON = flipud(readout_mode_ON);
81 81 toc toc
82 82 end end
84 84 assert_orthonormality(readout_mode_ON', norm_tol, orthog_tol); assert_orthonormality(readout_mode_ON', norm_tol, orthog_tol);
86 86 obj.readout_modes = [obj.readout_modes;... obj.readout_modes = [obj.readout_modes;...
87 87 transpose(readout_mode_ON)]; transpose(readout_mode_ON)];
88 88 obj.entangling_modes = [obj.entangling_modes;... obj.entangling_modes = [obj.entangling_modes;...
File data_analysis/@entanglement_evaluation/calculatePulsedCMs.m changed (mode: 100644) (index a112a62..a0a0fe0)
... ... function obj = calculatePulsedCMs(obj, varargin)
4 4 for pow_ind=1:obj.tracepairs_no for pow_ind=1:obj.tracepairs_no
5 5 obj = calculatePulsedCMsSingle(obj, pow_ind); obj = calculatePulsedCMsSingle(obj, pow_ind);
6 6 end end
7 case 2
7 case 2
8 8 pow_ind = varargin{1}; pow_ind = varargin{1};
9 9 obj = calculatePulsedCMsSingle(obj, pow_ind); obj = calculatePulsedCMsSingle(obj, pow_ind);
10 10 otherwise otherwise
11 11 error('Too many varargin-arguments.') error('Too many varargin-arguments.')
12 end
12 end
13 13 end end
14 14
15 15 function obj = calculatePulsedCMsSingle(obj, pow_ind) function obj = calculatePulsedCMsSingle(obj, pow_ind)
File data_analysis/@entanglement_evaluation/calculatePulsedQuadratures.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 8b1cf78..5d56627)
... ... function obj = calculatePulsedQuadratures(obj, tracepair_ind, varargin)
22 22 P = zeros(pulsepairs_no, modes_no); P = zeros(pulsepairs_no, modes_no);
23 23 X = zeros(pulsepairs_no, modes_no); X = zeros(pulsepairs_no, modes_no);
24 24 Y = zeros(pulsepairs_no, modes_no); Y = zeros(pulsepairs_no, modes_no);
26 26 [raw_data, close_raw_data] = get_raw_data_fct(obj, tracepair_ind); [raw_data, close_raw_data] = get_raw_data_fct(obj, tracepair_ind);
27 27
28 28 print_eta = estimated_time_of_arrival; print_eta = estimated_time_of_arrival;
29 29 percent_done=0; percent_done=0;
31 31 for pp=1:pulsepairs_no for pp=1:pulsepairs_no
32 32 [q,p,x,y] = getQuadsForNextPulse(obj, raw_data); [q,p,x,y] = getQuadsForNextPulse(obj, raw_data);
33 33 Q(pp,:) = q; P(pp,:) = p; X(pp,:) = x; Y(pp,:) = y; Q(pp,:) = q; P(pp,:) = p; X(pp,:) = x; Y(pp,:) = y;
35 35 if pp==20, print_eta(pp, pulsepairs_no); if pp==20, print_eta(pp, pulsepairs_no);
36 36 elseif floor(pp/pulsepairs_no*100)>(percent_done+5) elseif floor(pp/pulsepairs_no*100)>(percent_done+5)
37 37 percent_done = percent_done + 5 percent_done = percent_done + 5
... ... function obj = calculatePulsedQuadratures(obj, tracepair_ind, varargin)
40 40
41 41 close_raw_data(); close_raw_data();
42 42
44 44 % reorder into pulse_trace{tracepair_ind}{gam_ind} % reorder into pulse_trace{tracepair_ind}{gam_ind}
45 45 for g=1:obj.pulse_gammas_no for g=1:obj.pulse_gammas_no
46 46 %reorder into Q1, Q2,.., P1, P2,.., X1, X2,.., Y1, Y2,... %reorder into Q1, Q2,.., P1, P2,.., X1, X2,.., Y1, Y2,...
47 47 % for each pulse_gamma % for each pulse_gamma
48 48 first_mode_ind = (g-1)*obj.mech_frequencies_no + 1; first_mode_ind = (g-1)*obj.mech_frequencies_no + 1;
49 49 last_mode_ind = g*obj.mech_frequencies_no; last_mode_ind = g*obj.mech_frequencies_no;
51 51 q = Q(:, first_mode_ind:last_mode_ind); q = Q(:, first_mode_ind:last_mode_ind);
52 52 p = P(:, first_mode_ind:last_mode_ind); p = P(:, first_mode_ind:last_mode_ind);
53 53 x = X(:, first_mode_ind:last_mode_ind); x = X(:, first_mode_ind:last_mode_ind);
54 54 y = Y(:, first_mode_ind:last_mode_ind); y = Y(:, first_mode_ind:last_mode_ind);
56 56 % reorder into Q1, P1, Q2, P2,..., X1, Y1, X2, Y2,... % reorder into Q1, P1, Q2, P2,..., X1, Y1, X2, Y2,...
57 57 pulse_trace = permute_data([q, p, x, y]); pulse_trace = permute_data([q, p, x, y]);
58 58 obj.pulse_trace{tracepair_ind}{g} = pulse_trace; obj.pulse_trace{tracepair_ind}{g} = pulse_trace;
... ... end
63 63 function [q,p,x,y] = getQuadsForNextPulse(obj, raw_data_fct) function [q,p,x,y] = getQuadsForNextPulse(obj, raw_data_fct)
64 64 entangling_data = raw_data_fct(); entangling_data = raw_data_fct();
65 65 readout_data = raw_data_fct(); readout_data = raw_data_fct();
67 67 if obj.inverted_evaluation if obj.inverted_evaluation
68 68 entangling_data = conj(entangling_data); entangling_data = conj(entangling_data);
69 69 readout_data = conj(readout_data); readout_data = conj(readout_data);
70 70 end end
72 72 entangling = obj.entangling_modes*entangling_data; entangling = obj.entangling_modes*entangling_data;
73 73 readout = obj.readout_modes*readout_data; readout = obj.readout_modes*readout_data;
75 75 q = real(entangling); p = imag(entangling); q = real(entangling); p = imag(entangling);
76 76 x = real(readout); y = imag(readout); x = real(readout); y = imag(readout);
77 77 end end
... ... function [get_raw_data, close_raw_data] = get_raw_data_fct(obj, tracepair_ind)
99 99 end end
100 100 end end
101 101 get_raw_data = @fcthandle_get; get_raw_data = @fcthandle_get;
103 103 function fcthandle_close() function fcthandle_close()
104 104 ampli_tr.fclose; ampli_tr.fclose;
105 105 phase_tr.fclose; phase_tr.fclose;
File data_analysis/@entanglement_evaluation/calculate_log_neg.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 8d8da18..44a32f8)
... ... function calculate_log_neg(obj, shotnoise_ind)
14 14 end end
15 15
16 16 % after (re)calculation of log.neg. % after (re)calculation of log.neg.
17 % wipe clean any potential previous calculation of optimal log.neg. or pulse width
17 % wipe clean any potential previous calculation of optimal log.neg. or pulse width
18 18 opt_logneg_corrected_private = []; opt_logneg_corrected_private = [];
19 19 opt_pulse_gammas_private = []; opt_pulse_gammas_private = [];
File data_analysis/@entanglement_evaluation/calculate_mode_vectors_gammalist.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 8db3411..8478e7b)
... ... function ev = calculate_mode_vectors_gammalist(ev)
41 41 [readout_mode_ON, R] = qr(readout_mode,0); [readout_mode_ON, R] = qr(readout_mode,0);
42 42 readout_mode_ON=readout_mode_ON(:,1:ev.mech_frequencies_no); readout_mode_ON=readout_mode_ON(:,1:ev.mech_frequencies_no);
43 43 entangling_mode_ON = flipud(readout_mode_ON); entangling_mode_ON = flipud(readout_mode_ON);
45 45 % test orthonormalization % test orthonormalization
46 % (the following tolerances were found to yield reasonable constraints
46 % (the following tolerances were found to yield reasonable constraints
47 47 % in a 47-mode evaluation of experimental data) % in a 47-mode evaluation of experimental data)
48 48 norm_tol = 1E-12; norm_tol = 1E-12;
49 49 orthog_tol = 1E-8; orthog_tol = 1E-8;
51 51 [orthonorm, orthog, normal, info] = orthonormality(readout_mode_ON',... [orthonorm, orthog, normal, info] = orthonormality(readout_mode_ON',...
52 52 norm_tol, orthog_tol); norm_tol, orthog_tol);
54 54 if ~orthonorm if ~orthonorm
55 55 message=sprintf('\nlight qr failed: launching hard qr...\n'); message=sprintf('\nlight qr failed: launching hard qr...\n');
56 56 disp(message) disp(message)
... ... function ev = calculate_mode_vectors_gammalist(ev)
58 58 readout_mode_ON=readout_mode_ON(:,1:ev.mech_frequencies_no); readout_mode_ON=readout_mode_ON(:,1:ev.mech_frequencies_no);
59 59 entangling_mode_ON = flipud(readout_mode_ON); entangling_mode_ON = flipud(readout_mode_ON);
60 60 end end
62 62 assert_orthonormality(readout_mode_ON', norm_tol, orthog_tol); assert_orthonormality(readout_mode_ON', norm_tol, orthog_tol);
63 63
64 64 ev.readout_modes = [ev.readout_modes;... ev.readout_modes = [ev.readout_modes;...
File data_analysis/@entanglement_evaluation/calibratePulsedCMs.m changed (mode: 100644) (index b71e416..46c8c79)
1 1 function obj = calibratePulsedCMs(obj, varargin) function obj = calibratePulsedCMs(obj, varargin)
2 2 shotnoise_ind = get_shotnoise_ind(obj, varargin{:}); shotnoise_ind = get_shotnoise_ind(obj, varargin{:});
4 4 if obj.homodyne_visibility==1 && obj.detection_efficiency==1 if obj.homodyne_visibility==1 && obj.detection_efficiency==1
5 5 pulse_CM_corrected = obj.pulse_CM; pulse_CM_corrected = obj.pulse_CM;
6 6 else else
7 7 pulse_CM_corrected = correct_for_detection_imperfections(obj, shotnoise_ind); pulse_CM_corrected = correct_for_detection_imperfections(obj, shotnoise_ind);
8 8 end end
9 9 calibrate_to_shotnoise(obj, pulse_CM_corrected, shotnoise_ind); calibrate_to_shotnoise(obj, pulse_CM_corrected, shotnoise_ind);
11 11 calculate_log_neg(obj, shotnoise_ind); calculate_log_neg(obj, shotnoise_ind);
12 12 calculate_physicality(obj); calculate_physicality(obj);
13 13
... ... function pulse_CM_corr = correct_for_detection_imperfections(obj, shotnoise_ind)
19 19 cm_shot_measured = obj.pulse_CM{shotnoise_ind}{g}; cm_shot_measured = obj.pulse_CM{shotnoise_ind}{g};
20 20 pulse_CM_corr{shotnoise_ind}{g} = cm_shot_measured/eta; pulse_CM_corr{shotnoise_ind}{g} = cm_shot_measured/eta;
21 21 for signal_ind=1:obj.tracepairs_no for signal_ind=1:obj.tracepairs_no
22 if signal_ind==shotnoise_ind, continue
22 if signal_ind==shotnoise_ind, continue
23 23 else else
24 24 cm_signal_measured = obj.pulse_CM{signal_ind}{g}; cm_signal_measured = obj.pulse_CM{signal_ind}{g};
25 25 pulse_CM_corr{signal_ind}{g} = (cm_signal_measured - (1 - (eta*(nu^2)))*cm_shot_measured)/((eta*nu)^2); pulse_CM_corr{signal_ind}{g} = (cm_signal_measured - (1 - (eta*(nu^2)))*cm_shot_measured)/((eta*nu)^2);
File data_analysis/@entanglement_evaluation/calulate_optimal_entanglement.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 80da6a6..5bd0899)
1 1 function ev = calulate_optimal_entanglement(ev) function ev = calulate_optimal_entanglement(ev)
2 % resample pulse_gammas to yield better resolution in pulse-width-space
3 resampling_factor = 100;
4 pulse_gammas_refined = interp(ev.pulse_gammas, resampling_factor);
5 pulse_gammas_refined = pulse_gammas_refined(...
6 pulse_gammas_refined<max(ev.pulse_gammas));
7 pulse_gammas_refined = [pulse_gammas_refined, max(ev.pulse_gammas)];
2 % resample pulse_gammas to yield better resolution in pulse-width-space
3 resampling_factor = 100;
4 pulse_gammas_refined = interp(ev.pulse_gammas, resampling_factor);
5 pulse_gammas_refined = pulse_gammas_refined(...
6 pulse_gammas_refined<max(ev.pulse_gammas));
7 pulse_gammas_refined = [pulse_gammas_refined, max(ev.pulse_gammas)];
8 8
9 K = length(ev.logneg_corrected);
10 opt_logneg_corrected_private = zeros(K,1);
11 opt_pulse_gammas_private = zeros(K,1);
12 for k=1:K
13 log_neg = [ev.logneg_corrected{k}{:}];
15 % interpolate evaluated pulse widths and log.neg.values
16 logneg_corrected_refined = interp1(ev.pulse_gammas, log_neg,...
17 pulse_gammas_refined, 'splines');
19 % optimize over interpolated values
20 [lnopt, optind] = max(logneg_corrected_refined);
21 opt_logneg_corrected_private(k) = lnopt;
22 opt_pulse_gammas_private(k) = pulse_gammas_refined(optind);
9 K = length(ev.logneg_corrected);
10 opt_logneg_corrected_private = zeros(K,1);
11 opt_pulse_gammas_private = zeros(K,1);
12 for k=1:K
13 log_neg = [ev.logneg_corrected{k}{:}];
23 14
24 % save interpolated arrays for inspection
25 ev.pulse_gammas_interpolated{k} = pulse_gammas_refined;
26 ev.logneg_corrected_interpolated{k} = logneg_corrected_refined;
27 end
15 % interpolate evaluated pulse widths and log.neg.values
16 logneg_corrected_refined = interp1(ev.pulse_gammas, log_neg,...
17 pulse_gammas_refined, 'splines');
28 18
29 ev.opt_logneg_corrected_private = opt_logneg_corrected_private;
30 ev.opt_pulse_gammas_private = opt_pulse_gammas_private;
19 % optimize over interpolated values
20 [lnopt, optind] = max(logneg_corrected_refined);
21 opt_logneg_corrected_private(k) = lnopt;
22 opt_pulse_gammas_private(k) = pulse_gammas_refined(optind);
24 % save interpolated arrays for inspection
25 ev.pulse_gammas_interpolated{k} = pulse_gammas_refined;
26 ev.logneg_corrected_interpolated{k} = logneg_corrected_refined;
27 end
29 ev.opt_logneg_corrected_private = opt_logneg_corrected_private;
30 ev.opt_pulse_gammas_private = opt_pulse_gammas_private;
File data_analysis/@entanglement_evaluation/darknoisesubtractPulsedCMs.m changed (mode: 100644) (index e171620..66cbd74)
... ... function obj = darknoisesubtractPulsedCMs(obj, varargin)
2 2 darknoise_ind = get_darknoise_ind(obj, varargin{:}) darknoise_ind = get_darknoise_ind(obj, varargin{:})
3 3 for g=1:obj.pulse_gammas_no for g=1:obj.pulse_gammas_no
4 4 cm_dark = obj.pulse_CM{darknoise_ind}{g}; cm_dark = obj.pulse_CM{darknoise_ind}{g};
6 6 for p=1:obj.tracepairs_no for p=1:obj.tracepairs_no
7 7 cm = obj.pulse_CM{p}{g}; cm = obj.pulse_CM{p}{g};
8 8 obj.pulse_CM{p}{g} = cm - cm_dark; obj.pulse_CM{p}{g} = cm - cm_dark;
... ... function darknoise_ind = get_darknoise_ind(obj, varargin)
19 19 error(['Unrecognized varargin-argument ', varargin{k}]); error(['Unrecognized varargin-argument ', varargin{k}]);
20 20 end end
21 21 end end
23 23 assert(length(darknoise_ind)==1,... assert(length(darknoise_ind)==1,...
24 24 'No unique index for the darknoise traces was provided') 'No unique index for the darknoise traces was provided')
File data_analysis/@entanglement_evaluation/entanglement_evaluation.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 4fac9bf..15b2f73)
... ... classdef entanglement_evaluation < class_conveniences & entanglement_evaluation_
53 53
54 54
56 properties(Dependent)
56 properties(Dependent)
58 58 mech_frequencies_no@double scalar mech_frequencies_no@double scalar
59 59 pulse_gammas_no@double scalar pulse_gammas_no@double scalar
File data_analysis/@entanglement_evaluation/example_entanglement_evaluation.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 426bbed..867ab5e)
... ... meas.add_trace_pair(...
14 14 'ts_07142015-185030_200muW_xQ_int16_sf368.000_Nts1.0e+06_MCr1.dat',... 'ts_07142015-185030_200muW_xQ_int16_sf368.000_Nts1.0e+06_MCr1.dat',...
15 15 'ts_07142015-185030_200muW_yQ_int16_sf368.000_Nts1.0e+06_MCr1.dat',... 'ts_07142015-185030_200muW_yQ_int16_sf368.000_Nts1.0e+06_MCr1.dat',...
16 16 'samplingrate', 70, 'amplification', 368, 'signal_power_muW', 200); 'samplingrate', 70, 'amplification', 368, 'signal_power_muW', 200);
19 19 %% create entanglement_evaluation object %% create entanglement_evaluation object
20 20 clear('ev') clear('ev')
21 21 ev = entanglement_evaluation(); ev = entanglement_evaluation();
File data_analysis/@entanglement_evaluation/exportResults.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 7eeadc3..2b94c44)
... ... function export_data_and_CM(obj)
25 25 filename = ['.short_', filename]; filename = ['.short_', filename];
26 26 dlmwrite(fullfile(obj.evaluation_folder,filename),... dlmwrite(fullfile(obj.evaluation_folder,filename),...
27 27 data, 'delimiter', '\t','precision',6); data, 'delimiter', '\t','precision',6);
30 30 pulsed_CMs_calibrated = obj.pulse_CM_calibrated; pulsed_CMs_calibrated = obj.pulse_CM_calibrated;
31 31 if ~isempty(pulsed_CMs_calibrated) if ~isempty(pulsed_CMs_calibrated)
32 32 filename = 'pulsed_CMs_calibrated.mat'; filename = 'pulsed_CMs_calibrated.mat';
33 33 save(fullfile(obj.evaluation_folder, filename), 'pulsed_CMs_calibrated'); save(fullfile(obj.evaluation_folder, filename), 'pulsed_CMs_calibrated');
34 34 end end
36 36 lognegs = obj.logneg_corrected; lognegs = obj.logneg_corrected;
37 37 if ~isempty(lognegs) if ~isempty(lognegs)
38 38 filename = 'lognegs.mat'; filename = 'lognegs.mat';
39 39 save(fullfile(obj.evaluation_folder, filename), 'lognegs'); save(fullfile(obj.evaluation_folder, filename), 'lognegs');
40 40 end end
42 42 physicality = obj.pulse_CM_is_physical; physicality = obj.pulse_CM_is_physical;
43 43 if ~isempty(physicality) if ~isempty(physicality)
44 44 filename = 'physicality.mat'; filename = 'physicality.mat';
File data_analysis/@entanglement_evaluation/plotLogneg.m changed (mode: 100644) (index aba17ac..14abdf7)
... ... function fig = plotLogneg(obj, varargin)
48 48 error(['Unrecognized varargin-argument ', varargin{k},'.']); error(['Unrecognized varargin-argument ', varargin{k},'.']);
49 49 end end
50 50 end end
52 52 if new_fig if new_fig
53 53 fig = figure; hold all; fig = figure; hold all;
54 54 else else
... ... function fig = plotLogneg(obj, varargin)
85 85 labels('Pulse width $$\Gamma \, [\mathrm{Hz}]$$',... labels('Pulse width $$\Gamma \, [\mathrm{Hz}]$$',...
86 86 'Logarithmic negativity $$E_\mathcal{N}$$'); 'Logarithmic negativity $$E_\mathcal{N}$$');
87 87 title(tex_escape(titlestr)); title(tex_escape(titlestr));
89 89
90 90 % add info regarding physicality to plot % add info regarding physicality to plot
91 91 if show_physicality if show_physicality
File data_analysis/@entanglement_evaluation/plot_logneg_gammalist.m changed (mode: 100644) (index f6698e3..37913fc)
1 1 function plot_logneg_gammalist(ev, power_ind, varargin) function plot_logneg_gammalist(ev, power_ind, varargin)
2 symmetric = false;
3 divergent = false;
4 invert = false;
5 export = true;
6 minvalue = -inf;
7 maxvalue = +inf;
8 titlestr = [];
9 export_suffix ='';
10 for k=1:2:length(varargin)
11 switch varargin{k}
12 case {'symmetric', 'Symmetric'}
13 symmetric = varargin{k+1};
14 case {'invert', 'Invert'}
15 invert = varargin{k+1};
16 case {'divergent', 'Divergent'}
17 divergent = varargin{k+1};
18 case {'minvalue', 'min'}
19 minvalue = varargin{k+1};
20 case {'maxvalue', 'max'}
21 maxvalue = varargin{k+1};
22 case {'title', 'Title'}
23 titlestr = varargin{k+1};
24 case {'export', 'Export', 'save', 'Save'}
25 export = varargin{k+1};
26 case {'export_suffix', 'exportsuffix', 'suffix', 'Suffix'}
27 export_suffix = ['.',varargin{k+1}];
28 otherwise
29 error(['Unrecognized varargin-argument ', varargin{k}])
30 end
31 end
2 symmetric = false;
3 divergent = false;
4 invert = false;
5 export = true;
6 minvalue = -inf;
7 maxvalue = +inf;
8 titlestr = [];
9 export_suffix ='';
10 for k=1:2:length(varargin)
11 switch varargin{k}
12 case {'symmetric', 'Symmetric'}
13 symmetric = varargin{k+1};
14 case {'invert', 'Invert'}
15 invert = varargin{k+1};
16 case {'divergent', 'Divergent'}
17 divergent = varargin{k+1};
18 case {'minvalue', 'min'}
19 minvalue = varargin{k+1};
20 case {'maxvalue', 'max'}
21 maxvalue = varargin{k+1};
22 case {'title', 'Title'}
23 titlestr = varargin{k+1};
24 case {'export', 'Export', 'save', 'Save'}
25 export = varargin{k+1};
26 case {'export_suffix', 'exportsuffix', 'suffix', 'Suffix'}
27 export_suffix = ['.',varargin{k+1}];
28 otherwise
29 error(['Unrecognized varargin-argument ', varargin{k}])
30 end
31 end
33 pulse_widths_factorized = allcomb_invert(ev.pulse_widths);
35 % right now, we only support plotting mode 1 on x and mode 2 on y
36 x_mode_no = 1;
37 y_mode_no = 2;
39 % get axis labels
40 x_labels = pulse_widths_factorized{x_mode_no};
41 x_labels = cellfun(@num2eng, num2cell(x_labels(:)), 'UniformOutput', false);
32 42
33 pulse_widths_factorized = allcomb_invert(ev.pulse_widths);
43 y_labels = pulse_widths_factorized{y_mode_no};
44 y_labels = flipud(y_labels);
45 y_labels = cellfun(@num2eng, num2cell(y_labels(:)), 'UniformOutput', false);
34 46
35 % right now, we only support plotting mode 1 on x and mode 2 on y
36 x_mode_no = 1;
37 y_mode_no = 2;
47 % reshape data to be consistent with axis labelling
48 data = reshape(cell2mat(ev.logneg_corrected{power_ind})',...
49 length(x_labels), length(y_labels));
50 data = flipud(data);
38 51
39 % get axis labels
40 x_labels = pulse_widths_factorized{x_mode_no};
41 x_labels = cellfun(@num2eng, num2cell(x_labels(:)), 'UniformOutput', false);
43 y_labels = pulse_widths_factorized{y_mode_no};
44 y_labels = flipud(y_labels);
45 y_labels = cellfun(@num2eng, num2cell(y_labels(:)), 'UniformOutput', false);
47 % reshape data to be consistent with axis labelling
48 data = reshape(cell2mat(ev.logneg_corrected{power_ind})',...
49 length(x_labels), length(y_labels));
50 data = flipud(data);
52 % calculate parameters
53 ncolors = 1024;
54 data_max = max(max(data));
55 data_min = min(min(data));
51 56
52 % calculate parameters
53 ncolors = 1024;
54 data_max = max(max(data));
55 data_min = min(min(data));
57 if symmetric
58 cmap = cbrewer('div', 'RdBu', ncolors); %Divergent tables:'BrBG', 'PiYG', 'PRGn', 'PuOr', 'RdBu', 'RdGy', 'RdYlBu', 'RdYlGn'
57 if symmetric
58 cmap = cbrewer('div', 'RdBu', ncolors); %Divergent tables:'BrBG', 'PiYG', 'PRGn', 'PuOr', 'RdBu', 'RdGy', 'RdYlBu', 'RdYlGn'
60 extremum = max([abs(data_min), data_max]);
61 if minvalue==-inf
62 minvalue = -extremum;
63 end
64 maxvalue = -minvalue;
65 else
66 if minvalue==-inf
67 minvalue = data_min;
68 end
69 if maxvalue==+inf
70 maxvalue = data_max;
71 end
72 cmap = cbrewer('seq', 'Blues', ncolors); % Sequential tables:'Blues','BuGn','BuPu','GnBu','Greens','Greys','Oranges','OrRd','PuBu','PuBuGn','PuRd','Purples','RdPu','Reds','YlGn','YlGnBu','YlOrBr','YlOrRd','Spectral'
73 end
74 if divergent
75 datarange = maxvalue-minvalue;
76 maxcolno = round(ncolors*abs(maxvalue)/datarange);
77 mincolno = round(ncolors*abs(minvalue)/datarange);
78 maxmap = cbrewer('seq', 'Reds', maxcolno);
79 minmap = flipud(cbrewer('seq', 'Blues', mincolno));
80 cmap = [minmap; maxmap];
81 end
59 82
60 extremum = max([abs(data_min), data_max]);
61 if minvalue==-inf
62 minvalue = -extremum;
63 end
64 maxvalue = -minvalue;
65 else
66 if minvalue==-inf
67 minvalue = data_min;
68 end
69 if maxvalue==+inf
70 maxvalue = data_max;
71 end
72 cmap = cbrewer('seq', 'Blues', ncolors); % Sequential tables:'Blues','BuGn','BuPu','GnBu','Greens','Greys','Oranges','OrRd','PuBu','PuBuGn','PuRd','Purples','RdPu','Reds','YlGn','YlGnBu','YlOrBr','YlOrRd','Spectral'
73 end
74 if divergent
75 datarange = maxvalue-minvalue;
76 maxcolno = round(ncolors*abs(maxvalue)/datarange);
77 mincolno = round(ncolors*abs(minvalue)/datarange);
78 maxmap = cbrewer('seq', 'Reds', maxcolno);
79 minmap = flipud(cbrewer('seq', 'Blues', mincolno));
80 cmap = [minmap; maxmap];
81 end
83 if invert
84 cmap = flipud(cmap);
85 end
82 86
83 if invert
84 cmap = flipud(cmap);
85 end
87 % plot
88 heatmap(data, x_labels, y_labels, '%0.3f',...
89 'Colormap', cmap, 'Colorbar', true,...
90 'MinColorValue', minvalue, 'MaxColorValue', maxvalue,...
91 'GridLines', ':', 'TextColor', 'k',...
92 'ColorLevels', ncolors);
93 xlabel(['Width [Hz] for mode with central frequency ', num2eng(ev.mech_frequencies(x_mode_no)),'Hz']);
94 ylabel(['Width [Hz] for mode with central frequency ', num2eng(ev.mech_frequencies(y_mode_no)),'Hz']);
95 title(titlestr);
86 96
87 % plot
88 heatmap(data, x_labels, y_labels, '%0.3f',...
89 'Colormap', cmap, 'Colorbar', true,...
90 'MinColorValue', minvalue, 'MaxColorValue', maxvalue,...
91 'GridLines', ':', 'TextColor', 'k',...
92 'ColorLevels', ncolors);
93 xlabel(['Width [Hz] for mode with central frequency ', num2eng(ev.mech_frequencies(x_mode_no)),'Hz']);
94 ylabel(['Width [Hz] for mode with central frequency ', num2eng(ev.mech_frequencies(y_mode_no)),'Hz']);
95 title(titlestr);
97 % export to ev.evaluation_folder
98 eval_folder_exists = isequal(exist(ev.evaluation_folder),7);
99 if export
100 if eval_folder_exists
101 wherewasi = cd;
102 cd(ev.evaluation_folder);
103 export_fig(['logneg_corrected_', num2str(power_ind), export_suffix],...
104 '-pdf', '-transparent')
105 cd(wherewasi);
106 else
97 % export to ev.evaluation_folder
98 eval_folder_exists = isequal(exist(ev.evaluation_folder),7);
99 if export
100 if eval_folder_exists
101 wherewasi = cd;
102 cd(ev.evaluation_folder);
103 export_fig(['logneg_corrected_', num2str(power_ind), export_suffix],...
104 '-pdf', '-transparent')
105 cd(wherewasi);
106 else
107 107 warning(['Cannot find the evaluation folder ',... warning(['Cannot find the evaluation folder ',...
108 108 ev.evaluation_folder]) ev.evaluation_folder])
109 109 end end
110 end
110 end
File data_analysis/@entanglement_evaluation/plot_logneg_gammalist_split.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 031b925..f3acacf)
1 1 function fig = plot_logneg_gammalist_split(ev, power_ind, varargin) function fig = plot_logneg_gammalist_split(ev, power_ind, varargin)
2 invert = false;
3 export = true;
4 titlestr = [];
5 ylabel_str = '';
6 export_suffix ='';
7 minvalue = [];
8 maxvalue = [];
9 for k=1:2:length(varargin)
10 switch varargin{k}
11 case {'invert', 'Invert'}
12 invert = varargin{k+1};
13 case {'title', 'Title'}
14 titlestr = varargin{k+1};
15 case {'export', 'Export', 'save', 'Save'}
16 export = varargin{k+1};
17 case {'ylabel', 'Ylabel', 'YLabel'}
18 ylabel_str = varargin{k+1};
19 case {'minvalue', 'min'}
20 minvalue = varargin{k+1};
21 case {'maxvalue', 'max'}
22 maxvalue = varargin{k+1};
23 case {'export_suffix', 'exportsuffix', 'suffix', 'Suffix'}
24 export_suffix = ['.',varargin{k+1}];
25 otherwise
26 error(['Unrecognized varargin-argument ', varargin{k}])
27 end
28 end
2 invert = false;
3 export = true;
4 titlestr = [];
5 ylabel_str = '';
6 export_suffix ='';
7 minvalue = [];
8 maxvalue = [];
9 for k=1:2:length(varargin)
10 switch varargin{k}
11 case {'invert', 'Invert'}
12 invert = varargin{k+1};
13 case {'title', 'Title'}
14 titlestr = varargin{k+1};
15 case {'export', 'Export', 'save', 'Save'}
16 export = varargin{k+1};
17 case {'ylabel', 'Ylabel', 'YLabel'}
18 ylabel_str = varargin{k+1};
19 case {'minvalue', 'min'}
20 minvalue = varargin{k+1};
21 case {'maxvalue', 'max'}
22 maxvalue = varargin{k+1};
23 case {'export_suffix', 'exportsuffix', 'suffix', 'Suffix'}
24 export_suffix = ['.',varargin{k+1}];
25 otherwise
26 error(['Unrecognized varargin-argument ', varargin{k}])
27 end
28 end
29 29
30 lognegs = [ev.logneg_corrected{power_ind}{:}]';
31 fig = figure; hold all;
33 function mysubplot(subplotind, xind, lind, cmap)
34 cmap = flipud(cbrewer('seq', cmap, 9));
35 if invert
36 cmap = flipud(cmap);
37 end
38 pwx = ev.pulse_widths(:,xind);
39 pwl = ev.pulse_widths(:,lind);
30 lognegs = [ev.logneg_corrected{power_ind}{:}]';
31 fig = figure; hold all;
40 32
41 colind=0;
42 for w=unique(pwl)'
43 ax = subplot(subplotind); hold all
44 colind = colind+1;
45 indices = find(pwl==w);
46 x_data = pwx(indices);
47 y_data = lognegs(indices);
48 plot(x_data, y_data, 'o-',...
49 'Color', cmap(colind,:),...
50 'LineWidth',2,...
51 'MarkerFaceColor', cmap(colind,:),...
52 'DisplayName', num2eng(w))
53 xlim([0.9*min(x_data), 1.1*max(x_data)])
54 if (~isempty(minvalue))&&(~isempty(maxvalue))
55 ylim([minvalue, maxvalue])
56 end
57 end
58 title(['Log. negativity vs pulse width [Hz] of mode ', num2str(xind)])
59 postprocess_fig(xind, lind);
60 set(ax, 'box', 'on', 'Visible', 'on')
61 end
33 function mysubplot(subplotind, xind, lind, cmap)
34 cmap = flipud(cbrewer('seq', cmap, 9));
35 if invert
36 cmap = flipud(cmap);
37 end
38 pwx = ev.pulse_widths(:,xind);
39 pwl = ev.pulse_widths(:,lind);
62 40
63 function postprocess_fig(xind, lind)
64 set(gca, 'xscale', 'log');
65 %xlabel(['Pulse Width ', num2str(xind), ' [Hz]']);
66 ylabel(ylabel_str);
41 colind=0;
42 for w=unique(pwl)'
43 ax = subplot(subplotind); hold all
44 colind = colind+1;
45 indices = find(pwl==w);
46 x_data = pwx(indices);
47 y_data = lognegs(indices);
48 plot(x_data, y_data, 'o-',...
49 'Color', cmap(colind,:),...
50 'LineWidth',2,...
51 'MarkerFaceColor', cmap(colind,:),...
52 'DisplayName', num2eng(w))
53 xlim([0.9*min(x_data), 1.1*max(x_data)])
54 if (~isempty(minvalue))&&(~isempty(maxvalue))
55 ylim([minvalue, maxvalue])
56 end
57 end
58 title(['Log. negativity vs pulse width [Hz] of mode ', num2str(xind)])
59 postprocess_fig(xind, lind);
60 set(ax, 'box', 'on', 'Visible', 'on')
61 end
67 62
68 mylegend = legend('Location','EastOutside');
69 mytitle = get(mylegend,'title');
70 set(mytitle,'string',['Pulse Width ', num2str(lind), ' [Hz]']);
72 hline=refline(0,0); set(hline, 'Color', 'k');
73 grid on
74 end
63 function postprocess_fig(xind, lind)
64 set(gca, 'xscale', 'log');
65 %xlabel(['Pulse Width ', num2str(xind), ' [Hz]']);
66 ylabel(ylabel_str);
75 67
76 mysubplot(211,1,2, 'GnBu');
77 mysubplot(212,2,1, 'OrRd');
78 suptitle(titlestr);
68 mylegend = legend('Location','EastOutside');
69 mytitle = get(mylegend,'title');
70 set(mytitle,'string',['Pulse Width ', num2str(lind), ' [Hz]']);
79 71
80 % export to ev.evaluation_folder
81 eval_folder_exists = isequal(exist(ev.evaluation_folder),7);
82 if export
83 if eval_folder_exists
84 wherewasi = cd;
85 cd(ev.evaluation_folder);
86 export_fig(['logneg_corrected_', num2str(power_ind), '.split',export_suffix],...
87 '-pdf', '-nocrop', '-transparent')
88 cd(wherewasi);
89 else
90 warning(['Cannot find the evaluation folder ',...
91 ev.evaluation_folder])
92 end
93 end
72 hline=refline(0,0); set(hline, 'Color', 'k');
73 grid on
74 end
76 mysubplot(211,1,2, 'GnBu');
77 mysubplot(212,2,1, 'OrRd');
78 suptitle(titlestr);
80 % export to ev.evaluation_folder
81 eval_folder_exists = isequal(exist(ev.evaluation_folder),7);
82 if export
83 if eval_folder_exists
84 wherewasi = cd;
85 cd(ev.evaluation_folder);
86 export_fig(['logneg_corrected_', num2str(power_ind), '.split',export_suffix],...
87 '-pdf', '-nocrop', '-transparent')
88 cd(wherewasi);
89 else
90 warning(['Cannot find the evaluation folder ',...
91 ev.evaluation_folder])
92 end
93 end
File data_analysis/@entanglement_evaluation/recalibrate.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 57096ff..4ed1de8)
1 1 function obj = recalibrate(obj, varargin) function obj = recalibrate(obj, varargin)
2 2 [shotnoise_ind, eta, nu] = get_opt_args(obj, varargin{:}); [shotnoise_ind, eta, nu] = get_opt_args(obj, varargin{:});
3 obj.detection_efficiency = eta;
3 obj.detection_efficiency = eta;
4 4 obj.homodyne_visibility = nu; obj.homodyne_visibility = nu;
5 obj.calibratePulsedCMs('shotnoise_ind', shotnoise_ind);
5 obj.calibratePulsedCMs('shotnoise_ind', shotnoise_ind);
6 6
7 7 function [shotnoise_ind, eta, nu] = get_opt_args(obj, varargin) function [shotnoise_ind, eta, nu] = get_opt_args(obj, varargin)
8 8 shotnoise_ind = []; shotnoise_ind = [];
... ... function [shotnoise_ind, eta, nu] = get_opt_args(obj, varargin)
12 12 switch varargin{k} switch varargin{k}
13 13 case 'shotnoise_ind' case 'shotnoise_ind'
14 14 shotnoise_ind = varargin{k+1}; shotnoise_ind = varargin{k+1};
15 case 'eta'
15 case 'eta'
16 16 eta = varargin{k+1}; eta = varargin{k+1};
17 case 'nu'
17 case 'nu'
18 18 nu = varargin{k+1}; nu = varargin{k+1};
19 19 otherwise otherwise
20 20 error(['Unrecognized varargin-argument ', varargin{k}]); error(['Unrecognized varargin-argument ', varargin{k}]);
File data_analysis/@entanglement_evaluation/trace_out.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 7f1d004..7affa72)
1 1 function ev_traced = trace_out(ev, modes_to_trace, varargin) function ev_traced = trace_out(ev, modes_to_trace, varargin)
2 % return a version of ev in which all light modes
3 % which correspond to the mechanical modes specified in modes_to_trace
4 % have been traced out. That is for which the interesting quantities
5 % logneg, physicality, covariance matrices have been recalculated appropriately
6 ev_traced = ev.copy();
2 % return a version of ev in which all light modes
3 % which correspond to the mechanical modes specified in modes_to_trace
4 % have been traced out. That is for which the interesting quantities
5 % logneg, physicality, covariance matrices have been recalculated appropriately
6 ev_traced = ev.copy();
7 7
8 % throw away stuff which isn't strictly needed
9 ev_traced.entangling_modes = [];
10 ev_traced.readout_modes = [];
8 % throw away stuff which isn't strictly needed
9 ev_traced.entangling_modes = [];
10 ev_traced.readout_modes = [];
11 11
12 12 % throw away stuff which needs to be recomputed after tracing out % throw away stuff which needs to be recomputed after tracing out
13 13 ev_traced.opt_logneg_corrected_private = []; ev_traced.opt_logneg_corrected_private = [];
14 14 ev_traced.opt_pulse_gammas_private = []; ev_traced.opt_pulse_gammas_private = [];
15 15
16 16 % %
17 mech_frequencies_old = ev.mech_frequencies;
18 mode_indices_old = 1:ev.mech_frequencies_no;
17 mech_frequencies_old = ev.mech_frequencies;
18 mode_indices_old = 1:ev.mech_frequencies_no;
19 19
20 assert(all(ismember(modes_to_trace, mode_indices_old)),...
21 'entanglement_evaluation:trace_out:modes_illegit',...
22 'The modes you specified for tracing out do not seem to be legit.');
20 assert(all(ismember(modes_to_trace, mode_indices_old)),...
21 'entanglement_evaluation:trace_out:modes_illegit',...
22 'The modes you specified for tracing out do not seem to be legit.');
23 23
24 mode_indices_new = setdiff(mode_indices_old, modes_to_trace);
25 mech_frequencies_new = mech_frequencies_old(mode_indices_new);
24 mode_indices_new = setdiff(mode_indices_old, modes_to_trace);
25 mech_frequencies_new = mech_frequencies_old(mode_indices_new);
26 26
27 ev_traced.mech_frequencies = mech_frequencies_new;
27 ev_traced.mech_frequencies = mech_frequencies_new;
28 28
29 29 light_mode_inds_new = [mode_indices_new, ev.mech_frequencies_no + mode_indices_new]; light_mode_inds_new = [mode_indices_new, ev.mech_frequencies_no + mode_indices_new];
30 30 light_quad_inds_new = quadIndicesFromModeIndices(light_mode_inds_new); light_quad_inds_new = quadIndicesFromModeIndices(light_mode_inds_new);
31 31
32 %% trace out the pulsed traces if possible
32 %% trace out the pulsed traces if possible
33 33 if ~isempty(ev.pulse_trace) if ~isempty(ev.pulse_trace)
34 trace_out_traces = @(mat)mat(:,light_quad_inds_new);
35 for k=1:ev.tracepairs_no
36 ev_traced.pulse_trace{k} = cellfun(trace_out_traces,...
37 ev.pulse_trace{k}, 'UniformOutput', false);
38 end
34 trace_out_traces = @(mat)mat(:,light_quad_inds_new);
35 for k=1:ev.tracepairs_no
36 ev_traced.pulse_trace{k} = cellfun(trace_out_traces,...
37 ev.pulse_trace{k}, 'UniformOutput', false);
38 end
39 39 end end
40 40
41 41
42 %% trace out pulsed CMs
43 trace_out_CMs = @(mat) mat(light_quad_inds_new,light_quad_inds_new);
44 for k=1:ev.tracepairs_no
45 ev_traced.pulse_CM{k} = cellfun(trace_out_CMs,...
46 ev.pulse_CM{k}, 'UniformOutput', false);
47 ev_traced.pulse_CM_calibrated{k} = cellfun(trace_out_CMs,...
48 ev.pulse_CM_calibrated{k}, 'UniformOutput', false);
49 end
42 %% trace out pulsed CMs
43 trace_out_CMs = @(mat) mat(light_quad_inds_new,light_quad_inds_new);
44 for k=1:ev.tracepairs_no
45 ev_traced.pulse_CM{k} = cellfun(trace_out_CMs,...
46 ev.pulse_CM{k}, 'UniformOutput', false);
47 ev_traced.pulse_CM_calibrated{k} = cellfun(trace_out_CMs,...
48 ev.pulse_CM_calibrated{k}, 'UniformOutput', false);
49 end
50 50
51 %% recalculate shotnoise and physicality
52 shotnoise_ind = get_shotnoise_ind(ev_traced, varargin{:});
53 calculate_log_neg(ev_traced, shotnoise_ind);
51 %% recalculate shotnoise and physicality
52 shotnoise_ind = get_shotnoise_ind(ev_traced, varargin{:});
53 calculate_log_neg(ev_traced, shotnoise_ind);
54 54 calculate_physicality(ev_traced); calculate_physicality(ev_traced);
File data_analysis/@meta_ev/contour_plot.m changed (mode: 100644) (index f4abace..cf1d9f8)
1 1 function contour_plot(meta, plot_type, tracepairs_ind, varargin) function contour_plot(meta, plot_type, tracepairs_ind, varargin)
2 assertEqual(meta.gridtype,'matrix',...
3 'only implemented for gridtype "matrix"')
2 assertEqual(meta.gridtype,'matrix',...
3 'only implemented for gridtype "matrix"')
4 4
5 switch lower(plot_type)
6 case {'logneg', 'opt_log_neg', 'entanglement'}
7 display_name = 'Max. log. negativity';
8 fig_handle = 'ln_cont_fig';
9 z_data = meta.opt_logneg_corrected_interp{tracepairs_ind};
10 abs_max = ceil(10*max(max(abs(z_data))))/10;
11 c_axis_lims = [-abs_max,abs_max];
12 if abs_max > 5
13 c_levels = [[-abs_max:0.5:0],[0.1:0.1:abs_max]];
14 elseif abs_max > 1
15 c_levels = [[-abs_max:0.1:0],[0.1:0.1:abs_max]];
16 elseif abs_max > 0.5
17 c_levels = [-abs_max:0.1:abs_max];
18 else
19 c_levels = [-abs_max:0.05:abs_max];
20 end
21 cmap = flipud(cbrewer('div','RdBu',512));
22 case {'pulsewidth', 'opt_pulse_gamma', 'opt_pulsewidth'}
23 display_name = 'Optimal pulse width [kHz]';
24 fig_handle = 'pw_cont_fig';
25 z_data = meta.opt_pulse_gammas_interp{tracepairs_ind}/1E3;
26 abs_max = ceil(10*max(max(abs(z_data))))/10;
27 abs_min = floor(10*min(min(abs(z_data))))/10;
28 c_axis_lims = [abs_min,abs_max];
29 c_levels = logspace(log10(abs_min), log10(abs_max), 10);
30 cmap = cbrewer('seq','Blues',512);
31 otherwise
32 error(['Unsupported plottype: ', plot_type]);
33 end
5 switch lower(plot_type)
6 case {'logneg', 'opt_log_neg', 'entanglement'}
7 display_name = 'Max. log. negativity';
8 fig_handle = 'ln_cont_fig';
9 z_data = meta.opt_logneg_corrected_interp{tracepairs_ind};
10 abs_max = ceil(10*max(max(abs(z_data))))/10;
11 c_axis_lims = [-abs_max,abs_max];
12 if abs_max > 5
13 c_levels = [[-abs_max:0.5:0],[0.1:0.1:abs_max]];
14 elseif abs_max > 1
15 c_levels = [[-abs_max:0.1:0],[0.1:0.1:abs_max]];
16 elseif abs_max > 0.5
17 c_levels = [-abs_max:0.1:abs_max];
18 else
19 c_levels = [-abs_max:0.05:abs_max];
20 end
21 cmap = flipud(cbrewer('div','RdBu',512));
22 case {'pulsewidth', 'opt_pulse_gamma', 'opt_pulsewidth'}
23 display_name = 'Optimal pulse width [kHz]';
24 fig_handle = 'pw_cont_fig';
25 z_data = meta.opt_pulse_gammas_interp{tracepairs_ind}/1E3;
26 abs_max = ceil(10*max(max(abs(z_data))))/10;
27 abs_min = floor(10*min(min(abs(z_data))))/10;
28 c_axis_lims = [abs_min,abs_max];
29 c_levels = logspace(log10(abs_min), log10(abs_max), 10);
30 cmap = cbrewer('seq','Blues',512);
31 otherwise
32 error(['Unsupported plottype: ', plot_type]);
33 end
34 34
35 x_scale = 'lin'; y_scale = 'lin';
36 x_lims = []; y_lims = [];
37 fig = [];
38 for k=1:2:length(varargin)
39 switch lower(varargin{k})
40 case {'x_scale','xscale'}
41 x_scale = varargin{k+1};
42 case {'x_lims','xlims','x_lim','xlim'}
43 x_lims = varargin{k+1};
44 case {'y_scale','yscale'}
45 y_scale = varargin{k+1};
46 case {'y_lims','ylims','y_lim','ylim'}
47 y_lims = varargin{k+1};
48 case {'caxis','coloraxis','c_axis_lims','color_axis_lims', 'coloraxis_lims'}
49 c_axis_lims = varargin{k+1};
50 case {'label','fig_label','figlabel'}
51 meta.fig_label = varargin{k+1};
52 case {'fig', 'figure'}
53 fig = varargin{k+1};
54 otherwise
55 error(['unrecognized varargin-argument: ', varargin{k}]);
56 end
57 end
35 x_scale = 'lin'; y_scale = 'lin';
36 x_lims = []; y_lims = [];
37 fig = [];
38 for k=1:2:length(varargin)
39 switch lower(varargin{k})
40 case {'x_scale','xscale'}
41 x_scale = varargin{k+1};
42 case {'x_lims','xlims','x_lim','xlim'}
43 x_lims = varargin{k+1};
44 case {'y_scale','yscale'}
45 y_scale = varargin{k+1};
46 case {'y_lims','ylims','y_lim','ylim'}
47 y_lims = varargin{k+1};
48 case {'caxis','coloraxis','c_axis_lims','color_axis_lims', 'coloraxis_lims'}
49 c_axis_lims = varargin{k+1};
50 case {'label','fig_label','figlabel'}
51 meta.fig_label = varargin{k+1};
52 case {'fig', 'figure'}
53 fig = varargin{k+1};
54 otherwise
55 error(['unrecognized varargin-argument: ', varargin{k}]);
56 end
57 end
58 58
59 if isempty(fig)
60 fig = figure; hold all;
61 else
59 if isempty(fig)
60 fig = figure; hold all;
61 else
62 62 visibility = get(fig,'visible'); visibility = get(fig,'visible');
63 63 figure(fig); hold all; set(fig, 'visible', visibility); figure(fig); hold all; set(fig, 'visible', visibility);
64 64 end end
65 65
66 meta.(fig_handle) = my_contour_plot(meta, fig, z_data,...
67 c_levels, display_name, cmap, c_axis_lims,...
68 x_scale, x_lims, y_scale, y_lims);
66 meta.(fig_handle) = my_contour_plot(meta, fig, z_data,...
67 c_levels, display_name, cmap, c_axis_lims,...
68 x_scale, x_lims, y_scale, y_lims);
69 69
70 70
71 71 function fig = my_contour_plot(meta, fig, z_data, c_levels, display_name, cmap, c_axis_lims, x_scale, x_lims, y_scale, y_lims) function fig = my_contour_plot(meta, fig, z_data, c_levels, display_name, cmap, c_axis_lims, x_scale, x_lims, y_scale, y_lims)
72 %%% contour plot
73 [x_data, y_data] = meta.params_interp{:};
74 [x_data, y_data, z_data] = meta_ev.limit_x_and_y(x_data, y_data, z_data, x_lims, y_lims);
75 [c_data, c_handles] = contourf(x_data, y_data, z_data,...
76 c_levels, 'DisplayName', display_name);
77 colormap(cmap); caxis(c_axis_lims);
78 set(gca, 'xscale', x_scale, 'yscale', y_scale)
79 labels(meta.param_names{:});
72 %%% contour plot
73 [x_data, y_data] = meta.params_interp{:};
74 [x_data, y_data, z_data] = meta_ev.limit_x_and_y(x_data, y_data, z_data, x_lims, y_lims);
75 [c_data, c_handles] = contourf(x_data, y_data, z_data,...
76 c_levels, 'DisplayName', display_name);
77 colormap(cmap); caxis(c_axis_lims);
78 set(gca, 'xscale', x_scale, 'yscale', y_scale)
79 labels(meta.param_names{:});
81 %%% scatter plot of simulated data points
82 set(gca, 'layer', 'top')
83 scatter(meta.params{1}(:), meta.params{2}(:), 'xk',...
84 'MarkerFaceColor','none',...
85 'LineWidth',1,...
86 'DisplayName', 'Simulated data points')
87 leg = legend('Location', 'Best');
88 set(leg, 'Color', 'w', 'FontWeight', 'normal', 'LineWidth', 1, 'Interpreter', 'latex')
80 89
81 %%% scatter plot of simulated data points
82 set(gca, 'layer', 'top')
83 scatter(meta.params{1}(:), meta.params{2}(:), 'xk',...
84 'MarkerFaceColor','none',...
85 'LineWidth',1,...
86 'DisplayName', 'Simulated data points')
87 leg = legend('Location', 'Best');
88 set(leg, 'Color', 'w', 'FontWeight', 'normal', 'LineWidth', 1, 'Interpreter', 'latex')
90 %%% contour labels
91 text_handle = clabel(c_data, 'FontSize', 13);
92 for k=1:length(text_handle)/2
93 z_value = get(text_handle(2*k), 'UserData');
94 if z_value == 0
95 c_color = [1,0,0];
96 elseif z_value < 0
97 c_color = cmap(1,:);
98 elseif z_value > 0
99 c_color = cmap(end,:);
100 end
89 101
90 %%% contour labels
91 text_handle = clabel(c_data, 'FontSize', 13);
92 for k=1:length(text_handle)/2
93 z_value = get(text_handle(2*k), 'UserData');
94 if z_value == 0
95 c_color = [1,0,0];
96 elseif z_value < 0
97 c_color = cmap(1,:);
98 elseif z_value > 0
99 c_color = cmap(end,:);
100 end
102 set(text_handle(2*k), 'BackgroundColor','none', 'EdgeColor', 'none',...%c_colors(k,:),...
103 'Color', c_color, 'FontWeight', 'normal', 'LineWidth', 0.7);% text
104 set(text_handle(2*k-1),'Marker','o', 'MarkerFaceColor', c_color,...
105 'MarkerSize', 6, 'MarkerEdgeColor','none');% marker
107 if z_value < -0.1 && ismember(z_value, c_levels(1:2:end)) || z_value <-1
108 set(text_handle(2*k),'String','')
109 set(text_handle(2*k-1),'Marker','none')
110 end
111 end
112 meta.my_postprocess_plot(fig);
102 set(text_handle(2*k), 'BackgroundColor','none', 'EdgeColor', 'none',...%c_colors(k,:),...
103 'Color', c_color, 'FontWeight', 'normal', 'LineWidth', 0.7);% text
104 set(text_handle(2*k-1),'Marker','o', 'MarkerFaceColor', c_color,...
105 'MarkerSize', 6, 'MarkerEdgeColor','none');% marker
107 if z_value < -0.1 && ismember(z_value, c_levels(1:2:end)) || z_value <-1
108 set(text_handle(2*k),'String','')
109 set(text_handle(2*k-1),'Marker','none')
110 end
111 end
112 meta.my_postprocess_plot(fig);
File data_analysis/@meta_ev/get_meta_data.m changed (mode: 100644) (index f0d5725..9b8f1f1)
... ... function get_meta_data(meta, meta_data_file)
3 3 % %
4 4 % meta.get_meta_data(meta_data_file) adds to the meta_ev-object meta % meta.get_meta_data(meta_data_file) adds to the meta_ev-object meta
5 5 % all information contained in the textfile meta_data_file. % all information contained in the textfile meta_data_file.
6 %
6 %
7 7 % The metadata-file should be tab-separated. There should be one header line. % The metadata-file should be tab-separated. There should be one header line.
8 8 % The header should look as follows: ev_file \t name_of_param1 \t name_of_param2 \t name_of_param3 ... % The header should look as follows: ev_file \t name_of_param1 \t name_of_param2 \t name_of_param3 ...
9 9 headerlines = 1; headerlines = 1;
11 11 % clear any old postprocessing results % clear any old postprocessing results
12 12 meta.reset; meta.reset;
13 13
File data_analysis/@meta_ev/meta_ev.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 076695f..d26d142)
1 1 classdef meta_ev < class_conveniences classdef meta_ev < class_conveniences
2 % convenience class for postprocessing entanglement_evaluations
3 % collects many ev-objects in a 2D-grid and
4 % - provides methods for batch loading and saving them
5 % - organizes them suitably
6 % - provides methods for plotting from those
8 properties
9 evaluations@cell % cell array of entanglment_evaluation-objects
10 ev_files@cell % cell array with paths to the ev.mat-files for individual evaluations
11 param_names@cell % cell array of parameter names (read from meta_data_file)
12 params@cell % cell array of parameter arrays (params{1} corresponds to param_names{1})
13 meta_label = '' % string describing the evaluation (could be 'traced_out_2' e.g.)
14 meta_title = '' % optional: string used as title string for plots
15 models@cell
16 end
17 properties(Dependent)
18 dimensions@double vector % dimensions of evaluations-vector or -matrix
19 gridtype % string: 'vector' or 'matrix' describing type of grid
20 evaluations_no@double % number of evaluations
21 opt_logneg_corrected@cell % cell array (index corresponding to tracepair) of optimal entanglement
22 opt_pulse_gammas@cell % cell array (index corresponding to tracepair) of optimal pulse gammas
23 tracepairs_no@double % number of tracepairs used for each evaluation (enforced to be the same)
24 common@struct % struct which contains all those evaluation_properties which are shared by all evaluations
25 common_path % longest path which is a parentdir to all ev_files
26 end
27 properties(Dependent, Hidden)
28 opt_logneg_corrected_interp@cell % cell array of interpolated optimal entanglement
29 opt_pulse_gammas_interp@cell % cell array of interpolated optimal pulse gammas
30 ev_dirs@cell = {} % cell array with directories containing the ev.mat-files for individual evaluations
31 end
32 properties(Hidden)
33 params_interp@cell % cell array of interpolated parameter values
34 opt_logneg_corrected_interp_private@cell = {} % ... to avoid unnecessary recomputation ...
35 opt_pulse_gammas_interp_private@cell = {} % ... to avoid unnecessary recomputation ...
36 common_private@struct = struct() % ... to avoid unnecessary recomputation ...
37 ln_fig = [] % figure handle for internally generated plot logneg vs gamma
38 ln_cont_fig = [] % figure handle for internally generated contour plot of opt. logneg
39 ln_cut_fig = [] % figure handle for internally generated cut plot of opt. logneg
40 pw_cont_fig = [] % figure handle for internally generated contour plot of opt. pulse width
41 pw_cut_fig = [] % figure handle for internally generated cut plot of opt. pulse width
42 fig_label = '' % additional label to distinguish plots when saving
43 end
44 methods
45 %%% CONSTRUCTOR %%%
2 % convenience class for postprocessing entanglement_evaluations
3 % collects many ev-objects in a 2D-grid and
4 % - provides methods for batch loading and saving them
5 % - organizes them suitably
6 % - provides methods for plotting from those
8 properties
9 evaluations@cell % cell array of entanglment_evaluation-objects
10 ev_files@cell % cell array with paths to the ev.mat-files for individual evaluations
11 param_names@cell % cell array of parameter names (read from meta_data_file)
12 params@cell % cell array of parameter arrays (params{1} corresponds to param_names{1})
13 meta_label = '' % string describing the evaluation (could be 'traced_out_2' e.g.)
14 meta_title = '' % optional: string used as title string for plots
15 models@cell
16 end
17 properties(Dependent)
18 dimensions@double vector % dimensions of evaluations-vector or -matrix
19 gridtype % string: 'vector' or 'matrix' describing type of grid
20 evaluations_no@double % number of evaluations
21 opt_logneg_corrected@cell % cell array (index corresponding to tracepair) of optimal entanglement
22 opt_pulse_gammas@cell % cell array (index corresponding to tracepair) of optimal pulse gammas
23 tracepairs_no@double % number of tracepairs used for each evaluation (enforced to be the same)
24 common@struct % struct which contains all those evaluation_properties which are shared by all evaluations
25 common_path % longest path which is a parentdir to all ev_files
26 end
27 properties(Dependent, Hidden)
28 opt_logneg_corrected_interp@cell % cell array of interpolated optimal entanglement
29 opt_pulse_gammas_interp@cell % cell array of interpolated optimal pulse gammas
30 ev_dirs@cell = {} % cell array with directories containing the ev.mat-files for individual evaluations
31 end
32 properties(Hidden)
33 params_interp@cell % cell array of interpolated parameter values
34 opt_logneg_corrected_interp_private@cell = {} % ... to avoid unnecessary recomputation ...
35 opt_pulse_gammas_interp_private@cell = {} % ... to avoid unnecessary recomputation ...
36 common_private@struct = struct() % ... to avoid unnecessary recomputation ...
37 ln_fig = [] % figure handle for internally generated plot logneg vs gamma
38 ln_cont_fig = [] % figure handle for internally generated contour plot of opt. logneg
39 ln_cut_fig = [] % figure handle for internally generated cut plot of opt. logneg
40 pw_cont_fig = [] % figure handle for internally generated contour plot of opt. pulse width
41 pw_cut_fig = [] % figure handle for internally generated cut plot of opt. pulse width
42 fig_label = '' % additional label to distinguish plots when saving
43 end
44 methods
45 %%% CONSTRUCTOR %%%
46 46 function meta = meta_ev(varargin) function meta = meta_ev(varargin)
47 if length(varargin)==1
48 meta_data_file = varargin{1};
49 meta.get_meta_data(meta_data_file);
50 meta.load_evaluations;
51 elseif length(varargin)>1
52 error('Expect at most one varargin-argument in constructor of meta-ev-class.')
53 end
47 if length(varargin)==1
48 meta_data_file = varargin{1};
49 meta.get_meta_data(meta_data_file);
50 meta.load_evaluations;
51 elseif length(varargin)>1
52 error('Expect at most one varargin-argument in constructor of meta-ev-class.')
53 end
54 54 end end
55 55 %%% %%%
56 56
57 function load_evaluations(meta)
58 meta.gridtype;
59 % call meta.gridtype to guarantee error is thrown if gridtype is unsupported
61 meta.reset; % clear previous postprocessing results
62 evaluations = cell(meta.dimensions);
63 for k=1:meta.evaluations_no
64 ev = load(meta.ev_files{k}); ev = ev.ev;
65 evaluations{k} = ev;
66 end
67 meta.evaluations = evaluations;
57 function load_evaluations(meta)
58 meta.gridtype;
59 % call meta.gridtype to guarantee error is thrown if gridtype is unsupported
61 meta.reset; % clear previous postprocessing results
62 evaluations = cell(meta.dimensions);
63 for k=1:meta.evaluations_no
64 ev = load(meta.ev_files{k}); ev = ev.ev;
65 evaluations{k} = ev;
66 end
67 meta.evaluations = evaluations;
68 end
69 function load_models(meta)
70 meta.models = cell(meta.dimensions);
71 for k=1:meta.evaluations_no
72 try
73 model = load(fullfile(meta.ev_dirs{k}, 'model.mat')); model = model.model;
74 meta.models{k} = model;
75 end
76 end
68 77 end end
69 function load_models(meta)
70 meta.models = cell(meta.dimensions);
71 for k=1:meta.evaluations_no
72 try
73 model = load(fullfile(meta.ev_dirs{k}, 'model.mat')); model = model.model;
74 meta.models{k} = model;
75 end
76 end
77 end
78 78 function meta_traced = trace_out(meta, mode_indices) function meta_traced = trace_out(meta, mode_indices)
79 % return a version of meta-ev in which all light modes
80 % which correspond to the mechanical modes specified in modes_to_trace
81 % have been traced out. That is for which the interesting quantities
82 % logneg, physicality, covariance matrices have been recalculated appropriately
83 meta_traced = meta.copy;
84 meta_traced.reset;
85 for k=1:meta.evaluations_no
86 meta_traced.evaluations{k} = meta.evaluations{k}.trace_out(mode_indices);
87 end
79 % return a version of meta-ev in which all light modes
80 % which correspond to the mechanical modes specified in modes_to_trace
81 % have been traced out. That is for which the interesting quantities
82 % logneg, physicality, covariance matrices have been recalculated appropriately
83 meta_traced = meta.copy;
84 meta_traced.reset;
85 for k=1:meta.evaluations_no
86 meta_traced.evaluations{k} = meta.evaluations{k}.trace_out(mode_indices);
87 end
88 88 end end
89 89 function restrict_pulse_gammas(meta,gamma_min, gamma_max) function restrict_pulse_gammas(meta,gamma_min, gamma_max)
90 for k=1:meta.evaluations_no
91 ev = meta.evaluations{k};
92 pulse_gammas = ev.pulse_gammas;
93 allowed_indices = intersect(find(pulse_gammas >= gamma_min),...
94 find(pulse_gammas <= gamma_max));
95 ev.pulse_gammas = pulse_gammas(allowed_indices);
96 for l=1:numel(ev.logneg_corrected)
97 ln = ev.logneg_corrected{l};
98 ev.logneg_corrected{l} = {ln{allowed_indices}};
99 end
100 ev.calulate_optimal_entanglement;
101 end
102 meta.reset;
90 for k=1:meta.evaluations_no
91 ev = meta.evaluations{k};
92 pulse_gammas = ev.pulse_gammas;
93 allowed_indices = intersect(find(pulse_gammas >= gamma_min),...
94 find(pulse_gammas <= gamma_max));
95 ev.pulse_gammas = pulse_gammas(allowed_indices);
96 for l=1:numel(ev.logneg_corrected)
97 ln = ev.logneg_corrected{l};
98 ev.logneg_corrected{l} = {ln{allowed_indices}};
99 end
100 ev.calulate_optimal_entanglement;
101 end
102 meta.reset;
103 103 end end
104 104 function reset(meta) function reset(meta)
105 meta.reset_hidden_props;
105 meta.reset_hidden_props;
106 106 end end
107 107 function meta_filtered = filter_params(meta, param_ind, param_values) function meta_filtered = filter_params(meta, param_ind, param_values)
108 % param_ind determines the parameter to keep fixed
109 params_uniqe = unique(meta.params{param_ind});
110 indices = [];
111 for val = param_values(:)'
112 [~,ind] = min(abs(params_uniqe - val));
113 params_uniqe(ind) = NaN;
114 indices = [indices, ind];
115 end
116 if param_ind==1
117 myfilter = @(array) array(:,indices);
118 elseif param_ind==2
119 myfilter = @(array) array(indices,:);
120 end
108 % param_ind determines the parameter to keep fixed
109 params_uniqe = unique(meta.params{param_ind});
110 indices = [];
111 for val = param_values(:)'
112 [~,ind] = min(abs(params_uniqe - val));
113 params_uniqe(ind) = NaN;
114 indices = [indices, ind];
115 end
116 if param_ind==1
117 myfilter = @(array) array(:,indices);
118 elseif param_ind==2
119 myfilter = @(array) array(indices,:);
120 end
121 121
122 meta_filtered = meta.copy;
123 meta_filtered.reset;
124 for field={'evaluations', 'ev_files', 'models'};
125 if ~isempty(meta.(field{:}))
126 meta_filtered.(field{:}) = myfilter(meta.(field{:}));
127 end
128 end
129 for k=1:length(meta.params)
130 meta_filtered.params{k} = myfilter(meta.params{k});
131 end
132 end
122 meta_filtered = meta.copy;
123 meta_filtered.reset;
124 for field={'evaluations', 'ev_files', 'models'};
125 if ~isempty(meta.(field{:}))
126 meta_filtered.(field{:}) = myfilter(meta.(field{:}));
127 end
128 end
129 for k=1:length(meta.params)
130 meta_filtered.params{k} = myfilter(meta.params{k});
131 end
132 end
133 133 function cellarray = for_each_evaluation(meta, fieldname, varargin) function cellarray = for_each_evaluation(meta, fieldname, varargin)
134 if length(varargin) > 0
135 assert(length(varargin)==1);
136 index = varargin{1};
137 get_element = @(array)array(index);
138 else
139 get_element = @(x) x;
140 end
141 get_field = @(ev)get_element(getfield(ev, fieldname));
134 if length(varargin) > 0
135 assert(length(varargin)==1);
136 index = varargin{1};
137 get_element = @(array)array(index);
138 else
139 get_element = @(x) x;
140 end
141 get_field = @(ev)get_element(getfield(ev, fieldname));
142 142
143 cellarray = cell(meta.dimensions);
144 for k=1:meta.evaluations_no
145 cellarray{k} = get_field(meta.evaluations{k});
146 end
143 cellarray = cell(meta.dimensions);
144 for k=1:meta.evaluations_no
145 cellarray{k} = get_field(meta.evaluations{k});
146 end
147 end
148 function set_default_sample_no(meta, default_sample_no)
149 for k=1:meta.evaluations_no
150 for l=1:meta.evaluations{k}.tracepairs_no
151 meta.evaluations{k}.measurement.homotraces(l,1).default_sample_no = default_sample_no;
152 meta.evaluations{k}.measurement.homotraces(l,2).default_sample_no = default_sample_no;
153 end
154 end
155 end
156 function save_figs(meta)
157 meta.my_save_fig(meta.ln_fig, 'ln_versus_gamma'); meta.ln_fig = [];
158 meta.my_save_fig(meta.ln_cont_fig, 'lnopt'); meta.ln_cont_fig = [];
159 meta.my_save_fig(meta.pw_cont_fig, 'pwopt'); meta.pw_cont_fig = [];
160 meta.my_save_fig(meta.ln_cut_fig, 'lnopt_cut'); meta.ln_cut_fig = [];
161 meta.my_save_fig(meta.pw_cut_fig, 'pwopt_cut'); meta.pw_cut_fig = [];
147 162 end end
148 function set_default_sample_no(meta, default_sample_no)
149 for k=1:meta.evaluations_no
150 for l=1:meta.evaluations{k}.tracepairs_no
151 meta.evaluations{k}.measurement.homotraces(l,1).default_sample_no = default_sample_no;
152 meta.evaluations{k}.measurement.homotraces(l,2).default_sample_no = default_sample_no;
153 end
154 end
155 end
156 function save_figs(meta)
157 meta.my_save_fig(meta.ln_fig, 'ln_versus_gamma'); meta.ln_fig = [];
158 meta.my_save_fig(meta.ln_cont_fig, 'lnopt'); meta.ln_cont_fig = [];
159 meta.my_save_fig(meta.pw_cont_fig, 'pwopt'); meta.pw_cont_fig = [];
160 meta.my_save_fig(meta.ln_cut_fig, 'lnopt_cut'); meta.ln_cut_fig = [];
161 meta.my_save_fig(meta.pw_cut_fig, 'pwopt_cut'); meta.pw_cut_fig = [];
162 end
163 163
164 %% GETTERS
165 function dimensions = get.dimensions(meta)
164 %% GETTERS
165 function dimensions = get.dimensions(meta)
166 166 dimensions = size(meta.ev_files); dimensions = size(meta.ev_files);
167 167 end end
168 168 function gridtype = get.gridtype(meta) function gridtype = get.gridtype(meta)
169 switch sum(meta.dimensions>1)
170 case 1
171 gridtype = 'vector';
172 case 2
173 gridtype = 'matrix';
174 otherwise
175 error('meta_ev:gridtype:unsupported','Unsupported grid-type.')
176 end
177 end
178 function evaluations_no = get.evaluations_no(meta)
169 switch sum(meta.dimensions>1)
170 case 1
171 gridtype = 'vector';
172 case 2
173 gridtype = 'matrix';
174 otherwise
175 error('meta_ev:gridtype:unsupported','Unsupported grid-type.')
176 end
177 end
178 function evaluations_no = get.evaluations_no(meta)
179 179 evaluations_no = numel(meta.ev_files); evaluations_no = numel(meta.ev_files);
180 180 end end
181 function tracepairs_no = get.tracepairs_no(meta)
181 function tracepairs_no = get.tracepairs_no(meta)
182 182 tracepairs_no = meta.common.tracepairs_no; tracepairs_no = meta.common.tracepairs_no;
183 183 end end
184 function opt_logneg_corrected = get.opt_logneg_corrected(meta)
185 opt_logneg_corrected = cell([1, meta.tracepairs_no]);
186 for k=1:meta.tracepairs_no
187 opt_logneg_corrected{k} = cell2mat(meta.for_each_evaluation('opt_logneg_corrected', k));
188 end
184 function opt_logneg_corrected = get.opt_logneg_corrected(meta)
185 opt_logneg_corrected = cell([1, meta.tracepairs_no]);
186 for k=1:meta.tracepairs_no
187 opt_logneg_corrected{k} = cell2mat(meta.for_each_evaluation('opt_logneg_corrected', k));
188 end
189 end
190 function opt_pulse_gammas = get.opt_pulse_gammas(meta)
191 opt_pulse_gammas = cell([1, meta.tracepairs_no]);
192 for k=1:meta.tracepairs_no
193 opt_pulse_gammas{k} = cell2mat(meta.for_each_evaluation('opt_pulse_gammas', k));
194 end
189 195 end end
190 function opt_pulse_gammas = get.opt_pulse_gammas(meta)
191 opt_pulse_gammas = cell([1, meta.tracepairs_no]);
192 for k=1:meta.tracepairs_no
193 opt_pulse_gammas{k} = cell2mat(meta.for_each_evaluation('opt_pulse_gammas', k));
194 end
195 end
196 function opt_logneg_corrected_interp = get.opt_logneg_corrected_interp(meta)
197 if isempty(meta.opt_logneg_corrected_interp_private)
198 opt_logneg_corrected_interp = cell([1, meta.tracepairs_no]);
199 for k=1:meta.tracepairs_no
200 opt_logneg_corrected_interp{k} = meta.interpolate_ln_pw(meta.opt_logneg_corrected{k});
201 end
202 meta.opt_logneg_corrected_interp_private = opt_logneg_corrected_interp;
203 else
204 opt_logneg_corrected_interp = meta.opt_logneg_corrected_interp_private;
205 end
196 function opt_logneg_corrected_interp = get.opt_logneg_corrected_interp(meta)
197 if isempty(meta.opt_logneg_corrected_interp_private)
198 opt_logneg_corrected_interp = cell([1, meta.tracepairs_no]);
199 for k=1:meta.tracepairs_no
200 opt_logneg_corrected_interp{k} = meta.interpolate_ln_pw(meta.opt_logneg_corrected{k});
201 end
202 meta.opt_logneg_corrected_interp_private = opt_logneg_corrected_interp;
203 else
204 opt_logneg_corrected_interp = meta.opt_logneg_corrected_interp_private;
205 end
206 206 end end
207 function opt_pulse_gammas_interp = get.opt_pulse_gammas_interp(meta)
208 if isempty(meta.opt_pulse_gammas_interp_private)
209 opt_pulse_gammas_interp = cell([1, meta.tracepairs_no]);
210 for k=1:meta.tracepairs_no
211 opt_pulse_gammas_interp{k} = meta.interpolate_ln_pw(meta.opt_pulse_gammas{k});
212 end
213 meta.opt_pulse_gammas_interp_private = opt_pulse_gammas_interp;
214 else
215 opt_pulse_gammas_interp = meta.opt_pulse_gammas_interp_private;
216 end
207 function opt_pulse_gammas_interp = get.opt_pulse_gammas_interp(meta)
208 if isempty(meta.opt_pulse_gammas_interp_private)
209 opt_pulse_gammas_interp = cell([1, meta.tracepairs_no]);
210 for k=1:meta.tracepairs_no
211 opt_pulse_gammas_interp{k} = meta.interpolate_ln_pw(meta.opt_pulse_gammas{k});
212 end
213 meta.opt_pulse_gammas_interp_private = opt_pulse_gammas_interp;
214 else
215 opt_pulse_gammas_interp = meta.opt_pulse_gammas_interp_private;
216 end
217 end
218 function common = get.common(meta)
219 if isempty(fieldnames(meta.common_private))
220 fields = {'inverted_evaluation';...
221 'mech_frequencies'; 'mech_frequencies_no';...
222 'pulse_gammas'; 'pulse_gammas_no'; 'pulse_widths';...
223 'detection_efficiency'; 'homodyne_visibility';...
224 'pulse_pairs_coverage'; 'pulse_pairs_per_trace'; 'pulse_duration_seconds';...
225 'samplingrate'; 'samples_per_trace'; 'samples_per_pulse';...
226 'tracepairs_no'; 'signal_power_muW'};
227 for k=1:numel(fields)
228 field = fields{k};
229 try
230 values = meta.for_each_evaluation(field);
231 equal_to_first = @(value)isequal(value, values{1});
232 all_equal = all(cellfun(equal_to_first, values));
233 if all_equal
234 common.(field) = values{1};
235 else
236 common.(field) = 'values differ';
237 end
238 catch
239 common.(field) = NaN;
240 end
241 end
242 meta.common_private = common;
243 else
244 common = meta.common_private;
245 end
246 end
247 function common_path = get.common_path(meta)
248 ev_files = {meta.ev_files{:}};
249 test_path = ev_files{1};
250 splitindices = strfind(test_path,'/');
251 for k=1:length(splitindices)
252 inds = 1:splitindices(k);
253 testfun = @(str)isequal(str(inds), test_path(inds));
254 if all(cellfun(testfun, ev_files))
255 common_path = test_path(inds);
256 end
257 end
258 end
259 function ev_dirs = get.ev_dirs(meta)
260 ev_dirs = cell(meta.dimensions);
261 for k=1:meta.evaluations_no
262 ev_dirs{k} = fileparts(meta.ev_files{k});
263 end
264 end
265 end
266 methods(Hidden)
267 function reset_hidden_props(meta)
268 meta.params_interp = {};
269 meta.opt_logneg_corrected_interp_private = {};
270 meta.opt_pulse_gammas_interp_private = {};
271 meta.common_private = struct();
272 end
273 function ln_or_pw_interp = interpolate_ln_pw(meta, ln_or_pw, varargin)
274 refinement_factor = 5;
275 if length(varargin)>0
276 refinement_factor = varargin{1};
277 end
278 switch meta.gridtype
279 case 'vector'
280 error('not implemented')
281 case 'matrix'
282 X = meta.params{1};
283 Xq = interp2(X,refinement_factor);
284 meta.params_interp{1} = Xq;
285 Y = meta.params{2};
286 Yq = interp2(Y,refinement_factor);
287 meta.params_interp{2} = Yq;
288 ln_or_pw_interp = interp2(X,Y,ln_or_pw,Xq,Yq,'linear'); % other options: 'splines', 'linear'
289 end
290 end
291 function fig_path = my_save_fig(meta, fig_handle, fig_name)
292 if ~isempty(fig_handle)
293 label = '';
294 if ~isempty(meta.fig_label)
295 label = [label,'__', meta.fig_label];
296 end
297 if ~isempty(meta.meta_label)
298 label = [label,'__', meta.meta_label];
299 end
300 meta.fig_label = ''; % reset fig_label after usage
301 fig_path = fullfile(meta.common_path, [fig_name, label]);
302 disp(['saving figures to ', fig_path, ' .fig / .pdf']);
303 saveas(fig_handle, fig_path, 'fig');
304 saveas(fig_handle, fig_path, 'pdf');
305 close(fig_handle);
306 try
307 [stat,stdout] = system(['pdfcrop ', fig_path,'.pdf ', fig_path,'.pdf']);
308 end
309 end
310 end
311 function my_postprocess_plot(meta, fig_handle)
312 figure(fig_handle);
313 title(tex_escape(sentence_case(meta.meta_title)));
314 grid
217 315 end end
218 function common = get.common(meta)
219 if isempty(fieldnames(meta.common_private))
220 fields = {'inverted_evaluation';...
221 'mech_frequencies'; 'mech_frequencies_no';...
222 'pulse_gammas'; 'pulse_gammas_no'; 'pulse_widths';...
223 'detection_efficiency'; 'homodyne_visibility';...
224 'pulse_pairs_coverage'; 'pulse_pairs_per_trace'; 'pulse_duration_seconds';...
225 'samplingrate'; 'samples_per_trace'; 'samples_per_pulse';...
226 'tracepairs_no'; 'signal_power_muW'};
227 for k=1:numel(fields)
228 field = fields{k};
229 try
230 values = meta.for_each_evaluation(field);
231 equal_to_first = @(value)isequal(value, values{1});
232 all_equal = all(cellfun(equal_to_first, values));
233 if all_equal
234 common.(field) = values{1};
235 else
236 common.(field) = 'values differ';
237 end
238 catch
239 common.(field) = NaN;
240 end
241 end
242 meta.common_private = common;
243 else
244 common = meta.common_private;
245 end
246 end
247 function common_path = get.common_path(meta)
248 ev_files = {meta.ev_files{:}};
249 test_path = ev_files{1};
250 splitindices = strfind(test_path,'/');
251 for k=1:length(splitindices)
252 inds = 1:splitindices(k);
253 testfun = @(str)isequal(str(inds), test_path(inds));
254 if all(cellfun(testfun, ev_files))
255 common_path = test_path(inds);
256 end
257 end
258 end
259 function ev_dirs = get.ev_dirs(meta)
260 ev_dirs = cell(meta.dimensions);
261 for k=1:meta.evaluations_no
262 ev_dirs{k} = fileparts(meta.ev_files{k});
263 end
264 end
265 end
266 methods(Hidden)
267 function reset_hidden_props(meta)
268 meta.params_interp = {};
269 meta.opt_logneg_corrected_interp_private = {};
270 meta.opt_pulse_gammas_interp_private = {};
271 meta.common_private = struct();
272 end
273 function ln_or_pw_interp = interpolate_ln_pw(meta, ln_or_pw, varargin)
274 refinement_factor = 5;
275 if length(varargin)>0
276 refinement_factor = varargin{1};
277 end
278 switch meta.gridtype
279 case 'vector'
280 error('not implemented')
281 case 'matrix'
282 X = meta.params{1};
283 Xq = interp2(X,refinement_factor);
284 meta.params_interp{1} = Xq;
285 Y = meta.params{2};
286 Yq = interp2(Y,refinement_factor);
287 meta.params_interp{2} = Yq;
288 ln_or_pw_interp = interp2(X,Y,ln_or_pw,Xq,Yq,'linear'); % other options: 'splines', 'linear'
289 end
290 end
291 function fig_path = my_save_fig(meta, fig_handle, fig_name)
292 if ~isempty(fig_handle)
293 label = '';
294 if ~isempty(meta.fig_label)
295 label = [label,'__', meta.fig_label];
296 end
297 if ~isempty(meta.meta_label)
298 label = [label,'__', meta.meta_label];
299 end
300 meta.fig_label = ''; % reset fig_label after usage
301 fig_path = fullfile(meta.common_path, [fig_name, label]);
302 disp(['saving figures to ', fig_path, ' .fig / .pdf']);
303 saveas(fig_handle, fig_path, 'fig');
304 saveas(fig_handle, fig_path, 'pdf');
305 close(fig_handle);
306 try
307 [stat,stdout] = system(['pdfcrop ', fig_path,'.pdf ', fig_path,'.pdf']);
308 end
309 end
310 end
311 function my_postprocess_plot(meta, fig_handle)
312 figure(fig_handle);
313 title(tex_escape(sentence_case(meta.meta_title)));
314 grid
315 end
316 316 end end
317 317 methods(Hidden, Static) methods(Hidden, Static)
318 function [x_data, y_data, z_data] = limit_x_and_y(x_data_in, y_data_in, z_data_in, x_lims, y_lims)
319 if isempty(x_lims); x_lims = [-inf, inf]; end
320 if isempty(y_lims); y_lims = [-inf, inf]; end
318 function [x_data, y_data, z_data] = limit_x_and_y(x_data_in, y_data_in, z_data_in, x_lims, y_lims)
319 if isempty(x_lims); x_lims = [-inf, inf]; end
320 if isempty(y_lims); y_lims = [-inf, inf]; end
321 321
322 x_allowed = intersect(find(x_data_in>=min(x_lims)), find(x_data_in<=max(x_lims)));
323 y_allowed = intersect(find(y_data_in>=min(y_lims)), find(y_data_in<=max(y_lims)));
324 allowed = intersect(x_allowed, y_allowed);
325 [allowed_x, allowed_y] = ind2sub(size(x_data_in), allowed);
326 x_min_ind = min(allowed_x);
327 x_max_ind = max(allowed_x);
328 y_min_ind = min(allowed_y);
329 y_max_ind = max(allowed_y);
330 x_data = x_data_in(x_min_ind:x_max_ind, y_min_ind:y_max_ind);
331 y_data = y_data_in(x_min_ind:x_max_ind, y_min_ind:y_max_ind);
332 z_data = z_data_in(x_min_ind:x_max_ind, y_min_ind:y_max_ind);
333 end
334 function xylims(x_lims, y_lims)
335 if ~isempty(x_lims); xlim(x_lims); end
336 if ~isempty(y_lims); ylim(y_lims); end
337 end
338 end
322 x_allowed = intersect(find(x_data_in>=min(x_lims)), find(x_data_in<=max(x_lims)));
323 y_allowed = intersect(find(y_data_in>=min(y_lims)), find(y_data_in<=max(y_lims)));
324 allowed = intersect(x_allowed, y_allowed);
325 [allowed_x, allowed_y] = ind2sub(size(x_data_in), allowed);
326 x_min_ind = min(allowed_x);
327 x_max_ind = max(allowed_x);
328 y_min_ind = min(allowed_y);
329 y_max_ind = max(allowed_y);
330 x_data = x_data_in(x_min_ind:x_max_ind, y_min_ind:y_max_ind);
331 y_data = y_data_in(x_min_ind:x_max_ind, y_min_ind:y_max_ind);
332 z_data = z_data_in(x_min_ind:x_max_ind, y_min_ind:y_max_ind);
333 end
334 function xylims(x_lims, y_lims)
335 if ~isempty(x_lims); xlim(x_lims); end
336 if ~isempty(y_lims); ylim(y_lims); end
337 end
338 end
339 339 end end
File data_analysis/@meta_ev/plot_cuts.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 9dcb9bd..30cd24e)
1 1 function plot_cuts(meta, plot_type, tracepairs_ind, par_ind, par_vals, varargin) function plot_cuts(meta, plot_type, tracepairs_ind, par_ind, par_vals, varargin)
2 assertEqual(meta.gridtype,'matrix',...
3 'only implemented for gridtype "matrix"')
4 if isequal(par_vals, 'all')
5 meta_filtered = meta.copy;
6 else
7 meta_filtered = meta.filter_params(par_ind, par_vals);
8 end
2 assertEqual(meta.gridtype,'matrix',...
3 'only implemented for gridtype "matrix"')
4 if isequal(par_vals, 'all')
5 meta_filtered = meta.copy;
6 else
7 meta_filtered = meta.filter_params(par_ind, par_vals);
8 end
9 9
10 switch lower(plot_type)
11 case {'logneg', 'opt_log_neg', 'entanglement'}
12 display_name = 'Max. log. negativity';
13 fig_handle = 'ln_cut_fig';
14 y_data = meta_filtered.opt_logneg_corrected{tracepairs_ind};
15 cmap = flipud(cbrewer('div','RdBu',512));
16 case {'pulsewidth', 'opt_pulse_gamma', 'opt_pulsewidth'}
17 display_name = 'Optimal pulse width [kHz]';
18 fig_handle = 'pw_cut_fig';
19 y_data = meta_filtered.opt_pulse_gammas{tracepairs_ind}/1E3;
20 cmap = cbrewer('seq','Blues',512);
21 otherwise
22 error(['Unsupported plottype: ', plot_type]);
10 switch lower(plot_type)
11 case {'logneg', 'opt_log_neg', 'entanglement'}
12 display_name = 'Max. log. negativity';
13 fig_handle = 'ln_cut_fig';
14 y_data = meta_filtered.opt_logneg_corrected{tracepairs_ind};
15 cmap = flipud(cbrewer('div','RdBu',512));
16 case {'pulsewidth', 'opt_pulse_gamma', 'opt_pulsewidth'}
17 display_name = 'Optimal pulse width [kHz]';
18 fig_handle = 'pw_cut_fig';
19 y_data = meta_filtered.opt_pulse_gammas{tracepairs_ind}/1E3;
20 cmap = cbrewer('seq','Blues',512);
21 otherwise
22 error(['Unsupported plottype: ', plot_type]);
23 23 end end
24 24
25 x_scale = 'lin'; y_scale = 'lin';
26 x_lims = []; y_lims = [];
27 fig = [];
28 linestyle = 'o:';
29 colororder = [];
30 legend_postfix = '';
31 legend_location = 'Best';
32 for k=1:2:length(varargin)
33 switch lower(varargin{k})
34 case {'x_scale','xscale'}
35 x_scale = varargin{k+1};
36 case {'style','linestyle'}
37 linestyle = varargin{k+1};
38 case {'x_lims','xlims','x_lim','xlim'}
39 x_lims = varargin{k+1};
40 case {'y_scale','yscale'}
41 y_scale = varargin{k+1};
42 case {'y_lims','ylims','y_lim','ylim'}
43 y_lims = varargin{k+1};
44 case {'figure','fig'}
45 fig = varargin{k+1};
46 case {'label','fig_label','figlabel'}
47 meta.fig_label = varargin{k+1};
48 case {'colororder', 'color_order', 'colors'}
49 colororder = varargin{k+1};
50 case {'legend_postfix','legendpostfix'}
51 legend_postfix = varargin{k+1};
52 case {'legend_position','legendposition','legend_location','legendlocation'}
53 legend_location = varargin{k+1};
54 otherwise
55 error(['unrecognized varargin-argument: ', varargin{k}]);
56 end
57 end
58 if isempty(fig)
59 meta.(fig_handle) = figure; hold all;
60 else
61 figure(fig); hold all;
62 meta.(fig_handle) = fig;
63 end
64 if ~isempty(colororder)
65 set(gca, 'ColorOrder', colororder);
66 end
25 x_scale = 'lin'; y_scale = 'lin';
26 x_lims = []; y_lims = [];
27 fig = [];
28 linestyle = 'o:';
29 colororder = [];
30 legend_postfix = '';
31 legend_location = 'Best';
32 for k=1:2:length(varargin)
33 switch lower(varargin{k})
34 case {'x_scale','xscale'}
35 x_scale = varargin{k+1};
36 case {'style','linestyle'}
37 linestyle = varargin{k+1};
38 case {'x_lims','xlims','x_lim','xlim'}
39 x_lims = varargin{k+1};
40 case {'y_scale','yscale'}
41 y_scale = varargin{k+1};
42 case {'y_lims','ylims','y_lim','ylim'}
43 y_lims = varargin{k+1};
44 case {'figure','fig'}
45 fig = varargin{k+1};
46 case {'label','fig_label','figlabel'}
47 meta.fig_label = varargin{k+1};
48 case {'colororder', 'color_order', 'colors'}
49 colororder = varargin{k+1};
50 case {'legend_postfix','legendpostfix'}
51 legend_postfix = varargin{k+1};
52 case {'legend_position','legendposition','legend_location','legendlocation'}
53 legend_location = varargin{k+1};
54 otherwise
55 error(['unrecognized varargin-argument: ', varargin{k}]);
56 end
57 end
58 if isempty(fig)
59 meta.(fig_handle) = figure; hold all;
60 else
61 figure(fig); hold all;
62 meta.(fig_handle) = fig;
63 end
64 if ~isempty(colororder)
65 set(gca, 'ColorOrder', colororder);
66 end
67 67
68 if par_ind==1
69 x_ind = 2;
70 x_data = meta_filtered.params{x_ind};
71 elseif par_ind==2
72 x_ind = 1;
73 x_data = meta_filtered.params{x_ind}';
74 y_data = y_data';
68 if par_ind==1
69 x_ind = 2;
70 x_data = meta_filtered.params{x_ind};
71 elseif par_ind==2
72 x_ind = 1;
73 x_data = meta_filtered.params{x_ind}';
74 y_data = y_data';
75 75
76 end
77 if isempty(legend_postfix)
78 legend_parser = @(num) num2eng(num);
79 else
80 legend_parser = @(num) [num2eng(num), ' (', legend_postfix,')'];
81 end
82 cut_labels = arrayfun(legend_parser, unique(meta_filtered.params{par_ind}),...
83 'UniformOutput', false);
84 plot(x_data, y_data, linestyle, 'LineWidth', 1.5, 'DisplayName', cut_labels);
85 labels(meta_filtered.param_names{x_ind},display_name);
86 set(gca, 'xscale', x_scale, 'yscale', y_scale)
87 meta_ev.xylims(x_lims, y_lims);
88 leg = legend('Location', legend_location);
89 legtitle = get(leg,'title');
90 set(legtitle,'string', sentence_case(meta_filtered.param_names{par_ind}),...
91 'interpreter', 'latex','FontSize',11);
92 set(leg, 'Color', 'w', 'FontWeight', 'normal',...
93 'LineWidth', 1, 'Interpreter', 'latex','FontSize',11);
76 end
77 if isempty(legend_postfix)
78 legend_parser = @(num) num2eng(num);
79 else
80 legend_parser = @(num) [num2eng(num), ' (', legend_postfix,')'];
81 end
82 cut_labels = arrayfun(legend_parser, unique(meta_filtered.params{par_ind}),...
83 'UniformOutput', false);
84 plot(x_data, y_data, linestyle, 'LineWidth', 1.5, 'DisplayName', cut_labels);
85 labels(meta_filtered.param_names{x_ind},display_name);
86 set(gca, 'xscale', x_scale, 'yscale', y_scale)
87 meta_ev.xylims(x_lims, y_lims);
88 leg = legend('Location', legend_location);
89 legtitle = get(leg,'title');
90 set(legtitle,'string', sentence_case(meta_filtered.param_names{par_ind}),...
91 'interpreter', 'latex','FontSize',11);
92 set(leg, 'Color', 'w', 'FontWeight', 'normal',...
93 'LineWidth', 1, 'Interpreter', 'latex','FontSize',11);
94 94
95 meta.my_postprocess_plot(meta.(fig_handle));
96 if isequal(display_name, 'Max. log. negativity')
97 hline=refline(0,0); set(hline, 'Color', 'k', 'DisplayName',' ');
98 end
95 meta.my_postprocess_plot(meta.(fig_handle));
96 if isequal(display_name, 'Max. log. negativity')
97 hline=refline(0,0); set(hline, 'Color', 'k', 'DisplayName',' ');
98 end
File data_analysis/@meta_ev/plot_logneg_versus_gamma.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 8627db9..d129631)
1 1 function plot_logneg_versus_gamma(meta, tracepairs_ind, varargin) function plot_logneg_versus_gamma(meta, tracepairs_ind, varargin)
2 cmap = cbrewer('qual', 'Set1', meta.evaluations_no);
3 x_scale = 'log'; y_scale = 'lin';
4 x_lims = []; y_lims = [];
5 fig = [];
6 for k=1:2:length(varargin)
7 switch lower(varargin{k})
8 case {'x_scale','xscale'}
9 x_scale = varargin{k+1};
10 case {'x_lims','xlims','x_lim','xlim'}
11 x_lims = varargin{k+1};
12 case {'y_scale','yscale'}
13 y_scale = varargin{k+1};
14 case {'y_lims','ylims','y_lim','ylim'}
15 y_lims = varargin{k+1};
16 case {'label','fig_label','figlabel'}
17 meta.fig_label = varargin{k+1};
18 case {'colororder', 'color_order', 'colors'}
19 cmap = varargin{k+1};
20 case {'fig', 'figure'}
21 fig = varargin{k+1};
22 otherwise
23 error(['unrecognized varargin-argument: ', varargin{k}]);
24 end
25 end
26 if isempty(fig)
27 fig = figure;
28 else
2 cmap = cbrewer('qual', 'Set1', meta.evaluations_no);
3 x_scale = 'log'; y_scale = 'lin';
4 x_lims = []; y_lims = [];
5 fig = [];
6 for k=1:2:length(varargin)
7 switch lower(varargin{k})
8 case {'x_scale','xscale'}
9 x_scale = varargin{k+1};
10 case {'x_lims','xlims','x_lim','xlim'}
11 x_lims = varargin{k+1};
12 case {'y_scale','yscale'}
13 y_scale = varargin{k+1};
14 case {'y_lims','ylims','y_lim','ylim'}
15 y_lims = varargin{k+1};
16 case {'label','fig_label','figlabel'}
17 meta.fig_label = varargin{k+1};
18 case {'colororder', 'color_order', 'colors'}
19 cmap = varargin{k+1};
20 case {'fig', 'figure'}
21 fig = varargin{k+1};
22 otherwise
23 error(['unrecognized varargin-argument: ', varargin{k}]);
24 end
25 end
26 if isempty(fig)
27 fig = figure;
28 else
29 29 visibility = get(fig,'visible'); visibility = get(fig,'visible');
30 30 figure(fig); hold all; set(fig, 'visible', visibility); figure(fig); hold all; set(fig, 'visible', visibility);
31 31 end end
32 myplotlogneg = @(ev, color_ind) ev.plotLogneg('figure', fig,...
33 'tracepairs', tracepairs_ind, 'save_fig', false, ...
34 'color', cmap(color_ind,:),...
35 'title', '', 'legend', false,...
36 'show_physicality', false);
37 for k=1:meta.evaluations_no
38 myplotlogneg(meta.evaluations{k}, k);
39 end
40 set(gca, 'xscale', x_scale, 'yscale', y_scale)
41 meta.xylims(x_lims, y_lims);
42 meta.my_postprocess_plot(fig);
43 meta.ln_fig = fig;
32 myplotlogneg = @(ev, color_ind) ev.plotLogneg('figure', fig,...
33 'tracepairs', tracepairs_ind, 'save_fig', false, ...
34 'color', cmap(color_ind,:),...
35 'title', '', 'legend', false,...
36 'show_physicality', false);
37 for k=1:meta.evaluations_no
38 myplotlogneg(meta.evaluations{k}, k);
39 end
40 set(gca, 'xscale', x_scale, 'yscale', y_scale)
41 meta.xylims(x_lims, y_lims);
42 meta.my_postprocess_plot(fig);
43 meta.ln_fig = fig;
File data_analysis/auxfunctions/OOP/assert_inherits_from.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 878e47e..f54da51)
1 1 function assert_inherits_from(obj, target_class) function assert_inherits_from(obj, target_class)
2 myclass = class(obj);
3 supclasses = superclasses(myclass);
2 myclass = class(obj);
3 supclasses = superclasses(myclass);
4 4
5 is_target_class = isequal(myclass, target_class);
6 inherits_from_target_class = any(ismember(supclasses, target_class));
5 is_target_class = isequal(myclass, target_class);
6 inherits_from_target_class = any(ismember(supclasses, target_class));
7 7
8 assert(is_target_class || inherits_from_target_class,...
9 ['Class of input is ', myclass, ' which does not inherit from ', target_class])
8 assert(is_target_class || inherits_from_target_class,...
9 ['Class of input is ', myclass, ' which does not inherit from ', target_class])
File data_analysis/auxfunctions/files/append_string_to_txtfile.m changed (mode: 100644) (index cfe9f42..e0a6eb2)
1 1 %% APPEND_STRING_TO_TXTFILE(string, file): takes a string and a file(name) %% APPEND_STRING_TO_TXTFILE(string, file): takes a string and a file(name)
2 2 % and appends the string to the file (on a new line) % and appends the string to the file (on a new line)
3 3 function append_string_to_txtfile(string, file) function append_string_to_txtfile(string, file)
4 fid = fopen(file, 'a+');
5 fprintf(fid, '%s\n', string);
6 fclose(fid);
4 fid = fopen(file, 'a+');
5 fprintf(fid, '%s\n', string);
6 fclose(fid);
7 7 end end
File data_analysis/auxfunctions/files/isafile.m changed (mode: 100644) (index d012988..cfd6d2c)
1 1 function [ boolean ] = isafile( filePath, varargin) function [ boolean ] = isafile( filePath, varargin)
2 %ISAFILE takes a file path and returns true if the path exists and points to a file and false otherwise
3 % Detailed explanation goes here
4 % if called with several input arguments it returns true if ALL inputs are filepaths
5 boolean = isafile_aux(filePath);
6 for k=1:length(varargin)
7 boolean = boolean && isafile_aux(varargin{k});
8 end
2 %ISAFILE takes a file path and returns true if the path exists and points to a file and false otherwise
3 % Detailed explanation goes here
4 % if called with several input arguments it returns true if ALL inputs are filepaths
5 boolean = isafile_aux(filePath);
6 for k=1:length(varargin)
7 boolean = boolean && isafile_aux(varargin{k});
8 end
9 9
10 10 function boolean = isafile_aux(filePath) function boolean = isafile_aux(filePath)
11 boolean = isequal(exist(filePath,'file'),2);
11 boolean = isequal(exist(filePath,'file'),2);
File data_analysis/auxfunctions/files/pseudo_hash.m changed (mode: 100644) (index bc5bfc3..d885418)
1 1 function hashsum = pseudo_hash(filepath, varargin) function hashsum = pseudo_hash(filepath, varargin)
2 % takes path to a file which may contain large amounts of binary data
3 % and returns a quick "pseudo-hashsum" by inspecting the beginning and end of the file
4 %
5 % details:
6 % reads (up to) first 1e6 and last 1e6 bytes plus the filesize in bytes into an array
7 % returns SHA1-hashsum of the array
8 %
9 % TODO: opening a file for writing (but not writing anything) should not change the pseudo-hash
10 assert(exist(filepath)==2,...
11 ['File ', filepath, ' not found.']);
2 % takes path to a file which may contain large amounts of binary data
3 % and returns a quick "pseudo-hashsum" by inspecting the beginning and end of the file
4 %
5 % details:
6 % reads (up to) first 1e6 and last 1e6 bytes plus the filesize in bytes into an array
7 % returns SHA1-hashsum of the array
8 %
9 % TODO: opening a file for writing (but not writing anything) should not change the pseudo-hash
10 assert(exist(filepath)==2,...
11 ['File ', filepath, ' not found.']);
12 12
13 fileinfo = dir(filepath);
14 byte_no = fileinfo.bytes;
13 fileinfo = dir(filepath);
14 byte_no = fileinfo.bytes;
15 15
16 bytes = 1e6;
17 short = false;
18 for k=1:2:length(varargin)
19 switch varargin{k}
20 case 'bytes'
21 bytes = varargin{k+1};
22 case 'short'
23 short = varargin{k+1};
24 otherwise
25 error(['Unrecognized varargin-argument:', varargin{k}]);
26 end
27 end
16 bytes = 1e6;
17 short = false;
18 for k=1:2:length(varargin)
19 switch varargin{k}
20 case 'bytes'
21 bytes = varargin{k+1};
22 case 'short'
23 short = varargin{k+1};
24 otherwise
25 error(['Unrecognized varargin-argument:', varargin{k}]);
26 end
27 end
28 28
29 fid = fopen(filepath,'r');
30 data_start = fread(fid, bytes);
31 fseek(fid, bytes, 'eof');
32 data_end = fread(fid, bytes);
33 fclose(fid);
29 fid = fopen(filepath,'r');
30 data_start = fread(fid, bytes);
31 fseek(fid, bytes, 'eof');
32 data_end = fread(fid, bytes);
33 fclose(fid);
34 34
35 data = [data_start; data_end; byte_no];
35 data = [data_start; data_end; byte_no];
36 36
37 opt.Method = 'SHA-1';
38 hashsum = DataHash(data, opt);
39 if short
40 hashsum = hashsum(1:8);
37 opt.Method = 'SHA-1';
38 hashsum = DataHash(data, opt);
39 if short
40 hashsum = hashsum(1:8);
41 41 end end
File data_analysis/auxfunctions/gitrepos/get_git_status.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 72dec79..922c8c3)
... ... function status = get_git_status(git_repo)
3 3 cd(git_repo); cd(git_repo);
4 4 status = git('status'); status = git('status');
5 5 cd(working_dir) cd(working_dir)
7 7 clean_status_string = 'nothing to commit, working directory clean'; clean_status_string = 'nothing to commit, working directory clean';
8 8 if isempty(strfind(status, clean_status_string)) if isempty(strfind(status, clean_status_string))
9 cd(git_repo);
10 gitdiff = git('diff --name-status');
11 cd(working_dir)
13 status = ['DIRTY',10, gitdiff];
9 cd(git_repo);
10 gitdiff = git('diff --name-status');
11 cd(working_dir)
13 status = ['DIRTY',10, gitdiff];
14 14 else else
15 status = 'CLEAN';
15 status = 'CLEAN';
16 16 end end
File data_analysis/auxfunctions/gitrepos/status_git_repos_on_path.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 7446e4a..8c7a3bc)
1 1 function gitstring = status_git_repos_on_path function gitstring = status_git_repos_on_path
2 gitrepos_array = git_repos_on_path;
3 horiz_line = [10,repmat('_',1,72),10,10];
4 gitstring = horiz_line;
5 for k=1:length(gitrepos_array)
6 git_repo = gitrepos_array{k};
7 git_commit = get_git_commit_hash(git_repo);
8 git_status = get_git_status(git_repo);
2 gitrepos_array = git_repos_on_path;
3 horiz_line = [10,repmat('_',1,72),10,10];
4 gitstring = horiz_line;
5 for k=1:length(gitrepos_array)
6 git_repo = gitrepos_array{k};
7 git_commit = get_git_commit_hash(git_repo);
8 git_status = get_git_status(git_repo);
9 9
10 gitstring = [gitstring, git_repo, 9, git_commit, 9, git_status, horiz_line];
11 end
10 gitstring = [gitstring, git_repo, 9, git_commit, 9, git_status, horiz_line];
11 end
File data_analysis/auxfunctions/gitrepos/test_git_conveniences.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 71bec51..7b31008)
1 1 function test_suite = get_git_commit_hash_test %#ok<STOUT> function test_suite = get_git_commit_hash_test %#ok<STOUT>
2 clc; initTestSuite;
2 clc; initTestSuite;
3 3
4 4 function shared = setup function shared = setup
5 shared.working_dir = pwd;
6 shared.testrepo = '__testrepo__';
7 shared.testrepo2 = '__testrepo2__';
8 shared.testfile = 'test.txt';
5 shared.working_dir = pwd;
6 shared.testrepo = '__testrepo__';
7 shared.testrepo2 = '__testrepo2__';
8 shared.testfile = 'test.txt';
9 9
10 10 % create test repository % create test repository
11 11 git('init',shared.testrepo); git('init',shared.testrepo);
... ... function shared = setup
13 13 dlmwrite(shared.testfile, [1,2,3], 'delimiter', 't'); dlmwrite(shared.testfile, [1,2,3], 'delimiter', 't');
14 14 git('add', shared.testfile); git('add', shared.testfile);
15 15 git commit -m "Initialize repo" git commit -m "Initialize repo"
16 cd(shared.working_dir);
16 cd(shared.working_dir);
17 17
18 % create test repository 2
19 git('init',shared.testrepo2);
20 cd(shared.testrepo2);
21 dlmwrite(shared.testfile, [1,2,3], 'delimiter', 't');
22 git('add', shared.testfile);
23 git commit -m "Initialize repo 2"
24 cd(shared.working_dir);
18 % create test repository 2
19 git('init',shared.testrepo2);
20 cd(shared.testrepo2);
21 dlmwrite(shared.testfile, [1,2,3], 'delimiter', 't');
22 git('add', shared.testfile);
23 git commit -m "Initialize repo 2"
24 cd(shared.working_dir);
25 25
26 26 function teardown(shared) function teardown(shared)
27 27 rmdir(shared.testrepo, 's'); rmdir(shared.testrepo, 's');
28 rmdir(shared.testrepo2, 's');
29 cd(shared.working_dir)
30 clear('shared');
28 rmdir(shared.testrepo2, 's');
29 cd(shared.working_dir)
30 clear('shared');
31 31
32 32 function ht = test_identical_repos(shared) function ht = test_identical_repos(shared)
33 hash = get_git_commit_hash(shared.testrepo);
34 hash_ = get_git_commit_hash(shared.testrepo);
35 hash__ = get_git_commit_hash(GetFullPath(shared.testrepo));
36 assertEqual(hash, hash_)
37 assertEqual(hash, hash__)
33 hash = get_git_commit_hash(shared.testrepo);
34 hash_ = get_git_commit_hash(shared.testrepo);
35 hash__ = get_git_commit_hash(GetFullPath(shared.testrepo));
36 assertEqual(hash, hash_)
37 assertEqual(hash, hash__)
38 38
39 39 function ht = test_identical_remote_repos(shared) function ht = test_identical_remote_repos(shared)
40 hash = get_git_commit_hash(shared.testrepo);
41 cloned_repo = '__anothertestrepo__'
42 git('clone', shared.testrepo, cloned_repo)
43 hash = get_git_commit_hash(shared.testrepo);
44 hash_ = get_git_commit_hash(cloned_repo);
45 assertEqual(hash, hash_)
46 rmdir(cloned_repo, 's')
40 hash = get_git_commit_hash(shared.testrepo);
41 cloned_repo = '__anothertestrepo__'
42 git('clone', shared.testrepo, cloned_repo)
43 hash = get_git_commit_hash(shared.testrepo);
44 hash_ = get_git_commit_hash(cloned_repo);
45 assertEqual(hash, hash_)
46 rmdir(cloned_repo, 's')
47 47
48 48 function ht = test_distinct_remote_repos(shared) function ht = test_distinct_remote_repos(shared)
49 hash = get_git_commit_hash(shared.testrepo);
50 cloned_repo = '__anothertestrepo__'
51 git('clone', shared.testrepo, cloned_repo)
52 cd(cloned_repo)
53 dlmwrite('test2.txt', [1,2,3], 'delimiter', 't');
54 git('add', 'test2.txt');
55 git commit -m "Modify repo"
56 cd(shared.working_dir)
57 hash = get_git_commit_hash(shared.testrepo);
58 hash_ = get_git_commit_hash(cloned_repo);
59 assertFalse(isequal(hash, hash_))
60 rmdir(cloned_repo, 's')
49 hash = get_git_commit_hash(shared.testrepo);
50 cloned_repo = '__anothertestrepo__'
51 git('clone', shared.testrepo, cloned_repo)
52 cd(cloned_repo)
53 dlmwrite('test2.txt', [1,2,3], 'delimiter', 't');
54 git('add', 'test2.txt');
55 git commit -m "Modify repo"
56 cd(shared.working_dir)
57 hash = get_git_commit_hash(shared.testrepo);
58 hash_ = get_git_commit_hash(cloned_repo);
59 assertFalse(isequal(hash, hash_))
60 rmdir(cloned_repo, 's')
61 61
62 62 function ht = test_distinct_repos(shared) function ht = test_distinct_repos(shared)
63 hash = get_git_commit_hash(shared.testrepo);
64 hash2 = get_git_commit_hash(shared.testrepo2);
65 assertFalse(isequal(hash, hash2))
63 hash = get_git_commit_hash(shared.testrepo);
64 hash2 = get_git_commit_hash(shared.testrepo2);
65 assertFalse(isequal(hash, hash2))
66 66
67 67 function ht = test_status(shared) function ht = test_status(shared)
68 status = get_git_status(shared.testrepo);
69 assertEqual(status, 'CLEAN');
68 status = get_git_status(shared.testrepo);
69 assertEqual(status, 'CLEAN');
70 70
71 % locally modify testrepo
72 cd(shared.testrepo);
73 dlmwrite(shared.testfile, [1,2,3,4,5], 'delimiter', 't');
74 cd(shared.working_dir);
75 status = get_git_status(shared.testrepo);
76 assertEqual(status(1:5), 'DIRTY');
71 % locally modify testrepo
72 cd(shared.testrepo);
73 dlmwrite(shared.testfile, [1,2,3,4,5], 'delimiter', 't');
74 cd(shared.working_dir);
75 status = get_git_status(shared.testrepo);
76 assertEqual(status(1:5), 'DIRTY');
File data_analysis/auxfunctions/matrixcomp/householder_ON.m changed (mode: 100644 -> 100755) (index 11302df..45fe333)
... ... function Q = householder_ON(A)
3 3 % produces an m-by-m othogonal matrix Q out of the n-columns of A (m-by-n), % produces an m-by-m othogonal matrix Q out of the n-columns of A (m-by-n),
4 4 % s.t. if the columns of A are independent the first n columns of Q span % s.t. if the columns of A are independent the first n columns of Q span
5 5 % the same sub vector space. % the same sub vector space.
6 % This algorithm is based on Housholder relfections
6 % This algorithm is based on Housholder relfections
7 7 % (see % (see
8 8 % and provide more robust othogonality than a modified Gram-Schmidt % and provide more robust othogonality than a modified Gram-Schmidt
9 9 % algorithm; in the sense that the deviation of Q*Q' from identity marix is % algorithm; in the sense that the deviation of Q*Q' from identity marix is
... ... for k=1:min(m-1,n)
19 19 end end
20 20
21 21 for k=min(m-1,n):-1:1 for k=min(m-1,n):-1:1
22 Q = Q - 2*v(:,k)*(v(:,k)'*Q);
22 Q = Q - 2*v(:,k)*(v(:,k)'*Q);
23 23 end end
File data_analysis/auxfunctions/matrixcomp/rootm.m changed (mode: 100644) (index d74f274..c420eee)
... ... for c = 1:n-1
41 41 for i = 1:n-c for i = 1:n-c
42 42 sum1 = 0; sum1 = 0;
43 43 for d = 1:p-2 for d = 1:p-2
44 sum2 = 0;
45 for k = i+1:i+c-1
44 sum2 = 0;
45 for k = i+1:i+c-1
46 46 sum2 = sum2 + U(i,k)*R(k,(d-1)*n + i+c); sum2 = sum2 + U(i,k)*R(k,(d-1)*n + i+c);
47 47 end end
48 48 sum1 = sum1 + U(i,i)^(p-2-d)*sum2; sum1 = sum1 + U(i,i)^(p-2-d)*sum2;
49 end
50 sum3 = 0;
49 end
50 sum3 = 0;
51 51 for k = i+1:i+c-1 for k = i+1:i+c-1
52 52 sum3 = sum3 + U(i,k)*U(k,i+c); sum3 = sum3 + U(i,k)*U(k,i+c);
53 53 end end
... ... for c = 1:n-1
55 55 sum4 = 0; sum4 = 0;
56 56 for j = 0:p-1 for j = 0:p-1
57 57 sum4 = sum4 + U(i,i)^j*U(i+c,i+c)^(p-1-j); sum4 = sum4 + U(i,i)^j*U(i+c,i+c)^(p-1-j);
58 end
58 end
59 59
60 60 U(i,i+c) = (T(i,i+c) - sum1)/(sum4); U(i,i+c) = (T(i,i+c) - sum1)/(sum4);
61 61
... ... for c = 1:n-1
67 67 sum6 = 0; sum6 = 0;
68 68 for h = 1:q-1 for h = 1:q-1
69 69 sum7 = 0; sum7 = 0;
70 for w=i+1:i+c-1
71 sum7 = sum7 + U(i,w)*R(w,(h-1)*n +i+c);
70 for w=i+1:i+c-1
71 sum7 = sum7 + U(i,w)*R(w,(h-1)*n +i+c);
72 72 end end
73 73 sum6 = sum6 + U(i,i)^(q-1-h)*sum7; sum6 = sum6 + U(i,i)^(q-1-h)*sum7;
74 74 end end
File data_analysis/auxfunctions/monitor/estimated_time_of_arrival.m changed (mode: 100644) (index f0b4f37..7a6396f)
1 1 function print_eta = estimated_time_of_arrival() function print_eta = estimated_time_of_arrival()
2 start_time = clock;
2 start_time = clock;
4 4 function print_eta_fct(iterations_passed, iteration_no) function print_eta_fct(iterations_passed, iteration_no)
5 time_diff = etime(clock, start_time);
6 est_duration_min = (time_diff/60)*iteration_no/iterations_passed;
5 time_diff = etime(clock, start_time);
6 est_duration_min = (time_diff/60)*iteration_no/iterations_passed;
7 7 precision = 3; precision = 3;
8 if est_duration_min < 1
9 return
8 if est_duration_min < 1
9 return
10 10 %disp(['estimated duration [seconds]: ',... %disp(['estimated duration [seconds]: ',...
11 11 %num2str(60*est_duration_min, precision)]); %num2str(60*est_duration_min, precision)]);
12 12
13 elseif est_duration_min < 60
14 disp(['estimated duration [minutes]: ',...
13 elseif est_duration_min < 60
14 disp(['estimated duration [minutes]: ',...
15 15 num2str(est_duration_min, precision)]); num2str(est_duration_min, precision)]);
16 elseif est_duration_min < 60*24
17 disp(['estimated duration [hours]: ',...
16 elseif est_duration_min < 60*24
17 disp(['estimated duration [hours]: ',...
18 18 num2str(est_duration_min/60, precision)]); num2str(est_duration_min/60, precision)]);
19 else
20 disp(['estimated duration [days]: ',...
19 else
20 disp(['estimated duration [days]: ',...
21 21 num2str(est_duration_min/(24*60), precision)]); num2str(est_duration_min/(24*60), precision)]);
22 end
23 est_arrival = datestr(addtodate(now, round(est_duration_min*60),'second'));
24 disp(['estimated time of arrival: ',...
25 est_arrival]);
22 end
23 est_arrival = datestr(addtodate(now, round(est_duration_min*60),'second'));
24 disp(['estimated time of arrival: ',...
25 est_arrival]);
26 26 end end
27 27
28 28 print_eta = @print_eta_fct; print_eta = @print_eta_fct;
File data_analysis/auxfunctions/orthonormality/assert_orthonormality.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 5316acf..252d674)
1 1 function on_info = assert_orthonormality(Q, norm_tol, orthog_tol) function on_info = assert_orthonormality(Q, norm_tol, orthog_tol)
2 % Asserts that the rows of matrix Q are mutually orthonormal
3 % within numerical tolerances specified by 'norm_tol' and 'orthog_tol'
4 % If the assertion fails, additional information is displayed
5 % about the cause of the failure and the size of the deviation
7 failure = false;
8 [~, orthog, normal, on_info] = orthonormality(Q, norm_tol, orthog_tol);
10 if ~orthog
11 failure = true;
13 % display info about the cause and size of failure
14 [deviations, sortorder] = sort(on_info.orthog.deviations, 'descend');
15 off_cols = on_info.orthog.offenders.cols(sortorder);
16 off_rows = on_info.orthog.offenders.rows(sortorder);
18 disp(['\nPairs of rows violating orthogonality & amount of violation:',10,...
19 '(sorted in order of decreasing violation)'])
20 disp(arrayfun(@num2str, [off_cols, off_rows, deviations],...
21 'UniformOutput', false))
22 disp('Orthogonality test failed!');
23 % disp(arrayfun(@num2str, Q*Q', 'UniformOutput', false))
24 end
26 if ~normal
27 failure = true;
29 % display info about the cause and size of failure
30 [deviations, sortorder] = sort(on_info.norm.deviations, 'descend');
31 offenders = on_info.norm.offenders(sortorder);
33 disp(['Rows violating normality and amount of violation:',10,...
34 '(sorted in order of decreasing violation)'])
35 disp(arrayfun(@num2str, [offenders, deviations],...
36 'UniformOutput', false))
37 disp('Normality test failed!');
38 end
40 if failure
41 error('Orthonormality test failed!')
42 end
2 % Asserts that the rows of matrix Q are mutually orthonormal
3 % within numerical tolerances specified by 'norm_tol' and 'orthog_tol'
4 % If the assertion fails, additional information is displayed
5 % about the cause of the failure and the size of the deviation
7 failure = false;
8 [~, orthog, normal, on_info] = orthonormality(Q, norm_tol, orthog_tol);
10 if ~orthog
11 failure = true;
13 % display info about the cause and size of failure
14 [deviations, sortorder] = sort(on_info.orthog.deviations, 'descend');
15 off_cols = on_info.orthog.offenders.cols(sortorder);
16 off_rows = on_info.orthog.offenders.rows(sortorder);
18 disp(['\nPairs of rows violating orthogonality & amount of violation:',10,...
19 '(sorted in order of decreasing violation)'])
20 disp(arrayfun(@num2str, [off_cols, off_rows, deviations],...
21 'UniformOutput', false))
22 disp('Orthogonality test failed!');
23 % disp(arrayfun(@num2str, Q*Q', 'UniformOutput', false))
24 end
26 if ~normal
27 failure = true;
29 % display info about the cause and size of failure
30 [deviations, sortorder] = sort(on_info.norm.deviations, 'descend');
31 offenders = on_info.norm.offenders(sortorder);
33 disp(['Rows violating normality and amount of violation:',10,...
34 '(sorted in order of decreasing violation)'])
35 disp(arrayfun(@num2str, [offenders, deviations],...
36 'UniformOutput', false))
37 disp('Normality test failed!');
38 end
40 if failure
41 error('Orthonormality test failed!')
42 end
File data_analysis/auxfunctions/orthonormality/orthonormality.m changed (mode: 100644) (index d05e4db..f55635c)
... ... function [orthonorm, orthog, normal, on_info] = orthonormality(Q, norm_tol, orth
2 2 % [orthonorm, orthog, normal, info] = orthonormality(Q, norm_tol, orthog_tol) % [orthonorm, orthog, normal, info] = orthonormality(Q, norm_tol, orthog_tol)
3 3 % returns a boolean 'orthonorm' indicating whether the rows of matrix Q % returns a boolean 'orthonorm' indicating whether the rows of matrix Q
4 4 % are orthonormal within numerical tolerances norn_tol and orthog_tol. % are orthonormal within numerical tolerances norn_tol and orthog_tol.
5 %
5 %
6 6 % The booleans 'orthog' and 'normal' indicate orthogonality and normality separately. % The booleans 'orthog' and 'normal' indicate orthogonality and normality separately.
7 7 % %
8 8 % orthonorm (orthog, normal) = True ==> All rows are orthonormal (orthogonal, normal). % orthonorm (orthog, normal) = True ==> All rows are orthonormal (orthogonal, normal).
... ... function [orthonorm, orthog, normal, on_info] = orthonormality(Q, norm_tol, orth
12 12 % %
13 13 % Basic Idea: % Basic Idea:
14 14 % for QQ^T, check if the diagonal elements are within a tolerence 'norm_tol' % for QQ^T, check if the diagonal elements are within a tolerence 'norm_tol'
15 % from 1 (assesses the normalisation) and if the non-diagonal elements are
16 % within a tolerence 'orthog_tol' from 0 (assesses orthogonality).
15 % from 1 (assesses the normalisation) and if the non-diagonal elements are
16 % within a tolerence 'orthog_tol' from 0 (assesses orthogonality).
17 17
18 18 on_info = {}; on_info = {};
19 19
... ... orthog = isempty(orthog_viol_rows);
43 43 if ~orthog if ~orthog
44 44 on_info.orthog.offenders.cols = orthog_viol_cols; on_info.orthog.offenders.cols = orthog_viol_cols;
45 45 on_info.orthog.offenders.rows = orthog_viol_rows; on_info.orthog.offenders.rows = orthog_viol_rows;
47 47 orthog_critical_devs = zeros(size(orthog_viol_rows)); orthog_critical_devs = zeros(size(orthog_viol_rows));
48 48 for k=1:length(orthog_viol_rows) for k=1:length(orthog_viol_rows)
49 49 row = orthog_viol_rows(k); row = orthog_viol_rows(k);
File data_analysis/auxfunctions/permute_data/permute_data.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 27b5818..a787395)
1 1 function data_permuted = permute_data(data_original, varargin) function data_permuted = permute_data(data_original, varargin)
2 % permute_data takes traces with quadratures ordered as 'q1', 'q2',... 'p1',
3 % 'p2',... 'x1', 'x2',... 'y1', 'y2' and returns the the same traces
4 % reordered with quadratures ordered as 'q1', 'p1', 'q2',
5 %'p2',... 'x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2',...
6 %
7 % permute_data(traces, 'inverse', true) performs the inverse reordering.
2 % permute_data takes traces with quadratures ordered as 'q1', 'q2',... 'p1',
3 % 'p2',... 'x1', 'x2',... 'y1', 'y2' and returns the the same traces
4 % reordered with quadratures ordered as 'q1', 'p1', 'q2',
5 %'p2',... 'x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2',...
6 %
7 % permute_data(traces, 'inverse', true) performs the inverse reordering.
8 8
9 inverse = false;
10 for k=1:2:length(varargin)
11 switch varargin{k}
12 case {'inverse', 'Inverse'}
13 inverse = varargin{k+1};
14 otherwise
15 error(['Unrecognized varargin-argument ', varargin{k}]);
16 end
17 end
9 inverse = false;
10 for k=1:2:length(varargin)
11 switch varargin{k}
12 case {'inverse', 'Inverse'}
13 inverse = varargin{k+1};
14 otherwise
15 error(['Unrecognized varargin-argument ', varargin{k}]);
16 end
17 end
18 18
19 col_no = size(data_original, 2);
20 mode_no = col_no/4;
22 perm_vec = [];
23 perm_vec_stub = [1:mode_no:col_no/2];
24 for k=1:mode_no
25 perm_vec = [perm_vec, perm_vec_stub + (k -1)];
26 end
19 col_no = size(data_original, 2);
20 mode_no = col_no/4;
27 21
28 perm_vec_stub = perm_vec_stub + 2*mode_no;
29 for k=1:mode_no
30 perm_vec = [perm_vec, perm_vec_stub + (k -1)];
31 end
22 perm_vec = [];
23 perm_vec_stub = [1:mode_no:col_no/2];
24 for k=1:mode_no
25 perm_vec = [perm_vec, perm_vec_stub + (k -1)];
26 end
32 27
33 if inverse
34 perm_vec_inv(perm_vec) = 1:length(perm_vec);
35 perm_vec = perm_vec_inv;
36 end
37 %disp(perm_vec)
38 data_permuted = data_original(:,perm_vec);
28 perm_vec_stub = perm_vec_stub + 2*mode_no;
29 for k=1:mode_no
30 perm_vec = [perm_vec, perm_vec_stub + (k -1)];
31 end
33 if inverse
34 perm_vec_inv(perm_vec) = 1:length(perm_vec);
35 perm_vec = perm_vec_inv;
36 end
37 %disp(perm_vec)
38 data_permuted = data_original(:,perm_vec);
File data_analysis/auxfunctions/permute_data/read_permute_write_data.m changed (mode: 100644) (index e04d610..24d232d)
1 1 function [permuted_data_file, permuted_data_CM_file] = read_permute_write_data(fullpath, varargin) function [permuted_data_file, permuted_data_CM_file] = read_permute_write_data(fullpath, varargin)
2 data_original = dlmread(fullpath, '\t');
3 data_permuted = permute_data(data_original, varargin{:});
4 dlmwrite(fullpath, data_permuted, '\t');
5 permuted_data_file = fullpath;
2 data_original = dlmread(fullpath, '\t');
3 data_permuted = permute_data(data_original, varargin{:});
4 dlmwrite(fullpath, data_permuted, '\t');
5 permuted_data_file = fullpath;
6 6
7 CM = cov(data_permuted);
8 [folder, filename, fileext] = fileparts(fullpath);
9 CM_filepath = fullfile(folder, ['CM_', filename, fileext]);
10 dlmwrite(CM_filepath, CM, '\t');
11 permuted_data_CM_file = CM_filepath;
7 CM = cov(data_permuted);
8 [folder, filename, fileext] = fileparts(fullpath);
9 CM_filepath = fullfile(folder, ['CM_', filename, fileext]);
10 dlmwrite(CM_filepath, CM, '\t');
11 permuted_data_CM_file = CM_filepath;
File data_analysis/auxfunctions/permute_data/read_permute_write_data__folder.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 30ba997..60a02d7)
1 1 function read_permute_write_data__folder() function read_permute_write_data__folder()
2 inverse_permutation = false;
3 for k=1:30
4 filename = sprintf('%02d.tsv', k)
2 inverse_permutation = false;
3 for k=1:30
4 filename = sprintf('%02d.tsv', k)
5 5
6 %% check:
7 if k==30
8 CM_filename = ['CM_', filename];
9 CM = dlmread(CM_filename, '\t');
10 figure; heatmap(CM)
11 title(['CM before; p1p1: ',num2str(CM(4,4)),'; x1x2: ', num2str(CM(7,8))]);
12 end
14 read_permute_write_data(filename, 'inverse', inverse_permutation)
15 end
17 %% check:
18 CM_filename = ['CM_', filename];
19 CM = dlmread(CM_filename, '\t');
20 figure; heatmap(CM)
21 title(['CM after; p1p1: ',num2str(CM(2,2)),'; x1x2: ', num2str(CM(7,9))]);
6 %% check:
7 if k==30
8 CM_filename = ['CM_', filename];
9 CM = dlmread(CM_filename, '\t');
10 figure; heatmap(CM)
11 title(['CM before; p1p1: ',num2str(CM(4,4)),'; x1x2: ', num2str(CM(7,8))]);
12 end
14 read_permute_write_data(filename, 'inverse', inverse_permutation)
15 end
17 %% check:
18 CM_filename = ['CM_', filename];
19 CM = dlmread(CM_filename, '\t');
20 figure; heatmap(CM)
21 title(['CM after; p1p1: ',num2str(CM(2,2)),'; x1x2: ', num2str(CM(7,9))]);
File data_analysis/auxfunctions/plots/gridxy.m changed (mode: 100644) (index cedcbe6..82eb533)
... ... function hh = gridxy(x,varargin)
7 7 % or horizontal lines are plotted. % or horizontal lines are plotted.
8 8 % %
9 9 % The lines are plotted as a single graphics object. H = GRIDXY(..) returns % The lines are plotted as a single graphics object. H = GRIDXY(..) returns
10 % a graphics handle to that line object.
10 % a graphics handle to that line object.
11 11 % %
12 12 % GRIDXY(..., 'Prop1','Val1','Prop2','Val2', ...) uses the properties % GRIDXY(..., 'Prop1','Val1','Prop2','Val2', ...) uses the properties
13 13 % and values specified for color, linestyle, etc. Execute GET(H), where H is % and values specified for color, linestyle, etc. Execute GET(H), where H is
... ... function hh = gridxy(x,varargin)
16 16 % %
17 17 % Examples % Examples
18 18 % % some random plot % % some random plot
19 % plot(10*rand(100,1), 10*rand(100,1),'bo') ;
19 % plot(10*rand(100,1), 10*rand(100,1),'bo') ;
20 20 % % horizontal red dashed grid % % horizontal red dashed grid
21 21 % gridxy([1.1 3.2 4.5],'Color','r','Linestyle',':') ; % gridxy([1.1 3.2 4.5],'Color','r','Linestyle',':') ;
22 22 % % vertical solid thicker yellowish grid, and store the handle % % vertical solid thicker yellowish grid, and store the handle
... ... else
56 56 if ischar(va{1}), if ischar(va{1}),
57 57 % optional arguments are % optional arguments are
58 58 y = [] ; y = [] ;
59 elseif isnumeric(va{1})
59 elseif isnumeric(va{1})
60 60 y = va{1} ; y = va{1} ;
61 61 va = va(2:end) ; va = va(2:end) ;
62 62 else else
... ... yy2 = repmat(y(:).',3,1) ;
90 90
91 91 % create data for a single line object % create data for a single line object
92 92 xx1 = [xx1 xx2] ; xx1 = [xx1 xx2] ;
93 if ~isempty(xx1),
93 if ~isempty(xx1),
94 94 yy1 = [yy1 yy2] ; yy1 = [yy1 yy2] ;
95 95 % add the line to the current axes % add the line to the current axes
96 96 np = get(hca,'nextplot') ; np = get(hca,'nextplot') ;
97 97 set(hca,'nextplot','add') ; set(hca,'nextplot','add') ;
98 h = line('xdata',xx1(:),'ydata',yy1(:)) ;
98 h = line('xdata',xx1(:),'ydata',yy1(:)) ;
99 99 set(hca,'ylim',ylim,'xlim',xlim) ; % reset the limits set(hca,'ylim',ylim,'xlim',xlim) ; % reset the limits
101 101 uistack(h,'bottom') ; % push lines to the bottom of the graph uistack(h,'bottom') ; % push lines to the bottom of the graph
102 102 set(hca,'nextplot',np,'Layer','top') ; % reset the nextplot state set(hca,'nextplot',np,'Layer','top') ; % reset the nextplot state
103 103
104 104 if ~isempty(va), if ~isempty(va),
105 105 try try
106 set(h,va{:}) ; % set line properties
106 set(h,va{:}) ; % set line properties
107 107 catch catch
108 108 msg = lasterror ; msg = lasterror ;
109 109 error(msg.message(21:end)) ; error(msg.message(21:end)) ;
... ... end
117 117 if nargout==1, % if requested return handle if nargout==1, % if requested return handle
118 118 hh = h ; hh = h ;
119 119 end end
File data_analysis/auxfunctions/plots/linspecer.m changed (mode: 100644) (index bf242c3..faeaada)
2 2 % This function creates an Nx3 array of N [R B G] colors % This function creates an Nx3 array of N [R B G] colors
3 3 % These can be used to plot lots of lines with distinguishable and nice % These can be used to plot lots of lines with distinguishable and nice
4 4 % looking colors. % looking colors.
5 %
5 %
6 6 % lineStyles = linspecer(N); makes N colors for you to use: lineStyles(ii,:) % lineStyles = linspecer(N); makes N colors for you to use: lineStyles(ii,:)
7 %
8 % colormap(linspecer); set your colormap to have easily distinguishable
7 %
8 % colormap(linspecer); set your colormap to have easily distinguishable
9 9 % colors and a pleasing aesthetic % colors and a pleasing aesthetic
10 %
10 %
11 11 % lineStyles = linspecer(N,'qualitative'); forces the colors to all be distinguishable (up to 12) % lineStyles = linspecer(N,'qualitative'); forces the colors to all be distinguishable (up to 12)
12 % lineStyles = linspecer(N,'sequential'); forces the colors to vary along a spectrum
13 %
12 % lineStyles = linspecer(N,'sequential'); forces the colors to vary along a spectrum
13 %
14 14 % % Examples demonstrating the colors. % % Examples demonstrating the colors.
15 %
15 %
17 17 % N=6; % N=6;
18 % X = linspace(0,pi*3,1000);
19 % Y = bsxfun(@(x,n)sin(x+2*n*pi/N), X.', 1:N);
18 % X = linspace(0,pi*3,1000);
19 % Y = bsxfun(@(x,n)sin(x+2*n*pi/N), X.', 1:N);
20 20 % C = linspecer(N); % C = linspecer(N);
21 21 % axes('NextPlot','replacechildren', 'ColorOrder',C); % axes('NextPlot','replacechildren', 'ColorOrder',C);
22 22 % plot(X,Y,'linewidth',5) % plot(X,Y,'linewidth',5)
23 23 % ylim([-1.1 1.1]); % ylim([-1.1 1.1]);
24 %
24 %
26 26 % N = 6; X = linspace(0,pi*3,1000); % N = 6; X = linspace(0,pi*3,1000);
27 27 % C = linspecer(N) % C = linspecer(N)
31 31 % plot(X,Y,'color',C(ii,:),'linewidth',3); % plot(X,Y,'color',C(ii,:),'linewidth',3);
32 32 % hold on; % hold on;
33 33 % end % end
34 %
34 %
36 36 % A = rand(15); % A = rand(15);
37 37 % figure; imagesc(A); % default colormap % figure; imagesc(A); % default colormap
38 38 % figure; imagesc(A); colormap(linspecer); % linspecer colormap % figure; imagesc(A); colormap(linspecer); % linspecer colormap
39 %
39 %
40 40 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
41 41 % by Jonathan Lansey, March 2009-2013 � Lansey at % % by Jonathan Lansey, March 2009-2013 � Lansey at %
42 42 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
43 %
43 %
44 44 %% credits and where the function came from %% credits and where the function came from
45 45 % The colors are largely taken from: % The colors are largely taken from:
46 46 % and Cynthia Brewer, Mark Harrower and The Pennsylvania State University % and Cynthia Brewer, Mark Harrower and The Pennsylvania State University
47 %
48 %
47 %
48 %
49 49 % She studied this from a phsychometric perspective and crafted the colors % She studied this from a phsychometric perspective and crafted the colors
50 50 % beautifully. % beautifully.
51 %
51 %
52 52 % I made choices from the many there to decide the nicest once for plotting % I made choices from the many there to decide the nicest once for plotting
53 53 % lines in Matlab. I also made a small change to one of the colors I % lines in Matlab. I also made a small change to one of the colors I
54 54 % thought was a bit too bright. In addition some interpolation is going on % thought was a bit too bright. In addition some interpolation is going on
55 55 % for the sequential line styles. % for the sequential line styles.
56 %
57 %
56 %
57 %
58 58 %% %%
59 59
60 60 function lineStyles=linspecer(N,varargin) function lineStyles=linspecer(N,varargin)
... ... if ~isempty(varargin)>0 % you set a parameter?
91 91 otherwise otherwise
92 92 warning(['parameter ''' varargin{1} ''' not recognized']); warning(['parameter ''' varargin{1} ''' not recognized']);
93 93 end end
94 end
94 end
96 96 % predefine some colormaps % predefine some colormaps
97 97 set3 = colorBrew2mat({[141, 211, 199];[ 255, 237, 111];[ 190, 186, 218];[ 251, 128, 114];[ 128, 177, 211];[ 253, 180, 98];[ 179, 222, 105];[ 188, 128, 189];[ 217, 217, 217];[ 204, 235, 197];[ 252, 205, 229];[ 255, 255, 179]}'); set3 = colorBrew2mat({[141, 211, 199];[ 255, 237, 111];[ 190, 186, 218];[ 251, 128, 114];[ 128, 177, 211];[ 253, 180, 98];[ 179, 222, 105];[ 188, 128, 189];[ 217, 217, 217];[ 204, 235, 197];[ 252, 205, 229];[ 255, 255, 179]}');
98 98 set1JL = brighten(colorBrew2mat({[228, 26, 28];[ 55, 126, 184];[ 77, 175, 74];[ 255, 127, 0];[ 255, 237, 111]*.95;[ 166, 86, 40];[ 247, 129, 191];[ 153, 153, 153];[ 152, 78, 163]}')); set1JL = brighten(colorBrew2mat({[228, 26, 28];[ 55, 126, 184];[ 77, 175, 74];[ 255, 127, 0];[ 255, 237, 111]*.95;[ 166, 86, 40];[ 247, 129, 191];[ 153, 153, 153];[ 152, 78, 163]}'));
... ... end
123 123 function varIn = colorBrew2mat(varIn) function varIn = colorBrew2mat(varIn)
124 124 for ii=1:length(varIn) % just divide by 255 for ii=1:length(varIn) % just divide by 255
125 125 varIn{ii}=varIn{ii}/255; varIn{ii}=varIn{ii}/255;
126 end
126 end
127 127 end end
128 128
129 129 function varIn = brighten(varIn,varargin) % increase the brightness function varIn = brighten(varIn,varargin) % increase the brightness
130 130
131 131 if isempty(varargin), if isempty(varargin),
132 frac = .9;
132 frac = .9;
133 133 else else
134 frac = varargin{1};
134 frac = varargin{1};
135 135 end end
136 136
137 137 for ii=1:length(varIn) for ii=1:length(varIn)
138 138 varIn{ii}=varIn{ii}*frac+(1-frac); varIn{ii}=varIn{ii}*frac+(1-frac);
139 end
139 end
140 140 end end
141 141
142 142 function varIn = dim(varIn,f) function varIn = dim(varIn,f)
File data_analysis/auxfunctions/plots/plotCorrelationMatrix.m changed (mode: 100644) (index b7bd875..4b8c1a8)
1 1 function plotCorrelationMatrix(cm, varargin) function plotCorrelationMatrix(cm, varargin)
2 2 % plotCorrelationMatrix(cm, varargin) takes a covariance matrix cm and plots the entries of cm using a color encoding % plotCorrelationMatrix(cm, varargin) takes a covariance matrix cm and plots the entries of cm using a color encoding
3 %
3 %
4 4 % customization via key-value-pairs: % customization via key-value-pairs:
5 5 % - 'log', true (default: false): use logscale for the color scale % - 'log', true (default: false): use logscale for the color scale
6 6 % - 'abs', true (default: false): plot the absolute values of the covariances % - 'abs', true (default: false): plot the absolute values of the covariances
... ... format = '%0.1e';
22 22 muted = false; muted = false;
23 23
24 24 for k=1:2:length(varargin) for k=1:2:length(varargin)
25 switch varargin{k}
25 switch varargin{k}
26 26 case {'abs', 'Abs'} case {'abs', 'Abs'}
27 absvalues = varargin{k+1};
28 case {'logscale', 'log', 'Log', 'Logscale', 'Log_scale'}
29 logscale = varargin{k+1};
27 absvalues = varargin{k+1};
28 case {'logscale', 'log', 'Log', 'Logscale', 'Log_scale'}
29 logscale = varargin{k+1};
30 30
31 case {'title', 'title_string', 'Title', 'titlestring', 'Titlestring'}
32 title_string = varargin{k+1};
31 case {'title', 'title_string', 'Title', 'titlestring', 'Titlestring'}
32 title_string = varargin{k+1};
33 33 case {'show_labels', 'labels', 'Labels', 'Show_labels'} case {'show_labels', 'labels', 'Labels', 'Show_labels'}
34 34 show_labels = varargin{k+1}; show_labels = varargin{k+1};
35 35 case {'colormap', 'Colormap'} case {'colormap', 'Colormap'}
36 colormap = varargin{k+1};
37 case {'fontsize', 'Fontsize'}
38 fontsize = varargin{k+1};
36 colormap = varargin{k+1};
37 case {'fontsize', 'Fontsize'}
38 fontsize = varargin{k+1};
39 39 case {'format', 'Format'} case {'format', 'Format'}
40 format = varargin{k+1};
40 format = varargin{k+1};
41 41 case {'mute', 'Mute'} case {'mute', 'Mute'}
42 42 if varargin{k+1} if varargin{k+1}
43 43 muted = true muted = true
44 44 elseif ismember(varargin{k+1}, {'true', 'True'}) elseif ismember(varargin{k+1}, {'true', 'True'})
45 45 muted = true; muted = true;
46 46 end end
48 otherwise
49 error(['Unrecognized varargin-argument: ', varargin{k}]);
50 end
48 otherwise
49 error(['Unrecognized varargin-argument: ', varargin{k}]);
50 end
51 51 end end
52 52
53 53 N = length(cm); N = length(cm);
... ... if absvalues
75 75 colormap = 'summer'; colormap = 'summer';
76 76 end end
77 77 % don't change colormap if a colormap was chose % don't change colormap if a colormap was chose
78 cm = abs(cm);
78 cm = abs(cm);
79 79 end end
80 80
81 81
82 82 if logscale if logscale
83 heatmap(cm, labels, labels,...
84 format,'Colormap', colormap,...
85 'UseLogColormap', true,...
86 'FontSize', fontsize,...
83 heatmap(cm, labels, labels,...
84 format,'Colormap', colormap,...
85 'UseLogColormap', true,...
86 'FontSize', fontsize,...
87 87 'Colorbar', {'SouthOutside'}, 'GridLines', ':'); 'Colorbar', {'SouthOutside'}, 'GridLines', ':');
88 88 else else
89 heatmap(cm, labels, labels,...
90 format,'Colormap', colormap,...
91 'FontSize', fontsize,...
89 heatmap(cm, labels, labels,...
90 format,'Colormap', colormap,...
91 'FontSize', fontsize,...
92 92 'Colorbar', {'SouthOutside'}, 'GridLines', ':'); 'Colorbar', {'SouthOutside'}, 'GridLines', ':');
93 93 end end
94 94
95 95 title(title_string) title(title_string)
File data_analysis/auxfunctions/plots/quickCreateSaveNPS.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 17ba264..e14ace8)
... ... titlestr = varargin{end-1};
12 12 filepath = varargin{end}; filepath = varargin{end};
13 13
14 14 for k = 1:2:length(varargin)-2 for k = 1:2:length(varargin)-2
15 assert(ischar(varargin{k}),['Legend string expected at position ', num2str(k)]);
16 assert(isnumeric(varargin{k+1}),['Numeric data expected at position ', num2str(k+1)]);
15 assert(ischar(varargin{k}),['Legend string expected at position ', num2str(k)]);
16 assert(isnumeric(varargin{k+1}),['Numeric data expected at position ', num2str(k+1)]);
17 17
18 datasetno = datasetno + 1;
18 datasetno = datasetno + 1;
19 19
20 legendstr = varargin{k};
21 data = varargin{k+1};
20 legendstr = varargin{k};
21 data = varargin{k+1};
22 22
23 [nps, freq] = pwelch(data, [], [], [], 70);
23 [nps, freq] = pwelch(data, [], [], [], 70);
24 24
25 plot(freq, pow2db(nps), 'o-.','color',cc(datasetno,:), 'MarkerFaceColor', cc(datasetno,:),...
26 'LineWidth',1,'MarkerSize',2, 'DisplayName', legendstr);
25 plot(freq, pow2db(nps), 'o-.','color',cc(datasetno,:), 'MarkerFaceColor', cc(datasetno,:),...
26 'LineWidth',1,'MarkerSize',2, 'DisplayName', legendstr);
27 27 end end
28 28 title(titlestr, 'interpreter', 'none'); title(titlestr, 'interpreter', 'none');
29 29 xlabel('Frequency [in units of mechanical frequency]'); xlabel('Frequency [in units of mechanical frequency]');
File data_analysis/auxfunctions/plots/sampleNPSfromMeasurementData.m changed (mode: 100644) (index d409a4d..20c2edb)
... ... fid = fopen( filepath, 'r');
15 15 [],[],[], samplingRate); [],[],[], samplingRate);
16 16 fclose(fid); fclose(fid);
17 17 end end
File data_analysis/auxfunctions/postprocess/calibrate_cm.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 5907696..47d11c8)
1 1 function [cm_cal, shotnoise_cm_cal] = calibrate_cm(cm, shotnoise_cm) function [cm_cal, shotnoise_cm_cal] = calibrate_cm(cm, shotnoise_cm)
2 assert(isequal(size(cm), size(shotnoise_cm)),...
3 'Matrices must have the same shape!');
4 assert(size(cm,1)==size(cm,1),...
5 'Matrices must be quadratic.')
6 assert(mod(size(cm,1),2)==0,...
7 'Matrices must have even number of rows and columns.')
2 assert(isequal(size(cm), size(shotnoise_cm)),...
3 'Matrices must have the same shape!');
4 assert(size(cm,1)==size(cm,1),...
5 'Matrices must be quadratic.')
6 assert(mod(size(cm,1),2)==0,...
7 'Matrices must have even number of rows and columns.')
8 8
9 mode_no = size(cm, 1)/2;
10 shotnoise_vars = diag(shotnoise_cm);
11 shotnoise_vars_means = mean(reshape(shotnoise_vars, 2, mode_no));
12 shotnoise_std_devs = reshape(...
13 repmat(sqrt(shotnoise_vars_means),2,1),...
14 2*mode_no,1);
15 calibration_mat = diag(1./shotnoise_std_devs)/sqrt(2);
17 cm_cal = calibration_mat*cm*calibration_mat;
18 shotnoise_cm_cal = calibration_mat*shotnoise_cm*calibration_mat;
9 mode_no = size(cm, 1)/2;
10 shotnoise_vars = diag(shotnoise_cm);
11 shotnoise_vars_means = mean(reshape(shotnoise_vars, 2, mode_no));
12 shotnoise_std_devs = reshape(...
13 repmat(sqrt(shotnoise_vars_means),2,1),...
14 2*mode_no,1);
15 calibration_mat = diag(1./shotnoise_std_devs)/sqrt(2);
17 cm_cal = calibration_mat*cm*calibration_mat;
18 shotnoise_cm_cal = calibration_mat*shotnoise_cm*calibration_mat;
File data_analysis/auxfunctions/postprocess/calibrate_cm_test.m changed (mode: 100644) (index cde8426..6110da0)
1 1 function test_suite = calibrate_cm_test %#ok<STOUT> function test_suite = calibrate_cm_test %#ok<STOUT>
2 initTestSuite;
2 initTestSuite;
3 3
4 4 function shotnoise_cm_test function shotnoise_cm_test
5 mode_no = 10;
6 % expected mode order: q1, p1, q2, p2, x1, y1, x2, y2
7 shotnoise_cm = diag([0.4, 0.6, 0.9, 1.1, 2.1, 1.9, 2, 3]);
8 shotnoise_cm_cal_exp = diag([0.4, 0.6, 0.45, 0.55, 0.525, 0.475, 0.4, 0.6]);
9 cm = randn(size(shotnoise_cm));
11 [cm_cal, shotnoise_cm_cal] = calibrate_cm(cm, shotnoise_cm);
12 assertAlmostEqual(shotnoise_cm_cal, shotnoise_cm_cal_exp, 10*eps)
5 mode_no = 10;
6 % expected mode order: q1, p1, q2, p2, x1, y1, x2, y2
7 shotnoise_cm = diag([0.4, 0.6, 0.9, 1.1, 2.1, 1.9, 2, 3]);
8 shotnoise_cm_cal_exp = diag([0.4, 0.6, 0.45, 0.55, 0.525, 0.475, 0.4, 0.6]);
9 cm = randn(size(shotnoise_cm));
11 [cm_cal, shotnoise_cm_cal] = calibrate_cm(cm, shotnoise_cm);
12 assertAlmostEqual(shotnoise_cm_cal, shotnoise_cm_cal_exp, 10*eps)
13 13
14 14 function cm_multimode_trivial_test function cm_multimode_trivial_test
15 mode_no = 10;
16 shotnoise_cm = diag(0.5*ones(2*mode_no,1));
17 cm = randn(size(shotnoise_cm));
19 [cm_cal, shotnoise_cm_cal] = calibrate_cm(cm, shotnoise_cm);
20 assertAlmostEqual(cm, cm_cal, 10*eps)
15 mode_no = 10;
16 shotnoise_cm = diag(0.5*ones(2*mode_no,1));
17 cm = randn(size(shotnoise_cm));
19 [cm_cal, shotnoise_cm_cal] = calibrate_cm(cm, shotnoise_cm);
20 assertAlmostEqual(cm, cm_cal, 10*eps)
21 21
22 22 function cm_multimode_almost_trivial_test function cm_multimode_almost_trivial_test
23 mode_no = 10;
24 shotnoise_cm = diag(ones(2*mode_no,1));
25 cm = randn(size(shotnoise_cm));
27 [cm_cal, shotnoise_cm_cal] = calibrate_cm(cm, shotnoise_cm);
28 assertAlmostEqual(cm/2, cm_cal, 10*eps)
23 mode_no = 10;
24 shotnoise_cm = diag(ones(2*mode_no,1));
25 cm = randn(size(shotnoise_cm));
27 [cm_cal, shotnoise_cm_cal] = calibrate_cm(cm, shotnoise_cm);
28 assertAlmostEqual(cm/2, cm_cal, 10*eps)
29 29
30 30 function cm_singlemode_test function cm_singlemode_test
31 shotnoise_cm = diag([0.9, 1.1, 1.9, 2.1]);
32 cm = randn(size(shotnoise_cm));
33 [cm_cal, shotnoise_cm_cal] = calibrate_cm(cm, shotnoise_cm);
34 shotnoise_vars_check(shotnoise_cm_cal);
31 shotnoise_cm = diag([0.9, 1.1, 1.9, 2.1]);
32 cm = randn(size(shotnoise_cm));
33 [cm_cal, shotnoise_cm_cal] = calibrate_cm(cm, shotnoise_cm);
34 shotnoise_vars_check(shotnoise_cm_cal);
35 35
36 36 function cm_twomode_test function cm_twomode_test
37 shotnoise_cm = diag([0.9, 1.1, 1.9, 2.1, 3.9, 4.1, 5.9, 6.1]);
38 cm = randn(size(shotnoise_cm));
39 [cm_cal, shotnoise_cm_cal] = calibrate_cm(cm, shotnoise_cm);
40 shotnoise_vars_check(shotnoise_cm_cal);
37 shotnoise_cm = diag([0.9, 1.1, 1.9, 2.1, 3.9, 4.1, 5.9, 6.1]);
38 cm = randn(size(shotnoise_cm));
39 [cm_cal, shotnoise_cm_cal] = calibrate_cm(cm, shotnoise_cm);
40 shotnoise_vars_check(shotnoise_cm_cal);
41 41
42 42 function cm_twomode_invariance_test function cm_twomode_invariance_test
43 shotnoise_cm = diag([0.9, 1.1, 1.9, 2.1, 3.9, 4.1, 5.9, 6.1]);
44 cm = randn(size(shotnoise_cm));
45 [cm_cal, shotnoise_cm_cal] = calibrate_cm(cm, shotnoise_cm);
46 [cm_cal2, shotnoise_cm_cal2] = calibrate_cm(cm_cal, shotnoise_cm_cal);
48 assertElementsAlmostEqual(cm_cal, cm_cal2);
49 assertElementsAlmostEqual(shotnoise_cm_cal, shotnoise_cm_cal2);
43 shotnoise_cm = diag([0.9, 1.1, 1.9, 2.1, 3.9, 4.1, 5.9, 6.1]);
44 cm = randn(size(shotnoise_cm));
45 [cm_cal, shotnoise_cm_cal] = calibrate_cm(cm, shotnoise_cm);
46 [cm_cal2, shotnoise_cm_cal2] = calibrate_cm(cm_cal, shotnoise_cm_cal);
48 assertElementsAlmostEqual(cm_cal, cm_cal2);
49 assertElementsAlmostEqual(shotnoise_cm_cal, shotnoise_cm_cal2);
50 50
51 51 function shotnoise_vars_check(cm) function shotnoise_vars_check(cm)
52 mode_no = size(cm,1)/2;
53 means = mean(repmat(diag(cm),2,mode_no));
54 assertElementsAlmostEqual(means, 0.5*ones(size(means)));
52 mode_no = size(cm,1)/2;
53 means = mean(repmat(diag(cm),2,mode_no));
54 assertElementsAlmostEqual(means, 0.5*ones(size(means)));
File data_analysis/auxfunctions/structs/export_fields.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 451e6fc..b3f2a44)
8 8 % export_fields(struc, fields, 'save', filename, 'force', BOOL) % export_fields(struc, fields, 'save', filename, 'force', BOOL)
9 9 % overwrite the existing file % overwrite the existing file
10 10 function [outstruct] = export_fields(struc, fields, varargin) function [outstruct] = export_fields(struc, fields, varargin)
11 for i=1:length(fields)
12 field = fields{i};
13 disp(field)
14 outstruct.(field) = struc.(field);
15 end
11 for i=1:length(fields)
12 field = fields{i};
13 disp(field)
14 outstruct.(field) = struc.(field);
15 end
16 16
17 filename = '';
18 force = false;
19 for k=1:2:length(varargin)
20 switch varargin{k}
21 case 'save'
22 filename = varargin{k+1};
23 case 'force'
24 force = varargin{k+1};
25 otherwise
26 error(['unrecognized varargin_argument: ',varargin{k}]);
27 end
28 end
17 filename = '';
18 force = false;
19 for k=1:2:length(varargin)
20 switch varargin{k}
21 case 'save'
22 filename = varargin{k+1};
23 case 'force'
24 force = varargin{k+1};
25 otherwise
26 error(['unrecognized varargin_argument: ',varargin{k}]);
27 end
28 end
29 29
30 if filename
31 if ~force
32 assert(~isafile(filename), [filename, ' already exists!']);
33 end
34 save(filename, '-struct', 'outstruct')
35 end
30 if filename
31 if ~force
32 assert(~isafile(filename), [filename, ' already exists!']);
33 end
34 save(filename, '-struct', 'outstruct')
35 end
36 36 end end
37 37 %target_fields = {'pulse_gammas', 'mech_frequencies', 'samples_per_pulse', 'logneg_corrected', 'tracepairs_no', 'samples_per_trace', 'pulse_pairs_per_trace', 'pulse_duration_periods', 'mech_frequencies_no', 'pulse_gammas_no', 'samplingrate', 'signal_power_muW'} %target_fields = {'pulse_gammas', 'mech_frequencies', 'samples_per_pulse', 'logneg_corrected', 'tracepairs_no', 'samples_per_trace', 'pulse_pairs_per_trace', 'pulse_duration_periods', 'mech_frequencies_no', 'pulse_gammas_no', 'samplingrate', 'signal_power_muW'}
File data_analysis/auxfunctions/structs/getPropertyQueryFunction.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 7f9e332..57eb43c)
1 1 function getPropFunction = getPropertyQueryFunction( property) function getPropFunction = getPropertyQueryFunction( property)
2 getPropFunction = @(object)(object.(property));
2 getPropFunction = @(object)(object.(property));
3 3 end end
File data_analysis/entanglement/calculate_pulsed_logneg_theory.m changed (mode: 100644) (index d84e5eb..0dd7ab0)
... ... function [model] = calculate_pulsed_logneg_theory(varargin)
4 4 % and returns model augmented by the fields pulse_gammas and log_neg % and returns model augmented by the fields pulse_gammas and log_neg
5 5 % %
6 6 % model = calculate_pulsed_logneg_theory() does the same using % model = calculate_pulsed_logneg_theory() does the same using
7 % model.mat in the current directory
7 % model.mat in the current directory
8 8 if nargin==0 if nargin==0
9 9 disp(['using model.mat in ',10, pwd]); disp(['using model.mat in ',10, pwd]);
10 10 load(fullfile(pwd,'model.mat')); load(fullfile(pwd,'model.mat'));
File data_analysis/entanglement/combine_evaluations.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 82cf05e..1d4f092)
... ... end
27 27 % second index l .... pulse width % second index l .... pulse width
28 28 % %% % %%
29 29 % for k=1:5 % for k=1:5
30 % figure;
30 % figure;
31 31 % plotCorrelationMatrix(cov(combine_traces(k,5))) % plotCorrelationMatrix(cov(combine_traces(k,5)))
32 32 % end % end
33 %
33 %
34 34 % %% % %%
35 35 % for l=3:6 % for l=3:6
36 % figure;
36 % figure;
37 37 % plotCorrelationMatrix(cov(combine_traces(3,l))) % plotCorrelationMatrix(cov(combine_traces(3,l)))
38 38 % end % end
39 39
File data_analysis/entanglement/running_logneg_CM.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 67bb9fe..f43c86d)
... ... dttcm = zeros(107,1); dttln = zeros(107,1);
8 8 start=5; stop=12; start=5; stop=12;
9 9 for gamind = start:stop for gamind = start:stop
10 10 gamma = pulse_gammas(gamind); gamma = pulse_gammas(gamind);
12 %% calculate theory CM and logneg
12 %% calculate theory CM and logneg
13 13 if true%set theory parameters if true%set theory parameters
14 14 omm =; omm =;
15 15 omd = omm; % demodulation frequency omd = omm; % demodulation frequency
... ... for gamind = start:stop
26 26 end end
27 27 fref =*pi); fref =*pi);
28 28 pulsegamma = gamma/fref; pulsegamma = gamma/fref;
30 30
31 31 theorycm = pccovbm(cp*nmech*ga, ga, 2*pi*pulsegamma,nmech,1-eta,omd,omm); theorycm = pccovbm(cp*nmech*ga, ga, 2*pi*pulsegamma,nmech,1-eta,omd,omm);
32 theoryln = real(logneg(theorycm));
32 theoryln = real(logneg(theorycm));
34 34 %% data %% data
35 35 snvar = mean(diag(pulse_CM{1}{gamind})); snvar = mean(diag(pulse_CM{1}{gamind}));
36 36 array = [... array = [...
... ... for gamind = start:stop
42 42 %% calculate running logneg and CM %% calculate running logneg and CM
43 43 interval = 100; interval = 100;
44 44 [covs, means] = running_stats(array, interval); [covs, means] = running_stats(array, interval);
46 46 %dual homo correction %dual homo correction
47 47 covs = cellfun(@(cm) (2*cm-eye(4)/2), covs, 'UniformOutput',false); covs = cellfun(@(cm) (2*cm-eye(4)/2), covs, 'UniformOutput',false);
48 48 lognegs = cellfun(@logneg, covs); lognegs = cellfun(@logneg, covs);
50 50 stepno = length(covs); stepno = length(covs);
51 51
52 52 %% distances to theory %% distances to theory
... ... for gamind = start:stop
56 56
57 57 %% distances to final %% distances to final
58 58 finalcm = covs{stepno}; finalcm = covs{stepno};
59 finalln = lognegs(stepno);
59 finalln = lognegs(stepno);
60 60 distances_to_final = cellfun(@(cm) norm(cm-finalcm)/norm(finalcm), covs); distances_to_final = cellfun(@(cm) norm(cm-finalcm)/norm(finalcm), covs);
61 61 ln_distances_to_final = abs((lognegs-finalln)/finalln); ln_distances_to_final = abs((lognegs-finalln)/finalln);
63 63 %% add to average %% add to average
64 64 dtfcm = dtfcm + distances_to_final; dtfcm = dtfcm + distances_to_final;
65 65 dtfln = dtfln + ln_distances_to_final; dtfln = dtfln + ln_distances_to_final;
File data_analysis/gaussianity/gaussianity_plots.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 73ffa2b..ea05ffa)
1 1 function gaussianity_plots(trace, varargin) function gaussianity_plots(trace, varargin)
2 2 % don't show figures while batch processing % don't show figures while batch processing
3 3 set(0,'DefaultFigureVisible','off') set(0,'DefaultFigureVisible','off')
5 5 quadno = size(trace,2); quadno = size(trace,2);
6 6 modeno = quadno/4; modeno = quadno/4;
7 7 assert((modeno==round(modeno))&&(modeno>0)); assert((modeno==round(modeno))&&(modeno>0));
9 9 figwidth = 560; figwidth = 560;
10 10 figheight = 420; figheight = 420;
12 modes = 1:modeno;
12 modes = 1:modeno;
13 13 subplotwidth = min(2,modeno); subplotwidth = min(2,modeno);
14 14 subplotheight = ceil(modeno/subplotwidth); subplotheight = ceil(modeno/subplotwidth);
16 16 normalize = true; normalize = true;
17 17 export = false; export = false;
18 18 mute = false; mute = false;
... ... function gaussianity_plots(trace, varargin)
47 47 if subplotwidth > 3 if subplotwidth > 3
48 48 figwidth = (subplotwidth/3)*figwidth; figwidth = (subplotwidth/3)*figwidth;
49 49 end end
51 51 stddevs = std(trace); stddevs = std(trace);
52 52 inset = ' '; inset = ' ';
53 getstddevstr = @(modeind)[inset, 'q: ',num2str(stddevs(2*modeind-1)),10,...
53 getstddevstr = @(modeind)[inset, 'q: ',num2str(stddevs(2*modeind-1)),10,...
54 54 inset, 'p: ',num2str(stddevs(2*modeind)),10,... inset, 'p: ',num2str(stddevs(2*modeind)),10,...
55 55 inset, 'x: ',num2str(stddevs(2*modeno + 2*modeind-1)),10,... inset, 'x: ',num2str(stddevs(2*modeno + 2*modeind-1)),10,...
56 56 inset, 'y: ',num2str(stddevs(2*modeno + 2*modeind))]; inset, 'y: ',num2str(stddevs(2*modeno + 2*modeind))];
... ... function gaussianity_plots(trace, varargin)
59 59 trace(:,k) = trace(:,k)/stddevs(k); trace(:,k) = trace(:,k)/stddevs(k);
60 60 end end
61 61 end end
63 63 getinds = @(modeind)[2*modeind-1, 2*modeind,... getinds = @(modeind)[2*modeind-1, 2*modeind,...
64 64 2*modeno + 2*modeind-1, 2*modeno + 2*modeind]; 2*modeno + 2*modeind-1, 2*modeno + 2*modeind];
65 65 getsubtrace = @(m)trace(:,getinds(m)); getsubtrace = @(m)trace(:,getinds(m));
67 67 if normalize if normalize
68 68 normalizestr = [10, ' (data has been divided by its std. deviation)']; normalizestr = [10, ' (data has been divided by its std. deviation)'];
69 69 else else
... ... function gaussianity_plots(trace, varargin)
73 73 cdffig = figure('visible',visible,'position', [0, 0, figwidth, figheight]); cdffig = figure('visible',visible,'position', [0, 0, figwidth, figheight]);
74 74 qqfig = figure('visible',visible,'position', [0, 0, figwidth, figheight]); qqfig = figure('visible',visible,'position', [0, 0, figwidth, figheight]);
75 75 kdensfig = figure('visible',visible,'position', [0, 0, figwidth, figheight]); kdensfig = figure('visible',visible,'position', [0, 0, figwidth, figheight]);
77 77 if mute if mute
78 78 postprocess = @(m){ title('');... postprocess = @(m){ title('');...
79 79 ntitle([inset, 'Mode ',num2str(m)],... ntitle([inset, 'Mode ',num2str(m)],...
... ... function gaussianity_plots(trace, varargin)
88 88 'location','northwest');... 'location','northwest');...
89 89 legend({'q','p','x','y'}, 'Location', 'SouthEast')}; legend({'q','p','x','y'}, 'Location', 'SouthEast')};
90 90 end end
91 s = 0;
91 s = 0;
92 92 for m=modes for m=modes
93 93 s = s + 1; s = s + 1;
94 94 change_current_figure(histfig); subplot(subplotheight, subplotwidth, s); hold all change_current_figure(histfig); subplot(subplotheight, subplotwidth, s); hold all
... ... function gaussianity_plots(trace, varargin)
98 98 if mute && s==numel(modes) if mute && s==numel(modes)
99 99 legend({'q','p','x','y'}, 'Location', 'SouthEastOutside'); legend({'q','p','x','y'}, 'Location', 'SouthEastOutside');
100 100 end end
102 102 change_current_figure(cdffig); subplot(subplotheight, subplotwidth, s); hold all change_current_figure(cdffig); subplot(subplotheight, subplotwidth, s); hold all
103 103 arrayfun(@(n)cdfplot(trace(:,n)), getinds(m)); arrayfun(@(n)cdfplot(trace(:,n)), getinds(m));
104 104 postprocess(m); postprocess(m);
... ... function gaussianity_plots(trace, varargin)
106 106 if mute && s==numel(modes) if mute && s==numel(modes)
107 107 legend({'q','p','x','y'}, 'Location', 'SouthEastOutside'); legend({'q','p','x','y'}, 'Location', 'SouthEastOutside');
108 108 end end
110 110 change_current_figure(kdensfig); subplot(subplotheight, subplotwidth, s); hold all change_current_figure(kdensfig); subplot(subplotheight, subplotwidth, s); hold all
111 111 arrayfun(@(n)ksdensity(trace(:,n)), getinds(m)); arrayfun(@(n)ksdensity(trace(:,n)), getinds(m));
112 112 postprocess(m); postprocess(m);
... ... function gaussianity_plots(trace, varargin)
114 114 if mute && s==numel(modes) if mute && s==numel(modes)
115 115 legend({'q','p','x','y'}, 'Location', 'SouthEastOutside'); legend({'q','p','x','y'}, 'Location', 'SouthEastOutside');
116 116 end end
118 118 change_current_figure(qqfig); subplot(subplotheight, subplotwidth, s); hold all change_current_figure(qqfig); subplot(subplotheight, subplotwidth, s); hold all
119 119 qqplot(getsubtrace(m)); qqplot(getsubtrace(m));
120 120 postprocess(m); postprocess(m);
... ... function gaussianity_plots(trace, varargin)
131 131 change_current_figure(cdffig); mysuptitle('Empirical CDF'); set(cdffig, 'visible', visible) change_current_figure(cdffig); mysuptitle('Empirical CDF'); set(cdffig, 'visible', visible)
132 132 change_current_figure(kdensfig); mysuptitle('Kernel density estimate'); set(kdensfig, 'visible', visible) change_current_figure(kdensfig); mysuptitle('Kernel density estimate'); set(kdensfig, 'visible', visible)
133 133 change_current_figure(qqfig); mysuptitle('Quantile-quantile plot'); set(qqfig, 'visible', visible) change_current_figure(qqfig); mysuptitle('Quantile-quantile plot'); set(qqfig, 'visible', visible)
135 135 if export if export
136 136 % note: hist does not work with pdf export. % note: hist does not work with pdf export.
137 137 export_fig(histfig, [exportstr, '_', 'hist'],... export_fig(histfig, [exportstr, '_', 'hist'],...
... ... function gaussianity_plots(trace, varargin)
144 144 '-pdf','-transparent') '-pdf','-transparent')
145 145 end end
146 146 end end
149 149
150 150
151 151
File data_analysis/gaussianity/gaussianity_plots_2d.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 5144ccc..3b48a27)
... ... function gaussianity_plots_2d(trace, varargin)
2 2 quadno = size(trace,2); quadno = size(trace,2);
3 3 modeno = quadno/4; modeno = quadno/4;
4 4 assert((modeno==round(modeno))&&(modeno>0)); assert((modeno==round(modeno))&&(modeno>0));
6 modes = 1:modeno;
6 modes = 1:modeno;
7 7 quadlabels = cell(1,4*modeno); quadlabels = cell(1,4*modeno);
8 8 for m=modes for m=modes
9 9 quadlabels{2*m-1} = ['q',num2str(m)]; quadlabels{2*m-1} = ['q',num2str(m)];
... ... function gaussianity_plots_2d(trace, varargin)
11 11 quadlabels{2*modeno+2*m-1} = ['x',num2str(m)]; quadlabels{2*modeno+2*m-1} = ['x',num2str(m)];
12 12 quadlabels{2*modeno+2*m} = ['y',num2str(m)]; quadlabels{2*modeno+2*m} = ['y',num2str(m)];
13 13 end end
15 15 normalize = true; normalize = true;
16 16 export = false; export = false;
17 17 visible = 'on'; visible = 'on';
... ... function gaussianity_plots_2d(trace, varargin)
30 30 case {'export','Export','save','Save'} case {'export','Export','save','Save'}
31 31 if ~(varargin{k+1}==false) if ~(varargin{k+1}==false)
32 32 export = true; export = true;
33 visible = 'off';
33 visible = 'off';
34 34 exportstr = varargin{k+1}; exportstr = varargin{k+1};
35 35 end end
36 36 otherwise otherwise
37 37 error(['Unrecognized varargin-argument: ', varargin{k}]) error(['Unrecognized varargin-argument: ', varargin{k}])
38 38 end end
39 39 end end
41 41 stddevs = std(trace); stddevs = std(trace);
42 42 getstddevstr = @(m,n)[' std. deviations of raw data: ',10,... getstddevstr = @(m,n)[' std. deviations of raw data: ',10,...
43 ' ', quadlabels{m},': ', num2str(stddevs(m)),10,...
43 ' ', quadlabels{m},': ', num2str(stddevs(m)),10,...
44 44 ' ', quadlabels{n},': ', num2str(stddevs(n))]; ' ', quadlabels{n},': ', num2str(stddevs(n))];
45 45 if normalize if normalize
46 46 for k=1:quadno for k=1:quadno
... ... function gaussianity_plots_2d(trace, varargin)
50 50
51 51 getsubtrace = @(m)trace(:,m); getsubtrace = @(m)trace(:,m);
52 52 gettracepair = @(m,n)(getsubtrace([m,n])); gettracepair = @(m,n)(getsubtrace([m,n]));
54 54 fig = figure('visible', visible); hold all fig = figure('visible', visible); hold all
55 55 kde_contour_2 = @(m,n) kde_contour(gettracepair(m,n),... kde_contour_2 = @(m,n) kde_contour(gettracepair(m,n),...
56 56 quadlabels{m}, quadlabels{n},... quadlabels{m}, quadlabels{n},...
57 57 [titlestr,10,getstddevstr(m,n)]); [titlestr,10,getstddevstr(m,n)]);
58 58 for k=1:numel(modeorder) for k=1:numel(modeorder)
59 59 quads = modeorder{k}; quads = modeorder{k};
60 subplot(subplotheight, subplotwidth,k);
60 subplot(subplotheight, subplotwidth,k);
61 61 kde_contour_2(quads(1), quads(2)) kde_contour_2(quads(1), quads(2))
62 62 if normalize if normalize
63 63 mylim = 3; mylim = 3;
... ... function gaussianity_plots_2d(trace, varargin)
67 67 end end
68 68 suptitle(['Bivariate distribution for ',... suptitle(['Bivariate distribution for ',...
69 69 titlestr],'plotregion',0.95) titlestr],'plotregion',0.95)
71 71 if export if export
72 72 filename = [exportstr, '_', 'hist2d.pdf']; filename = [exportstr, '_', 'hist2d.pdf'];
73 73 saveas(fig,filename) saveas(fig,filename)
... ... function [] = kde_contour(data, xlab, ylab, titlestr)
79 79 cmap = cbrewer('seq','Blues',50); cmap = cbrewer('seq','Blues',50);
80 80 contourf(X,Y,density); colorbar; colormap(cmap); contourf(X,Y,density); colorbar; colormap(cmap);
81 81 xlabel(xlab); ylabel(ylab); xlabel(xlab); ylabel(ylab);
File data_analysis/obsolete/@entanglement_evaluation_obsolete/entanglement_evaluation_obsolete.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 8ba1cfb..cbf4731)
1 1 classdef entanglement_evaluation_obsolete < class_conveniences classdef entanglement_evaluation_obsolete < class_conveniences
2 % entanglement_evaluation_obsolete is a handle class
3 % which collects deprecated methods and properties of the
4 % entanglement_evaluation class
5 properties(Hidden)
6 quality_factors@double vector % for each mode
2 % entanglement_evaluation_obsolete is a handle class
3 % which collects deprecated methods and properties of the
4 % entanglement_evaluation class
5 properties(Hidden)
6 quality_factors@double vector % for each mode
7 7 coupling_rates@double vector % linearized coupling for each mode coupling_rates@double vector % linearized coupling for each mode
8 8 bare_couplings@double vector % single-photon coupling for each mode bare_couplings@double vector % single-photon coupling for each mode
9 9
... ... classdef entanglement_evaluation_obsolete < class_conveniences
14 14
15 15 opt_pulse_widths@double vector % optimal pulsewidth acc. to singlemode theory opt_pulse_widths@double vector % optimal pulsewidth acc. to singlemode theory
16 16 opt_log_negs@double vector % optimal logneg acc. to singlemode theory opt_log_negs@double vector % optimal logneg acc. to singlemode theory
17 end
17 end
18 18
19 properties(Hidden, Transient, Dependent)
20 pulse_Q@cell matrix
19 properties(Hidden, Transient, Dependent)
20 pulse_Q@cell matrix
21 21 pulse_P@cell matrix pulse_P@cell matrix
22 22 pulse_X@cell matrix pulse_X@cell matrix
23 23 pulse_Y@cell matrix pulse_Y@cell matrix
24 24 end end
25 25
26 26 properties(Hidden, Dependent) properties(Hidden, Dependent)
27 cooperativities@double vector % cooperativity from g, kappa, gamma, T for each mode
27 cooperativities@double vector % cooperativity from g, kappa, gamma, T for each mode
28 28 nbars@double vector %thermal occupation from T and omega for each mode nbars@double vector %thermal occupation from T and omega for each mode
29 29 omegas@double vector %mechanical frequencies for each mode omegas@double vector %mechanical frequencies for each mode
30 30 gammas@double vector %mechanical linewidths from Q and omega for each mode gammas@double vector %mechanical linewidths from Q and omega for each mode
31 end
31 end
32 32
33 33 properties(Hidden, Transient) properties(Hidden, Transient)
34 34 correlation_functions@cell matrix correlation_functions@cell matrix
35 35 end end
36 36
37 methods(Static, Hidden)
37 methods(Static, Hidden)
38 38 [optWidth, optLogNeg] = findOptimalPulseWidth(g,kappa,gamma_m, n_bar) [optWidth, optLogNeg] = findOptimalPulseWidth(g,kappa,gamma_m, n_bar)
39 39 end end
40 40
... ... classdef entanglement_evaluation_obsolete < class_conveniences
114 114 gammas(k) = omega_m/Q; gammas(k) = omega_m/Q;
115 115 end end
116 116 end end
117 end
117 end
118 118 end end
File data_analysis/obsolete/@entanglement_evaluation_obsolete/exportCrossCorrelationFunctions.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 6582a36..43a319e)
... ... function obj = exportCrossCorrelationFunctions(obj)
2 2 % saves the correlation fcts to suitably named files in obj.evaluation_folder % saves the correlation fcts to suitably named files in obj.evaluation_folder
3 3 correlation_functions = {}; correlation_functions = {};
4 4 for tp=1:obj.tracepairs_no for tp=1:obj.tracepairs_no
5 correlation_functions{tp} = obj.correlation_functions{tp};
5 correlation_functions{tp} = obj.correlation_functions{tp};
6 6 end end
7 7 save(fullfile(obj.evaluation_folder, 'correlation_functions.mat'),... save(fullfile(obj.evaluation_folder, 'correlation_functions.mat'),...
8 8 'correlation_functions'); 'correlation_functions');
File data_analysis/obsolete/@entanglement_evaluation_obsolete/findOptimalPulseWidth.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 2fd7a81..a998f56)
... ... function [optWidth, optLogNeg] = findOptimalPulseWidth(g,kappa,gamma_m, n_bar)
5 5 losses = 0; %losses do not change the optimal pulse width! losses = 0; %losses do not change the optimal pulse width!
6 6 om_demod = 1; om_demod = 1;
7 7 om_mech = 1; om_mech = 1;
9 9 cm = pccovbm(g^2/kappa,gamma_m,pulse_width,n_bar,... cm = pccovbm(g^2/kappa,gamma_m,pulse_width,n_bar,...
10 10 losses,om_demod, om_mech); losses,om_demod, om_mech);
11 11 ln = logneg(cm); ln = logneg(cm);
File data_analysis/obsolete/@entanglement_evaluation_obsolete/getOptPulseWidths.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 9f8b0b4..0ee628b)
... ... function obj = getOptPulseWidths(obj)
7 7 gamma_m = obj.gammas(f); gamma_m = obj.gammas(f);
8 8 kappa = obj.kappa; kappa = obj.kappa;
9 9
10 %find the optimal pulse width for the above parameters
10 %find the optimal pulse width for the above parameters
11 11 [opt_pw, opt_ln] = obj.findOptimalPulseWidth(... [opt_pw, opt_ln] = obj.findOptimalPulseWidth(...
12 12 g/omega_m, kappa/omega_m, gamma_m/omega_m, nbar); g/omega_m, kappa/omega_m, gamma_m/omega_m, nbar);
13 13 obj.opt_pulse_widths(f) = opt_pw*omega_m; obj.opt_pulse_widths(f) = opt_pw*omega_m;
File data_analysis/obsolete/@entanglement_evaluation_obsolete/importCrossCorrelationFunctions.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 3776e25..6c1d672)
1 1 function obj = importCrossCorrelationFunctions(obj, folder) function obj = importCrossCorrelationFunctions(obj, folder)
2 % reads the correlation fcts from suitably named files in folder
2 % reads the correlation fcts from suitably named files in folder
3 3 correlation_functions = load(fullfile(folder, 'correlation_functions.mat')); correlation_functions = load(fullfile(folder, 'correlation_functions.mat'));
4 4 obj.correlation_functions = correlation_functions.correlation_functions; obj.correlation_functions = correlation_functions.correlation_functions;
5 5 end end
File data_analysis/obsolete/plottable_property/noise_power_spectrum.m changed (mode: 100644) (index b059e31..bb0e31d)
1 1 classdef noise_power_spectrum < plottable_property classdef noise_power_spectrum < plottable_property
2 %Uvarvstime = varianceVersusTime(timetrace) creates an object with
2 %Uvarvstime = varianceVersusTime(timetrace) creates an object with
4 4 % - x : time % - x : time
5 5 % - y : noisepower integrated from HF_cutoff to LF_cutoff % - y : noisepower integrated from HF_cutoff to LF_cutoff
6 6 % - x_label, y_label % - x_label, y_label
7 7 % - property_description % - property_description
8 %
8 %
9 9 % varvstime is a plottable_property object % varvstime is a plottable_property object
10 10 properties properties
11 11 x x
... ... classdef noise_power_spectrum < plottable_property
14 14 properties(Constant) properties(Constant)
15 15 x_label = 'Frequency [Hz]'; x_label = 'Frequency [Hz]';
16 16 y_label = 'Noise power spectral density [V^2/Hz]' y_label = 'Noise power spectral density [V^2/Hz]'
18 18 start_time = 0; start_time = 0;
19 19 end_time = 0.1; end_time = 0.1;
20 20 end end
21 21 properties(Dependent) properties(Dependent)
22 22 property_description property_description
23 23 end end
25 25 methods methods
26 26 %% constructor %% constructor
27 27 function obj = noise_power_spectrum(timetrace) function obj = noise_power_spectrum(timetrace)
28 28 obj = obj@plottable_property(timetrace); obj = obj@plottable_property(timetrace);
30 30 start_sample = timetrace.sample_from_time(obj.start_time); start_sample = timetrace.sample_from_time(obj.start_time);
31 31 end_sample = timetrace.sample_from_time(obj.end_time); end_sample = timetrace.sample_from_time(obj.end_time);
32 32 sample_no = end_sample - start_sample; sample_no = end_sample - start_sample;
34 34 timetrace.fopen; timetrace.fopen;
35 35 timetrace.fseek(start_sample); timetrace.fseek(start_sample);
36 36 data = timetrace.fread(sample_no); data = timetrace.fread(sample_no);
37 37 timetrace.fclose timetrace.fclose
39 39 [obj.y,obj.x] = pwelch(data,[],[],[],timetrace.samplingrate); [obj.y,obj.x] = pwelch(data,[],[],[],timetrace.samplingrate);
40 40 end end
42 42 %% other %% other
43 43 function desc =get.property_description(obj) function desc =get.property_description(obj)
44 44 desc = ['Noise power spectral density for t=',... desc = ['Noise power spectral density for t=',...
45 45 num2str(obj.start_time),' to t=',... num2str(obj.start_time),' to t=',...
46 46 num2str(obj.end_time)]; num2str(obj.end_time)];
47 47 end end
48 end
48 end
49 49 end end
File data_analysis/obsolete/plottable_property/plottable_property.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 439d2a1..55bc2d2)
... ... classdef (Abstract) plottable_property
10 10 % - x, y: x- and y-data % - x, y: x- and y-data
11 11 % - x_label, y_label (Constant across all instances) % - x_label, y_label (Constant across all instances)
12 %
12 %
13 13 % in addition plottable_property provides % in addition plottable_property provides
15 % - dataset_label: dataset_label
15 % - dataset_label: dataset_label
16 16 % - some selfexplenatory prop.s controlling the plot % - some selfexplenatory prop.s controlling the plot
18 18 % - plot: plot y vs x with suitable labels % - plot: plot y vs x with suitable labels
... ... classdef (Abstract) plottable_property
27 27 properties(Abstract, Dependent) properties(Abstract, Dependent)
28 28 property_description property_description
29 29 end end
30 properties
30 properties
31 31 dataset_label dataset_label
32 32 end end
33 33 properties(Constant) properties(Constant)
34 34 LineWidth = 1.4; LineWidth = 1.4;
35 35 MarkerSize = 3; MarkerSize = 3;
36 36 end end
38 38 methods methods
39 39 function obj = plottable_property(timetrace) function obj = plottable_property(timetrace)
40 40 assert(isa(timetrace, 'timetrace'),... assert(isa(timetrace, 'timetrace'),...
41 41 'Expecting a timetrace object'); 'Expecting a timetrace object');
42 42 obj.dataset_label = timetrace.dataset_label; obj.dataset_label = timetrace.dataset_label;
43 43 end end
45 45 function plot(obj, varargin) function plot(obj, varargin)
46 46 plot(obj.x, obj.y, 'c-',... plot(obj.x, obj.y, 'c-',...
47 47 'DisplayName',obj.dataset_label,... 'DisplayName',obj.dataset_label,...
48 48 'LineWidth', obj.LineWidth,... 'LineWidth', obj.LineWidth,...
49 49 'MarkerSize',obj.MarkerSize,... 'MarkerSize',obj.MarkerSize,...
50 50 varargin{:}); varargin{:});
52 52 xlabel(obj.x_label); xlabel(obj.x_label);
53 53 ylabel(obj.y_label); ylabel(obj.y_label);
54 54 t = title(obj.property_description); t = title(obj.property_description);
... ... classdef (Abstract) plottable_property
56 56 set(t, 'Interpreter', 'none'); set(t, 'Interpreter', 'none');
57 57 set(l, 'Interpreter', 'none'); set(l, 'Interpreter', 'none');
58 58 end end
60 60 end end
61 61 end end
File data_analysis/obsolete/plottable_property/variance_versus_time.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 4788812..137bd32)
1 1 classdef variance_versus_time < plottable_property classdef variance_versus_time < plottable_property
2 %Uvarvstime = variance_versus_time(timetrace) creates an object with
2 %Uvarvstime = variance_versus_time(timetrace) creates an object with
4 4 % - x : time % - x : time
5 5 % - y : noisepower integrated from HF_cutoff to LF_cutoff % - y : noisepower integrated from HF_cutoff to LF_cutoff
6 6 % - x_label, y_label % - x_label, y_label
7 7 % - property_description % - property_description
8 %
8 %
9 9 % varvstime is a plottable_property object % varvstime is a plottable_property object
10 10 properties properties
11 11 x x
... ... classdef variance_versus_time < plottable_property
14 14 properties(Constant) properties(Constant)
15 15 x_label = 'Time [s]'; x_label = 'Time [s]';
16 16 y_label = 'Integrated Noise power [V^2]' y_label = 'Integrated Noise power [V^2]'
18 18 HF_cutoff = 2E6; HF_cutoff = 2E6;
19 19 LF_cutoff = 1E3; LF_cutoff = 1E3;
20 20 end end
21 21 properties(Dependent) properties(Dependent)
22 22 property_description property_description
23 23 end end
25 25 methods methods
26 26 %% constructor %% constructor
27 27 function obj = variance_versus_time(timetrace) function obj = variance_versus_time(timetrace)
28 28 obj = obj@plottable_property(timetrace); obj = obj@plottable_property(timetrace);
29 29 samplingrate = timetrace.samplingrate; samplingrate = timetrace.samplingrate;
31 31 samples_to_skip = samplingrate/(2*obj.HF_cutoff); samples_to_skip = samplingrate/(2*obj.HF_cutoff);
32 32 block_size = samplingrate/obj.LF_cutoff; block_size = samplingrate/obj.LF_cutoff;
33 33 nBlocks = floor(timetrace.sample_no/... nBlocks = floor(timetrace.sample_no/...
... ... classdef variance_versus_time < plottable_property
37 37 %%%% %%%%
38 38 disp([10,'calculating variance vs time for '... disp([10,'calculating variance vs time for '...
39 39 timetrace.filename,'...',10]) timetrace.filename,'...',10])
41 41 fopen(timetrace); fopen(timetrace);
42 42 for iBlock=1:nBlocks for iBlock=1:nBlocks
43 43 data = fread(timetrace, block_size, samples_to_skip); data = fread(timetrace, block_size, samples_to_skip);
... ... classdef variance_versus_time < plottable_property
49 49 fclose(timetrace); fclose(timetrace);
50 50 obj.dataset_label = timetrace.dataset_label; obj.dataset_label = timetrace.dataset_label;
51 51 end end
53 53 %% other %% other
54 54 function desc =get.property_description(obj) function desc =get.property_description(obj)
55 55 desc = ['Noise power integrated from ',... desc = ['Noise power integrated from ',...
56 56 num2str(obj.LF_cutoff), '[Hz] to ', ... num2str(obj.LF_cutoff), '[Hz] to ', ...
57 57 num2str(obj.HF_cutoff), '[Hz].']; num2str(obj.HF_cutoff), '[Hz].'];
58 58 end end
59 end
59 end
60 60 end end
File data_analysis/unittests/PXItrace_test.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 6cdf1d1..63e28ea)
1 1 function test_suite = PXItrace_test %#ok<STOUT> function test_suite = PXItrace_test %#ok<STOUT>
2 localFunctionHandles = cellfun(@str2func,...
3 which('-subfun', mfilename('fullpath')), 'UniformOutput', false);
4 test_suite = buildFunctionHandleTestSuite(localFunctionHandles);
2 localFunctionHandles = cellfun(@str2func,...
3 which('-subfun', mfilename('fullpath')), 'UniformOutput', false);
4 test_suite = buildFunctionHandleTestSuite(localFunctionHandles);
6 6 function shared = setup function shared = setup
7 shared.DAQrange = 0;
8 shared.amplification = 10;
10 shared.sample_no = 1e4;
11 = randn(shared.sample_no,1);
13 shared.precision = 'double';
14 shared.folder = tempname;
15 assert(~(exist(shared.folder)==7),...
16 [shared.folder, ' exists already.']);
17 mkdir(shared.folder)
18 shared.file = fullfile(shared.folder, '.PXItrace.dat');
20 fid = fopen(shared.file,'w');
21 fwrite(fid,, shared.precision);
22 fclose(fid);
7 shared.DAQrange = 0;
8 shared.amplification = 10;
10 shared.sample_no = 1e4;
11 = randn(shared.sample_no,1);
13 shared.precision = 'double';
14 shared.folder = tempname;
15 assert(~(exist(shared.folder)==7),...
16 [shared.folder, ' exists already.']);
17 mkdir(shared.folder)
18 shared.file = fullfile(shared.folder, '.PXItrace.dat');
20 fid = fopen(shared.file,'w');
21 fwrite(fid,, shared.precision);
22 fclose(fid);
23 23
24 24 function teardown(shared) function teardown(shared)
25 delete(shared.file);
26 rmdir(shared.folder);
25 delete(shared.file);
26 rmdir(shared.folder);
27 27
28 28 function pt = pt_setup_test(shared) function pt = pt_setup_test(shared)
29 pt = PXItrace(shared.file,...
30 'precision', shared.precision,...
31 'DAQrange', shared.DAQrange,...
32 'amplification', shared.amplification);
29 pt = PXItrace(shared.file,...
30 'precision', shared.precision,...
31 'DAQrange', shared.DAQrange,...
32 'amplification', shared.amplification);
33 33
34 34 function pt = read_data_test(shared) function pt = read_data_test(shared)
35 pt = pt_setup_test(shared);
36 pt.fopen();
37 assertEqual(pt.fread(shared.sample_no),;
35 pt = pt_setup_test(shared);
36 pt.fopen();
37 assertEqual(pt.fread(shared.sample_no),;
38 38
39 startingsample = 10;
40 sample_no = 2;
41 pt.fseek(startingsample);
42 assertEqual(...
43 pt.fread(sample_no),...
39 startingsample = 10;
40 sample_no = 2;
41 pt.fseek(startingsample);
42 assertEqual(...
43 pt.fread(sample_no),...
45 45
46 pt.fseek(1);
47 assertEqual(...
48 pt.fread(shared.sample_no),...
46 pt.fseek(1);
47 assertEqual(...
48 pt.fread(shared.sample_no),...
50 50
51 pt.fclose();
51 pt.fclose();
52 52
53 53 function pt = properties_test(shared) function pt = properties_test(shared)
54 pt = pt_setup_test(shared);
55 assertEqual(pt.sample_no, shared.sample_no)
56 assertEqual(pt.precision, shared.precision)
54 pt = pt_setup_test(shared);
55 assertEqual(pt.sample_no, shared.sample_no)
56 assertEqual(pt.precision, shared.precision)
57 57
58 assertEqual(pt.DAQrange, shared.DAQrange)
59 assertEqual(pt.amplification, shared.amplification)
58 assertEqual(pt.DAQrange, shared.DAQrange)
59 assertEqual(pt.amplification, shared.amplification)
60 60
61 [folder, filename, fileext] = fileparts(shared.file);
62 assertEqual(pt.filepath, shared.file)
63 assertEqual(, folder)
64 assertEqual(pt.filename, [filename, fileext])
61 [folder, filename, fileext] = fileparts(shared.file);
62 assertEqual(pt.filepath, shared.file)
63 assertEqual(, folder)
64 assertEqual(pt.filename, [filename, fileext])
65 65
66 if pt.precision=='double'
67 assertEqual(pt.bytes_per_sample, 8)
68 end
66 if pt.precision=='double'
67 assertEqual(pt.bytes_per_sample, 8)
68 end
69 69
70 70 function pt = pseudohash_test(shared) function pt = pseudohash_test(shared)
71 pt = pt_setup_test(shared);
72 assertEqual(...
73 pseudo_hash(shared.file),...
74 pt.pseudohash)
71 pt = pt_setup_test(shared);
72 assertEqual(...
73 pseudo_hash(shared.file),...
74 pt.pseudohash)
75 75
76 76 function pt = pseudohash_modified_test(shared) function pt = pseudohash_modified_test(shared)
77 pt = pt_setup_test(shared);
78 % fid = fopen(shared.file, 'w');
79 % %fwrite(fid, randn(1));
80 % fclose(fid);
81 assertEqual(...
82 pseudo_hash(shared.file),...
83 pt.pseudohash)
77 pt = pt_setup_test(shared);
78 % fid = fopen(shared.file, 'w');
79 % %fwrite(fid, randn(1));
80 % fclose(fid);
81 assertEqual(...
82 pseudo_hash(shared.file),...
83 pt.pseudohash)
84 84
85 85 function pt = dummy_test(shared) function pt = dummy_test(shared)
86 constructor_test = @()PXItrace(shared.file, 'dummy', true);
87 assertExceptionThrown(constructor_test, 'PXItrace:FileExists')
89 file = '.PXItrace_dummy.dat';
90 pt = PXItrace(file, 'dummy', true);
91 assert(isafile(file));
92 %delete(file); not necesary, since the dummy file is deleted upon destruction anyways..
86 constructor_test = @()PXItrace(shared.file, 'dummy', true);
87 assertExceptionThrown(constructor_test, 'PXItrace:FileExists')
89 file = '.PXItrace_dummy.dat';
90 pt = PXItrace(file, 'dummy', true);
91 assert(isafile(file));
92 %delete(file); not necesary, since the dummy file is deleted upon destruction anyways..
93 93
94 94 function pt = delete_dummy_test(shared) function pt = delete_dummy_test(shared)
95 file = '.PXItrace_dummy.dat';
96 pt = PXItrace(file, 'dummy', true);
97 % deleting the object should call the destructor which should delete the dummy file
98 clear('pt')
99 assert(~isafile(file))
95 file = '.PXItrace_dummy.dat';
96 pt = PXItrace(file, 'dummy', true);
97 % deleting the object should call the destructor which should delete the dummy file
98 clear('pt')
99 assert(~isafile(file))
File data_analysis/unittests/blocked_cross_correlation_test.m changed (mode: 100644) (index eb65bab..fa75520)
1 1 function test_suite = blocked_cross_correlation_test %#ok<STOUT> function test_suite = blocked_cross_correlation_test %#ok<STOUT>
2 localFunctionHandles = cellfun(@str2func,...
3 which('-subfun', mfilename('fullpath')), 'UniformOutput', false);
4 test_suite = buildFunctionHandleTestSuite(localFunctionHandles);
2 localFunctionHandles = cellfun(@str2func,...
3 which('-subfun', mfilename('fullpath')), 'UniformOutput', false);
4 test_suite = buildFunctionHandleTestSuite(localFunctionHandles);
5 5
6 6 function shared = setup function shared = setup
7 shared.sample_no = 1e2;
8 % NOTE: only get same results if blocked_cross_correlation can process all data!
9 % --> need to have shared.sample_no a multiple of block_size for the tests to pass..
10 = randn(shared.sample_no, 1);
11 = randn(shared.sample_no, 1);
13 shared.precision = 'double';
14 shared.DAQrange = 0;
15 shared.amplification = 1;
17 shared.folder = tempname;
18 assert(~(exist(shared.folder)==7),...
19 [shared.folder, ' exists already.']);
20 mkdir(shared.folder)
21 shared.x.file = fullfile(shared.folder, '.x.dat');
22 shared.p.file = fullfile(shared.folder, '.p.dat');
24 for mytrace = {shared.x, shared.p}
25 mytrace = mytrace{:};
26 fid = fopen(mytrace.file,'w');
27 fwrite(fid,, shared.precision);
28 fclose(fid);
29 end
30 myPXItrace = @(file)PXItrace(file,...
31 'precision', shared.precision,...
32 'DAQrange',shared.DAQrange,...
33 'amplification', shared.amplification);
34 shared.x.PXItrace = myPXItrace(shared.x.file);
35 shared.p.PXItrace = myPXItrace(shared.p.file);
7 shared.sample_no = 1e2;
8 % NOTE: only get same results if blocked_cross_correlation can process all data!
9 % --> need to have shared.sample_no a multiple of block_size for the tests to pass..
10 = randn(shared.sample_no, 1);
11 = randn(shared.sample_no, 1);
13 shared.precision = 'double';
14 shared.DAQrange = 0;
15 shared.amplification = 1;
17 shared.folder = tempname;
18 assert(~(exist(shared.folder)==7),...
19 [shared.folder, ' exists already.']);
20 mkdir(shared.folder)
21 shared.x.file = fullfile(shared.folder, '.x.dat');
22 shared.p.file = fullfile(shared.folder, '.p.dat');
24 for mytrace = {shared.x, shared.p}
25 mytrace = mytrace{:};
26 fid = fopen(mytrace.file,'w');
27 fwrite(fid,, shared.precision);
28 fclose(fid);
29 end
30 myPXItrace = @(file)PXItrace(file,...
31 'precision', shared.precision,...
32 'DAQrange',shared.DAQrange,...
33 'amplification', shared.amplification);
34 shared.x.PXItrace = myPXItrace(shared.x.file);
35 shared.p.PXItrace = myPXItrace(shared.p.file);
36 36
37 37 function teardown(shared) function teardown(shared)
38 for mytrace = {shared.x, shared.p}
39 mytrace = mytrace{:};
40 delete(mytrace.file);
41 end
42 rmdir(shared.folder)
38 for mytrace = {shared.x, shared.p}
39 mytrace = mytrace{:};
40 delete(mytrace.file);
41 end
42 rmdir(shared.folder)
43 43
44 44 function read_data_test(shared) function read_data_test(shared)
45 for mytrace = {shared.x, shared.p}
46 mytrace = mytrace{:};
47 mytrace.PXItrace.fopen();
48 mydata = mytrace.PXItrace.fread(mytrace.PXItrace.sample_no);
49 mytrace.PXItrace.fclose();
45 for mytrace = {shared.x, shared.p}
46 mytrace = mytrace{:};
47 mytrace.PXItrace.fopen();
48 mydata = mytrace.PXItrace.fread(mytrace.PXItrace.sample_no);
49 mytrace.PXItrace.fclose();
50 50
51 assertEqual(, mydata);
51 assertEqual(, mydata);
52 52 end end
53 53
54 54 function blocked_cross_correlation_regular_test(shared) function blocked_cross_correlation_regular_test(shared)
55 max_lags = 10;
55 max_lags = 10;
56 56 xtrace = shared.x.PXItrace; xtrace = shared.x.PXItrace;
57 57 ptrace = shared.p.PXItrace; ptrace = shared.p.PXItrace;
58 58
59 [T, xp, xx, pp] = evalc('blocked_cross_correlation(xtrace, ptrace, max_lags);');
60 % suppress std out from call to blocked_cross_correlation
59 [T, xp, xx, pp] = evalc('blocked_cross_correlation(xtrace, ptrace, max_lags);');
60 % suppress std out from call to blocked_cross_correlation
61 61
62 62 rel_tol = 1e-13; rel_tol = 1e-13;
63 assertElementsAlmostEqual(xx, flipud(xx), 'relative', rel_tol);
64 assertElementsAlmostEqual(pp, flipud(pp), 'relative', rel_tol);
63 assertElementsAlmostEqual(xx, flipud(xx), 'relative', rel_tol);
64 assertElementsAlmostEqual(pp, flipud(pp), 'relative', rel_tol);
65 65
66 xx_ = xcorr(,, max_lags);
67 xp_ = xcorr(,, max_lags);
68 assertElementsAlmostEqual(xx, xx_, 'relative', rel_tol);
69 assertElementsAlmostEqual(xp, xp_, 'relative', rel_tol);
66 xx_ = xcorr(,, max_lags);
67 xp_ = xcorr(,, max_lags);
68 assertElementsAlmostEqual(xx, xx_, 'relative', rel_tol);
69 assertElementsAlmostEqual(xp, xp_, 'relative', rel_tol);
70 70
71 71 function blocked_cross_correlation_methods_test(shared) function blocked_cross_correlation_methods_test(shared)
72 max_lags = 2;
72 max_lags = 2;
73 73
74 74 xtrace = shared.x.PXItrace; xtrace = shared.x.PXItrace;
75 75 ptrace = shared.p.PXItrace; ptrace = shared.p.PXItrace;
76 76
77 77 for scaleopt = {'none', 'biased', 'unbiased', 'coeff'} for scaleopt = {'none', 'biased', 'unbiased', 'coeff'}
78 scaleopt = scaleopt{:};
78 scaleopt = scaleopt{:};
79 79
80 [T, xp, xx, pp] = evalc('blocked_cross_correlation(xtrace, ptrace, max_lags, scaleopt);');
81 % suppress std out from call to blocked_cross_correlation
80 [T, xp, xx, pp] = evalc('blocked_cross_correlation(xtrace, ptrace, max_lags, scaleopt);');
81 % suppress std out from call to blocked_cross_correlation
82 82
83 rel_tol = 1e-13;
84 assertElementsAlmostEqual(xx, flipud(xx), 'relative', rel_tol);
85 assertElementsAlmostEqual(pp, flipud(pp), 'relative', rel_tol);
83 rel_tol = 1e-13;
84 assertElementsAlmostEqual(xx, flipud(xx), 'relative', rel_tol);
85 assertElementsAlmostEqual(pp, flipud(pp), 'relative', rel_tol);
86 86
87 xx_ = xcorr(,, max_lags, scaleopt);
88 xp_ = xcorr(,, max_lags, scaleopt);
87 xx_ = xcorr(,, max_lags, scaleopt);
88 xp_ = xcorr(,, max_lags, scaleopt);
89 89
90 assertElementsAlmostEqual(xx, xx_, 'relative', rel_tol);
91 assertElementsAlmostEqual(xp, xp_, 'relative', rel_tol);
92 end
90 assertElementsAlmostEqual(xx, xx_, 'relative', rel_tol);
91 assertElementsAlmostEqual(xp, xp_, 'relative', rel_tol);
92 end
File data_analysis/unittests/entanglement_evaluation_test.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 9cfe5be..8f959b1)
1 1 function test_suite = entanglement_evaluation_test %#ok<STOUT> function test_suite = entanglement_evaluation_test %#ok<STOUT>
2 localFunctionHandles = cellfun(@str2func,...
3 which('-subfun', mfilename('fullpath')), 'UniformOutput', false);
4 test_suite = buildFunctionHandleTestSuite(localFunctionHandles);
2 localFunctionHandles = cellfun(@str2func,...
3 which('-subfun', mfilename('fullpath')), 'UniformOutput', false);
4 test_suite = buildFunctionHandleTestSuite(localFunctionHandles);
5 5
6 6 function shared = setup function shared = setup
7 shared.evaluation_folder = tempname;
8 assert(~(exist(shared.evaluation_folder)==7),...
9 [shared.evaluation_folder, ' exists already.']);
10 mkdir(shared.evaluation_folder)
7 shared.evaluation_folder = tempname;
8 assert(~(exist(shared.evaluation_folder)==7),...
9 [shared.evaluation_folder, ' exists already.']);
10 mkdir(shared.evaluation_folder)
11 11
12 shared.samplingrate = 100;
13 shared.sampleno = 1e4;
12 shared.samplingrate = 100;
13 shared.sampleno = 1e4;
14 14
15 shared.mech_freqs = [1, 1.345];
16 shared.timevec = (0:shared.sampleno-1)'/shared.samplingrate;
15 shared.mech_freqs = [1, 1.345];
16 shared.timevec = (0:shared.sampleno-1)'/shared.samplingrate;
17 17
18 = sin(2*pi*shared.mech_freqs(1)*shared.timevec) + sin(2*pi*shared.mech_freqs(2)*shared.timevec);
19 = cos(2*pi*shared.mech_freqs(1)*shared.timevec) + cos(2*pi*shared.mech_freqs(1)*shared.timevec);
18 = sin(2*pi*shared.mech_freqs(1)*shared.timevec) + sin(2*pi*shared.mech_freqs(2)*shared.timevec);
19 = cos(2*pi*shared.mech_freqs(1)*shared.timevec) + cos(2*pi*shared.mech_freqs(1)*shared.timevec);
20 20
21 shared.precision = 'double';
21 shared.precision = 'double';
22 22
23 shared.x.file = [tempname, '.dat'];
24 shared.p.file = [tempname, '.dat'];
23 shared.x.file = [tempname, '.dat'];
24 shared.p.file = [tempname, '.dat'];
25 25
26 for mytrace = {shared.x, shared.p}
27 mytrace = mytrace{:};
28 fid = fopen(mytrace.file,'w');
29 fwrite(fid,, shared.precision);
30 fclose(fid);
31 end
26 for mytrace = {shared.x, shared.p}
27 mytrace = mytrace{:};
28 fid = fopen(mytrace.file,'w');
29 fwrite(fid,, shared.precision);
30 fclose(fid);
31 end
32 32
33 33 function teardown(shared) function teardown(shared)
34 for mytrace = {shared.x, shared.p}
35 mytrace = mytrace{:};
36 delete(mytrace.file);
37 end
38 rmdir(shared.evaluation_folder, 's');
39 clear('shared');
34 for mytrace = {shared.x, shared.p}
35 mytrace = mytrace{:};
36 delete(mytrace.file);
37 end
38 rmdir(shared.evaluation_folder, 's');
39 clear('shared');
40 40
42 42 function meas = dual_homo_measurement_setup(shared) function meas = dual_homo_measurement_setup(shared)
43 meas = dual_homo_measurement('samplingrate', shared.samplingrate);
44 meas.add_trace_pair(...
45 shared.x.file,...
46 shared.p.file,...
47 'precision',shared.precision,...
48 'DAQrange', 0,...
49 'amplification', 1,...
50 'signal_power_muW', 0);
51 meas.add_trace_pair(...
52 shared.x.file,...
53 shared.p.file,...
54 'precision',shared.precision,...
55 'DAQrange', 0,...
56 'amplification', 1,...
57 'signal_power_muW', 100);
43 meas = dual_homo_measurement('samplingrate', shared.samplingrate);
44 meas.add_trace_pair(...
45 shared.x.file,...
46 shared.p.file,...
47 'precision',shared.precision,...
48 'DAQrange', 0,...
49 'amplification', 1,...
50 'signal_power_muW', 0);
51 meas.add_trace_pair(...
52 shared.x.file,...
53 shared.p.file,...
54 'precision',shared.precision,...
55 'DAQrange', 0,...
56 'amplification', 1,...
57 'signal_power_muW', 100);
58 58 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
59 59
60 60 function ev = ev_setup_test(shared) function ev = ev_setup_test(shared)
61 meas = dual_homo_measurement_setup(shared);
62 ev = entanglement_evaluation('measurement', meas);
63 ev.evaluation_folder = shared.evaluation_folder;
61 meas = dual_homo_measurement_setup(shared);
62 ev = entanglement_evaluation('measurement', meas);
63 ev.evaluation_folder = shared.evaluation_folder;
64 64
65 65 function properties_test(shared) function properties_test(shared)
66 ev = ev_setup_test(shared);
67 assertEqual(ev.samplingrate, shared.samplingrate);
66 ev = ev_setup_test(shared);
67 assertEqual(ev.samplingrate, shared.samplingrate);
68 68
69 69 function software_version_test(shared) function software_version_test(shared)
70 ev = ev_setup_test(shared);
71 swv = ev.software_version;
72 assert(~isempty(swv) && isequal(class(swv), 'char'));
73 swv2 = ev.software_version;
74 assertEqual(swv, swv2);
70 ev = ev_setup_test(shared);
71 swv = ev.software_version;
72 assert(~isempty(swv) && isequal(class(swv), 'char'));
73 swv2 = ev.software_version;
74 assertEqual(swv, swv2);
75 75
76 76 function modefunctions_dummy_test(shared) function modefunctions_dummy_test(shared)
77 ev = ev_setup_test(shared);
78 ev.mech_frequencies = [1, 2, 3];
79 ev.pulse_gammas = logspace(-1,1,2);
80 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.calculateModeVectors(''dummy'',true)'); % supress std out from fct call
77 ev = ev_setup_test(shared);
78 ev.mech_frequencies = [1, 2, 3];
79 ev.pulse_gammas = logspace(-1,1,2);
80 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.calculateModeVectors(''dummy'',true)'); % supress std out from fct call
81 81
82 82 function modefunctions_gammalist_test(shared) function modefunctions_gammalist_test(shared)
83 ev = ev_setup_test(shared);
84 ev.mech_frequencies = [1, 3];
85 gamma1_list = logspace(-3,-1,3);
86 gamma2_list = logspace(-3,-2,2);
87 gamma_lists = {gamma1_list, gamma2_list};
88 ev.pulse_widths = allcomb(gamma_lists{:});
89 ev.samples_per_pulse = round(ev.samples_per_pulse/100);
91 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.calculate_mode_vectors_gammalist()');
93 % pulse_gammas is simply an index running over all possible combinations of pulse widths
94 % (in this version of the mode vector calculation)
95 assertEqual(ev.pulse_gammas, 1:length(gamma1_list)*length(gamma2_list));
97 % estimate decay constant
98 testgammas_nonangular = zeros(size(ev.readout_modes,1),1);
99 for g=1:size(ev.readout_modes,1)
100 testmode = abs(ev.readout_modes(g,1:1000))';
101 testgammas_nonangular(g) = ev.samplingrate*mean(-diff(testmode)./testmode(1:end-1))/(2*pi);
102 end
103 ratios = testgammas_nonangular./reshape(ev.pulse_widths',[],1);
104 % ratios
105 assert(all((0.8<ratios) & (ratios<1.2)))
106 % figure; bar(ratios)
108 % quick evaluation run
109 gamma1_list = logspace(1,3,3);
110 gamma2_list = logspace(1,2,2);
111 gamma_lists = {gamma1_list, gamma2_list};
112 ev.pulse_widths = allcomb(gamma_lists{:});
113 ev.samples_per_pulse = 100;
115 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.calculate_mode_vectors_gammalist()');
116 pulsepairs_no = 2;
117 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.calculatePulsedQuadratures(1, ''pulsepairs'', pulsepairs_no);');
118 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.calculatePulsedQuadratures(2, ''pulsepairs'', pulsepairs_no);');
120 ev.calculatePulsedCMs;
121 ev.calibratePulsedCMs('shotnoise_ind', 1);
122 ev.exportResults;
83 ev = ev_setup_test(shared);
84 ev.mech_frequencies = [1, 3];
85 gamma1_list = logspace(-3,-1,3);
86 gamma2_list = logspace(-3,-2,2);
87 gamma_lists = {gamma1_list, gamma2_list};
88 ev.pulse_widths = allcomb(gamma_lists{:});
89 ev.samples_per_pulse = round(ev.samples_per_pulse/100);
91 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.calculate_mode_vectors_gammalist()');
93 % pulse_gammas is simply an index running over all possible combinations of pulse widths
94 % (in this version of the mode vector calculation)
95 assertEqual(ev.pulse_gammas, 1:length(gamma1_list)*length(gamma2_list));
97 % estimate decay constant
98 testgammas_nonangular = zeros(size(ev.readout_modes,1),1);
99 for g=1:size(ev.readout_modes,1)
100 testmode = abs(ev.readout_modes(g,1:1000))';
101 testgammas_nonangular(g) = ev.samplingrate*mean(-diff(testmode)./testmode(1:end-1))/(2*pi);
102 end
103 ratios = testgammas_nonangular./reshape(ev.pulse_widths',[],1);
104 % ratios
105 assert(all((0.8<ratios) & (ratios<1.2)))
106 % figure; bar(ratios)
108 % quick evaluation run
109 gamma1_list = logspace(1,3,3);
110 gamma2_list = logspace(1,2,2);
111 gamma_lists = {gamma1_list, gamma2_list};
112 ev.pulse_widths = allcomb(gamma_lists{:});
113 ev.samples_per_pulse = 100;
115 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.calculate_mode_vectors_gammalist()');
116 pulsepairs_no = 2;
117 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.calculatePulsedQuadratures(1, ''pulsepairs'', pulsepairs_no);');
118 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.calculatePulsedQuadratures(2, ''pulsepairs'', pulsepairs_no);');
120 ev.calculatePulsedCMs;
121 ev.calibratePulsedCMs('shotnoise_ind', 1);
122 ev.exportResults;
123 123
124 124 function modefunctions_test(shared) function modefunctions_test(shared)
125 ev = ev_setup_test(shared);
126 ev.mech_frequencies = [1, 2, 3];
127 ev.opt_pulse_widths = ones(size(ev.mech_frequencies));
128 ev.pulse_gammas = logspace(-1,1,2);
129 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.calculateModeVectors;'); % supress std out from fct call
131 % check approximate equality with mode functions as of commit e3e72443e0acce38cf9de712f32dd57dde7f069a
132 % (up to different relative signs for different mode functions)
133 tol = 1e-2;
134 relsign = assertRowsAlmostEqualUptoSign(ev.readout_modes(:,1:3),...
135 [0.1115 + 0.0070i, 0.1102 + 0.0139i, 0.1084 + 0.0207i;...
136 0.1108 - 0.0080i, 0.1088 + 0.0060i, 0.1051 + 0.0194i;...
137 0.1097 - 0.0119i, 0.1065 + 0.0088i, 0.0996 + 0.0282i;...
138 0.8441 + 0.0531i, 0.4477 + 0.0566i, 0.2365 + 0.0451i;...
139 0.0817 - 0.4438i, -0.0738 + 0.3576i, -0.1607 + 0.4920i;...
140 -0.2255 - 0.0842i, 0.4708 + 0.2149i, 0.1491 + 0.1134i],...
141 'relative', tol);
142 relsign = assertRowsAlmostEqualUptoSign(ev.entangling_modes(:,end-2:end),...
143 [0.1084 + 0.0207i, 0.1102 + 0.0139i, 0.1115 + 0.0070i;...
144 0.1051 + 0.0194i, 0.1088 + 0.0060i, 0.1108 - 0.0080i;...
145 0.0996 + 0.0282i, 0.1065 + 0.0088i, 0.1097 - 0.0119i;...
146 0.2365 + 0.0451i, 0.4477 + 0.0566i, 0.8441 + 0.0531i;...
147 -0.1607 + 0.4920i, -0.0738 + 0.3576i, 0.0817 - 0.4438i;...
148 0.1491 + 0.1134i, 0.4708 + 0.2149i, -0.2255 - 0.0842i],...
149 'relative', tol);
151 %figure; plot(real(ev.readout_modes'))
153 %%% check that the orthonormality test does the right thing
154 on_matrix_entangling = ev.entangling_modes*(ev.entangling_modes)';
155 [modefct_no, samples_per_pulse] = size(ev.entangling_modes);
156 assertEqual(size(on_matrix_entangling), modefct_no*[1,1])
157 norm_tol = inf; orthog_tol = inf; % don't care about precision here, only about checking rows vs checking columns
158 on_info = assert_orthonormality(ev.readout_modes,norm_tol, orthog_tol);
159 assertEqual(on_info.matrix_size, modefct_no*[1,1])
160 %%%%
162 % check orthonormality
163 on_matrix_readout = ev.readout_modes*(ev.readout_modes)';
164 for k=1:ev.pulse_gammas_no
165 start_mode = (k-1)*ev.mech_frequencies_no + 1;
166 stop_mode = k*ev.mech_frequencies_no;
167 assertElementsAlmostEqual(...
168 on_matrix_entangling(start_mode:stop_mode,start_mode:stop_mode),...
169 eye(ev.mech_frequencies_no), 'absolute', 1e-12)
170 assertElementsAlmostEqual(...
171 on_matrix_readout(start_mode:stop_mode,start_mode:stop_mode),...
172 eye(ev.mech_frequencies_no), 'absolute', 1e-12)
173 end
175 % check correct sidebands are addressed
176 tol = 1e-12;
177 mean_rotation_freq = @(vector)mean(diff(phase(vector))*shared.samplingrate)/(2*pi);
178 for f=1:ev.mech_frequencies_no
179 % entangling_modes should pick out down-scattered light --> should be prop. to exp(+i om t)
180 assertElementsAlmostEqual(...
181 mean_rotation_freq(ev.entangling_modes(f,:)),...
182 -ev.mech_frequencies(f), 'absolute', tol)
183 % readout modes should pick out up-scattered light --> should be prop. to exp(-i om t)
184 assertElementsAlmostEqual(...
185 mean_rotation_freq(ev.readout_modes(f,:)),...
186 +ev.mech_frequencies(f), 'absolute', tol)
187 % for some reasons it's exactly the other way round...
188 end
189 %figure; plot(phase(ev.readout_modes(1,1:100)))
125 ev = ev_setup_test(shared);
126 ev.mech_frequencies = [1, 2, 3];
127 ev.opt_pulse_widths = ones(size(ev.mech_frequencies));
128 ev.pulse_gammas = logspace(-1,1,2);
129 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.calculateModeVectors;'); % supress std out from fct call
131 % check approximate equality with mode functions as of commit e3e72443e0acce38cf9de712f32dd57dde7f069a
132 % (up to different relative signs for different mode functions)
133 tol = 1e-2;
134 relsign = assertRowsAlmostEqualUptoSign(ev.readout_modes(:,1:3),...
135 [0.1115 + 0.0070i, 0.1102 + 0.0139i, 0.1084 + 0.0207i;...
136 0.1108 - 0.0080i, 0.1088 + 0.0060i, 0.1051 + 0.0194i;...
137 0.1097 - 0.0119i, 0.1065 + 0.0088i, 0.0996 + 0.0282i;...
138 0.8441 + 0.0531i, 0.4477 + 0.0566i, 0.2365 + 0.0451i;...
139 0.0817 - 0.4438i, -0.0738 + 0.3576i, -0.1607 + 0.4920i;...
140 -0.2255 - 0.0842i, 0.4708 + 0.2149i, 0.1491 + 0.1134i],...
141 'relative', tol);
142 relsign = assertRowsAlmostEqualUptoSign(ev.entangling_modes(:,end-2:end),...
143 [0.1084 + 0.0207i, 0.1102 + 0.0139i, 0.1115 + 0.0070i;...
144 0.1051 + 0.0194i, 0.1088 + 0.0060i, 0.1108 - 0.0080i;...
145 0.0996 + 0.0282i, 0.1065 + 0.0088i, 0.1097 - 0.0119i;...
146 0.2365 + 0.0451i, 0.4477 + 0.0566i, 0.8441 + 0.0531i;...
147 -0.1607 + 0.4920i, -0.0738 + 0.3576i, 0.0817 - 0.4438i;...
148 0.1491 + 0.1134i, 0.4708 + 0.2149i, -0.2255 - 0.0842i],...
149 'relative', tol);
151 %figure; plot(real(ev.readout_modes'))
153 %%% check that the orthonormality test does the right thing
154 on_matrix_entangling = ev.entangling_modes*(ev.entangling_modes)';
155 [modefct_no, samples_per_pulse] = size(ev.entangling_modes);
156 assertEqual(size(on_matrix_entangling), modefct_no*[1,1])
157 norm_tol = inf; orthog_tol = inf; % don't care about precision here, only about checking rows vs checking columns
158 on_info = assert_orthonormality(ev.readout_modes,norm_tol, orthog_tol);
159 assertEqual(on_info.matrix_size, modefct_no*[1,1])
160 %%%%
162 % check orthonormality
163 on_matrix_readout = ev.readout_modes*(ev.readout_modes)';
164 for k=1:ev.pulse_gammas_no
165 start_mode = (k-1)*ev.mech_frequencies_no + 1;
166 stop_mode = k*ev.mech_frequencies_no;
167 assertElementsAlmostEqual(...
168 on_matrix_entangling(start_mode:stop_mode,start_mode:stop_mode),...
169 eye(ev.mech_frequencies_no), 'absolute', 1e-12)
170 assertElementsAlmostEqual(...
171 on_matrix_readout(start_mode:stop_mode,start_mode:stop_mode),...
172 eye(ev.mech_frequencies_no), 'absolute', 1e-12)
173 end
175 % check correct sidebands are addressed
176 tol = 1e-12;
177 mean_rotation_freq = @(vector)mean(diff(phase(vector))*shared.samplingrate)/(2*pi);
178 for f=1:ev.mech_frequencies_no
179 % entangling_modes should pick out down-scattered light --> should be prop. to exp(+i om t)
180 assertElementsAlmostEqual(...
181 mean_rotation_freq(ev.entangling_modes(f,:)),...
182 -ev.mech_frequencies(f), 'absolute', tol)
183 % readout modes should pick out up-scattered light --> should be prop. to exp(-i om t)
184 assertElementsAlmostEqual(...
185 mean_rotation_freq(ev.readout_modes(f,:)),...
186 +ev.mech_frequencies(f), 'absolute', tol)
187 % for some reasons it's exactly the other way round...
188 end
189 %figure; plot(phase(ev.readout_modes(1,1:100)))
190 190
191 191 function run_test(shared) function run_test(shared)
192 ev = ev_setup_test(shared);
193 ev.mech_frequencies = shared.mech_freqs;
194 ev.opt_pulse_widths = 1e2*[1, 1];
195 ev.pulse_gammas = logspace(-1,1,10);
196 ev.samples_per_pulse = 4*ev.samples_per_pulse; % adjust samples_per_pulse, since in commit 6dcad7dc617c9bed38f45823b049e556264b694f it has been lower by a factor of 4;
197 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.calculateModeVectors;'); % supress std out from fct call
198 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.calculatePulsedQuadratures(1);'); % supress std out from fct call
199 assertEqual(size(ev.pulse_Y{1}),...
200 [ev.pulse_pairs_per_trace, ev.mech_frequencies_no*ev.pulse_gammas_no]);
202 % compare to results as of datoolbox-commit 754e283187e9e9a6385b0f9a8a26f5fd2807ccd0
203 % (after modifying mode-fct calculation to avoid numerical instabilities during orthonormalization)
204 tolerance = 1e-2;
205 relsign = assertColsAlmostEqualUptoSign(...
206 [ev.pulse_Q{1}(1:2,:); ev.pulse_P{1}(1:2,:);...
207 ev.pulse_X{1}(1:2,:); ev.pulse_Y{1}(1:2,:)],...
208 [-2.2115, -2.4141, -1.6618, -2.3063, -1.3238, -2.0629, -1.1502, -1.8850, -1.0911, -1.8164, -1.0820, -1.8055, -1.0816, -1.8051, -1.0816, -1.8051, -1.0816, -1.8051, -1.0816, -1.8051;...
209 -0.2433, -2.8269, 0.0246, -2.6458, 0.1230, -2.3094, 0.1520, -2.0811, 0.1583, -1.9958, 0.1592, -1.9824, 0.1592, -1.9819, 0.1592, -1.9819, 0.1592, -1.9819, 0.1592, -1.9819;...
210 3.2915, -2.9633, 2.7127, -2.1359, 2.2809, -1.6272, 2.0343, -1.3764, 1.9462, -1.2934, 1.9325, -1.2808, 1.9320, -1.2803, 1.9320, -1.2803, 1.9320, -1.2803, 1.9320, -1.2803;...
211 3.5199, -1.8524, 2.8666, -0.8733, 2.3888, -0.4121, 2.1204, -0.2318, 2.0254, -0.1800, 2.0106, -0.1725, 2.0100, -0.1722, 2.0100, -0.1722, 2.0100, -0.1722, 2.0100, -0.1722;...
212 -2.0535, -2.6901, -1.5796, -2.4139, -1.2766, -2.1129, -1.1172, -1.9160, -1.0623, -1.8423, -1.0539, -1.8307, -1.0535, -1.8302, -1.0535, -1.8302, -1.0535, -1.8302, -1.0535, -1.8302;...
213 0.5499, -3.9050, 0.4369, -3.0405, 0.3590, -2.4789, 0.3166, -2.1801, 0.3017, -2.0765, 0.2995, -2.0605, 0.2994, -2.0599, 0.2994, -2.0599, 0.2994, -2.0599, 0.2994, -2.0599;...
214 3.3518, -2.5439, 2.7367, -1.9035, 2.2923, -1.4906, 2.0413, -1.2802, 1.9521, -1.2093, 1.9382, -1.1984, 1.9377, -1.1980, 1.9377, -1.1980, 1.9377, -1.1980, 1.9377, -1.1980;...
215 3.7251, 0.2762, 2.9392, 0.3040, 2.4188, 0.2777, 2.1371, 0.2534, 2.0387, 0.2436, 2.0234, 0.2420, 2.0228, 0.2420, 2.0228, 0.2420, 2.0228, 0.2420, 2.0228, 0.2420],...
216 'relative', tolerance, 'Pulsed traces differ for first pulse width!');
218 relsign = assertColsAlmostEqualUptoSign(...
219 [ev.pulse_Q{1}(end-1:end,:); ev.pulse_P{1}(end-1:end,:);...
220 ev.pulse_X{1}(end-1:end,:); ev.pulse_Y{1}(end-1:end,:)],...
221 [0.3231, -3.4203, 0.3579, -2.8694, 0.3420, -2.4087, 0.3219, -2.1409, 0.3131, -2.0453, 0.3117, -2.0304, 0.3116, -2.0298, 0.3116, -2.0298, 0.3116, -2.0298, 0.3116, -2.0298;...
222 -2.4419, -2.1727, -1.7974, -2.2153, -1.4129, -2.0225, -1.2193, -1.8607, -1.1541, -1.7963, -1.1440, -1.7860, -1.1436, -1.7856, -1.1436, -1.7856, -1.1436, -1.7856, -1.1436, -1.7856;...
223 3.6361, -0.5743, 2.9101, -0.1286, 2.4083, 0.0519, 2.1323, 0.1114, 2.0353, 0.1263, 2.0202, 0.1284, 2.0196, 0.1285, 2.0196, 0.1285, 2.0196, 0.1285, 2.0196, 0.1285;...
224 3.2442, -3.4832, 2.6950, -2.4389, 2.2729, -1.8160, 2.0294, -1.5161, 1.9422, -1.4180, 1.9286, -1.4032, 1.9281, -1.4026, 1.9280, -1.4026, 1.9280, -1.4026, 1.9280, -1.4026;...
225 0.2522, -3.4073, 0.3212, -2.8737, 0.3212, -2.4156, 0.3074, -2.1473, 0.3006, -2.0514, 0.2994, -2.0364, 0.2994, -2.0358, 0.2994, -2.0358, 0.2994, -2.0358, 0.2994, -2.0358;...
226 -1.9324, -2.8926, -1.5325, -2.4818, -1.2612, -2.1386, -1.1135, -1.9293, -1.0619, -1.8525, -1.0538, -1.8405, -1.0535, -1.8400, -1.0535, -1.8400, -1.0535, -1.8400, -1.0535, -1.8400;...
227 3.6442, -0.7709, 2.9166, -0.2367, 2.4130, -0.0109, 2.1359, 0.0676, 2.0385, 0.0881, 2.0234, 0.0910, 2.0228, 0.0911, 2.0228, 0.0911, 2.0228, 0.0911, 2.0228, 0.0911;...
228 3.3847, -2.1179, 2.7459, -1.6835, 2.2946, -1.3732, 2.0418, -1.2046, 1.9522, -1.1460, 1.9382, -1.1370, 1.9377, -1.1366, 1.9377, -1.1366, 1.9377, -1.1366, 1.9377, -1.1366],...
229 'relative', tolerance, 'Pulsed traces differ for last pulse width!');
231 ev.calculatePulsedCMs(1);
232 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.calculatePulsedQuadratures(2);'); % supress std out from fct call
233 ev.calculatePulsedCMs(2);
234 ev.calibratePulsedCMs;
236 % check shotnoise entanglement values
237 assertElementsAlmostEqual([ev.logneg_corrected{1}{:}],...
238 [109.0853, 111.0687, 112.5557, 113.4168, 114.8301, 112.9490, 113.0331, 112.9725, 113.3471, 113.5596],...
239 'absolute', 1e-3, 'Log. neg. values for shotnoise not as expected!');
240 % before excluding shotnoise log.neg. from the dual-rail-homo-correction the values were
241 % [0.4272, 0.4583, 0.1683, 0.0973, 0.0795, 0.0771, 0.0770, 0.0770, 0.0770, 0.0770]
242 % cmnew = ev.pulse_CM_calibrated{1}{1}
243 % logneg(cmnew)
244 % cmold = 2*ev.pulse_CM_calibrated{1}{1}-eye(8)/2
245 % logneg(cmold)
247 % check save and reload of ev: transient properties should not be stored
248 tmpfile = [tempname,'.mat'];
249 save(tmpfile, 'ev');
250 assert(~isempty(ev.pulse_trace));
251 clear('ev');
253 load(tmpfile);
254 assert(isempty(ev.pulse_trace));
255 delete(tmpfile);
257 % compare to results as of datoolbox-commit 997cd1260b8b222bd0b6ebf3f8567db04ace24fd
258 assertCMsEqualUptoSign(ev.pulse_CM_calibrated{2}{1},...
259 [[0.982359896462452, 0.131028168234013, -0.367189369366558, 0.880348741612935, 0.946576778024290, 0.122862699486762, -0.321838837984714, 0.783722707358365];...
260 [0.131028168234013, 0.017640103537548, -0.050517532058795, 0.120534462978138, 0.122866665973445, 0.015778083289827, -0.040175061783999, 0.098497215865329];...
261 [-0.367189369366558, -0.050517532058795, 0.151787439279659, -0.358416760477882, -0.321853066589406, -0.040175675239897, 0.094340702342072, -0.236007779549885];...
262 [0.880348741612935, 0.120534462978138, -0.358416760477882, 0.848212560720341, 0.783741799699913, 0.098496642634894, -0.236002490360790, 0.587370230126137];...
263 [0.946576778024290, 0.122866665973445, -0.321853066589406, 0.783741799699913, 0.982360871144707, 0.131024476233387, -0.367180133703403, 0.880340233793472];...
264 [0.122862699486762, 0.015778083289827, -0.040175675239897, 0.098496642634894, 0.131024476233387, 0.017639128855292, -0.050515242330064, 0.120530651668499];...
265 [-0.321838837984714, -0.040175061783999, 0.094340702342072, -0.236002490360790, -0.367180133703403, -0.050515242330064, 0.151784942728085, -0.358414152751479];...
266 [0.783722707358365, 0.098497215865329, -0.236007779549885, 0.587370230126137, 0.880340233793472, 0.120530651668499, -0.358414152751479, 0.848215057271915]]);
192 ev = ev_setup_test(shared);
193 ev.mech_frequencies = shared.mech_freqs;
194 ev.opt_pulse_widths = 1e2*[1, 1];
195 ev.pulse_gammas = logspace(-1,1,10);
196 ev.samples_per_pulse = 4*ev.samples_per_pulse; % adjust samples_per_pulse, since in commit 6dcad7dc617c9bed38f45823b049e556264b694f it has been lower by a factor of 4;
197 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.calculateModeVectors;'); % supress std out from fct call
198 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.calculatePulsedQuadratures(1);'); % supress std out from fct call
199 assertEqual(size(ev.pulse_Y{1}),...
200 [ev.pulse_pairs_per_trace, ev.mech_frequencies_no*ev.pulse_gammas_no]);
202 % compare to results as of datoolbox-commit 754e283187e9e9a6385b0f9a8a26f5fd2807ccd0
203 % (after modifying mode-fct calculation to avoid numerical instabilities during orthonormalization)
204 tolerance = 1e-2;
205 relsign = assertColsAlmostEqualUptoSign(...
206 [ev.pulse_Q{1}(1:2,:); ev.pulse_P{1}(1:2,:);...
207 ev.pulse_X{1}(1:2,:); ev.pulse_Y{1}(1:2,:)],...
208 [-2.2115, -2.4141, -1.6618, -2.3063, -1.3238, -2.0629, -1.1502, -1.8850, -1.0911, -1.8164, -1.0820, -1.8055, -1.0816, -1.8051, -1.0816, -1.8051, -1.0816, -1.8051, -1.0816, -1.8051;...
209 -0.2433, -2.8269, 0.0246, -2.6458, 0.1230, -2.3094, 0.1520, -2.0811, 0.1583, -1.9958, 0.1592, -1.9824, 0.1592, -1.9819, 0.1592, -1.9819, 0.1592, -1.9819, 0.1592, -1.9819;...
210 3.2915, -2.9633, 2.7127, -2.1359, 2.2809, -1.6272, 2.0343, -1.3764, 1.9462, -1.2934, 1.9325, -1.2808, 1.9320, -1.2803, 1.9320, -1.2803, 1.9320, -1.2803, 1.9320, -1.2803;...
211 3.5199, -1.8524, 2.8666, -0.8733, 2.3888, -0.4121, 2.1204, -0.2318, 2.0254, -0.1800, 2.0106, -0.1725, 2.0100, -0.1722, 2.0100, -0.1722, 2.0100, -0.1722, 2.0100, -0.1722;...
212 -2.0535, -2.6901, -1.5796, -2.4139, -1.2766, -2.1129, -1.1172, -1.9160, -1.0623, -1.8423, -1.0539, -1.8307, -1.0535, -1.8302, -1.0535, -1.8302, -1.0535, -1.8302, -1.0535, -1.8302;...
213 0.5499, -3.9050, 0.4369, -3.0405, 0.3590, -2.4789, 0.3166, -2.1801, 0.3017, -2.0765, 0.2995, -2.0605, 0.2994, -2.0599, 0.2994, -2.0599, 0.2994, -2.0599, 0.2994, -2.0599;...
214 3.3518, -2.5439, 2.7367, -1.9035, 2.2923, -1.4906, 2.0413, -1.2802, 1.9521, -1.2093, 1.9382, -1.1984, 1.9377, -1.1980, 1.9377, -1.1980, 1.9377, -1.1980, 1.9377, -1.1980;...
215 3.7251, 0.2762, 2.9392, 0.3040, 2.4188, 0.2777, 2.1371, 0.2534, 2.0387, 0.2436, 2.0234, 0.2420, 2.0228, 0.2420, 2.0228, 0.2420, 2.0228, 0.2420, 2.0228, 0.2420],...
216 'relative', tolerance, 'Pulsed traces differ for first pulse width!');
218 relsign = assertColsAlmostEqualUptoSign(...
219 [ev.pulse_Q{1}(end-1:end,:); ev.pulse_P{1}(end-1:end,:);...
220 ev.pulse_X{1}(end-1:end,:); ev.pulse_Y{1}(end-1:end,:)],...
221 [0.3231, -3.4203, 0.3579, -2.8694, 0.3420, -2.4087, 0.3219, -2.1409, 0.3131, -2.0453, 0.3117, -2.0304, 0.3116, -2.0298, 0.3116, -2.0298, 0.3116, -2.0298, 0.3116, -2.0298;...
222 -2.4419, -2.1727, -1.7974, -2.2153, -1.4129, -2.0225, -1.2193, -1.8607, -1.1541, -1.7963, -1.1440, -1.7860, -1.1436, -1.7856, -1.1436, -1.7856, -1.1436, -1.7856, -1.1436, -1.7856;...
223 3.6361, -0.5743, 2.9101, -0.1286, 2.4083, 0.0519, 2.1323, 0.1114, 2.0353, 0.1263, 2.0202, 0.1284, 2.0196, 0.1285, 2.0196, 0.1285, 2.0196, 0.1285, 2.0196, 0.1285;...
224 3.2442, -3.4832, 2.6950, -2.4389, 2.2729, -1.8160, 2.0294, -1.5161, 1.9422, -1.4180, 1.9286, -1.4032, 1.9281, -1.4026, 1.9280, -1.4026, 1.9280, -1.4026, 1.9280, -1.4026;...
225 0.2522, -3.4073, 0.3212, -2.8737, 0.3212, -2.4156, 0.3074, -2.1473, 0.3006, -2.0514, 0.2994, -2.0364, 0.2994, -2.0358, 0.2994, -2.0358, 0.2994, -2.0358, 0.2994, -2.0358;...
226 -1.9324, -2.8926, -1.5325, -2.4818, -1.2612, -2.1386, -1.1135, -1.9293, -1.0619, -1.8525, -1.0538, -1.8405, -1.0535, -1.8400, -1.0535, -1.8400, -1.0535, -1.8400, -1.0535, -1.8400;...
227 3.6442, -0.7709, 2.9166, -0.2367, 2.4130, -0.0109, 2.1359, 0.0676, 2.0385, 0.0881, 2.0234, 0.0910, 2.0228, 0.0911, 2.0228, 0.0911, 2.0228, 0.0911, 2.0228, 0.0911;...
228 3.3847, -2.1179, 2.7459, -1.6835, 2.2946, -1.3732, 2.0418, -1.2046, 1.9522, -1.1460, 1.9382, -1.1370, 1.9377, -1.1366, 1.9377, -1.1366, 1.9377, -1.1366, 1.9377, -1.1366],...
229 'relative', tolerance, 'Pulsed traces differ for last pulse width!');
231 ev.calculatePulsedCMs(1);
232 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.calculatePulsedQuadratures(2);'); % supress std out from fct call
233 ev.calculatePulsedCMs(2);
234 ev.calibratePulsedCMs;
236 % check shotnoise entanglement values
237 assertElementsAlmostEqual([ev.logneg_corrected{1}{:}],...
238 [109.0853, 111.0687, 112.5557, 113.4168, 114.8301, 112.9490, 113.0331, 112.9725, 113.3471, 113.5596],...
239 'absolute', 1e-3, 'Log. neg. values for shotnoise not as expected!');
240 % before excluding shotnoise log.neg. from the dual-rail-homo-correction the values were
241 % [0.4272, 0.4583, 0.1683, 0.0973, 0.0795, 0.0771, 0.0770, 0.0770, 0.0770, 0.0770]
242 % cmnew = ev.pulse_CM_calibrated{1}{1}
243 % logneg(cmnew)
244 % cmold = 2*ev.pulse_CM_calibrated{1}{1}-eye(8)/2
245 % logneg(cmold)
247 % check save and reload of ev: transient properties should not be stored
248 tmpfile = [tempname,'.mat'];
249 save(tmpfile, 'ev');
250 assert(~isempty(ev.pulse_trace));
251 clear('ev');
253 load(tmpfile);
254 assert(isempty(ev.pulse_trace));
255 delete(tmpfile);
257 % compare to results as of datoolbox-commit 997cd1260b8b222bd0b6ebf3f8567db04ace24fd
258 assertCMsEqualUptoSign(ev.pulse_CM_calibrated{2}{1},...
259 [[0.982359896462452, 0.131028168234013, -0.367189369366558, 0.880348741612935, 0.946576778024290, 0.122862699486762, -0.321838837984714, 0.783722707358365];...
260 [0.131028168234013, 0.017640103537548, -0.050517532058795, 0.120534462978138, 0.122866665973445, 0.015778083289827, -0.040175061783999, 0.098497215865329];...
261 [-0.367189369366558, -0.050517532058795, 0.151787439279659, -0.358416760477882, -0.321853066589406, -0.040175675239897, 0.094340702342072, -0.236007779549885];...
262 [0.880348741612935, 0.120534462978138, -0.358416760477882, 0.848212560720341, 0.783741799699913, 0.098496642634894, -0.236002490360790, 0.587370230126137];...
263 [0.946576778024290, 0.122866665973445, -0.321853066589406, 0.783741799699913, 0.982360871144707, 0.131024476233387, -0.367180133703403, 0.880340233793472];...
264 [0.122862699486762, 0.015778083289827, -0.040175675239897, 0.098496642634894, 0.131024476233387, 0.017639128855292, -0.050515242330064, 0.120530651668499];...
265 [-0.321838837984714, -0.040175061783999, 0.094340702342072, -0.236002490360790, -0.367180133703403, -0.050515242330064, 0.151784942728085, -0.358414152751479];...
266 [0.783722707358365, 0.098497215865329, -0.236007779549885, 0.587370230126137, 0.880340233793472, 0.120530651668499, -0.358414152751479, 0.848215057271915]]);
267 267
268 268 function run_inverted_test(shared) function run_inverted_test(shared)
269 % passes as of commit 486cf46dec3f7f6cf493f947709dc605ae44930f and its child
270 ev = ev_setup_test(shared);
271 ev.inverted_evaluation = true;
272 ev.mech_frequencies = shared.mech_freqs;
273 ev.opt_pulse_widths = 1e2*[1, 1];
274 ev.pulse_gammas = logspace(-1,1,10);
275 ev.samples_per_pulse = 4*ev.samples_per_pulse; % adjust samples_per_pulse, since in commit 6dcad7dc617c9bed38f45823b049e556264b694f it has been lower by a factor of 4;
276 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.calculateModeVectors;'); % supress std out from fct call
277 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.calculatePulsedQuadratures(1);'); % supress std out from fct call
278 assertEqual(size(ev.pulse_Y{1}),...
279 [ev.pulse_pairs_per_trace, ev.mech_frequencies_no*ev.pulse_gammas_no]);
281 % compare to results as of datoolbox-commit 754e283187e9e9a6385b0f9a8a26f5fd2807ccd0
282 % (after modifying mode-fct calculation to avoid numerical instabilities during orthonormalization)
283 tolerance = 1e-2;
284 assertColsAlmostEqualUptoSign(...
285 [ev.pulse_Q{1}(1:2,:); ev.pulse_P{1}(1:2,:);...
286 ev.pulse_X{1}(1:2,:); ev.pulse_Y{1}(1:2,:)],...
287 [-1.2735, 3.8137, -1.1123, 3.0828, -0.9634, 2.5385, -0.8707, 2.2366, -0.8365, 2.1309, -0.8312, 2.1145, -0.8310, 2.1138, -0.8310, 2.1138, -0.8310, 2.1138, -0.8310, 2.1138;...
288 0.6946, 3.4010, 0.5740, 2.7433, 0.4834, 2.2920, 0.4315, 2.0406, 0.4129, 1.9515, 0.4100, 1.9376, 0.4099, 1.9371, 0.4099, 1.9371, 0.4099, 1.9371, 0.4099, 1.9371;...
289 -3.7667, -0.3446, -2.9840, -0.6290, -2.4559, -0.6815, -2.1689, -0.6681, -2.0685, -0.6572, -2.0529, -0.6552, -2.0523, -0.6551, -2.0523, -0.6551, -2.0523, -0.6551, -2.0523, -0.6551;...
290 -3.5383, 0.7663, -2.8301, 0.6336, -2.3480, 0.5337, -2.0827, 0.4765, -1.9893, 0.4562, -1.9748, 0.4531, -1.9742, 0.4530, -1.9742, 0.4530, -1.9742, 0.4530, -1.9742, 0.4530;...
291 -1.1052, 3.6599, -1.0267, 3.0421, -0.9149, 2.5275, -0.8371, 2.2330, -0.8073, 2.1289, -0.8026, 2.1127, -0.8024, 2.1121, -0.8024, 2.1121, -0.8024, 2.1121, -0.8024, 2.1121;...
292 1.4981, 2.4450, 0.9898, 2.4155, 0.7207, 2.1615, 0.5968, 1.9689, 0.5568, 1.8947, 0.5508, 1.8829, 0.5505, 1.8824, 0.5505, 1.8824, 0.5505, 1.8824, 0.5505, 1.8824;...
293 -3.7514, 0.1327, -2.9832, -0.3762, -2.4578, -0.5365, -2.1710, -0.5671, -2.0706, -0.5692, -2.0551, -0.5692, -2.0544, -0.5692, -2.0544, -0.5692, -2.0544, -0.5692, -2.0544, -0.5692;...
294 -3.3781, 2.9527, -2.7808, 1.8313, -2.3313, 1.2319, -2.0753, 0.9665, -1.9841, 0.8837, -1.9699, 0.8713, -1.9693, 0.8708, -1.9693, 0.8708, -1.9693, 0.8708, -1.9693, 0.8708],...
295 'relative', tolerance, 'Pulsed traces differ for first pulse width!');
297 assertColsAlmostEqualUptoSign(...
298 [ev.pulse_Q{1}(end-1:end,:); ev.pulse_P{1}(end-1:end,:);...
299 ev.pulse_X{1}(end-1:end,:); ev.pulse_Y{1}(end-1:end,:)],...
300 [1.2610, 2.8076, 0.9074, 2.5197, 0.7024, 2.1927, 0.6014, 1.9808, 0.5677, 1.9020, 0.5625, 1.8896, 0.5623, 1.8891, 0.5623, 1.8891, 0.5623, 1.8891, 0.5623, 1.8891;...
301 -1.5040, 4.0552, -1.2480, 3.1738, -1.0525, 2.5789, -0.9398, 2.2610, -0.8995, 2.1510, -0.8932, 2.1340, -0.8930, 2.1333, -0.8930, 2.1333, -0.8930, 2.1333, -0.8930, 2.1333;...
302 -3.4221, 2.0444, -2.7866, 1.3783, -2.3285, 0.9976, -2.0708, 0.8197, -1.9794, 0.7626, -1.9652, 0.7539, -1.9646, 0.7536, -1.9646, 0.7536, -1.9646, 0.7536, -1.9646, 0.7536;...
303 -3.8140, -0.8646, -3.0017, -0.9320, -2.4639, -0.8703, -2.1737, -0.8078, -2.0725, -0.7818, -2.0568, -0.7776, -2.0562, -0.7774, -2.0562, -0.7774, -2.0562, -0.7774, -2.0562, -0.7774;...
304 1.2005, 2.9428, 0.8741, 2.5823, 0.6829, 2.2248, 0.5876, 2.0017, 0.5556, 1.9198, 0.5507, 1.9070, 0.5505, 1.9064, 0.5505, 1.9064, 0.5505, 1.9064, 0.5505, 1.9064;...
305 -0.9841, 3.4574, -0.9796, 2.9742, -0.8995, 2.5017, -0.8333, 2.2197, -0.8068, 2.1187, -0.8025, 2.1029, -0.8024, 2.1023, -0.8024, 2.1023, -0.8024, 2.1023, -0.8024, 2.1023;...
306 -3.4590, 1.9057, -2.8033, 1.2906, -2.3371, 0.9433, -2.0765, 0.7807, -1.9842, 0.7282, -1.9699, 0.7203, -1.9693, 0.7200, -1.9693, 0.7200, -1.9693, 0.7200, -1.9693, 0.7200;...
307 -3.7185, 0.5587, -2.9740, -0.1562, -2.4555, -0.4191, -2.1705, -0.4915, -2.0706, -0.5060, -2.0551, -0.5077, -2.0544, -0.5078, -2.0544, -0.5078, -2.0544, -0.5078, -2.0544, -0.5078],...
308 'relative', tolerance, 'Pulsed traces differ for last pulse width!');
310 ev.calculatePulsedCMs(1);
311 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.calculatePulsedQuadratures(2);'); % supress std out from fct call
312 ev.calculatePulsedCMs(2);
313 ev.calibratePulsedCMs;
315 % check save and reload of ev: transient properties should not be stored
316 tmpfile = [tempname,'.mat'];
317 save(tmpfile, 'ev');
318 assert(~isempty(ev.pulse_trace));
319 clear('ev');
321 load(tmpfile);
322 assert(isempty(ev.pulse_trace));
323 delete(tmpfile);
325 % compare to results as of datoolbox-commit 997cd1260b8b222bd0b6ebf3f8567db04ace24fd
326 assertCMsEqualUptoSign(ev.pulse_CM_calibrated{2}{1},...
327 [[0.982359896462452, 0.131028168234013, -0.367189369366558, 0.880348741612935, 0.946576778024290, 0.122862699486762, -0.321838837984714, 0.783722707358365];...
328 [0.131028168234013, 0.017640103537548, -0.050517532058795, 0.120534462978138, 0.122866665973445, 0.015778083289827, -0.040175061783999, 0.098497215865329];...
329 [-0.367189369366558, -0.050517532058795, 0.151787439279659, -0.358416760477882, -0.321853066589406, -0.040175675239897, 0.094340702342072, -0.236007779549885];...
330 [0.880348741612935, 0.120534462978138, -0.358416760477882, 0.848212560720341, 0.783741799699913, 0.098496642634894, -0.236002490360790, 0.587370230126137];...
331 [0.946576778024290, 0.122866665973445, -0.321853066589406, 0.783741799699913, 0.982360871144707, 0.131024476233387, -0.367180133703403, 0.880340233793472];...
332 [0.122862699486762, 0.015778083289827, -0.040175675239897, 0.098496642634894, 0.131024476233387, 0.017639128855292, -0.050515242330064, 0.120530651668499];...
333 [-0.321838837984714, -0.040175061783999, 0.094340702342072, -0.236002490360790, -0.367180133703403, -0.050515242330064, 0.151784942728085, -0.358414152751479];...
334 [0.783722707358365, 0.098497215865329, -0.236007779549885, 0.587370230126137, 0.880340233793472, 0.120530651668499, -0.358414152751479, 0.848215057271915]]);
269 % passes as of commit 486cf46dec3f7f6cf493f947709dc605ae44930f and its child
270 ev = ev_setup_test(shared);
271 ev.inverted_evaluation = true;
272 ev.mech_frequencies = shared.mech_freqs;
273 ev.opt_pulse_widths = 1e2*[1, 1];
274 ev.pulse_gammas = logspace(-1,1,10);
275 ev.samples_per_pulse = 4*ev.samples_per_pulse; % adjust samples_per_pulse, since in commit 6dcad7dc617c9bed38f45823b049e556264b694f it has been lower by a factor of 4;
276 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.calculateModeVectors;'); % supress std out from fct call
277 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.calculatePulsedQuadratures(1);'); % supress std out from fct call
278 assertEqual(size(ev.pulse_Y{1}),...
279 [ev.pulse_pairs_per_trace, ev.mech_frequencies_no*ev.pulse_gammas_no]);
281 % compare to results as of datoolbox-commit 754e283187e9e9a6385b0f9a8a26f5fd2807ccd0
282 % (after modifying mode-fct calculation to avoid numerical instabilities during orthonormalization)
283 tolerance = 1e-2;
284 assertColsAlmostEqualUptoSign(...
285 [ev.pulse_Q{1}(1:2,:); ev.pulse_P{1}(1:2,:);...
286 ev.pulse_X{1}(1:2,:); ev.pulse_Y{1}(1:2,:)],...
287 [-1.2735, 3.8137, -1.1123, 3.0828, -0.9634, 2.5385, -0.8707, 2.2366, -0.8365, 2.1309, -0.8312, 2.1145, -0.8310, 2.1138, -0.8310, 2.1138, -0.8310, 2.1138, -0.8310, 2.1138;...
288 0.6946, 3.4010, 0.5740, 2.7433, 0.4834, 2.2920, 0.4315, 2.0406, 0.4129, 1.9515, 0.4100, 1.9376, 0.4099, 1.9371, 0.4099, 1.9371, 0.4099, 1.9371, 0.4099, 1.9371;...
289 -3.7667, -0.3446, -2.9840, -0.6290, -2.4559, -0.6815, -2.1689, -0.6681, -2.0685, -0.6572, -2.0529, -0.6552, -2.0523, -0.6551, -2.0523, -0.6551, -2.0523, -0.6551, -2.0523, -0.6551;...
290 -3.5383, 0.7663, -2.8301, 0.6336, -2.3480, 0.5337, -2.0827, 0.4765, -1.9893, 0.4562, -1.9748, 0.4531, -1.9742, 0.4530, -1.9742, 0.4530, -1.9742, 0.4530, -1.9742, 0.4530;...
291 -1.1052, 3.6599, -1.0267, 3.0421, -0.9149, 2.5275, -0.8371, 2.2330, -0.8073, 2.1289, -0.8026, 2.1127, -0.8024, 2.1121, -0.8024, 2.1121, -0.8024, 2.1121, -0.8024, 2.1121;...
292 1.4981, 2.4450, 0.9898, 2.4155, 0.7207, 2.1615, 0.5968, 1.9689, 0.5568, 1.8947, 0.5508, 1.8829, 0.5505, 1.8824, 0.5505, 1.8824, 0.5505, 1.8824, 0.5505, 1.8824;...
293 -3.7514, 0.1327, -2.9832, -0.3762, -2.4578, -0.5365, -2.1710, -0.5671, -2.0706, -0.5692, -2.0551, -0.5692, -2.0544, -0.5692, -2.0544, -0.5692, -2.0544, -0.5692, -2.0544, -0.5692;...
294 -3.3781, 2.9527, -2.7808, 1.8313, -2.3313, 1.2319, -2.0753, 0.9665, -1.9841, 0.8837, -1.9699, 0.8713, -1.9693, 0.8708, -1.9693, 0.8708, -1.9693, 0.8708, -1.9693, 0.8708],...
295 'relative', tolerance, 'Pulsed traces differ for first pulse width!');
297 assertColsAlmostEqualUptoSign(...
298 [ev.pulse_Q{1}(end-1:end,:); ev.pulse_P{1}(end-1:end,:);...
299 ev.pulse_X{1}(end-1:end,:); ev.pulse_Y{1}(end-1:end,:)],...
300 [1.2610, 2.8076, 0.9074, 2.5197, 0.7024, 2.1927, 0.6014, 1.9808, 0.5677, 1.9020, 0.5625, 1.8896, 0.5623, 1.8891, 0.5623, 1.8891, 0.5623, 1.8891, 0.5623, 1.8891;...
301 -1.5040, 4.0552, -1.2480, 3.1738, -1.0525, 2.5789, -0.9398, 2.2610, -0.8995, 2.1510, -0.8932, 2.1340, -0.8930, 2.1333, -0.8930, 2.1333, -0.8930, 2.1333, -0.8930, 2.1333;...
302 -3.4221, 2.0444, -2.7866, 1.3783, -2.3285, 0.9976, -2.0708, 0.8197, -1.9794, 0.7626, -1.9652, 0.7539, -1.9646, 0.7536, -1.9646, 0.7536, -1.9646, 0.7536, -1.9646, 0.7536;...
303 -3.8140, -0.8646, -3.0017, -0.9320, -2.4639, -0.8703, -2.1737, -0.8078, -2.0725, -0.7818, -2.0568, -0.7776, -2.0562, -0.7774, -2.0562, -0.7774, -2.0562, -0.7774, -2.0562, -0.7774;...
304 1.2005, 2.9428, 0.8741, 2.5823, 0.6829, 2.2248, 0.5876, 2.0017, 0.5556, 1.9198, 0.5507, 1.9070, 0.5505, 1.9064, 0.5505, 1.9064, 0.5505, 1.9064, 0.5505, 1.9064;...
305 -0.9841, 3.4574, -0.9796, 2.9742, -0.8995, 2.5017, -0.8333, 2.2197, -0.8068, 2.1187, -0.8025, 2.1029, -0.8024, 2.1023, -0.8024, 2.1023, -0.8024, 2.1023, -0.8024, 2.1023;...
306 -3.4590, 1.9057, -2.8033, 1.2906, -2.3371, 0.9433, -2.0765, 0.7807, -1.9842, 0.7282, -1.9699, 0.7203, -1.9693, 0.7200, -1.9693, 0.7200, -1.9693, 0.7200, -1.9693, 0.7200;...
307 -3.7185, 0.5587, -2.9740, -0.1562, -2.4555, -0.4191, -2.1705, -0.4915, -2.0706, -0.5060, -2.0551, -0.5077, -2.0544, -0.5078, -2.0544, -0.5078, -2.0544, -0.5078, -2.0544, -0.5078],...
308 'relative', tolerance, 'Pulsed traces differ for last pulse width!');
310 ev.calculatePulsedCMs(1);
311 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.calculatePulsedQuadratures(2);'); % supress std out from fct call
312 ev.calculatePulsedCMs(2);
313 ev.calibratePulsedCMs;
315 % check save and reload of ev: transient properties should not be stored
316 tmpfile = [tempname,'.mat'];
317 save(tmpfile, 'ev');
318 assert(~isempty(ev.pulse_trace));
319 clear('ev');
321 load(tmpfile);
322 assert(isempty(ev.pulse_trace));
323 delete(tmpfile);
325 % compare to results as of datoolbox-commit 997cd1260b8b222bd0b6ebf3f8567db04ace24fd
326 assertCMsEqualUptoSign(ev.pulse_CM_calibrated{2}{1},...
327 [[0.982359896462452, 0.131028168234013, -0.367189369366558, 0.880348741612935, 0.946576778024290, 0.122862699486762, -0.321838837984714, 0.783722707358365];...
328 [0.131028168234013, 0.017640103537548, -0.050517532058795, 0.120534462978138, 0.122866665973445, 0.015778083289827, -0.040175061783999, 0.098497215865329];...
329 [-0.367189369366558, -0.050517532058795, 0.151787439279659, -0.358416760477882, -0.321853066589406, -0.040175675239897, 0.094340702342072, -0.236007779549885];...
330 [0.880348741612935, 0.120534462978138, -0.358416760477882, 0.848212560720341, 0.783741799699913, 0.098496642634894, -0.236002490360790, 0.587370230126137];...
331 [0.946576778024290, 0.122866665973445, -0.321853066589406, 0.783741799699913, 0.982360871144707, 0.131024476233387, -0.367180133703403, 0.880340233793472];...
332 [0.122862699486762, 0.015778083289827, -0.040175675239897, 0.098496642634894, 0.131024476233387, 0.017639128855292, -0.050515242330064, 0.120530651668499];...
333 [-0.321838837984714, -0.040175061783999, 0.094340702342072, -0.236002490360790, -0.367180133703403, -0.050515242330064, 0.151784942728085, -0.358414152751479];...
334 [0.783722707358365, 0.098497215865329, -0.236007779549885, 0.587370230126137, 0.880340233793472, 0.120530651668499, -0.358414152751479, 0.848215057271915]]);
335 335
336 336 function pulse_pairs_coverage_test(shared) function pulse_pairs_coverage_test(shared)
337 ev = ev_setup_test(shared);
338 ev.mech_frequencies = shared.mech_freqs;
339 ev.opt_pulse_widths = 1e2*[1, 1];
340 ev.pulse_gammas = logspace(-1,1,10);
341 ev.samples_per_pulse = 4*ev.samples_per_pulse; % adjust samples_per_pulse, since in commit 6dcad7dc617c9bed38f45823b049e556264b694f it has been lower by a factor of 4;
343 ev.pulse_pairs_coverage = 0.1;
345 % check that pulse_pairs_per_trace depends on pulse_pairs_coverage
346 assertEqual(ev.pulse_pairs_per_trace,2)
347 ev.pulse_pairs_coverage = 0.2;
348 assertEqual(ev.pulse_pairs_per_trace,5)
351 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.calculateModeVectors;'); % supress std out from fct call
352 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.calculatePulsedQuadratures(1);'); % supress std out from fct call
353 assertEqual(size(ev.pulse_Y{1}),...
354 [ev.pulse_pairs_per_trace, ev.mech_frequencies_no*ev.pulse_gammas_no]);
356 % first pulse is the same as in run_test (as expected)
357 tolerance = 1e-2;
358 % assertElementsAlmostEqual(...
359 % [ev.pulse_Q{1}(1,:); ev.pulse_P{1}(1,:);...
360 % ev.pulse_X{1}(1,:); ev.pulse_Y{1}(1,:)],...
361 % [-2.2115, -2.4141, -1.6618, -2.3063, -1.3238, -2.0629, -1.1502, -1.8850, -1.0911, -1.8164, -1.0820, -1.8055, -1.0816, -1.8051, -1.0816, -1.8051, -1.0816, -1.8051, -1.0816, -1.8051;...
362 % 3.2915, -2.9633, 2.7127, -2.1359, 2.2809, -1.6272, 2.0343, -1.3764, 1.9462, -1.2934, 1.9325, -1.2808, 1.9320, -1.2803, 1.9320, -1.2803, 1.9320, -1.2803, 1.9320, -1.2803;...
363 % -2.0535, -2.6901, -1.5796, -2.4139, -1.2766, -2.1129, -1.1172, -1.9160, -1.0623, -1.8423, -1.0539, -1.8307, -1.0535, -1.8302, -1.0535, -1.8302, -1.0535, -1.8302, -1.0535, -1.8302;...
364 % 3.3518, -2.5439, 2.7367, -1.9035, 2.2923, -1.4906, 2.0413, -1.2802, 1.9521, -1.2093, 1.9382, -1.1984, 1.9377, -1.1980, 1.9377, -1.1980, 1.9377, -1.1980, 1.9377, -1.1980],...
365 % 'relative', tolerance, 'Pulsed traces differ for first pulse width!');
367 % last pulse is different from run_test (as expected) and equals:
368 assertColsAlmostEqualUptoSign(...
369 [ev.pulse_Q{1}(end,:); ev.pulse_P{1}(end,:);...
370 ev.pulse_X{1}(end,:); ev.pulse_Y{1}(end,:)],...
371 [-0.2815, -3.2285, -0.1393, -2.7479, -0.0754, -2.3291, -0.0500, -2.0802, -0.0426, -1.9905, -0.0415, -1.9765 -0.0415, -1.9759, -0.0415, -1.9759, -0.0415, -1.9759, -0.0415, -1.9759;...
372 3.5591, -1.0467, 2.8629, -0.5686, 2.3768, -0.3370, 2.1076, -0.2420, 2.0127, -0.2138, 1.9980, -0.2096 1.9974, -0.2094, 1.9974, -0.2094, 1.9974, -0.2094, 1.9974, -0.2094;...
373 -0.4042, -3.1501, -0.2029, -2.7287, -0.1116, -2.3262, -0.0753, -2.0811, -0.0645, -1.9921, -0.0630, -1.9782 -0.0629, -1.9776, -0.0629, -1.9776, -0.0629, -1.9776, -0.0629, -1.9776;...
374 3.5553, -1.3827, 2.8655, -0.7538, 2.3799, -0.4449, 2.1104, -0.3176, 2.0154, -0.2796, 2.0006, -0.2740 2.0000, -0.2738, 2.0000, -0.2738, 2.0000, -0.2738, 2.0000, -0.2738],...
375 'relative', tolerance, 'Pulsed traces differ for last pulse width!');
337 ev = ev_setup_test(shared);
338 ev.mech_frequencies = shared.mech_freqs;
339 ev.opt_pulse_widths = 1e2*[1, 1];
340 ev.pulse_gammas = logspace(-1,1,10);
341 ev.samples_per_pulse = 4*ev.samples_per_pulse; % adjust samples_per_pulse, since in commit 6dcad7dc617c9bed38f45823b049e556264b694f it has been lower by a factor of 4;
343 ev.pulse_pairs_coverage = 0.1;
345 % check that pulse_pairs_per_trace depends on pulse_pairs_coverage
346 assertEqual(ev.pulse_pairs_per_trace,2)
347 ev.pulse_pairs_coverage = 0.2;
348 assertEqual(ev.pulse_pairs_per_trace,5)
351 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.calculateModeVectors;'); % supress std out from fct call
352 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.calculatePulsedQuadratures(1);'); % supress std out from fct call
353 assertEqual(size(ev.pulse_Y{1}),...
354 [ev.pulse_pairs_per_trace, ev.mech_frequencies_no*ev.pulse_gammas_no]);
356 % first pulse is the same as in run_test (as expected)
357 tolerance = 1e-2;
358 % assertElementsAlmostEqual(...
359 % [ev.pulse_Q{1}(1,:); ev.pulse_P{1}(1,:);...
360 % ev.pulse_X{1}(1,:); ev.pulse_Y{1}(1,:)],...
361 % [-2.2115, -2.4141, -1.6618, -2.3063, -1.3238, -2.0629, -1.1502, -1.8850, -1.0911, -1.8164, -1.0820, -1.8055, -1.0816, -1.8051, -1.0816, -1.8051, -1.0816, -1.8051, -1.0816, -1.8051;...
362 % 3.2915, -2.9633, 2.7127, -2.1359, 2.2809, -1.6272, 2.0343, -1.3764, 1.9462, -1.2934, 1.9325, -1.2808, 1.9320, -1.2803, 1.9320, -1.2803, 1.9320, -1.2803, 1.9320, -1.2803;...
363 % -2.0535, -2.6901, -1.5796, -2.4139, -1.2766, -2.1129, -1.1172, -1.9160, -1.0623, -1.8423, -1.0539, -1.8307, -1.0535, -1.8302, -1.0535, -1.8302, -1.0535, -1.8302, -1.0535, -1.8302;...
364 % 3.3518, -2.5439, 2.7367, -1.9035, 2.2923, -1.4906, 2.0413, -1.2802, 1.9521, -1.2093, 1.9382, -1.1984, 1.9377, -1.1980, 1.9377, -1.1980, 1.9377, -1.1980, 1.9377, -1.1980],...
365 % 'relative', tolerance, 'Pulsed traces differ for first pulse width!');
367 % last pulse is different from run_test (as expected) and equals:
368 assertColsAlmostEqualUptoSign(...
369 [ev.pulse_Q{1}(end,:); ev.pulse_P{1}(end,:);...
370 ev.pulse_X{1}(end,:); ev.pulse_Y{1}(end,:)],...
371 [-0.2815, -3.2285, -0.1393, -2.7479, -0.0754, -2.3291, -0.0500, -2.0802, -0.0426, -1.9905, -0.0415, -1.9765 -0.0415, -1.9759, -0.0415, -1.9759, -0.0415, -1.9759, -0.0415, -1.9759;...
372 3.5591, -1.0467, 2.8629, -0.5686, 2.3768, -0.3370, 2.1076, -0.2420, 2.0127, -0.2138, 1.9980, -0.2096 1.9974, -0.2094, 1.9974, -0.2094, 1.9974, -0.2094, 1.9974, -0.2094;...
373 -0.4042, -3.1501, -0.2029, -2.7287, -0.1116, -2.3262, -0.0753, -2.0811, -0.0645, -1.9921, -0.0630, -1.9782 -0.0629, -1.9776, -0.0629, -1.9776, -0.0629, -1.9776, -0.0629, -1.9776;...
374 3.5553, -1.3827, 2.8655, -0.7538, 2.3799, -0.4449, 2.1104, -0.3176, 2.0154, -0.2796, 2.0006, -0.2740 2.0000, -0.2738, 2.0000, -0.2738, 2.0000, -0.2738, 2.0000, -0.2738],...
375 'relative', tolerance, 'Pulsed traces differ for last pulse width!');
376 376
377 377 function set_samples_per_pulse_test(shared) function set_samples_per_pulse_test(shared)
378 ev = ev_setup_test(shared);
378 ev = ev_setup_test(shared);
379 379
380 % information is insufficient ==> samples_per_pulse should default to 0
381 assertEqual(ev.samples_per_pulse, 0)
380 % information is insufficient ==> samples_per_pulse should default to 0
381 assertEqual(ev.samples_per_pulse, 0)
382 382
383 % check default setting with adequate information
384 ev.mech_frequencies = shared.mech_freqs;
385 ev.opt_pulse_widths = 1e2*[1, 1];
386 ev.pulse_gammas = logspace(-1,1,10);
383 % check default setting with adequate information
384 ev.mech_frequencies = shared.mech_freqs;
385 ev.opt_pulse_widths = 1e2*[1, 1];
386 ev.pulse_gammas = logspace(-1,1,10);
387 387
388 samples_per_pulse = 50; % default for evaluation specifed above
389 assertEqual(ev.samples_per_pulse, samples_per_pulse)
390 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.calculateModeVectors;'); % supress std out from fct call
391 assertEqual(size(ev.entangling_modes,2), samples_per_pulse)
388 samples_per_pulse = 50; % default for evaluation specifed above
389 assertEqual(ev.samples_per_pulse, samples_per_pulse)
390 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.calculateModeVectors;'); % supress std out from fct call
391 assertEqual(size(ev.entangling_modes,2), samples_per_pulse)
392 392
393 % check explicit setting of samples_per_pulse
394 samples_per_pulse = 30;
395 ev.samples_per_pulse = samples_per_pulse;
396 assertEqual(ev.samples_per_pulse, samples_per_pulse)
397 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.calculateModeVectors;'); % supress std out from fct call
398 assertEqual(size(ev.entangling_modes,2), samples_per_pulse)
393 % check explicit setting of samples_per_pulse
394 samples_per_pulse = 30;
395 ev.samples_per_pulse = samples_per_pulse;
396 assertEqual(ev.samples_per_pulse, samples_per_pulse)
397 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.calculateModeVectors;'); % supress std out from fct call
398 assertEqual(size(ev.entangling_modes,2), samples_per_pulse)
399 399
400 400 function ev = run_quick_test(shared) function ev = run_quick_test(shared)
401 ev = ev_setup_test(shared);
402 ev.mech_frequencies = [1, 2];
403 ev.opt_pulse_widths = 1e2*[1, 1];
404 ev.pulse_gammas = logspace(-1,1,10);
406 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.calculateModeVectors;'); % supress std out from fct call
407 pulsepairs_no = 100;
408 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.calculatePulsedQuadratures(1, ''pulsepairs'', pulsepairs_no);');
409 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.calculatePulsedQuadratures(2, ''pulsepairs'', pulsepairs_no);');
410 assertEqual(size(ev.pulse_Q{1}),...
411 [pulsepairs_no, ev.mech_frequencies_no*ev.pulse_gammas_no]);
412 ev.exportResults('software_version', false);
413 %type(fullfile(ev.evaluation_folder, 'evaluation_parameters.txt'))
415 ev.calculatePulsedCMs;
417 % test calibratePulsedCMs with wrong shotnoise_ind
418 % manipulate data to create a difference between the two sets of pulsed CMs
419 ev.pulse_CM{2}{1}=eye(size(ev.pulse_CM{2}{1}));
420 % calibrate with the wrong data --> non-shotnoise-data should now look like shotnoise
421 ev.calibratePulsedCMs('shotnoise_ind', 2);
422 assertElementsAlmostEqual(ev.pulse_CM_calibrated{2}{1}, eye(size(ev.pulse_CM{2}{1}))/2)
423 ev.calibratePulsedCMs;
424 assertElementsAlmostEqual(ev.pulse_CM_calibrated{1}{1}, ...
425 calibrate_cm(ev.pulse_CM{1}{1}, ev.pulse_CM{1}{1}))
401 ev = ev_setup_test(shared);
402 ev.mech_frequencies = [1, 2];
403 ev.opt_pulse_widths = 1e2*[1, 1];
404 ev.pulse_gammas = logspace(-1,1,10);
406 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.calculateModeVectors;'); % supress std out from fct call
407 pulsepairs_no = 100;
408 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.calculatePulsedQuadratures(1, ''pulsepairs'', pulsepairs_no);');
409 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.calculatePulsedQuadratures(2, ''pulsepairs'', pulsepairs_no);');
410 assertEqual(size(ev.pulse_Q{1}),...
411 [pulsepairs_no, ev.mech_frequencies_no*ev.pulse_gammas_no]);
412 ev.exportResults('software_version', false);
413 %type(fullfile(ev.evaluation_folder, 'evaluation_parameters.txt'))
415 ev.calculatePulsedCMs;
417 % test calibratePulsedCMs with wrong shotnoise_ind
418 % manipulate data to create a difference between the two sets of pulsed CMs
419 ev.pulse_CM{2}{1}=eye(size(ev.pulse_CM{2}{1}));
420 % calibrate with the wrong data --> non-shotnoise-data should now look like shotnoise
421 ev.calibratePulsedCMs('shotnoise_ind', 2);
422 assertElementsAlmostEqual(ev.pulse_CM_calibrated{2}{1}, eye(size(ev.pulse_CM{2}{1}))/2)
423 ev.calibratePulsedCMs;
424 assertElementsAlmostEqual(ev.pulse_CM_calibrated{1}{1}, ...
425 calibrate_cm(ev.pulse_CM{1}{1}, ev.pulse_CM{1}{1}))
426 426
427 427 function ev = run_quicker_test(shared) function ev = run_quicker_test(shared)
428 ev = ev_setup_test(shared);
429 ev.mech_frequencies = [1.2, 2.3, 4.1,5.7];
430 ev.opt_pulse_widths = 1e2*ones(size(ev.mech_frequencies));
431 ev.pulse_gammas = logspace(-1,1,10);
428 ev = ev_setup_test(shared);
429 ev.mech_frequencies = [1.2, 2.3, 4.1,5.7];
430 ev.opt_pulse_widths = 1e2*ones(size(ev.mech_frequencies));
431 ev.pulse_gammas = logspace(-1,1,10);
432 432
433 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.calculateModeVectors;'); % supress std out from fct call
434 pulsepairs_no = 100;
435 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.calculatePulsedQuadratures(1, ''pulsepairs'', pulsepairs_no);');
436 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.calculatePulsedQuadratures(2, ''pulsepairs'', pulsepairs_no);');
437 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.calibratePulsedCMs;');
433 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.calculateModeVectors;'); % supress std out from fct call
434 pulsepairs_no = 100;
435 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.calculatePulsedQuadratures(1, ''pulsepairs'', pulsepairs_no);');
436 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.calculatePulsedQuadratures(2, ''pulsepairs'', pulsepairs_no);');
437 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.calibratePulsedCMs;');
438 438
439 439 function getters_with_missing_properties_test(shared) function getters_with_missing_properties_test(shared)
440 %% check that the fallback options provided for the getters for
441 %% mech_frequencies_no, pulse_gammas_no, and tracepairs_no
442 %% are defined correctly
443 %% (fallback means: if mech_frequencies, pulse_gammas, or tracepairs are undefined)
445 % do quick eval to generate data
446 ev = run_quick_test(shared);
447 ev.exportResults;
449 % reimport traces to a blank eval-object to get
450 % values with measurement-object, mech_frequencies, pulse_gammas removed
451 ev_traced = entanglement_evaluation;
452 ev_traced.evaluation_folder = ev.evaluation_folder;
453 ev_traced.import_traces;
455 % values without measurement-object
456 assertEqual(ev_traced.tracepairs_no, ev.tracepairs_no,...
457 ['tracepairs_no does not match']);
458 assertEqual(ev_traced.mech_frequencies_no, ev.mech_frequencies_no,...
459 ['mech_frequencies_no does not match']);
460 assertEqual(ev_traced.pulse_gammas_no, ev.pulse_gammas_no,...
461 ['pulse_gammas_no does not match']);
463 % reimport CMs to a blank eval-object to get
464 % values with measurement-object, mech_frequencies, pulse_gammas removed
465 ev3 = entanglement_evaluation;
466 ev3.evaluation_folder = ev.evaluation_folder;
467 ev3.import_CMs;
469 % values without measurement-object
470 assertEqual(ev3.tracepairs_no, ev.tracepairs_no,...
471 ['tracepairs_no does not match']);
472 assertEqual(ev3.mech_frequencies_no, ev.mech_frequencies_no,...
473 ['mech_frequencies_no does not match']);
474 assertEqual(ev3.pulse_gammas_no, ev.pulse_gammas_no,...
475 ['pulse_gammas_no does not match']);
440 %% check that the fallback options provided for the getters for
441 %% mech_frequencies_no, pulse_gammas_no, and tracepairs_no
442 %% are defined correctly
443 %% (fallback means: if mech_frequencies, pulse_gammas, or tracepairs are undefined)
445 % do quick eval to generate data
446 ev = run_quick_test(shared);
447 ev.exportResults;
449 % reimport traces to a blank eval-object to get
450 % values with measurement-object, mech_frequencies, pulse_gammas removed
451 ev_traced = entanglement_evaluation;
452 ev_traced.evaluation_folder = ev.evaluation_folder;
453 ev_traced.import_traces;
455 % values without measurement-object
456 assertEqual(ev_traced.tracepairs_no, ev.tracepairs_no,...
457 ['tracepairs_no does not match']);
458 assertEqual(ev_traced.mech_frequencies_no, ev.mech_frequencies_no,...
459 ['mech_frequencies_no does not match']);
460 assertEqual(ev_traced.pulse_gammas_no, ev.pulse_gammas_no,...
461 ['pulse_gammas_no does not match']);
463 % reimport CMs to a blank eval-object to get
464 % values with measurement-object, mech_frequencies, pulse_gammas removed
465 ev3 = entanglement_evaluation;
466 ev3.evaluation_folder = ev.evaluation_folder;
467 ev3.import_CMs;
469 % values without measurement-object
470 assertEqual(ev3.tracepairs_no, ev.tracepairs_no,...
471 ['tracepairs_no does not match']);
472 assertEqual(ev3.mech_frequencies_no, ev.mech_frequencies_no,...
473 ['mech_frequencies_no does not match']);
474 assertEqual(ev3.pulse_gammas_no, ev.pulse_gammas_no,...
475 ['pulse_gammas_no does not match']);
476 476
477 477 function export_import_test(shared) function export_import_test(shared)
478 ev = ev_setup_test(shared);
480 mech_freqs_no = 2;
481 pulse_gammas_no = 3;
482 pulse_pairs_no = 100;
484 ev.mech_frequencies = ones(mech_freqs_no, 1);
485 ev.opt_pulse_widths = ones(mech_freqs_no, 1);
486 ev.pulse_gammas = ones(pulse_gammas_no, 1);
489 % mock data
490 Q_before = repmat([11, 12, 21, 22, 31, 32],pulse_pairs_no,1);
491 Q = {}; P = {}; X = {}; Y = {};
492 Q{1} = Q_before; P{1} = 10*Q{1}; X{1} = 100*Q{1}; Y{1} = 1000*Q{1};
493 Q{2} = Q_before+1; P{2} = 10*Q{2}; X{2} = 100*Q{2}; Y{2} = 1000*Q{2};
495 % reorder mock data into pulse_trace{tracepair_ind}{gam_ind}
496 for pow_ind=1:ev.tracepairs_no
497 for gam_ind=1:ev.pulse_gammas_no
498 %reorder into Q1, Q2,.., P1, P2,.., X1, X2,.., Y1, Y2,...
499 first_mode_ind = (gam_ind-1)*ev.mech_frequencies_no + 1;
500 last_mode_ind = gam_ind*ev.mech_frequencies_no;
502 q = Q{pow_ind}(:, first_mode_ind:last_mode_ind);
503 p = P{pow_ind}(:, first_mode_ind:last_mode_ind);
504 x = X{pow_ind}(:, first_mode_ind:last_mode_ind);
505 y = Y{pow_ind}(:, first_mode_ind:last_mode_ind);
507 % reorder into Q1, P1, Q2, P2,..., X1, Y1, X2, Y2,...
508 pulse_trace = permute_data([q, p, x, y]);
509 ev.pulse_trace{pow_ind}{gam_ind} = pulse_trace;
510 ev.pulse_CM{pow_ind}{gam_ind} = cov(pulse_trace);
511 end
512 end
514 % check export from ev-object
515 ev.exportResults('software_version', false);
517 import = load(fullfile(ev.evaluation_folder, 'pulsed_traces.mat'));
518 assertEqual(import.pulsed_traces, ev.pulse_trace)
519 ev.pulse_trace{1}{1}=2;
520 assert(~isequal(import.pulsed_traces, ev.pulse_trace))
522 % check (re-)import into ev-object
523 ev.pulse_trace = {};
524 assert(~isequal(import.pulsed_traces, ev.pulse_trace))
525 ev.import_traces();
526 assertEqual(import.pulsed_traces, ev.pulse_trace)
528 % import via import_data_and_CM
529 % CAUTION: DON'T USE just ev_original = ev;
530 % since entanglement_evaluation is a handle object, we need a proper copy-method
531 % (as provided by the abstract handle superclass Copyable) to make the following tests run
532 ev_original = copy(ev);
533 testval_original = ev.pulse_Q{2}(1,2);
534 ev.pulse_trace = {[]}; % empty the pulse_trace property
535 % ---> also gets rid of the dependent pulse_Q, pulse_P,... properties
536 assert(~isequal(ev_original.pulse_Q, ev.pulse_Q), 'They should not be equal!')
538 ev.import_traces();
539 assertEqual(testval_original, ev.pulse_Q{2}(1,2))
540 assertEqual(ev_original.pulse_Q{1}, ev.pulse_Q{1})
541 assertEqual(ev_original.pulse_P{1}, ev.pulse_P{1})
542 assertEqual(ev_original.pulse_X{1}, ev.pulse_X{1})
543 assertEqual(ev_original.pulse_Y{1}, ev.pulse_Y{1})
545 assertEqual(ev_original.pulse_Q{2}, ev.pulse_Q{2})
546 assertEqual(ev_original.pulse_P{2}, ev.pulse_P{2})
547 assertEqual(ev_original.pulse_X{2}, ev.pulse_X{2})
548 assertEqual(ev_original.pulse_Y{2}, ev.pulse_Y{2})
550 % check that saving the evaluation-object via method exportResults works as expected
551 ev.exportResults('software_version', false);
553 assert(~isempty(ev.pulse_trace));
554 clear('ev')
555 load(fullfile(shared.evaluation_folder, 'ev.mat'))
556 assert(isempty(ev.pulse_trace));
478 ev = ev_setup_test(shared);
480 mech_freqs_no = 2;
481 pulse_gammas_no = 3;
482 pulse_pairs_no = 100;
484 ev.mech_frequencies = ones(mech_freqs_no, 1);
485 ev.opt_pulse_widths = ones(mech_freqs_no, 1);
486 ev.pulse_gammas = ones(pulse_gammas_no, 1);
489 % mock data
490 Q_before = repmat([11, 12, 21, 22, 31, 32],pulse_pairs_no,1);
491 Q = {}; P = {}; X = {}; Y = {};
492 Q{1} = Q_before; P{1} = 10*Q{1}; X{1} = 100*Q{1}; Y{1} = 1000*Q{1};
493 Q{2} = Q_before+1; P{2} = 10*Q{2}; X{2} = 100*Q{2}; Y{2} = 1000*Q{2};
495 % reorder mock data into pulse_trace{tracepair_ind}{gam_ind}
496 for pow_ind=1:ev.tracepairs_no
497 for gam_ind=1:ev.pulse_gammas_no
498 %reorder into Q1, Q2,.., P1, P2,.., X1, X2,.., Y1, Y2,...
499 first_mode_ind = (gam_ind-1)*ev.mech_frequencies_no + 1;
500 last_mode_ind = gam_ind*ev.mech_frequencies_no;
502 q = Q{pow_ind}(:, first_mode_ind:last_mode_ind);
503 p = P{pow_ind}(:, first_mode_ind:last_mode_ind);
504 x = X{pow_ind}(:, first_mode_ind:last_mode_ind);
505 y = Y{pow_ind}(:, first_mode_ind:last_mode_ind);
507 % reorder into Q1, P1, Q2, P2,..., X1, Y1, X2, Y2,...
508 pulse_trace = permute_data([q, p, x, y]);
509 ev.pulse_trace{pow_ind}{gam_ind} = pulse_trace;
510 ev.pulse_CM{pow_ind}{gam_ind} = cov(pulse_trace);
511 end
512 end
514 % check export from ev-object
515 ev.exportResults('software_version', false);
517 import = load(fullfile(ev.evaluation_folder, 'pulsed_traces.mat'));
518 assertEqual(import.pulsed_traces, ev.pulse_trace)
519 ev.pulse_trace{1}{1}=2;
520 assert(~isequal(import.pulsed_traces, ev.pulse_trace))
522 % check (re-)import into ev-object
523 ev.pulse_trace = {};
524 assert(~isequal(import.pulsed_traces, ev.pulse_trace))
525 ev.import_traces();
526 assertEqual(import.pulsed_traces, ev.pulse_trace)
528 % import via import_data_and_CM
529 % CAUTION: DON'T USE just ev_original = ev;
530 % since entanglement_evaluation is a handle object, we need a proper copy-method
531 % (as provided by the abstract handle superclass Copyable) to make the following tests run
532 ev_original = copy(ev);
533 testval_original = ev.pulse_Q{2}(1,2);
534 ev.pulse_trace = {[]}; % empty the pulse_trace property
535 % ---> also gets rid of the dependent pulse_Q, pulse_P,... properties
536 assert(~isequal(ev_original.pulse_Q, ev.pulse_Q), 'They should not be equal!')
538 ev.import_traces();
539 assertEqual(testval_original, ev.pulse_Q{2}(1,2))
540 assertEqual(ev_original.pulse_Q{1}, ev.pulse_Q{1})
541 assertEqual(ev_original.pulse_P{1}, ev.pulse_P{1})
542 assertEqual(ev_original.pulse_X{1}, ev.pulse_X{1})
543 assertEqual(ev_original.pulse_Y{1}, ev.pulse_Y{1})
545 assertEqual(ev_original.pulse_Q{2}, ev.pulse_Q{2})
546 assertEqual(ev_original.pulse_P{2}, ev.pulse_P{2})
547 assertEqual(ev_original.pulse_X{2}, ev.pulse_X{2})
548 assertEqual(ev_original.pulse_Y{2}, ev.pulse_Y{2})
550 % check that saving the evaluation-object via method exportResults works as expected
551 ev.exportResults('software_version', false);
553 assert(~isempty(ev.pulse_trace));
554 clear('ev')
555 load(fullfile(shared.evaluation_folder, 'ev.mat'))
556 assert(isempty(ev.pulse_trace));
557 557
558 558 function corrfct_test(shared) function corrfct_test(shared)
559 ev = ev_setup_test(shared);
561 max_lags = 10;
562 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.blocked_cross_correlation(''blocksize'', max_lags);'); % supress std out from fct call
563 xx = ev.correlation_functions{1}{1,1};
564 pp = ev.correlation_functions{1}{2,2};
565 xp = ev.correlation_functions{1}{1,2};
566 px = ev.correlation_functions{1}{2,1};
567 assertElementsAlmostEqual(xx, flipud(xx));
568 assertElementsAlmostEqual(pp, flipud(pp));
569 assertElementsAlmostEqual(xp, flipud(px));
571 xx_ = xcorr(,, max_lags);
572 xp_ = xcorr(,, max_lags);
573 assertElementsAlmostEqual(xx, xx_);
575 rel_tol = 1e-12;
576 assertElementsAlmostEqual(xp, xp_, 'relative', rel_tol);
578 % test export and import
579 corrfct_old = ev.correlation_functions;
580 ev.exportCrossCorrelationFunctions;
581 ev.correlation_functions = {[]};
582 ev.importCrossCorrelationFunctions(ev.evaluation_folder);
583 for k=1:2
584 for l=1:2
585 for m=1:2
586 assertEqual(ev.correlation_functions{k}{l,m},...
587 corrfct_old{k}{l,m})
588 end
589 end
590 end
559 ev = ev_setup_test(shared);
561 max_lags = 10;
562 [T,ev] = evalc('ev.blocked_cross_correlation(''blocksize'', max_lags);'); % supress std out from fct call
563 xx = ev.correlation_functions{1}{1,1};
564 pp = ev.correlation_functions{1}{2,2};
565 xp = ev.correlation_functions{1}{1,2};
566 px = ev.correlation_functions{1}{2,1};
567 assertElementsAlmostEqual(xx, flipud(xx));
568 assertElementsAlmostEqual(pp, flipud(pp));
569 assertElementsAlmostEqual(xp, flipud(px));
571 xx_ = xcorr(,, max_lags);
572 xp_ = xcorr(,, max_lags);
573 assertElementsAlmostEqual(xx, xx_);
575 rel_tol = 1e-12;
576 assertElementsAlmostEqual(xp, xp_, 'relative', rel_tol);
578 % test export and import
579 corrfct_old = ev.correlation_functions;
580 ev.exportCrossCorrelationFunctions;
581 ev.correlation_functions = {[]};
582 ev.importCrossCorrelationFunctions(ev.evaluation_folder);
583 for k=1:2
584 for l=1:2
585 for m=1:2
586 assertEqual(ev.correlation_functions{k}{l,m},...
587 corrfct_old{k}{l,m})
588 end
589 end
590 end
591 591
592 592 function efficiency_visibility_simple_test(shared) function efficiency_visibility_simple_test(shared)
593 ev = ev_setup_test(shared);
594 ev.mech_frequencies = shared.mech_freqs;
596 %% check for correct default values
597 assertEqual(ev.homodyne_visibility, 1)
598 assertEqual(ev.detection_efficiency, 1)
600 %% checK: calibration works for trivial case
601 quad_no = 8;
602 shot_CM = eye(quad_no)/2;
603 sig_CM = 2*shot_CM;
604 ev.pulse_CM{1}{1} = shot_CM;
605 ev.pulse_CM{2}{1} = sig_CM;
606 ev.calibratePulsedCMs('shotnoise_ind', 1);
607 tolerance = 1E-6;
608 assertElementsAlmostEqual(ev.pulse_CM_calibrated{1}{1}, shot_CM, 'absolute', tolerance);
609 assertElementsAlmostEqual(ev.pulse_CM_calibrated{2}{1}, sig_CM, 'absolute', tolerance);
611 %% check: calibration works for (almost) trivial case
612 ev.detection_efficiency = 0.999999;
613 ev.homodyne_visibility = 0.99999999;
614 quad_no = 8;
615 shot_CM = eye(quad_no)/2;
616 sig_CM = 2*shot_CM;
617 ev.pulse_CM{1}{1} = shot_CM;
618 ev.pulse_CM{2}{1} = sig_CM;
619 ev.calibratePulsedCMs('shotnoise_ind', 1);
620 tolerance = 1E-6;
621 assertElementsAlmostEqual(ev.pulse_CM_calibrated{1}{1}, shot_CM, 'absolute', tolerance);
622 assertElementsAlmostEqual(ev.pulse_CM_calibrated{2}{1}, sig_CM, 'absolute', tolerance);
593 ev = ev_setup_test(shared);
594 ev.mech_frequencies = shared.mech_freqs;
596 %% check for correct default values
597 assertEqual(ev.homodyne_visibility, 1)
598 assertEqual(ev.detection_efficiency, 1)
600 %% checK: calibration works for trivial case
601 quad_no = 8;
602 shot_CM = eye(quad_no)/2;
603 sig_CM = 2*shot_CM;
604 ev.pulse_CM{1}{1} = shot_CM;
605 ev.pulse_CM{2}{1} = sig_CM;
606 ev.calibratePulsedCMs('shotnoise_ind', 1);
607 tolerance = 1E-6;
608 assertElementsAlmostEqual(ev.pulse_CM_calibrated{1}{1}, shot_CM, 'absolute', tolerance);
609 assertElementsAlmostEqual(ev.pulse_CM_calibrated{2}{1}, sig_CM, 'absolute', tolerance);
611 %% check: calibration works for (almost) trivial case
612 ev.detection_efficiency = 0.999999;
613 ev.homodyne_visibility = 0.99999999;
614 quad_no = 8;
615 shot_CM = eye(quad_no)/2;
616 sig_CM = 2*shot_CM;
617 ev.pulse_CM{1}{1} = shot_CM;
618 ev.pulse_CM{2}{1} = sig_CM;
619 ev.calibratePulsedCMs('shotnoise_ind', 1);
620 tolerance = 1E-6;
621 assertElementsAlmostEqual(ev.pulse_CM_calibrated{1}{1}, shot_CM, 'absolute', tolerance);
622 assertElementsAlmostEqual(ev.pulse_CM_calibrated{2}{1}, sig_CM, 'absolute', tolerance);
623 623
624 624 function efficiency_visibility_test(shared) function efficiency_visibility_test(shared)
625 ev = ev_setup_test(shared);
626 ev.mech_frequencies = shared.mech_freqs;
628 %% check calibration with visibility and efficiency = 1; passes
629 nu = 1; % homodyne visibility
630 eta = 1; % detector efficiency
631 efficiency_visibility_test_sub(ev, nu, eta)
633 %% check calibration with suboptimal efficiency; shotnoise passes
634 nu = 1; % homodyne visibility
635 eta = rand(1); % detector efficiency
636 efficiency_visibility_test_sub(ev, nu, eta)
638 %% check calibration with suboptimal visibility; shotnoise passes
639 nu = rand(1); % homodyne visibility
640 eta = 1; % detector efficiency
641 efficiency_visibility_test_sub(ev, nu, eta)
643 %% check calibration with suboptimal visibility and efficiency; shotnoise passes
644 nu = rand(1); % homodyne visibility
645 eta = rand(1); % detector efficiency
646 efficiency_visibility_test_sub(ev, nu, eta)
625 ev = ev_setup_test(shared);
626 ev.mech_frequencies = shared.mech_freqs;
628 %% check calibration with visibility and efficiency = 1; passes
629 nu = 1; % homodyne visibility
630 eta = 1; % detector efficiency
631 efficiency_visibility_test_sub(ev, nu, eta)
633 %% check calibration with suboptimal efficiency; shotnoise passes
634 nu = 1; % homodyne visibility
635 eta = rand(1); % detector efficiency
636 efficiency_visibility_test_sub(ev, nu, eta)
638 %% check calibration with suboptimal visibility; shotnoise passes
639 nu = rand(1); % homodyne visibility
640 eta = 1; % detector efficiency
641 efficiency_visibility_test_sub(ev, nu, eta)
643 %% check calibration with suboptimal visibility and efficiency; shotnoise passes
644 nu = rand(1); % homodyne visibility
645 eta = rand(1); % detector efficiency
646 efficiency_visibility_test_sub(ev, nu, eta)
647 647
648 648 function efficiency_visibility_test_sub(ev, nu, eta) function efficiency_visibility_test_sub(ev, nu, eta)
649 amp = 0.1; % fake conversion factor from units of vacua to Volt
650 prefix = ['nu=',num2str(nu),'; eta=', num2str(eta), '. ', 10];
652 %% create fake idealized data
653 sample_no = 1E5; quad_no = 8;
654 shot_CM_ideal = eye(quad_no)/2;
655 sig_CM_ideal = 3*2*shot_CM_ideal + 0.1*ones(quad_no);
656 [shot_ideal, sig_ideal] = get_uncorr_rand_nums_from_sample_covs(...
657 sample_no, shot_CM_ideal, sig_CM_ideal);
659 %% check: correct CMs?
660 assertElementsAlmostEqual(cov(shot_ideal), shot_CM_ideal,...
661 [prefix, 'CM for fake ideal shotnoise not as expected.'])
662 assertElementsAlmostEqual(cov(sig_ideal), sig_CM_ideal,...
663 [prefix, 'CM for fake ideal signal not as expected.'])
665 %% check: shotnoise and signal uncorrelated?
666 assertElementsAlmostEqual(corr(shot_ideal, sig_ideal), zeros(quad_no),...
667 [prefix, 'Correlations between fake signal and shotnoise not as expected.'])
669 % disp([10, 10, '***************',10, prefix, 'fake ideal data as expected!',10])
671 %% convert to fake measured data
672 shot_measured = sqrt(eta)*shot_ideal;
673 sig_measured = eta*nu*sig_ideal + sqrt(eta*(1 - eta*(nu^2)))*shot_ideal;
675 shot_measured = amp*shot_measured;
676 sig_measured = amp*sig_measured;
678 %% check that fake measured data satisfies expected relations
679 tolerance = 1E-2;
680 CM_shot_expected = (amp^2)*eta*shot_CM_ideal;
681 % reldiff (CM_shot_expected, cov(shot_measured))
682 assertElementsAlmostEqual(cov(shot_measured), CM_shot_expected, 'absolute', tolerance,...
683 [prefix, 'CM for fake measured shotnoise not as expected!'])
685 CM_sig_expected = (amp^2)*((eta^2)*(nu^2)*sig_CM_ideal + eta*(1 - eta*(nu^2))*shot_CM_ideal);
686 assertElementsAlmostEqual(cov(sig_measured), CM_sig_expected, 'absolute', tolerance,...
687 [prefix, 'CM for fake measured signal not as expected!'])
689 % disp([10, 10, '***************',10, prefix, 'fake measurement data as expected!',10])
691 %% evaluate fake data
692 ev.homodyne_visibility = nu;
693 ev.detection_efficiency = eta;
695 ev.pulse_trace{1}{1} = shot_measured;
696 ev.pulse_trace{2}{1} = sig_measured;
698 ev.calculatePulsedCMs;
699 assertEqual(cov(shot_measured), ev.pulse_CM{1}{1})
700 assertEqual(cov(sig_measured), ev.pulse_CM{2}{1})
701 ev.calibratePulsedCMs('shotnoise_ind', 1);
703 % expect to recover specified sample CMs
704 tolerance = 1E-2;
705 assertElementsAlmostEqual(ev.pulse_CM_calibrated{1}{1}, shot_CM_ideal, 'absolute', tolerance,...
706 [prefix, 'Efficiency- and visibility-corrected CM for shotnoise not as expected!']);
707 assertElementsAlmostEqual(ev.pulse_CM_calibrated{2}{1}, sig_CM_ideal, 'absolute', tolerance,...
708 [prefix, 'Efficiency- and visibility-corrected CM for signal not as expected!']);
709 % disp([10, 10, '***************',10, prefix, 'correction performed as expected!',10])
649 amp = 0.1; % fake conversion factor from units of vacua to Volt
650 prefix = ['nu=',num2str(nu),'; eta=', num2str(eta), '. ', 10];
652 %% create fake idealized data
653 sample_no = 1E5; quad_no = 8;
654 shot_CM_ideal = eye(quad_no)/2;
655 sig_CM_ideal = 3*2*shot_CM_ideal + 0.1*ones(quad_no);
656 [shot_ideal, sig_ideal] = get_uncorr_rand_nums_from_sample_covs(...
657 sample_no, shot_CM_ideal, sig_CM_ideal);
659 %% check: correct CMs?
660 assertElementsAlmostEqual(cov(shot_ideal), shot_CM_ideal,...
661 [prefix, 'CM for fake ideal shotnoise not as expected.'])
662 assertElementsAlmostEqual(cov(sig_ideal), sig_CM_ideal,...
663 [prefix, 'CM for fake ideal signal not as expected.'])
665 %% check: shotnoise and signal uncorrelated?
666 assertElementsAlmostEqual(corr(shot_ideal, sig_ideal), zeros(quad_no),...
667 [prefix, 'Correlations between fake signal and shotnoise not as expected.'])
669 % disp([10, 10, '***************',10, prefix, 'fake ideal data as expected!',10])
671 %% convert to fake measured data
672 shot_measured = sqrt(eta)*shot_ideal;
673 sig_measured = eta*nu*sig_ideal + sqrt(eta*(1 - eta*(nu^2)))*shot_ideal;
675 shot_measured = amp*shot_measured;
676 sig_measured = amp*sig_measured;
678 %% check that fake measured data satisfies expected relations
679 tolerance = 1E-2;
680 CM_shot_expected = (amp^2)*eta*shot_CM_ideal;
681 % reldiff (CM_shot_expected, cov(shot_measured))
682 assertElementsAlmostEqual(cov(shot_measured), CM_shot_expected, 'absolute', tolerance,...
683 [prefix, 'CM for fake measured shotnoise not as expected!'])
685 CM_sig_expected = (amp^2)*((eta^2)*(nu^2)*sig_CM_ideal + eta*(1 - eta*(nu^2))*shot_CM_ideal);
686 assertElementsAlmostEqual(cov(sig_measured), CM_sig_expected, 'absolute', tolerance,...
687 [prefix, 'CM for fake measured signal not as expected!'])
689 % disp([10, 10, '***************',10, prefix, 'fake measurement data as expected!',10])
691 %% evaluate fake data
692 ev.homodyne_visibility = nu;
693 ev.detection_efficiency = eta;
695 ev.pulse_trace{1}{1} = shot_measured;
696 ev.pulse_trace{2}{1} = sig_measured;
698 ev.calculatePulsedCMs;
699 assertEqual(cov(shot_measured), ev.pulse_CM{1}{1})
700 assertEqual(cov(sig_measured), ev.pulse_CM{2}{1})
701 ev.calibratePulsedCMs('shotnoise_ind', 1);
703 % expect to recover specified sample CMs
704 tolerance = 1E-2;
705 assertElementsAlmostEqual(ev.pulse_CM_calibrated{1}{1}, shot_CM_ideal, 'absolute', tolerance,...
706 [prefix, 'Efficiency- and visibility-corrected CM for shotnoise not as expected!']);
707 assertElementsAlmostEqual(ev.pulse_CM_calibrated{2}{1}, sig_CM_ideal, 'absolute', tolerance,...
708 [prefix, 'Efficiency- and visibility-corrected CM for signal not as expected!']);
709 % disp([10, 10, '***************',10, prefix, 'correction performed as expected!',10])
710 710
711 711 function traceout_test(shared) function traceout_test(shared)
712 ev = run_quicker_test(shared);
713 % ev.mech_frequencies = [1.2, 2.3, 4.1,5.7];
712 ev = run_quicker_test(shared);
713 % ev.mech_frequencies = [1.2, 2.3, 4.1,5.7];
714 714
715 %% check: an error is thrown if modes to trace out are not legit
716 modes_to_trace = [2,3,5];
717 test_call = @()ev.trace_out(modes_to_trace);
718 assertExceptionThrown(test_call,...
719 'entanglement_evaluation:trace_out:modes_illegit')
715 %% check: an error is thrown if modes to trace out are not legit
716 modes_to_trace = [2,3,5];
717 test_call = @()ev.trace_out(modes_to_trace);
718 assertExceptionThrown(test_call,...
719 'entanglement_evaluation:trace_out:modes_illegit')
720 720
721 %% now the actual tests
722 modes_to_trace = [1,3];
723 ev_traced = ev.trace_out(modes_to_trace);
724 mech_frequencies_old = ev.mech_frequencies;
721 %% now the actual tests
722 modes_to_trace = [1,3];
723 ev_traced = ev.trace_out(modes_to_trace);
724 mech_frequencies_old = ev.mech_frequencies;
725 725
726 assertEqual(ev_traced.mech_frequencies_no,...
727 length(mech_frequencies_old)-length(modes_to_trace),...
728 'traced out evaluation does not have expected number of mechanical modes')
730 assertEqual(ev_traced.mech_frequencies,[2.3,5.7],...
731 'traced out evaluation does not have expected mechanical modes')
726 assertEqual(ev_traced.mech_frequencies_no,...
727 length(mech_frequencies_old)-length(modes_to_trace),...
728 'traced out evaluation does not have expected number of mechanical modes')
732 729
733 assertEqual(size(ev_traced.pulse_trace{2}{2}),...
734 [size(ev.pulse_trace{2}{2},1), 4*ev_traced.mech_frequencies_no],...
735 'pulsed traces of traced out evaluation does not have the expected form')
730 assertEqual(ev_traced.mech_frequencies,[2.3,5.7],...
731 'traced out evaluation does not have expected mechanical modes')
736 732
737 assertEqual(size(ev_traced.pulse_CM_calibrated{2}{2}),...
738 4*ev_traced.mech_frequencies_no*[1,1],...
739 'calibrated CMs of the traced out evaluation do not have the expected form')
733 assertEqual(size(ev_traced.pulse_trace{2}{2}),...
734 [size(ev.pulse_trace{2}{2},1), 4*ev_traced.mech_frequencies_no],...
735 'pulsed traces of traced out evaluation does not have the expected form')
740 736
741 assert(~isequal(...
742 [ev_traced.logneg_corrected{2}{:}],...
743 [ev.logneg_corrected{2}{:}]),...
744 'log.neg. values should have changed due to the tracing out but they have not')
737 assertEqual(size(ev_traced.pulse_CM_calibrated{2}{2}),...
738 4*ev_traced.mech_frequencies_no*[1,1],...
739 'calibrated CMs of the traced out evaluation do not have the expected form')
745 740
741 assert(~isequal(...
742 [ev_traced.logneg_corrected{2}{:}],...
743 [ev.logneg_corrected{2}{:}]),...
744 'log.neg. values should have changed due to the tracing out but they have not')
746 745
747 % %% test different edge cases regarding the modes to trace out
748 % disp('light_quad_inds_new expected to be [1, 2, 9, 10]')
749 % ev_traced = ev.trace_out([2:4]);
751 % disp('light_quad_inds_new expected to be [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]')
752 746
753 % ev_traced = ev.trace_out([1]);
747 % %% test different edge cases regarding the modes to trace out
748 % disp('light_quad_inds_new expected to be [1, 2, 9, 10]')
749 % ev_traced = ev.trace_out([2:4]);
751 % disp('light_quad_inds_new expected to be [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]')
753 % ev_traced = ev.trace_out([1]);
754 754
755 755
757 757 function data = get_rand_nums_from_sample_cov(sample_no, sample_CM) function data = get_rand_nums_from_sample_cov(sample_no, sample_CM)
758 dim = size(sample_CM,1);
759 assertEqual(dim, size(sample_CM,2));
760 % see
761 data = randn(sample_no, dim);
762 data = bsxfun(@minus, data, mean(data)); % ensure zero mean
763 data = data * inv(chol(cov(data))); % remove existing correlations and standardize
764 data = data * chol(sample_CM); % transform to match given sample CM
758 dim = size(sample_CM,1);
759 assertEqual(dim, size(sample_CM,2));
760 % see
761 data = randn(sample_no, dim);
762 data = bsxfun(@minus, data, mean(data)); % ensure zero mean
763 data = data * inv(chol(cov(data))); % remove existing correlations and standardize
764 data = data * chol(sample_CM); % transform to match given sample CM
765 765
766 766 function [data1, data2] = get_uncorr_rand_nums_from_sample_covs(sample_no, sampleCM1, sampleCM2) function [data1, data2] = get_uncorr_rand_nums_from_sample_covs(sample_no, sampleCM1, sampleCM2)
767 dim1 = size(sampleCM1,1);
768 assertEqual(dim1, size(sampleCM1,2));
770 sample_CM = blkdiag(sampleCM1, sampleCM2);
771 data = get_rand_nums_from_sample_cov(sample_no, sample_CM);
767 dim1 = size(sampleCM1,1);
768 assertEqual(dim1, size(sampleCM1,2));
770 sample_CM = blkdiag(sampleCM1, sampleCM2);
771 data = get_rand_nums_from_sample_cov(sample_no, sample_CM);
772 772
773 data1 = data(:,1:dim1);
774 data2 = data(:,dim1+1:end);
773 data1 = data(:,1:dim1);
774 data2 = data(:,dim1+1:end);
775 775
776 776 function reldiff_mat = reldiff(mat1, mat2) % can be useful for spotting mistakes function reldiff_mat = reldiff(mat1, mat2) % can be useful for spotting mistakes
777 reldiff_mat = (mat1-mat2)./(abs(mat1)+abs(mat2));
777 reldiff_mat = (mat1-mat2)./(abs(mat1)+abs(mat2));
778 778
779 779
780 780 function relsign = assertRowsAlmostEqualUptoSign(mat1, mat2, varargin) function relsign = assertRowsAlmostEqualUptoSign(mat1, mat2, varargin)
781 assertEqual(size(mat1), size(mat2))
782 rows_no = size(mat2,1);
783 relsign = zeros(1,rows_no);
784 for row_no=1:rows_no
785 relsign(row_no) = sign(real(mat1(row_no,1)))*sign(real(mat2(row_no,1)));
786 end
787 assertElementsAlmostEqual(mat1, diag(relsign)*mat2,varargin{:})
781 assertEqual(size(mat1), size(mat2))
782 rows_no = size(mat2,1);
783 relsign = zeros(1,rows_no);
784 for row_no=1:rows_no
785 relsign(row_no) = sign(real(mat1(row_no,1)))*sign(real(mat2(row_no,1)));
786 end
787 assertElementsAlmostEqual(mat1, diag(relsign)*mat2,varargin{:})
788 788
789 789 function relsign = assertColsAlmostEqualUptoSign(mat1, mat2, varargin) function relsign = assertColsAlmostEqualUptoSign(mat1, mat2, varargin)
790 assertEqual(size(mat1), size(mat2))
791 cols_no = size(mat2,2);
792 relsign = zeros(1,cols_no);
793 for col_no=1:cols_no
794 relsign(col_no) = sign(real(mat1(1,col_no)))*sign(real(mat2(1,col_no)));
795 end
796 assertElementsAlmostEqual(mat1, mat2*diag(relsign),varargin{:})
790 assertEqual(size(mat1), size(mat2))
791 cols_no = size(mat2,2);
792 relsign = zeros(1,cols_no);
793 for col_no=1:cols_no
794 relsign(col_no) = sign(real(mat1(1,col_no)))*sign(real(mat2(1,col_no)));
795 end
796 assertElementsAlmostEqual(mat1, mat2*diag(relsign),varargin{:})
797 797
798 798 function relsign = assertCMsEqualUptoSign(mat1,mat2, varargin) function relsign = assertCMsEqualUptoSign(mat1,mat2, varargin)
799 assertEqual(size(mat1), size(mat2))
800 cols_no = size(mat2,2);
801 relsign = zeros(1,cols_no);
802 for col_no=1:cols_no
803 relsign(col_no) = sign(real(mat1(1,col_no)))*sign(real(mat2(1,col_no)));
804 end
805 assertElementsAlmostEqual(mat1, diag(relsign)*mat2*diag(relsign),varargin{:})
799 assertEqual(size(mat1), size(mat2))
800 cols_no = size(mat2,2);
801 relsign = zeros(1,cols_no);
802 for col_no=1:cols_no
803 relsign(col_no) = sign(real(mat1(1,col_no)))*sign(real(mat2(1,col_no)));
804 end
805 assertElementsAlmostEqual(mat1, diag(relsign)*mat2*diag(relsign),varargin{:})
File data_analysis/unittests/homo_measurement_test.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 7d788da..54187e1)
1 1 function test_suite = homo_measurement_test %#ok<STOUT> function test_suite = homo_measurement_test %#ok<STOUT>
2 localFunctionHandles = cellfun(@str2func,...
3 which('-subfun', mfilename('fullpath')), 'UniformOutput', false);
4 test_suite = buildFunctionHandleTestSuite(localFunctionHandles);
2 localFunctionHandles = cellfun(@str2func,...
3 which('-subfun', mfilename('fullpath')), 'UniformOutput', false);
4 test_suite = buildFunctionHandleTestSuite(localFunctionHandles);
5 5
6 6 function shared = setup function shared = setup
7 shared.evaluation_folder = tempname;
8 assert(~(exist(shared.evaluation_folder)==7),...
9 [shared.evaluation_folder, ' exists already.']);
10 mkdir(shared.evaluation_folder)
7 shared.evaluation_folder = tempname;
8 assert(~(exist(shared.evaluation_folder)==7),...
9 [shared.evaluation_folder, ' exists already.']);
10 mkdir(shared.evaluation_folder)
11 11
12 shared.samplingrate = 100;
13 shared.sampleno = 1e4;
12 shared.samplingrate = 100;
13 shared.sampleno = 1e4;
14 14
15 shared.mech_freqs = [1, 1.345];
16 shared.timevec = (0:shared.sampleno-1)'/shared.samplingrate;
15 shared.mech_freqs = [1, 1.345];
16 shared.timevec = (0:shared.sampleno-1)'/shared.samplingrate;
17 17
18 = sin(2*pi*shared.mech_freqs(1)*shared.timevec) + sin(2*pi*shared.mech_freqs(2)*shared.timevec);
19 = cos(2*pi*shared.mech_freqs(1)*shared.timevec) + cos(2*pi*shared.mech_freqs(1)*shared.timevec);
18 = sin(2*pi*shared.mech_freqs(1)*shared.timevec) + sin(2*pi*shared.mech_freqs(2)*shared.timevec);
19 = cos(2*pi*shared.mech_freqs(1)*shared.timevec) + cos(2*pi*shared.mech_freqs(1)*shared.timevec);
20 20
21 shared.precision = 'double';
21 shared.precision = 'double';
22 22
23 shared.x.file = fullfile(shared.evaluation_folder, '.x.dat');
24 shared.p.file = fullfile(shared.evaluation_folder, '.p.dat');
23 shared.x.file = fullfile(shared.evaluation_folder, '.x.dat');
24 shared.p.file = fullfile(shared.evaluation_folder, '.p.dat');
25 25
26 for mytrace = {shared.x, shared.p}
27 mytrace = mytrace{:};
28 fid = fopen(mytrace.file,'w');
29 fwrite(fid,, shared.precision);
30 fclose(fid);
31 end
26 for mytrace = {shared.x, shared.p}
27 mytrace = mytrace{:};
28 fid = fopen(mytrace.file,'w');
29 fwrite(fid,, shared.precision);
30 fclose(fid);
31 end
32 32
33 33 function teardown(shared) function teardown(shared)
34 for mytrace = {shared.x, shared.p}
35 mytrace = mytrace{:};
36 delete(mytrace.file);
37 end
38 rmdir(shared.evaluation_folder, 's');
39 clear('shared');
34 for mytrace = {shared.x, shared.p}
35 mytrace = mytrace{:};
36 delete(mytrace.file);
37 end
38 rmdir(shared.evaluation_folder, 's');
39 clear('shared');
40 40
41 41 function meas = dhm_setup_test(shared) function meas = dhm_setup_test(shared)
42 meas = dual_homo_measurement('samplingrate', shared.samplingrate);
43 meas.add_trace_pair(...
44 shared.x.file,...
45 shared.p.file,...
46 'precision',shared.precision,...
47 'DAQrange', 0,...
48 'amplification', 1,...
49 'signal_power_muW', 0);
50 meas.add_trace_pair(...
51 shared.x.file,...
52 shared.p.file,...
53 'precision',shared.precision,...
54 'DAQrange', 0,...
55 'amplification', 1,...
56 'signal_power_muW', 100);
42 meas = dual_homo_measurement('samplingrate', shared.samplingrate);
43 meas.add_trace_pair(...
44 shared.x.file,...
45 shared.p.file,...
46 'precision',shared.precision,...
47 'DAQrange', 0,...
48 'amplification', 1,...
49 'signal_power_muW', 0);
50 meas.add_trace_pair(...
51 shared.x.file,...
52 shared.p.file,...
53 'precision',shared.precision,...
54 'DAQrange', 0,...
55 'amplification', 1,...
56 'signal_power_muW', 100);
57 57
58 58 function meas = properties_test(shared) function meas = properties_test(shared)
59 meas = dhm_setup_test(shared);
60 for k=1:2
61 mytrace = meas.homotraces(1,k);
62 mytrace.fopen();
63 if k==1
64 data =;
65 elseif k==2
66 data =;
67 end
68 assertEqual(data, mytrace.fread(shared.sampleno));
69 mytrace.fclose();
70 end
71 assertEqual(meas.samplingrate, shared.samplingrate);
59 meas = dhm_setup_test(shared);
60 for k=1:2
61 mytrace = meas.homotraces(1,k);
62 mytrace.fopen();
63 if k==1
64 data =;
65 elseif k==2
66 data =;
67 end
68 assertEqual(data, mytrace.fread(shared.sampleno));
69 mytrace.fclose();
70 end
71 assertEqual(meas.samplingrate, shared.samplingrate);
72 72
73 73 function meas = dummy_test(shared) function meas = dummy_test(shared)
74 meas = dual_homo_measurement('samplingrate', 10, 'dummy', true);
74 meas = dual_homo_measurement('samplingrate', 10, 'dummy', true);
75 75 assertEqual(meas.dummy, true) assertEqual(meas.dummy, true)
76 add_trace_pair_test = @()meas.add_trace_pair(...
77 shared.x.file,...
78 shared.p.file,...
79 'precision',shared.precision,...
80 'DAQrange', 0,...
81 'amplification', 1,...
82 'signal_power_muW', 0);
83 assertExceptionThrown(add_trace_pair_test, 'PXItrace:FileExists')
85 meas = dual_homo_measurement('samplingrate', 10, 'dummy', true);
86 meas.add_trace_pair(...
87 '.x_dummy.dat',...
88 '.p_dummy.dat',...
89 'precision',shared.precision,...
90 'DAQrange', 0,...
91 'amplification', 1,...
92 'signal_power_muW', 0);
76 add_trace_pair_test = @()meas.add_trace_pair(...
77 shared.x.file,...
78 shared.p.file,...
79 'precision',shared.precision,...
80 'DAQrange', 0,...
81 'amplification', 1,...
82 'signal_power_muW', 0);
83 assertExceptionThrown(add_trace_pair_test, 'PXItrace:FileExists')
85 meas = dual_homo_measurement('samplingrate', 10, 'dummy', true);
86 meas.add_trace_pair(...
87 '.x_dummy.dat',...
88 '.p_dummy.dat',...
89 'precision',shared.precision,...
90 'DAQrange', 0,...
91 'amplification', 1,...
92 'signal_power_muW', 0);
93 93 assertEqual(all([meas.homotraces.dummy]), true) assertEqual(all([meas.homotraces.dummy]), true)
94 % dummy-files are automatically deleted upon destruction of the corresponding PXItrace-object
94 % dummy-files are automatically deleted upon destruction of the corresponding PXItrace-object
File data_analysis/unittests/homotrace_test.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 2c294e2..f09843e)
1 1 function test_suite = homotrace_test %#ok<STOUT> function test_suite = homotrace_test %#ok<STOUT>
2 localFunctionHandles = cellfun(@str2func,...
3 which('-subfun', mfilename('fullpath')), 'UniformOutput', false);
4 test_suite = buildFunctionHandleTestSuite(localFunctionHandles);
2 localFunctionHandles = cellfun(@str2func,...
3 which('-subfun', mfilename('fullpath')), 'UniformOutput', false);
4 test_suite = buildFunctionHandleTestSuite(localFunctionHandles);
5 5
6 6 function shared = setup function shared = setup
7 shared.samplingrate = 100;
8 shared.sample_no = 1e4;
7 shared.samplingrate = 100;
8 shared.sample_no = 1e4;
9 9
10 shared.mech_freq = 1;
11 shared.timevec = (0:shared.sample_no-1)'/shared.samplingrate;
12 shared.signal_power_muW = 10;
13 shared.quadrature = 'amplitude';
14 shared.DAQrange = 0;
15 shared.amplification = 10;
10 shared.mech_freq = 1;
11 shared.timevec = (0:shared.sample_no-1)'/shared.samplingrate;
12 shared.signal_power_muW = 10;
13 shared.quadrature = 'amplitude';
14 shared.DAQrange = 0;
15 shared.amplification = 10;
16 16
17 = sin(2*pi*shared.mech_freq*shared.timevec);
18 shared.precision = 'double';
17 = sin(2*pi*shared.mech_freq*shared.timevec);
18 shared.precision = 'double';
19 19
20 shared.folder = tempname;
21 assert(~(exist(shared.folder)==7),...
22 [shared.folder, ' exists already.']);
23 mkdir(shared.folder)
24 shared.file = fullfile(shared.folder, '.x.dat');
20 shared.folder = tempname;
21 assert(~(exist(shared.folder)==7),...
22 [shared.folder, ' exists already.']);
23 mkdir(shared.folder)
24 shared.file = fullfile(shared.folder, '.x.dat');
25 25
26 fid = fopen(shared.file,'w');
27 fwrite(fid,, shared.precision);
28 fclose(fid);
26 fid = fopen(shared.file,'w');
27 fwrite(fid,, shared.precision);
28 fclose(fid);
29 29
30 30 function teardown(shared) function teardown(shared)
31 delete(shared.file);
32 rmdir(shared.folder);
31 delete(shared.file);
32 rmdir(shared.folder);
33 33
34 34 function ht = ht_setup_test(shared) function ht = ht_setup_test(shared)
35 ht = homotrace(shared.file,...
36 'samplingrate', shared.samplingrate,...
37 'signal_power_muW', shared.signal_power_muW,...
38 'quadrature', shared.quadrature,...
39 'precision', shared.precision,...
40 'DAQrange', shared.DAQrange,...
41 'amplification', shared.amplification);
35 ht = homotrace(shared.file,...
36 'samplingrate', shared.samplingrate,...
37 'signal_power_muW', shared.signal_power_muW,...
38 'quadrature', shared.quadrature,...
39 'precision', shared.precision,...
40 'DAQrange', shared.DAQrange,...
41 'amplification', shared.amplification);
42 42
43 43 function ht = read_data_test(shared) function ht = read_data_test(shared)
44 ht = ht_setup_test(shared);
45 ht.fopen();
46 assertEqual(ht.fread(shared.sample_no),;
47 ht.fclose();
44 ht = ht_setup_test(shared);
45 ht.fopen();
46 assertEqual(ht.fread(shared.sample_no),;
47 ht.fclose();
48 48
49 49 function ht = properties_test(shared) function ht = properties_test(shared)
50 ht = ht_setup_test(shared);
51 assertEqual(ht.samplingrate, shared.samplingrate)
52 assertEqual(ht.sample_no, shared.sample_no)
53 assertEqual(ht.precision, shared.precision)
55 assertEqual(ht.quadrature, shared.quadrature)
56 assertEqual(ht.signal_power_muW, shared.signal_power_muW)
57 assertEqual(ht.dataset_label,...
58 [shared.quadrature, ' quad., ',...
59 num2str(shared.signal_power_muW),'muW signal.'])
61 assertEqual(ht.DAQrange, shared.DAQrange)
62 assertEqual(ht.amplification, shared.amplification)
50 ht = ht_setup_test(shared);
51 assertEqual(ht.samplingrate, shared.samplingrate)
52 assertEqual(ht.sample_no, shared.sample_no)
53 assertEqual(ht.precision, shared.precision)
55 assertEqual(ht.quadrature, shared.quadrature)
56 assertEqual(ht.signal_power_muW, shared.signal_power_muW)
57 assertEqual(ht.dataset_label,...
58 [shared.quadrature, ' quad., ',...
59 num2str(shared.signal_power_muW),'muW signal.'])
61 assertEqual(ht.DAQrange, shared.DAQrange)
62 assertEqual(ht.amplification, shared.amplification)
File data_analysis/unittests/meta_ev_test.m changed (mode: 100644) (index b04401b..3861a83)
1 1 function test_suite = meta_ev_test %#ok<STOUT> function test_suite = meta_ev_test %#ok<STOUT>
2 localFunctionHandles = cellfun(@str2func,...
3 which('-subfun', mfilename('fullpath')), 'UniformOutput', false);
4 test_suite = buildFunctionHandleTestSuite(localFunctionHandles);
2 localFunctionHandles = cellfun(@str2func,...
3 which('-subfun', mfilename('fullpath')), 'UniformOutput', false);
4 test_suite = buildFunctionHandleTestSuite(localFunctionHandles);
5 5
6 6 function shared = setup function shared = setup
7 % shared.evaluation_folder = tempname;
8 % assert(~(exist(shared.evaluation_folder)==7),...
9 % [shared.evaluation_folder, ' exists already.']);
10 % mkdir(shared.evaluation_folder)
11 test_dir = fileparts(mfilename('fullpath'));
12 get_meta_data_file = @(ind)fullfile(test_dir, 'test_meta_ev/',['metadata', num2str(ind),'.tsv.test']);
13 shared.meta_data_files = arrayfun(get_meta_data_file, 1:5, 'UniformOutput', false);
7 % shared.evaluation_folder = tempname;
8 % assert(~(exist(shared.evaluation_folder)==7),...
9 % [shared.evaluation_folder, ' exists already.']);
10 % mkdir(shared.evaluation_folder)
11 test_dir = fileparts(mfilename('fullpath'));
12 get_meta_data_file = @(ind)fullfile(test_dir, 'test_meta_ev/',['metadata', num2str(ind),'.tsv.test']);
13 shared.meta_data_files = arrayfun(get_meta_data_file, 1:5, 'UniformOutput', false);
14 14
15 15 function teardown(shared) function teardown(shared)
16 % rmdir(shared.evaluation_folder, 's');
17 clear('shared');
16 % rmdir(shared.evaluation_folder, 's');
17 clear('shared');
18 18
19 19 function get_meta_data1_test(shared) function get_meta_data1_test(shared)
20 meta = meta_ev();
21 meta.get_meta_data(shared.meta_data_files{1});
20 meta = meta_ev();
21 meta.get_meta_data(shared.meta_data_files{1});
22 22
23 23 function get_meta_data2_test(shared) function get_meta_data2_test(shared)
24 meta = meta_ev();
25 meta.get_meta_data(shared.meta_data_files{2});
24 meta = meta_ev();
25 meta.get_meta_data(shared.meta_data_files{2});
26 26
27 27 function get_meta_data3_test(shared) function get_meta_data3_test(shared)
28 meta = meta_ev();
29 meta.get_meta_data(shared.meta_data_files{3});
28 meta = meta_ev();
29 meta.get_meta_data(shared.meta_data_files{3});
30 30
31 31 function get_meta_data4_test(shared) function get_meta_data4_test(shared)
32 meta = meta_ev();
33 meta.get_meta_data(shared.meta_data_files{4});
32 meta = meta_ev();
33 meta.get_meta_data(shared.meta_data_files{4});
34 34
35 35 function get_meta_data5_test(shared) function get_meta_data5_test(shared)
36 meta = meta_ev();
37 load_error_test = @() meta.get_meta_data(shared.meta_data_files{5});
38 assertExceptionThrown(load_error_test, 'meta_ev:get_meta_data:empty_params')
36 meta = meta_ev();
37 load_error_test = @() meta.get_meta_data(shared.meta_data_files{5});
38 assertExceptionThrown(load_error_test, 'meta_ev:get_meta_data:empty_params')
39 39
40 40 function load_meta1_test(shared) function load_meta1_test(shared)
41 meta = meta_ev(shared.meta_data_files{1});
41 meta = meta_ev(shared.meta_data_files{1});
42 42
43 43 function load_meta2_test(shared) function load_meta2_test(shared)
44 meta = meta_ev(shared.meta_data_files{2});
44 meta = meta_ev(shared.meta_data_files{2});
45 45
46 46 function load_meta3_test(shared) function load_meta3_test(shared)
47 unsupported_dims_test = @()meta_ev(shared.meta_data_files{3});
48 assertExceptionThrown(unsupported_dims_test, 'meta_ev:gridtype:unsupported')
47 unsupported_dims_test = @()meta_ev(shared.meta_data_files{3});
48 assertExceptionThrown(unsupported_dims_test, 'meta_ev:gridtype:unsupported')
49 49
50 50 function load_meta4_test(shared) function load_meta4_test(shared)
51 meta = meta_ev(shared.meta_data_files{4});
51 meta = meta_ev(shared.meta_data_files{4});
52 52
53 53 function load_meta5_test(shared) function load_meta5_test(shared)
54 load_error_test = @() meta_ev(shared.meta_data_files{5});
55 assertExceptionThrown(load_error_test, 'meta_ev:get_meta_data:empty_params')
54 load_error_test = @() meta_ev(shared.meta_data_files{5});
55 assertExceptionThrown(load_error_test, 'meta_ev:get_meta_data:empty_params')
56 56
57 57 function cut_plot_test(shared) function cut_plot_test(shared)
58 fig = figure; set(fig,'visible','off')
59 meta = meta_ev(shared.meta_data_files{1});
60 meta.meta_label = 'test';
61 param_ind = 2;
62 % meta.plot_cuts('logneg', 2, param_ind, unique(meta.params{param_ind}));
63 [T] = evalc(...
64 'meta.plot_cuts(''logneg'',2, param_ind, [2.5,10,50], ''x_scale'',''log'', ''fig'', fig);');
65 [T] = evalc('meta.save_figs;');
66 % meta.plot_cuts('logneg', 2, param_ind, 'all');
67 % try
68 % system(['ls ', meta.common_path]);
69 % end
70 % try
71 % system(['mupdf ' fullfile(meta.common_path,'lnopt_cut__test.pdf')]);
72 % end
58 fig = figure; set(fig,'visible','off')
59 meta = meta_ev(shared.meta_data_files{1});
60 meta.meta_label = 'test';
61 param_ind = 2;
62 % meta.plot_cuts('logneg', 2, param_ind, unique(meta.params{param_ind}));
63 [T] = evalc(...
64 'meta.plot_cuts(''logneg'',2, param_ind, [2.5,10,50], ''x_scale'',''log'', ''fig'', fig);');
65 [T] = evalc('meta.save_figs;');
66 % meta.plot_cuts('logneg', 2, param_ind, 'all');
67 % try
68 % system(['ls ', meta.common_path]);
69 % end
70 % try
71 % system(['mupdf ' fullfile(meta.common_path,'lnopt_cut__test.pdf')]);
72 % end
73 73
74 74 function contour_plot_test(shared) function contour_plot_test(shared)
75 fig = figure; set(fig,'visible','off')
76 meta = meta_ev(shared.meta_data_files{1});
77 meta.meta_label = 'test';
78 [T] = evalc(...
79 'meta.contour_plot(''logneg'',2, ''x_scale'',''log'', ''fig'', fig);');
80 [T] = evalc('meta.save_figs;');
81 % try
82 % system(['ls ', meta.common_path]);
83 % end
84 % try
85 % system(['mupdf ', fullfile(meta.common_path, 'lnopt__test.pdf')]);
86 % end
75 fig = figure; set(fig,'visible','off')
76 meta = meta_ev(shared.meta_data_files{1});
77 meta.meta_label = 'test';
78 [T] = evalc(...
79 'meta.contour_plot(''logneg'',2, ''x_scale'',''log'', ''fig'', fig);');
80 [T] = evalc('meta.save_figs;');
81 % try
82 % system(['ls ', meta.common_path]);
83 % end
84 % try
85 % system(['mupdf ', fullfile(meta.common_path, 'lnopt__test.pdf')]);
86 % end
87 87
88 88 function plot_logneg_versus_gamma_test(shared) function plot_logneg_versus_gamma_test(shared)
89 fig = figure; set(fig,'visible','off')
90 meta = meta_ev(shared.meta_data_files{1});
91 meta.meta_label = 'test';
92 meta = meta.filter_params(1, [5E5,5E7]);
93 cmap = [cbrewer('seq','RdPu',9);...
94 cbrewer('seq','GnBu',9)];
95 [T] = evalc(...
96 'meta.plot_logneg_versus_gamma(2, ''colors'', cmap, ''x_scale'',''log'',''y_lims'', [-1,0.5],''fig'', fig);');
97 [T] = evalc('meta.save_figs;');
98 % try
99 % system(['ls ', meta.common_path]);
100 % end
101 % try
102 % system(['mupdf ', fullfile(meta.common_path, 'ln_versus_gamma__test.pdf')]);
103 % end
89 fig = figure; set(fig,'visible','off')
90 meta = meta_ev(shared.meta_data_files{1});
91 meta.meta_label = 'test';
92 meta = meta.filter_params(1, [5E5,5E7]);
93 cmap = [cbrewer('seq','RdPu',9);...
94 cbrewer('seq','GnBu',9)];
95 [T] = evalc(...
96 'meta.plot_logneg_versus_gamma(2, ''colors'', cmap, ''x_scale'',''log'',''y_lims'', [-1,0.5],''fig'', fig);');
97 [T] = evalc('meta.save_figs;');
98 % try
99 % system(['ls ', meta.common_path]);
100 % end
101 % try
102 % system(['mupdf ', fullfile(meta.common_path, 'ln_versus_gamma__test.pdf')]);
103 % end
104 104
105 105
106 106 function filter_params_test(shared) function filter_params_test(shared)
107 meta = meta_ev(shared.meta_data_files{1});
108 meta.load_models;
110 %% if only one parameter is selected expect ...
111 param_ind = 1;
112 target = meta.params{param_ind}(1,1);
113 meta_filtered = meta.filter_params(param_ind, target);
114 % ... new dimensions 1xN
115 assertEqual(meta_filtered.dimensions(2),1,...
116 'expected single entry for parameter 1')
117 assertEqual(meta_filtered.dimensions(1),meta.dimensions(1),...
118 'expected unchanged dimensions of parameter 2')
119 % ... one-dim. evaluation
120 assertEqual(meta_filtered.gridtype, 'vector',...
121 'expected gridtype "vector"')
122 % ... only selected param survives
123 assertEqual(unique(meta_filtered.params{1}), target,...
124 'expected only value of parameter 1 equal to input')
125 % ... along other dimension all params survive
126 assertEqual(unique(meta_filtered.params{2}),...
127 unique(meta.params{2}),...
128 'expected values of parameter 2 to remain unchanged')
129 % ... old evaluation to remain unchanged
130 meta2 = meta_ev(shared.meta_data_files{1});
131 meta2.load_models;
132 assertEqual(meta, meta2);
133 % assert(isequal(meta, meta2))
134 meta2.ev_files{1,1} = 'somechangedpath';
135 assert(~isequal(meta, meta2));
137 %% if only one parameter is selected INEXACTLY expect ...
138 param_ind = 1;
139 target = meta.params{param_ind}(1,1) + 1;
140 meta_filtered = meta.filter_params(param_ind, target);
141 % ... new dimensions 1xN
142 assertEqual(meta_filtered.dimensions(2),1,...
143 'expected single entry for parameter 1')
144 assertEqual(meta_filtered.dimensions(1),meta.dimensions(1),...
145 'expected unchanged dimensions of parameter 2')
146 % ... one-dim. evaluation
147 assertEqual(meta_filtered.gridtype, 'vector',...
148 'expected gridtype "vector"')
149 % ... only selected param survives
150 assertEqual(unique(meta_filtered.params{1}), target -1,...
151 'expected only value of parameter 1 almost equal to input')
152 % ... along other dimension all params survive
153 assertEqual(unique(meta_filtered.params{2}),...
154 unique(meta.params{2}),...
155 'expected values of parameter 2 to remain unchanged')
156 % ... old evaluation to remain unchanged
157 meta2 = meta_ev(shared.meta_data_files{1});
158 meta2.load_models;
159 assertEqual(meta, meta2);
160 % assert(isequal(meta, meta2))
161 meta2.ev_files{1,1} = 'somechangedpath';
162 assert(~isequal(meta, meta2));
164 %% if two parameter are selected INEXACTLY expect ...
165 param_ind = 1;
166 target = meta.params{param_ind}(1,[1,4]) + 1;
167 meta_filtered = meta.filter_params(param_ind, target);
168 % ... new dimensions 2xN
169 assertEqual(meta_filtered.dimensions(2),2,...
170 'expected two entries for parameter 1')
171 assertEqual(meta_filtered.dimensions(1),meta.dimensions(1),...
172 'expected unchanged dimensions of parameter 2')
173 % ... one-dim. evaluation
174 assertEqual(meta_filtered.gridtype, 'matrix',...
175 'expected gridtype "matrix"')
176 % ... only selected param survives
177 assertEqual(unique(meta_filtered.params{1})', target -1,...
178 'expected two values of parameter 1 almost equal to input')
179 % ... along other dimension all params survive
180 assertEqual(unique(meta_filtered.params{2}),...
181 unique(meta.params{2}),...
182 'expected values of parameter 2 to remain unchanged')
183 % ... old evaluation to remain unchanged
184 meta2 = meta_ev(shared.meta_data_files{1});
185 meta2.load_models;
186 assertEqual(meta, meta2);
187 % assert(isequal(meta, meta2))
188 meta2.ev_files{1,1} = 'somechangedpath';
189 assert(~isequal(meta, meta2));
191 %% if two parameters of param2 are selected INEXACTLY expect ...
192 param_ind = 2;
193 target = meta.params{param_ind}([1,4],1) + 0.01;
194 meta_filtered = meta.filter_params(param_ind, target);
195 % ... new dimensions 2xN
196 assertEqual(meta_filtered.dimensions(1),2,...
197 'expected two entries for parameter 2')
198 assertEqual(meta_filtered.dimensions(2),meta.dimensions(2),...
199 'expected unchanged dimensions of parameter 1')
200 % ... one-dim. evaluation
201 assertEqual(meta_filtered.gridtype, 'matrix',...
202 'expected gridtype "matrix"')
203 % ... only selected param survives
204 assertEqual(unique(meta_filtered.params{2}), target - 0.01,...
205 'expected two values of parameter 2 almost equal to input')
206 % ... along other dimension all params survive
207 assertEqual(unique(meta_filtered.params{1}),...
208 unique(meta.params{1}),...
209 'expected values of parameter 1 to remain unchanged')
210 % ... old evaluation to remain unchanged
211 meta2 = meta_ev(shared.meta_data_files{1});
212 meta2.load_models;
213 assertEqual(meta, meta2);
214 % assert(isequal(meta, meta2))
215 meta2.ev_files{ 1 ,1}='somechangedpath';
216 assert(~isequal(meta, meta2));
219 %% if two parameters of param2 and 3 params of param1are selected INEXACTLY expect ...
220 param_ind = 2;
221 target2 = meta.params{param_ind}([1,4],1) + 0.01;
222 meta_filtered = meta.filter_params(param_ind, target2);
223 param_ind = 1;
224 target1 = meta_filtered.params{param_ind}(1,[1,3,5]) + 0.01;
225 meta_filtered = meta_filtered.filter_params(param_ind, target1);
226 % ... new dimensions 2xN
227 assertEqual(meta_filtered.dimensions(1),2,...
228 'expected two entries for parameter 2')
229 assertEqual(meta_filtered.dimensions(2),3,...
230 'expected three entries for parameter 1')
231 % ... one-dim. evaluation
232 assertEqual(meta_filtered.gridtype, 'matrix',...
233 'expected gridtype "matrix"')
234 % ... only selected params survive for param2
235 assertEqual(unique(meta_filtered.params{2}), target2 - 0.01,...
236 'expected two values of parameter 2 almost equal to input')
237 % ... only selected params survive for param1
238 assertEqual(unique(meta_filtered.params{1})', target1 - 0.01,...
239 'expected three values of parameter 3 almost equal to input')
241 % ... old evaluation to remain unchanged
242 meta2 = meta_ev(shared.meta_data_files{1});
243 meta2.load_models;
244 assertEqual(meta, meta2);
245 % assert(isequal(meta, meta2))
246 meta2.ev_files{ 1 ,1}='somechangedpath';
247 assert(~isequal(meta, meta2));
107 meta = meta_ev(shared.meta_data_files{1});
108 meta.load_models;
110 %% if only one parameter is selected expect ...
111 param_ind = 1;
112 target = meta.params{param_ind}(1,1);
113 meta_filtered = meta.filter_params(param_ind, target);
114 % ... new dimensions 1xN
115 assertEqual(meta_filtered.dimensions(2),1,...
116 'expected single entry for parameter 1')
117 assertEqual(meta_filtered.dimensions(1),meta.dimensions(1),...
118 'expected unchanged dimensions of parameter 2')
119 % ... one-dim. evaluation
120 assertEqual(meta_filtered.gridtype, 'vector',...
121 'expected gridtype "vector"')
122 % ... only selected param survives
123 assertEqual(unique(meta_filtered.params{1}), target,...
124 'expected only value of parameter 1 equal to input')
125 % ... along other dimension all params survive
126 assertEqual(unique(meta_filtered.params{2}),...
127 unique(meta.params{2}),...
128 'expected values of parameter 2 to remain unchanged')
129 % ... old evaluation to remain unchanged
130 meta2 = meta_ev(shared.meta_data_files{1});
131 meta2.load_models;
132 assertEqual(meta, meta2);
133 % assert(isequal(meta, meta2))
134 meta2.ev_files{1,1} = 'somechangedpath';
135 assert(~isequal(meta, meta2));
137 %% if only one parameter is selected INEXACTLY expect ...
138 param_ind = 1;
139 target = meta.params{param_ind}(1,1) + 1;
140 meta_filtered = meta.filter_params(param_ind, target);
141 % ... new dimensions 1xN
142 assertEqual(meta_filtered.dimensions(2),1,...
143 'expected single entry for parameter 1')
144 assertEqual(meta_filtered.dimensions(1),meta.dimensions(1),...
145 'expected unchanged dimensions of parameter 2')
146 % ... one-dim. evaluation
147 assertEqual(meta_filtered.gridtype, 'vector',...
148 'expected gridtype "vector"')
149 % ... only selected param survives
150 assertEqual(unique(meta_filtered.params{1}), target -1,...
151 'expected only value of parameter 1 almost equal to input')
152 % ... along other dimension all params survive
153 assertEqual(unique(meta_filtered.params{2}),...
154 unique(meta.params{2}),...
155 'expected values of parameter 2 to remain unchanged')
156 % ... old evaluation to remain unchanged
157 meta2 = meta_ev(shared.meta_data_files{1});
158 meta2.load_models;
159 assertEqual(meta, meta2);
160 % assert(isequal(meta, meta2))
161 meta2.ev_files{1,1} = 'somechangedpath';
162 assert(~isequal(meta, meta2));
164 %% if two parameter are selected INEXACTLY expect ...
165 param_ind = 1;
166 target = meta.params{param_ind}(1,[1,4]) + 1;
167 meta_filtered = meta.filter_params(param_ind, target);
168 % ... new dimensions 2xN
169 assertEqual(meta_filtered.dimensions(2),2,...
170 'expected two entries for parameter 1')
171 assertEqual(meta_filtered.dimensions(1),meta.dimensions(1),...
172 'expected unchanged dimensions of parameter 2')
173 % ... one-dim. evaluation
174 assertEqual(meta_filtered.gridtype, 'matrix',...
175 'expected gridtype "matrix"')
176 % ... only selected param survives
177 assertEqual(unique(meta_filtered.params{1})', target -1,...
178 'expected two values of parameter 1 almost equal to input')
179 % ... along other dimension all params survive
180 assertEqual(unique(meta_filtered.params{2}),...
181 unique(meta.params{2}),...
182 'expected values of parameter 2 to remain unchanged')
183 % ... old evaluation to remain unchanged
184 meta2 = meta_ev(shared.meta_data_files{1});
185 meta2.load_models;
186 assertEqual(meta, meta2);
187 % assert(isequal(meta, meta2))
188 meta2.ev_files{1,1} = 'somechangedpath';
189 assert(~isequal(meta, meta2));
191 %% if two parameters of param2 are selected INEXACTLY expect ...
192 param_ind = 2;
193 target = meta.params{param_ind}([1,4],1) + 0.01;
194 meta_filtered = meta.filter_params(param_ind, target);
195 % ... new dimensions 2xN
196 assertEqual(meta_filtered.dimensions(1),2,...
197 'expected two entries for parameter 2')
198 assertEqual(meta_filtered.dimensions(2),meta.dimensions(2),...
199 'expected unchanged dimensions of parameter 1')
200 % ... one-dim. evaluation
201 assertEqual(meta_filtered.gridtype, 'matrix',...
202 'expected gridtype "matrix"')
203 % ... only selected param survives
204 assertEqual(unique(meta_filtered.params{2}), target - 0.01,...
205 'expected two values of parameter 2 almost equal to input')
206 % ... along other dimension all params survive
207 assertEqual(unique(meta_filtered.params{1}),...
208 unique(meta.params{1}),...
209 'expected values of parameter 1 to remain unchanged')
210 % ... old evaluation to remain unchanged
211 meta2 = meta_ev(shared.meta_data_files{1});
212 meta2.load_models;
213 assertEqual(meta, meta2);
214 % assert(isequal(meta, meta2))
215 meta2.ev_files{ 1 ,1}='somechangedpath';
216 assert(~isequal(meta, meta2));
219 %% if two parameters of param2 and 3 params of param1are selected INEXACTLY expect ...
220 param_ind = 2;
221 target2 = meta.params{param_ind}([1,4],1) + 0.01;
222 meta_filtered = meta.filter_params(param_ind, target2);
223 param_ind = 1;
224 target1 = meta_filtered.params{param_ind}(1,[1,3,5]) + 0.01;
225 meta_filtered = meta_filtered.filter_params(param_ind, target1);
226 % ... new dimensions 2xN
227 assertEqual(meta_filtered.dimensions(1),2,...
228 'expected two entries for parameter 2')
229 assertEqual(meta_filtered.dimensions(2),3,...
230 'expected three entries for parameter 1')
231 % ... one-dim. evaluation
232 assertEqual(meta_filtered.gridtype, 'matrix',...
233 'expected gridtype "matrix"')
234 % ... only selected params survive for param2
235 assertEqual(unique(meta_filtered.params{2}), target2 - 0.01,...
236 'expected two values of parameter 2 almost equal to input')
237 % ... only selected params survive for param1
238 assertEqual(unique(meta_filtered.params{1})', target1 - 0.01,...
239 'expected three values of parameter 3 almost equal to input')
241 % ... old evaluation to remain unchanged
242 meta2 = meta_ev(shared.meta_data_files{1});
243 meta2.load_models;
244 assertEqual(meta, meta2);
245 % assert(isequal(meta, meta2))
246 meta2.ev_files{ 1 ,1}='somechangedpath';
247 assert(~isequal(meta, meta2));
File data_analysis/unittests/old/gausseof_test.m changed (mode: 100644) (index f396afd..cf79a37)
... ... for r = 0:0.01:1
11 11
12 12 % teststate: % teststate:
13 13 symtmgs = tmss(r)+n*eye(4); %thermal two-mode squeezed state symtmgs = tmss(r)+n*eye(4); %thermal two-mode squeezed state
15 15 %%% 'brute force' (source: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.220403)... %%% 'brute force' (source: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.220403)...
16 16 sfparams = gausssfparams(symtmgs); sfparams = gausssfparams(symtmgs);
17 17 b = sfparams(1); b = sfparams(1);
... ... for r = 0:0.01:1
20 20
21 21 sympeval = sqrt((b - c)*(b-abs(d))); sympeval = sqrt((b - c)*(b-abs(d)));
22 22 xm = (sympeval^2 + 1/4)/(2*sympeval); xm = (sympeval^2 + 1/4)/(2*sympeval);
24 24 rarr(i,j)=r; rarr(i,j)=r;
25 25 narr(i,j)=n; narr(i,j)=n;
26 26
27 27 eof_test(i,j) = (xm+1/2)*log(xm+1/2) - (xm-1/2)*log(xm-1/2); eof_test(i,j) = (xm+1/2)*log(xm+1/2) - (xm-1/2)*log(xm-1/2);
29 29 %%% ... vs the general method implemented by gausseof.m (source: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.220403) %%% ... vs the general method implemented by gausseof.m (source: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.220403)
30 30 eof(i,j) = gausseof(symtmgs); eof(i,j) = gausseof(symtmgs);
31 31 end end
File data_analysis/unittests/old/gausssfparams_test.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 059ec67..6a1f4ce)
... ... testcm{4} = testcm{3} + 1/2*(noise + noise');
10 10
11 11 %% test the standard forms %% test the standard forms
12 12 for i=1:4 for i=1:4
13 disp('***********************************************************');
13 disp('***********************************************************');
14 14 disp([10,'Testing CM number ', num2str(i)]); disp([10,'Testing CM number ', num2str(i)]);
15 15 disp([10,'Standard form 1 ']); disp([10,'Standard form 1 ']);
16 16 testsfparams = gausssfparams(testcm{i}) testsfparams = gausssfparams(testcm{i})
17 17 gausssfcm(testsfparams)-testcm{i} gausssfcm(testsfparams)-testcm{i}
18 18 disp([10,'Standard form 1 ']); disp([10,'Standard form 1 ']);
19 testsfparams2 = gausssfparams2(testcm{i})
19 testsfparams2 = gausssfparams2(testcm{i})
20 20 gausssfcm2(testsfparams2)-testcm{i} gausssfcm2(testsfparams2)-testcm{i}
21 21 end end
File data_analysis/unittests/other/estimated_time_of_arrival_test.m changed (mode: 100644) (index cd3e23f..f9307ae)
1 1 function test_suite = estimated_time_of_arrival_test%#ok<STOUT> function test_suite = estimated_time_of_arrival_test%#ok<STOUT>
2 clc;
3 initTestSuite;
2 clc;
3 initTestSuite;
4 4
5 5 function shared = setup function shared = setup
6 shared.pause_time = 0.2;
7 shared.print_output = false;
6 shared.pause_time = 0.2;
7 shared.print_output = false;
8 8
9 9 function teardown(shared) function teardown(shared)
10 clear shared
10 clear shared
11 11
12 12 function estimated_time_of_arrival_minutes_test(shared) function estimated_time_of_arrival_minutes_test(shared)
13 print_eta = estimated_time_of_arrival;
14 pause(shared.pause_time);
16 %minutes, output expected
17 iteration = 10; iteration_no = 60*1e3;
18 expected_duration_mins = shared.pause_time*(iteration_no/iteration)/60;
19 output = evalc('print_eta(iteration, iteration_no)');
20 assertEqual(...
21 floor(find_time_number(output, '[minutes]: ')),...
22 expected_duration_mins)
23 if shared.print_output
24 disp(expected_duration_mins);
25 disp(output);
26 end
28 %seconds, no output expected
29 iteration = 10; iteration_no = 1e3;
30 expected_duration_sec = shared.pause_time*iteration_no/iteration;
31 output = evalc('print_eta(iteration, iteration_no)');
32 assertEqual(output,'');
33 if shared.print_output
34 disp(expected_duration_sec);
35 disp(output);
36 end
38 %days, output expected
39 iteration = 10; iteration_no = 60*60*24*1e3;
40 expected_duration_days = shared.pause_time*(iteration_no/iteration)/(60*60*24);
41 output = evalc('print_eta(iteration, iteration_no)');
42 assertEqual(...
43 floor(find_time_number(output, '[days]: ')),...
44 expected_duration_days);
45 if shared.print_output
46 disp(expected_duration_days);
47 disp(output);
48 end
13 print_eta = estimated_time_of_arrival;
14 pause(shared.pause_time);
16 %minutes, output expected
17 iteration = 10; iteration_no = 60*1e3;
18 expected_duration_mins = shared.pause_time*(iteration_no/iteration)/60;
19 output = evalc('print_eta(iteration, iteration_no)');
20 assertEqual(...
21 floor(find_time_number(output, '[minutes]: ')),...
22 expected_duration_mins)
23 if shared.print_output
24 disp(expected_duration_mins);
25 disp(output);
26 end
28 %seconds, no output expected
29 iteration = 10; iteration_no = 1e3;
30 expected_duration_sec = shared.pause_time*iteration_no/iteration;
31 output = evalc('print_eta(iteration, iteration_no)');
32 assertEqual(output,'');
33 if shared.print_output
34 disp(expected_duration_sec);
35 disp(output);
36 end
38 %days, output expected
39 iteration = 10; iteration_no = 60*60*24*1e3;
40 expected_duration_days = shared.pause_time*(iteration_no/iteration)/(60*60*24);
41 output = evalc('print_eta(iteration, iteration_no)');
42 assertEqual(...
43 floor(find_time_number(output, '[days]: ')),...
44 expected_duration_days);
45 if shared.print_output
46 disp(expected_duration_days);
47 disp(output);
48 end
50 49
51 function time_num = find_time_number(string, pattern)
52 startind = strfind(string, pattern) + length(pattern);
53 time_num = str2num(string(startind:startind+3));
54 50
51 function time_num = find_time_number(string, pattern)
52 startind = strfind(string, pattern) + length(pattern);
53 time_num = str2num(string(startind:startind+3));
File data_analysis/unittests/permute_data_test.m changed (mode: 100644) (index e50ef92..0ef4b81)
1 1 function test_suite = permute_data_test %#ok<STOUT> function test_suite = permute_data_test %#ok<STOUT>
2 localFunctionHandles = cellfun(@str2func,...
3 which('-subfun', mfilename('fullpath')), 'UniformOutput', false);
4 test_suite = buildFunctionHandleTestSuite(localFunctionHandles);
2 localFunctionHandles = cellfun(@str2func,...
3 which('-subfun', mfilename('fullpath')), 'UniformOutput', false);
4 test_suite = buildFunctionHandleTestSuite(localFunctionHandles);
5 5
6 6 function shared = setup function shared = setup
7 sample_no = 2;
8 mode_no = 3;
9 qdata = repmat([1:mode_no], sample_no, 1);
10 pdata = repmat([1:mode_no]*10, sample_no, 1);
11 xdata = repmat([1:mode_no]*100, sample_no, 1);
12 ydata = repmat([1:mode_no]*1000, sample_no, 1);
14 = [qdata, pdata, xdata, ydata];
15 shared.data_ordered = [ qdata(:,1), pdata(:,1),...
16 qdata(:,2), pdata(:,2),...
17 qdata(:,3), pdata(:,3),...
18 xdata(:,1), ydata(:,1),...
19 xdata(:,2), ydata(:,2),...
20 xdata(:,3), ydata(:,3) ];
22 shared.data_singlemode = repmat([1,2,3,4], sample_no, 1);
7 sample_no = 2;
8 mode_no = 3;
9 qdata = repmat([1:mode_no], sample_no, 1);
10 pdata = repmat([1:mode_no]*10, sample_no, 1);
11 xdata = repmat([1:mode_no]*100, sample_no, 1);
12 ydata = repmat([1:mode_no]*1000, sample_no, 1);
14 = [qdata, pdata, xdata, ydata];
15 shared.data_ordered = [ qdata(:,1), pdata(:,1),...
16 qdata(:,2), pdata(:,2),...
17 qdata(:,3), pdata(:,3),...
18 xdata(:,1), ydata(:,1),...
19 xdata(:,2), ydata(:,2),...
20 xdata(:,3), ydata(:,3) ];
22 shared.data_singlemode = repmat([1,2,3,4], sample_no, 1);
23 23
24 24 function teardown(shared) function teardown(shared)
25 25
26 26 function permute_data_labels_test(shared) function permute_data_labels_test(shared)
27 labels_before = {'q1', 'q2', 'p1', 'p2', 'x1', 'x2', 'y1', 'y2'};
28 labels_after = {'q1', 'p1', 'q2', 'p2', 'x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2'};
29 assertEqual(labels_after, permute_data(labels_before));
27 labels_before = {'q1', 'q2', 'p1', 'p2', 'x1', 'x2', 'y1', 'y2'};
28 labels_after = {'q1', 'p1', 'q2', 'p2', 'x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2'};
29 assertEqual(labels_after, permute_data(labels_before));
30 30
31 31 function permute_data_2modes_test(shared) function permute_data_2modes_test(shared)
32 %q->1, p->2, x->3, y->4; hence: q1->11, q2->12,...
33 %[q1, q2, p1, p2, x1, x2, y1, y2]
34 modes_before = [11, 12, 21, 22, 31, 32, 41, 42];
35 %[q1, p1, q2, p2, x1, y1, x2, y2]
36 modes_after = [11, 21, 12, 22, 31, 41, 32, 42];
37 assertEqual(modes_after, permute_data(modes_before));
32 %q->1, p->2, x->3, y->4; hence: q1->11, q2->12,...
33 %[q1, q2, p1, p2, x1, x2, y1, y2]
34 modes_before = [11, 12, 21, 22, 31, 32, 41, 42];
35 %[q1, p1, q2, p2, x1, y1, x2, y2]
36 modes_after = [11, 21, 12, 22, 31, 41, 32, 42];
37 assertEqual(modes_after, permute_data(modes_before));
38 38
39 39 function permute_data_3modes_test(shared) function permute_data_3modes_test(shared)
40 data_ordered = permute_data(;
41 assertEqual(data_ordered, shared.data_ordered);
40 data_ordered = permute_data(;
41 assertEqual(data_ordered, shared.data_ordered);
42 42
43 43 function permute_data_twice_test(shared) function permute_data_twice_test(shared)
44 data = permute_data(...
45 permute_data(,...
46 'inverse', true);
47 assertEqual(data,;
44 data = permute_data(...
45 permute_data(,...
46 'inverse', true);
47 assertEqual(data,;
48 48
49 49 function permute_data_twice_random_test(shared) function permute_data_twice_random_test(shared)
50 randdata = randn(48,48);
51 data = permute_data(...
52 permute_data(randdata),...
53 'inverse', true);
54 assertEqual(data, randdata);
50 randdata = randn(48,48);
51 data = permute_data(...
52 permute_data(randdata),...
53 'inverse', true);
54 assertEqual(data, randdata);
55 55
56 56 function permute_data_1mode_test(shared) function permute_data_1mode_test(shared)
57 invariant_data = shared.data_singlemode(1,:);
58 assertEqual(permute_data(invariant_data), invariant_data);
57 invariant_data = shared.data_singlemode(1,:);
58 assertEqual(permute_data(invariant_data), invariant_data);
59 59
60 invariant_data = shared.data_singlemode;
61 assertEqual(permute_data(invariant_data), invariant_data);
60 invariant_data = shared.data_singlemode;
61 assertEqual(permute_data(invariant_data), invariant_data);
File data_analysis/unittests/pseudo_hash_test.m changed (mode: 100644) (index de5e52f..06608d3)
1 1 function test_suite = pseudo_hash_test %#ok<STOUT> function test_suite = pseudo_hash_test %#ok<STOUT>
2 localFunctionHandles = cellfun(@str2func,...
3 which('-subfun', mfilename('fullpath')), 'UniformOutput', false);
4 test_suite = buildFunctionHandleTestSuite(localFunctionHandles);
2 localFunctionHandles = cellfun(@str2func,...
3 which('-subfun', mfilename('fullpath')), 'UniformOutput', false);
4 test_suite = buildFunctionHandleTestSuite(localFunctionHandles);
6 6 function shared = setup function shared = setup
7 shared.sample_no = 1e3;
8 = randn(shared.sample_no, 1);
9 shared.precision = 'double';
10 shared.DAQrange = 0;
11 shared.amplification = 1;
13 shared.bytes_for_test = 1e2;
14 shared.shafunction = @(filename) pseudo_hash(filename, 'bytes', shared.bytes_for_test);
16 shared.folder = tempname;
17 assert(~(exist(shared.folder)==7),...
18 [shared.folder, ' exists already.']);
19 mkdir(shared.folder)
21 shared.file = fullfile(shared.folder, '.test.dat');
22 assert_file_nonexistent(shared.file);
23 fid = fopen(shared.file,'w+');
24 fwrite(fid,, shared.precision);
25 fclose(fid);
27 shared.copy.file = fullfile(shared.folder, '.test_copy.dat');
28 assert_file_nonexistent(shared.copy.file);
29 copyfile(shared.file, shared.copy.file);
31 shared.empty.file = fullfile(shared.folder, '.test_empty.dat');
32 assert_file_nonexistent(shared.empty.file);
34 exist_not_empty = @(folder)(exist(folder)==7)&&(~isempty(ls(folder)));
35 if exist_not_empty('/media/schatzkammer/RAID1')
36 shared.ext.folder = '/media/schatzkammer/RAID1';
37 elseif exist_not_empty('~/Downloads')
38 shared.ext.folder = '~/Downloads';
39 else
40 error(['No suitable folder for tests involving copying files found.',...
41 'Modify test accordingly!']);
42 end
43 shared.ext.file = fullfile(shared.ext.folder, '.test_copy.dat');
44 assert_file_nonexistent(shared.ext.file);
45 copyfile(shared.file, shared.ext.file);
47 shared.minifile1 = fullfile(shared.folder, '.minitest.dat');
48 shared.minifile2 = fullfile(shared.folder, '.minitest2.dat');
49 assert_file_nonexistent(shared.minifile1);
50 assert_file_nonexistent(shared.minifile2);
51 dlmwrite(shared.minifile1, [1, 2, 3], 'delimiter', '\t');
52 dlmwrite(shared.minifile2, [1, 2, 4], 'delimiter', '\t');
7 shared.sample_no = 1e3;
8 = randn(shared.sample_no, 1);
9 shared.precision = 'double';
10 shared.DAQrange = 0;
11 shared.amplification = 1;
13 shared.bytes_for_test = 1e2;
14 shared.shafunction = @(filename) pseudo_hash(filename, 'bytes', shared.bytes_for_test);
16 shared.folder = tempname;
17 assert(~(exist(shared.folder)==7),...
18 [shared.folder, ' exists already.']);
19 mkdir(shared.folder)
21 shared.file = fullfile(shared.folder, '.test.dat');
22 assert_file_nonexistent(shared.file);
23 fid = fopen(shared.file,'w+');
24 fwrite(fid,, shared.precision);
25 fclose(fid);
27 shared.copy.file = fullfile(shared.folder, '.test_copy.dat');
28 assert_file_nonexistent(shared.copy.file);
29 copyfile(shared.file, shared.copy.file);
31 shared.empty.file = fullfile(shared.folder, '.test_empty.dat');
32 assert_file_nonexistent(shared.empty.file);
34 exist_not_empty = @(folder)(exist(folder)==7)&&(~isempty(ls(folder)));
35 if exist_not_empty('/media/schatzkammer/RAID1')
36 shared.ext.folder = '/media/schatzkammer/RAID1';
37 elseif exist_not_empty('~/Downloads')
38 shared.ext.folder = '~/Downloads';
39 else
40 error(['No suitable folder for tests involving copying files found.',...
41 'Modify test accordingly!']);
42 end
43 shared.ext.file = fullfile(shared.ext.folder, '.test_copy.dat');
44 assert_file_nonexistent(shared.ext.file);
45 copyfile(shared.file, shared.ext.file);
47 shared.minifile1 = fullfile(shared.folder, '.minitest.dat');
48 shared.minifile2 = fullfile(shared.folder, '.minitest2.dat');
49 assert_file_nonexistent(shared.minifile1);
50 assert_file_nonexistent(shared.minifile2);
51 dlmwrite(shared.minifile1, [1, 2, 3], 'delimiter', '\t');
52 dlmwrite(shared.minifile2, [1, 2, 4], 'delimiter', '\t');
53 53
54 54 function teardown(shared) function teardown(shared)
55 delete(shared.file);
56 delete(shared.copy.file);
57 delete(shared.ext.file);
58 delete(shared.minifile1);
59 delete(shared.minifile2);
60 rmdir(shared.folder);
55 delete(shared.file);
56 delete(shared.copy.file);
57 delete(shared.ext.file);
58 delete(shared.minifile1);
59 delete(shared.minifile2);
60 rmdir(shared.folder);
61 61
62 62 function function_handle_test(shared) function function_handle_test(shared)
63 assertEqual(shared.shafunction(shared.file),...
64 pseudo_hash(shared.file, 'bytes', shared.bytes_for_test));
63 assertEqual(shared.shafunction(shared.file),...
64 pseudo_hash(shared.file, 'bytes', shared.bytes_for_test));
65 65
66 66 function bytes_sensitive_test(shared) function bytes_sensitive_test(shared)
67 assertFalse(...
68 isequal(...
69 shared.shafunction(shared.file),...
70 pseudo_hash(shared.file, 'bytes', 1+shared.bytes_for_test)));
67 assertFalse(...
68 isequal(...
69 shared.shafunction(shared.file),...
70 pseudo_hash(shared.file, 'bytes', 1+shared.bytes_for_test)));
71 71
72 72 function default_bytes_test(shared) function default_bytes_test(shared)
73 assertEqual(pseudo_hash(shared.file),...
74 pseudo_hash(shared.file, 'bytes', 1e6));
73 assertEqual(pseudo_hash(shared.file),...
74 pseudo_hash(shared.file, 'bytes', 1e6));
75 75
76 76 function filename_filepath_test(shared) function filename_filepath_test(shared)
77 assertEqual(shared.shafunction(shared.file),...
78 shared.shafunction(GetFullPath(shared.file)));
77 assertEqual(shared.shafunction(shared.file),...
78 shared.shafunction(GetFullPath(shared.file)));
79 79
80 80 function open_close_forread_test(shared) function open_close_forread_test(shared)
81 before = shared.shafunction(shared.file);
82 fid = fopen(shared.file, 'r');
83 fclose(fid);
84 after = shared.shafunction(shared.file);
85 assertEqual(before, after);
81 before = shared.shafunction(shared.file);
82 fid = fopen(shared.file, 'r');
83 fclose(fid);
84 after = shared.shafunction(shared.file);
85 assertEqual(before, after);
86 86
87 87 % function open_close_forwrite_test(shared) % function open_close_forwrite_test(shared)
88 88 % before = shared.shafunction(shared.file); % before = shared.shafunction(shared.file);
... ... function open_close_forread_test(shared)
92 92 % assertEqual(before, after); % assertEqual(before, after);
93 93
94 94 function copy_test(shared) function copy_test(shared)
95 assertEqual(shared.shafunction(shared.file),...
96 shared.shafunction(shared.copy.file));
95 assertEqual(shared.shafunction(shared.file),...
96 shared.shafunction(shared.copy.file));
97 97
98 98 function modify_begin_test(shared) function modify_begin_test(shared)
99 fid = fopen(shared.copy.file, 'w');
100 fseek(fid, 10, 'bof');
101 fwrite(fid, randn(1));
102 fclose(fid);
103 assertFalse(...
104 isequal(shared.shafunction(shared.file),...
105 shared.shafunction(shared.copy.file)));
99 fid = fopen(shared.copy.file, 'w');
100 fseek(fid, 10, 'bof');
101 fwrite(fid, randn(1));
102 fclose(fid);
103 assertFalse(...
104 isequal(shared.shafunction(shared.file),...
105 shared.shafunction(shared.copy.file)));
106 106
107 107 function modify_end_test(shared) function modify_end_test(shared)
108 assertEqual(shared.shafunction(shared.file),...
109 shared.shafunction(shared.copy.file));
110 fid = fopen(shared.copy.file, 'w');
111 fseek(fid, -10, 'eof');
112 fwrite(fid, randn(1));
113 fclose(fid);
114 assertFalse(...
115 isequal(shared.shafunction(shared.file),...
116 shared.shafunction(shared.copy.file)));
108 assertEqual(shared.shafunction(shared.file),...
109 shared.shafunction(shared.copy.file));
110 fid = fopen(shared.copy.file, 'w');
111 fseek(fid, -10, 'eof');
112 fwrite(fid, randn(1));
113 fclose(fid);
114 assertFalse(...
115 isequal(shared.shafunction(shared.file),...
116 shared.shafunction(shared.copy.file)));
117 117
118 118 function modify_length_test(shared) function modify_length_test(shared)
119 fid = fopen(shared.empty.file, 'w+');
120 fwrite(fid,, shared.precision);
121 %write same data twice to get file with same beginning and end, but different length
122 fwrite(fid,, shared.precision);
123 fclose(fid);
119 fid = fopen(shared.empty.file, 'w+');
120 fwrite(fid,, shared.precision);
121 %write same data twice to get file with same beginning and end, but different length
122 fwrite(fid,, shared.precision);
123 fclose(fid);
124 124
125 hash_original = shared.shafunction(shared.file);
126 hash_doublesize = shared.shafunction(shared.empty.file);
127 delete(shared.empty.file)
128 assertFalse( isequal( hash_original, hash_doublesize));
125 hash_original = shared.shafunction(shared.file);
126 hash_doublesize = shared.shafunction(shared.empty.file);
127 delete(shared.empty.file)
128 assertFalse( isequal( hash_original, hash_doublesize));
129 129
130 130 function minifile_test(shared) function minifile_test(shared)
131 assertFalse(...
132 isequal(...
133 shared.shafunction(shared.minifile1),...
134 shared.shafunction(shared.minifile2)));
131 assertFalse(...
132 isequal(...
133 shared.shafunction(shared.minifile1),...
134 shared.shafunction(shared.minifile2)));
135 135
136 136 function external_filesystem_test(shared) function external_filesystem_test(shared)
137 assertEqual(...
138 shared.shafunction(shared.file),...
139 shared.shafunction(shared.ext.file));
137 assertEqual(...
138 shared.shafunction(shared.file),...
139 shared.shafunction(shared.ext.file));
140 140
141 141 %% aux functions %% aux functions
142 142 function assert_file_nonexistent(filename) function assert_file_nonexistent(filename)
143 assertFalse(exist(filename)==2,...
144 [GetFullPath(filename), ' already exists!']);
143 assertFalse(exist(filename)==2,...
144 [GetFullPath(filename), ' already exists!']);
File data_analysis/unittests/read_permute_write_data_test.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 5322ed6..e4937e5)
1 1 function test_suite = read_permute_write_data_test %#ok<STOUT> function test_suite = read_permute_write_data_test %#ok<STOUT>
2 localFunctionHandles = cellfun(@str2func,...
3 which('-subfun', mfilename('fullpath')), 'UniformOutput', false);
4 test_suite = buildFunctionHandleTestSuite(localFunctionHandles);
2 localFunctionHandles = cellfun(@str2func,...
3 which('-subfun', mfilename('fullpath')), 'UniformOutput', false);
4 test_suite = buildFunctionHandleTestSuite(localFunctionHandles);
5 5
6 6 function shared = setup function shared = setup
7 shared.folder = tempname;
8 assert(~(exist(shared.folder)==7),...
9 [shared.folder, ' exists already.']);
10 mkdir(shared.folder)
11 shared.file = fullfile(shared.folder, 'read_permute_write_data_test.tsv');
12 assert(~(exist(shared.file)==2),...
13 [shared.file, ' exists already.']);
15 sample_no = 2;
16 mode_no = 3;
18 shared.precision = 1e4;
19 myround = @(float_num) round(float_num*shared.precision)/shared.precision;
21 qdata = myround(randn(sample_no, mode_no));
22 pdata = myround(randn(sample_no, mode_no));
23 xdata = myround(randn(sample_no, mode_no));
24 ydata = myround(randn(sample_no, mode_no));
26 = [qdata, pdata, xdata, ydata];
27 shared.data_ordered = [ qdata(:,1), pdata(:,1),...
28 qdata(:,2), pdata(:,2),...
29 qdata(:,3), pdata(:,3),...
30 xdata(:,1), ydata(:,1),...
31 xdata(:,2), ydata(:,2),...
32 xdata(:,3), ydata(:,3) ];
33 dlmwrite(shared.file,, '\t');
7 shared.folder = tempname;
8 assert(~(exist(shared.folder)==7),...
9 [shared.folder, ' exists already.']);
10 mkdir(shared.folder)
11 shared.file = fullfile(shared.folder, 'read_permute_write_data_test.tsv');
12 assert(~(exist(shared.file)==2),...
13 [shared.file, ' exists already.']);
15 sample_no = 2;
16 mode_no = 3;
18 shared.precision = 1e4;
19 myround = @(float_num) round(float_num*shared.precision)/shared.precision;
21 qdata = myround(randn(sample_no, mode_no));
22 pdata = myround(randn(sample_no, mode_no));
23 xdata = myround(randn(sample_no, mode_no));
24 ydata = myround(randn(sample_no, mode_no));
26 = [qdata, pdata, xdata, ydata];
27 shared.data_ordered = [ qdata(:,1), pdata(:,1),...
28 qdata(:,2), pdata(:,2),...
29 qdata(:,3), pdata(:,3),...
30 xdata(:,1), ydata(:,1),...
31 xdata(:,2), ydata(:,2),...
32 xdata(:,3), ydata(:,3) ];
33 dlmwrite(shared.file,, '\t');
34 34
35 35 function teardown(shared) function teardown(shared)
36 delete(shared.file);
37 rmdir(shared.folder);
36 delete(shared.file);
37 rmdir(shared.folder);
38 38
39 39 function read_permute_write_data_3modes_test(shared) function read_permute_write_data_3modes_test(shared)
40 [permuted_data_file, permuted_data_CM_file] = read_permute_write_data(shared.file);
41 assertEqual(permuted_data_file, shared.file)
42 data_ordered = dlmread(shared.file, '\t');
43 assertEqual(data_ordered, shared.data_ordered);
44 delete(permuted_data_CM_file);
40 [permuted_data_file, permuted_data_CM_file] = read_permute_write_data(shared.file);
41 assertEqual(permuted_data_file, shared.file)
42 data_ordered = dlmread(shared.file, '\t');
43 assertEqual(data_ordered, shared.data_ordered);
44 delete(permuted_data_CM_file);
45 45
46 46 function read_permute_write_data_3modes_CM_test(shared) function read_permute_write_data_3modes_CM_test(shared)
47 [permuted_data_file, permuted_data_CM_file] = read_permute_write_data(shared.file);
48 CM_ordered = dlmread(permuted_data_CM_file, '\t');
49 % CM_ordered(1:2,1:2)
50 % cm2 = cov(shared.data_ordered);
51 % cm2(1:2,1:2)
52 assertElementsAlmostEqual(CM_ordered, cov(shared.data_ordered), 'absolute', shared.precision);
53 delete(permuted_data_CM_file)
47 [permuted_data_file, permuted_data_CM_file] = read_permute_write_data(shared.file);
48 CM_ordered = dlmread(permuted_data_CM_file, '\t');
49 % CM_ordered(1:2,1:2)
50 % cm2 = cov(shared.data_ordered);
51 % cm2(1:2,1:2)
52 assertElementsAlmostEqual(CM_ordered, cov(shared.data_ordered), 'absolute', shared.precision);
53 delete(permuted_data_CM_file)
File data_analysis/unittests/test_cf-based_evaluation/calculate_cf_test_data.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 8bac799..a82e3b3)
1 1 %% calculate blocked cross-correlation %%% %% calculate blocked cross-correlation %%%
2 %% setup
2 %% setup
3 3 clear all; rehash; clc clear all; rehash; clc
4 4 addpath(genpath('/home/membrane/Documents/MATLAB')) addpath(genpath('/home/membrane/Documents/MATLAB'))
5 5 cd('/home/membrane/Documents/MATLAB/datoolbox/data_analysis/unittests/test_cf-based_evaluation') cd('/home/membrane/Documents/MATLAB/datoolbox/data_analysis/unittests/test_cf-based_evaluation')
... ... title('covariances')
154 154 %% %%
155 155 k=1; k=1;
156 156 l=4; l=4;
157 figure;
157 figure;
158 158 lower = myCIs(:,1,k,l); lower = myCIs(:,1,k,l);
159 159 upper = myCIs(:,2,k,l); upper = myCIs(:,2,k,l);
160 160 lower = lower./(lower+upper); lower = lower./(lower+upper);
... ... refline(0,cf_CM_signal(k,l))
165 165 % set(gca, 'yscale','log') % set(gca, 'yscale','log')
166 166 title(['covariances: ',num2str(k),num2str(l)]) title(['covariances: ',num2str(k),num2str(l)])
167 167
168 %% plot
168 %% plot
169 169 close all close all
170 170 figure; figure;
171 171 subplot(1,2,1) subplot(1,2,1)
... ... end
180 180 set(gca, 'yscale', 'log') set(gca, 'yscale', 'log')
181 181 title('Diagonal elements') title('Diagonal elements')
182 182 legend({'pulse based'; 'corr. fct. based'}, 'Location', 'SouthOutside') legend({'pulse based'; 'corr. fct. based'}, 'Location', 'SouthOutside')
183 set(gca,'xticklabel',[])
183 set(gca,'xticklabel',[])
184 184
185 185 subplot(1,2,2) subplot(1,2,2)
186 186 hold all hold all
... ... for k=1:4
197 197 end end
198 198 title('Offdiagonal elements') title('Offdiagonal elements')
199 199 legend({'pulse based'; 'corr. fct. based'}, 'Location', 'SouthOutside') legend({'pulse based'; 'corr. fct. based'}, 'Location', 'SouthOutside')
200 set(gca,'xticklabel',[])
200 set(gca,'xticklabel',[])
201 201
202 202
203 203
... ... cf_yy = ev.correlation_functions{2,2}./myvec;
281 281 cf_xy = ev.correlation_functions{1,2}./myvec; cf_xy = ev.correlation_functions{1,2}./myvec;
282 282 cf_yx = ev.correlation_functions{2,1}./myvec; cf_yx = ev.correlation_functions{2,1}./myvec;
283 283
284 %%
284 %%
285 285 pulseCM = ev.pulse_CM{1}{1}; pulseCM = ev.pulse_CM{1}{1};
286 286
287 287 %% entangling block %% entangling block
... ... for kk=[1, 3]
382 382 for ll=[1, 3] for ll=[1, 3]
383 383 mat{1} = cf_CM_signal(kk:kk+1,ll:ll+1); mat{1} = cf_CM_signal(kk:kk+1,ll:ll+1);
384 384 mat{2} = pulseCM(kk:kk+1,ll:ll+1); mat{2} = pulseCM(kk:kk+1,ll:ll+1);
385 figure;
385 figure;
386 386 for k=1:2 for k=1:2
387 387 subplot(3,1,k); subplot(3,1,k);
388 388 myimagesc(mypreproc(mat{k})) myimagesc(mypreproc(mat{k}))
... ... end
408 408 %% %%
409 409 diag(reldiff(pulseCM, cf_CM_signal)) diag(reldiff(pulseCM, cf_CM_signal))
410 410 figure; imagesc(triu(reldiff(pulseCM, cf_CM_signal),1)); colorbar() figure; imagesc(triu(reldiff(pulseCM, cf_CM_signal),1)); colorbar()
File data_analysis/unittests/test_cf-based_evaluation/cf_based_CM.m changed (mode: 100644) (index b630a9d..4f25320)
... ... function cm = cf_based_CM_subblock(cfp,cf,part)
9 9 cf_21 = part(cf{2,1}); cf_21 = part(cf{2,1});
10 10 cf_22 = part(cf{2,2}); cf_22 = part(cf{2,2});
11 11
12 cfp_11 = cfp{1,1};
12 cfp_11 = cfp{1,1};
13 13 cfp_12 = cfp{1,2}; cfp_12 = cfp{1,2};
14 14 cfp_21 = cfp{2,1}; cfp_21 = cfp{2,1};
15 15 cfp_22 = cfp{2,2}; cfp_22 = cfp{2,2};
17 17 cm = zeros(2,2); cm = zeros(2,2);
18 18 cm(1,1) = cfp_11*cf_11 + cfp_22*cf_22 - cfp_12*cf_12 - cfp_21*cf_21; cm(1,1) = cfp_11*cf_11 + cfp_22*cf_22 - cfp_12*cf_12 - cfp_21*cf_21;
19 19 cm(1,2) = cfp_12*cf_11 - cfp_21*cf_22 + cfp_11*cf_12 - cfp_22*cf_21; cm(1,2) = cfp_12*cf_11 - cfp_21*cf_22 + cfp_11*cf_12 - cfp_22*cf_21;
20 cm(2,1) = cfp_21*cf_11 - cfp_12*cf_22 - cfp_22*cf_12 + cfp_11*cf_21;
21 cm(2,2) = cfp_22*cf_11 + cfp_11*cf_22 + cfp_21*cf_12 + cfp_12*cf_21;
20 cm(2,1) = cfp_21*cf_11 - cfp_12*cf_22 - cfp_22*cf_12 + cfp_11*cf_21;
21 cm(2,2) = cfp_22*cf_11 + cfp_11*cf_22 + cfp_21*cf_12 + cfp_12*cf_21;
22 22 end end
File data_analysis/unittests/test_cf-based_evaluation/quick_comparison_CMs.m changed (mode: 100644) (index c5fdedb..d3e02a0)
1 1 function quick_comparison_CMs(pulsedCM, pulsedCMci, rows, cols, cfCM) function quick_comparison_CMs(pulsedCM, pulsedCMci, rows, cols, cfCM)
2 mytriu = @(mat)mat(:)';%[mat(1,1), mat(1,2), mat(2,1), mat(2,2)];
2 mytriu = @(mat)mat(:)';%[mat(1,1), mat(1,2), mat(2,1), mat(2,2)];
4 4 disp('** pulse-based result with lower and upper CI-bounds **') disp('** pulse-based result with lower and upper CI-bounds **')
5 5 disp(mytriu(squeeze(pulsedCMci(1,rows,cols)))) %lower CI-bound disp(mytriu(squeeze(pulsedCMci(1,rows,cols)))) %lower CI-bound
6 6 disp(mytriu(pulsedCM(rows,cols))) %actually measured value disp(mytriu(pulsedCM(rows,cols))) %actually measured value
... ... function quick_comparison_CMs(pulsedCM, pulsedCMci, rows, cols, cfCM)
13 13
14 14 disp('** cf-based result **') disp('** cf-based result **')
15 15 disp(mytriu(cfCM)) disp(mytriu(cfCM))
17 17 disp('** relative deviation in percent **') disp('** relative deviation in percent **')
18 18 myreldiff = @(mat1,mat2)100*abs(2*(mat1-mat2)./(mat1+mat2)); myreldiff = @(mat1,mat2)100*abs(2*(mat1-mat2)./(mat1+mat2));
19 19 myreldiff2 = @(mat1, mat2)myreldiff(mytriu(mat1),mytriu(mat2)); myreldiff2 = @(mat1, mat2)myreldiff(mytriu(mat1),mytriu(mat2));
File data_analysis/unittests/test_cf-based_evaluation/simulate_test_data.m changed (mode: 100644) (index bec943c..f1f9bca)
... ... fidp = fopen(fullfile(datadir, 'p.dat'),'w');
22 22
23 23 for k=1:block_no for k=1:block_no
24 24 k k
25 start_sample = (k-1)*N+1;
26 stop_sample = k*N;
27 if k==1
28 x0 = simgauss(zeros(length(ss_cov),1), ss_cov,1);
29 else
30 x0 = states_full(end,:);
31 end
32 [~, ~, states_full] = lsim(sys, u, t, x0);
25 start_sample = (k-1)*N+1;
26 stop_sample = k*N;
27 if k==1
28 x0 = simgauss(zeros(length(ss_cov),1), ss_cov,1);
29 else
30 x0 = states_full(end,:);
31 end
32 [~, ~, states_full] = lsim(sys, u, t, x0);
33 33 x = states_full(2:end,1); x = states_full(2:end,1);
34 34 p = states_full(2:end,2); p = states_full(2:end,2);
36 36 % write to binary files % write to binary files
37 37 fwrite(fidx,x, precision); fwrite(fidx,x, precision);
38 38 fwrite(fidp,p, precision); fwrite(fidp,p, precision);
... ... for k=1:reps
51 51 k k
52 52 x0 = simgauss(zeros(length(ss_cov),1), ss_cov,1); x0 = simgauss(zeros(length(ss_cov),1), ss_cov,1);
53 53 [~,~, states_full] = lsim(sys, u, t, x0); [~,~, states_full] = lsim(sys, u, t, x0);
54 for l=1:6
54 for l=1:6
55 55 energies{l}(k) = sum(diag(cov(states_full(1:10^l,:)))); energies{l}(k) = sum(diag(cov(states_full(1:10^l,:))));
56 56 end end
57 57 % for visual inspection... % for visual inspection...
... ... end
62 62
63 63 %% plot spread of energies vs stretch length %% plot spread of energies vs stretch length
64 64 figure; hold all figure; hold all
65 for l=1:6
65 for l=1:6
66 66 scatter([10^l],[std(energies{l})/mean(energies{l})],'b','filled') scatter([10^l],[std(energies{l})/mean(energies{l})],'b','filled')
67 67 end end
68 68 plot([10,1e6],[1e3,1]*std(energies{6})/mean(energies{6})) plot([10,1e6],[1e3,1]*std(energies{6})/mean(energies{6}))
... ... set(gca, 'xscale','log')
111 111 %% autocorrelation function %% autocorrelation function
112 112 figure; hold all figure; hold all
113 113 plot(xcorr(data(1:1e7,:),'biased')) plot(xcorr(data(1:1e7,:),'biased'))
115 115 %% ETC %% ETC
116 116 w = warning('query','last') w = warning('query','last')
117 117 warning('off',w.identifier) warning('off',w.identifier)
File data_analysis/unittests/test_cf-based_evaluation/test_cf_based_evaluation.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 15a4a41..bde236b)
... ... delta = imag(readout_mode);
78 78
79 79 %% plots %% plots
80 80 figure; hold all; figure; hold all;
81 subplot(2,1,1);
81 subplot(2,1,1);
82 82 plot(ev.pulse_timevector, alpha, ... plot(ev.pulse_timevector, alpha, ...
83 83 ev.pulse_timevector, beta) ev.pulse_timevector, beta)
84 84 legend({'\alpha';'\beta'}) legend({'\alpha';'\beta'})
85 85 xlabel('time [sec]') xlabel('time [sec]')
86 86
87 subplot(2,1,2);
87 subplot(2,1,2);
88 88 plot(ev.pulse_timevector, gamma, ... plot(ev.pulse_timevector, gamma, ...
89 89 ev.pulse_timevector, delta) ev.pulse_timevector, delta)
90 90 legend({'\gamma';'\delta'}) legend({'\gamma';'\delta'})
... ... ratio_shot = cf_CM_shot./pulsedCM_shot
200 200
201 201 %% %%
202 202 ratio_signal ratio_signal
203 ratio_shot
203 ratio_shot
204 204
205 205 %% %%
206 206
... ... plot(real(cf{1,5}))
251 251 testmat = zeros(2,50); testmat = zeros(2,50);
252 252 testmat(1,:) = ones(50,1); testmat(1,:) = ones(50,1);
253 253 testmat*randn(50,1) testmat*randn(50,1)
File data_analysis/unittests/testevaluation/setup_eval.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 223a5b2..5550ae8)
... ... f_ref = 1.2E6;
11 11 ev.mech_frequencies = f_ref; ev.mech_frequencies = f_ref;
12 12 ev.opt_pulse_widths = 1; ev.opt_pulse_widths = 1;
13 13 ev.pulse_gammas = f_ref*logspace(-2,0,20); ev.pulse_gammas = f_ref*logspace(-2,0,20);
File data_analysis/unittests/testevaluation/setup_meas.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 888573f..1167af3)
... ... meas.add_trace_pair(...
19 19 '200muW_yQ_int16_sf40.000_Nts1.0e+05_MCr1.dat',... '200muW_yQ_int16_sf40.000_Nts1.0e+05_MCr1.dat',...
20 20 'amplification', 40,... 'amplification', 40,...
21 21 'signal_power_muW', 200); 'signal_power_muW', 200);
File data_analysis/unittests/timetrace_test.m changed (mode: 100644) (index bf09b37..fff7be0)
1 1 function test_suite = timetrace_test %#ok<STOUT> function test_suite = timetrace_test %#ok<STOUT>
2 localFunctionHandles = cellfun(@str2func,...
3 which('-subfun', mfilename('fullpath')), 'UniformOutput', false);
4 test_suite = buildFunctionHandleTestSuite(localFunctionHandles);
2 localFunctionHandles = cellfun(@str2func,...
3 which('-subfun', mfilename('fullpath')), 'UniformOutput', false);
4 test_suite = buildFunctionHandleTestSuite(localFunctionHandles);
5 5
6 6 function shared = setup function shared = setup
7 shared.show_plots = false;
7 shared.show_plots = false;
8 8
9 shared.DAQrange = 0;
10 shared.amplification = 10;
9 shared.DAQrange = 0;
10 shared.amplification = 10;
11 11
12 shared.sample_no = 1e5 + 1;
13 shared.samplingrate = 1e2;
14 shared.timevec = (0:shared.sample_no-1)'/shared.samplingrate;
15 shared.mech_freq = 3.0626;
16 = sin(2*pi*shared.mech_freq*shared.timevec);
12 shared.sample_no = 1e5 + 1;
13 shared.samplingrate = 1e2;
14 shared.timevec = (0:shared.sample_no-1)'/shared.samplingrate;
15 shared.mech_freq = 3.0626;
16 = sin(2*pi*shared.mech_freq*shared.timevec);
17 17
18 shared.precision = 'double';
19 shared.folder = tempname;
20 assert(~(exist(shared.folder)==7),...
21 [shared.folder, ' exists already.']);
22 mkdir(shared.folder)
23 shared.file = fullfile(shared.folder, '.timetrace.dat');
18 shared.precision = 'double';
19 shared.folder = tempname;
20 assert(~(exist(shared.folder)==7),...
21 [shared.folder, ' exists already.']);
22 mkdir(shared.folder)
23 shared.file = fullfile(shared.folder, '.timetrace.dat');
24 24
25 fid = fopen(shared.file,'w');
26 fwrite(fid,, shared.precision);
27 fclose(fid);
25 fid = fopen(shared.file,'w');
26 fwrite(fid,, shared.precision);
27 fclose(fid);
28 28
29 29 function teardown(shared) function teardown(shared)
30 delete(shared.file);
31 rmdir(shared.folder);
30 delete(shared.file);
31 rmdir(shared.folder);
32 32
33 33 function ht = timetrace_setup_test(shared) function ht = timetrace_setup_test(shared)
34 ht = timetrace(shared.file,...
35 'samplingrate', shared.samplingrate,...
36 'precision', shared.precision,...
37 'DAQrange', shared.DAQrange,...
38 'amplification', shared.amplification);
34 ht = timetrace(shared.file,...
35 'samplingrate', shared.samplingrate,...
36 'precision', shared.precision,...
37 'DAQrange', shared.DAQrange,...
38 'amplification', shared.amplification);
39 39
40 40 function ht = timetrace_read_data_test(shared) function ht = timetrace_read_data_test(shared)
41 ht = timetrace_setup_test(shared);
42 ht.fopen();
43 assertEqual(ht.fread(shared.sample_no),;
44 ht.fclose();
46 assertEqual(ht.read_from_t1_to_t2(0,ht.duration),;
47 assertEqual(...
48 ht.read_from_t1_to_t2(0,ht.duration/2),...
51 if shared.show_plots
52 div = 1e3;
53 figure;
54 plot(shared.timevec(1:floor(shared.sample_no/div)), ht.read_from_t1_to_t2(0,ht.duration/div))
55 end
41 ht = timetrace_setup_test(shared);
42 ht.fopen();
43 assertEqual(ht.fread(shared.sample_no),;
44 ht.fclose();
46 assertEqual(ht.read_from_t1_to_t2(0,ht.duration),;
47 assertEqual(...
48 ht.read_from_t1_to_t2(0,ht.duration/2),...
51 if shared.show_plots
52 div = 1e3;
53 figure;
54 plot(shared.timevec(1:floor(shared.sample_no/div)), ht.read_from_t1_to_t2(0,ht.duration/div))
55 end
56 56
57 57 function ht = timetrace_NPS_test(shared) function ht = timetrace_NPS_test(shared)
58 ht = timetrace_setup_test(shared);
59 ht.get_NPS;
60 ht.get_peaks;
61 if shared.show_plots
62 figure; hold all
63 plot(ht.spectrum.freq, ht.spectrum.noisepower)
64 plot(ht.spectrum.peaks.freq, ht.spectrum.peaks.power,'o')
65 set(gca, 'yscale','log')
66 set(gca, 'xscale','log')
67 end
68 relTol = 1e-2;
69 assertElementsAlmostEqual(ht.spectrum.peaks.freq, shared.mech_freq, 'relative', relTol);
58 ht = timetrace_setup_test(shared);
59 ht.get_NPS;
60 ht.get_peaks;
61 if shared.show_plots
62 figure; hold all
63 plot(ht.spectrum.freq, ht.spectrum.noisepower)
64 plot(ht.spectrum.peaks.freq, ht.spectrum.peaks.power,'o')
65 set(gca, 'yscale','log')
66 set(gca, 'xscale','log')
67 end
68 relTol = 1e-2;
69 assertElementsAlmostEqual(ht.spectrum.peaks.freq, shared.mech_freq, 'relative', relTol);
71 71
72 72 function ht = timetrace_properties_test(shared) function ht = timetrace_properties_test(shared)
73 ht = timetrace_setup_test(shared);
74 assertEqual(ht.sample_no, shared.sample_no)
75 assertEqual(ht.samplingrate, shared.samplingrate)
76 assertEqual(ht.precision, shared.precision)
73 ht = timetrace_setup_test(shared);
74 assertEqual(ht.sample_no, shared.sample_no)
75 assertEqual(ht.samplingrate, shared.samplingrate)
76 assertEqual(ht.precision, shared.precision)
77 77
78 assertEqual(ht.DAQrange, shared.DAQrange)
79 assertEqual(ht.amplification, shared.amplification)
78 assertEqual(ht.DAQrange, shared.DAQrange)
79 assertEqual(ht.amplification, shared.amplification)
80 80
81 81
82 assertEqual(ht.filepath, shared.file)
83 [folder, filename, fileext] = fileparts(shared.file);
84 assertEqual(, folder)
85 assertEqual(ht.filename, [filename, fileext])
82 assertEqual(ht.filepath, shared.file)
83 [folder, filename, fileext] = fileparts(shared.file);
84 assertEqual(, folder)
85 assertEqual(ht.filename, [filename, fileext])
86 86
87 assertEqual(ht.sample_from_time(0), 1)
88 assertEqual(ht.duration, ht.sample_no/ht.samplingrate)
89 assertEqual(ht.sample_from_time(ht.duration),ht.sample_no+1)
87 assertEqual(ht.sample_from_time(0), 1)
88 assertEqual(ht.duration, ht.sample_no/ht.samplingrate)
89 assertEqual(ht.sample_from_time(ht.duration),ht.sample_no+1)
File homo_measurements/@dual_homo_measurement/test_dual_homo_measurement.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 85d9ef6..6e1c6b8)
... ... function meas = test_dual_homo_measurement(meas_file)
12 12 cd(meas_folder); cd(meas_folder);
13 13 run(meas_script) run(meas_script)
14 14 disp(meas) disp(meas)
16 16 %% create subfolder for test output %% create subfolder for test output
17 17 mkdir(meas_folder, 'test') mkdir(meas_folder, 'test')
18 18 test_folder = fullfile(meas_folder, 'test'); test_folder = fullfile(meas_folder, 'test');
... ... function [npsfig] = create_save_sample_NPS(meas, test_folder)
43 43 fclose(outid); fclose(outid);
44 44
45 45 dlmwrite(outfile, data, 'delimiter', '\t', '-append'); dlmwrite(outfile, data, 'delimiter', '\t', '-append');
47 47 %% print shotnoise PSD and non-shotnoise PSD %% print shotnoise PSD and non-shotnoise PSD
48 ii = 1;
48 ii = 1;
49 49 for kk=1:2 for kk=1:2
50 50 disp(['mean noise power of ', meas.homotraces(ii,kk).dataset_label]) disp(['mean noise power of ', meas.homotraces(ii,kk).dataset_label])
51 51 disp(mean(meas.homotraces(ii,kk).spectrum.noisepower)) disp(mean(meas.homotraces(ii,kk).spectrum.noisepower))
52 52 disp('') disp('')
53 53 end end
55 55 ii = 2; ii = 2;
56 56 for kk=1:2 for kk=1:2
57 57 disp(['mean noise power of ', meas.homotraces(ii,kk).dataset_label, ' for high freqs.']) disp(['mean noise power of ', meas.homotraces(ii,kk).dataset_label, ' for high freqs.'])
File homo_measurements/@homo_measurement/homo_measurement.m changed (mode: 100644) (index f6fa907..b77cf1b)
... ... classdef homo_measurement < handle
25 25
26 26 %scalar properties: the same for all homotraces %scalar properties: the same for all homotraces
27 27 samplingrate@double scalar samplingrate@double scalar
29 29 %dummy = true creates a short dummy file with random numbers to play around with %dummy = true creates a short dummy file with random numbers to play around with
30 30 % for more details see PXItrace-code % for more details see PXItrace-code
31 dummy = false;
31 dummy = false;
32 32 end end
33 33 properties(Dependent) properties(Dependent)
34 34 % scalar % scalar
File homo_measurements/quickcheck_dualhomo.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 67a09e6..7653daf)
... ... DAQrange_mV = 200;
7 7 signalpower_muW = 588; signalpower_muW = 588;
8 8
9 9 filename1 = ['P', num2str(signalpower_muW),'muW_']; filename1 = ['P', num2str(signalpower_muW),'muW_'];
10 % or
10 % or
11 11 %filename1 = 'Pdarknoise_'; %filename1 = 'Pdarknoise_';
12 12 filename1 = 'Pshotnoise_'; filename1 = 'Pshotnoise_';
13 13 amplification_dB = 40; amplification_dB = 40;
... ... meas.add_trace_pair(...
29 29
30 30 %% spectra %% spectra
31 31 meas.get_NPS meas.get_NPS
32 fig = figure; meas.show_NPS;
32 fig = figure; meas.show_NPS;
33 33 title([filename1, '...', filename2], 'Interpreter', 'none'); title([filename1, '...', filename2], 'Interpreter', 'none');
34 34 saveas(fig, ['spectra_', filename1, filename2, '.fig']) saveas(fig, ['spectra_', filename1, filename2, '.fig'])
35 35 saveas(fig, ['spectra_', filename1, filename2, '.jpg']) saveas(fig, ['spectra_', filename1, filename2, '.jpg'])
36 36
37 37 %% snapshot of timetrace %% snapshot of timetrace
38 fig = figure; meas.show_snapshot;
38 fig = figure; meas.show_snapshot;
39 39 title([filename1, '...', filename2], 'Interpreter', 'none'); title([filename1, '...', filename2], 'Interpreter', 'none');
40 40 saveas(fig, ['snapshot_', filename1, filename2, '.fig']) saveas(fig, ['snapshot_', filename1, filename2, '.fig'])
41 41 saveas(fig, ['snapshot_', filename1, filename2, '.jpg']) saveas(fig, ['snapshot_', filename1, filename2, '.jpg'])
42 42
43 43 %% histogram of timetrace %% histogram of timetrace
44 fig = figure; meas.show_hist;
44 fig = figure; meas.show_hist;
45 45 title([filename1, '...', filename2], 'Interpreter', 'none'); title([filename1, '...', filename2], 'Interpreter', 'none');
46 46 saveas(fig, ['hist_', filename1, filename2, '.fig']) saveas(fig, ['hist_', filename1, filename2, '.fig'])
47 47 saveas(fig, ['hist_', filename1, filename2, '.jpg']) saveas(fig, ['hist_', filename1, filename2, '.jpg'])
File homo_measurements/quickcheck_dualhomo_long.m changed (mode: 100644) (index b442278..3cffe48)
... ... end
40 40 tic; tic;
41 41 meas.get_NPS('duration', 0.01, 'averages', 20) meas.get_NPS('duration', 0.01, 'averages', 20)
42 42 toc; toc;
43 fig = figure; meas.show_NPS;
43 fig = figure; meas.show_NPS;
44 44 title([filename1, '...', filename2], 'Interpreter', 'none'); title([filename1, '...', filename2], 'Interpreter', 'none');
45 45 saveas(fig, ['spectra_high_res_', filename1, filename2, '.fig']) saveas(fig, ['spectra_high_res_', filename1, filename2, '.fig'])
46 46 saveas(fig, ['spectra_high_res_', filename1, filename2, '.jpg']) saveas(fig, ['spectra_high_res_', filename1, filename2, '.jpg'])
... ... saveas(fig, ['spectra_high_res_', filename1, filename2, '.jpg'])
48 48 %% get peaks %% get peaks
49 49 meas.get_peaks('minheight', 1E-14, 'minfreq', 500E3, 'maxfreq', 5E6,... meas.get_peaks('minheight', 1E-14, 'minfreq', 500E3, 'maxfreq', 5E6,...
50 50 'mindistance', 1) 'mindistance', 1)
51 %
51 %
52 52 % %% plot peaks for different chunks % %% plot peaks for different chunks
53 53 % figure; hold all % figure; hold all
54 54 % chunk_no = 10; % chunk_no = 10;
... ... for l=all_peaks
78 78 peak_ind = peak_ind+1; peak_ind = peak_ind+1;
79 79 end end
80 80
81 %% plot
81 %% plot
82 82 figure; hold all figure; hold all
83 83 for k=1:chunk_no for k=1:chunk_no
84 84 plot(all_peaks, k*occurences(:,k), 'o') plot(all_peaks, k*occurences(:,k), 'o')
... ... dlmwrite(['robust_peaks_', filename1, filename2, '.csv'], robust_peaks')
112 112 tic; tic;
113 113 meas.get_NPS('duration', 0.0005, 'averages', 100) meas.get_NPS('duration', 0.0005, 'averages', 100)
114 114 toc; toc;
115 fig = figure; meas.show_NPS;
115 fig = figure; meas.show_NPS;
116 116 title([filename1, '...', filename2], 'Interpreter', 'none'); title([filename1, '...', filename2], 'Interpreter', 'none');
117 117 saveas(fig, ['spectra_many_avgs_', filename1, filename2, '.fig']) saveas(fig, ['spectra_many_avgs_', filename1, filename2, '.fig'])
118 118 saveas(fig, ['spectra_many_avgs_', filename1, filename2, '.jpg']) saveas(fig, ['spectra_many_avgs_', filename1, filename2, '.jpg'])
119 119
120 120
121 121 %% snapshot of timetrace %% snapshot of timetrace
122 fig = figure; meas.show_snapshot;
122 fig = figure; meas.show_snapshot;
123 123 title([filename1, '...', filename2], 'Interpreter', 'none'); title([filename1, '...', filename2], 'Interpreter', 'none');
124 124 saveas(fig, ['snapshot_', filename1, filename2, '.fig']) saveas(fig, ['snapshot_', filename1, filename2, '.fig'])
125 125 saveas(fig, ['snapshot_', filename1, filename2, '.jpg']) saveas(fig, ['snapshot_', filename1, filename2, '.jpg'])
126 126
127 127
128 128 %% histogram of timetrace %% histogram of timetrace
129 fig = figure; meas.show_hist;
129 fig = figure; meas.show_hist;
130 130 title([filename1, '...', filename2], 'Interpreter', 'none'); title([filename1, '...', filename2], 'Interpreter', 'none');
131 131 saveas(fig, ['hist_', filename1, filename2, '.fig']) saveas(fig, ['hist_', filename1, filename2, '.fig'])
132 132 saveas(fig, ['hist_', filename1, filename2, '.jpg']) saveas(fig, ['hist_', filename1, filename2, '.jpg'])
File kalmanfilter/kalmanfilter.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 4af2b17..46a68e0)
... ... function [xest,pest,varargout] = kalmanfilter(F,G,H,D,L,Q,R,M,z,u,xinit,pinit,va
4 4 % %
5 5 % Kalman filter for a linear discrete system with a time-dependent % Kalman filter for a linear discrete system with a time-dependent
6 6 % state-space model given by F(k), G(k), H(k), D(k) % state-space model given by F(k), G(k), H(k), D(k)
7 %
7 %
8 8 % x(k+1) = F(k) x(k) + G(k) u(k) + L w(k) % x(k+1) = F(k) x(k) + G(k) u(k) + L w(k)
9 9 % z(k) = H(k) x(k) + D(k) u(k) + n(k) % z(k) = H(k) x(k) + D(k) u(k) + n(k)
10 10 % %
... ... function [xest,pest,varargout] = kalmanfilter(F,G,H,D,L,Q,R,M,z,u,xinit,pinit,va
18 18 % measurement basis in a homodyne-detection measurement.) % measurement basis in a homodyne-detection measurement.)
19 19 % %
20 20 % xinit and pinit are initial estimates. xinit can be replaced by []. % xinit and pinit are initial estimates. xinit can be replaced by [].
21 %
21 %
22 22 % The optional output arguments are the predicted measurement output % The optional output arguments are the predicted measurement output
23 23 % (which can be used to find the innovation sequence), the statistics % (which can be used to find the innovation sequence), the statistics
24 24 % of the NIS test and the NIS sequence. % of the NIS test and the NIS sequence.
... ... end
127 127
128 128 % check if inputs are time-dependent % check if inputs are time-dependent
129 129 % x_TD=true <> x is time dependent! % x_TD=true <> x is time dependent!
130 if size(F,3)==1, F_TD=false; f=F; else F_TD=true; fprintf(fID,'Kalmanfilter: Matrix F is time dependent.\n'); end
130 if size(F,3)==1, F_TD=false; f=F; else F_TD=true; fprintf(fID,'Kalmanfilter: Matrix F is time dependent.\n'); end
131 131 if size(G,3)==1, G_TD=false; g=G; else G_TD=true; fprintf(fID,'Kalmanfilter: Matrix G is time dependent.\n'); end if size(G,3)==1, G_TD=false; g=G; else G_TD=true; fprintf(fID,'Kalmanfilter: Matrix G is time dependent.\n'); end
132 132 if size(H,3)==1, H_TD=false; h=H; else H_TD=true; fprintf(fID,'Kalmanfilter: Matrix H is time dependent.\n'); end if size(H,3)==1, H_TD=false; h=H; else H_TD=true; fprintf(fID,'Kalmanfilter: Matrix H is time dependent.\n'); end
133 133 if size(D,3)==1, D_TD=false; d=D; else D_TD=true; fprintf(fID,'Kalmanfilter: Matrix D is time dependent.\n'); end if size(D,3)==1, D_TD=false; d=D; else D_TD=true; fprintf(fID,'Kalmanfilter: Matrix D is time dependent.\n'); end
... ... for mm = 1:NT
182 182
183 183 % update state % update state
184 184 % alternatively: % alternatively:
185 % xest(:,mm)=(id-K*h)*xm+K*z(:,mm);
185 % xest(:,mm)=(id-K*h)*xm+K*z(:,mm);
186 186 xest(:,mm) = xm+K*innov; xest(:,mm) = xm+K*innov;
187 187
188 188 % update error covariance % update error covariance
... ... zmvec = zmvec.';
213 213 %% setting output arguments %% setting output arguments
214 214 varargout = cell(1,nargout); varargout = cell(1,nargout);
216 varargout{1} = zmvec;
216 varargout{1} = zmvec;
217 217 end end
218 if NIS_TEST
218 if NIS_TEST
219 219 [varargout{2:3}] = nistest(z-zmvec,pmvec,H,R,args{:}); [varargout{2:3}] = nistest(z-zmvec,pmvec,H,R,args{:});
220 220 end end
221 221
File misc/3rdparty/AnDarksamtest.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 04e1c33..5bf7c04)
1 1 function [AnDarksamtest] = AnDarksamtest(X,alpha) function [AnDarksamtest] = AnDarksamtest(X,alpha)
2 2 %ANDARKSAMTEST Anderson-Darling k-sample procedure to test whether %ANDARKSAMTEST Anderson-Darling k-sample procedure to test whether
3 3 % k sampled populations are identical % k sampled populations are identical
4 %
4 %
5 5 % Anderson and Darling (1952,1954) introduced a goodness-of-fit statistic % Anderson and Darling (1952,1954) introduced a goodness-of-fit statistic
6 6 % %
7 7 % _inf 2 % _inf 2
8 8 % / {Fm(x) - Fo(x)} % / {Fm(x) - Fo(x)}
9 9 % ADm = m / ----------------- dFo(x) % ADm = m / ----------------- dFo(x)
10 10 % -inf_/ Fo(x){1 - Fo(x)} % -inf_/ Fo(x){1 - Fo(x)}
11 %
11 %
12 12 % to test the hypothesis that a random sample Fm(x) comes from a continuous % to test the hypothesis that a random sample Fm(x) comes from a continuous
13 % population with a specified distribution function Fo(x). It is a
13 % population with a specified distribution function Fo(x). It is a
14 14 % modification of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test and gives more weight % modification of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test and gives more weight
15 15 % to the tails than the K-S test. % to the tails than the K-S test.
16 16 % %
... ... function [AnDarksamtest] = AnDarksamtest(X,alpha)
21 21 % ADmn = ---- / ----------------- dHn(x) % ADmn = ---- / ----------------- dHn(x)
22 22 % N -inf_/ Hn(x){1 - Hn(x)} % N -inf_/ Hn(x){1 - Hn(x)}
23 23 % %
24 % was proposed by Darling (1957) and studied in detail by Pettitt (1976).
25 % Where Gn(x) is the empirical distribution function of the second
24 % was proposed by Darling (1957) and studied in detail by Pettitt (1976).
25 % Where Gn(x) is the empirical distribution function of the second
26 26 % independent sample G(x) and Hn(x) = {mFm(x) + nGn(x)}/N, with N = m+n, is % independent sample G(x) and Hn(x) = {mFm(x) + nGn(x)}/N, with N = m+n, is
27 27 % the empirical distribution function of the pooled sample. It is used to % the empirical distribution function of the pooled sample. It is used to
28 28 % test the hypothesis that F = G. % test the hypothesis that F = G.
29 29 % %
30 30 % The Anderson-Darling k-sample test was introduced by Scholz and Stephens % The Anderson-Darling k-sample test was introduced by Scholz and Stephens
31 31 % (1987) as a generalization of the two-sample Anderson-Darling test. It is % (1987) as a generalization of the two-sample Anderson-Darling test. It is
32 % a nonparametric statistical procedure, i.e., a rank test, and, thus,
33 % requires no assumptions other than that the samples are true independent
34 % random samples from their respective continuous populations (although
32 % a nonparametric statistical procedure, i.e., a rank test, and, thus,
33 % requires no assumptions other than that the samples are true independent
34 % random samples from their respective continuous populations (although
35 35 % provisions for tied observations are made). It tests the hypothesis that % provisions for tied observations are made). It tests the hypothesis that
36 36 % the populations from which two or more independent samples of data were % the populations from which two or more independent samples of data were
37 37 % drawn are identical. This test can be used to decide whether data from % drawn are identical. This test can be used to decide whether data from
... ... function [AnDarksamtest] = AnDarksamtest(X,alpha)
46 46 % it is effective for changes in scale while locations are matched, which is % it is effective for changes in scale while locations are matched, which is
47 47 % a weakness of the Kruskal-Wallis test. % a weakness of the Kruskal-Wallis test.
48 48 % %
49 % The Anderson-Darling k-sample procedure assumes that i-th sample has a
49 % The Anderson-Darling k-sample procedure assumes that i-th sample has a
50 50 % continuous distribution function and we are interested in testing the null % continuous distribution function and we are interested in testing the null
51 51 % hypothesis that all sampled populations have the same distribution, without % hypothesis that all sampled populations have the same distribution, without
52 52 % specifying the nature of that common distribution, % specifying the nature of that common distribution,
... ... function [AnDarksamtest] = AnDarksamtest(X,alpha)
69 69 % n-1 \ 1 \ {nFij - niHj} % n-1 \ 1 \ {nFij - niHj}
70 70 % ADK = ---- /_ _ [ ---- /_ _ ---------------- ] % ADK = ---- /_ _ [ ---- /_ _ ---------------- ]
71 71 % n^2 i=1 ni j=1 Hj(n-Hj) - nhj/4 % n^2 i=1 ni j=1 Hj(n-Hj) - nhj/4
72 %
72 %
73 73 % %
74 74 % and the corresponding not adjusted for ties is % and the corresponding not adjusted for ties is
75 75 % %
... ... function [AnDarksamtest] = AnDarksamtest(X,alpha)
91 91 % the number of values in the combined samples equal to zj % the number of values in the combined samples equal to zj
92 92 % Fij = number of values in the ith group which are less than zj plus one % Fij = number of values in the ith group which are less than zj plus one
93 93 % half the number of values in this group which are equal to zj % half the number of values in this group which are equal to zj
94 %
94 %
95 95 % Under Ho and assuming continuity of the common F distribution the mean of % Under Ho and assuming continuity of the common F distribution the mean of
96 96 % ADK is k-1 and the variance* is, % ADK is k-1 and the variance* is,
97 %
98 % an^3 + bn^2 + cn + d
99 % var(ADK) = ---------------------
97 %
98 % an^3 + bn^2 + cn + d
99 % var(ADK) = ---------------------
100 100 % (n-1)(n-2)(n-3) % (n-1)(n-2)(n-3)
101 101 % %
102 102 % where, % where,
... ... function [AnDarksamtest] = AnDarksamtest(X,alpha)
104 104 % b = (2g -4)k^2 + 8Tk + (2g - 14T -4)S - 8T + 4g -6 % b = (2g -4)k^2 + 8Tk + (2g - 14T -4)S - 8T + 4g -6
105 105 % c = (6T + 2g -2)k^2 + (4T - 4g + 6)k + (2T -6)S + 4T % c = (6T + 2g -2)k^2 + (4T - 4g + 6)k + (2T -6)S + 4T
106 106 % d = (2T +6)k^2 - 4Tk % d = (2T +6)k^2 - 4Tk
107 %
107 %
108 108 % with, % with,
109 109 % _k _ _n-1_ % _k _ _n-1_
110 110 % \ 1 \ 1 % \ 1 \ 1
111 % S = /_ _ ---- , T = /_ _ ----
111 % S = /_ _ ---- , T = /_ _ ----
112 112 % ni i=1 i % ni i=1 i
113 113 % %
114 114 % and % and
115 115 % _n-2_ _n-1_ % _n-2_ _n-1_
116 116 % \ \ 1 % \ \ 1
117 % g = /_ _ /_ _ ------
117 % g = /_ _ /_ _ ------
118 118 % i=1 j=i+1 (n-i)j % i=1 j=i+1 (n-i)j
119 119 % %
120 120 % The observed k-sample Anderson-Darling statistic (ADK) is standardized % The observed k-sample Anderson-Darling statistic (ADK) is standardized
... ... function [AnDarksamtest] = AnDarksamtest(X,alpha)
136 136 % n^2(k-1) i=1 ni j=1 Hj(n-Hj) - nhj/4 % n^2(k-1) i=1 ni j=1 Hj(n-Hj) - nhj/4
137 137 % %
138 138 % %
139 % an^3 + bn^2 + cn + d
139 % an^3 + bn^2 + cn + d
140 140 % var(ADK) = ------------------------ , % var(ADK) = ------------------------ ,
141 141 % (n-1)(n-2)(n-3)(k-1)^2 % (n-1)(n-2)(n-3)(k-1)^2
142 142 % %
... ... function [AnDarksamtest] = AnDarksamtest(X,alpha)
149 149 % %
150 150 % The approximate P-value of the observed ADK statistic can be calculated % The approximate P-value of the observed ADK statistic can be calculated
151 151 % using a spline interpolation method. For the interested users, we are % using a spline interpolation method. For the interested users, we are
152 % including, as a comment, the mathematical procedure to get the ADK
152 % including, as a comment, the mathematical procedure to get the ADK
153 153 % critical value. % critical value.
154 154 % %
155 155 % The interpolation coefficients for each alpa-value, % The interpolation coefficients for each alpa-value,
... ... function [AnDarksamtest] = AnDarksamtest(X,alpha)
164 164 % %
165 165 % qnt = bo + b1/sqrt(k-1) + b2/(k-1) % qnt = bo + b1/sqrt(k-1) + b2/(k-1)
166 166 % %
167 % We give the Anderson-Darling k-sample procedure with and without
167 % We give the Anderson-Darling k-sample procedure with and without
168 168 % adjustment for ties. % adjustment for ties.
169 169 % %
170 170 % Finally, we compare the P-value with the desired significance level alpha % Finally, we compare the P-value with the desired significance level alpha
171 % to facilitate a decision about the null hypothesis Ho.
171 % to facilitate a decision about the null hypothesis Ho.
172 %
173 % Syntax: function AnDarksamtest(X,alpha)
172 174 % %
173 % Syntax: function AnDarksamtest(X,alpha)
174 %
175 175 % Inputs: % Inputs:
176 176 % X - data matrix (Size of matrix must be n-by-2; data=column 1, % X - data matrix (Size of matrix must be n-by-2; data=column 1,
177 % sample=column 2)
177 % sample=column 2)
178 178 % alpha - significance level (default = 0.05) % alpha - significance level (default = 0.05)
179 179 % %
180 180 % Output: % Output:
... ... function [AnDarksamtest] = AnDarksamtest(X,alpha)
182 182 % %
183 183 % Example: From the example given by Scholz and Stephens (1987, p.922). It % Example: From the example given by Scholz and Stephens (1987, p.922). It
184 184 % is interested to test if the four sets of eight measurements each of the % is interested to test if the four sets of eight measurements each of the
185 % smoothness of a certain type of paper obtained by four independent
185 % smoothness of a certain type of paper obtained by four independent
186 186 % laboratories are homogeneous or identical to consider them % laboratories are homogeneous or identical to consider them
187 187 % unstructurated. We use an alpha-value = 0.05. Data are, % unstructurated. We use an alpha-value = 0.05. Data are,
188 188 % %
... ... function [AnDarksamtest] = AnDarksamtest(X,alpha)
198 198 % Data vector is: % Data vector is:
199 199 % X=[38.7 1;41.5 1;43.8 1;44.5 1;45.5 1;46.0 1;47.7 1;58.0 1; % X=[38.7 1;41.5 1;43.8 1;44.5 1;45.5 1;46.0 1;47.7 1;58.0 1;
200 200 % 39.2 2;39.3 2;39.7 2;41.4 2;41.8 2;42.9 2;43.3 2;45.8 2; % 39.2 2;39.3 2;39.7 2;41.4 2;41.8 2;42.9 2;43.3 2;45.8 2;
201 % 34.0 3;35.0 3;39.0 3;40.0 3;43.0 3;43.0 3;44.0 3;45.0 3;
201 % 34.0 3;35.0 3;39.0 3;40.0 3;43.0 3;43.0 3;44.0 3;45.0 3;
202 202 % 34.0 4;34.8 4;34.8 4;35.4 4;37.2 4;37.8 4;41.2 4;42.8 4]; % 34.0 4;34.8 4;34.8 4;35.4 4;37.2 4;37.8 4;41.2 4;42.8 4];
203 203 % %
204 % Calling on Matlab the function:
204 % Calling on Matlab the function:
205 205 % AnDarksamtest(X) % AnDarksamtest(X)
206 206 % %
207 207 % Answer is: % Answer is:
... ... function [AnDarksamtest] = AnDarksamtest(X,alpha)
220 220 % Anderson-Darling rank statistic: 8.3558723 % Anderson-Darling rank statistic: 8.3558723
221 221 % Standardized Anderson-Darling rank statistic: 4.4492622 % Standardized Anderson-Darling rank statistic: 4.4492622
222 222 % Probability associated to the Anderson-Darling rank statistic = 0.0022547 % Probability associated to the Anderson-Darling rank statistic = 0.0022547
223 %
223 %
224 224 % With a given significance = 0.050 % With a given significance = 0.050
225 225 % The samples were drawn from different populations: data may be considered % The samples were drawn from different populations: data may be considered
226 226 % structurated with respect to the random of fixed effect in question. % structurated with respect to the random of fixed effect in question.
... ... function [AnDarksamtest] = AnDarksamtest(X,alpha)
230 230 % Anderson-Darling rank statistic: 8.3926093 % Anderson-Darling rank statistic: 8.3926093
231 231 % Standardized Anderson-Darling rank statistic: 4.4797806 % Standardized Anderson-Darling rank statistic: 4.4797806
232 232 % Probability associated to the Anderson-Darling rank statistic = 0.0021700 % Probability associated to the Anderson-Darling rank statistic = 0.0021700
233 %
233 %
234 234 % With a given significance = 0.050 % With a given significance = 0.050
235 235 % The samples were drawn from different populations: data may be considered % The samples were drawn from different populations: data may be considered
236 236 % structurated with respect to the random of fixed effect in question. % structurated with respect to the random of fixed effect in question.
237 237 % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
238 238 % %
239 % Created by A. Trujillo-Ortiz, R. Hernandez-Walls, K. Barba-Rojo,
239 % Created by A. Trujillo-Ortiz, R. Hernandez-Walls, K. Barba-Rojo,
240 240 % L. Cupul-Magana and R.C. Zavala-Garcia % L. Cupul-Magana and R.C. Zavala-Garcia
241 241 % Facultad de Ciencias Marinas % Facultad de Ciencias Marinas
242 242 % Universidad Autonoma de Baja California % Universidad Autonoma de Baja California
... ... function [AnDarksamtest] = AnDarksamtest(X,alpha)
247 247 % %
248 248 % Copyright. November 1, 2007. % Copyright. November 1, 2007.
249 249 % %
250 % ---Special thanks are given to Michael Singer, Department of Earth &
250 % ---Special thanks are given to Michael Singer, Department of Earth &
251 251 % Planetary Science, Institute for Computational Earth System Science, % Planetary Science, Institute for Computational Earth System Science,
252 252 % University of California at Berkely, for encouraging us to create % University of California at Berkely, for encouraging us to create
253 253 % this m-file-- % this m-file--
... ... function [AnDarksamtest] = AnDarksamtest(X,alpha)
266 266 % Anderson, T.W. and Darling, D.A. (1952), Asymptotic Theory of Certain % Anderson, T.W. and Darling, D.A. (1952), Asymptotic Theory of Certain
267 267 % Goodness of Fit Criteria Based on Stochastic Processes. Annals of % Goodness of Fit Criteria Based on Stochastic Processes. Annals of
268 268 % Mathematical Statistics, 23:193-212. % Mathematical Statistics, 23:193-212.
269 % Anderson, T.W. and Darling, D.A. (1954), A Test of Goodness of Fit.
269 % Anderson, T.W. and Darling, D.A. (1954), A Test of Goodness of Fit.
270 270 % Journal of the American Statistical Association, 49:765-769. % Journal of the American Statistical Association, 49:765-769.
271 271 % Darling, D.A. (1957), The Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Cramer-von Mises % Darling, D.A. (1957), The Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Cramer-von Mises
272 272 % Tests. Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 28:823-838. % Tests. Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 28:823-838.
... ... function [AnDarksamtest] = AnDarksamtest(X,alpha)
274 274 % variance analysis. Journal of the American Statistical Association, % variance analysis. Journal of the American Statistical Association,
275 275 % 47(260):583�621. % 47(260):583�621.
276 276 % Kruskal, W.H. and Wallis, W.A. (1953), Errata to Use of ranks in one- % Kruskal, W.H. and Wallis, W.A. (1953), Errata to Use of ranks in one-
277 % criterion variance analysis. Journal of the American Statistical
277 % criterion variance analysis. Journal of the American Statistical
278 278 % Association, 48:907-911. % Association, 48:907-911.
279 279 % MIL-HDBK-17-1E (1997), The Composite Materials Handbook, Volume 1. % MIL-HDBK-17-1E (1997), The Composite Materials Handbook, Volume 1.
280 280 % Polymer Matrix Composites: Guidelines for Characterization of % Polymer Matrix Composites: Guidelines for Characterization of
281 % Structural Materials. Chapter 8, Department of Defense,
281 % Structural Materials. Chapter 8, Department of Defense,
282 282 % Washington, D.C. % Washington, D.C.
283 283 % Pettitt, A.N. (1976), A Two-Sample Anderson-Darling Rank Statistic. % Pettitt, A.N. (1976), A Two-Sample Anderson-Darling Rank Statistic.
284 284 % Biometrika, 63:161-168. % Biometrika, 63:161-168.
... ... switch nargin
296 296 end end
297 297 case{1} case{1}
298 298 alpha = 0.05; alpha = 0.05;
299 otherwise
299 otherwise
300 300 error('Requires at least one input argument.'); error('Requires at least one input argument.');
301 301 end end
302 302
... ... hj = c(:,2); %number of values in combined samples equal to zj
316 316 hjn = c(1:end-1,2); hjn = c(1:end-1,2);
317 317 O = sort(X1); O = sort(X1);
318 318 zj = unique(O); %distinct values in the combined data set ordered zj = unique(O); %distinct values in the combined data set ordered
319 L = length(zj);
320 zjn = zj(1:end-1); %distinct values in the combined data set ordered
319 L = length(zj);
320 zjn = zj(1:end-1); %distinct values in the combined data set ordered
321 321 %for adjust for ties %for adjust for ties
322 322 Ln = length(zjn); Ln = length(zjn);
323 323
324 324 n=[];fij=0;Fij=0;Fijn=0;NN=0;DD=0;ADK1=0;ADK1n=0; n=[];fij=0;Fij=0;Fijn=0;NN=0;DD=0;ADK1=0;ADK1n=0;
325 325 for i=1:k, for i=1:k,
326 r = find(X2 == i);
326 r = find(X2 == i);
327 327 ni = length(r); %number of observations in sample i ni = length(r); %number of observations in sample i
328 328 n = [n ni]; n = [n ni];
329 329 if (any(ni==0)), if (any(ni==0)),
... ... for i=1:k,
339 339 %half the number of values in this %half the number of values in this
340 340 %group which are equal to zj. It is %group which are equal to zj. It is
341 341 %adjusted for ties. %adjusted for ties.
343 343 Fijn = [cumsum(fijn)]'; %number of values in the ith group Fijn = [cumsum(fijn)]'; %number of values in the ith group
344 344 %which are less than zj plus one %which are less than zj plus one
345 345 %half the number of values in this %half the number of values in this
346 346 %group which are equal to zj. It is %group which are equal to zj. It is
347 347 %not adjusted for ties. %not adjusted for ties.
348 348
349 Hj = [cumsum(hj)-(hj*.5)]; %number of values in the combined samples less
349 Hj = [cumsum(hj)-(hj*.5)]; %number of values in the combined samples less
350 350 %than zj plus one half the number of values in %than zj plus one half the number of values in
351 %the combined samples equal to zj. It is
351 %the combined samples equal to zj. It is
352 352 %adjusted for ties. %adjusted for ties.
353 353
354 Hjn = [cumsum(hjn)]; %number of values in the combined samples less
354 Hjn = [cumsum(hjn)]; %number of values in the combined samples less
355 355 %than zj plus one half the number of values in %than zj plus one half the number of values in
356 356 %the combined samples equal to zj. It is not %the combined samples equal to zj. It is not
357 357 %adjusted for ties. %adjusted for ties.
... ... for i=1:k,
359 359 NN = (N*Fij-ni*Hj).^2; NN = (N*Fij-ni*Hj).^2;
360 360 DD = (Hj.*(N-Hj))-(N*hj./4); DD = (Hj.*(N-Hj))-(N*hj./4);
361 361 ADK1 = ADK1 + (1/ni*sum(hj.*(NN./DD))); ADK1 = ADK1 + (1/ni*sum(hj.*(NN./DD)));
363 363 NNn = (N*Fijn-ni*Hjn).^2; NNn = (N*Fijn-ni*Hjn).^2;
364 364 DDn = Hjn.*(N-Hjn); DDn = Hjn.*(N-Hjn);
365 365 ADK1n = ADK1n + (1/ni*sum(hjn.*(NNn./DDn))); ADK1n = ADK1n + (1/ni*sum(hjn.*(NNn./DDn)));
... ... d = (2*T+6)*k^2-4*T*k;
388 388
389 389 vADK = ((a*N^3)+(b*N^2)+(c*N)+d)/((N-1)*(N-2)*(N-3)); vADK = ((a*N^3)+(b*N^2)+(c*N)+d)/((N-1)*(N-2)*(N-3));
390 390
391 ADKs = (ADK-(k-1))/sqrt(vADK); %standardized k-sample Anderson-Darling
391 ADKs = (ADK-(k-1))/sqrt(vADK); %standardized k-sample Anderson-Darling
392 392 %statistic %statistic
393 393
394 ADKsn = (ADKn-(k-1))/sqrt(vADK); %standardized k-sample Anderson-Darling
394 ADKsn = (ADKn-(k-1))/sqrt(vADK); %standardized k-sample Anderson-Darling
395 395 %statistic not adjusted for ties %statistic not adjusted for ties
396 396
397 397 %k-sample Anderson-Darling P-value calculation by an extrapolate-interpolate %k-sample Anderson-Darling P-value calculation by an extrapolate-interpolate
... ... Pn = 1/(1+exp(Y));
451 451 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
452 452 %Optional k-sample Anderson-Darling critical value calculation procedure %Optional k-sample Anderson-Darling critical value calculation procedure
453 453 % zc=norminv(1-alpha); % zc=norminv(1-alpha);
454 %
454 %
455 455 % if (alpha == 0.25), % if (alpha == 0.25),
456 456 % ADKc = 1 + sqrt(vADK)*(zc+(0.25/sqrt(k-1)) - (-0.105/(k-1))); % ADKc = 1 + sqrt(vADK)*(zc+(0.25/sqrt(k-1)) - (-0.105/(k-1)));
457 457 % elseif (alpha == 0.10), % elseif (alpha == 0.10),
... ... if Pn >= alpha;
487 487 disp('The populations from which the k-samples of data were drawn are identical:'); disp('The populations from which the k-samples of data were drawn are identical:');
488 488 disp('natural groupings have no significant effect (unstructurated).'); disp('natural groupings have no significant effect (unstructurated).');
489 489 else else
490 disp('The samples were drawn from different populations: data may be considered');
490 disp('The samples were drawn from different populations: data may be considered');
491 491 disp('structurated with respect to the random of fixed effect in question.'); disp('structurated with respect to the random of fixed effect in question.');
492 492 end end
493 493 disp('----------------------------------------------------------------------------') disp('----------------------------------------------------------------------------')
... ... if P >= alpha;
502 502 disp('The populations from which the k-samples of data were drawn are identical:'); disp('The populations from which the k-samples of data were drawn are identical:');
503 503 disp('natural groupings have no significant effect (unstructurated).'); disp('natural groupings have no significant effect (unstructurated).');
504 504 else else
505 disp('The samples were drawn from different populations: data may be considered');
505 disp('The samples were drawn from different populations: data may be considered');
506 506 disp('structurated with respect to the random of fixed effect in question.'); disp('structurated with respect to the random of fixed effect in question.');
507 507 end end
508 508 disp('----------------------------------------------------------------------------') disp('----------------------------------------------------------------------------')
File misc/3rdparty/DataHash.m changed (mode: 100644) (index a5dde25..ae29a53)
... ... if nArg == 2
121 121 error(['JSimon:', mfilename, ':BadInput2'], ... error(['JSimon:', mfilename, ':BadInput2'], ...
122 122 '*** %s: 2nd input [Opt] must be a struct.', mfilename); '*** %s: 2nd input [Opt] must be a struct.', mfilename);
123 123 end end
125 125 % Specify hash algorithm: % Specify hash algorithm:
126 126 if isfield(Opt, 'Method') if isfield(Opt, 'Method')
127 127 Method = upper(Opt.Method); Method = upper(Opt.Method);
128 128 end end
130 130 % Specify output format: % Specify output format:
131 131 if isfield(Opt, 'Format') if isfield(Opt, 'Format')
132 132 OutFormat = Opt.Format; OutFormat = Opt.Format;
133 133 end end
135 135 % Check if the Input type is specified - default: 'array': % Check if the Input type is specified - default: 'array':
136 136 if isfield(Opt, 'Input') if isfield(Opt, 'Input')
137 137 if strcmpi(Opt.Input, 'File') if strcmpi(Opt.Input, 'File')
... ... if nArg == 2
140 140 error(['JSimon:', mfilename, ':CannotOpen'], ... error(['JSimon:', mfilename, ':CannotOpen'], ...
141 141 '*** %s: 1st input is not a file name', mfilename); '*** %s: 1st input is not a file name', mfilename);
142 142 end end
144 144 if exist(Data, 'file') ~= 2 if exist(Data, 'file') ~= 2
145 145 error(['JSimon:', mfilename, ':FileNotFound'], ... error(['JSimon:', mfilename, ':FileNotFound'], ...
146 146 '*** %s: File not found: %s.', mfilename, Data); '*** %s: File not found: %s.', mfilename, Data);
147 147 end end
149 149 elseif strncmpi(Opt.Input, 'bin', 3) % Accept 'binary' elseif strncmpi(Opt.Input, 'bin', 3) % Accept 'binary'
150 150 isBin = true; isBin = true;
151 151 if (isnumeric(Data) || ischar(Data) || islogical(Data)) == 0 if (isnumeric(Data) || ischar(Data) || islogical(Data)) == 0
... ... if nArg == 2
154 154 end end
155 155 end end
156 156 end end
158 158 elseif nArg ~= 1 % Bad number of arguments: elseif nArg ~= 1 % Bad number of arguments:
159 159 error(['JSimon:', mfilename, ':BadNInput'], ... error(['JSimon:', mfilename, ':BadNInput'], ...
160 160 '*** %s: 1 or 2 inputs required.', mfilename); '*** %s: 1 or 2 inputs required.', mfilename);
... ... if isFile
178 178 end end
179 179 Data = fread(FID, Inf, '*uint8'); Data = fread(FID, Inf, '*uint8');
180 180 fclose(FID); fclose(FID);
182 182 Engine.update(Data); Engine.update(Data);
183 183 if usetypecastx if usetypecastx
184 184 Hash = typecastx(Engine.digest, 'uint8'); Hash = typecastx(Engine.digest, 'uint8');
... ... elseif isBin % Contents of an elementary array:
197 197 Engine.update(typecastx(imag(Data(:)), 'uint8')); Engine.update(typecastx(imag(Data(:)), 'uint8'));
198 198 end end
199 199 Hash = typecastx(Engine.digest, 'uint8'); Hash = typecastx(Engine.digest, 'uint8');
201 201 else % Matlab's TYPECAST is less elegant: else % Matlab's TYPECAST is less elegant:
202 202 if isnumeric(Data) if isnumeric(Data)
203 203 if isreal(Data) if isreal(Data)
... ... elseif isBin % Contents of an elementary array:
214 214 end end
215 215 Hash = typecast(Engine.digest, 'uint8'); Hash = typecast(Engine.digest, 'uint8');
216 216 end end
218 218 elseif usetypecastx % Faster typecastx: elseif usetypecastx % Faster typecastx:
219 219 Engine = CoreHash_(Data, Engine); Engine = CoreHash_(Data, Engine);
220 220 Hash = typecastx(Engine.digest, 'uint8'); Hash = typecastx(Engine.digest, 'uint8');
222 222 else % Slower built-in TYPECAST: else % Slower built-in TYPECAST:
223 223 Engine = CoreHash(Data, Engine); Engine = CoreHash(Data, Engine);
224 224 Hash = typecast(Engine.digest, 'uint8'); Hash = typecast(Engine.digest, 'uint8');
... ... Engine.update([uint8(class(Data)), typecastx(size(Data), 'uint8')]);
256 256 if isstruct(Data) % Hash for all array elements and fields: if isstruct(Data) % Hash for all array elements and fields:
257 257 F = sort(fieldnames(Data)); % Ignore order of fields F = sort(fieldnames(Data)); % Ignore order of fields
258 258 Engine = CoreHash_(F, Engine); % Catch the fieldnames Engine = CoreHash_(F, Engine); % Catch the fieldnames
260 260 for iS = 1:numel(Data) % Loop over elements of struct array for iS = 1:numel(Data) % Loop over elements of struct array
261 261 for iField = 1:length(F) % Loop over fields for iField = 1:length(F) % Loop over fields
262 262 Engine = CoreHash_(Data(iS).(F{iField}), Engine); Engine = CoreHash_(Data(iS).(F{iField}), Engine);
263 263 end end
264 264 end end
266 266 elseif iscell(Data) % Get hash for all cell elements: elseif iscell(Data) % Get hash for all cell elements:
267 267 for iS = 1:numel(Data) for iS = 1:numel(Data)
268 268 Engine = CoreHash_(Data{iS}, Engine); Engine = CoreHash_(Data{iS}, Engine);
269 269 end end
271 271 elseif isnumeric(Data) || islogical(Data) || ischar(Data) elseif isnumeric(Data) || islogical(Data) || ischar(Data)
272 272 if isempty(Data) == 0 if isempty(Data) == 0
273 273 if isreal(Data) % TRUE for LOGICAL and CHAR also: if isreal(Data) % TRUE for LOGICAL and CHAR also:
... ... elseif isnumeric(Data) || islogical(Data) || ischar(Data)
277 277 Engine.update(typecastx(imag(Data(:)), 'uint8')); Engine.update(typecastx(imag(Data(:)), 'uint8'));
278 278 end end
279 279 end end
281 281 elseif isa(Data, 'function_handle') elseif isa(Data, 'function_handle')
282 282 Engine = CoreHash(ConvertFuncHandle(Data), Engine); Engine = CoreHash(ConvertFuncHandle(Data), Engine);
284 284 else % Most likely this is a user-defined object: else % Most likely this is a user-defined object:
285 285 try try
286 286 Engine = CoreHash(ConvertObject(Data), Engine); Engine = CoreHash(ConvertObject(Data), Engine);
File misc/3rdparty/GetFullPath/GetFullPath.m changed (mode: 100644 -> 100755) (index 79788af..8820f3b)
... ... if isempty(hasDataRead)
125 125 % ['GetFullPath: Using slow Matlab-version instead of fast Mex.', ... % ['GetFullPath: Using slow Matlab-version instead of fast Mex.', ...
126 126 % char(10), 'Compile: InstallMex GetFullPath.c']); % char(10), 'Compile: InstallMex GetFullPath.c']);
127 127 %end %end
129 129 % DATAREAD is deprecated in 2011b, but still available. In Matlab 6.5, REGEXP % DATAREAD is deprecated in 2011b, but still available. In Matlab 6.5, REGEXP
130 130 % does not know the 'split' command, therefore DATAREAD is preferred: % does not know the 'split' command, therefore DATAREAD is preferred:
131 131 hasDataRead = ~isempty(which('dataread')); hasDataRead = ~isempty(which('dataread'));
... ... end
149 149 if isWIN % Windows: -------------------------------------------------------- if isWIN % Windows: --------------------------------------------------------
150 150 FSep = '\'; FSep = '\';
151 151 File = strrep(File, '/', FSep); File = strrep(File, '/', FSep);
153 153 % Remove the magic key on demand, it is appended finally again: % Remove the magic key on demand, it is appended finally again:
154 154 if strncmp(File, '\\?\', 4) if strncmp(File, '\\?\', 4)
155 155 if strncmpi(File, '\\?\UNC\', 8) if strncmpi(File, '\\?\UNC\', 8)
... ... if isWIN % Windows: --------------------------------------------------------
158 158 File = File(5:length(File)); File = File(5:length(File));
159 159 end end
160 160 end end
162 162 isUNC = strncmp(File, '\\', 2); isUNC = strncmp(File, '\\', 2);
163 163 FileLen = length(File); FileLen = length(File);
164 164 if isUNC == 0 % File is not a UNC path if isUNC == 0 % File is not a UNC path
... ... if isWIN % Windows: --------------------------------------------------------
172 172 ThePath = ThePath(1:3); % Drive letter only ThePath = ThePath(1:3); % Drive letter only
173 173 end end
174 174 end end
176 176 if FileLen < 2 || File(2) ~= ':' % Does not start with drive letter if FileLen < 2 || File(2) ~= ':' % Does not start with drive letter
177 177 if ThePath(length(ThePath)) ~= FSep if ThePath(length(ThePath)) ~= FSep
178 178 if File(1) ~= FSep if File(1) ~= FSep
... ... if isWIN % Windows: --------------------------------------------------------
188 188 File = [ThePath, File]; File = [ThePath, File];
189 189 end end
190 190 end end
192 192 elseif FileLen == 2 && File(2) == ':' % "C:" current directory on C! elseif FileLen == 2 && File(2) == ':' % "C:" current directory on C!
193 193 % "C:" is the current directory on the C-disk, even if the current % "C:" is the current directory on the C-disk, even if the current
194 194 % directory is on another disk! This was ignored in Matlab 6.5, but % directory is on another disk! This was ignored in Matlab 6.5, but
... ... if isWIN % Windows: --------------------------------------------------------
208 208 end end
209 209 end end
210 210 end end
212 212 else % Linux, MacOS: --------------------------------------------------- else % Linux, MacOS: ---------------------------------------------------
213 213 FSep = '/'; FSep = '/';
214 214 File = strrep(File, '\', FSep); File = strrep(File, '\', FSep);
216 216 if strcmp(File, '~') || strncmp(File, '~/', 2) % Home directory: if strcmp(File, '~') || strncmp(File, '~/', 2) % Home directory:
217 217 HomeDir = getenv('HOME'); HomeDir = getenv('HOME');
218 218 if ~isempty(HomeDir) if ~isempty(HomeDir)
219 219 File(1) = []; File(1) = [];
220 220 File = [HomeDir, File]; File = [HomeDir, File];
221 221 end end
223 223 elseif strncmpi(File, FSep, 1) == 0 elseif strncmpi(File, FSep, 1) == 0
224 224 % Append relative path to current folder: % Append relative path to current folder:
225 225 ThePath = cd; ThePath = cd;
... ... if ~isempty(strfind(File, [FSep, '.']))
251 251 Drive = FSep; Drive = FSep;
252 252 File(1) = []; File(1) = [];
253 253 end end
255 255 hasTrailFSep = (File(length(File)) == FSep); hasTrailFSep = (File(length(File)) == FSep);
256 256 if hasTrailFSep if hasTrailFSep
257 257 File(length(File)) = []; File(length(File)) = [];
258 258 end end
260 260 if hasDataRead if hasDataRead
261 261 if isWIN % Need "\\" as separator: if isWIN % Need "\\" as separator:
262 262 C = dataread('string', File, '%s', 'delimiter', '\\'); %#ok<REMFF1> C = dataread('string', File, '%s', 'delimiter', '\\'); %#ok<REMFF1>
... ... if ~isempty(strfind(File, [FSep, '.']))
266 266 else % Use the slower REGEXP, when DATAREAD is not available anymore: else % Use the slower REGEXP, when DATAREAD is not available anymore:
267 267 C = regexp(File, FSep, 'split'); C = regexp(File, FSep, 'split');
268 268 end end
270 270 % Remove '\.\' directly without side effects: % Remove '\.\' directly without side effects:
271 271 C(strcmp(C, '.')) = []; C(strcmp(C, '.')) = [];
273 273 % Remove '\..' with the parent recursively: % Remove '\..' with the parent recursively:
274 274 R = 1:length(C); R = 1:length(C);
275 275 for dd = reshape(find(strcmp(C, '..')), 1, []) for dd = reshape(find(strcmp(C, '..')), 1, [])
... ... if ~isempty(strfind(File, [FSep, '.']))
279 279 R(index - 1) = []; R(index - 1) = [];
280 280 end end
281 281 end end
283 283 if isempty(R) if isempty(R)
284 284 File = Drive; File = Drive;
285 285 if isUNC && ~hasTrailFSep if isUNC && ~hasTrailFSep
286 286 File(length(File)) = []; File(length(File)) = [];
287 287 end end
289 289 elseif isWIN elseif isWIN
290 290 % If you have CStr2String, use the faster: % If you have CStr2String, use the faster:
291 291 % File = CStr2String(C(R), FSep, hasTrailFSep); % File = CStr2String(C(R), FSep, hasTrailFSep);
... ... if ~isempty(strfind(File, [FSep, '.']))
295 295 else else
296 296 File = [Drive, File(1:length(File) - 1)]; File = [Drive, File(1:length(File) - 1)];
297 297 end end
299 299 else % Unix: else % Unix:
300 300 File = [Drive, sprintf('%s/', C{R})]; File = [Drive, sprintf('%s/', C{R})];
301 301 if ~hasTrailFSep if ~hasTrailFSep
... ... if isWIN
310 310 error(['JSimon:', mfilename, ':BadTypeInput2'], ... error(['JSimon:', mfilename, ':BadTypeInput2'], ...
311 311 ['*** ', mfilename, ': Input must be a string or cell string']); ['*** ', mfilename, ': Input must be a string or cell string']);
312 312 end end
314 314 if (strncmpi(Style, 'a', 1) && length(File) >= MAX_PATH) || ... if (strncmpi(Style, 'a', 1) && length(File) >= MAX_PATH) || ...
315 315 strncmpi(Style, 'f', 1) strncmpi(Style, 'f', 1)
316 316 % Do not use [isUNC] here, because this concerns the input, which can % Do not use [isUNC] here, because this concerns the input, which can
File misc/3rdparty/GetFullPath/InstallMex.m changed (mode: 100644 -> 100755) (index c3fc72f..89f88f1)
... ... end
148 148 Flags = cat(1, Flags(:), Param(:)); Flags = cat(1, Flags(:), Param(:));
149 149 cmd = ['mex', sprintf(' %s', Flags{:})]; cmd = ['mex', sprintf(' %s', Flags{:})];
150 150 fprintf(' %s\n', cmd); fprintf(' %s\n', cmd);
152 152 try try
153 153 % Start the compilation: % Start the compilation:
154 154 cd(SourcePath); cd(SourcePath);
155 155 mex(Flags{:}); mex(Flags{:});
156 156 fprintf('Success:\n %s\n', which([SourceName, '.', mexext])); fprintf('Success:\n %s\n', which([SourceName, '.', mexext]));
157 157 compiled = true; compiled = true;
159 159 catch % No MException to support Matlab 6.5 catch % No MException to support Matlab 6.5
160 160 compiled = false; compiled = false;
161 161 err = lasterror; err = lasterror;
File misc/3rdparty/GetFullPath/uTest_GetFullPath.m changed (mode: 100644 -> 100755) (index 8003311..f428e99)
... ... isWindows = ispc;
34 34
35 35 [dum, fName, fExt] = fileparts(whichFunc); %#ok<ASGLU> [dum, fName, fExt] = fileparts(whichFunc); %#ok<ASGLU>
36 36 examined = [fName, fExt]; examined = [fName, fExt];
38 38 if isWindows if isWindows
39 39 magicLong = '\\?\'; magicLong = '\\?\';
40 40 magicUNC = '\\?\UNC\'; magicUNC = '\\?\UNC\';
... ... if isWindows
134 134 fullfile(UNCPath, longName, longName), ... % Input fullfile(UNCPath, longName, longName), ... % Input
135 135 fullfile(magicUNC, UNCBare, longName, longName); ... % Want fullfile(magicUNC, UNCBare, longName, longName); ... % Want
136 136 }); });
138 138 else else
139 139 TestSet = cat(1, TestSet, { ... TestSet = cat(1, TestSet, { ...
140 140 fullfile(Base, '..', '..'), '/'; ... fullfile(Base, '..', '..'), '/'; ...
... ... for iTest = 1:size(TestSet, 1)
157 157 In_ = strrep(In, longName, longReplace); In_ = strrep(In, longName, longReplace);
158 158 Got_ = strrep(Got, longName, longReplace); Got_ = strrep(Got, longName, longReplace);
159 159 Want_ = strrep(Want, longName, longReplace); Want_ = strrep(Want, longName, longReplace);
161 161 if strcmpi(Got, Want) if strcmpi(Got, Want)
162 162 fprintf(' ok: [%s]\n => [%s]\n', In_, Want_); fprintf(' ok: [%s]\n => [%s]\n', In_, Want_);
163 163 else else
... ... for i = depth:-1:2
206 206 try try
207 207 cf = GetFullPath(testStr); cf = GetFullPath(testStr);
208 208 xfl = fl(:, 1:i - 1); xfl = fl(:, 1:i - 1);
210 210 % Construct the reply by hand: % Construct the reply by hand:
211 211 cf2 = cat(2, xfl{:}, testFolder); cf2 = cat(2, xfl{:}, testFolder);
212 212 if strcmpi(cf, cf2) if strcmpi(cf, cf2)
... ... for i = depth:-1:2
234 234 try try
235 235 cf = GetFullPath(testStr); cf = GetFullPath(testStr);
236 236 xfl = fl(:, 1:i - 1); xfl = fl(:, 1:i - 1);
238 238 % Construct the reply by hand: % Construct the reply by hand:
239 239 cf2 = [cat(2, xfl{:}), testFile]; cf2 = [cat(2, xfl{:}), testFile];
240 240 if strcmpi(cf, cf2) if strcmpi(cf, cf2)
... ... for i = depth:-1:2
263 263 try try
264 264 cf = GetFullPath(testStr); cf = GetFullPath(testStr);
265 265 xfl = fl(:, 1:i - 1); xfl = fl(:, 1:i - 1);
267 267 % Construct the reply by hand: % Construct the reply by hand:
268 268 cf2 = [cat(2, xfl{:}), testFolder]; cf2 = [cat(2, xfl{:}), testFolder];
269 269 if strcmpi(cf, cf2) if strcmpi(cf, cf2)
... ... for i = depth:-1:2
292 292 try try
293 293 cf = GetFullPath(testStr); cf = GetFullPath(testStr);
294 294 xfl = fl(:, 1:i - 1); xfl = fl(:, 1:i - 1);
296 296 % Construct the reply by hand: % Construct the reply by hand:
297 297 cf2 = [cat(2, xfl{:}), testFile]; cf2 = [cat(2, xfl{:}), testFile];
298 298 if strcmpi(cf, cf2) if strcmpi(cf, cf2)
... ... for i = depth:-1:1
318 318 testStr = [testStr, FSep, '..']; %#ok<AGROW> testStr = [testStr, FSep, '..']; %#ok<AGROW>
319 319 try try
320 320 cf = GetFullPath(testStr); cf = GetFullPath(testStr);
322 322 % Construct the reply by hand: % Construct the reply by hand:
323 323 cf2 = CleanReply(testStr); cf2 = CleanReply(testStr);
324 324 if strcmpi(cf, cf2) if strcmpi(cf, cf2)
... ... end
342 342 if isWindows if isWindows
343 343 fprintf('\n== Test Magic prefix under Windows:\n'); fprintf('\n== Test Magic prefix under Windows:\n');
344 344 MAX_PATH = 260; MAX_PATH = 260;
346 346 % Test data folders do not need to exist: % Test data folders do not need to exist:
347 347 longName = repmat('a', 1, 250); longName = repmat('a', 1, 250);
348 348 testData = {'C:\Temp', fullfile('C:\Temp', longName, longName), ... testData = {'C:\Temp', fullfile('C:\Temp', longName, longName), ...
... ... if isWindows
352 352 '\\Server\Share', ... '\\Server\Share', ...
353 353 fullfile('\\Server\Share', longName, longName), ... fullfile('\\Server\Share', longName, longName), ...
354 354 'short', fullfile(longName, longName)}; 'short', fullfile(longName, longName)};
356 356 cd(tempdir); cd(tempdir);
358 358 for iTestData = 1:numel(testData) for iTestData = 1:numel(testData)
359 359 folder = testData{iTestData}; % Need not exist folder = testData{iTestData}; % Need not exist
360 360 leanPath = GetFullPath(folder, 'lean'); leanPath = GetFullPath(folder, 'lean');
361 361 fatPath = GetFullPath(folder, 'fat'); fatPath = GetFullPath(folder, 'fat');
362 362 autoPath = GetFullPath(folder, 'auto'); autoPath = GetFullPath(folder, 'auto');
364 364 fullWant = GetFullPath(folder); fullWant = GetFullPath(folder);
365 365 leanWant = strrep(strrep(fullWant, '\\?\UNC', '\'), '\\?\', ''); leanWant = strrep(strrep(fullWant, '\\?\UNC', '\'), '\\?\', '');
366 366 uncIndex = strfind(fullWant, '\Server\Share'); uncIndex = strfind(fullWant, '\Server\Share');
... ... if isWindows
374 374 else else
375 375 autoWant = leanWant; autoWant = leanWant;
376 376 end end
378 378 if strcmp(leanPath, leanWant) == 0 if strcmp(leanPath, leanWant) == 0
379 379 error(ErrID, '%s: Unexpected name for lean style?! [%s]', ... error(ErrID, '%s: Unexpected name for lean style?! [%s]', ...
380 380 mfilename, leanPath); mfilename, leanPath);
File misc/3rdparty/Singleton.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 34e24ec..4aa6a56)
... ... classdef Singleton < handle
24 24 % 1. Constructor must be hidden from the user (Access=private). % 1. Constructor must be hidden from the user (Access=private).
25 25 % 2. The concrete implementation of instance() must use a persistent % 2. The concrete implementation of instance() must use a persistent
26 26 % variable to store the unique instance of the subclass. % variable to store the unique instance of the subclass.
27 %
27 %
28 28 % Refer to pp.127-134 Gamma et al.[1] for more information on the % Refer to pp.127-134 Gamma et al.[1] for more information on the
29 29 % Singleton Design Pattern. % Singleton Design Pattern.
30 %
30 %
31 31 % Written by Bobby Nedelkovski % Written by Bobby Nedelkovski
32 32 % The MathWorks Australia Pty Ltd % The MathWorks Australia Pty Ltd
33 33 % Copyright 2009, The MathWorks, Inc. % Copyright 2009, The MathWorks, Inc.
... ... classdef Singleton < handle
42 42 properties(Access=private) properties(Access=private)
43 43 singletonData = []; singletonData = [];
44 44 end end
46 46 methods(Abstract, Static) methods(Abstract, Static)
47 47 % This method serves as the global point of access in creating a % This method serves as the global point of access in creating a
48 48 % single instance *or* acquiring a reference to the singleton. % single instance *or* acquiring a reference to the singleton.
... ... classdef Singleton < handle
54 54 % obj = reference to a persistent instance of the class % obj = reference to a persistent instance of the class
55 55 obj = instance(); obj = instance();
56 56 end end
58 58 methods % Public Access methods % Public Access
59 59 % Accessor method for querying the singleton data. % Accessor method for querying the singleton data.
60 60 % Input: % Input:
... ... classdef Singleton < handle
64 64 function singletonData = getSingletonData(obj) function singletonData = getSingletonData(obj)
65 65 singletonData = obj.singletonData; singletonData = obj.singletonData;
66 66 end end
68 68 % Accessor method for modifying the singleton data. % Accessor method for modifying the singleton data.
69 69 % Input: % Input:
70 70 % obj = reference to the singleton instance of the subclass % obj = reference to the singleton instance of the subclass
... ... classdef Singleton < handle
74 74 function setSingletonData(obj, singletonData) function setSingletonData(obj, singletonData)
75 75 obj.singletonData = singletonData; obj.singletonData = singletonData;
76 76 end end
78 78 end end
79 79
80 80 end end
File misc/3rdparty/allcomb.m changed (mode: 100644) (index a200cc3..5e5ea44)
... ... function A = allcomb(varargin)
33 33 % % 'Bye' [1x3 double] [] } ; % a 8-by-3 cell array % % 'Bye' [1x3 double] [] } ; % a 8-by-3 cell array
34 34 % %
35 35 % ALLCOMB(..., 'matlab') causes the first column to change fastest which % ALLCOMB(..., 'matlab') causes the first column to change fastest which
36 % is consistent with matlab indexing. Example:
37 % allcomb(1:2,3:4,5:6,'matlab')
36 % is consistent with matlab indexing. Example:
37 % allcomb(1:2,3:4,5:6,'matlab')
38 38 % % -> [ 1 3 5 ; 1 4 5 ; 1 3 6 ; ... ; 2 4 6 ] % % -> [ 1 3 5 ; 1 4 5 ; 1 3 6 ; ... ; 2 4 6 ]
39 39 % %
40 40 % If one of the arguments is empty, ALLCOMB returns a 0-by-N empty array. % If one of the arguments is empty, ALLCOMB returns a 0-by-N empty array.
41 %
41 %
43 43 % and NCHOOSE, COMBN, KTHCOMBN (Matlab Central FEX) % and NCHOOSE, COMBN, KTHCOMBN (Matlab Central FEX)
44 44
... ... elseif NC > 1
90 90 end end
91 91 % for cell input, we use to indices to get all combinations % for cell input, we use to indices to get all combinations
92 92 ix = cellfun(@(c) 1:numel(c), args,'un',0) ; ix = cellfun(@(c) 1:numel(c), args,'un',0) ;
94 94 % flip using ii if last column is changing fastest % flip using ii if last column is changing fastest
95 95 [ix{ii}] = ndgrid(ix{ii}) ; [ix{ii}] = ndgrid(ix{ii}) ;
97 97 A = cell(numel(ix{1}),NC) ; % pre-allocate the output A = cell(numel(ix{1}),NC) ; % pre-allocate the output
98 98 for k=1:NC, for k=1:NC,
99 99 % combine % combine
File misc/3rdparty/allcomb_invert.m changed (mode: 100644) (index d18d9c8..47866d8)
1 1 function factorlist = allcomb_invert(array) function factorlist = allcomb_invert(array)
2 % invert the Cartesian product:
3 % if array = allcomb(list_1, ..., list_n), return list_1, ..., list_n (column vectors)
4 [elems, list_no] = size(array);
5 factorlist = {};
6 if isequal(class(array),'double')
7 for k=1:list_no
8 factorlist{k} = unique(array(:,k), 'stable');
9 end
10 % functionality for handling nonnumeric input does not work yet
11 % elseif isequal(class(array),'cell')
12 % for k=1:list_no
13 % factorlist{k} = unique({array{:,k}}, 'stable');
14 % end
15 else
16 error('Input to allcomb_invert must be cell array or double array');
17 end
2 % invert the Cartesian product:
3 % if array = allcomb(list_1, ..., list_n), return list_1, ..., list_n (column vectors)
4 [elems, list_no] = size(array);
5 factorlist = {};
6 if isequal(class(array),'double')
7 for k=1:list_no
8 factorlist{k} = unique(array(:,k), 'stable');
9 end
10 % functionality for handling nonnumeric input does not work yet
11 % elseif isequal(class(array),'cell')
12 % for k=1:list_no
13 % factorlist{k} = unique({array{:,k}}, 'stable');
14 % end
15 else
16 error('Input to allcomb_invert must be cell array or double array');
17 end
File misc/3rdparty/allcomb_invert_test.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 7c517ab..df8d045)
1 1 function test_suite = allcomb_invert_test %#ok<STOUT> function test_suite = allcomb_invert_test %#ok<STOUT>
2 initTestSuite;
2 initTestSuite;
3 3
4 4 function two_dimensional_numeric_test function two_dimensional_numeric_test
5 list_1 = [1:2]';
6 list_2 = [10:12]';
7 lists = {list_1, list_2};
5 list_1 = [1:2]';
6 list_2 = [10:12]';
7 lists = {list_1, list_2};
8 8
9 cartprod = allcomb(lists{:});
10 factorlist = allcomb_invert(cartprod);
11 assertEqual(factorlist, lists)
9 cartprod = allcomb(lists{:});
10 factorlist = allcomb_invert(cartprod);
11 assertEqual(factorlist, lists)
12 12
13 13 function two_dimensional_numeric_unsorted_test function two_dimensional_numeric_unsorted_test
14 list_1 = [1; 2];
15 list_2 = [11; 10; 12];
16 lists = {list_1, list_2};
14 list_1 = [1; 2];
15 list_2 = [11; 10; 12];
16 lists = {list_1, list_2};
17 17
18 cartprod = allcomb(lists{:});
19 factorlist = allcomb_invert(cartprod);
20 assertEqual(factorlist, lists)
18 cartprod = allcomb(lists{:});
19 factorlist = allcomb_invert(cartprod);
20 assertEqual(factorlist, lists)
21 21
22 22 function two_dimensional_singleton_test function two_dimensional_singleton_test
23 list_1 = 1;
24 list_2 = [10:12]';
25 lists = {list_1, list_2};
23 list_1 = 1;
24 list_2 = [10:12]';
25 lists = {list_1, list_2};
26 26
27 cartprod = allcomb(lists{:});
28 factorlist = allcomb_invert(cartprod);
29 assertEqual(factorlist, lists)
27 cartprod = allcomb(lists{:});
28 factorlist = allcomb_invert(cartprod);
29 assertEqual(factorlist, lists)
30 30
31 31 function three_dimensional_numeric_test function three_dimensional_numeric_test
32 list_1 = [1; 2];
33 list_2 = [11; 10; 12];
34 list_3 = [11; 100; -12; 1];
35 lists = {list_1, list_2, list_3};
32 list_1 = [1; 2];
33 list_2 = [11; 10; 12];
34 list_3 = [11; 100; -12; 1];
35 lists = {list_1, list_2, list_3};
36 36
37 cartprod = allcomb(lists{:});
38 factorlist = allcomb_invert(cartprod);
39 assertEqual(factorlist, lists)
37 cartprod = allcomb(lists{:});
38 factorlist = allcomb_invert(cartprod);
39 assertEqual(factorlist, lists)
40 40
41 41 function random_numeric_test function random_numeric_test
42 list_1 = randn(10,1);
43 list_2 = randn(10,1);
44 list_3 = randn(10,1);
45 lists = {list_1, list_2, list_3};
47 cartprod = allcomb(lists{:});
48 factorlist = allcomb_invert(cartprod);
49 assertEqual(factorlist, lists)
42 list_1 = randn(10,1);
43 list_2 = randn(10,1);
44 list_3 = randn(10,1);
45 lists = {list_1, list_2, list_3};
47 cartprod = allcomb(lists{:});
48 factorlist = allcomb_invert(cartprod);
49 assertEqual(factorlist, lists)
50 50
51 51 % % functionality for handling nonnumeric input does not work yet % % functionality for handling nonnumeric input does not work yet
52 52 % function two_dimensional_nonnumeric_test % function two_dimensional_nonnumeric_test
File misc/3rdparty/bplot.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 24b1c7b..cedb79a)
1 1 % function forLegend = bplot(X,varargin) % function forLegend = bplot(X,varargin)
2 2 % This function will create a nice boxplot from a set of data. You don't % This function will create a nice boxplot from a set of data. You don't
3 3 % need any toolboxes. % need any toolboxes.
4 %
4 %
5 5 % bplot(D) will create a boxplot of data D, no fuss. % bplot(D) will create a boxplot of data D, no fuss.
6 %
6 %
7 7 % T = bplot(D) If X is a matrix, there is one box per column; if X is a % T = bplot(D) If X is a matrix, there is one box per column; if X is a
8 8 % vector, there is just one box. On each box, the central % vector, there is just one box. On each box, the central
9 9 % mark is the median, the edges of the box are the 25th and % mark is the median, the edges of the box are the 25th and
10 10 % 75th percentiles % 75th percentiles
11 11 % array 'T' for a legend. You can add the legend as legend(T) % array 'T' for a legend. You can add the legend as legend(T)
12 %
12 %
13 13 % T = bplot(D,x) will plot the boxplot of data D above the 'x' value x % T = bplot(D,x) will plot the boxplot of data D above the 'x' value x
14 %
14 %
15 15 % T = bplot(D,y,'horiz') will plot a horizontal boxplot at the 'y' value of y % T = bplot(D,y,'horiz') will plot a horizontal boxplot at the 'y' value of y
16 %
16 %
17 17 % T = bplot(...,'Property', . . . ) % T = bplot(...,'Property', . . . )
18 18 % T = bplot(...,'PropertyName',PropertyValue, . . . ) % T = bplot(...,'PropertyName',PropertyValue, . . . )
19 %
19 %
21 %
21 %
22 22 % 'horizontal': Display the boxplot along the horizontal axis. The % 'horizontal': Display the boxplot along the horizontal axis. The
23 23 % default is to display the boxplot vertically. % default is to display the boxplot vertically.
24 24 % 'horiz' % 'horiz'
45 45 % 'boxes','boxedge' % 'boxes','boxedge'
46 46 % 'whisker': Set the percentage of points that the whiskers % 'whisker': Set the percentage of points that the whiskers
47 47 % span. Default is the 9% and 91%. Choose only the % span. Default is the 9% and 91%. Choose only the
48 % lower number in %, for example: 9.
48 % lower number in %, for example: 9.
49 49 % 'whiskers','whiskeredge' % 'whiskers','whiskeredge'
50 50 % 'linewidth': Set the width of all the lines. % 'linewidth': Set the width of all the lines.
51 51 % 'color': Change the color of all the lines. If you use this % 'color': Change the color of all the lines. If you use this
57 57 % horizontal plots the height is 1.5/20 of the y axis % horizontal plots the height is 1.5/20 of the y axis
58 58 % the bars. % the bars.
59 59 % 'barwidth' % 'barwidth'
60 %
61 %% Jitter feature
60 %
61 %% Jitter feature
62 62 % The boxplot has a cool jitter feature which will help you view each % The boxplot has a cool jitter feature which will help you view each
63 63 % outlier separately even if two have identical values. It jitters the % outlier separately even if two have identical values. It jitters the
64 64 % points around the other axis so that you can see exactly how many are % points around the other axis so that you can see exactly how many are
65 65 % there. % there.
66 %
67 % % Examples:
66 %
67 % % Examples:
68 68 % bplot(randn(30,3),'outliers') % bplot(randn(30,3),'outliers')
69 69 % bplot(randn(30,3),'color','black'); % bplot(randn(30,3),'color','black');
70 70 % ---- % ----
71 71 % X = round(randn(30,4)*5)/5; % random, with some duplicates % X = round(randn(30,4)*5)/5; % random, with some duplicates
72 72 % T = bplot(X,'points'); % T = bplot(X,'points');
73 73 % legend(T,'location','eastoutside'); % legend(T,'location','eastoutside');
74 %
74 %
75 75 %% development notes: %% development notes:
76 76 % This function was developed to be part of a larger histogram function % This function was developed to be part of a larger histogram function
77 77 % which can be found at this location: % which can be found at this location:
78 78 % %
79 %
79 %
80 80 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
81 81 % Jonathan Lansey 2013, % % Jonathan Lansey 2013, %
82 82 % questions to Lansey at % % questions to Lansey at %
83 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
83 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
84 84 %% %%
85 85 function [forLegend, boxEdge, wisEdge] = bplot(x,varargin) function [forLegend, boxEdge, wisEdge] = bplot(x,varargin)
86 86 %% save the initial hold state of the figure. %% save the initial hold state of the figure.
... ... function [forLegend, boxEdge, wisEdge] = bplot(x,varargin)
145 145
146 146 %% Initialize some things before accepting user parameters %% Initialize some things before accepting user parameters
147 147 horizontalFlag=0; horizontalFlag=0;
148 barFactor=1; %
148 barFactor=1; %
149 149 linewidth=2; linewidth=2;
150 150 forceNoLegend=0; % will any legend items be allowed in. forceNoLegend=0; % will any legend items be allowed in.
151 151 stdFlag = 0; stdFlag = 0;
152 152 meanFlag = 1; meanFlag = 1;
153 specialWidthFlag = 0; % this flag will determine whether the bar width is
153 specialWidthFlag = 0; % this flag will determine whether the bar width is
154 154 % automatically set as a proportion of the axis width % automatically set as a proportion of the axis width
155 155
156 toScale = 0; % this flag is to scale the jitter function in case the
156 toScale = 0; % this flag is to scale the jitter function in case the
157 157 % histogram function is calling it % histogram function is calling it
158 158 xoffset = 0; xoffset = 0;
159 159 if justOneInputFlag if justOneInputFlag
... ... function [forLegend, boxEdge, wisEdge] = bplot(x,varargin)
273 273 hReg2(end+1) = rectangle('Position',[y-barWidth/2,boxEdge(1),barWidth,IQR],'linewidth',linewidth,... hReg2(end+1) = rectangle('Position',[y-barWidth/2,boxEdge(1),barWidth,IQR],'linewidth',linewidth,...
274 274 'EdgeColor',boxColor, 'facecolor',[1 1 1]); 'EdgeColor',boxColor, 'facecolor',[1 1 1]);
275 275 hold on; hold on;
277 277 hReg2(end+1) = plot([y-barWidth/2 y+barWidth/2],[medianX medianX],'color',meanColor,'linewidth',linewidth); hReg2(end+1) = plot([y-barWidth/2 y+barWidth/2],[medianX medianX],'color',meanColor,'linewidth',linewidth);
278 278 if meanFlag if meanFlag
279 279 hReg2(end+1) = plot(y,meanX,'+','linewidth',linewidth,'color',meanColor,'markersize',10); hReg2(end+1) = plot(y,meanX,'+','linewidth',linewidth,'color',meanColor,'markersize',10);
... ... function [forLegend, boxEdge, wisEdge] = bplot(x,varargin)
314 314 end end
315 315 end end
316 316 end end
317 %% Remove the legend entries
317 %% Remove the legend entries
318 318 % remove extras for all the items. % remove extras for all the items.
319 319 for ii=1:length(hReg) for ii=1:length(hReg)
320 320 set(get(get(hReg(ii),'Annotation'),'LegendInformation'),'IconDisplayStyle','off'); % Exclude line from legend set(get(get(hReg(ii),'Annotation'),'LegendInformation'),'IconDisplayStyle','off'); % Exclude line from legend
... ... function [forLegend, boxEdge, wisEdge] = bplot(x,varargin)
338 338 padxfac = 2; padxfac = 2;
339 339 padyfac = .1; padyfac = .1;
340 340 end end
342 342 axis tight; axis tight;
343 343 p = axis; p = axis;
344 344 padx = (p(2)-p(1))*padxfac; pady = (p(4)-p(3))*padyfac; padx = (p(2)-p(1))*padxfac; pady = (p(4)-p(3))*padyfac;
File misc/3rdparty/brewermap.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 98eacf9..0494e1b)
... ... persistent dcs
135 135 str = 'A colorscheme must be preselected before calling without a scheme token.'; str = 'A colorscheme must be preselected before calling without a scheme token.';
136 136 % %
137 137 if nargin==0 % Current figure's colormap length and the preselected colorscheme. if nargin==0 % Current figure's colormap length and the preselected colorscheme.
138 assert(~isempty(dcs),str)
139 [map,num,typ] = cbSample([],dcs);
138 assert(~isempty(dcs),str)
139 [map,num,typ] = cbSample([],dcs);
140 140 elseif nargin==2 % Input colormap length and colorscheme. elseif nargin==2 % Input colormap length and colorscheme.
141 assert(isnumeric(N),'The first argument must be a numeric scalar, or empty.')
142 assert(ischar(scheme)&&isrow(scheme),'The second argument must be a string.')
143 [map,num,typ] = cbSample(N,scheme);
141 assert(isnumeric(N),'The first argument must be a numeric scalar, or empty.')
142 assert(ischar(scheme)&&isrow(scheme),'The second argument must be a string.')
143 [map,num,typ] = cbSample(N,scheme);
144 144 elseif isnumeric(N) % Input colormap length and the preselected colorscheme. elseif isnumeric(N) % Input colormap length and the preselected colorscheme.
145 assert(~isempty(dcs),str)
146 [map,num,typ] = cbSample(N,dcs);
145 assert(~isempty(dcs),str)
146 [map,num,typ] = cbSample(N,dcs);
147 147 else% String else% String
148 assert(ischar(N)&&isrow(N),'The first argument must be a string or numeric.')
149 % The order of <vec>: case-insensitive sort by type and then name.
150 vec = {'BrBG';'PiYG';'PRGn';'PuOr';'RdBu';'RdGy';'RdYlBu';'RdYlGn';'Spectral';'Accent';'Dark2';'Paired';'Pastel1';'Pastel2';'Set1';'Set2';'Set3';'Blues';'BuGn';'BuPu';'GnBu';'Greens';'Greys';'OrRd';'Oranges';'PuBu';'PuBuGn';'PuRd';'Purples';'RdPu';'Reds';'YlGn';'YlGnBu';'YlOrBr';'YlOrRd'};
151 switch lower(N)
152 case 'demo' % Plot all colorschemes in a figure.
153 cbDemoFig(vec)
154 case 'list' % Return a list of all colorschemes.
155 [num,typ] = cellfun(@cbSelect,vec,'UniformOutput',false);
156 num = cat(1,num{:});
157 map = vec;
158 otherwise % Store the preselected colorscheme token.
159 map = dcs;
160 isr = strncmp('*',N,1);
161 scm = N(1+isr:end);
162 [num,typ] = cbSelect(scm);
163 dcs = [N(1:+isr),vec{strcmpi(vec,scm)}];
164 end
148 assert(ischar(N)&&isrow(N),'The first argument must be a string or numeric.')
149 % The order of <vec>: case-insensitive sort by type and then name.
150 vec = {'BrBG';'PiYG';'PRGn';'PuOr';'RdBu';'RdGy';'RdYlBu';'RdYlGn';'Spectral';'Accent';'Dark2';'Paired';'Pastel1';'Pastel2';'Set1';'Set2';'Set3';'Blues';'BuGn';'BuPu';'GnBu';'Greens';'Greys';'OrRd';'Oranges';'PuBu';'PuBuGn';'PuRd';'Purples';'RdPu';'Reds';'YlGn';'YlGnBu';'YlOrBr';'YlOrRd'};
151 switch lower(N)
152 case 'demo' % Plot all colorschemes in a figure.
153 cbDemoFig(vec)
154 case 'list' % Return a list of all colorschemes.
155 [num,typ] = cellfun(@cbSelect,vec,'UniformOutput',false);
156 num = cat(1,num{:});
157 map = vec;
158 otherwise % Store the preselected colorscheme token.
159 map = dcs;
160 isr = strncmp('*',N,1);
161 scm = N(1+isr:end);
162 [num,typ] = cbSelect(scm);
163 dcs = [N(1:+isr),vec{strcmpi(vec,scm)}];
164 end
165 165 end end
166 166 % %
167 167 end end
... ... function [map,num,typ] = cbSample(N,tok)
170 170 % Pick a colorscheme, downsample/interpolate to the requested colormap length. % Pick a colorscheme, downsample/interpolate to the requested colormap length.
171 171 % %
172 172 if isempty(N) if isempty(N)
173 N = size(get(gcf,'colormap'),1);
173 N = size(get(gcf,'colormap'),1);
174 174 else else
175 assert(isscalar(N)&&isreal(N),'First argument must be a real numeric scalar, or empty.')
175 assert(isscalar(N)&&isreal(N),'First argument must be a real numeric scalar, or empty.')
176 176 end end
177 177 % %
178 178 % obtain nodes: % obtain nodes:
... ... tok = tok(1+isr:end);
183 183 map = rgb(cbIndex(N,num,typ,tok,isr),:); map = rgb(cbIndex(N,num,typ,tok,isr),:);
184 184 % interpolate: % interpolate:
185 185 if N>num if N>num
186 map = interp1(1:num,map,linspace(1,num,N),'pchip');
186 map = interp1(1:num,map,linspace(1,num,N),'pchip');
187 187 end end
188 188 % %
189 189 end end
... ... xmx = max(cellfun(@cbSelect,seq));
197 197 ymx = numel(seq); ymx = numel(seq);
198 198 % %
199 199 if ishghandle(cbh) if ishghandle(cbh)
200 figure(cbh);
201 delete(axh);
200 figure(cbh);
201 delete(axh);
202 202 else else
203 cbh = figure('HandleVisibility','callback', 'IntegerHandle','off',...
204 'NumberTitle','off', 'Name',[mfilename,' Demo'],'Color','white');
203 cbh = figure('HandleVisibility','callback', 'IntegerHandle','off',...
204 'NumberTitle','off', 'Name',[mfilename,' Demo'],'Color','white');
205 205 end end
206 206 % %
207 207 axh = axes('Parent',cbh, 'Color','none',... axh = axes('Parent',cbh, 'Color','none',...
208 'XTick',0:xmx, 'YTick',0.5:ymx, 'YTickLabel',seq, 'YDir','reverse');
208 'XTick',0:xmx, 'YTick',0.5:ymx, 'YTickLabel',seq, 'YDir','reverse');
209 209 title(axh,['ColorBrewer Color Schemes (',mfilename,'.m)'], 'Interpreter','none') title(axh,['ColorBrewer Color Schemes (',mfilename,'.m)'], 'Interpreter','none')
210 210 xlabel(axh,'Scheme Nodes') xlabel(axh,'Scheme Nodes')
211 211 ylabel(axh,'Scheme Name') ylabel(axh,'Scheme Name')
212 212 axf = get(axh,'FontName'); axf = get(axh,'FontName');
213 213 % %
214 214 for y = 1:ymx for y = 1:ymx
215 [num,typ,rgb] = cbSelect(seq{y});
216 rgb = rgb(cbIndex(num,num,typ,seq{y},false),:); % downsample
217 for x = 1:num
218 patch([x-1,x-1,x,x],[y-1,y,y,y-1],1, 'FaceColor',rgb(x,:), 'Parent',axh)
219 end
220 text(xmx+0.1,y-0.5,typ, 'Parent',axh, 'FontName',axf)
215 [num,typ,rgb] = cbSelect(seq{y});
216 rgb = rgb(cbIndex(num,num,typ,seq{y},false),:); % downsample
217 for x = 1:num
218 patch([x-1,x-1,x,x],[y-1,y,y,y-1],1, 'FaceColor',rgb(x,:), 'Parent',axh)
219 end
220 text(xmx+0.1,y-0.5,typ, 'Parent',axh, 'FontName',axf)
221 221 end end
222 222 % %
223 223 end end
... ... function idx = cbIndex(N,num,typ,tok,isr)
226 226 % Ensure exactly the same colors as in the online ColorBrewer schemes. % Ensure exactly the same colors as in the online ColorBrewer schemes.
227 227 % %
228 228 if strcmp(typ,'Qualitative') if strcmp(typ,'Qualitative')
229 assert(N<=num,'Colorscheme "%s" maximum colormap length: %d. Requested: %d.',tok,num,N)
230 idx = 1:N;
229 assert(N<=num,'Colorscheme "%s" maximum colormap length: %d. Requested: %d.',tok,num,N)
230 idx = 1:N;
231 231 elseif strcmp(typ,'Diverging') elseif strcmp(typ,'Diverging')
232 switch min(N,num)
233 case 1 % extrapolated
234 idx = 8;
235 case 2 % extrapolated
236 idx = [4,12];
237 case 3
238 idx = [5,8,11];
239 case 4
240 idx = [3,6,10,13];
241 case 5
242 idx = [3,6,8,10,13];
243 case 6
244 idx = [2,5,7,9,11,14];
245 case 7
246 idx = [2,5,7,8,9,11,14];
247 case 8
248 idx = [2,4,6,7,9,10,12,14];
249 case 9
250 idx = [2,4,6,7,8,9,10,12,14];
251 case 10
252 idx = [1,2,4,6,7,9,10,12,14,15];
253 case 11
254 idx = [1,2,4,6,7,8,9,10,12,14,15];
255 end
232 switch min(N,num)
233 case 1 % extrapolated
234 idx = 8;
235 case 2 % extrapolated
236 idx = [4,12];
237 case 3
238 idx = [5,8,11];
239 case 4
240 idx = [3,6,10,13];
241 case 5
242 idx = [3,6,8,10,13];
243 case 6
244 idx = [2,5,7,9,11,14];
245 case 7
246 idx = [2,5,7,8,9,11,14];
247 case 8
248 idx = [2,4,6,7,9,10,12,14];
249 case 9
250 idx = [2,4,6,7,8,9,10,12,14];
251 case 10
252 idx = [1,2,4,6,7,9,10,12,14,15];
253 case 11
254 idx = [1,2,4,6,7,8,9,10,12,14,15];
255 end
256 256 elseif strcmp(typ,'Sequential') elseif strcmp(typ,'Sequential')
257 switch min(N,num)
258 case 1 % extrapolated
259 idx = 6;
260 case 2 % extrapolated
261 idx = [4,8];
262 case 3
263 idx = [3,6,9];
264 case 4
265 idx = [2,5,7,10];
266 case 5
267 idx = [2,5,7,9,11];
268 case 6
269 idx = [2,4,6,7,9,11];
270 case 7
271 idx = [2,4,6,7,8,10,12];
272 case 8
273 idx = [1,3,4,6,7,8,10,12];
274 case 9
275 idx = [1,3,4,6,7,8,10,11,13];
276 end
257 switch min(N,num)
258 case 1 % extrapolated
259 idx = 6;
260 case 2 % extrapolated
261 idx = [4,8];
262 case 3
263 idx = [3,6,9];
264 case 4
265 idx = [2,5,7,10];
266 case 5
267 idx = [2,5,7,9,11];
268 case 6
269 idx = [2,4,6,7,9,11];
270 case 7
271 idx = [2,4,6,7,8,10,12];
272 case 8
273 idx = [1,3,4,6,7,8,10,12];
274 case 9
275 idx = [1,3,4,6,7,8,10,11,13];
276 end
277 277 else else
278 error('The colorscheme type "%s" is not recognized',typ)
278 error('The colorscheme type "%s" is not recognized',typ)
279 279 end end
280 280 % %
281 281 if isr if isr
282 idx = idx(end:-1:1);
282 idx = idx(end:-1:1);
283 283 end end
284 284 % %
285 285 end end
... ... function [num,typ,rgb] = cbSelect(tok)
289 289 % %
290 290 switch lower(tok) % ColorName switch lower(tok) % ColorName
291 291 case 'brbg' % BrBG case 'brbg' % BrBG
292 rgb = [84,48,5;140,81,10;166,97,26;191,129,45;216,179,101;223,194,125;246,232,195;245,245,245;199,234,229;128,205,193;90,180,172;53,151,143;1,133,113;1,102,94;0,60,48];
293 typ = 'Diverging';
292 rgb = [84,48,5;140,81,10;166,97,26;191,129,45;216,179,101;223,194,125;246,232,195;245,245,245;199,234,229;128,205,193;90,180,172;53,151,143;1,133,113;1,102,94;0,60,48];
293 typ = 'Diverging';
294 294 case 'piyg' % PiYG case 'piyg' % PiYG
295 rgb = [142,1,82;197,27,125;208,28,139;222,119,174;233,163,201;241,182,218;253,224,239;247,247,247;230,245,208;184,225,134;161,215,106;127,188,65;77,172,38;77,146,33;39,100,25];
296 typ = 'Diverging';
295 rgb = [142,1,82;197,27,125;208,28,139;222,119,174;233,163,201;241,182,218;253,224,239;247,247,247;230,245,208;184,225,134;161,215,106;127,188,65;77,172,38;77,146,33;39,100,25];
296 typ = 'Diverging';
297 297 case 'prgn' % PRGn case 'prgn' % PRGn
298 rgb = [64,0,75;118,42,131;123,50,148;153,112,171;175,141,195;194,165,207;231,212,232;247,247,247;217,240,211;166,219,160;127,191,123;90,174,97;0,136,55;27,120,55;0,68,27];
299 typ = 'Diverging';
298 rgb = [64,0,75;118,42,131;123,50,148;153,112,171;175,141,195;194,165,207;231,212,232;247,247,247;217,240,211;166,219,160;127,191,123;90,174,97;0,136,55;27,120,55;0,68,27];
299 typ = 'Diverging';
300 300 case 'puor' % PuOr case 'puor' % PuOr
301 rgb = [127,59,8;179,88,6;230,97,1;224,130,20;241,163,64;253,184,99;254,224,182;247,247,247;216,218,235;178,171,210;153,142,195;128,115,172;94,60,153;84,39,136;45,0,75];
302 typ = 'Diverging';
301 rgb = [127,59,8;179,88,6;230,97,1;224,130,20;241,163,64;253,184,99;254,224,182;247,247,247;216,218,235;178,171,210;153,142,195;128,115,172;94,60,153;84,39,136;45,0,75];
302 typ = 'Diverging';
303 303 case 'rdbu' % RdBu case 'rdbu' % RdBu
304 rgb = [103,0,31;178,24,43;202,0,32;214,96,77;239,138,98;244,165,130;253,219,199;247,247,247;209,229,240;146,197,222;103,169,207;67,147,195;5,113,176;33,102,172;5,48,97];
305 typ = 'Diverging';
304 rgb = [103,0,31;178,24,43;202,0,32;214,96,77;239,138,98;244,165,130;253,219,199;247,247,247;209,229,240;146,197,222;103,169,207;67,147,195;5,113,176;33,102,172;5,48,97];
305 typ = 'Diverging';
306 306 case 'rdgy' % RdGy case 'rdgy' % RdGy
307 rgb = [103,0,31;178,24,43;202,0,32;214,96,77;239,138,98;244,165,130;253,219,199;255,255,255;224,224,224;186,186,186;153,153,153;135,135,135;64,64,64;77,77,77;26,26,26];
308 typ = 'Diverging';
307 rgb = [103,0,31;178,24,43;202,0,32;214,96,77;239,138,98;244,165,130;253,219,199;255,255,255;224,224,224;186,186,186;153,153,153;135,135,135;64,64,64;77,77,77;26,26,26];
308 typ = 'Diverging';
309 309 case 'rdylbu' % RdYlBu case 'rdylbu' % RdYlBu
310 rgb = [165,0,38;215,48,39;215,25,28;244,109,67;252,141,89;253,174,97;254,224,144;255,255,191;224,243,248;171,217,233;145,191,219;116,173,209;44,123,182;69,117,180;49,54,149];
311 typ = 'Diverging';
310 rgb = [165,0,38;215,48,39;215,25,28;244,109,67;252,141,89;253,174,97;254,224,144;255,255,191;224,243,248;171,217,233;145,191,219;116,173,209;44,123,182;69,117,180;49,54,149];
311 typ = 'Diverging';
312 312 case 'rdylgn' % RdYlGn case 'rdylgn' % RdYlGn
313 rgb = [165,0,38;215,48,39;215,25,28;244,109,67;252,141,89;253,174,97;254,224,139;255,255,191;217,239,139;166,217,106;145,207,96;102,189,99;26,150,65;26,152,80;0,104,55];
314 typ = 'Diverging';
313 rgb = [165,0,38;215,48,39;215,25,28;244,109,67;252,141,89;253,174,97;254,224,139;255,255,191;217,239,139;166,217,106;145,207,96;102,189,99;26,150,65;26,152,80;0,104,55];
314 typ = 'Diverging';
315 315 case 'spectral' % Spectral case 'spectral' % Spectral
316 rgb = [158,1,66;213,62,79;215,25,28;244,109,67;252,141,89;253,174,97;254,224,139;255,255,191;230,245,152;171,221,164;153,213,148;102,194,165;43,131,186;50,136,189;94,79,162];
317 typ = 'Diverging';
316 rgb = [158,1,66;213,62,79;215,25,28;244,109,67;252,141,89;253,174,97;254,224,139;255,255,191;230,245,152;171,221,164;153,213,148;102,194,165;43,131,186;50,136,189;94,79,162];
317 typ = 'Diverging';
318 318 case 'accent' % Accent case 'accent' % Accent
319 rgb = [127,201,127;190,174,212;253,192,134;255,255,153;56,108,176;240,2,127;191,91,23;102,102,102];
320 typ = 'Qualitative';
319 rgb = [127,201,127;190,174,212;253,192,134;255,255,153;56,108,176;240,2,127;191,91,23;102,102,102];
320 typ = 'Qualitative';
321 321 case 'dark2' % Dark2 case 'dark2' % Dark2
322 rgb = [27,158,119;217,95,2;117,112,179;231,41,138;102,166,30;230,171,2;166,118,29;102,102,102];
323 typ = 'Qualitative';
322 rgb = [27,158,119;217,95,2;117,112,179;231,41,138;102,166,30;230,171,2;166,118,29;102,102,102];
323 typ = 'Qualitative';
324 324 case 'paired' % Paired case 'paired' % Paired
325 rgb = [166,206,227;31,120,180;178,223,138;51,160,44;251,154,153;227,26,28;253,191,111;255,127,0;202,178,214;106,61,154;255,255,153;177,89,40];
326 typ = 'Qualitative';
325 rgb = [166,206,227;31,120,180;178,223,138;51,160,44;251,154,153;227,26,28;253,191,111;255,127,0;202,178,214;106,61,154;255,255,153;177,89,40];
326 typ = 'Qualitative';
327 327 case 'pastel1' % Pastel1 case 'pastel1' % Pastel1
328 rgb = [251,180,174;179,205,227;204,235,197;222,203,228;254,217,166;255,255,204;229,216,189;253,218,236;242,242,242];
329 typ = 'Qualitative';
328 rgb = [251,180,174;179,205,227;204,235,197;222,203,228;254,217,166;255,255,204;229,216,189;253,218,236;242,242,242];
329 typ = 'Qualitative';
330 330 case 'pastel2' % Pastel2 case 'pastel2' % Pastel2
331 rgb = [179,226,205;253,205,172;203,213,232;244,202,228;230,245,201;255,242,174;241,226,204;204,204,204];
332 typ = 'Qualitative';
331 rgb = [179,226,205;253,205,172;203,213,232;244,202,228;230,245,201;255,242,174;241,226,204;204,204,204];
332 typ = 'Qualitative';
333 333 case 'set1' % Set1 case 'set1' % Set1
334 rgb = [228,26,28;55,126,184;77,175,74;152,78,163;255,127,0;255,255,51;166,86,40;247,129,191;153,153,153];
335 typ = 'Qualitative';
334 rgb = [228,26,28;55,126,184;77,175,74;152,78,163;255,127,0;255,255,51;166,86,40;247,129,191;153,153,153];
335 typ = 'Qualitative';
336 336 case 'set2' % Set2 case 'set2' % Set2
337 rgb = [102,194,165;252,141,98;141,160,203;231,138,195;166,216,84;255,217,47;229,196,148;179,179,179];
338 typ = 'Qualitative';
337 rgb = [102,194,165;252,141,98;141,160,203;231,138,195;166,216,84;255,217,47;229,196,148;179,179,179];
338 typ = 'Qualitative';
339 339 case 'set3' % Set3 case 'set3' % Set3
340 rgb = [141,211,199;255,255,179;190,186,218;251,128,114;128,177,211;253,180,98;179,222,105;252,205,229;217,217,217;188,128,189;204,235,197;255,237,111];
341 typ = 'Qualitative';
340 rgb = [141,211,199;255,255,179;190,186,218;251,128,114;128,177,211;253,180,98;179,222,105;252,205,229;217,217,217;188,128,189;204,235,197;255,237,111];
341 typ = 'Qualitative';
342 342 case 'blues' % Blues case 'blues' % Blues
343 rgb = [247,251,255;239,243,255;222,235,247;198,219,239;189,215,231;158,202,225;107,174,214;66,146,198;49,130,189;33,113,181;8,81,156;8,69,148;8,48,107];
344 typ = 'Sequential';
343 rgb = [247,251,255;239,243,255;222,235,247;198,219,239;189,215,231;158,202,225;107,174,214;66,146,198;49,130,189;33,113,181;8,81,156;8,69,148;8,48,107];
344 typ = 'Sequential';
345 345 case 'bugn' % BuGn case 'bugn' % BuGn
346 rgb = [247,252,253;237,248,251;229,245,249;204,236,230;178,226,226;153,216,201;102,194,164;65,174,118;44,162,95;35,139,69;0,109,44;0,88,36;0,68,27];
347 typ = 'Sequential';
346 rgb = [247,252,253;237,248,251;229,245,249;204,236,230;178,226,226;153,216,201;102,194,164;65,174,118;44,162,95;35,139,69;0,109,44;0,88,36;0,68,27];
347 typ = 'Sequential';
348 348 case 'bupu' % BuPu case 'bupu' % BuPu
349 rgb = [247,252,253;237,248,251;224,236,244;191,211,230;179,205,227;158,188,218;140,150,198;140,107,177;136,86,167;136,65,157;129,15,124;110,1,107;77,0,75];
350 typ = 'Sequential';
349 rgb = [247,252,253;237,248,251;224,236,244;191,211,230;179,205,227;158,188,218;140,150,198;140,107,177;136,86,167;136,65,157;129,15,124;110,1,107;77,0,75];
350 typ = 'Sequential';
351 351 case 'gnbu' % GnBu case 'gnbu' % GnBu
352 rgb = [247,252,240;240,249,232;224,243,219;204,235,197;186,228,188;168,221,181;123,204,196;78,179,211;67,162,202;43,140,190;8,104,172;8,88,158;8,64,129];
353 typ = 'Sequential';
352 rgb = [247,252,240;240,249,232;224,243,219;204,235,197;186,228,188;168,221,181;123,204,196;78,179,211;67,162,202;43,140,190;8,104,172;8,88,158;8,64,129];
353 typ = 'Sequential';
354 354 case 'greens' % Greens case 'greens' % Greens
355 rgb = [247,252,245;237,248,233;229,245,224;199,233,192;186,228,179;161,217,155;116,196,118;65,171,93;49,163,84;35,139,69;0,109,44;0,90,50;0,68,27];
356 typ = 'Sequential';
355 rgb = [247,252,245;237,248,233;229,245,224;199,233,192;186,228,179;161,217,155;116,196,118;65,171,93;49,163,84;35,139,69;0,109,44;0,90,50;0,68,27];
356 typ = 'Sequential';
357 357 case 'greys' % Greys case 'greys' % Greys
358 rgb = [255,255,255;247,247,247;240,240,240;217,217,217;204,204,204;189,189,189;150,150,150;115,115,115;99,99,99;82,82,82;37,37,37;37,37,37;0,0,0];
359 typ = 'Sequential';
358 rgb = [255,255,255;247,247,247;240,240,240;217,217,217;204,204,204;189,189,189;150,150,150;115,115,115;99,99,99;82,82,82;37,37,37;37,37,37;0,0,0];
359 typ = 'Sequential';
360 360 case 'orrd' % OrRd case 'orrd' % OrRd
361 rgb = [255,247,236;254,240,217;254,232,200;253,212,158;253,204,138;253,187,132;252,141,89;239,101,72;227,74,51;215,48,31;179,0,0;153,0,0;127,0,0];
362 typ = 'Sequential';
361 rgb = [255,247,236;254,240,217;254,232,200;253,212,158;253,204,138;253,187,132;252,141,89;239,101,72;227,74,51;215,48,31;179,0,0;153,0,0;127,0,0];
362 typ = 'Sequential';
363 363 case 'oranges' % Oranges case 'oranges' % Oranges
364 rgb = [255,245,235;254,237,222;254,230,206;253,208,162;253,190,133;253,174,107;253,141,60;241,105,19;230,85,13;217,72,1;166,54,3;140,45,4;127,39,4];
365 typ = 'Sequential';
364 rgb = [255,245,235;254,237,222;254,230,206;253,208,162;253,190,133;253,174,107;253,141,60;241,105,19;230,85,13;217,72,1;166,54,3;140,45,4;127,39,4];
365 typ = 'Sequential';
366 366 case 'pubu' % PuBu case 'pubu' % PuBu
367 rgb = [255,247,251;241,238,246;236,231,242;208,209,230;189,201,225;166,189,219;116,169,207;54,144,192;43,140,190;5,112,176;4,90,141;3,78,123;2,56,88];
368 typ = 'Sequential';
367 rgb = [255,247,251;241,238,246;236,231,242;208,209,230;189,201,225;166,189,219;116,169,207;54,144,192;43,140,190;5,112,176;4,90,141;3,78,123;2,56,88];
368 typ = 'Sequential';
369 369 case 'pubugn' % PuBuGn case 'pubugn' % PuBuGn
370 rgb = [255,247,251;246,239,247;236,226,240;208,209,230;189,201,225;166,189,219;103,169,207;54,144,192;28,144,153;2,129,138;1,108,89;1,100,80;1,70,54];
371 typ = 'Sequential';
370 rgb = [255,247,251;246,239,247;236,226,240;208,209,230;189,201,225;166,189,219;103,169,207;54,144,192;28,144,153;2,129,138;1,108,89;1,100,80;1,70,54];
371 typ = 'Sequential';
372 372 case 'purd' % PuRd case 'purd' % PuRd
373 rgb = [247,244,249;241,238,246;231,225,239;212,185,218;215,181,216;201,148,199;223,101,176;231,41,138;221,28,119;206,18,86;152,0,67;145,0,63;103,0,31];
374 typ = 'Sequential';
373 rgb = [247,244,249;241,238,246;231,225,239;212,185,218;215,181,216;201,148,199;223,101,176;231,41,138;221,28,119;206,18,86;152,0,67;145,0,63;103,0,31];
374 typ = 'Sequential';
375 375 case 'purples' % Purples case 'purples' % Purples
376 rgb = [252,251,253;242,240,247;239,237,245;218,218,235;203,201,226;188,189,220;158,154,200;128,125,186;117,107,177;106,81,163;84,39,143;74,20,134;63,0,125];
377 typ = 'Sequential';
376 rgb = [252,251,253;242,240,247;239,237,245;218,218,235;203,201,226;188,189,220;158,154,200;128,125,186;117,107,177;106,81,163;84,39,143;74,20,134;63,0,125];
377 typ = 'Sequential';
378 378 case 'rdpu' % RdPu case 'rdpu' % RdPu
379 rgb = [255,247,243;254,235,226;253,224,221;252,197,192;251,180,185;250,159,181;247,104,161;221,52,151;197,27,138;174,1,126;122,1,119;122,1,119;73,0,106];
380 typ = 'Sequential';
379 rgb = [255,247,243;254,235,226;253,224,221;252,197,192;251,180,185;250,159,181;247,104,161;221,52,151;197,27,138;174,1,126;122,1,119;122,1,119;73,0,106];
380 typ = 'Sequential';
381 381 case 'reds' % Reds case 'reds' % Reds
382 rgb = [255,245,240;254,229,217;254,224,210;252,187,161;252,174,145;252,146,114;251,106,74;239,59,44;222,45,38;203,24,29;165,15,21;153,0,13;103,0,13];
383 typ = 'Sequential';
382 rgb = [255,245,240;254,229,217;254,224,210;252,187,161;252,174,145;252,146,114;251,106,74;239,59,44;222,45,38;203,24,29;165,15,21;153,0,13;103,0,13];
383 typ = 'Sequential';
384 384 case 'ylgn' % YlGn case 'ylgn' % YlGn
385 rgb = [255,255,229;255,255,204;247,252,185;217,240,163;194,230,153;173,221,142;120,198,121;65,171,93;49,163,84;35,132,67;0,104,55;0,90,50;0,69,41];
386 typ = 'Sequential';
385 rgb = [255,255,229;255,255,204;247,252,185;217,240,163;194,230,153;173,221,142;120,198,121;65,171,93;49,163,84;35,132,67;0,104,55;0,90,50;0,69,41];
386 typ = 'Sequential';
387 387 case 'ylgnbu' % YlGnBu case 'ylgnbu' % YlGnBu
388 rgb = [255,255,217;255,255,204;237,248,177;199,233,180;161,218,180;127,205,187;65,182,196;29,145,192;44,127,184;34,94,168;37,52,148;12,44,132;8,29,88];
389 typ = 'Sequential';
388 rgb = [255,255,217;255,255,204;237,248,177;199,233,180;161,218,180;127,205,187;65,182,196;29,145,192;44,127,184;34,94,168;37,52,148;12,44,132;8,29,88];
389 typ = 'Sequential';
390 390 case 'ylorbr' % YlOrBr case 'ylorbr' % YlOrBr
391 rgb = [255,255,229;255,255,212;255,247,188;254,227,145;254,217,142;254,196,79;254,153,41;236,112,20;217,95,14;204,76,2;153,52,4;140,45,4;102,37,6];
392 typ = 'Sequential';
391 rgb = [255,255,229;255,255,212;255,247,188;254,227,145;254,217,142;254,196,79;254,153,41;236,112,20;217,95,14;204,76,2;153,52,4;140,45,4;102,37,6];
392 typ = 'Sequential';
393 393 case 'ylorrd' % YlOrRd case 'ylorrd' % YlOrRd
394 rgb = [255,255,204;255,255,178;255,237,160;254,217,118;254,204,92;254,178,76;253,141,60;252,78,42;240,59,32;227,26,28;189,0,38;177,0,38;128,0,38];
395 typ = 'Sequential';
394 rgb = [255,255,204;255,255,178;255,237,160;254,217,118;254,204,92;254,178,76;253,141,60;252,78,42;240,59,32;227,26,28;189,0,38;177,0,38;128,0,38];
395 typ = 'Sequential';
396 396 otherwise otherwise
397 error('Colorscheme "%s" is not supported. Check the token tables.',tok)
397 error('Colorscheme "%s" is not supported. Check the token tables.',tok)
398 398 end end
399 399 % %
400 400 rgb = rgb./255; rgb = rgb./255;
401 401 % %
402 402 switch typ switch typ
403 403 case 'Diverging' case 'Diverging'
404 num = 11;
404 num = 11;
405 405 case 'Qualitative' case 'Qualitative'
406 num = size(rgb,1);
406 num = size(rgb,1);
407 407 case 'Sequential' case 'Sequential'
408 num = 9;
408 num = 9;
409 409 otherwise otherwise
410 error('The colorscheme type "%s" is not recognized',typ)
410 error('The colorscheme type "%s" is not recognized',typ)
411 411 end end
412 412 % %
413 413 end end
File misc/3rdparty/brewermap_view.m changed (mode: 100644) (index d1c29b2..ea439de)
... ... function [map,scheme] = brewermap_view(N,scheme)
54 54 % ### Input Wrangling ### % ### Input Wrangling ###
55 55 % %
56 56 if nargin<1 || isnumeric(N)&&isempty(N) if nargin<1 || isnumeric(N)&&isempty(N)
57 N = 128;
57 N = 128;
58 58 elseif iscell(N)&&numel(N) elseif iscell(N)&&numel(N)
59 tmp = all(1==cellfun('prodofsize',N)&cellfun(@ishghandle,N));
60 assert(tmp,'Input <N> may be a cell array of axes or figure handles.')
59 tmp = all(1==cellfun('prodofsize',N)&cellfun(@ishghandle,N));
60 assert(tmp,'Input <N> may be a cell array of axes or figure handles.')
61 61 else else
62 assert(isnumeric(N)&&isscalar(N),'Input <N> must be a scalar numeric.')
63 assert(isreal(N)&&fix(N)==N&&N>0,'Input <N> must be positive real integer: %g+%gi',N,imag(N))
64 N = double(N);
62 assert(isnumeric(N)&&isscalar(N),'Input <N> must be a scalar numeric.')
63 assert(isreal(N)&&fix(N)==N&&N>0,'Input <N> must be positive real integer: %g+%gi',N,imag(N))
64 N = double(N);
65 65 end end
66 66 % %
67 67 if nargin<2 if nargin<2
68 L = brewermap('list');
69 scheme = L{1+rem(round(now*1e7),numel(L))};
68 L = brewermap('list');
69 scheme = L{1+rem(round(now*1e7),numel(L))};
70 70 else else
71 assert(ischar(scheme)&&isrow(scheme),'Second input <scheme> must be a string.')
71 assert(ischar(scheme)&&isrow(scheme),'Second input <scheme> must be a string.')
72 72 end end
73 73 % %
74 74 [~,~,h] = bmvUpDt(N, scheme); [~,~,h] = bmvUpDt(N, scheme);
75 75 % %
76 76 if nargout if nargout
77 waitfor(h);
78 [~,scheme,map] = bmvUpDt();
77 waitfor(h);
78 [~,scheme,map] = bmvUpDt();
79 79 end end
80 80 % %
81 81 end end
... ... stp = [1,10];
93 93 [L,V,T] = brewermap('list'); [L,V,T] = brewermap('list');
94 94 % %
95 95 switch nargin switch nargin
96 case 0 % Demo initialize OR return colormap
97 N = prvN;
98 S = prvS;
99 if nargout==3 % Return colormap
100 ghnd = brewermap(N,H.fRev(S));
101 return
102 end
103 case 1 % Button/Slider callback
104 if get(H.demo,'Value') % Demo
105 return
106 elseif ischar(N) % scheme name
107 S = N;
108 N = prvN;
109 else % parameter N only
110 S = prvS;
111 N = round(get(H.vSld(1),'Value'));
112 end
113 case 2 % Demo update OR function call
114 if iscell(N) % External axes/figure
115 extH = N;
116 N = size(colormap(extH{1}),1);
117 end
118 if isempty(H) || ~ishghandle(H.fig)
119 if nargout<3 % Demo
120 return
121 end
122 % Check brewermap version:
123 str = 'The function "brewermap" returned an unusual %s.';
124 assert(all(35==[numel(L),numel(V),numel(T)]),str,'array size')
125 tmp = find(any(diff(+char(T)),2));
126 assert(numel(tmp)==2&&all(tmp==[9;17]),str,'scheme name sequence')
127 % Create a new figure:
128 H = bmvPlot(lbd,rbd,stp,N,S,L);
129 else % Update slider position:
130 set(H.vSld, 'Value',max(lbd,min(rbd,N)));
131 if nargout<3 % Demo
132 S = L{1+mod(find(strcmpi(S,L)),numel(L))};
133 set(H.bGrp,'SelectedObject',H.bSep(strcmpi(S,L)));
134 end
135 end
136 %
137 otherwise
138 error('How did this happen? This should not be possible.')
96 case 0 % Demo initialize OR return colormap
97 N = prvN;
98 S = prvS;
99 if nargout==3 % Return colormap
100 ghnd = brewermap(N,H.fRev(S));
101 return
102 end
103 case 1 % Button/Slider callback
104 if get(H.demo,'Value') % Demo
105 return
106 elseif ischar(N) % scheme name
107 S = N;
108 N = prvN;
109 else % parameter N only
110 S = prvS;
111 N = round(get(H.vSld(1),'Value'));
112 end
113 case 2 % Demo update OR function call
114 if iscell(N) % External axes/figure
115 extH = N;
116 N = size(colormap(extH{1}),1);
117 end
118 if isempty(H) || ~ishghandle(H.fig)
119 if nargout<3 % Demo
120 return
121 end
122 % Check brewermap version:
123 str = 'The function "brewermap" returned an unusual %s.';
124 assert(all(35==[numel(L),numel(V),numel(T)]),str,'array size')
125 tmp = find(any(diff(+char(T)),2));
126 assert(numel(tmp)==2&&all(tmp==[9;17]),str,'scheme name sequence')
127 % Create a new figure:
128 H = bmvPlot(lbd,rbd,stp,N,S,L);
129 else % Update slider position:
130 set(H.vSld, 'Value',max(lbd,min(rbd,N)));
131 if nargout<3 % Demo
132 S = L{1+mod(find(strcmpi(S,L)),numel(L))};
133 set(H.bGrp,'SelectedObject',H.bSep(strcmpi(S,L)));
134 end
135 end
136 %
137 otherwise
138 error('How did this happen? This should not be possible.')
139 139 end end
140 140 % %
141 141 prvN = N; prvN = N;
... ... ghnd = H.fig;
146 146 idx = strcmpi(S,L); idx = strcmpi(S,L);
147 147 idy = strcmp('Qualitative',T{idx}) && V(idx)<N; idy = strcmp('Qualitative',T{idx}) && V(idx)<N;
148 148 if idy if idy
149 N = V(idx);
150 set(H.vSld, 'Value',max(lbd,min(rbd,N)));
149 N = V(idx);
150 set(H.vSld, 'Value',max(lbd,min(rbd,N)));
151 151 end end
152 152 % %
153 153 % Update parameter value text: % Update parameter value text:
... ... set(H.cbIm(2), 'CData',repmat(mag,[1,1,3]))
164 164 % %
165 165 % Update 2D line / 3D patch values: % Update 2D line / 3D patch values:
166 166 if get(H.D2D3,'Value') if get(H.D2D3,'Value')
167 set(H.ln2D, 'XData',linspace(0,1,abs(N)));
168 set(H.ln2D, {'YData'},num2cell([map,mag],1).');
167 set(H.ln2D, 'XData',linspace(0,1,abs(N)));
168 set(H.ln2D, {'YData'},num2cell([map,mag],1).');
169 169 else else
170 set(H.pt3D, 'XData',map(:,1), 'YData',map(:,2), 'ZData',map(:,3), 'FaceVertexCData',map)
170 set(H.pt3D, 'XData',map(:,1), 'YData',map(:,2), 'ZData',map(:,3), 'FaceVertexCData',map)
171 171 end end
172 172 % %
173 173 % Update warning text: % Update warning text:
... ... set(H.warn,'String',str);
176 176 % %
177 177 % Update external axes/figure: % Update external axes/figure:
178 178 if ~isempty(extH) if ~isempty(extH)
179 for k = find(cellfun(@ishghandle,extH))
180 colormap(extH{k},map);
181 end
179 for k = find(cellfun(@ishghandle,extH))
180 colormap(extH{k},map);
181 end
182 182 end end
183 183 % %
184 184 end end
... ... axh = 1-uih-2*gap; % axes height
196 196 wdt = 1-cbw-2*gap; % axes width wdt = 1-cbw-2*gap; % axes width
197 197 % %
198 198 H.fig = figure('HandleVisibility','callback', 'Color','white',... H.fig = figure('HandleVisibility','callback', 'Color','white',...
199 'IntegerHandle','off', 'NumberTitle','off',...
200 'Name','ColorBrewer Interactive Scheme Selector');
199 'IntegerHandle','off', 'NumberTitle','off',...
200 'Name','ColorBrewer Interactive Scheme Selector');
201 201 % %
202 202 % Add 2D lineplot: % Add 2D lineplot:
203 203 H.ax2D = axes('Parent',H.fig, 'Position',[gap, uih+gap, wdt, axh],... H.ax2D = axes('Parent',H.fig, 'Position',[gap, uih+gap, wdt, axh],...
204 'ColorOrder',[1,0,0; 0,1,0; 0,0,1; 0.6,0.6,0.6], 'HitTest','off',...
205 'Visible','off', 'XLim',[0,1], 'YLim',[0,1], 'XTick',[], 'YTick',[]);
204 'ColorOrder',[1,0,0; 0,1,0; 0,0,1; 0.6,0.6,0.6], 'HitTest','off',...
205 'Visible','off', 'XLim',[0,1], 'YLim',[0,1], 'XTick',[], 'YTick',[]);
206 206 H.ln2D = line([0,0,0,0;1,1,1,1],[0,0,0,0;1,1,1,1], 'Parent',H.ax2D, 'Visible','off'); H.ln2D = line([0,0,0,0;1,1,1,1],[0,0,0,0;1,1,1,1], 'Parent',H.ax2D, 'Visible','off');
207 207 % %
208 208 % Add 3D scatterplot: % Add 3D scatterplot:
209 209 H.ax3D = axes('Parent',H.fig, 'OuterPosition',[0, uih, wdt+2*gap, 1-uih],... H.ax3D = axes('Parent',H.fig, 'OuterPosition',[0, uih, wdt+2*gap, 1-uih],...
210 'Visible','on', 'XLim',[0,1], 'YLim',[0,1], 'ZLim',[0,1], 'HitTest','on');
210 'Visible','on', 'XLim',[0,1], 'YLim',[0,1], 'ZLim',[0,1], 'HitTest','on');
211 211 H.pt3D = patch('Parent',H.ax3D, 'XData',[0;1], 'YData',[0;1], 'ZData',[0;1],... H.pt3D = patch('Parent',H.ax3D, 'XData',[0;1], 'YData',[0;1], 'ZData',[0;1],...
212 'Visible','on', 'LineStyle','none', 'FaceColor','none', 'MarkerEdgeColor','none',...
213 'Marker','o', 'MarkerFaceColor','flat', 'MarkerSize',10, 'FaceVertexCData',[1,1,0;1,0,1]);
212 'Visible','on', 'LineStyle','none', 'FaceColor','none', 'MarkerEdgeColor','none',...
213 'Marker','o', 'MarkerFaceColor','flat', 'MarkerSize',10, 'FaceVertexCData',[1,1,0;1,0,1]);
214 214 view(H.ax3D,3); view(H.ax3D,3);
215 215 grid(H.ax3D,'on') grid(H.ax3D,'on')
216 216 xlabel(H.ax3D,'Red') xlabel(H.ax3D,'Red')
... ... zlabel(H.ax3D,'Blue')
219 219 % %
220 220 % Add warning text: % Add warning text:
221 221 H.warn = text('Parent',H.ax2D, 'Units','normalized', 'Position',[1,1],... H.warn = text('Parent',H.ax2D, 'Units','normalized', 'Position',[1,1],...
222 'HorizontalAlignment','right', 'VerticalAlignment','top', 'Color','k');
222 'HorizontalAlignment','right', 'VerticalAlignment','top', 'Color','k');
223 223 % %
224 224 % Add demo button: % Add demo button:
225 225 H.demo = uicontrol(H.fig, 'Style','togglebutton', 'Units','normalized',... H.demo = uicontrol(H.fig, 'Style','togglebutton', 'Units','normalized',...
226 'Position',[gap,uih+gap+0*bth,btw,bth], 'String','Demo',...
227 'Max',1, 'Min',0, 'Callback',@bmvDemo);
226 'Position',[gap,uih+gap+0*bth,btw,bth], 'String','Demo',...
227 'Max',1, 'Min',0, 'Callback',@bmvDemo);
228 228 % Add 2D/3D button: % Add 2D/3D button:
229 229 H.D2D3 = uicontrol(H.fig, 'Style','togglebutton', 'Units','normalized',... H.D2D3 = uicontrol(H.fig, 'Style','togglebutton', 'Units','normalized',...
230 'Position',[gap,uih+gap+1*bth,btw,bth], 'String','2D / 3D',...
231 'Max',1, 'Min',0, 'Callback',@(h,~)bmv2D3D(H,h));
230 'Position',[gap,uih+gap+1*bth,btw,bth], 'String','2D / 3D',...
231 'Max',1, 'Min',0, 'Callback',@(h,~)bmv2D3D(H,h));
232 232 % Add reverse button: % Add reverse button:
233 233 H.bRev = uicontrol(H.fig, 'Style','togglebutton', 'Units','normalized',... H.bRev = uicontrol(H.fig, 'Style','togglebutton', 'Units','normalized',...
234 'Position',[gap,uih+gap+2*bth,btw,bth], 'String','Reverse',...
235 'Max',1, 'Min',0, 'Callback',@(~,~)bmvUpDt());
234 'Position',[gap,uih+gap+2*bth,btw,bth], 'String','Reverse',...
235 'Max',1, 'Min',0, 'Callback',@(~,~)bmvUpDt());
236 236 H.fRev = @(s)[char(42*ones(1,get(H.bRev,'Value'))),s]; H.fRev = @(s)[char(42*ones(1,get(H.bRev,'Value'))),s];
237 237 % %
238 238 % Add colorbars: % Add colorbars:
239 239 C = reshape([1,1,1],1,[],3); C = reshape([1,1,1],1,[],3);
240 240 H.cbAx(1) = axes('Parent',H.fig, 'Visible','off', 'Units','normalized',... H.cbAx(1) = axes('Parent',H.fig, 'Visible','off', 'Units','normalized',...
241 'Position',[1-cbw/1,gap,cbw/2-gap,1-2*gap], 'YLim',[0.5,1.5], 'HitTest','off');
241 'Position',[1-cbw/1,gap,cbw/2-gap,1-2*gap], 'YLim',[0.5,1.5], 'HitTest','off');
242 242 H.cbAx(2) = axes('Parent',H.fig, 'Visible','off', 'Units','normalized',... H.cbAx(2) = axes('Parent',H.fig, 'Visible','off', 'Units','normalized',...
243 'Position',[1-cbw/2,gap,cbw/2-gap,1-2*gap], 'YLim',[0.5,1.5], 'HitTest','off');
243 'Position',[1-cbw/2,gap,cbw/2-gap,1-2*gap], 'YLim',[0.5,1.5], 'HitTest','off');
244 244 H.cbIm(1) = image('Parent',H.cbAx(1), 'CData',C); H.cbIm(1) = image('Parent',H.cbAx(1), 'CData',C);
245 245 H.cbIm(2) = image('Parent',H.cbAx(2), 'CData',C); H.cbIm(2) = image('Parent',H.cbAx(2), 'CData',C);
246 246 % %
247 247 % Add parameter slider, listener, and corresponding text: % Add parameter slider, listener, and corresponding text:
248 248 V = max(lbd,min(rbd,V)); V = max(lbd,min(rbd,V));
249 249 H.vTxt = uicontrol(H.fig,'Style','text', 'Units','normalized',... H.vTxt = uicontrol(H.fig,'Style','text', 'Units','normalized',...
250 'Position',[gap,uih-bth,btw,bth], 'String','X');
250 'Position',[gap,uih-bth,btw,bth], 'String','X');
251 251 H.vSld = uicontrol(H.fig,'Style','slider', 'Units','normalized',... H.vSld = uicontrol(H.fig,'Style','slider', 'Units','normalized',...
252 'Position',[gap,gap,btw,uih-bth], 'Min',lbd(1), 'Max',rbd(1),...
253 'SliderStep',stp(1,:)/(rbd(1)-lbd(1)), 'Value',V(1));
252 'Position',[gap,gap,btw,uih-bth], 'Min',lbd(1), 'Max',rbd(1),...
253 'SliderStep',stp(1,:)/(rbd(1)-lbd(1)), 'Value',V(1));
254 254 addlistener(H.vSld, 'Value', 'PostSet',@(a,b)bmvUpDt(0)); addlistener(H.vSld, 'Value', 'PostSet',@(a,b)bmvUpDt(0));
255 255 % %
256 256 % Add scheme button group: % Add scheme button group:
257 257 H.bGrp = uibuttongroup('Parent',H.fig, 'BorderType','none', 'Units','normalized',... H.bGrp = uibuttongroup('Parent',H.fig, 'BorderType','none', 'Units','normalized',...
258 'BackgroundColor','white', 'Position',[2*gap+btw,gap,wdt-btw-gap,uih-gap]);
258 'BackgroundColor','white', 'Position',[2*gap+btw,gap,wdt-btw-gap,uih-gap]);
259 259 % Determine button locations: % Determine button locations:
260 260 Z = 1:numel(L); Z = 1:numel(L);
261 261 Z = Z+(Z>17); Z = Z+(Z>17);
... ... C = (ceil(Z/M)-1)/4;
263 263 R = (M-1-mod(Z-1,M))/M; R = (M-1-mod(Z-1,M))/M;
264 264 % Add scheme buttons to group: % Add scheme buttons to group:
265 265 for k = numel(L):-1:1 for k = numel(L):-1:1
266 H.bSep(k) = uicontrol('Style','Toggle', 'String',L{k}, 'Parent',H.bGrp,...
267 'Unit','normalized', 'Position',[C(k),R(k),1/4,1/M]);
266 H.bSep(k) = uicontrol('Style','Toggle', 'String',L{k}, 'Parent',H.bGrp,...
267 'Unit','normalized', 'Position',[C(k),R(k),1/4,1/M]);
268 268 end end
269 269 set(H.bGrp,'SelectedObject',H.bSep(strcmpi(S,L))); set(H.bGrp,'SelectedObject',H.bSep(strcmpi(S,L)));
270 270 set(H.bGrp,'SelectionChangeFcn',@(~,e)bmvUpDt(get(e.NewValue,'String'))); set(H.bGrp,'SelectionChangeFcn',@(~,e)bmvUpDt(get(e.NewValue,'String')));
... ... function bmv2D3D(H,tgh)
275 275 % Switch between 2D-line and 3D-cube: swap visibility and hittest, then update. % Switch between 2D-line and 3D-cube: swap visibility and hittest, then update.
276 276 % %
277 277 if get(tgh,'Value')% 2D if get(tgh,'Value')% 2D
278 set(H.ax3D, 'HitTest','off', 'Visible','off')
279 set(H.ax2D, 'HitTest','on')
280 set(H.pt3D, 'Visible','off')
281 set(H.ln2D, 'Visible','on')
278 set(H.ax3D, 'HitTest','off', 'Visible','off')
279 set(H.ax2D, 'HitTest','on')
280 set(H.pt3D, 'Visible','off')
281 set(H.ln2D, 'Visible','on')
282 282 else % 3D else % 3D
283 set(H.ax2D, 'HitTest','off')
284 set(H.ax3D, 'HitTest','on', 'Visible','on')
285 set(H.ln2D, 'Visible','off')
286 set(H.pt3D, 'Visible','on')
283 set(H.ax2D, 'HitTest','off')
284 set(H.ax3D, 'HitTest','on', 'Visible','on')
285 set(H.ln2D, 'Visible','off')
286 set(H.pt3D, 'Visible','on')
287 287 end end
288 288 bmvUpDt(); bmvUpDt();
289 289 % %
... ... function bmvDemo(tgh,~)
297 297 % %
298 298 % While the toggle button is down, step schemes: % While the toggle button is down, step schemes:
299 299 while ishghandle(tgh)&&get(tgh,'Value') while ishghandle(tgh)&&get(tgh,'Value')
300 %
301 % Update figure:
302 [~,S] = bmvUpDt(round(N),S);
303 %
304 % Frame-rate faster/slower:
305 pause(1.1);
300 %
301 % Update figure:
302 [~,S] = bmvUpDt(round(N),S);
303 %
304 % Frame-rate faster/slower:
305 pause(1.1);
306 306 end end
307 307 % %
308 308 end end
File misc/3rdparty/cbrewer/cbrewer.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 26be891..4d9cfd6)
1 1 function [colormap]=cbrewer(ctype, cname, ncol, interp_method) function [colormap]=cbrewer(ctype, cname, ncol, interp_method)
2 2 % %
3 % CBREWER - This function produces a colorbrewer table (rgb data) for a
4 % given type, name and number of colors of the colorbrewer tables.
3 % CBREWER - This function produces a colorbrewer table (rgb data) for a
4 % given type, name and number of colors of the colorbrewer tables.
5 5 % For more information on 'colorbrewer', please visit % For more information on 'colorbrewer', please visit
6 6 % %
7 %
7 %
8 8 % The tables were generated from an MS-Excel file provided on the website % The tables were generated from an MS-Excel file provided on the website
9 9 % %
10 10 % %
11 %
11 %
12 12 % [colormap]=cbrewer(ctype, cname, ncol, interp_method) % [colormap]=cbrewer(ctype, cname, ncol, interp_method)
13 13 % %
14 14 % INPUT: % INPUT:
... ... function [colormap]=cbrewer(ctype, cname, ncol, interp_method)
17 17 % - ncol: number of color in the table. It changes according to ctype and % - ncol: number of color in the table. It changes according to ctype and
18 18 % cname % cname
19 19 % - interp_method: interpolation method (see interp1.m). Default is "cubic" ) % - interp_method: interpolation method (see interp1.m). Default is "cubic" )
20 %
20 %
21 21 % A note on the number of colors: Based on the original data, there is % A note on the number of colors: Based on the original data, there is
22 22 % only a certain number of colors available for each type and name of % only a certain number of colors available for each type and name of
23 23 % colortable. When 'ncol' is larger then the maximum number of colors % colortable. When 'ncol' is larger then the maximum number of colors
24 % originally given, an interpolation routine is called (interp1) to produce
24 % originally given, an interpolation routine is called (interp1) to produce
25 25 % the "extended" colormaps. % the "extended" colormaps.
26 26 % %
27 % Example: To produce a colortable CT of ncol X 3 entries (RGB) of
27 % Example: To produce a colortable CT of ncol X 3 entries (RGB) of
28 28 % sequential type and named 'Blues' with 8 colors: % sequential type and named 'Blues' with 8 colors:
29 29 % CT=cbrewer('seq', 'Blues', 8); % CT=cbrewer('seq', 'Blues', 8);
30 30 % To use this colortable as colormap, simply call: % To use this colortable as colormap, simply call:
31 31 % colormap(CT) % colormap(CT)
32 %
32 %
33 33 % To see the various colormaps available according to their types and % To see the various colormaps available according to their types and
34 34 % names, simply call: cbrewer() % names, simply call: cbrewer()
35 35 % %
... ... if (~exist('ctype', 'var') | ~exist('cname', 'var') | ~exist('ncol', 'var'))
61 61 disp(' - cname: name of colortable. It changes depending on ctype.') disp(' - cname: name of colortable. It changes depending on ctype.')
62 62 disp(' - ncol: number of color in the table. It changes according to ctype and cname') disp(' - ncol: number of color in the table. It changes according to ctype and cname')
63 63 disp(' - interp_method: interpolation method (see interp1.m). Default is "cubic" )') disp(' - interp_method: interpolation method (see interp1.m). Default is "cubic" )')
65 65 disp(' ') disp(' ')
66 66 disp('Sequential tables:') disp('Sequential tables:')
67 67 z={'Blues','BuGn','BuPu','GnBu','Greens','Greys','Oranges','OrRd','PuBu','PuBuGn','PuRd',... z={'Blues','BuGn','BuPu','GnBu','Greens','Greys','Oranges','OrRd','PuBu','PuBuGn','PuRd',...
68 68 'Purples','RdPu', 'Reds', 'YlGn', 'YlGnBu', 'YlOrBr', 'YlOrRd', 'Spectral'}; 'Purples','RdPu', 'Reds', 'YlGn', 'YlGnBu', 'YlOrBr', 'YlOrRd', 'Spectral'};
69 disp(z')
69 disp(z')
71 71 disp('Divergent tables:') disp('Divergent tables:')
72 72 z={'BrBG', 'PiYG', 'PRGn', 'PuOr', 'RdBu', 'RdGy', 'RdYlBu', 'RdYlGn'}; z={'BrBG', 'PiYG', 'PRGn', 'PuOr', 'RdBu', 'RdGy', 'RdYlBu', 'RdYlGn'};
73 73 disp(z') disp(z')
75 75 disp(' ') disp(' ')
76 76 disp('Qualitative tables:') disp('Qualitative tables:')
77 77 %getfield(colorbrewer, 'qual') %getfield(colorbrewer, 'qual')
... ... if (ncol>length(colorbrewer.(ctype).(cname)))
111 111 end end
112 112
113 113 if (isempty(colorbrewer.(ctype).(cname){ncol})) if (isempty(colorbrewer.(ctype).(cname){ncol}))
115 115 while(isempty(colorbrewer.(ctype).(cname){ncol})) while(isempty(colorbrewer.(ctype).(cname){ncol}))
116 116 ncol=ncol+1; ncol=ncol+1;
117 end
117 end
118 118 disp(' ') disp(' ')
119 119 disp('----------------------------------------------------------------------') disp('----------------------------------------------------------------------')
120 120 disp(['The minimum number of colors for table *' cname '* is ' num2str(ncol)]) disp(['The minimum number of colors for table *' cname '* is ' num2str(ncol)])
File misc/3rdparty/cbrewer/change_jet.m changed (mode: 100644) (index b8d4ecb..7ba58fa)
1 1 % This script help produce a new 'jet'-like colormap based on other RGB reference colors % This script help produce a new 'jet'-like colormap based on other RGB reference colors
2 2
3 3 % ------- I WAS ASKED --------------- % ------- I WAS ASKED ---------------
4 % "is there a chance that you could add a diverging map going from blue to green to red as in jet,
4 % "is there a chance that you could add a diverging map going from blue to green to red as in jet,
5 5 % but using the red and blue from your RdBu map and the third darkest green from your RdYlGn map?"" % but using the red and blue from your RdBu map and the third darkest green from your RdYlGn map?""
6 6 % %
8 8 % You should construct the new colormap based on the existing RGB values of 'jet' % You should construct the new colormap based on the existing RGB values of 'jet'
9 % but projecting these RGB values on your new RGB basis.
9 % but projecting these RGB values on your new RGB basis.
10 10 % ----------------------------------- % -----------------------------------
11 11
12 12 % load colormaps % load colormaps
... ... for iname=1:length(cnames)
61 61 set(gcf, 'color', [1 1 1]) set(gcf, 'color', [1 1 1])
62 62 ylim([0.1 1.05.*max(Y)]); ylim([0.1 1.05.*max(Y)]);
63 63 end % iname end % iname
File misc/3rdparty/cbrewer/interpolate_cbrewer.m changed (mode: 100644) (index e8b5e21..b108cf1)
1 1 function [interp_cmap]=interpolate_cbrewer(cbrew_init, interp_method, ncolors) function [interp_cmap]=interpolate_cbrewer(cbrew_init, interp_method, ncolors)
2 %
2 %
3 3 % INTERPOLATE_CBREWER - interpolate a colorbrewer map to ncolors levels % INTERPOLATE_CBREWER - interpolate a colorbrewer map to ncolors levels
4 4 % %
5 5 % INPUT: % INPUT:
... ... function [interp_cmap]=interpolate_cbrewer(cbrew_init, interp_method, ncolors)
10 10 % 'spline' - spline interpolation % 'spline' - spline interpolation
11 11 % 'cubic' - bicubic interpolation as long as the data is % 'cubic' - bicubic interpolation as long as the data is
12 12 % uniformly spaced, otherwise the same as 'spline' % uniformly spaced, otherwise the same as 'spline'
13 % - ncolors=desired number of colors
13 % - ncolors=desired number of colors
14 14 % %
15 15 % Author: Charles Robert % Author: Charles Robert
16 16 % email: % email:
File misc/3rdparty/cbrewer/plot_brewer_cmap.m changed (mode: 100644) (index a5cab9e..ce0748b)
... ... cnames{3,:}={'Accent', 'Dark2', 'Paired', 'Pastel1', 'Pastel2', 'Set1', 'Set2',
18 18
19 19 figure('position', [314 327 807 420]) figure('position', [314 327 807 420])
20 20 for itype=1:3 for itype=1:3
22 22 %fh(itype)=figure(); %fh(itype)=figure();
23 23 subplot(1,3,itype) subplot(1,3,itype)
25 25 for iname=1:length(cnames{itype,:}) for iname=1:length(cnames{itype,:})
27 27 ncol=length(colorbrewer.(ctypes{itype}).(cnames{itype}{iname})); ncol=length(colorbrewer.(ctypes{itype}).(cnames{itype}{iname}));
28 28 fg=1./ncol; % geometrical factor fg=1./ncol; % geometrical factor
29 29
File misc/3rdparty/comp_struct/comp_struct.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 7d022db..e6d6113)
... ... function [common, d1, d2] = comp_struct(s1,s2,prt,pse,tol,n1,n2)
36 36
37 37 %% default arguent check %% default arguent check
38 38 if nargin < 2 if nargin < 2
39 help comp_struct; error('I / O error');
39 help comp_struct; error('I / O error');
40 40 end end
41 41
42 42 if nargin < 3 || isempty(prt); prt = 0; end if nargin < 3 || isempty(prt); prt = 0; end
... ... d1 = s1; d2 = s2; common = s1;
56 56 flag = [0 0]; flag = [0 0];
57 57 % test entire structure % test entire structure
58 58 if ~isequal(s1,s2) if ~isequal(s1,s2)
59 % differances noted - parse
60 if isstruct(s1) && isstruct(s2)
61 % both structures - once sub structures are tested, do not
62 % modify the parrent
63 flag(2) = 1;
64 % both structures - get the field names for each structure
65 fn1 = fieldnames(s1);
66 fn2 = fieldnames(s2);
67 % missing fields? (common was a copy of s1 - so only s1 needs checking)
68 temp = find(~ismember(fn1,fn2));
69 for ii = 1:numel(temp)
70 % drop unique fields
71 common = rmfield(common,fn1{temp(ii)});
72 end
73 % get the common fields
74 fn = fieldnames(common);
75 % missing fields in set 1
76 for ii = 1:numel(fn)
77 % common field - recurse and test
78 for jj = 1:min([numel(d1) numel(d2)])
79 [common(jj).(fn{ii}) d1(jj).(fn{ii}) d2(jj).(fn{ii})] = ...
80 comp_struct(s1(jj).(fn{ii}),s2(jj).(fn{ii}), ...
81 prt,pse,tol, ...
82 [n1 '(' num2str(jj) ').' fn{ii}], ...
83 [n2 '(' num2str(jj) ').' fn{ii}]);
84 end
85 end
86 % one or both not structures evaluate
87 elseif isstruct(s1)
88 % first variable is structure - second is not
89 if prt
90 fprintf('Error: %s is a structure and %s is not a structure\n',n1,n2);
91 end
92 if pse
93 uiwait(msgbox(sprintf('Error: %s is a structure and %s is not a structure\n',n1,n2)))
94 end
95 % flag purge
96 flag(1) = 1;
98 elseif isstruct(s2)
99 % second variable is structure - first is not
100 if prt
101 fprintf('Error: %s is not a structure and %s is a structure\n',n1,n2);
102 end
103 if pse; pause; end
104 % flag purge
105 flag(1) = 1;
106 else
107 % the same?
108 if ~isequal(s1,s2)
109 flag(1) = 1;
110 % not the same - differance?
111 % class error
112 if ~strcmp(class(s1),class(s2))
113 % different classes
114 if prt
115 fprintf('Error: %s is class %s and %s class %s\n',n1,class(s1),n2,class(s2));
116 end
117 if pse; pause; end
118 flag(1) = 1;
119 else
120 % tolerance error?
121 if min(size(s1) == size(s2)) && ...
122 (isa(s1,'single') || isa(s1,'double'))
123 % tolerance match?
124 if numel(find(abs(s1-s2) < tol)) == numel(s1)
125 flag(1) = 0;
126 end
127 else
128 % print and pause?
129 if prt > 1
130 fprintf('%s is ',n1); disp(s1);
131 fprintf('\b, %s is ',n2); disp(s2);
132 end
133 if pse > 1; pause; end
134 end
135 end
136 end
137 end
59 % differances noted - parse
60 if isstruct(s1) && isstruct(s2)
61 % both structures - once sub structures are tested, do not
62 % modify the parrent
63 flag(2) = 1;
64 % both structures - get the field names for each structure
65 fn1 = fieldnames(s1);
66 fn2 = fieldnames(s2);
67 % missing fields? (common was a copy of s1 - so only s1 needs checking)
68 temp = find(~ismember(fn1,fn2));
69 for ii = 1:numel(temp)
70 % drop unique fields
71 common = rmfield(common,fn1{temp(ii)});
72 end
73 % get the common fields
74 fn = fieldnames(common);
75 % missing fields in set 1
76 for ii = 1:numel(fn)
77 % common field - recurse and test
78 for jj = 1:min([numel(d1) numel(d2)])
79 [common(jj).(fn{ii}) d1(jj).(fn{ii}) d2(jj).(fn{ii})] = ...
80 comp_struct(s1(jj).(fn{ii}),s2(jj).(fn{ii}), ...
81 prt,pse,tol, ...
82 [n1 '(' num2str(jj) ').' fn{ii}], ...
83 [n2 '(' num2str(jj) ').' fn{ii}]);
84 end
85 end
86 % one or both not structures evaluate
87 elseif isstruct(s1)
88 % first variable is structure - second is not
89 if prt
90 fprintf('Error: %s is a structure and %s is not a structure\n',n1,n2);
91 end
92 if pse
93 uiwait(msgbox(sprintf('Error: %s is a structure and %s is not a structure\n',n1,n2)))
94 end
95 % flag purge
96 flag(1) = 1;
98 elseif isstruct(s2)
99 % second variable is structure - first is not
100 if prt
101 fprintf('Error: %s is not a structure and %s is a structure\n',n1,n2);
102 end
103 if pse; pause; end
104 % flag purge
105 flag(1) = 1;
106 else
107 % the same?
108 if ~isequal(s1,s2)
109 flag(1) = 1;
110 % not the same - differance?
111 % class error
112 if ~strcmp(class(s1),class(s2))
113 % different classes
114 if prt
115 fprintf('Error: %s is class %s and %s class %s\n',n1,class(s1),n2,class(s2));
116 end
117 if pse; pause; end
118 flag(1) = 1;
119 else
120 % tolerance error?
121 if min(size(s1) == size(s2)) && ...
122 (isa(s1,'single') || isa(s1,'double'))
123 % tolerance match?
124 if numel(find(abs(s1-s2) < tol)) == numel(s1)
125 flag(1) = 0;
126 end
127 else
128 % print and pause?
129 if prt > 1
130 fprintf('%s is ',n1); disp(s1);
131 fprintf('\b, %s is ',n2); disp(s2);
132 end
133 if pse > 1; pause; end
134 end
135 end
136 end
137 end
138 138 end end
139 139
140 140
141 141 %% keep or delete %% keep or delete
142 142 if flag(1) && ~flag(2) if flag(1) && ~flag(2)
143 % denote error
144 common = [];
143 % denote error
144 common = [];
145 145 elseif ~flag(2) elseif ~flag(2)
146 % remove from error structures
147 d1 = [];
148 d2 = [];
146 % remove from error structures
147 d1 = [];
148 d2 = [];
149 149 end end
150 150
151 151
152 152 %% purge empty fields %% purge empty fields
153 153 % test common % test common
154 154 if isstruct(common) if isstruct(common)
155 % fieldnames
156 fn = fieldnames(common);
157 for ii = 1:numel(fn)
158 temp = 1;
159 % test for empty field
160 for jj = 1:numel(common)
161 if ~isempty(common(jj).(fn{ii})); temp = 0; end
162 end
163 % purge if field was empty
164 if temp
165 common = rmfield(common,fn{ii});
166 end
167 end
155 % fieldnames
156 fn = fieldnames(common);
157 for ii = 1:numel(fn)
158 temp = 1;
159 % test for empty field
160 for jj = 1:numel(common)
161 if ~isempty(common(jj).(fn{ii})); temp = 0; end
162 end
163 % purge if field was empty
164 if temp
165 common = rmfield(common,fn{ii});
166 end
167 end
168 168 end end
169 169 % test d1 % test d1
170 170 if isstruct(d1) if isstruct(d1)
171 % fieldnames
172 fn = fieldnames(d1);
173 for ii = 1:numel(fn)
174 temp = 1;
175 % test for empty field
176 for jj = 1:numel(d1)
177 if ~isempty(d1(jj).(fn{ii})); temp = 0; end
178 end
179 % purge if field was empty
180 if temp
181 d1 = rmfield(d1,fn{ii});
182 end
183 end
171 % fieldnames
172 fn = fieldnames(d1);
173 for ii = 1:numel(fn)
174 temp = 1;
175 % test for empty field
176 for jj = 1:numel(d1)
177 if ~isempty(d1(jj).(fn{ii})); temp = 0; end
178 end
179 % purge if field was empty
180 if temp
181 d1 = rmfield(d1,fn{ii});
182 end
183 end
184 184 end end
185 185 % test d2 % test d2
186 186 if isstruct(d2) if isstruct(d2)
187 % fieldnames
188 fn = fieldnames(d2);
189 for ii = 1:numel(fn)
190 temp = 1;
191 % test for empty field
192 for jj = 1:numel(d2)
193 if ~isempty(d2(jj).(fn{ii})); temp = 0; end
194 end
195 % purge if field was empty
196 if temp
197 d2 = rmfield(d2,fn{ii});
198 end
199 end
187 % fieldnames
188 fn = fieldnames(d2);
189 for ii = 1:numel(fn)
190 temp = 1;
191 % test for empty field
192 for jj = 1:numel(d2)
193 if ~isempty(d2(jj).(fn{ii})); temp = 0; end
194 end
195 % purge if field was empty
196 if temp
197 d2 = rmfield(d2,fn{ii});
198 end
199 end
200 200 end end
201 201
202 202
203 203 %% test for null fields %% test for null fields
204 204 if isstruct(common) if isstruct(common)
205 % fieldnames
206 if isempty(fieldnames(common)); common = []; end
205 % fieldnames
206 if isempty(fieldnames(common)); common = []; end
207 207 end end
208 208 if isstruct(d1) if isstruct(d1)
209 % fieldnames
210 if isempty(fieldnames(d1)); d1 = []; end
209 % fieldnames
210 if isempty(fieldnames(d1)); d1 = []; end
211 211 end end
212 212 if isstruct(d2) if isstruct(d2)
213 % fieldnames
214 if isempty(fieldnames(d2)); d2 = []; end
213 % fieldnames
214 if isempty(fieldnames(d2)); d2 = []; end
215 215 end end
File misc/3rdparty/comp_struct/comp_struct_old.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 34d9522..42d3967)
... ... eval([char(n2) ' = s2;']);
57 57 ner1 = numel(er1); ner2 = numel(er2); ner1 = numel(er1); ner2 = numel(er2);
58 58 % check that same number of errors were listed in each cell % check that same number of errors were listed in each cell
59 59 if ner1 ~= ner2 if ner1 ~= ner2
60 error(char('Something went very wrong in capturing errors.', ...
61 'If possible, please email the two structures to'));
60 error(char('Something went very wrong in capturing errors.', ...
61 'If possible, please email the two structures to'));
62 62 else else
63 n = ner1;
63 n = ner1;
64 64 end end
65 65
66 66 % populate the error list % populate the error list
67 67 df = cell(n,3); df = cell(n,3);
68 68 % loop the error lists % loop the error lists
69 69 for ii = 1:n for ii = 1:n
70 % capture the error text list
71 temp1 = er1{ii}; temp2 = er2{ii};
73 % see if the second structure exists
74 if isempty(regexp(temp2,'is missing', 'once'))
75 % record text error
76 df{ii,1} = temp2;
77 % see if matching structure 1 is missing (struture 2 listed as unique)
78 if isempty(regexp(temp2,'is unique', 'once'))
79 % unique to structure 2 - record value
80 junk = regexp(temp2,' ','once');
81 df{ii,3} = eval(temp2(1:junk-1));
82 else
83 % exists in 1 and 2 - evaluate types
84 junk = regexp(temp2,' ','once'); temp2(junk:end) = [];
85 junk = strfind(temp2,'.'); trash = temp2(junk+1:end); temp2(junk:end) = [];
86 % if trash is empty, the field is a sub structure - list sub fields
87 if isempty(trash)
88 df{ii,3} = eval(['fieldnames(' temp2 ')'])';
89 else
90 % if numel(temp2) is > 1, then this is an indexed field
91 % list the number if indexes and the type
92 if (numel(eval(temp2)) - 1)
93 df{ii,3} = sprintf('%s(#%g).%s is class %s', ...
94 temp2,numel(eval(temp2)),trash,class(eval([temp2 '.' trash])));
95 else
96 % list the contents of the field
97 df{ii,3} = eval([temp2 '.' trash]);
98 end
99 end
100 end
101 end
102 if isempty(regexp(temp1,'is missing', 'once'))
103 % record text error
104 df{ii,1} = temp1;
105 % see if matching structure 1 is missing (struture 2 listed as unique)
106 if isempty(regexp(temp1,'is unique', 'once'))
107 % unique to structure 2 - record value
108 junk = regexp(temp1,' ','once');
109 df{ii,2} = eval([temp1(1:junk-1)]);
110 else
111 % exists in 1 and 2 - evaluate types
112 junk = regexp(temp1,' ','once'); temp1(junk:end) = [];
113 junk = strfind(temp1,'.'); trash = temp1(junk+1:end); temp1(junk:end) = [];
114 % if trash is empty, the field is a sub structure - list sub fields
115 if isempty(trash)
116 df{ii,2} = eval(['fieldnames(' temp1 ')'])';
117 else
118 % if numel(temp2) is > 1, then this is an indexed field
119 % list the number if indexes and the type
120 if (numel(eval(temp1)) - 1)
121 df{ii,2} = sprintf('%s(#%g).%s is class %s', ...
122 temp1,numel(eval(temp1)),trash,class(eval([temp1 '.' trash])));
123 else
124 % list the contents of the field
125 df{ii,2} = eval([temp1 '.' trash]);
126 end
127 end
128 end
129 end
70 % capture the error text list
71 temp1 = er1{ii}; temp2 = er2{ii};
73 % see if the second structure exists
74 if isempty(regexp(temp2,'is missing', 'once'))
75 % record text error
76 df{ii,1} = temp2;
77 % see if matching structure 1 is missing (struture 2 listed as unique)
78 if isempty(regexp(temp2,'is unique', 'once'))
79 % unique to structure 2 - record value
80 junk = regexp(temp2,' ','once');
81 df{ii,3} = eval(temp2(1:junk-1));
82 else
83 % exists in 1 and 2 - evaluate types
84 junk = regexp(temp2,' ','once'); temp2(junk:end) = [];
85 junk = strfind(temp2,'.'); trash = temp2(junk+1:end); temp2(junk:end) = [];
86 % if trash is empty, the field is a sub structure - list sub fields
87 if isempty(trash)
88 df{ii,3} = eval(['fieldnames(' temp2 ')'])';
89 else
90 % if numel(temp2) is > 1, then this is an indexed field
91 % list the number if indexes and the type
92 if (numel(eval(temp2)) - 1)
93 df{ii,3} = sprintf('%s(#%g).%s is class %s', ...
94 temp2,numel(eval(temp2)),trash,class(eval([temp2 '.' trash])));
95 else
96 % list the contents of the field
97 df{ii,3} = eval([temp2 '.' trash]);
98 end
99 end
100 end
101 end
102 if isempty(regexp(temp1,'is missing', 'once'))
103 % record text error
104 df{ii,1} = temp1;
105 % see if matching structure 1 is missing (struture 2 listed as unique)
106 if isempty(regexp(temp1,'is unique', 'once'))
107 % unique to structure 2 - record value
108 junk = regexp(temp1,' ','once');
109 df{ii,2} = eval([temp1(1:junk-1)]);
110 else
111 % exists in 1 and 2 - evaluate types
112 junk = regexp(temp1,' ','once'); temp1(junk:end) = [];
113 junk = strfind(temp1,'.'); trash = temp1(junk+1:end); temp1(junk:end) = [];
114 % if trash is empty, the field is a sub structure - list sub fields
115 if isempty(trash)
116 df{ii,2} = eval(['fieldnames(' temp1 ')'])';
117 else
118 % if numel(temp2) is > 1, then this is an indexed field
119 % list the number if indexes and the type
120 if (numel(eval(temp1)) - 1)
121 df{ii,2} = sprintf('%s(#%g).%s is class %s', ...
122 temp1,numel(eval(temp1)),trash,class(eval([temp1 '.' trash])));
123 else
124 % list the contents of the field
125 df{ii,2} = eval([temp1 '.' trash]);
126 end
127 end
128 end
129 end
130 130 end end
131 131
132 132 % optional text output % optional text output
133 133 if prt if prt
134 fprintf('\n Error table\n');
135 for ii = 1:n
136 fprintf('\n%s \n',df{ii,1});
137 fprintf('Structure 1: ');
138 if isempty(df{ii,2}); fprintf('\n'); else; disp(df{ii,2}); end
139 fprintf('Structure 2: ');
140 if isempty(df{ii,3}); fprintf('\n'); else; disp(df{ii,3}); end
141 end
142 fprintf('\n\n\n\n\n');
134 fprintf('\n Error table\n');
135 for ii = 1:n
136 fprintf('\n%s \n',df{ii,1});
137 fprintf('Structure 1: ');
138 if isempty(df{ii,2}); fprintf('\n'); else; disp(df{ii,2}); end
139 fprintf('Structure 2: ');
140 if isempty(df{ii,3}); fprintf('\n'); else; disp(df{ii,3}); end
141 end
142 fprintf('\n\n\n\n\n');
143 143 end end
144 144
145 145
... ... end
148 148 function [match, er1, er2] = comp_struct_loop(s1,s2,prt,pse,tol,n1,n2,wbf) function [match, er1, er2] = comp_struct_loop(s1,s2,prt,pse,tol,n1,n2,wbf)
149 149
150 150 % init outputs % init outputs
151 match = {}; er1 = {}; er2 = {};
151 match = {}; er1 = {}; er2 = {};
152 152
153 153 % test to see if both are structures % test to see if both are structures
154 154 if isstruct(s1) && isstruct(s2) if isstruct(s1) && isstruct(s2)
155 % both structures - get the field names for each structure
156 fn1 = fieldnames(s1);
157 fn2 = fieldnames(s2);
158 % missing fields? get the common fields
159 temp1 = ismember(fn1,fn2);
160 temp2 = ismember(fn2,fn1);
161 % missing fields in set 1
162 for ii = find(~temp2)'
163 er1{end+1} = sprintf('%s is missing field %s',n1,fn2{ii});
164 er2{end+1} = sprintf('%s.%s is unique',n2,fn2{ii});
155 % both structures - get the field names for each structure
156 fn1 = fieldnames(s1);
157 fn2 = fieldnames(s2);
158 % missing fields? get the common fields
159 temp1 = ismember(fn1,fn2);
160 temp2 = ismember(fn2,fn1);
161 % missing fields in set 1
162 for ii = find(~temp2)'
163 er1{end+1} = sprintf('%s is missing field %s',n1,fn2{ii});
164 er2{end+1} = sprintf('%s.%s is unique',n2,fn2{ii});
165 165 % er2{end+1} = s2.(fn2{ii}); % er2{end+1} = s2.(fn2{ii});
166 if prt > 1; fprintf('%s\n',er1{end}); end; if pse; pause; end
167 end
168 % missing fields in set 2
169 for ii = find(~temp1)'
170 er2{end+1} = sprintf('%s is missing field %s',n2,fn1{ii});
171 er1{end+1} = sprintf('%s.%s is unique',n1,fn1{ii});
166 if prt > 1; fprintf('%s\n',er1{end}); end; if pse; pause; end
167 end
168 % missing fields in set 2
169 for ii = find(~temp1)'
170 er2{end+1} = sprintf('%s is missing field %s',n2,fn1{ii});
171 er1{end+1} = sprintf('%s.%s is unique',n1,fn1{ii});
172 172 % er1{end+1} = s1.(fn1{ii}); % er1{end+1} = s1.(fn1{ii});
173 if prt > 1; fprintf('%s\n',er2{end}); end; if pse; pause; end
174 end
175 % index sizes match? i.e. do both structures have the same # of indexes?
176 inda = numel(s1); indb = numel(s2); inder = inda-indb;
177 if inder < 0
178 % struct 1 is smaller
179 for ii = inda+1:indb
180 er1{end+1} = sprintf('%s(%g) is missing',n1,ii);
181 er2{end+1} = sprintf('%s(%g) is unique',n2,ii);
182 if prt > 1; fprintf('%s\n',er1{end}); end; if pse; pause; end
183 end
184 elseif inder > 0
185 % index 2 is smaller
186 for ii = indb+1:inda
187 er2{end+1} = sprintf('%s(%g) is missing',n2,ii);
188 er1{end+1} = sprintf('%s(%g) is unique',n1,ii);
189 if prt > 1; fprintf('%s\n',er2{end}); end; if pse; pause; end
190 end
191 end
192 % get common fields
193 fn = fn1(temp1); fnn = numel(fn);
194 % loop through structure 1 and match to structure 2
195 ind = min([inda indb]); cnt = 0;
196 if wbf; wb = waitbar(0,'Comparing ....'); end
197 for ii = 1:ind
198 % loop each index
199 for jj = 1:fnn
200 % loop common field names
201 if wbf; cnt = cnt + 1; waitbar(cnt/(ind*fnn),wb); drawnow; end
202 % add index and field name to the structure name
203 n1p = sprintf('%s(%g).%s',n1,ii,fn{jj});
204 n2p = sprintf('%s(%g).%s',n2,ii,fn{jj});
205 % recurse - run the program again on the sub-set of the structure
206 [m e1 e2] = comp_struct_loop(s1(ii).(fn{jj}),s2(ii).(fn{jj}),prt,pse, ...
207 tol,n1p,n2p,wbf);
208 % add the sub-set (field name) results to the total results
209 match = [match m'];
210 if ~isempty(e1) || ~isempty(e2)
211 er1 = [er1 e1']; er2 = [er2 e2'];
212 end
213 end
214 end
215 if wbf; close(wb); end
173 if prt > 1; fprintf('%s\n',er2{end}); end; if pse; pause; end
174 end
175 % index sizes match? i.e. do both structures have the same # of indexes?
176 inda = numel(s1); indb = numel(s2); inder = inda-indb;
177 if inder < 0
178 % struct 1 is smaller
179 for ii = inda+1:indb
180 er1{end+1} = sprintf('%s(%g) is missing',n1,ii);
181 er2{end+1} = sprintf('%s(%g) is unique',n2,ii);
182 if prt > 1; fprintf('%s\n',er1{end}); end; if pse; pause; end
183 end
184 elseif inder > 0
185 % index 2 is smaller
186 for ii = indb+1:inda
187 er2{end+1} = sprintf('%s(%g) is missing',n2,ii);
188 er1{end+1} = sprintf('%s(%g) is unique',n1,ii);
189 if prt > 1; fprintf('%s\n',er2{end}); end; if pse; pause; end
190 end
191 end
192 % get common fields
193 fn = fn1(temp1); fnn = numel(fn);
194 % loop through structure 1 and match to structure 2
195 ind = min([inda indb]); cnt = 0;
196 if wbf; wb = waitbar(0,'Comparing ....'); end
197 for ii = 1:ind
198 % loop each index
199 for jj = 1:fnn
200 % loop common field names
201 if wbf; cnt = cnt + 1; waitbar(cnt/(ind*fnn),wb); drawnow; end
202 % add index and field name to the structure name
203 n1p = sprintf('%s(%g).%s',n1,ii,fn{jj});
204 n2p = sprintf('%s(%g).%s',n2,ii,fn{jj});
205 % recurse - run the program again on the sub-set of the structure
206 [m e1 e2] = comp_struct_loop(s1(ii).(fn{jj}),s2(ii).(fn{jj}),prt,pse, ...
207 tol,n1p,n2p,wbf);
208 % add the sub-set (field name) results to the total results
209 match = [match m'];
210 if ~isempty(e1) || ~isempty(e2)
211 er1 = [er1 e1']; er2 = [er2 e2'];
212 end
213 end
214 end
215 if wbf; close(wb); end
216 216 else else
217 % both are non-structures - compare
218 % get the varable class and test
219 c1 = class(s1); c2 = class(s2);
220 if strcmp(c1,c2);
221 % both are the same class
222 if isequal(s1,s2)
223 % results are equal
224 match{end+1} = sprintf('%s and %s match',n1,n2);
225 if prt == 3; fprintf('%s\n',match{end}); end
226 else
227 % same class but not equal
228 % calculate error if type is single or double
229 % test for function type match if function handle
230 switch c1
231 case {'single', 'double'},
232 if numel(s1) ~= numel(s2) || size(s1,1) ~= size(s2,1)
233 er = 1;
234 else
235 er = norm(s1-s2);
236 end
237 case {'function_handle'},
238 s1f = functions(s1); s2f = functions(s2);
239 if strcmp(s1f.function,s2f.function)
240 % same function with different values - record deviation and exit
241 er = 0;
242 er1{end+1} = sprintf('%s and %s are both %s but have different values', ...
243 n1,n2,char(s1));
244 er2{end+1} = er1{end};
245 if prt > 1; fprintf('%s\n',er1{end}); end;
246 if pse > 1; pause; end
247 else
248 er = 1;
249 end
250 otherwise, er = 1;
251 end
252 % test error - error will be 0 (no error) or 1 (error) for all
253 % classes except double and single. double and single are the
254 % actual error which is tested against the tolerance
255 % this was done for cases where structures are run on different
256 % platforms and numerical precision errors are observed
257 if er > tol
258 % sets do not match
259 er1{end+1} = sprintf('%s and %s do not match',n1,n2);
260 er2{end+1} = sprintf('%s and %s do not match',n2,n1);
261 if prt > 1; fprintf('%s\n',er1{end}); end;
262 if pse > 1; pause; end
263 else
264 % sets are a tolerance match
265 match{end+1} = sprintf('%s and %s are tolerance match',n1,n2);
266 if prt > 2; fprintf('%s\n',match{end}); end
267 end
268 end
269 else
270 % fields are different classes
271 er1{end+1} = sprintf('%s is class %s, %s is class %s',n1,c1,n2,c2);
272 er2{end+1} = sprintf('%s is class %s, %s is class %s',n2,c2,n1,c1);
273 if prt > 1; fprintf('%s\n',er1{end}); end
274 if pse; pause; end
275 end
217 % both are non-structures - compare
218 % get the varable class and test
219 c1 = class(s1); c2 = class(s2);
220 if strcmp(c1,c2);
221 % both are the same class
222 if isequal(s1,s2)
223 % results are equal
224 match{end+1} = sprintf('%s and %s match',n1,n2);
225 if prt == 3; fprintf('%s\n',match{end}); end
226 else
227 % same class but not equal
228 % calculate error if type is single or double
229 % test for function type match if function handle
230 switch c1
231 case {'single', 'double'},
232 if numel(s1) ~= numel(s2) || size(s1,1) ~= size(s2,1)
233 er = 1;
234 else
235 er = norm(s1-s2);
236 end
237 case {'function_handle'},
238 s1f = functions(s1); s2f = functions(s2);
239 if strcmp(s1f.function,s2f.function)
240 % same function with different values - record deviation and exit
241 er = 0;
242 er1{end+1} = sprintf('%s and %s are both %s but have different values', ...
243 n1,n2,char(s1));
244 er2{end+1} = er1{end};
245 if prt > 1; fprintf('%s\n',er1{end}); end;
246 if pse > 1; pause; end
247 else
248 er = 1;
249 end
250 otherwise, er = 1;
251 end
252 % test error - error will be 0 (no error) or 1 (error) for all
253 % classes except double and single. double and single are the
254 % actual error which is tested against the tolerance
255 % this was done for cases where structures are run on different
256 % platforms and numerical precision errors are observed
257 if er > tol
258 % sets do not match
259 er1{end+1} = sprintf('%s and %s do not match',n1,n2);
260 er2{end+1} = sprintf('%s and %s do not match',n2,n1);
261 if prt > 1; fprintf('%s\n',er1{end}); end;
262 if pse > 1; pause; end
263 else
264 % sets are a tolerance match
265 match{end+1} = sprintf('%s and %s are tolerance match',n1,n2);
266 if prt > 2; fprintf('%s\n',match{end}); end
267 end
268 end
269 else
270 % fields are different classes
271 er1{end+1} = sprintf('%s is class %s, %s is class %s',n1,c1,n2,c2);
272 er2{end+1} = sprintf('%s is class %s, %s is class %s',n2,c2,n1,c1);
273 if prt > 1; fprintf('%s\n',er1{end}); end
274 if pse; pause; end
275 end
276 276 end end
277 277
278 278 % transpose outputs % transpose outputs
File misc/3rdparty/comp_struct/comp_struct_test.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 86bfac4..a8f0b83)
... ... fprintf('\n\n\nCase 3\n')
119 119 a.a = 1; b.a = 1; a.a = 1; b.a = 1;
120 120 a.b = 2; b.b = 1; a.b = 2; b.b = 1;
121 121 a.c.a = 1; a.c.b = 2; b.c = 1; a.c.a = 1; a.c.b = 2; b.c = 1;
122 a.d = cellstr('test')'; b.d = cellstr('test')';
123 a.e = cellstr('test')'; b.e = cellstr('a')';
122 a.d = cellstr('test')'; b.d = cellstr('test')';
123 a.e = cellstr('test')'; b.e = cellstr('a')';
124 124 a.f = 'tt'; b.f = 'tt'; a.f = 'tt'; b.f = 'tt';
125 125 a.g = 'tt'; b.g = 't'; a.g = 'tt'; b.g = 't';
126 126 a.h.a = 1; b.h.b = 1; a.h.a = 1; b.h.b = 1;
127 127 a.i.a = 1; a.i.a = 1;
128 128 a.j.a = @sin; b.j.a = @sin; a.j.a = @sin; b.j.a = @sin;
129 129 a.j.b = @sin; b.j.b = @cos; a.j.b = @sin; b.j.b = @cos;
130 x = .1; a.j.c = @(x) sin(x); x = .5; b.j.c = @(x) sin(x);
130 x = .1; a.j.c = @(x) sin(x); x = .5; b.j.c = @(x) sin(x);
131 131 a(2) = a(1); b(2) = b(1); a(3) = a(1); a(2) = a(1); b(2) = b(1); a(3) = a(1);
132 132
133 133
... ... str = char(97:122);
151 151
152 152 % build structure % build structure
153 153 for ii = 1:26 for ii = 1:26
154 stu1.(str(ii)) = rand(ceil(5*rand(1)),ceil(5*rand(1)));
154 stu1.(str(ii)) = rand(ceil(5*rand(1)),ceil(5*rand(1)));
155 155 end end
156 156 stu2 = stu1; stu2 = stu1;
157 157 for ii = 1:26 for ii = 1:26
158 if round(rand(1))
159 if rand(1) > 0.3
160 if round(rand)
161 stu2.(str(ii)) = rand(size(stu2.(str(ii))));
162 else
163 stu2.(str(ii)) = stu2.(str(ii)) + 1e-8;
164 end
165 else
166 stu2.(str(ii)) = rand(ceil(5*rand(1)),ceil(5*rand(1)));
167 end
168 end
158 if round(rand(1))
159 if rand(1) > 0.3
160 if round(rand)
161 stu2.(str(ii)) = rand(size(stu2.(str(ii))));
162 else
163 stu2.(str(ii)) = stu2.(str(ii)) + 1e-8;
164 end
165 else
166 stu2.(str(ii)) = rand(ceil(5*rand(1)),ceil(5*rand(1)));
167 end
168 end
169 169 end end
170 170
171 171 [match, er1, er2] = comp_struct(stu1,stu2); [match, er1, er2] = comp_struct(stu1,stu2);
File misc/3rdparty/comp_struct/list_struct.m changed (mode: 100644) (index cb708fe..8fa354d)
... ... if nargin < 3; n1 = inputname(1); end
19 19 %% is the variable a structures %% is the variable a structures
20 20 if isstruct(s1) if isstruct(s1)
21 21 % structure - get the field names % structure - get the field names
22 fn1 = fieldnames(s1);
22 fn1 = fieldnames(s1);
23 23 % added loop for indexed structured variables % added loop for indexed structured variables
24 for jj = 1:size(s1,2)
24 for jj = 1:size(s1,2)
25 25 % loop through structure 1 % loop through structure 1
26 for ii = 1:length(fn1)
26 for ii = 1:length(fn1)
27 27 % clean display - add index if needed % clean display - add index if needed
28 if size(s1,2) == 1;
29 n1p = [n1 '.' char(fn1(ii))];
30 else
31 n1p = [n1 '(' num2str(jj) ').' char(fn1(ii))];
32 end
33 list_struct(getfield(s1(jj),char(fn1(ii))),v,n1p);
34 end
35 end
28 if size(s1,2) == 1;
29 n1p = [n1 '.' char(fn1(ii))];
30 else
31 n1p = [n1 '(' num2str(jj) ').' char(fn1(ii))];
32 end
33 list_struct(getfield(s1(jj),char(fn1(ii))),v,n1p);
34 end
35 end
36 36 else else
37 37 % not structure - display % not structure - display
38 if v
39 if ischar(s1);
40 fprintf('Field: %s = %s\n',n1,s1);
41 elseif iscell(s1)
42 if isstruct(s1{1})
43 for ii = 1:numel(s1)
44 temp = s1{ii};
45 fn1 = fieldnames(temp);
46 for jj = 1:numel(fn1)
47 list_struct(getfield(temp,char(fn1(jj))),v,[char(n1) '{' num2str(ii) '}.' char(fn1(jj))]);
48 end
49 end
50 else
51 %disp(sprintf('Field: %s = %s',n1,s1{1:end}))
52 fprintf('Field: %s = %s\n',n1,s1{1});
53 fprintf(' %s\n',s1{2:end});
54 end
55 elseif isnumeric(s1)
56 fprintf('Field: %s = \n',n1); disp(s1)
57 else
58 fprintf('Field: %s = [%s]\n',n1,num2str(s1));
59 end
60 else
61 fprintf('Field: %s\n',n1);
62 end
38 if v
39 if ischar(s1);
40 fprintf('Field: %s = %s\n',n1,s1);
41 elseif iscell(s1)
42 if isstruct(s1{1})
43 for ii = 1:numel(s1)
44 temp = s1{ii};
45 fn1 = fieldnames(temp);
46 for jj = 1:numel(fn1)
47 list_struct(getfield(temp,char(fn1(jj))),v,[char(n1) '{' num2str(ii) '}.' char(fn1(jj))]);
48 end
49 end
50 else
51 %disp(sprintf('Field: %s = %s',n1,s1{1:end}))
52 fprintf('Field: %s = %s\n',n1,s1{1});
53 fprintf(' %s\n',s1{2:end});
54 end
55 elseif isnumeric(s1)
56 fprintf('Field: %s = \n',n1); disp(s1)
57 else
58 fprintf('Field: %s = [%s]\n',n1,num2str(s1));
59 end
60 else
61 fprintf('Field: %s\n',n1);
62 end
63 63 end end
File misc/3rdparty/heatmap.m changed (mode: 100644) (index af7812d..ef15089)
... ... function [hImage, hText, hXText] = heatmap(mat, xlab, ylab, textmat, varargin)
6 6 % %
8 8 % * HEATMAP displays "matrix" as an image whose color intensities reflect % * HEATMAP displays "matrix" as an image whose color intensities reflect
9 % the magnitude of the values in "matrix".
9 % the magnitude of the values in "matrix".
10 10 % %
11 11 % * "xlabels" (and "ylabels") can be either a numeric vector or cell array % * "xlabels" (and "ylabels") can be either a numeric vector or cell array
12 12 % of strings that represent the columns (or rows) of the matrix. If either % of strings that represent the columns (or rows) of the matrix. If either
13 % is not specified or empty, no labels will be drawn.
13 % is not specified or empty, no labels will be drawn.
14 14 % %
15 15 % * "textmat" can either be: 1 (or true), in which case the "matrix" values will be % * "textmat" can either be: 1 (or true), in which case the "matrix" values will be
16 16 % displayed in each square, a format string, in which case the matrix % displayed in each square, a format string, in which case the matrix
... ... function [hImage, hText, hXText] = heatmap(mat, xlab, ylab, textmat, varargin)
48 48 % default MATLAB displays NaN values using the color assigned to the % default MATLAB displays NaN values using the color assigned to the
49 49 % lowest value in the colormap. Specifying this option automatically sets % lowest value in the colormap. Specifying this option automatically sets
50 50 % the 'UseFigureColormap' option to false because the color mapping must % the 'UseFigureColormap' option to false because the color mapping must
51 % be computed prior to setting the nan color.
51 % be computed prior to setting the nan color.
52 52 % %
53 53 % * 'MinColorValue': A scalar number corresponding to the value of the data % * 'MinColorValue': A scalar number corresponding to the value of the data
54 % that is mapped to the lowest color of the colormap. By default this is
55 % the minimum value of the matrix input.
54 % that is mapped to the lowest color of the colormap. By default this is
55 % the minimum value of the matrix input.
56 56 % %
57 57 % * 'MaxColorValue': A scalar number corresponding to the value of the data % * 'MaxColorValue': A scalar number corresponding to the value of the data
58 % that is mapped to the highest color of the colormap. By default this is
59 % the maximum value of the matrix input.
60 %
58 % that is mapped to the highest color of the colormap. By default this is
59 % the maximum value of the matrix input.
60 %
61 61 % * 'Parent': Handle to an axes object % * 'Parent': Handle to an axes object
62 62 % %
63 63 % * 'TextColor': Either a color specification of all the text displayed on % * 'TextColor': Either a color specification of all the text displayed on
... ... end
172 172 % ---------------------- Heatmap Creation Functions ---------------------- % ---------------------- Heatmap Creation Functions ----------------------
173 173
174 174 % Parse PV inputs & return structure of parameters % Parse PV inputs & return structure of parameters
175 function param = parseInputs(mat, varargin)
175 function param = parseInputs(mat, varargin)
176 176
177 177 p = inputParser; p = inputParser;
178 178 p.addParamValue('Colormap',[]); %#ok<*NVREPL> p.addParamValue('Colormap',[]); %#ok<*NVREPL>
... ... param.ExplicitlyComputeImage = ~all(isnan(param.NaNColor)) ... NaNColor is speci
218 218 % if param.IsGraphics2 && ~param.UseFigureColormap && ~isempty(param.ColorBar) % graphics v2 % if param.IsGraphics2 && ~param.UseFigureColormap && ~isempty(param.ColorBar) % graphics v2
219 219 % warning('heatmap:graphics2figurecolormap', 'The UseFigureColormap false option with colorbar is not supported in versions R2014b and above. In most such cases UseFigureColormap false is unnecessary'); % warning('heatmap:graphics2figurecolormap', 'The UseFigureColormap false option with colorbar is not supported in versions R2014b and above. In most such cases UseFigureColormap false is unnecessary');
220 220 % end % end
222 222
223 223 end end
224 224
... ... else
312 312 tickAxis = 'X'; tickAxis = 'X';
313 313 end end
314 314 end end
316 316 if ~isempty(ticks) if ~isempty(ticks)
318 318 if ischar(textmat) % If format string, format colorbar ticks in the same way if ischar(textmat) % If format string, format colorbar ticks in the same way
319 319 ticklabels = arrayfun(@(x){sprintf(textmat,x)},ticks); ticklabels = arrayfun(@(x){sprintf(textmat,x)},ticks);
320 320 else else
... ... if ~isempty(ticks)
325 325 else else
326 326 set(c, [tickAxis 'TickLabel'], ticklabels); set(c, [tickAxis 'TickLabel'], ticklabels);
327 327 end end
329 329 end end
330 330
331 331
... ... else
360 360 if ischar(ylab) if ischar(ylab)
361 361 ylab = cellstr(ylab); ylab = cellstr(ylab);
362 362 end end
363 ytick = get(p.hAxes, 'YTick');
363 ytick = get(p.hAxes, 'YTick');
364 364 ytick(ytick<1|ytick>length(ylab)) = []; ytick(ytick<1|ytick>length(ylab)) = [];
365 365 if p.ShowAllTicks || length(ytick) > length(ylab) if p.ShowAllTicks || length(ytick) > length(ylab)
366 366 ytick = 1:length(ylab); ytick = 1:length(ylab);
... ... function hXText = createXTicks(hAxes, tickAngle, xticks, xticklabels, texInterpr
411 411
412 412 axXLim = get(hAxes, 'XLim'); axXLim = get(hAxes, 'XLim');
413 413 [xPos, yPos] = calculateTextTickPositions(hAxes, axXLim, xticks); [xPos, yPos] = calculateTextTickPositions(hAxes, axXLim, xticks);
415 415 if texInterpreter if texInterpreter
416 416 interpreter = 'tex'; interpreter = 'tex';
417 417 else else
... ... function hXText = createXTicks(hAxes, tickAngle, xticks, xticklabels, texInterpr
421 421 'Parent', hAxes, 'FontSize', get(hAxes,'FontSize'), ... 'Parent', hAxes, 'FontSize', get(hAxes,'FontSize'), ...
422 422 'HorizontalAlignment', 'right', 'Rotation', tickAngle,... 'HorizontalAlignment', 'right', 'Rotation', tickAngle,...
423 423 'Interpreter', interpreter); 'Interpreter', interpreter);
425 425 set(hAxes, 'XTick', xticks, 'XTickLabel', ''); set(hAxes, 'XTick', xticks, 'XTickLabel', '');
426 426
427 427 end end
... ... function adjustAxesToAccommodateTickLabels(hAxes, hXText)
449 449 [axPosP, axPosN, axOPP, axOPN, coPosP, textPosP] = ... [axPosP, axPosN, axOPP, axOPN, coPosP, textPosP] = ...
450 450 getGraphicsObjectsPositions(hAxes, hXText); %#ok<ASGLU> getGraphicsObjectsPositions(hAxes, hXText); %#ok<ASGLU>
451 451
452 header = axOPP(4) + axOPP(2) - axPosP(4) - axPosP(2); % Distance between top of axes and container in pixels;
452 header = axOPP(4) + axOPP(2) - axPosP(4) - axPosP(2); % Distance between top of axes and container in pixels;
453 453 delta = 5; % To adjust for overlap between area designated for regular ticks and area occupied by rotated ticks delta = 5; % To adjust for overlap between area designated for regular ticks and area occupied by rotated ticks
454 454 axHeightP = axOPP(4) - header - delta - textPosP(4); axHeightP = axOPP(4) - header - delta - textPosP(4);
455 455
456 456 % Fudge axis position if labels are taking up too much room % Fudge axis position if labels are taking up too much room
457 457 if textPosP(4)/(textPosP(4)+axHeightP) > .7 % It's taking up more than 70% of total height if textPosP(4)/(textPosP(4)+axHeightP) > .7 % It's taking up more than 70% of total height
458 axHeightP = (1/.7-1) * textPosP(4); % Minimum axis
458 axHeightP = (1/.7-1) * textPosP(4); % Minimum axis
459 459 end end
460 460 axHeightN = max(0.0001, axHeightP / coPosP(4)); axHeightN = max(0.0001, axHeightP / coPosP(4));
461 461
... ... if axesLimitsChanged && ~isempty(axInfo.displayText) % If limits change & text l
527 527 set(p.hText(ind), 'Visible', 'on'); set(p.hText(ind), 'Visible', 'on');
528 528 set(p.hText(~ind), 'Visible', 'off'); set(p.hText(~ind), 'Visible', 'off');
529 529 end end
531 531 % Modify Y Tick Labels % Modify Y Tick Labels
532 532
533 533 if ~isempty(axInfo.ylab) if ~isempty(axInfo.ylab)
... ... if ~isempty(axInfo.ylab)
544 544 ylabels(1:length(axInfo.ylab)) = axInfo.ylab; ylabels(1:length(axInfo.ylab)) = axInfo.ylab;
545 545 set(hAxes, 'YTick', yticks, 'YTickLabel', ylabels(yticks)); set(hAxes, 'YTick', yticks, 'YTickLabel', ylabels(yticks));
546 546 end end
548 if ~isempty(axInfo.xlab)
548 if ~isempty(axInfo.xlab)
550 550 axXLim = get(hAxes, 'XLim'); axXLim = get(hAxes, 'XLim');
551 551
552 552 if p.ShowAllTicks if p.ShowAllTicks
... ... if ~isempty(axInfo.xlab)
559 559 end end
560 560 xlabels = repmat({''},1,max(xticks)); xlabels = repmat({''},1,max(xticks));
561 561 xlabels(1:length(axInfo.xlab)) = axInfo.xlab; xlabels(1:length(axInfo.xlab)) = axInfo.xlab;
563 563 if ~isempty(axInfo.hXText) % Rotated X tick labels exist if ~isempty(axInfo.hXText) % Rotated X tick labels exist
564 564 try delete(axInfo.hXText); end %#ok<TRYNC> try delete(axInfo.hXText); end %#ok<TRYNC>
565 565 axInfo.hXText = createXTicks(hAxes, p.TickAngle, xticks, xlabels(xticks), p.TickTexInterpreter); axInfo.hXText = createXTicks(hAxes, p.TickAngle, xticks, xlabels(xticks), p.TickTexInterpreter);
... ... if ~isempty(axInfo.xlab)
567 567 else else
568 568 set(hAxes, 'XTick', xticks, 'XTickLabel', xlabels(xticks)); set(hAxes, 'XTick', xticks, 'XTickLabel', xlabels(xticks));
569 569 end end
571 571 %adjustAxesToAccommodateTickLabels(hAxes, axInfo.hXText) %adjustAxesToAccommodateTickLabels(hAxes, axInfo.hXText)
572 572 end end
573 573
... ... axInfo = getHeatmapAxesInfo(hAxes);
581 581 pos = eventdata.Position; pos = eventdata.Position;
582 582
583 583 if ~isempty(axInfo) if ~isempty(axInfo)
585 585 try try
586 586 val = axInfo.displayText{pos(2), pos(1)}; val = axInfo.displayText{pos(2), pos(1)};
587 587 catch %#ok<CTCH> catch %#ok<CTCH>
... ... if ~isempty(axInfo)
590 590 if isempty(axInfo.xlab), i = int2str(pos(1)); else i = axInfo.xlab{pos(1)}; end if isempty(axInfo.xlab), i = int2str(pos(1)); else i = axInfo.xlab{pos(1)}; end
591 591 if isempty(axInfo.ylab), j = int2str(pos(2)); else j = axInfo.ylab{pos(2)}; end if isempty(axInfo.ylab), j = int2str(pos(2)); else j = axInfo.ylab{pos(2)}; end
592 592 output_txt = sprintf('X: %s\nY: %s\nVal: %s', i, j, val); output_txt = sprintf('X: %s\nY: %s\nVal: %s', i, j, val);
594 594 else else
595 595 if length(pos) == 2 if length(pos) == 2
596 596 output_txt = sprintf('X: %0.4g\nY: %0.4g', pos(1), pos(2)); output_txt = sprintf('X: %0.4g\nY: %0.4g', pos(1), pos(2));
... ... end
604 604 function resize(obj, evd) function resize(obj, evd)
605 605 hAxes = findobj(obj, 'type', 'axes'); hAxes = findobj(obj, 'type', 'axes');
606 606 for i = 1:length(hAxes) for i = 1:length(hAxes)
607 updateLabels(hAxes(i), false);
607 updateLabels(hAxes(i), false);
608 608 end end
609 609 end end
610 610
... ... if isempty(textmat)
632 632 factor = 0; factor = 0;
633 633 return return
634 634 end end
636 636 if isscalar(textmat) && textmat % If true convert mat to text if isscalar(textmat) && textmat % If true convert mat to text
637 637 displaytext = arrayfun(@(x){num2str(x)},mat); displaytext = arrayfun(@(x){num2str(x)},mat);
638 638 elseif ischar(textmat) % If a format string, convert mat to text with specific format elseif ischar(textmat) % If a format string, convert mat to text with specific format
... ... function cmap = resamplecmap(cmap, clevels, xi)
754 754
755 755 t = cmap; t = cmap;
756 756 if nargin < 3 if nargin < 3
757 xi = linspace(1,clevels,size(t,1));
757 xi = linspace(1,clevels,size(t,1));
758 758 end end
759 xi([1 end]) = [1 clevels]; % These need to be exact for the interpolation to
759 xi([1 end]) = [1 clevels]; % These need to be exact for the interpolation to
760 760 % work and we don't want machine precision messing it up % work and we don't want machine precision messing it up
761 761 cmap = [interp1(xi, t(:,1), 1:clevels);... cmap = [interp1(xi, t(:,1), 1:clevels);...
762 762 interp1(xi, t(:,2), 1:clevels);... interp1(xi, t(:,2), 1:clevels);...
... ... elseif zeroInd >= clevels, % Just red
779 779 g = interp1([1 clevels], [0 1], 1:clevels); g = interp1([1 clevels], [0 1], 1:clevels);
780 780 r = interp1([1 clevels], [1 1], 1:clevels); r = interp1([1 clevels], [1 1], 1:clevels);
781 781 else else
782 b = interp1([1 zeroInd clevels], [0 1 0], 1:clevels);
782 b = interp1([1 zeroInd clevels], [0 1 0], 1:clevels);
783 783 g = interp1([1 zeroInd clevels], [0 1 1], 1:clevels); g = interp1([1 zeroInd clevels], [0 1 1], 1:clevels);
784 784 r = interp1([1 zeroInd clevels], [1 1 0], 1:clevels); r = interp1([1 zeroInd clevels], [1 1 0], 1:clevels);
785 785 end end
... ... end
790 790 % Generate Red-White color map % Generate Red-White color map
791 791 function cmap = red(levels) function cmap = red(levels)
792 792 r = ones(levels, 1); r = ones(levels, 1);
793 g = linspace(1, 0, levels)';
793 g = linspace(1, 0, levels)';
794 794 cmap = [r g g]; cmap = [r g g];
795 795 end end
796 796
File misc/3rdparty/isalmost.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 4b20ba3..fb9af0f)
... ... function test = isalmost(a,b,tol)
2 2 % %
3 3 % usage: test = isalmost(a,b,tol) % usage: test = isalmost(a,b,tol)
4 4 % %
5 % tests if matrix a is approximately equal to b within a specified
5 % tests if matrix a is approximately equal to b within a specified
6 6 % tolerance interval (b-tol <= a <= b+tol) % tolerance interval (b-tol <= a <= b+tol)
7 7 % %
8 8 % note: if b is given as a scalar, all values in a are compared against % note: if b is given as a scalar, all values in a are compared against
... ... function test = isalmost(a,b,tol)
23 23 % test(i,j) = 0 -> a(i,j) is not equal to b(i,j) (or is NaN) % test(i,j) = 0 -> a(i,j) is not equal to b(i,j) (or is NaN)
24 24 % test(i,j) = 1 -> a(i,j) is approximately equal to b(i,j) % test(i,j) = 1 -> a(i,j) is approximately equal to b(i,j)
25 25 % %
26 % author : James Crawford
26 % author : James Crawford
27 27 % created 01/08/2007 % created 01/08/2007
28 28 % %
29 29 % history: v1.0 (01/08/2007) % history: v1.0 (01/08/2007)
File misc/3rdparty/kde2d.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 567ddc3..f700ea7)
... ... p_02=func([0,2],t_star);p_20=func([2,0],t_star); p_11=func([1,1],t_star);
97 97 t_y=(p_02^(3/4)/(4*pi*N*p_20^(3/4)*(p_11+sqrt(p_20*p_02))))^(1/3); t_y=(p_02^(3/4)/(4*pi*N*p_20^(3/4)*(p_11+sqrt(p_20*p_02))))^(1/3);
98 98 t_x=(p_20^(3/4)/(4*pi*N*p_02^(3/4)*(p_11+sqrt(p_20*p_02))))^(1/3); t_x=(p_20^(3/4)/(4*pi*N*p_02^(3/4)*(p_11+sqrt(p_20*p_02))))^(1/3);
99 99 % smooth the discrete cosine transform of initial data using t_star % smooth the discrete cosine transform of initial data using t_star
100 a_t=exp(-(0:n-1)'.^2*pi^2*t_x/2)*exp(-(0:n-1).^2*pi^2*t_y/2).*a;
100 a_t=exp(-(0:n-1)'.^2*pi^2*t_x/2)*exp(-(0:n-1).^2*pi^2*t_y/2).*a;
101 101 % now apply the inverse discrete cosine transform % now apply the inverse discrete cosine transform
102 102 if nargout>1 if nargout>1
103 103 density=idct2d(a_t)*(numel(a_t)/prod(scaling)); density=idct2d(a_t)*(numel(a_t)/prod(scaling));
104 density(density<0)=eps; % remove any negative density values
104 density(density<0)=eps; % remove any negative density values
105 105 [X,Y]=meshgrid(MIN_XY(1):scaling(1)/(n-1):MAX_XY(1),MIN_XY(2):scaling(2)/(n-1):MAX_XY(2)); [X,Y]=meshgrid(MIN_XY(1):scaling(1)/(n-1):MAX_XY(1),MIN_XY(2):scaling(2)/(n-1):MAX_XY(2));
106 106 end end
107 bandwidth=sqrt([t_x,t_y]).*scaling;
107 bandwidth=sqrt([t_x,t_y]).*scaling;
108 108 end end
109 109 %####################################### %#######################################
110 110 function [out,time]=evolve(t) function [out,time]=evolve(t)
... ... while flag==0
210 210 end end
211 211 end end
212 212 end end
File misc/3rdparty/ndhist.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 32e2658..b9af632)
1 1 % Add logx,logy,loglog % Add logx,logy,loglog
2 %
2 %
3 3
4 4 % Displays a 2d histogram for your data, it will set the bins appropriately % Displays a 2d histogram for your data, it will set the bins appropriately
5 %
5 %
6 6 % NDHIST(x,y); where x and y are equal length vectors. It will choose % NDHIST(x,y); where x and y are equal length vectors. It will choose
7 7 % reasonable axis bounds and bins to present your data. The % reasonable axis bounds and bins to present your data. The
8 8 % default parameters may leave some data off the chart. % default parameters may leave some data off the chart.
9 %
9 %
10 10 % NDHIST(XY); where XY = [x y] and x,y are vectors % NDHIST(XY); where XY = [x y] and x,y are vectors
11 %
11 %
12 12 % NDHIST(z); where z is a vector of complex numbers, (x+1i*y) or amplitude*exp(1i*theta) % NDHIST(z); where z is a vector of complex numbers, (x+1i*y) or amplitude*exp(1i*theta)
13 %
13 %
14 14 % NDHIST(y); where y is a vector of real numbers will plot a 2d histogram % NDHIST(y); where y is a vector of real numbers will plot a 2d histogram
15 15 % of the points, as if it were a line-chart. It is equivalent % of the points, as if it were a line-chart. It is equivalent
16 16 % to calling ndhist(1:length(y),y); % to calling ndhist(1:length(y),y);
17 %
17 %
18 18 % N = NDHIST(x,y); returns a matrix N containing the counts for each bin % N = NDHIST(x,y); returns a matrix N containing the counts for each bin
19 19 % determined by the histogram. % determined by the histogram.
20 %
20 %
21 21 % [edgesX2,edgesY2,N,h] = NDHIST(x,y); which returns a matrix N containing % [edgesX2,edgesY2,N,h] = NDHIST(x,y); which returns a matrix N containing
22 22 % the counts for each bin determined by the histogram. You can % the counts for each bin determined by the histogram. You can
23 23 % plot it with sanePColor(edgesX2,edgesY2,N); (from Matlabcentral) % plot it with sanePColor(edgesX2,edgesY2,N); (from Matlabcentral)
24 24 % h is the plot handle. % h is the plot handle.
25 %
25 %
26 26 % NDHIST(...,'param','value','param','value', ... ); Run ndhist with specific % NDHIST(...,'param','value','param','value', ... ); Run ndhist with specific
27 27 % parameters % parameters
28 %
29 % List of special parameters:
30 %
28 %
29 % List of special parameters:
30 %
31 31 % 'filter' : This will apply a gaussian filter to the final histogram data. % 'filter' : This will apply a gaussian filter to the final histogram data.
32 32 % The default filter width is 5 bins wide. If you pass a number % The default filter width is 5 bins wide. If you pass a number
33 33 % then that will be used. Even numbered filter parameters will be % then that will be used. Even numbered filter parameters will be
34 34 % changed to odd numbers to keep the filter perfectly symetrical. % changed to odd numbers to keep the filter perfectly symetrical.
35 35 % 'filt','filtering','smooth' % 'filt','filtering','smooth'
36 %
36 %
37 37 % 'log' : Change the colormap to be on a log scale to represent data % 'log' : Change the colormap to be on a log scale to represent data
38 % over a large dynamic range.
38 % over a large dynamic range.
39 39 % 'logplot' % 'logplot'
40 %
40 %
41 41 % 'bins' : Change the size of the bins. For example '2' will create a % 'bins' : Change the size of the bins. For example '2' will create a
42 42 % plot with twice the default number of bins; 0.5 will have half % plot with twice the default number of bins; 0.5 will have half
43 43 % the default number of bins. The default uses Scott's normal % the default number of bins. The default uses Scott's normal
46 46 % subfunction hist3. Feel free to implement it as an additional % subfunction hist3. Feel free to implement it as an additional
47 47 % parameter 'edgdes','edgesx' or 'edgesy' % parameter 'edgdes','edgesx' or 'edgesy'
48 48 % 'f','numbins' % 'f','numbins'
49 %
49 %
50 50 % 'binsx' : Change the size of only the x bins. 'fx' % 'binsx' : Change the size of only the x bins. 'fx'
51 51 % 'binsy' : Change the size of only the y bins. 'fy' % 'binsy' : Change the size of only the y bins. 'fy'
52 %
52 %
53 53 % axis : This is to set the range of the plot, [xmin xmax ymin ymax] % axis : This is to set the range of the plot, [xmin xmax ymin ymax]
54 54 % The default range is set to 3*std(x) and 3*std(y) where the % The default range is set to 3*std(x) and 3*std(y) where the
55 55 % parameter stdTimes=3 is hard-coded in this version and % parameter stdTimes=3 is hard-coded in this version and
56 56 % potentially added as a parameter in a later version. % potentially added as a parameter in a later version.
57 %
57 %
58 58 % max : This is to set the range of the plot to be such that every % max : This is to set the range of the plot to be such that every
59 59 % point will be contained within the plot. % point will be contained within the plot.
60 60 % 'themax' % 'themax'
61 %
61 %
62 62 % intbins : Set the bins to be intiger widths. For both x and y % intbins : Set the bins to be intiger widths. For both x and y
63 63 % 'int' % 'int'
64 %
64 %
65 65 % intbinsx : Set the x bins to be intiger widths. 'intx' % intbinsx : Set the x bins to be intiger widths. 'intx'
66 66 % intbinsy : Set the y bins to be intiger widths. 'inty' % intbinsy : Set the y bins to be intiger widths. 'inty'
67 %
67 %
68 68 %normalizex: Normalize the plot so that the sum of all the y values in each %normalizex: Normalize the plot so that the sum of all the y values in each
69 69 % x bin sum to one. % x bin sum to one.
70 % 'normx','nx'
71 %
70 % 'normx','nx'
71 %
72 72 %normalizey: Normalize the plot so that the sum of all the x values in each %normalizey: Normalize the plot so that the sum of all the x values in each
73 73 % y bin sum to one. % y bin sum to one.
74 74 % 'normy','ny' % 'normy','ny'
75 %
75 %
76 76 %normalizeR: Normalize the plot so that the you can clearly see how the %normalizeR: Normalize the plot so that the you can clearly see how the
77 77 % distribution vary's over angle. It weights points in the outer % distribution vary's over angle. It weights points in the outer
78 78 % radius by the diameter at that radius. % radius by the diameter at that radius.
79 79 % 'nr' % 'nr'
80 80 % points: Plot the points on top of the colored histogram. % points: Plot the points on top of the colored histogram.
81 %
81 %
82 82 % 3D: Use a 3D column graph instead of a colored heatmap % 3D: Use a 3D column graph instead of a colored heatmap
83 83 % 'threeD','3d','columns' % 'threeD','3d','columns'
84 %
84 %
86 86 % radial : Set the axis to be equal and add a polar grid 'r' % radial : Set the axis to be equal and add a polar grid 'r'
87 %
87 %
89 89 %'samebins': NOT IMPLEMENTED YET. Would set the width of the x and y bins %'samebins': NOT IMPLEMENTED YET. Would set the width of the x and y bins
90 90 % to be equal to each other and the axis equal too. % to be equal to each other and the axis equal too.
91 91
92 %
92 %
93 93 % user parameters: % user parameters:
94 94 % filter: This will filter the data, you may choose to follow it with a % filter: This will filter the data, you may choose to follow it with a
95 95 % number. This number will represent the radius of the circular % number. This number will represent the radius of the circular
96 96 % gaussian filter. Other ways to call it: 'filt','filtering','f' % gaussian filter. Other ways to call it: 'filt','filtering','f'
97 %
98 %
97 %
98 %
99 99 % examples % examples
100 %
100 %
101 101 % To test the function you may use this example: % To test the function you may use this example:
102 102 % z=2*randn(1,100000)+1i*(randn(1,100000)); % z=2*randn(1,100000)+1i*(randn(1,100000));
103 %
103 %
104 104 % If you have amplitude and angle measures then pass this: % If you have amplitude and angle measures then pass this:
105 105 % z = amp*exp(1i*ang); % z = amp*exp(1i*ang);
106 %
106 %
107 107 % NDHIST(z) % NDHIST(z)
108 108 % NDHIST(z,'lansey') % NDHIST(z,'lansey')
109 109 % NDHIST(z,'filter') % NDHIST(z,'filter')
110 %
110 %
111 111 % % Note % % Note
112 112 % The name of this function comes because really its a 2d hist, but since I % The name of this function comes because really its a 2d hist, but since I
113 113 % already have an 'nhist' I thought I might name it this. % already have an 'nhist' I thought I might name it this.
114 %
114 %
116 116 %% %%
117 117 function [edgesX2,edgesY2,N,h] = ndhist(z,varargin) function [edgesX2,edgesY2,N,h] = ndhist(z,varargin)
... ... end
134 134 if isreal(z) if isreal(z)
135 135 if size(z,2)==2 % we have a [x y] case if size(z,2)==2 % we have a [x y] case
136 136 [edgesX2,edgesY2,N] = ndhist(z(:,1)+1i*z(:,2),varargin{:}); [edgesX2,edgesY2,N] = ndhist(z(:,1)+1i*z(:,2),varargin{:});
137 else % we've got either
137 else % we've got either
138 138 if isempty(varargin) % just one value passed if isempty(varargin) % just one value passed
139 139 display('your data are all ''real'' so we intepreted it as a timeseries'); display('your data are all ''real'' so we intepreted it as a timeseries');
140 140 idx = (1:length(z))'; idx = (1:length(z))';
... ... if isreal(z)
161 161 if nargout==2 if nargout==2
162 162 warning('you are being passed out ''edgesX2,edgesY2'' is that really what you want from this function?'); warning('you are being passed out ''edgesX2,edgesY2'' is that really what you want from this function?');
163 163 end end
165 165 return; return;
166 166 end end
167 167 % great we can continue % great we can continue
... ... while k <= nargin-1
272 272 case {'bins','numbins','f'} % 'f' comes from the binfactor of nhist case {'bins','numbins','f'} % 'f' comes from the binfactor of nhist
273 273 binFactorY=varargin{k+1}; binFactorY=varargin{k+1};
274 274 binFactorX=varargin{k+1}; binFactorX=varargin{k+1};
275 k = k + 1;
275 k = k + 1;
276 276 case {'binsx','fx'} % 'f' comes from the binfactor of nhist case {'binsx','fx'} % 'f' comes from the binfactor of nhist
277 277 binFactorX=varargin{k+1}; binFactorX=varargin{k+1};
278 k = k + 1;
278 k = k + 1;
279 279 case {'binsy','fy'} % 'f' comes from the binfactor of nhist case {'binsy','fy'} % 'f' comes from the binfactor of nhist
280 280 binFactorY=varargin{k+1}; binFactorY=varargin{k+1};
281 k = k + 1;
281 k = k + 1;
282 282 case {'intbins','int'} % 'f' comes from the binfactor of nhist case {'intbins','int'} % 'f' comes from the binfactor of nhist
283 283 intbinsFlagX = 1; intbinsFlagX = 1;
284 284 intbinsFlagY = 1; intbinsFlagY = 1;
... ... while k <= nargin-1
309 309 end end
310 310 end end
311 311 case {'lansey','normalizer','nr'} % this guy weights the values based on radius case {'lansey','normalizer','nr'} % this guy weights the values based on radius
312 userParam=1;
312 userParam=1;
313 313 case {'log','logplot'} case {'log','logplot'}
314 314 logColorFlag = 1; logColorFlag = 1;
315 315 case {'normalizex','normx','nx'} case {'normalizex','normx','nx'}
... ... while k <= nargin-1
329 329 error('stdTimes must be a number') error('stdTimes must be a number')
330 330 end end
331 331
332 otherwise
332 otherwise
333 333 warning(['you have passed a strange parameter: ''' varargin{k} ''' please roll again']); warning(['you have passed a strange parameter: ''' varargin{k} ''' please roll again']);
334 334 end end
335 335 else else
... ... if normalizeFlagX && normalizeFlagY
343 343 warning('Only normalize X was used'); warning('Only normalize X was used');
344 344 normalizeFlagY = 0; normalizeFlagY = 0;
345 345 end end
347 347
348 348 %% set the bin widths %% set the bin widths
349 349 % Using Scott's normal reference rule, unclear if it is ideal for 2D histograms ... % Using Scott's normal reference rule, unclear if it is ideal for 2D histograms ...
... ... if intbinsFlagX
379 379 axisXY(1)=round(axisXY(1))-.5; % subtract 1/2 to make the bin peaks appear on the numbers. axisXY(1)=round(axisXY(1))-.5; % subtract 1/2 to make the bin peaks appear on the numbers.
380 380 axisXY(2)=round(axisXY(2))+.5; axisXY(2)=round(axisXY(2))+.5;
381 381 binWidthX=max(round(binWidthX),1); binWidthX=max(round(binWidthX),1);
383 383 % numBinsX = rangeX/binWidthX; % Approx number of bins % numBinsX = rangeX/binWidthX; % Approx number of bins
386 386 end end
387 387 if intbinsFlagY if intbinsFlagY
388 388 axisXY(3)=round(axisXY(3))-.5; % subtract 1/2 to make the bin peaks appear on the numbers. axisXY(3)=round(axisXY(3))-.5; % subtract 1/2 to make the bin peaks appear on the numbers.
389 389 axisXY(4)=round(axisXY(4))+.5; axisXY(4)=round(axisXY(4))+.5;
390 390 binWidthY=max(round(binWidthY),1); binWidthY=max(round(binWidthY),1);
392 392 % numBinsY = rangeY/binWidthY; % Approx number of bins % numBinsY = rangeY/binWidthY; % Approx number of bins
393 393
394 394
396 396 end end
397 397
398 398 % finally set the bins % finally set the bins
... ... N = hist3(x,y,edgesX,edgesY);
409 409 if filtering if filtering
410 410 N2 = smooth2(N,filtering); N2 = smooth2(N,filtering);
411 411 N = N2; N = N2;
413 413 % % if you have the image processing toolbox then you could use this: % % if you have the image processing toolbox then you could use this:
414 414 % H = fspecial('disk',filtering); % H = fspecial('disk',filtering);
415 415 % filtN = imfilter(N,H,'replicate'); % filtN = imfilter(N,H,'replicate');
... ... end
497 497
498 498 % if ~hold_state, hold off; end; % if ~hold_state, hold off; end;
499 499
500 end % ndhist function over
500 end % ndhist function over
501 501
502 502
503 503 %% %%
... ... minError=eps*100; % the minimum average difference from integers they can be.
545 545 L=0; % double until proven integer L=0; % double until proven integer
546 546 if ~isempty(varargin) if ~isempty(varargin)
547 547 minError=varargin{1}; minError=varargin{1};
548 end
548 end
549 549 if isinteger(x)||islogical(x) % your done, duh, its an int. if isinteger(x)||islogical(x) % your done, duh, its an int.
550 550 L=1; L=1;
551 return;
551 return;
552 552 else else
553 553 if sum(abs(x-round(x)))/length(x)<minError if sum(abs(x-round(x)))/length(x)<minError
554 554 L=1; L=1;
... ... end
562 562
563 563 %% %%
564 564 % This version is for plotting a certain figure. % This version is for plotting a certain figure.
565 %
565 %
566 566 % myPolar: Polar coordinate plot, draws a polar grid onto the axis % myPolar: Polar coordinate plot, draws a polar grid onto the axis
567 %
567 %
568 568 % myPolar(); % just adds the grid to the axis % myPolar(); % just adds the grid to the axis
569 569 % myPolar(theta,rho) % makes a plot using polar coordinates of % myPolar(theta,rho) % makes a plot using polar coordinates of
570 570 % the angle THETA, in radians, versus the radius RHO % the angle THETA, in radians, versus the radius RHO
... ... end
572 572 % myPolar(THETA,RHO,S) uses the linestyle specified in string, like 'z' % myPolar(THETA,RHO,S) uses the linestyle specified in string, like 'z'
573 573 % myPolar(THETA,RHO,'linespec','parameter',...) uses the linestyle % myPolar(THETA,RHO,'linespec','parameter',...) uses the linestyle
574 574 % specified by the linspec functions of plot % specified by the linspec functions of plot
575 %
576 %
575 %
576 %
577 577 % Here are the specific list of improvements from Matlab's function: % Here are the specific list of improvements from Matlab's function:
578 578 % The ability to add a polar grid to any other plot you make % The ability to add a polar grid to any other plot you make
579 579 % the ability to use all linspec parameters, like 'linewidth' and 'color' % the ability to use all linspec parameters, like 'linewidth' and 'color'
... ... end
581 581 % The plot is still square, it does not gray out anything. % The plot is still square, it does not gray out anything.
582 582 % Grid axis ticks go to two decimal places % Grid axis ticks go to two decimal places
583 583 % %
584 %
584 %
585 585 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
586 586 % Jonathan Lansey May 2009, questions to Lansey at % % Jonathan Lansey May 2009, questions to Lansey at %
587 587 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
... ... hold_state = ishold;
592 592
593 593 nCircles=3; nCircles=3;
594 594 nDegrees=30; nDegrees=30;
596 596 if nargin==0 % plot the grid now! if nargin==0 % plot the grid now!
597 597
598 598 addPolarGrid(nCircles,nDegrees); addPolarGrid(nCircles,nDegrees);
599 599 addPolarText(nCircles,nDegrees); addPolarText(nCircles,nDegrees);
601 601 else else
602 602 if ~isreal(varargin{1})% if its complex if ~isreal(varargin{1})% if its complex
603 603 % we just get x and y from the complex data % we just get x and y from the complex data
... ... end % myPolar over
707 707 % This function creates an Nx3 array of N [R B G] colors % This function creates an Nx3 array of N [R B G] colors
708 708 % These can be used to plot lots of lines with distinguishable and nice % These can be used to plot lots of lines with distinguishable and nice
709 709 % looking colors. % looking colors.
710 %
710 %
711 711 % lineStyles = linspecer(N); makes N colors for you to use: lineStyles(ii,:) % lineStyles = linspecer(N); makes N colors for you to use: lineStyles(ii,:)
712 %
713 % colormap(linspecer); set your colormap to have easily distinguishable
712 %
713 % colormap(linspecer); set your colormap to have easily distinguishable
714 714 % colors and a pleasing aesthetic % colors and a pleasing aesthetic
715 %
715 %
716 716 % lineStyles = linspecer(N,'qualitative'); forces the colors to all be distinguishable (up to 12) % lineStyles = linspecer(N,'qualitative'); forces the colors to all be distinguishable (up to 12)
717 % lineStyles = linspecer(N,'sequential'); forces the colors to vary along a spectrum
718 %
717 % lineStyles = linspecer(N,'sequential'); forces the colors to vary along a spectrum
718 %
719 719 % % Examples demonstrating the colors. % % Examples demonstrating the colors.
720 %
720 %
722 722 % N=6; % N=6;
723 % X = linspace(0,pi*3,1000);
724 % Y = bsxfun(@(x,n)sin(x+2*n*pi/N), X.', 1:N);
723 % X = linspace(0,pi*3,1000);
724 % Y = bsxfun(@(x,n)sin(x+2*n*pi/N), X.', 1:N);
725 725 % C = linspecer(N); % C = linspecer(N);
726 726 % axes('NextPlot','replacechildren', 'ColorOrder',C); % axes('NextPlot','replacechildren', 'ColorOrder',C);
727 727 % plot(X,Y,'linewidth',5) % plot(X,Y,'linewidth',5)
728 728 % ylim([-1.1 1.1]); % ylim([-1.1 1.1]);
729 %
729 %
731 731 % N = 6; X = linspace(0,pi*3,1000); % N = 6; X = linspace(0,pi*3,1000);
732 732 % C = linspecer(N) % C = linspecer(N)
... ... end % myPolar over
736 736 % plot(X,Y,'color',C(ii,:),'linewidth',3); % plot(X,Y,'color',C(ii,:),'linewidth',3);
737 737 % hold on; % hold on;
738 738 % end % end
739 %
739 %
741 741 % A = rand(15); % A = rand(15);
742 742 % figure; imagesc(A); % default colormap % figure; imagesc(A); % default colormap
743 743 % figure; imagesc(A); colormap(linspecer); % linspecer colormap % figure; imagesc(A); colormap(linspecer); % linspecer colormap
744 %
744 %
745 745 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
746 746 % by Jonathan Lansey, March 2009-2013 � Lansey at % % by Jonathan Lansey, March 2009-2013 � Lansey at %
747 747 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
748 %
748 %
749 749 %% credits and where the function came from %% credits and where the function came from
750 750 % The colors are largely taken from: % The colors are largely taken from:
751 751 % and Cynthia Brewer, Mark Harrower and The Pennsylvania State University % and Cynthia Brewer, Mark Harrower and The Pennsylvania State University
752 %
753 %
752 %
753 %
754 754 % She studied this from a phsychometric perspective and crafted the colors % She studied this from a phsychometric perspective and crafted the colors
755 755 % beautifully. % beautifully.
756 %
756 %
757 757 % I made choices from the many there to decide the nicest once for plotting % I made choices from the many there to decide the nicest once for plotting
758 758 % lines in Matlab. I also made a small change to one of the colors I % lines in Matlab. I also made a small change to one of the colors I
759 759 % thought was a bit too bright. In addition some interpolation is going on % thought was a bit too bright. In addition some interpolation is going on
760 760 % for the sequential line styles. % for the sequential line styles.
761 %
762 %
761 %
762 %
763 763 %% %%
764 764
765 765 function lineStyles=linspecer(N,varargin) function lineStyles=linspecer(N,varargin)
... ... if ~isempty(varargin)>0 % you set a parameter?
809 809 otherwise otherwise
810 810 warning(['parameter ''' varargin{1} ''' not recognized']); warning(['parameter ''' varargin{1} ''' not recognized']);
811 811 end end
812 end
812 end
814 814 % predefine some colormaps % predefine some colormaps
815 815 set3 = colorBrew2mat({[141, 211, 199];[ 255, 237, 111];[ 190, 186, 218];[ 251, 128, 114];[ 128, 177, 211];[ 253, 180, 98];[ 179, 222, 105];[ 188, 128, 189];[ 217, 217, 217];[ 204, 235, 197];[ 252, 205, 229];[ 255, 255, 179]}'); set3 = colorBrew2mat({[141, 211, 199];[ 255, 237, 111];[ 190, 186, 218];[ 251, 128, 114];[ 128, 177, 211];[ 253, 180, 98];[ 179, 222, 105];[ 188, 128, 189];[ 217, 217, 217];[ 204, 235, 197];[ 252, 205, 229];[ 255, 255, 179]}');
816 816 set1JL = brighten(colorBrew2mat({[228, 26, 28];[ 55, 126, 184];[ 77, 175, 74];[ 255, 127, 0];[ 255, 237, 111]*.95;[ 166, 86, 40];[ 247, 129, 191];[ 153, 153, 153];[ 152, 78, 163]}')); set1JL = brighten(colorBrew2mat({[228, 26, 28];[ 55, 126, 184];[ 77, 175, 74];[ 255, 127, 0];[ 255, 237, 111]*.95;[ 166, 86, 40];[ 247, 129, 191];[ 153, 153, 153];[ 152, 78, 163]}'));
... ... end
841 841 function varIn = colorBrew2mat(varIn) function varIn = colorBrew2mat(varIn)
842 842 for ii=1:length(varIn) % just divide by 255 for ii=1:length(varIn) % just divide by 255
843 843 varIn{ii}=varIn{ii}/255; varIn{ii}=varIn{ii}/255;
844 end
844 end
845 845 end end
846 846
847 847 function varIn = brighten(varIn,varargin) % increase the brightness function varIn = brighten(varIn,varargin) % increase the brightness
848 848
849 849 if isempty(varargin), if isempty(varargin),
850 frac = .9;
850 frac = .9;
851 851 else else
852 frac = varargin{1};
852 frac = varargin{1};
853 853 end end
854 854
855 855 for ii=1:length(varIn) for ii=1:length(varIn)
856 856 varIn{ii}=varIn{ii}*frac+(1-frac); varIn{ii}=varIn{ii}*frac+(1-frac);
857 end
857 end
858 858 end end
859 859
860 860 function varIn = dim(varIn,f) function varIn = dim(varIn,f)
... ... end
947 947
948 948 % This is a fast smooth function that will return a smoothed % This is a fast smooth function that will return a smoothed
949 949 % version of the original that you pass it. % version of the original that you pass it.
950 %
950 %
951 951 % Hey now the default is actually going to be a gaussian filter not a % Hey now the default is actually going to be a gaussian filter not a
952 952 % moving average filter % moving average filter
953 %
953 %
954 954 % It will be the same length as the original, and it will be centered on % It will be the same length as the original, and it will be centered on
955 955 % the original function. To padd the edges it extends the average of the % the original function. To padd the edges it extends the average of the
956 956 % last 'n' values on the end out further. % last 'n' values on the end out further.
957 %
957 %
958 958 % Note that it uses a convolution which uses the % Note that it uses a convolution which uses the
959 959 % cool fft trick to do it effeciently. % cool fft trick to do it effeciently.
960 %% set things up if you want to test it as a script
960 %% set things up if you want to test it as a script
961 961 % N=301; % N=301;
962 962 % % y = rand(N,1); % % y = rand(N,1);
963 963 % y=-1./[1:N]; % y=-1./[1:N];
... ... if length(n)==1
978 978 yout = A; yout = A;
979 979 return; return;
980 980 end end
982 982 % forcing you to have an odd 'n' % forcing you to have an odd 'n'
983 983 if double(~logical(round(n/2)-n/2)); if double(~logical(round(n/2)-n/2));
984 984 n = n+1; n = n+1;
985 985 end end
987 987 bee = linspace(-1.96,1.96,n); % normal distribution with 95% confidence bounds bee = linspace(-1.96,1.96,n); % normal distribution with 95% confidence bounds
988 988 [BX, BY] = meshgrid(bee); [BX, BY] = meshgrid(bee);
989 989 R2 = BX.^2+BY.^2; R2 = BX.^2+BY.^2;
990 990 toConvolve = exp(-R2)/sum(exp(-R2(:))); toConvolve = exp(-R2)/sum(exp(-R2(:)));
992 992 % toConvolve = exp(-bee.^2)/sum(exp(-bee.^2)); % toConvolve = exp(-bee.^2)/sum(exp(-bee.^2));
993 % old moving average computation:
993 % old moving average computation:
994 994 % toConvolve = ones(n,1)/n; % toConvolve = ones(n,1)/n;
995 995 else else
996 996 toConvolve = n; toConvolve = n;
... ... A = [padTop; A; padBot];
1024 1024
1025 1025 % the main event % the main event
1026 1026 As=conv2(A,toConvolve); As=conv2(A,toConvolve);
1027 % % % % % % % % % % % % %
1027 % % % % % % % % % % % % %
1028 1028 % clf; % clf;
1029 1029
1030 1030 % sanePColor(As); % sanePColor(As);
... ... Y = [0 Y 100];
1053 1053 yi = interp1(Y,x,p); yi = interp1(Y,x,p);
1054 1054
1055 1055 end end
File misc/3rdparty/ntitle.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 8e198b6..e4d1493)
1 1 function [ h ] = ntitle(titlestring,varargin) function [ h ] = ntitle(titlestring,varargin)
2 2 % ntitle(titlestring,varargin) places a title within the plot instead of on % ntitle(titlestring,varargin) places a title within the plot instead of on
3 3 % top. In the spirit of Edward Tufte, this is intended to keep the title % top. In the spirit of Edward Tufte, this is intended to keep the title
4 % close to the data it describes and minimize wasted space. The ntitle function
5 % may prove particularly useful for figures with several subplots, where titles
6 % can sometimes become confused with xlabels above them.
7 %
4 % close to the data it describes and minimize wasted space. The ntitle function
5 % may prove particularly useful for figures with several subplots, where titles
6 % can sometimes become confused with xlabels above them.
7 %
8 8 % By default, ntitle centers the title at the top of the plot, but any of % By default, ntitle centers the title at the top of the plot, but any of
9 9 % the location coordinates (e.g., north, southwest, etc.) can be used with % the location coordinates (e.g., north, southwest, etc.) can be used with
10 % the argument 'location'. Output h provides the handle for the ntitle.
11 %
12 % Created by Chad A. Greene on the fifth of June, 2013.
10 % the argument 'location'. Output h provides the handle for the ntitle.
11 %
12 % Created by Chad A. Greene on the fifth of June, 2013.
13 13 % %
14 % % Example:
15 %
16 % % First make a plot:
17 % x = -50:.1:50;
18 % y = 10*sin(x)+.1*x.^2;
14 % % Example:
15 %
16 % % First make a plot:
17 % x = -50:.1:50;
18 % y = 10*sin(x)+.1*x.^2;
19 19 % plot(x,y); % plot(x,y);
20 20 % axis([-50 50 -50 300]) % axis([-50 50 -50 300])
21 21 % box off % box off
22 %
23 % % Then here are 9 obnoxious examples of how to use ntitle:
22 %
23 % % Then here are 9 obnoxious examples of how to use ntitle:
24 24 % ntitle('Title 1'); % ntitle('Title 1');
25 25 % ntitle('{\it Title 2}','location','northwest'); % ntitle('{\it Title 2}','location','northwest');
26 26 % ntitle('Title 3 ','location','northeast','fontsize',10,'edgecolor','b'); % ntitle('Title 3 ','location','northeast','fontsize',10,'edgecolor','b');
... ... for n=1:2:length(varargin)
42 42 if strcmpi(varargin{n},'location') if strcmpi(varargin{n},'location')
43 43 if strcmpi(varargin{n+1},'northwest') if strcmpi(varargin{n+1},'northwest')
44 44 set(h,'horizontalalignment','left','verticalalignment','top','position',[0 1 0]) set(h,'horizontalalignment','left','verticalalignment','top','position',[0 1 0])
46 46 elseif strcmpi(varargin{n+1},'north') elseif strcmpi(varargin{n+1},'north')
47 47 % This case is default and has already been set. % This case is default and has already been set.
49 49 elseif strcmpi(varargin{n+1},'northeast') elseif strcmpi(varargin{n+1},'northeast')
50 50 set(h,'horizontalalignment','right','verticalalignment','top','position',[1 1 0]) set(h,'horizontalalignment','right','verticalalignment','top','position',[1 1 0])
52 52 elseif strcmpi(varargin{n+1},'west') elseif strcmpi(varargin{n+1},'west')
53 53 set(h,'horizontalalignment','left','verticalalignment','middle','position',[0 .5 0]) set(h,'horizontalalignment','left','verticalalignment','middle','position',[0 .5 0])
55 55 elseif strcmpi(varargin{n+1},'center') elseif strcmpi(varargin{n+1},'center')
56 56 set(h,'horizontalalignment','center','verticalalignment','middle','position',[.5 .5 0]) set(h,'horizontalalignment','center','verticalalignment','middle','position',[.5 .5 0])
58 58 elseif strcmpi(varargin{n+1},'east') elseif strcmpi(varargin{n+1},'east')
59 59 set(h,'horizontalalignment','right','verticalalignment','middle','position',[1 .5 0]) set(h,'horizontalalignment','right','verticalalignment','middle','position',[1 .5 0])
61 61 elseif strcmpi(varargin{n+1},'southwest') elseif strcmpi(varargin{n+1},'southwest')
62 62 set(h,'horizontalalignment','left','verticalalignment','bottom','position',[0 0 0]) set(h,'horizontalalignment','left','verticalalignment','bottom','position',[0 0 0])
64 64 elseif strcmpi(varargin{n+1},'south') elseif strcmpi(varargin{n+1},'south')
65 65 set(h,'horizontalalignment','center','verticalalignment','bottom','position',[.5 0 0]) set(h,'horizontalalignment','center','verticalalignment','bottom','position',[.5 0 0])
67 67 elseif strcmpi(varargin{n+1},'southeast') elseif strcmpi(varargin{n+1},'southeast')
68 68 set(h,'horizontalalignment','right','verticalalignment','bottom','position',[1 0 0]) set(h,'horizontalalignment','right','verticalalignment','bottom','position',[1 0 0])
70 70 end end
72 72 else else
73 73 set(h,varargin{n},varargin{n+1}) set(h,varargin{n},varargin{n+1})
74 74 end end
75 75 end end
76 76
77 % Return the title handle only if it is desired:
77 % Return the title handle only if it is desired:
78 78 if nargout==0 if nargout==0
79 clear h;
79 clear h;
80 80 end end
81 81
82 82
83 83 end end
File misc/3rdparty/num2eng.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 1b8aae6..ab351cd)
... ... function str=num2eng(num);
4 4 % notation string using International System of Units (SI) prefixes. % notation string using International System of Units (SI) prefixes.
5 5 % %
6 6 % Examples: % Examples:
7 % num2eng(23e8) produces the string
7 % num2eng(23e8) produces the string
8 8 % '2.3G' % '2.3G'
9 9 % %
10 % num2eng(0.0000004) produces the string
10 % num2eng(0.0000004) produces the string
11 11 % '400n' % '400n'
12 12
13 13 % Copyright (c) by Federico Forte % Copyright (c) by Federico Forte
14 % Date: 2006/10/20
14 % Date: 2006/10/20
15 15
16 16 if abs(num)<=eps if abs(num)<=eps
17 str = '0';
17 str = '0';
18 18 elseif isequal(num,inf) elseif isequal(num,inf)
19 str = 'inf';
19 str = 'inf';
20 20 elseif isequal(num,-inf) elseif isequal(num,-inf)
21 str = '-inf';
21 str = '-inf';
22 22 else else
23 suffix_str='yzafpnum kMGTPEZY';
24 k=1;
25 while abs(num)>=10^(3*(k-8)) && k<=16,
26 k=k+1;
27 end
28 if k~=9,
29 suff=suffix_str(k);
30 else
31 suff='';
32 end
23 suffix_str='yzafpnum kMGTPEZY';
24 k=1;
25 while abs(num)>=10^(3*(k-8)) && k<=16,
26 k=k+1;
27 end
28 if k~=9,
29 suff=suffix_str(k);
30 else
31 suff='';
32 end
33 33
34 str=[num2str(num/10^(3*(k-9))),suff];
34 str=[num2str(num/10^(3*(k-9))),suff];
35 35 end end
File misc/3rdparty/printstruct.m changed (mode: 100644) (index e729af0..f08f3bf)
1 1 function pS = printstruct(S, varargin) function pS = printstruct(S, varargin)
2 2 % PRINTSTRUCT Recursively print hierarchical outline of structure contents % PRINTSTRUCT Recursively print hierarchical outline of structure contents
3 %
3 %
4 4 % This is a minor adaptation of the File Exchange contribution "Structure % This is a minor adaptation of the File Exchange contribution "Structure
5 5 % outline" written by B. Roossien <> and available here: % outline" written by B. Roossien <> and available here:
6 6 % %
7 7 % __________________________________________________________________________ % __________________________________________________________________________
8 8 % USAGE: pS = printstruct(S, varargin) % USAGE: pS = printstruct(S, varargin)
9 %
9 %
10 10 % IN: S = structure variable to print % IN: S = structure variable to print
11 11 % OUT*: pS = cell array containing printed structure % OUT*: pS = cell array containing printed structure
12 %
12 %
13 13 % *If defined, result will NOT display in command window % *If defined, result will NOT display in command window
14 14 % __________________________________________________________________________ % __________________________________________________________________________
15 15 % OPTIONAL VARARGIN* [entered as 'name', value pairs]: % OPTIONAL VARARGIN* [entered as 'name', value pairs]:
16 16 % *Run printstruct w/no arguments to see default values % *Run printstruct w/no arguments to see default values
17 %
18 % NLEVELS: N levels to print. If negative, all levels printed.
17 %
18 % NLEVELS: N levels to print. If negative, all levels printed.
19 19 % NINDENT: number of tab indents for each line of printed struct % NINDENT: number of tab indents for each line of printed struct
20 20 % STRUCTNAME: top level name (if empty, variable name will be used) % STRUCTNAME: top level name (if empty, variable name will be used)
21 21 % PRINTCONTENTS: flag to print field values/contents as well % PRINTCONTENTS: flag to print field values/contents as well
22 22 % MAXARRAYLENGTH: for fields with array data, max length of values to % MAXARRAYLENGTH: for fields with array data, max length of values to
23 23 % print. Values of a 2-D (m,n) array are printed if the number of % print. Values of a 2-D (m,n) array are printed if the number of
24 24 % elements (m x n) is smaller or equal to maxarraylength. This is ignored % elements (m x n) is smaller or equal to maxarraylength. This is ignored
25 % if printvalues is 0.
25 % if printvalues is 0.
26 26 % _______________________________ % _______________________________
28 %
29 % pS = printstruct(S, 'maxarray', 100);
28 %
29 % pS = printstruct(S, 'maxarray', 100);
30 30 % printstruct(S, 'nlevels', 2, 'printcontents', 0, 'nindent', 3) % printstruct(S, 'nlevels', 2, 'printcontents', 0, 'nindent', 3)
31 %
31 %
32 32
33 33 % ---------------------- Copyright (C) 2015 Bob Spunt ---------------------- % ---------------------- Copyright (C) 2015 Bob Spunt ----------------------
34 34 % Created: 2015-08-13 % Created: 2015-08-13
35 35 % Email: % Email:
36 36 % __________________________________________________________________________ % __________________________________________________________________________
37 def = { ...
38 'nlevels', -1, ...
39 'printcontents', 1, ...
37 def = { ...
38 'nlevels', -1, ...
39 'printcontents', 1, ...
40 40 'nindent', 0, ... 'nindent', 0, ...
41 41 'structname', '', ... 'structname', '', ...
42 42 'maxarraylength', 10 ... 'maxarraylength', 10 ...
43 };
43 };
44 44 vals = setargs(def, varargin); vals = setargs(def, varargin);
45 45 if nargin==0, mfile_showhelp; fprintf('\t| - VARARGIN DEFAULTS - |\n'); disp(vals); return; end if nargin==0, mfile_showhelp; fprintf('\t| - VARARGIN DEFAULTS - |\n'); disp(vals); return; end
46 46 if nlevels==0, nlevels = -1; end; if nlevels==0, nlevels = -1; end;
... ... if length(S)==1
49 49 str = recFieldPrint(S, nindent, nlevels, printcontents, maxarraylength, structname); str = recFieldPrint(S, nindent, nlevels, printcontents, maxarraylength, structname);
50 50 str = [cellstr(structname); str]; str = [cellstr(structname); str];
51 51 else else
52 str = [];
52 str = [];
53 53 for i = 1:length(S) for i = 1:length(S)
54 54 tmpstr = recFieldPrint(S(i), nindent, nlevels, printcontents, maxarraylength, structname); tmpstr = recFieldPrint(S(i), nindent, nlevels, printcontents, maxarraylength, structname);
55 55 str = [str; cellstr(sprintf('%s(%d)', structname, i)); tmpstr]; str = [str; cellstr(sprintf('%s(%d)', structname, i)); tmpstr];
... ... end
59 59 if nargout==0 if nargout==0
60 60 for i = 1:length(str), disp(cell2mat(str(i, 1))); end for i = 1:length(str), disp(cell2mat(str(i, 1))); end
61 61 else else
62 pS = str;
62 pS = str;
63 63 end end
64 64 end end
65 65 % ========================================================================== % ==========================================================================
... ... end
69 69 % ========================================================================== % ==========================================================================
70 70 function argstruct = setargs(defaults, optargs) function argstruct = setargs(defaults, optargs)
71 71 % SETARGS Name/value parsing and assignment of varargin with default values % SETARGS Name/value parsing and assignment of varargin with default values
72 %
72 %
73 73 % This is a utility for setting the value of optional arguments to a % This is a utility for setting the value of optional arguments to a
74 74 % function. The first argument is required and should be a cell array of % function. The first argument is required and should be a cell array of
75 75 % "name, default value" pairs for all optional arguments. The second % "name, default value" pairs for all optional arguments. The second
76 76 % argument is optional and should be a cell array of "name, custom value" % argument is optional and should be a cell array of "name, custom value"
77 77 % pairs for at least one of the optional arguments. % pairs for at least one of the optional arguments.
78 %
79 % USAGE: argstruct = setargs(defaults, args)
78 %
79 % USAGE: argstruct = setargs(defaults, args)
80 80 % __________________________________________________________________________ % __________________________________________________________________________
82 %
82 %
83 83 % argstruct: structure containing the final argument values % argstruct: structure containing the final argument values
84 84 % __________________________________________________________________________ % __________________________________________________________________________
86 %
87 % defaults:
86 %
87 % defaults:
88 88 % cell array of "name, default value" pairs for all optional arguments % cell array of "name, default value" pairs for all optional arguments
89 %
90 % optargs [optional]
89 %
90 % optargs [optional]
91 91 % cell array of "name, custom value" pairs for at least one of the % cell array of "name, custom value" pairs for at least one of the
92 % optional arguments. this will typically be the "varargin" array.
92 % optional arguments. this will typically be the "varargin" array.
93 93 % __________________________________________________________________________ % __________________________________________________________________________
95 %
96 % defaults = {'arg1', 0, 'arg2', 'words', 'arg3', rand};
95 %
96 % defaults = {'arg1', 0, 'arg2', 'words', 'arg3', rand};
97 97 % argstruct = setargs(defaults, varargin) % argstruct = setargs(defaults, varargin)
98 98 % %
99 99
... ... function argstruct = setargs(defaults, optargs)
101 101 % ---------------------- Copyright (C) 2015 Bob Spunt ---------------------- % ---------------------- Copyright (C) 2015 Bob Spunt ----------------------
102 102 % Created: 2015-03-11 % Created: 2015-03-11
103 103 % Email: % Email:
104 %
104 %
105 105 % This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
106 106 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
107 107 % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
... ... function argstruct = setargs(defaults, optargs)
115 115 % __________________________________________________________________________ % __________________________________________________________________________
116 116 if nargin < 1, mfile_showhelp; return; end if nargin < 1, mfile_showhelp; return; end
117 117 if nargin < 2, optargs = []; end if nargin < 2, optargs = []; end
118 defaults = reshape(defaults, 2, length(defaults)/2)';
118 defaults = reshape(defaults, 2, length(defaults)/2)';
119 119 if ~isempty(optargs) if ~isempty(optargs)
120 120 if mod(length(optargs), 2) if mod(length(optargs), 2)
121 error('Optional inputs must be entered as Name, Value pairs, e.g., myfunction(''name'', value)');
121 error('Optional inputs must be entered as Name, Value pairs, e.g., myfunction(''name'', value)');
122 122 end end
123 123 arg = reshape(optargs, 2, length(optargs)/2)'; arg = reshape(optargs, 2, length(optargs)/2)';
124 124 for i = 1:size(arg,1) for i = 1:size(arg,1)
... ... if ~isempty(optargs)
129 129 error('Input "%s" does not match a valid input.', arg{i,1}); error('Input "%s" does not match a valid input.', arg{i,1});
130 130 else else
131 131 defaults{idx,2} = arg{i,2}; defaults{idx,2} = arg{i,2};
132 end
132 end
133 133 end end
134 134 end end
135 135 for i = 1:size(defaults,1), assignin('caller', defaults{i,1}, defaults{i,2}); end for i = 1:size(defaults,1), assignin('caller', defaults{i,1}, defaults{i,2}); end
... ... function mfile_showhelp(varargin)
140 140 ST = dbstack('-completenames'); ST = dbstack('-completenames');
141 141 if isempty(ST), fprintf('\nYou must call this within a function\n\n'); return; end if isempty(ST), fprintf('\nYou must call this within a function\n\n'); return; end
142 eval(sprintf('help %s', ST(2).file));
142 eval(sprintf('help %s', ST(2).file));
143 143 end end
145 145 function listStr = recFieldPrint(Structure, indent, depth, printValues, maxArrayLength, structname) function listStr = recFieldPrint(Structure, indent, depth, printValues, maxArrayLength, structname)
146 146 % RECFIELDPRINT Recursive printing of a structure variable % RECFIELDPRINT Recursive printing of a structure variable
147 147 % This function and its dependencies were taken from: % This function and its dependencies were taken from:
148 % STRUCDISP.m by
148 % STRUCDISP.m by
149 149 % Contact author: B. Roossien <> % Contact author: B. Roossien <>
150 150 % (c) ECN 2007-2008 % (c) ECN 2007-2008
151 151 % Version 1.3.0 % Version 1.3.0
... ... if length(Structure) > 1
157 157 varStr = createArraySize(Structure, structname); varStr = createArraySize(Structure, structname);
158 158 listStr = [{' '}; {[structname, varStr]}]; listStr = [{' '}; {[structname, varStr]}];
159 159 body = recFieldPrint(Structure(1), indent, depth, ... body = recFieldPrint(Structure(1), indent, depth, ...
160 printValues, maxArrayLength);
160 printValues, maxArrayLength);
161 161 listStr = [listStr; body]; listStr = [listStr; body];
162 162 else else
163 163 for iStruc = 1 : length(Structure) for iStruc = 1 : length(Structure)
... ... strIndent = getIndentation(indent + 1);
176 176 listStr = [listStr; {strIndent}]; listStr = [listStr; {strIndent}];
177 177 strIndent = getIndentation(indent); strIndent = getIndentation(indent);
178 178 for iField = 1 : length(strucFields) for iField = 1 : length(strucFields)
180 180 fieldName = cell2mat(strucFields(iField)); fieldName = cell2mat(strucFields(iField));
181 181 Field = Structure.(fieldName); Field = Structure.(fieldName);
183 183 % Empty structure % Empty structure
184 184 if isempty(Field) if isempty(Field)
185 185 strSize = createArraySize(Field, 'Structure'); strSize = createArraySize(Field, 'Structure');
... ... for iField = 1 : length(strucFields)
197 197 else else
198 198 listStr = [listStr; {line}]; listStr = [listStr; {line}];
199 199 end end
200 % Short vector structure of which the values should be printed
200 % Short vector structure of which the values should be printed
201 201 elseif (isvector(Field)) && ... elseif (isvector(Field)) && ...
202 202 (printValues > 0) && ... (printValues > 0) && ...
203 203 (length(Field) < maxArrayLength) && ... (length(Field) < maxArrayLength) && ...
... ... for iField = 1 : length(strucFields)
224 224 listStr = [listStr; {line}; lines]; listStr = [listStr; {line}; lines];
225 225 end end
226 226 % Some extra blank lines to increase readability % Some extra blank lines to increase readability
227 listStr = [listStr; {[strIndent ' | ']}];
227 listStr = [listStr; {[strIndent ' | ']}];
229 229 end % End iField for-loop end % End iField for-loop
230 230 %% Field Filler %% Field Filler
231 231 % To properly align the field names, a filler is required. To know how long % To properly align the field names, a filler is required. To know how long
... ... otherFields = fields(isOther == 1);
291 291 % - Vectors are printed as long as they are shorter than maxArrayLength % - Vectors are printed as long as they are shorter than maxArrayLength
292 292 % - Matrices are printed if they have less elements than maxArrayLength % - Matrices are printed if they have less elements than maxArrayLength
293 293 % - The values of cells are not printed % - The values of cells are not printed
294 % Start with printing strings and characters. To avoid the display screen
295 % becoming a mess, the part of the string that is printed is limited to 31
294 % Start with printing strings and characters. To avoid the display screen
295 % becoming a mess, the part of the string that is printed is limited to 31
296 296 % characters. In the future this might become an optional parameter in this % characters. In the future this might become an optional parameter in this
297 297 % function, but for now, it is placed in the code itself. % function, but for now, it is placed in the code itself.
298 298 % if the string is longer than 31 characters, only the first 31 characters % if the string is longer than 31 characters, only the first 31 characters
... ... for iField = 1 : length(matrixFields)
373 373 filler2 = char(ones(1, maxFieldLength + 6) * 32); filler2 = char(ones(1, maxFieldLength + 6) * 32);
374 374 dashes = char(ones(1, 12 * matrixSize(2) + 1) * 45); dashes = char(ones(1, 12 * matrixSize(2) + 1) * 45);
375 375 varCell = {[strIndent ' |' filler2 dashes]}; varCell = {[strIndent ' |' filler2 dashes]};
377 377 % first line with field name % first line with field name
378 378 varStr = sprintf('%#10.2e |', Structure.(Field)(1, :)); varStr = sprintf('%#10.2e |', Structure.(Field)(1, :));
379 379 varCell = [varCell; {[strIndent ' |' filler ' ' ... varCell = [varCell; {[strIndent ' |' filler ' ' ...
... ... for iField = 1 : length(matrixFields)
384 384 varCell = [varCell; {[strIndent ' |' filler2 '|' varStr]}]; varCell = [varCell; {[strIndent ' |' filler2 '|' varStr]}];
385 385 end end
386 386 varCell = [varCell; {[strIndent ' |' filler2 dashes]}]; varCell = [varCell; {[strIndent ' |' filler2 dashes]}];
388 388 end end
390 390 listStr = [listStr; varCell]; listStr = [listStr; varCell];
391 391 end end
392 392 % Print cell array information, i.e. the size of the cell array. The % Print cell array information, i.e. the size of the cell array. The
... ... end
408 408 function str = getIndentation(indent) function str = getIndentation(indent)
409 409 x = ' | '; x = ' | ';
410 410 str = ''; str = '';
412 412 for i = 1 : indent for i = 1 : indent
413 413 str = cat(2, str, x); str = cat(2, str, x);
414 414 end end
... ... function varStr = createArraySize(varName, type)
418 418
419 419 arraySizeStr = sprintf('%gx', varSize); arraySizeStr = sprintf('%gx', varSize);
420 420 arraySizeStr(length(arraySizeStr)) = []; arraySizeStr(length(arraySizeStr)) = [];
422 422 varStr = [' [' arraySizeStr ' ' type ']']; varStr = [' [' arraySizeStr ' ' type ']'];
423 423 end end
File misc/3rdparty/ringdown.m changed (mode: 100644) (index b28883c..c26516d)
... ... function res_rd=ringdown(res,noiseLevel,plots,verbose)
23 23 % NOISELEVEL sets a threshold level for the data analysis. Only data for % NOISELEVEL sets a threshold level for the data analysis. Only data for
24 24 % which the amplitude is greater than NOISELEVEL*MAX(data) will be used. % which the amplitude is greater than NOISELEVEL*MAX(data) will be used.
25 25 % Default is 0.1 (i.e., 10%). % Default is 0.1 (i.e., 10%).
26 %
26 %
27 27 % Use PLOTS (0|1|2) and VERBOSE (0|1|2) to set the number of plots and the % Use PLOTS (0|1|2) and VERBOSE (0|1|2) to set the number of plots and the
28 28 % number of messages. % number of messages.
29 29 % %
... ... function res_rd=ringdown(res,noiseLevel,plots,verbose)
43 43 % ringdown: Data after t=2.275 ignored (signal < 0.9) % ringdown: Data after t=2.275 ignored (signal < 0.9)
44 44 % ringdown: Min. search function value: 0.001 % ringdown: Min. search function value: 0.001
45 45 % %
46 % r =
47 %
46 % r =
47 %
48 48 % trace1: [1x1 struct] % trace1: [1x1 struct]
49 49 % f0: 3.3241 % f0: 3.3241
50 50 % Q: 10.4441 % Q: 10.4441
... ... if plots >= 1, datafig=figure; end
99 99 else else
100 100 fprintf(1,'ringdown: Error: no data trace from oscilloscope.\n'); fprintf(1,'ringdown: Error: no data trace from oscilloscope.\n');
101 101 end end
103 103 % determine sample interval % determine sample interval
104 104 time_length=t(end)-t(1); time_length=t(end)-t(1);
105 105 sample_int=time_length/(length(t)-1); sample_int=time_length/(length(t)-1);
... ... Qest=mean([Qestu Qestl]);
243 243 % plot Q estimated results % plot Q estimated results
244 244 if plots >= 2 if plots >= 2
245 245 figure(fftfig); subplot(1,2,2); figure(fftfig); subplot(1,2,2);
246 plot(tuefit,real(log(Vuefit)),'.-r');
246 plot(tuefit,real(log(Vuefit)),'.-r');
247 247 hold on; hold on;
248 248 plot(tlefit,real(log(Vlefit)),'.-g'); plot(tlefit,real(log(Vlefit)),'.-g');
249 249 title('Envelope & Log Fit'); title('Envelope & Log Fit');
File misc/3rdparty/suptitle.m changed (mode: 100644) (index efce003..6cf01da)
... ... axes(haold); %#ok<MAXES>
109 109 if nargout, if nargout,
110 110 hout=ht; hout=ht;
111 111 end end
File misc/3rdparty/textprogressbar.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 87ba5ff..082b9d9)
1 1 function textprogressbar(c) function textprogressbar(c)
2 % This function creates a text progress bar. It should be called with a
3 % STRING argument to initialize and terminate. Otherwise the number correspoding
2 % This function creates a text progress bar. It should be called with a
3 % STRING argument to initialize and terminate. Otherwise the number correspoding
4 4 % to progress in % should be supplied. % to progress in % should be supplied.
5 % INPUTS: C Either: Text string to initialize or terminate
6 % Percentage number to show progress
5 % INPUTS: C Either: Text string to initialize or terminate
6 % Percentage number to show progress
8 8 % Example: Please refer to demo_textprogressbar.m % Example: Please refer to demo_textprogressbar.m
9 9
... ... persistent strCR; % Carriage return pesistent variable
20 20 strPercentageLength = 10; % Length of percentage string (must be >5) strPercentageLength = 10; % Length of percentage string (must be >5)
21 21 strDotsMaximum = 10; % The total number of dots in a progress bar strDotsMaximum = 10; % The total number of dots in a progress bar
22 22
23 %% Main
23 %% Main
24 24
25 25 if isempty(strCR) && ~ischar(c), if isempty(strCR) && ~ischar(c),
26 26 % Progress bar must be initialized with a string % Progress bar must be initialized with a string
... ... elseif isempty(strCR) && ischar(c),
31 31 strCR = -1; strCR = -1;
32 32 elseif ~isempty(strCR) && ischar(c), elseif ~isempty(strCR) && ischar(c),
33 33 % Progress bar - termination % Progress bar - termination
34 strCR = [];
34 strCR = [];
35 35 fprintf([c '\n']); fprintf([c '\n']);
36 36 elseif isnumeric(c) elseif isnumeric(c)
37 37 % Progress bar - normal progress % Progress bar - normal progress
... ... elseif isnumeric(c)
41 41 nDots = floor(c/100*strDotsMaximum); nDots = floor(c/100*strDotsMaximum);
42 42 dotOut = ['[' repmat('.',1,nDots) repmat(' ',1,strDotsMaximum-nDots) ']']; dotOut = ['[' repmat('.',1,nDots) repmat(' ',1,strDotsMaximum-nDots) ']'];
43 43 strOut = [percentageOut dotOut]; strOut = [percentageOut dotOut];
45 45 % Print it on the screen % Print it on the screen
46 46 if strCR == -1, if strCR == -1,
47 47 % Don't do carriage return during first run % Don't do carriage return during first run
... ... elseif isnumeric(c)
50 50 % Do it during all the other runs % Do it during all the other runs
51 51 fprintf([strCR strOut]); fprintf([strCR strOut]);
52 52 end end
54 54 % Update carriage return % Update carriage return
55 55 strCR = repmat('\b',1,length(strOut)-1); strCR = repmat('\b',1,length(strOut)-1);
57 57 else else
58 58 % Any other unexpected input % Any other unexpected input
59 59 error('Unsupported argument type'); error('Unsupported argument type');
File misc/checkdim.m changed (mode: 100644) (index aa8c3c8..06d4465)
... ... if ~isempty(H)
35 35 if h1~=d1, warning('H and D must have same number of rows');h=0; end if h1~=d1, warning('H and D must have same number of rows');h=0; end
36 36 if g2~=d2, warning('G and D must have same number of columns');h=0; end if g2~=d2, warning('G and D must have same number of columns');h=0; end
37 37 end end
39 39 % check measurement vector % check measurement vector
40 40 if ~isempty(z) if ~isempty(z)
41 41 [z1,z2]=size(z); [z1,z2]=size(z);
File misc/convenience/class_conveniences.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 818ace4..2dfa447)
1 1 classdef class_conveniences < matlab.mixin.Copyable classdef class_conveniences < matlab.mixin.Copyable
2 %% class_conveniences is a convenience superclass which inherits from matlab.mixin.Copyable
3 %% it implements some methods and properties which are useful for several other classes
4 properties(Constant, Hidden)
5 hbar = 1.0545718e-34;
6 kB = 1.38064852e-23;
7 end
8 properties(Dependent, Hidden)
2 %% class_conveniences is a convenience superclass which inherits from matlab.mixin.Copyable
3 %% it implements some methods and properties which are useful for several other classes
4 properties(Constant, Hidden)
5 hbar = 1.0545718e-34;
6 kB = 1.38064852e-23;
7 end
8 properties(Dependent, Hidden)
9 9 software_version % stores path and id of current commit for every git repository on MATLAB path at query time software_version % stores path and id of current commit for every git repository on MATLAB path at query time
10 10 end end
12 properties(Hidden)
12 properties(Hidden)
13 13 software_version_private software_version_private
14 end
14 end
15 15
16 16 methods methods
17 17 function software_version = get.software_version(obj) function software_version = get.software_version(obj)
... ... classdef class_conveniences < matlab.mixin.Copyable
24 24 end end
25 25
26 26 function obj = parseVararginForMissingFields(obj, varargin) function obj = parseVararginForMissingFields(obj, varargin)
27 %obj = parseVararginForMissingFields(obj, varargin) attempts to fill empty
28 %properties of obj from the varargin-list...
29 % it checks varargin for for key-value-pairs of the form 'property', value
30 % where 'property' is the name of a property which is either empty or
31 % has a default value and then sets obj.('property') to value
27 %obj = parseVararginForMissingFields(obj, varargin) attempts to fill empty
28 %properties of obj from the varargin-list...
29 % it checks varargin for for key-value-pairs of the form 'property', value
30 % where 'property' is the name of a property which is either empty or
31 % has a default value and then sets obj.('property') to value
32 32
33 assert(isa(obj, 'handle'),...
34 'Expecting handle object');
33 assert(isa(obj, 'handle'),...
34 'Expecting handle object');
35 35
36 %% find empty properties which are not dependent
37 props = properties(obj);
36 %% find empty properties which are not dependent
37 props = properties(obj);
38 38
39 empty_or_default_props = {};
40 empty_or_default_props_no = 0;
39 empty_or_default_props = {};
40 empty_or_default_props_no = 0;
41 41
42 for k=1:length(props)
43 prop = props{k};
44 prop_attributes = findprop(obj, prop);
45 if ~prop_attributes.Dependent
46 % don't mess with dependent properties
47 if isempty(obj.(prop)) || prop_attributes.HasDefault
48 % check empty properties or properties with default values
49 empty_or_default_props_no = empty_or_default_props_no +1;
50 empty_or_default_props{ empty_or_default_props_no } = prop; %#ok<*AGROW>
51 end
52 end
53 end
42 for k=1:length(props)
43 prop = props{k};
44 prop_attributes = findprop(obj, prop);
45 if ~prop_attributes.Dependent
46 % don't mess with dependent properties
47 if isempty(obj.(prop)) || prop_attributes.HasDefault
48 % check empty properties or properties with default values
49 empty_or_default_props_no = empty_or_default_props_no +1;
50 empty_or_default_props{ empty_or_default_props_no } = prop; %#ok<*AGROW>
51 end
52 end
53 end
54 54
55 %% parse varargin for the names of such properties
56 % and set property to the following argument
57 for k=1:2:length(varargin)
58 if any(ismember(empty_or_default_props,varargin{k}))
59 obj.(varargin{k}) = varargin{k+1};
60 end
61 end
62 end
55 %% parse varargin for the names of such properties
56 % and set property to the following argument
57 for k=1:2:length(varargin)
58 if any(ismember(empty_or_default_props,varargin{k}))
59 obj.(varargin{k}) = varargin{k+1};
60 end
61 end
62 end
63 63
64 64 end end
65 65 end end
File misc/covmats/beam_splitter.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 8f89a95..70b2487)
... ... function bs_sympmat = beam_splitter( r)
7 7
8 8 id = eye(2); id = eye(2);
9 9 bs_sympmat = [ r*id, sqrt(1-r^2)*id;... bs_sympmat = [ r*id, sqrt(1-r^2)*id;...
10 sqrt(1-r^2)*id, -r*id];
10 sqrt(1-r^2)*id, -r*id];
File misc/covmats/combineCMs_traceOutCM_test.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 75ad403..b04c16b)
1 1 function test_suite = combineCMs_traceOutCM_test %#ok<STOUT> function test_suite = combineCMs_traceOutCM_test %#ok<STOUT>
2 initTestSuite;
2 initTestSuite;
3 3
4 4 function combine_traceout_randommat_test function combine_traceout_randommat_test
5 5 mat1 = randn(6,6); mat1 = randn(6,6);
File misc/covmats/fidelity_test.m changed (mode: 100644) (index cb2f9cc..d28f710)
1 1 % fid = fidelity(X1,X2,cm1,cm2) % fid = fidelity(X1,X2,cm1,cm2)
2 2 function test_suite = fidelity_test %#ok<STOUT> function test_suite = fidelity_test %#ok<STOUT>
3 initTestSuite;
3 initTestSuite;
4 4
5 5 function smss_test function smss_test
6 6 cm = smss(1)+0.001*eye(2); %need some noise to pass physicality-test cm = smss(1)+0.001*eye(2); %need some noise to pass physicality-test
File misc/covmats/gausseof.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 033a856..0e01bb8)
... ... disp(sqrt((m2 - 1)/(n2 - 1)));
26 26
27 27
28 28 eof = 0; eof = 0;
29 % %%
29 % %%
30 30 % if ~isequal(size(sfparams), [1, 4]) % if ~isequal(size(sfparams), [1, 4])
31 31 % warning('Expecting a vector of 4 real parameters!'); % warning('Expecting a vector of 4 real parameters!');
32 32 % eof = 0; % eof = 0;
... ... eof = 0;
44 44 % b2 = sfparams(2); % b2 = sfparams(2);
45 45 % c = sfparams(3); % c = sfparams(3);
46 46 % d = abs(sfparams(4)); %caution: we take abs already here % d = abs(sfparams(4)); %caution: we take abs already here
47 %
48 % %%
47 %
48 % %%
49 49 % % a0, a4 % % a0, a4
50 50 % tc = b1*b2 - c^2; % tc = b1*b2 - c^2;
51 51 % td = b1*b2 - d^2; % td = b1*b2 - d^2;
52 %
52 %
53 53 % a0 = td*(b1*td - b2/4)*(b2*td - b1/4); % a0 = td*(b1*td - b2/4)*(b2*td - b1/4);
54 54 % a4 = tc*(b1*tc - b2/4)*(b2*tc - b1/4); % a4 = tc*(b1*tc - b2/4)*(b2*tc - b1/4);
55 %
55 %
56 56 % % a1, a3 % % a1, a3
57 57 % oc = c*td + d/4; % oc = c*td + d/4;
58 58 % od = d*tc + c/4; % od = d*tc + c/4;
59 %
59 %
60 60 % a1 = -oc*( oc*(b1 - b2)^2 + 2*b1*b2*(c-d)*(td - 1/4)); % a1 = -oc*( oc*(b1 - b2)^2 + 2*b1*b2*(c-d)*(td - 1/4));
61 61 % a3 = -od*( od*(b1 - b2)^2 + 2*b1*b2*(d-c)*(tc - 1/4)); % a3 = -od*( od*(b1 - b2)^2 + 2*b1*b2*(d-c)*(tc - 1/4));
62 %
62 %
63 63 % % a2 % % a2
64 64 % detV = tc*td; %checked % detV = tc*td; %checked
65 65 % cd = c*d; % cd = c*d;
66 %
66 %
67 67 % bigZ = b1^2 + b2^2 + 2*cd; % bigZ = b1^2 + b2^2 + 2*cd;
68 68 % bigD = 1/16 - (b1^2)/4 - (b2^2)/4 + b1*b2*tc - cd/2 - b1*b2*d^2 + cd^2; % bigD = 1/16 - (b1^2)/4 - (b2^2)/4 + b1*b2*tc - cd/2 - b1*b2*d^2 + cd^2;
69 %
69 %
70 70 % a2 = ((b1*c - b2*d)*(b1*d - b2*c) + cd*bigZ)*(detV + 1/16) - cd*detV - 2*((b1^2)*(b2^2) - cd^2)*bigD; % a2 = ((b1*c - b2*d)*(b1*d - b2*c) + cd*bigZ)*(detV + 1/16) - cd*detV - 2*((b1^2)*(b2^2) - cd^2)*bigD;
71 %
71 %
72 72 % %% % %%
73 73 % % scriptz = a^2+b^2+2*cp*cm; % % scriptz = a^2+b^2+2*cp*cm;
74 74 % % detSF = (a^2)*(b^2)-a*b*cm^2-a*b*cp^2+(cm^2)*(cp^2); % % detSF = (a^2)*(b^2)-a*b*cm^2-a*b*cp^2+(cm^2)*(cp^2);
75 % %
75 % %
76 76 % % scriptd = a^2*(-(1/4)+b^2)-a*b*(cm^2+cp^2)+ (1/16)*(-4*b^2+(1 - 4*cm*cp)^2); % % scriptd = a^2*(-(1/4)+b^2)-a*b*(cm^2+cp^2)+ (1/16)*(-4*b^2+(1 - 4*cm*cp)^2);
77 77 % % scriptdtilda = detSF - (1/4)*(a^2 + b^2 +2*cp*abs(cm)) + 1/16; % % scriptdtilda = detSF - (1/4)*(a^2 + b^2 +2*cp*abs(cm)) + 1/16;
78 %
78 %
79 79 % % a1 = -(cp*(a*b -cm^2) + abs(cm)/4)*((a-b)^2*(cp*(a*b -cm^2)+ abs(cm)/4)+2*a*b*(cp - abs(cm))*(a*b -cm^2 -1/4)); % % a1 = -(cp*(a*b -cm^2) + abs(cm)/4)*((a-b)^2*(cp*(a*b -cm^2)+ abs(cm)/4)+2*a*b*(cp - abs(cm))*(a*b -cm^2 -1/4));
80 80 % % a2 = ((a*cp - b*abs(cm))*(a*abs(cm) - b*cp) + cp*abs(cm)*scriptz)*(detSF+1/16)-2*((a^2)*(b^2) - (cp^2)*(cm^2))*scriptz - cp*abs(cm)*detSF; % % a2 = ((a*cp - b*abs(cm))*(a*abs(cm) - b*cp) + cp*abs(cm)*scriptz)*(detSF+1/16)-2*((a^2)*(b^2) - (cp^2)*(cm^2))*scriptz - cp*abs(cm)*detSF;
81 81 % % a3 = (-(cp/4)-(a*b-cp^2)*abs(cm))*(2*a*b*(-(1/4)+a*b-cp^2)*(-cp+abs(cm))+((a-b)^2)*(cp/4+(a*b-cp^2)*abs(cm))); % % a3 = (-(cp/4)-(a*b-cp^2)*abs(cm))*(2*a*b*(-(1/4)+a*b-cp^2)*(-cp+abs(cm))+((a-b)^2)*(cp/4+(a*b-cp^2)*abs(cm)));
82 82 % % a4 = (a*b-cp^2)*(-(b/4)+a*(a*b-cp^2))*(-(a/4)+b*(a*b-cp^2)); % % a4 = (a*b-cp^2)*(-(b/4)+a*(a*b-cp^2))*(-(a/4)+b*(a*b-cp^2));
83 %
83 %
84 84 % %% % %%
85 85 % aCoeffs = [a4 a3 a2 a1 a0]; % aCoeffs = [a4 a3 a2 a1 a0];
87 %
87 %
88 88 % pCandidates = roots(aCoeffs); % pCandidates = roots(aCoeffs);
89 89 % pm = max(pCandidates(~imag(pCandidates))); %choose maximum within real roots % pm = max(pCandidates(~imag(pCandidates))); %choose maximum within real roots
90 %
90 %
91 91 % % If[pm<1,(*Print["No pm bigger than one. % % If[pm<1,(*Print["No pm bigger than one.
92 92 % % Is the CM inseparable? Is it a two-mode-squeezed thermal state?"];*)0, % % Is the CM inseparable? Is it a two-mode-squeezed thermal state?"];*)0,
93 %
93 %
94 94 % %% % %%
95 95 % b0 = -scriptdtilda*pm; % b0 = -scriptdtilda*pm;
96 96 % b1 = -2*sqrt(pm)*((abs(cm)*(a*b -cp^2) + cp/4)*pm + (cp*(a*b - cm^2) + abs(cm)/4)); % b1 = -2*sqrt(pm)*((abs(cm)*(a*b -cp^2) + cp/4)*pm + (cp*(a*b - cm^2) + abs(cm)/4));
97 97 % b2 = (a*b - cp^2)*pm^2 + scriptz*pm+(a*b -cm^2); % b2 = (a*b - cp^2)*pm^2 + scriptz*pm+(a*b -cm^2);
98 %
98 %
99 99 % %% % %%
100 100 % yCandidates = roots([b2 b1 b0]); % yCandidates = roots([b2 b1 b0]);
101 101 % ym = min(yCandidates(~imag(yCandidates))); % ym = min(yCandidates(~imag(yCandidates)));
File misc/covmats/gausssfcm.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 85ff29a..620fbd8)
... ... sfcm = [a, 0, cplus, 0;...
22 22 cplus, 0, b, 0;... cplus, 0, b, 0;...
23 23 0, cminus, 0, b]; 0, cminus, 0, b];
24 24 end end
File misc/covmats/gausssfcm2.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 8f07eae..8e937c3)
... ... sfcm = [n1, 0, c1, 0;...
25 25 c1, 0, m1, 0;... c1, 0, m1, 0;...
26 26 0, c2, 0, m2]; 0, c2, 0, m2];
27 27 end end
File misc/covmats/gausssfparams.m changed (mode: 100644) (index a13866c..7ec8181)
... ... if ~isreal(sfparams)
33 33 end end
34 34
35 35 end end
File misc/covmats/gausssfparams2.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 0e0fcf0..ae6a2f6)
... ... m = sfparams1(2);
18 18 c = sfparams1(3); c = sfparams1(3);
19 19 cprime = sfparams1(4); cprime = sfparams1(4);
20 20
21 %% calculate parameters for standard form 2
21 %% calculate parameters for standard form 2
22 22 if ( n == m )&& (abs(c) == abs(cprime)) if ( n == m )&& (abs(c) == abs(cprime))
23 r = [1, 1];
23 r = [1, 1];
24 24 else % solve the system described by auxfct1 else % solve the system described by auxfct1
25 25 r = fsolve(@auxfct1, [1, 1]); r = fsolve(@auxfct1, [1, 1]);
26 26 end end
... ... function [x] = auxfct1(r)
29 29 x(1) = ( n/r(1) - 1 )/(n*r(1) - 1) - (m/r(2) - 1)/(m*r(2) - 1); x(1) = ( n/r(1) - 1 )/(n*r(1) - 1) - (m/r(2) - 1)/(m*r(2) - 1);
30 30 x(2) = sqrt(r(1)*r(2))*abs(c)-abs(cprime)/sqrt(r(1)*r(2)) - sqrt((n*r(1) - 1)*(m*r(2) - 1)) + sqrt((n/r(1) - 1)*(m/r(2) - 1)); x(2) = sqrt(r(1)*r(2))*abs(c)-abs(cprime)/sqrt(r(1)*r(2)) - sqrt((n*r(1) - 1)*(m*r(2) - 1)) + sqrt((n/r(1) - 1)*(m/r(2) - 1));
31 31 end end
32 %% calculate parameters for standard form 2
32 %% calculate parameters for standard form 2
33 33 n1 = n*r(1); n1 = n*r(1);
34 34 n2 = n/r(1); n2 = n/r(1);
35 35 m1 = m*r(2); m1 = m*r(2);
File misc/covmats/isphyscov.m changed (mode: 100644) (index d3c189e..ce3e7f5)
1 1 function bool = isphyscov(mat,varargin) function bool = isphyscov(mat,varargin)
2 2 % bool = isphyscov(M,...) % bool = isphyscov(M,...)
3 %
3 %
4 4 % Test if M+I*Σ/2 ≥ 0, where Σ is % Test if M+I*Σ/2 ≥ 0, where Σ is
5 5 % the symplectic matrix. % the symplectic matrix.
6 6 % %
File misc/covmats/logneg.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 4fc07b0..b2bd46c)
... ... function ln = logneg(cm, varargin)
16 16 checkCMdimensions(cm, 'multimode'); checkCMdimensions(cm, 'multimode');
17 17 modeindices_unspecified = true; modeindices_unspecified = true;
18 18 for k=1:2:length(varargin) for k=1:2:length(varargin)
19 switch varargin{k}
20 case 'modeindices'
21 modeindices = varargin{k+1};
19 switch varargin{k}
20 case 'modeindices'
21 modeindices = varargin{k+1};
22 22 modeindices_unspecified = false; modeindices_unspecified = false;
23 otherwise
24 error('Unrecognized varargin-input.')
25 end
23 otherwise
24 error('Unrecognized varargin-input.')
25 end
26 26 end end
27 27
28 28 mode_no = length(cm)/2; mode_no = length(cm)/2;
29 29 if mode_no==2 if mode_no==2
30 % for definition of logarithmic negativity see
31 % Adesso & Illuminati, doi:10.1088/1751-8113/40/28/S01, eq. (80)
30 % for definition of logarithmic negativity see
31 % Adesso & Illuminati, doi:10.1088/1751-8113/40/28/S01, eq. (80)
32 32
33 d = det(cm(1:2,1:2)) + det(cm(3:4,3:4)) - 2*det(cm(1:2,3:4));
34 m = 1/sqrt(det(cm));
35 % corrected by a factor of 2 due to commutation relations
36 ln = -log(sqrt(d-sqrt(d^2-4/m^2))/sqrt(2)*2);
33 d = det(cm(1:2,1:2)) + det(cm(3:4,3:4)) - 2*det(cm(1:2,3:4));
34 m = 1/sqrt(det(cm));
35 % corrected by a factor of 2 due to commutation relations
36 ln = -log(sqrt(d-sqrt(d^2-4/m^2))/sqrt(2)*2);
37 37
38 38 elseif mode_no>2 elseif mode_no>2
39 39 % for definition of logarithmic negativity see % for definition of logarithmic negativity see
40 % Adesso & Illuminati, doi:10.1088/1751-8113/40/28/S01, eq. (68)
40 % Adesso & Illuminati, doi:10.1088/1751-8113/40/28/S01, eq. (68)
41 41 if modeindices_unspecified if modeindices_unspecified
42 42 if mod(mode_no,2)==0 if mod(mode_no,2)==0
43 43 %default choice for even no of modes: split symmetrically %default choice for even no of modes: split symmetrically
... ... elseif mode_no>2
49 49 end end
50 50 end end
51 51
52 sympevalvec = symevals(partialtranspose(cm, modeindices));
52 sympevalvec = symevals(partialtranspose(cm, modeindices));
53 53
54 54 negativeSympEvals = sympevalvec(sympevalvec<0.5); negativeSympEvals = sympevalvec(sympevalvec<0.5);
55 55 if ~isempty(negativeSympEvals) if ~isempty(negativeSympEvals)
... ... elseif mode_no>2
58 58 % NOTE: if all symplectic eigenvalues are larger than 0.5, we have an AMBIGUITY (in the multimode case) % NOTE: if all symplectic eigenvalues are larger than 0.5, we have an AMBIGUITY (in the multimode case)
59 59 % * do we take only the smallest symplectic eigenvalue? % * do we take only the smallest symplectic eigenvalue?
60 60 % * or do we sum over a certain subset or all symplectic eigenvalues? % * or do we sum over a certain subset or all symplectic eigenvalues?
61 % Whether we see curves of log.neg. vs other parameters which are continuous across 0
61 % Whether we see curves of log.neg. vs other parameters which are continuous across 0
62 62 % or not depends on this arbitrary choice! % or not depends on this arbitrary choice!
63 63 % We choose to take only the smallest symplectic eigenvalue into account % We choose to take only the smallest symplectic eigenvalue into account
64 64 % since in our application most of the times at most one symplectic eigenvalue is below 0.5 % since in our application most of the times at most one symplectic eigenvalue is below 0.5
File misc/covmats/logneg_test.m changed (mode: 100644) (index ce07591..d18cb7a)
1 1 function test_suite = logneg_test %#ok<STOUT> function test_suite = logneg_test %#ok<STOUT>
2 initTestSuite;
2 initTestSuite;
3 3
4 4 % test cases: % test cases:
5 5 % - vacuum state: % - vacuum state:
... ... function twomode_tmss_test
22 22 % r=.5; tmssOnModes1and3 = combineCMs(tmss(r),[1,3]); logneg(tmssOnModes1and3 , 'modeindices', [1]) % equals 2*r % r=.5; tmssOnModes1and3 = combineCMs(tmss(r),[1,3]); logneg(tmssOnModes1and3 , 'modeindices', [1]) % equals 2*r
23 23
24 24 function multimode_vac_test function multimode_vac_test
25 N = 8;
25 N = 8;
26 26 vac = eye(2*N)/2; vac = eye(2*N)/2;
27 assertEqual(logneg(vac, 'modeindices', [1, 2]), 0)
28 assertEqual(logneg(vac, 'modeindices', [1, 2, 3, 4]), 0)
29 assertEqual(logneg(vac), 0)
30 assertEqual(logneg(eye(2*3)/2), 0)
27 assertEqual(logneg(vac, 'modeindices', [1, 2]), 0)
28 assertEqual(logneg(vac, 'modeindices', [1, 2, 3, 4]), 0)
29 assertEqual(logneg(vac), 0)
30 assertEqual(logneg(eye(2*3)/2), 0)
31 31
32 32 function multimode_tmss_test function multimode_tmss_test
33 33 r = 1; r = 1;
34 tmssOnModes1and4 = combineCMs(tmss(r),[1,4]);
34 tmssOnModes1and4 = combineCMs(tmss(r),[1,4]);
35 35 assertAlmostEqual(logneg(tmssOnModes1and4 , 'modeindices', [1]), 2*r) assertAlmostEqual(logneg(tmssOnModes1and4 , 'modeindices', [1]), 2*r)
36 assertAlmostEqual(logneg(tmssOnModes1and4 , 'modeindices', [1, 2]), 2*r)
37 %% check equality for different, but equivalent ways of specifying the partition
38 assertEqual(logneg(tmssOnModes1and4 , 'modeindices', [1, 2]),...
39 logneg(tmssOnModes1and4 , 'modeindices', [3, 4]))
40 assertEqual(logneg(tmssOnModes1and4 , 'modeindices', [1, 2]),...
41 logneg(tmssOnModes1and4))
36 assertAlmostEqual(logneg(tmssOnModes1and4 , 'modeindices', [1, 2]), 2*r)
37 %% check equality for different, but equivalent ways of specifying the partition
38 assertEqual(logneg(tmssOnModes1and4 , 'modeindices', [1, 2]),...
39 logneg(tmssOnModes1and4 , 'modeindices', [3, 4]))
40 assertEqual(logneg(tmssOnModes1and4 , 'modeindices', [1, 2]),...
41 logneg(tmssOnModes1and4))
File misc/covmats/ptSymEvals.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 5014c0a..6200cd3)
... ... function [ptSympEvals] = ptSymEvals( cm, modeIndices)
7 7 ptSympEvals = symevals(partialtranspose(cm, modeIndices)); ptSympEvals = symevals(partialtranspose(cm, modeIndices));
8 8
9 9 end end
File misc/covmats/purity_test.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 2d7953e..8785a23)
1 1 function test_suite = purity_test %#ok<STOUT> function test_suite = purity_test %#ok<STOUT>
2 initTestSuite;
2 initTestSuite;
3 3
4 4 function smss_test function smss_test
5 5 r = 5; r = 5;
File misc/covmats/quadIndicesFromModeIndices.m changed (mode: 100644) (index a5566d1..7f52fd4)
... ... function quadIndices = quadIndicesFromModeIndices(modeIndices)
5 5 qIndices = pIndices - 1; qIndices = pIndices - 1;
6 6 quadIndices = sort([pIndices, qIndices]); quadIndices = sort([pIndices, qIndices]);
7 7 end end
File misc/covmats/smss.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 591950d..20a94b3)
... ... s = sinh(2*r);
10 10 cm = (1/2)*[c, s; cm = (1/2)*[c, s;
11 11 s, c]; s, c];
12 12 end end
File misc/covmats/states_test.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 6260690..892c30e)
1 1 function test_suite = states_test %#ok<STOUT> function test_suite = states_test %#ok<STOUT>
2 initTestSuite;
2 initTestSuite;
3 3
4 4 function smss_vac_test function smss_vac_test
5 5 vac = eye(2)/2; vac = eye(2)/2;
File misc/covmats/symevals.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 0c54671..4feb215)
... ... function symevalvector = symevals(cm)
2 2 % symevalvector = symevals(cm) takes a covariance matrix and returns the vector of symplectic eigenvalues % symevalvector = symevals(cm) takes a covariance matrix and returns the vector of symplectic eigenvalues
3 3 N = length(cm); N = length(cm);
4 4 assert(N>2&&mod(N,2)==0&&all(size(cm)==[N,N]),... assert(N>2&&mod(N,2)==0&&all(size(cm)==[N,N]),...
5 'Expecting NxN covariance matrix with N>2');
5 'Expecting NxN covariance matrix with N>2');
6 6
7 7 symevalvector = sort(abs(eig(complex(0,1)*symform(N)*cm))); symevalvector = sort(abs(eig(complex(0,1)*symform(N)*cm)));
8 8 % for definition of symplectic eigenvalues see % for definition of symplectic eigenvalues see
File misc/covmats/test_symplectic_functions.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 8ee4f0e..29572d1)
1 1 function test_symplectic_functions( cm ) function test_symplectic_functions( cm )
2 % test_symplectic_functions( cm ) takes a cm,
2 % test_symplectic_functions( cm ) takes a cm,
3 3 % performs a number of symplectic operations on them % performs a number of symplectic operations on them
4 4 % and pretty-prints the results. % and pretty-prints the results.
5 5 % %
6 % This can be used to test the implementation of the
6 % This can be used to test the implementation of the
7 7 % functions operating on covariance matrices. % functions operating on covariance matrices.
8 8 % %
9 test_symplectic_functions2(cm);
11 input('Continue? [Enter to confirm]')
12 disp([10,'Second round for the matrix obtained by mixing mode 2 of your input ',...
13 'with the single-mode vacuum on a 50:50 beam splitter.',10])
14 disp('The beam splitter matrix:')
15 bs = blkdiag(eye(2),beam_splitter(sqrt(0.5)));
16 disp(bs)
17 cm_bs = bs*blkdiag(cm, diag([0.5,0.5]))*bs';
18 test_symplectic_functions2(cm_bs);
20 input('Continue? [Enter to confirm]')
21 disp([10,'Third round for the matrix obtained by tracing out all but mode 1 of your CM ',10])
22 cm_1 = traceOutCM(cm, [1]);
23 test_symplectic_functions2(cm_1);
9 test_symplectic_functions2(cm);
11 input('Continue? [Enter to confirm]')
12 disp([10,'Second round for the matrix obtained by mixing mode 2 of your input ',...
13 'with the single-mode vacuum on a 50:50 beam splitter.',10])
14 disp('The beam splitter matrix:')
15 bs = blkdiag(eye(2),beam_splitter(sqrt(0.5)));
16 disp(bs)
17 cm_bs = bs*blkdiag(cm, diag([0.5,0.5]))*bs';
18 test_symplectic_functions2(cm_bs);
20 input('Continue? [Enter to confirm]')
21 disp([10,'Third round for the matrix obtained by tracing out all but mode 1 of your CM ',10])
22 cm_1 = traceOutCM(cm, [1]);
23 test_symplectic_functions2(cm_1);
24 24
25 25 end end
26 26
27 27
28 %% test_symplectic_functions2: the actual function
28 %% test_symplectic_functions2: the actual function
29 29 %(can be called with several inputs from main function) %(can be called with several inputs from main function)
30 30 function test_symplectic_functions2(cm) function test_symplectic_functions2(cm)
31 home
32 mode_no = length(cm)/2;
31 home
32 mode_no = length(cm)/2;
33 33
34 disp([10,'***********************************',10,...
35 'MUT (matrix under test):'])
36 disp(cm)
34 disp([10,'***********************************',10,...
35 'MUT (matrix under test):'])
36 disp(cm)
37 37
38 disp('is physical?')
39 disp(isphyscov(cm))
38 disp('is physical?')
39 disp(isphyscov(cm))
40 40
41 disp([10,'Symplectic eigenvalues:'])
42 se = symp_evals(cm);
43 disp(se')
41 disp([10,'Symplectic eigenvalues:'])
42 se = symp_evals(cm);
43 disp(se')
44 44
45 disp([10,'Williamson normal form:'])
46 wf = williamson_form(cm);
47 disp(wf)
45 disp([10,'Williamson normal form:'])
46 wf = williamson_form(cm);
47 disp(wf)
48 48
49 disp([10,'Williamson diagonalizing matrix wd:'])
50 wd = williamson_diagonalization(cm);
51 disp(wd)
49 disp([10,'Williamson diagonalizing matrix wd:'])
50 wd = williamson_diagonalization(cm);
51 disp(wd)
52 52
53 disp([10,'symplecticity check: wd*symplForm*wd'''])
54 disp(wd*symplectic_form(mode_no)*wd')
53 disp([10,'symplecticity check: wd*symplForm*wd'''])
54 disp(wd*symplectic_form(mode_no)*wd')
55 55
56 disp([10,'wd*cm*wd'''])
57 disp(wd*cm*wd')
56 disp([10,'wd*cm*wd'''])
57 disp(wd*cm*wd')
58 58 end end
File misc/covmats/tmss.m changed (mode: 100644) (index d010640..313a0dc)
... ... cm = (1/2)*[c, 0, s, 0;...
12 12 s, 0, c, 0;... s, 0, c, 0;...
13 13 0, -s, 0, c]; 0, -s, 0, c];
14 14 end end
File misc/covmats/traceOutCM_test.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 2134c10..91068c9)
1 1 function test_suite = traceOutCM_test %#ok<STOUT> function test_suite = traceOutCM_test %#ok<STOUT>
2 initTestSuite;
2 initTestSuite;
3 3
4 4 function single_remaining_mode_test function single_remaining_mode_test
5 5 CMfull = magic(8); CMfull = magic(8);
File misc/covmats/wigner.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 26df61e..292e489)
1 1 function wrf = wigner(Xpos,X,CM) function wrf = wigner(Xpos,X,CM)
2 2 % wrf = wigner(X,X0,CM) % wrf = wigner(X,X0,CM)
3 %
3 %
4 4 % Wigner function for a Gaussian state at position X with given mean % Wigner function for a Gaussian state at position X with given mean
5 5 % X0 and covariance matrix CM. X and X0 must be row vectors, e.g., % X0 and covariance matrix CM. X and X0 must be row vectors, e.g.,
6 6 % X=(x1,y1,x2,y2). % X=(x1,y1,x2,y2).
8 8 % See e.g. Olivares, arXiv:1111.0786v2, eq. 13 % See e.g. Olivares, arXiv:1111.0786v2, eq. 13
9 9
10 10 %% test for proper dimensions %% test for proper dimensions
11 if size(Xpos,1)~=size(X,1) || size(CM,1)~=size(CM,2) || size(CM,1)~=size(X,1)
11 if size(Xpos,1)~=size(X,1) || size(CM,1)~=size(CM,2) || size(CM,1)~=size(X,1)
12 12 error('State dimensions are not consistent'); error('State dimensions are not consistent');
13 13 end end
14 14
File misc/covmats/williamson_diagonalization.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 8fb085b..dbc5eb6)
... ... root_W = diag(sqrt(sym_spectrum));
47 47
48 48 % (5) Compute R=Gamma*U^† % (5) Compute R=Gamma*U^†
49 49 Gamma = (1/sqrt(2))*kron(eye(mode_no),... Gamma = (1/sqrt(2))*kron(eye(mode_no),...
50 [sqrt(-1), -sqrt(-1);...
51 1, 1]);
50 [sqrt(-1), -sqrt(-1);...
51 1, 1]);
52 52 R = Gamma*eig_vecs_X.'; R = Gamma*eig_vecs_X.';
53 53
54 54 % (6) Compute diagonalizing_mat = W^1/2 * R * V^−1/2 % (6) Compute diagonalizing_mat = W^1/2 * R * V^−1/2
File misc/covmats/williamson_test.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 52fa376..46abd9a)
1 1 function test_suite = williamson_test %#ok<STOUT> function test_suite = williamson_test %#ok<STOUT>
2 initTestSuite;
2 initTestSuite;
3 3
4 4 function smss_test function smss_test
5 5 cm = smss(2); cm = smss(2);
File misc/covupdate.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 744bbf6..a854c02)
1 1 function cov = covupdate(m1,c1,N1,m2,c2,N2) function cov = covupdate(m1,c1,N1,m2,c2,N2)
2 2 % cov = covupdate(mean_1,cov_1,N_1,mean_2,cov_2,N_2) % cov = covupdate(mean_1,cov_1,N_1,mean_2,cov_2,N_2)
3 %
3 %
4 4 % Calculate update covariance matrix from two samples of same % Calculate update covariance matrix from two samples of same
5 5 % distribution, where mean mean_i, cov_i and N_i are the mean, % distribution, where mean mean_i, cov_i and N_i are the mean,
6 6 % covariance and sample size of each sample respectively. mean_i can % covariance and sample size of each sample respectively. mean_i can
File misc/dfilt2ess.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 09ded92..b9ed1e4)
... ... function esm=dfilt2ess(Hd,h)
2 2 % esm=dfilt2ess(Hd,h) % esm=dfilt2ess(Hd,h)
3 3 % %
4 4 % Converts Hd object to ess object, h time step % Converts Hd object to ess object, h time step
5 %
5 %
6 6 % uses convert for conversion (accepts many filter implementations) % uses convert for conversion (accepts many filter implementations)
7 7
8 8
File misc/filtervarargs.m changed (mode: 100644) (index ab0ff40..5be3fc6)
... ... function argsin = filtervarargs(argsin,filtnames)
6 6
7 7 for ii = 1:numel(filtnames) for ii = 1:numel(filtnames)
8 8 % key/value pair has to be filtered = % key/value pair has to be filtered =
9 % delete two consecutive positiions
9 % delete two consecutive positiions
10 10 idx = strcmp(filtnames{ii},argsin); % find occurence idx = strcmp(filtnames{ii},argsin); % find occurence
11 11 idx = circshift(idx,[0,1]) | idx; % create mask idx = circshift(idx,[0,1]) | idx; % create mask
12 12 argsin(idx) = []; % delete elements argsin(idx) = []; % delete elements
File misc/gui/boundedline.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 3fd9f6c..a088e9c)
... ... function varargout = boundedline(varargin)
47 47 % 0.2. % 0.2.
48 48 % %
49 49 % orient: 'vert': add bounds in vertical (y) direction (default) % orient: 'vert': add bounds in vertical (y) direction (default)
50 % 'horiz': add bounds in horizontal (x) direction
50 % 'horiz': add bounds in horizontal (x) direction
51 51 % %
52 52 % cmap: n x 3 colormap array. If included, lines will be colored % cmap: n x 3 colormap array. If included, lines will be colored
53 53 % (in order of plotting) according to this colormap, % (in order of plotting) according to this colormap,
54 % overriding any linespec or default colors.
54 % overriding any linespec or default colors.
55 55 % %
56 56 % Output variables: % Output variables:
57 57 % %
... ... function varargout = boundedline(varargin)
66 66 % y2 = cos(x); % y2 = cos(x);
67 67 % e1 = rand(size(y1))*.5+.5; % e1 = rand(size(y1))*.5+.5;
68 68 % e2 = [.25 .5]; % e2 = [.25 .5];
69 %
69 %
70 70 % ax(1) = subplot(2,2,1); % ax(1) = subplot(2,2,1);
71 71 % [l,p] = boundedline(x, y1, e1, '-b*', x, y2, e2, '--ro'); % [l,p] = boundedline(x, y1, e1, '-b*', x, y2, e2, '--ro');
72 72 % outlinebounds(l,p); % outlinebounds(l,p);
73 73 % title('Opaque bounds, with outline'); % title('Opaque bounds, with outline');
74 %
74 %
75 75 % ax(2) = subplot(2,2,2); % ax(2) = subplot(2,2,2);
76 76 % boundedline(x, [y1;y2], rand(length(y1),2,2)*.5+.5, 'alpha'); % boundedline(x, [y1;y2], rand(length(y1),2,2)*.5+.5, 'alpha');
77 77 % title('Transparent bounds'); % title('Transparent bounds');
78 %
78 %
79 79 % ax(3) = subplot(2,2,3); % ax(3) = subplot(2,2,3);
80 80 % boundedline([y1;y2], x, e1(1), 'orientation', 'horiz') % boundedline([y1;y2], x, e1(1), 'orientation', 'horiz')
81 81 % title('Horizontal bounds'); % title('Horizontal bounds');
82 %
82 %
83 83 % ax(4) = subplot(2,2,4); % ax(4) = subplot(2,2,4);
84 84 % boundedline(x, repmat(y1, 4,1), permute(0.5:-0.1:0.2, [3 1 2]), ... % boundedline(x, repmat(y1, 4,1), permute(0.5:-0.1:0.2, [3 1 2]), ...
85 85 % 'cmap', cool(4), 'transparency', 0.5); % 'cmap', cool(4), 'transparency', 0.5);
... ... while ~isempty(varargin)
166 166 varargin(1) = []; varargin(1) = [];
167 167 else else
168 168 linespec = [linespec {[]}]; linespec = [linespec {[]}];
169 end
170 end
169 end
170 end
171 171
172 172 %-------------------- %--------------------
173 173 % Reformat x and y % Reformat x and y
... ... plotdata = cell(0,7);
181 181
182 182 htemp = figure('visible', 'off'); htemp = figure('visible', 'off');
183 183 for ix = 1:length(x) for ix = 1:length(x)
185 185 % Get full x, y, and linespec data for each line (easier to let plot % Get full x, y, and linespec data for each line (easier to let plot
186 186 % check for properly-sized x and y and expand values than to try to do % check for properly-sized x and y and expand values than to try to do
187 % it myself)
187 % it myself)
189 189 try try
190 190 if isempty(linespec{ix}) if isempty(linespec{ix})
191 191 hltemp = plot(x{ix}, y{ix}); hltemp = plot(x{ix}, y{ix});
... ... for ix = 1:length(x)
196 196 close(htemp); close(htemp);
197 197 error('X and Y matrices and/or linespec not appropriate for line plot'); error('X and Y matrices and/or linespec not appropriate for line plot');
198 198 end end
200 200 linedata = get(hltemp, {'xdata', 'ydata', 'marker', 'linestyle', 'color'}); linedata = get(hltemp, {'xdata', 'ydata', 'marker', 'linestyle', 'color'});
202 202 nline = size(linedata,1); nline = size(linedata,1);
204 204 % Expand bounds matrix if necessary % Expand bounds matrix if necessary
206 206 if nline > 1 if nline > 1
207 207 if ndims(err{ix}) == 3 if ndims(err{ix}) == 3
208 208 err2 = squeeze(num2cell(err{ix},[1 2])); err2 = squeeze(num2cell(err{ix},[1 2]));
... ... for ix = 1:length(x)
212 212 else else
213 213 err2 = err(ix); err2 = err(ix);
214 214 end end
216 216 % Figure out upper and lower bounds % Figure out upper and lower bounds
218 218 [lo, hi] = deal(cell(nline,1)); [lo, hi] = deal(cell(nline,1));
219 219 for iln = 1:nline for iln = 1:nline
221 221 x2 = linedata{iln,1}; x2 = linedata{iln,1};
222 222 y2 = linedata{iln,2}; y2 = linedata{iln,2};
223 223 nx = length(x2); nx = length(x2);
225 225 if isvert if isvert
226 226 lineval = y2; lineval = y2;
227 227 else else
228 228 lineval = x2; lineval = x2;
229 229 end end
231 231 sz = size(err2{iln}); sz = size(err2{iln});
233 233 if isequal(sz, [nx 2]) if isequal(sz, [nx 2])
234 234 lo{iln} = lineval - err2{iln}(:,1)'; lo{iln} = lineval - err2{iln}(:,1)';
235 235 hi{iln} = lineval + err2{iln}(:,2)'; hi{iln} = lineval + err2{iln}(:,2)';
... ... for ix = 1:length(x)
253 253 hi{iln} = lineval + err2{iln}(2); hi{iln} = lineval + err2{iln}(2);
254 254 else else
255 255 error('Error bounds must be npt x nside x nline array'); error('Error bounds must be npt x nside x nline array');
256 end
256 end
258 258 end end
260 260 % Combine all data (xline, yline, marker, linestyle, color, lower bound % Combine all data (xline, yline, marker, linestyle, color, lower bound
261 % (x or y), upper bound (x or y)
261 % (x or y), upper bound (x or y)
263 263 plotdata = [plotdata; linedata lo hi]; plotdata = [plotdata; linedata lo hi];
265 265 end end
266 266 close(htemp); close(htemp);
267 267
... ... for iln = 1:nline
294 294 % xp{iln} = [plotdata{iln,6} fliplr(plotdata{iln,7})]; % xp{iln} = [plotdata{iln,6} fliplr(plotdata{iln,7})];
295 295 % yp{iln} = [plotdata{iln,2} fliplr(plotdata{iln,2})]; % yp{iln} = [plotdata{iln,2} fliplr(plotdata{iln,2})];
296 296 % end % end
298 298 [xp{iln}, yp{iln}] = calcpatch(plotdata{iln,1}, plotdata{iln,2}, isvert, plotdata{iln,6}, plotdata{iln,7}); [xp{iln}, yp{iln}] = calcpatch(plotdata{iln,1}, plotdata{iln,2}, isvert, plotdata{iln,6}, plotdata{iln,7});
300 300 marker{iln} = plotdata{iln,3}; marker{iln} = plotdata{iln,3};
301 301 lnsty{iln} = plotdata{iln,4}; lnsty{iln} = plotdata{iln,4};
303 303 if usealpha if usealpha
304 304 lncol{iln} = plotdata{iln,5}; lncol{iln} = plotdata{iln,5};
305 305 ptchcol{iln} = plotdata{iln,5}; ptchcol{iln} = plotdata{iln,5};
... ... for iln = 1:nline
310 310 alpha{iln} = 1; alpha{iln} = 1;
311 311 end end
312 312 end end
314 314 % Plot patches and lines % Plot patches and lines
315 315
316 316 [hp,hl] = deal(zeros(nline,1)); [hp,hl] = deal(zeros(nline,1));
... ... if nargout == 2
341 341 end end
342 342
343 343 %-------------------- %--------------------
344 % Parse optional
344 % Parse optional
345 345 % parameters % parameters
346 346 %-------------------- %--------------------
347 347
... ... function [xp, yp] = calcpatch(xl, yl, isvert, lo, hi)
371 371
372 372 ismissing = any(isnan([xl;yl;lo;hi]),2); ismissing = any(isnan([xl;yl;lo;hi]),2);
373 373 if any(ismissing) if any(ismissing)
375 375 else else
376 376 if isvert if isvert
377 377 xp = [xl fliplr(xl)]; xp = [xl fliplr(xl)];
... ... else
381 381 yp = [yl fliplr(yl)]; yp = [yl fliplr(yl)];
382 382 end end
383 383 end end
File misc/io/io_test.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 872775e..f485b7a)
1 1 function test_suite = io_test %#ok<STOUT> function test_suite = io_test %#ok<STOUT>
2 initTestSuite;
2 initTestSuite;
3 3
4 4 function shared = setup function shared = setup
5 shared.startstr = '.__test';
6 shared.endstr = '__.datshared.';
7 shared.file1 = [shared.startstr, '1', shared.endstr];
8 shared.file2 = [shared.startstr, '2', shared.endstr];
9 %shared.data1 = [1,2,3];
10 shared.data1 = randn(2e6,1);
11 shared.precision1 = 'double';
12 shared.data2 = [1,2,3, 4];
13 shared.precision2 = 'single';
14 fid1 = fopen(shared.file1, 'w');
15 fid2 = fopen(shared.file2, 'w');
16 fwrite(fid1, shared.data1, shared.precision1);
17 fwrite(fid2, shared.data2, shared.precision2);
5 shared.startstr = '.__test';
6 shared.endstr = '__.datshared.';
7 shared.file1 = [shared.startstr, '1', shared.endstr];
8 shared.file2 = [shared.startstr, '2', shared.endstr];
9 %shared.data1 = [1,2,3];
10 shared.data1 = randn(2e6,1);
11 shared.precision1 = 'double';
12 shared.data2 = [1,2,3, 4];
13 shared.precision2 = 'single';
14 fid1 = fopen(shared.file1, 'w');
15 fid2 = fopen(shared.file2, 'w');
16 fwrite(fid1, shared.data1, shared.precision1);
17 fwrite(fid2, shared.data2, shared.precision2);
18 18
19 19 function teardown(shared) function teardown(shared)
20 delete(shared.file1);
21 delete(shared.file2);
20 delete(shared.file1);
21 delete(shared.file2);
22 22
23 23 function byteSizeFromPrecision_test(shared) function byteSizeFromPrecision_test(shared)
24 24 assertEqual(byteSizeFromPrecision('double'), 8) assertEqual(byteSizeFromPrecision('double'), 8)
... ... function dtsize_test(shared)
45 45 assertEqual(dtsize('uint8'), 1) assertEqual(dtsize('uint8'), 1)
46 46
47 47 function fsize_test(shared) function fsize_test(shared)
48 [s n] = fsize([shared.startstr, '*', shared.endstr]);
49 assertEqual(s(1),...
50 byteSizeFromPrecision(shared.precision1)*length(shared.data1))
51 assertEqual(s(2),...
52 byteSizeFromPrecision(shared.precision2)*length(shared.data2))
53 assertEqual(n{1}, shared.file1)
54 assertEqual(n{2}, shared.file2)
48 [s n] = fsize([shared.startstr, '*', shared.endstr]);
49 assertEqual(s(1),...
50 byteSizeFromPrecision(shared.precision1)*length(shared.data1))
51 assertEqual(s(2),...
52 byteSizeFromPrecision(shared.precision2)*length(shared.data2))
53 assertEqual(n{1}, shared.file1)
54 assertEqual(n{2}, shared.file2)
55 55
56 56 function sampleNoInFile_test(shared) function sampleNoInFile_test(shared)
57 57
58 assertEqual(sampleNoInFile(shared.file1, shared.precision1),...
59 length(shared.data1))
60 assertEqual(sampleNoInFile(shared.file2, shared.precision2),...
61 length(shared.data2))
58 assertEqual(sampleNoInFile(shared.file1, shared.precision1),...
59 length(shared.data1))
60 assertEqual(sampleNoInFile(shared.file2, shared.precision2),...
61 length(shared.data2))
62 62
63 63 function varAndMeanFromFile_test(shared) function varAndMeanFromFile_test(shared)
64 [cumVar, cumMean, cumSize] = varAndMeanFromFile(shared.file1, shared.precision1);
65 assertAlmostEqual(cumVar, var(shared.data1))
66 assertAlmostEqual(cumMean, mean(shared.data1))
67 assertAlmostEqual(cumSize, length(shared.data1))
64 [cumVar, cumMean, cumSize] = varAndMeanFromFile(shared.file1, shared.precision1);
65 assertAlmostEqual(cumVar, var(shared.data1))
66 assertAlmostEqual(cumMean, mean(shared.data1))
67 assertAlmostEqual(cumSize, length(shared.data1))
68 68
69 [cumVar, cumMean, cumSize] = varAndMeanFromFile(shared.file2, shared.precision2);
70 assertAlmostEqual(cumVar, var(shared.data2))
71 assertAlmostEqual(cumMean, mean(shared.data2))
72 assertAlmostEqual(cumSize, length(shared.data2))
69 [cumVar, cumMean, cumSize] = varAndMeanFromFile(shared.file2, shared.precision2);
70 assertAlmostEqual(cumVar, var(shared.data2))
71 assertAlmostEqual(cumMean, mean(shared.data2))
72 assertAlmostEqual(cumSize, length(shared.data2))
File misc/io/sampleNoInFile.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 4fec935..198d501)
... ... assert(mod(byteNo, bytesPerSample)==0,...
13 13 sampleNo = byteNo/bytesPerSample; sampleNo = byteNo/bytesPerSample;
14 14
15 15 end end
File misc/io/varAndMeanFromFile.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 8a403b4..cbadd6a)
... ... cumSize = 0;
18 18 for blockInd=1:blockNo for blockInd=1:blockNo
19 19 perccount(blockInd, blockNo); perccount(blockInd, blockNo);
20 20 data = fread(fid, blockSize, precision); data = fread(fid, blockSize, precision);
22 22 blockVar = var(data); blockVar = var(data);
23 23 blockMean = mean(data); blockMean = mean(data);
25 25 if blockInd==1 if blockInd==1
26 26 cumVar = blockVar; cumVar = blockVar;
27 cumMean = blockMean;
27 cumMean = blockMean;
28 28 cumSize = blockSize; cumSize = blockSize;
30 30 else else
31 31 cumVar = covupdate(cumMean, cumVar, cumSize,... cumVar = covupdate(cumMean, cumVar, cumSize,...
32 32 blockMean, blockVar, blockSize); blockMean, blockVar, blockSize);
File misc/matrices/createTestMatrix.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 78fb143..0d5eded)
... ... for k=1:n
11 11 end end
12 12
13 13 end end
File misc/matrices/matrixfct_test.m changed (mode: 100644) (index c5a34e1..a2395fa)
1 1 function test_suite = matrixfct_test %#ok<STOUT> function test_suite = matrixfct_test %#ok<STOUT>
2 initTestSuite;
2 initTestSuite;
3 3
4 4 function unity_orthogonal_test function unity_orthogonal_test
5 5 unitmat = eye(5); unitmat = eye(5);
File misc/meanupdate.m changed (mode: 100644) (index ad411df..5290c04)
1 1 function m = meanupdate(m1,N1,m2,N2) function m = meanupdate(m1,N1,m2,N2)
2 2 % mean = meanupdate(mean_1,N_1,mean_2,N_2) % mean = meanupdate(mean_1,N_1,mean_2,N_2)
3 %
3 %
4 4 % Calculate updated mean vector from two sample of same distribution, % Calculate updated mean vector from two sample of same distribution,
5 5 % where mean mean_i and N_i are the mean and sample % where mean mean_i and N_i are the mean and sample
6 6 % size of each sample respectively. mean_i can be column or row % size of each sample respectively. mean_i can be column or row
File misc/nssv.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 9cbc48c..9b5c51b)
1 1 function [sv,dv] = nssv(cov,part) function [sv,dv] = nssv(cov,part)
2 2 % [sv,dv] = nssv(cov,part) % [sv,dv] = nssv(cov,part)
3 %
3 %
4 4 % Returns normalized singular values of the correlation block given by the % Returns normalized singular values of the correlation block given by the
5 5 % cell array part. % cell array part.
6 6 % eg to specify the off-diagonal block for a 2mode covariance matrix, % eg to specify the off-diagonal block for a 2mode covariance matrix,
File misc/plottools/figure.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 25ee4c1..ead1368)
1 1 function varargout = figure(varargin) function varargout = figure(varargin)
2 [varargout{1:nargout}] = builtin('figure', varargin{:});
3 set(gca,'FontName','Palatino');
2 [varargout{1:nargout}] = builtin('figure', varargin{:});
3 set(gca,'FontName','Palatino');
4 4 set(gca, 'FontSize', 11); set(gca, 'FontSize', 11);
5 5 myColorOrder = cbrewer('qual','Set1',9); myColorOrder = cbrewer('qual','Set1',9);
6 6 set(gca, 'ColorOrder', myColorOrder, 'NextPlot', 'replacechildren'); set(gca, 'ColorOrder', myColorOrder, 'NextPlot', 'replacechildren');
File misc/plottools/labels.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 2cc2ba3..036a93a)
1 1 function labels(x_label, y_label) function labels(x_label, y_label)
2 set(gca,'FontName','Palatino');
2 set(gca,'FontName','Palatino');
3 3 set(gca, 'FontSize', 12); set(gca, 'FontSize', 12);
4 xlabel(sentence_case(x_label), 'Interpreter','latex');
5 ylabel(sentence_case(y_label), 'Interpreter','latex');
4 xlabel(sentence_case(x_label), 'Interpreter','latex');
5 ylabel(sentence_case(y_label), 'Interpreter','latex');
6 6 set(gca, 'FontSize', 11); set(gca, 'FontSize', 11);
File misc/plottools/sentence_case.m changed (mode: 100644) (index d18342a..7d7d932)
1 1 function Sentence_string = sentence_case(string) function Sentence_string = sentence_case(string)
2 % Capitalizes first word of the input string
3 assert(ischar(string), 'Expected string.')
4 if length(string)>0
5 Sentence_string = [upper(string(1)), string(2:end)];
6 else
7 Sentence_string = '';
8 end
2 % Capitalizes first word of the input string
3 assert(ischar(string), 'Expected string.')
4 if length(string)>0
5 Sentence_string = [upper(string(1)), string(2:end)];
6 else
7 Sentence_string = '';
8 end
File misc/plottools/tex_escape.m changed (mode: 100644) (index f89de0d..6317d6c)
1 1 function escaped_strings = tex_escape(strings) function escaped_strings = tex_escape(strings)
2 % see for background
3 if iscell(strings)
4 escaped_strings = cellfun(@tex_escape_single, strings, 'UniformOutput', false);
5 else
6 escaped_strings = tex_escape_single(strings);
7 end
2 % see for background
3 if iscell(strings)
4 escaped_strings = cellfun(@tex_escape_single, strings, 'UniformOutput', false);
5 else
6 escaped_strings = tex_escape_single(strings);
7 end
8 8
9 9 function escaped_string = tex_escape_single(string) function escaped_string = tex_escape_single(string)
10 replacements = {...
12 {'&', '\&'};...
13 {'%', '\%'};...
14 {'$', '\$'};...
15 {'#', '\#'};...
16 {'_', '\_'};...
17 {'{', '\{}'};...
18 {'}', '\'};...
19 {'~', '\textasciitilde '};...
20 {'^', '\textasciicircum '};...
21 {'PRIVATEBACKSLASHESCAPED', '\textbackslash '}};
10 replacements = {...
12 {'&', '\&'};...
13 {'%', '\%'};...
14 {'$', '\$'};...
15 {'#', '\#'};...
16 {'_', '\_'};...
17 {'{', '\{}'};...
18 {'}', '\'};...
19 {'~', '\textasciitilde '};...
20 {'^', '\textasciicircum '};...
21 {'PRIVATEBACKSLASHESCAPED', '\textbackslash '}};
22 22
23 escaped_string = string;
24 for k=1:length(replacements)
25 rep = replacements{k};
26 escaped_string = strrep(escaped_string, rep{1}, rep{2});
27 end
23 escaped_string = string;
24 for k=1:length(replacements)
25 rep = replacements{k};
26 escaped_string = strrep(escaped_string, rep{1}, rep{2});
27 end
File misc/plottools/tex_escape_test.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 2d09cfa..e2675ad)
1 1 function test_suite = tex_escape_test %#ok<STOUT> function test_suite = tex_escape_test %#ok<STOUT>
2 localFunctionHandles = cellfun(@str2func,...
3 which('-subfun', mfilename('fullpath')), 'UniformOutput', false);
4 test_suite = buildFunctionHandleTestSuite(localFunctionHandles);
2 localFunctionHandles = cellfun(@str2func,...
3 which('-subfun', mfilename('fullpath')), 'UniformOutput', false);
4 test_suite = buildFunctionHandleTestSuite(localFunctionHandles);
5 5
6 6 function pt = backslash_test function pt = backslash_test
7 input_string = 'string with a \ backslash';
8 assertEqual(tex_escape(input_string),...
9 'string with a \textbackslash backslash')
7 input_string = 'string with a \ backslash';
8 assertEqual(tex_escape(input_string),...
9 'string with a \textbackslash backslash')
10 10
11 11 function pt = mixed_test function pt = mixed_test
12 input_string = 'string with & and a \ backslash ^';
13 assertEqual(tex_escape(input_string),...
14 'string with \& and a \textbackslash backslash \textasciicircum ')
12 input_string = 'string with & and a \ backslash ^';
13 assertEqual(tex_escape(input_string),...
14 'string with \& and a \textbackslash backslash \textasciicircum ')
15 15
16 16 function pt = cell_array_test function pt = cell_array_test
17 input_strings = {'string with & and a \ backslash ^',...
18 ' & and a \ backslash ^ x_y'};
19 assertEqual(tex_escape(input_strings),...
20 {'string with \& and a \textbackslash backslash \textasciicircum ',...
21 ' \& and a \textbackslash backslash \textasciicircum x\_y'})
17 input_strings = {'string with & and a \ backslash ^',...
18 ' & and a \ backslash ^ x_y'};
19 assertEqual(tex_escape(input_strings),...
20 {'string with \& and a \textbackslash backslash \textasciicircum ',...
21 ' \& and a \textbackslash backslash \textasciicircum x\_y'})
22 22
23 23 function pt = plot_test function pt = plot_test
24 input_string = 'x_y r^z string with & and a \ backslash ^';
25 fig = figure; plot([1,2],[1,2])
26 title(tex_escape(input_string), 'Interpreter', 'latex')
27 legend({tex_escape(input_string)}, 'Interpreter', 'latex')
28 xlabel(tex_escape(input_string), 'Interpreter', 'latex')
29 ylabel(tex_escape(input_string), 'Interpreter', 'latex')
30 close(fig)
24 input_string = 'x_y r^z string with & and a \ backslash ^';
25 fig = figure; plot([1,2],[1,2])
26 title(tex_escape(input_string), 'Interpreter', 'latex')
27 legend({tex_escape(input_string)}, 'Interpreter', 'latex')
28 xlabel(tex_escape(input_string), 'Interpreter', 'latex')
29 ylabel(tex_escape(input_string), 'Interpreter', 'latex')
30 close(fig)
File misc/running_stats.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 9a0afad..8d1e6bc)
1 1 function [covs, means] = running_stats(array, interval) function [covs, means] = running_stats(array, interval)
2 2 % [covs, means] = running_stats(array, interval) takes a (sampleno, dim)-sized array % [covs, means] = running_stats(array, interval) takes a (sampleno, dim)-sized array
3 % and computes covariance matrices
3 % and computes covariance matrices
4 4
5 5 sampleno = size(array, 1); sampleno = size(array, 1);
6 6 dim = size(array, 2); dim = size(array, 2);
... ... means{1} = mean(data);
16 16 samples = interval; samples = interval;
17 17
18 18 for k=2:stepno for k=2:stepno
19 data = array(samples+1:samples+interval,:);
19 data = array(samples+1:samples+interval,:);
20 20
21 21 % mean = meanupdate(mean_1,N_1,mean_2,N_2) % mean = meanupdate(mean_1,N_1,mean_2,N_2)
22 means{k} = meanupdate(means{k-1}, samples,...
23 mean(data), interval);
22 means{k} = meanupdate(means{k-1}, samples,...
23 mean(data), interval);
24 24
25 25 % cov = covupdate(mean_1,cov_1,N_1,mean_2,cov_2,N_2) % cov = covupdate(mean_1,cov_1,N_1,mean_2,cov_2,N_2)
26 covs{k} = covupdate(means{k-1}, covs{k-1}, samples,...
27 means{k}, cov(data), interval);
26 covs{k} = covupdate(means{k-1}, covs{k-1}, samples,...
27 means{k}, cov(data), interval);
28 28
29 samples = samples + interval;
29 samples = samples + interval;
30 30 end end
31 31
32 32 %% test code %% test code
File misc/ui/perccount.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 09454ce..cd02cda)
... ... function perccount(jj,maxjj)
8 8 % Do not print anything to the screen between calls of this function! % Do not print anything to the screen between calls of this function!
9 9 % %
10 10
11 % title - s cmspike/perccount vr - 1.2
11 % title - s cmspike/perccount vr - 1.2
12 12 % author - bodc/alead date - 2006may16 % author - bodc/alead date - 2006may16
13 13
14 14 % Updated 2009May14 % Updated 2009May14
15 % At suggestion of John D'Errico renamed internal variable "max" to
15 % At suggestion of John D'Errico renamed internal variable "max" to
16 16 % "maxjj" % "maxjj"
17 17 % Also following D'Errico's suggestions the following functionality has % Also following D'Errico's suggestions the following functionality has
18 18 % been added: % been added:
File misc/varargs2cell.m changed (mode: 100644) (index a54068a..77c98d6)
1 1 function [varout,nargs] = varargs2cell(varin) function [varout,nargs] = varargs2cell(varin)
2 2 % varout = varargs2cell(varin) % varout = varargs2cell(varin)
3 %
3 %
4 4 % Parse varargin: If varin has one element which is a structure unfold % Parse varargin: If varin has one element which is a structure unfold
5 5 % the structure to a key/value type cell, else return varin % the structure to a key/value type cell, else return varin
6 6 % unmodified. % unmodified.
7 7
8 8 if ~iscell(varin) if ~iscell(varin)
9 9 error('input argument must be cell') error('input argument must be cell')
10 end
10 end
11 11
12 12 if numel(varin) == 1 && isstruct(varin{1}) if numel(varin) == 1 && isstruct(varin{1})
13 13 c = struct2cell(varin{1}); c = struct2cell(varin{1});
File misc/varargs2struct.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 177a265..182a0d5)
... ... function argS = varargs2struct(varargin)
3 3 % argS = varargs2struct(argNamesC,argC) % argS = varargs2struct(argNamesC,argC)
4 4 % argS = varargs2struct(argNamesC,argC,nReq) % argS = varargs2struct(argNamesC,argC,nReq)
5 5 % %
6 % One input argument:
7 %
6 % One input argument:
7 %
8 8 % Input must either be a cell in key/value-pair % Input must either be a cell in key/value-pair
9 9 % which is returned as a struct or can be a struct which is returned % which is returned as a struct or can be a struct which is returned
10 10 % unmodified. % unmodified.
11 11 % %
12 12 % Two or more input arguments: % Two or more input arguments:
13 %
13 %
14 14 % Copy arguments from cell argC to struct argS, where fieldnames are % Copy arguments from cell argC to struct argS, where fieldnames are
15 15 % given in argNamesC in the form {'arg1','arg2',...}. argC must have % given in argNamesC in the form {'arg1','arg2',...}. argC must have
16 16 % at most the same length as argNamesC. As a last argument the number % at most the same length as argNamesC. As a last argument the number
... ... function argS = varargs2struct(varargin)
26 26 if nargin == 1 if nargin == 1
27 27 % one layer of {} has to be unwrapped % one layer of {} has to be unwrapped
28 28 % (varargin{1} is equal to original input from calling function) % (varargin{1} is equal to original input from calling function)
29 if isstruct(varargin{1})
30 % if single struct is given, return unmodified
29 if isstruct(varargin{1})
30 % if single struct is given, return unmodified
31 31 argS = varargin{1}; argS = varargin{1};
32 32 elseif iscell(varargin{1}) elseif iscell(varargin{1})
33 33 % if single cell is given it must be in key/value pair form % if single cell is given it must be in key/value pair form
File misc/varupdate.m changed (mode: 100644) (index d676a18..9853ed8)
1 1 function var = varupdate(m1,v1,N1,m2,v2,N2) function var = varupdate(m1,v1,N1,m2,v2,N2)
2 2 % var = varupdate(mean_1,var_1,N_1,mean_2,var_2,N_2) % var = varupdate(mean_1,var_1,N_1,mean_2,var_2,N_2)
3 %
3 %
4 4 % Calculate update variance from two samples of same distribution, % Calculate update variance from two samples of same distribution,
5 5 % where mean mean_i, var_i and N_i are the mean, variance and sample % where mean mean_i, var_i and N_i are the mean, variance and sample
6 6 % size of each sample respectively. mean_i and var_i must be arrays of % size of each sample respectively. mean_i and var_i must be arrays of
File statisticstests/archive/jarque_bera_test.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 38f58ac..f0b72cf)
1 1 function [jbstat, msig] = jarque_bera_test(y,k) function [jbstat, msig] = jarque_bera_test(y,k)
2 2 % [jbstat, msig] = jarque_bera_test(y,k) % [jbstat, msig] = jarque_bera_test(y,k)
3 %
3 %
4 4 % Jarque-Bera statistic with marginal significance level, y input, k % Jarque-Bera statistic with marginal significance level, y input, k
5 5 % regressors % regressors
6 6
File statisticstests/neestest.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 6a688fa..027e3c1)
... ... switch method
141 141 neesCov=cov(NEES'); neesCov=cov(NEES');
142 142 if ~statv.chi2.h, result='passed'; else result='failed'; end if ~statv.chi2.h, result='passed'; else result='failed'; end
143 143 fprintf('NEES test %s (p=%g)\n',result,statv.chi2.p); fprintf('NEES test %s (p=%g)\n',result,statv.chi2.p);
146 146 case 'NMEE' case 'NMEE'
147 147 % test NMEE against normal distribution % test NMEE against normal distribution
148 148 % NMEE should be Gaussian and white (???) with normalized variance % NMEE should be Gaussian and white (???) with normalized variance
150 150 fprintf('\nDo NMEE test...'); fprintf('\nDo NMEE test...');
151 151 NEES=zeros(NT,sn); NEES=zeros(NT,sn);
152 152 h=zeros(1,sn); h=zeros(1,sn);
... ... if show_plots
228 228 [~,r,bound] = chi2Test(NEES,sn,alpha,confint); [~,r,bound] = chi2Test(NEES,sn,alpha,confint);
229 229 plot(xvec,NEES,xvec,bound(1)*ones(1,NT),'k-.',xvec,bound(2)*ones(1,NT),'k-.'); plot(xvec,NEES,xvec,bound(1)*ones(1,NT),'k-.',xvec,bound(2)*ones(1,NT),'k-.');
230 230 title(sprintf('NEES + %s %g confidence interval: r=%f',confint,alpha,r)); title(sprintf('NEES + %s %g confidence interval: r=%f',confint,alpha,r));
232 232 figure(); figure();
233 233 [~,cdfstats]=cdfplot(NEES);hold on; [~,cdfstats]=cdfplot(NEES);hold on;
234 234 xx=(0:1/NT:1)*cdfstats.max; xx=(0:1/NT:1)*cdfstats.max;
235 235 plot(xx,chi2cdf(xx,sn),'r'); plot(xx,chi2cdf(xx,sn),'r');
236 236 title(sprintf('CDF NEES: h=%d, p=%f',h,p)) title(sprintf('CDF NEES: h=%d, p=%f',h,p))
238 238 case 'NMEE' case 'NMEE'
239 239 xx=(-1:1/NT:1)*5; xx=(-1:1/NT:1)*5;
240 240 fNMEE=zeros(sn,1); fNMEE=zeros(sn,1);
... ... if show_plots
245 245 plot(xx,cdffunc(xx),'r'); plot(xx,cdffunc(xx),'r');
246 246 title(sprintf('CDF NMEE(%d): h=%d, p=%f',mm,h(mm),p(mm))) title(sprintf('CDF NMEE(%d): h=%d, p=%f',mm,h(mm),p(mm)))
247 247 end end
249 249 % plot histogram of NMEE values % plot histogram of NMEE values
250 250 figure(); figure();
251 251 histbins=100; histbins=100;
File statisticstests/nistest.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 08fecdc..acee28e)
... ... end
67 67 % (this makes evaluation of if's faster) % (this makes evaluation of if's faster)
68 68 if sequcalc if sequcalc
69 69 fprintf('\n******** NIS/NMI test ********\n'); fprintf('\n******** NIS/NMI test ********\n');
71 71 H_NTD = (size(H,3)==1); H_NTD = (size(H,3)==1);
72 72 P_NTD = (size(pmvec,3)==1); P_NTD = (size(pmvec,3)==1);
74 74 % skip data points % skip data points
75 75 if tsstart>1 if tsstart>1
76 76 fprintf('\nNIS/NMI test: drop first %d datapoints',tsstart-1); fprintf('\nNIS/NMI test: drop first %d datapoints',tsstart-1);
... ... if sequcalc
82 82 H=H(:,:,tsstart:end); H=H(:,:,tsstart:end);
83 83 end end
84 84 end end
86 86 %%% run NIS tests %%% run NIS tests
87 87 % (Heijden, p. 294) % (Heijden, p. 294)
89 89 statv = struct(); statv = struct();
90 90 [os,sn,~] = size(H); [os,sn,~] = size(H);
91 91 NT = length(innov); NT = length(innov);
93 93 fprintf('\nNIS/NMI test with %d DOF (#measurements) and with %d state vaiables\n',os,sn); fprintf('\nNIS/NMI test with %d DOF (#measurements) and with %d state vaiables\n',os,sn);
95 95 else else
96 96 fprintf('\n******** NIS/NMI test: sequence given ********\n'); fprintf('\n******** NIS/NMI test: sequence given ********\n');
98 98 os=size(innov,2); os=size(innov,2);
99 99 NT = length(innov); NT = length(innov);
101 101 fprintf('\nNIS/NMI test with %d DOF (#measurements)\n',os); fprintf('\nNIS/NMI test with %d DOF (#measurements)\n',os);
102 102 end end
103 103
... ... switch method
154 154 covnischi2=cov(NIS); covnischi2=cov(NIS);
155 155 if ~statv.chi2.h, result='passed'; else result='failed'; end if ~statv.chi2.h, result='passed'; else result='failed'; end
156 156 fprintf('NIS test %s (p=%g)\n',result,statv.chi2.p); fprintf('NIS test %s (p=%g)\n',result,statv.chi2.p);
158 158 xx=(0:1/NT:1)*25; xx=(0:1/NT:1)*25;
160 160 case 'NMI' case 'NMI'
161 161 if sequcalc if sequcalc
162 162 % calculate NIS sequence % calculate NIS sequence
... ... switch method
166 166 NIS=zeros(NT,os); NIS=zeros(NT,os);
167 167 h=zeros(1,os); p=h; h=zeros(1,os); p=h;
168 168 droptol=1E-15; droptol=1E-15;
170 170 % initialize variables for time-independent case % initialize variables for time-independent case
171 171 if H_NTD if H_NTD
172 172 ht=H; ht=H;
... ... switch method
177 177 icopts = struct('type','ict','droptol',droptol); icopts = struct('type','ict','droptol',droptol);
178 178 if H_NTD && P_NTD if H_NTD && P_NTD
179 179 S=ht*pt*ht'+R; S=ht*pt*ht'+R;
180 C=ichol(sparse(S),icopts);
180 C=ichol(sparse(S),icopts);
181 181 for mm=1:NT for mm=1:NT
182 182 %NIS=C\innov; %WITLEF %NIS=C\innov; %WITLEF
183 183 NIS(mm,:)=C\innov(mm,:)'; NIS(mm,:)=C\innov(mm,:)';
... ... switch method
195 195 NIS(mm,:)=C\innov(mm,:)'; NIS(mm,:)=C\innov(mm,:)';
196 196 end end
197 197 end end
199 199 else else
200 200 % NIS sequence given % NIS sequence given
201 201 NIS=innov; NIS=innov;
202 202 end end
204 204 for mm=1:os for mm=1:os
205 205 switch hyptest switch hyptest
206 206 case 'chi2gof' case 'chi2gof'
... ... switch method
210 210 [~,NISxx,~,~,~] = cdfcalc(NIS(:,mm)); [~,NISxx,~,~,~] = cdfcalc(NIS(:,mm));
211 211 nistestf=@(x) kstest(x,[NISxx,normcdf(NISxx,0,1)],alpha); nistestf=@(x) kstest(x,[NISxx,normcdf(NISxx,0,1)],alpha);
212 212 [h(mm),p(mm)]=nistestf(NIS(:,mm)); [h(mm),p(mm)]=nistestf(NIS(:,mm));
213 case 'ksstat'
213 case 'ksstat'
214 214 h(mm)=2; % not relevant h(mm)=2; % not relevant
215 215 p(mm)=ksstatistic(NIS(:,mm)); % p is here the test statistic! p(mm)=ksstatistic(NIS(:,mm)); % p is here the test statistic!
216 216 case 'none' case 'none'
... ... switch method
225 225 if ~statv.norm.h(mm), result='passed'; else result='failed'; end if ~statv.norm.h(mm), result='passed'; else result='failed'; end
226 226 fprintf('NMI(%d) test %s (p=%g)\n',mm,result,statv.norm.p(mm)); fprintf('NMI(%d) test %s (p=%g)\n',mm,result,statv.norm.p(mm));
227 227 end end
229 229 xx=(-1:1/NT:1)*5; xx=(-1:1/NT:1)*5;
231 231 otherwise otherwise
232 232 warning(sprintf('unknown method %s',method)); warning(sprintf('unknown method %s',method));
233 233 show_plots = false; show_plots = false;
... ... if show_info
267 267 if ~statv.norm.h(mm), result='passed'; else result='failed'; end if ~statv.norm.h(mm), result='passed'; else result='failed'; end
268 268 fprintf('NMI(%d) test: %s (p=%g)\n',mm,result,statv.norm.p(mm)); fprintf('NMI(%d) test: %s (p=%g)\n',mm,result,statv.norm.p(mm));
269 269 fprintf('NMI(%d) test: %g inside (%s) %g bound(s)\n',mm,r(mm),confint,1-alpha); fprintf('NMI(%d) test: %g inside (%s) %g bound(s)\n',mm,r(mm),confint,1-alpha);
270 fprintf('NMI(%d) test: mean(NMI) (should be 0): %g\n',mm,meannisnorm(mm));
270 fprintf('NMI(%d) test: mean(NMI) (should be 0): %g\n',mm,meannisnorm(mm));
271 271 end end
272 272 fprintf('NMI test: cov(NMI) (should be eye(%g)):\n',size(innov,2)); fprintf('NMI test: cov(NMI) (should be eye(%g)):\n',size(innov,2));
273 273 fprintfarray(1,'%g\t',covnisnorm); fprintfarray(1,'%g\t',covnisnorm);
274 274 end end
276 276 % whiteness % whiteness
277 277 if wttest if wttest
278 278 for mm=1:os for mm=1:os
... ... if show_info
286 286 fprintf('Whiteness test(%d) (%s) - smoothed spectral density - %g inside (%s) %g bound(s)\n',mm,method,rwt,confint,1-alpha); fprintf('Whiteness test(%d) (%s) - smoothed spectral density - %g inside (%s) %g bound(s)\n',mm,method,rwt,confint,1-alpha);
287 287 end end
288 288 end end
290 290 end end
291 291
292 292 if show_plots if show_plots
... ... if show_plots
298 298 bound = chi2inv(confInterval(alpha,confint),os); bound = chi2inv(confInterval(alpha,confint),os);
299 299 plot(xvec,NIS,xvec,bound(1)*ones(1,NT),'k-.',xvec,bound(2)*ones(1,NT),'k-.'); plot(xvec,NIS,xvec,bound(1)*ones(1,NT),'k-.',xvec,bound(2)*ones(1,NT),'k-.');
300 300 title(sprintf('NIS + %s %g confidence interval: r=%f',confint,alpha,r)); title(sprintf('NIS + %s %g confidence interval: r=%f',confint,alpha,r));
302 302 figure(); figure();
303 303 cdfplot(NIS);hold on; cdfplot(NIS);hold on;
304 304 plot(xx,chi2cdf(xx,os),'r'); plot(xx,chi2cdf(xx,os),'r');
305 305 title(sprintf('CDF NIS^2: h=%d, p=%f',statv.chi2.h,statv.chi2.p)) title(sprintf('CDF NIS^2: h=%d, p=%f',statv.chi2.h,statv.chi2.p))
307 case 'NMI'
308 for mm=1:os
309 figure();
307 case 'NMI'
308 for mm=1:os
309 figure();
310 310 cdfplot(NIS(:,mm)); hold on; cdfplot(NIS(:,mm)); hold on;
311 311 plot(xx,normcdf(xx),'-r'); plot(xx,normcdf(xx),'-r');
312 312 title(sprintf('CDF NMI(%d): h=%d, p=%f',mm,statv.norm.h(mm),statv.norm.p(mm))) title(sprintf('CDF NMI(%d): h=%d, p=%f',mm,statv.norm.h(mm),statv.norm.p(mm)))
313 313 end end
315 315 % plot histogram of NMI values % plot histogram of NMI values
316 316 figure(); figure();
317 317 histbins=100; histbins=100;
... ... function kstat = ksstatistic(vec)
373 373 % function computes the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test statistics % function computes the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test statistics
374 374 % max(|F(x)-G(x)|), where F(x) is the empirical df and % max(|F(x)-G(x)|), where F(x) is the empirical df and
375 375 % G(x) the standard normal cdf % G(x) the standard normal cdf
376 [yCDF,xCDF] = cdfcalc(vec);
376 [yCDF,xCDF] = cdfcalc(vec);
377 377 xCDF = [xCDF;1.1*xCDF(end)]; xCDF = [xCDF;1.1*xCDF(end)];
378 378 yncdf = normcdf(xCDF,0,1); yncdf = normcdf(xCDF,0,1);
379 kstat = max(abs(yCDF-yncdf));
379 kstat = max(abs(yCDF-yncdf));
File statisticstests/whitenesstest.m changed (mode: 100644) (index a5771cb..0a19374)
1 1 function [h p varargout] = whitenesstest(x,varargin) function [h p varargout] = whitenesstest(x,varargin)
2 2 % [h p] = whitenesstest(x,...) % [h p] = whitenesstest(x,...)
3 %
3 %
4 4 % Test if stochastic process x (single column vector) is white. The result h=0 % Test if stochastic process x (single column vector) is white. The result h=0
5 5 % means that the null hypothesis (i.e. x is white) cannot be rejected % means that the null hypothesis (i.e. x is white) cannot be rejected
6 6 % at the given significance level α (default: 0.05). The p value is % at the given significance level α (default: 0.05). The p value is
... ... function [h p varargout] = whitenesstest(x,varargin)
8 8 % observing the given statistic or one more extreme. % observing the given statistic or one more extreme.
9 9 % %
10 10 % Note: Data must be zero mean in order for these tests to work! Use % Note: Data must be zero mean in order for these tests to work! Use
11 % 'detrend' if needed.
11 % 'detrend' if needed.
12 12 % %
13 13 % optional arguments (key/value pairs): % optional arguments (key/value pairs):
14 14 % - 'alpha': significance level (default: 0.05) % - 'alpha': significance level (default: 0.05)
... ... switch method
69 69 case 'lbq' case 'lbq'
70 70 %% Ljung-Box Q-test %% Ljung-Box Q-test
71 71 % see McNelis, p. 86 % see McNelis, p. 86
72 %
72 %
73 73 % Note: % Note:
74 74 % - the rejection value for Q is given by the % - the rejection value for Q is given by the
75 75 % (1-alpha)-quantile of the chi^2 distribution for maxlag d.o.f % (1-alpha)-quantile of the chi^2 distribution for maxlag d.o.f
... ... switch method
92 92 %% Bartnett's method %% Bartnett's method
93 93 % calculate periodogram by averaging over segments % calculate periodogram by averaging over segments
94 94 % see Shiavi, p. 244f; Hayes, p. 412; % see Shiavi, p. 244f; Hayes, p. 412;
95 %
95 %
96 96 % Note: % Note:
97 97 % - Only use rectangular, non-overlapping windows, % - Only use rectangular, non-overlapping windows,
98 98 % otherwise variances can't be evaluated. % otherwise variances can't be evaluated.
File stochasticintegration/discretize.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 088b515..0e2cfba)
... ... function [F,G,H,D,L,Q,R,M]=discretize(FC,GC,HC,DC,LC,QC,RC,MC,dt,varargin)
32 32 % Convert to discrete system % Convert to discrete system
33 33 % %
34 34 % Notes: % Notes:
35 %
35 %
36 36 % - By default this uses the built-in c2d function, which is probably % - By default this uses the built-in c2d function, which is probably
37 37 % the safest to use if prescaling of the ss model may be an issue. % the safest to use if prescaling of the ss model may be an issue.
38 %
38 %
39 39 % - A first order approximation for the noise term would be: % - A first order approximation for the noise term would be:
40 40 % L=(F-eye(length(F)))/FC*LC, % L=(F-eye(length(F)))/FC*LC,
41 41 % with appropriate scaling of Q,M! % with appropriate scaling of Q,M!
42 %
42 %
43 43 % - If needed (e.g. for time-variant systems), this can be used to % - If needed (e.g. for time-variant systems), this can be used to
44 44 % find the exact value for Q(t): % find the exact value for Q(t):
45 45 % qf=@(u) expm(FC*u)*LC*QC*LC'*expm(FC'*u); Q=quadv(qf,0,dt); % qf=@(u) expm(FC*u)*LC*QC*LC'*expm(FC'*u); Q=quadv(qf,0,dt);
46 46 % Ref. [3] gives an explicit form of Q in terms of matrix % Ref. [3] gives an explicit form of Q in terms of matrix
47 47 % exponentials for LTI systems. % exponentials for LTI systems.
48 %
48 %
49 49 % - An alternative first order approximation of F would be F=id+dt*FC % - An alternative first order approximation of F would be F=id+dt*FC
50 50 % (explicit Euler), but may be unstable. % (explicit Euler), but may be unstable.
51 %
51 %
52 52 % - The (old) scaling Q = QC*dt and R = RC/dt [1] amounts to the definition of % - The (old) scaling Q = QC*dt and R = RC/dt [1] amounts to the definition of
53 53 % - n_k = int_{t_{k-1}}^{t_k} n(s) ds/dt (rescaled by dt) % - n_k = int_{t_{k-1}}^{t_k} n(s) ds/dt (rescaled by dt)
54 54 % - w_k = int_{t_{k-1}}^{t_k} n(s) ds (no rescaling) % - w_k = int_{t_{k-1}}^{t_k} n(s) ds (no rescaling)
55 55 % From above scaling M = MC follows, which is consistent with the % From above scaling M = MC follows, which is consistent with the
56 56 % requirement that positive definitenes must not depent on dt! % requirement that positive definitenes must not depent on dt!
57 %
57 %
58 58 % - The (new) scaling Q = QC/dt and R = RC/dt [5] amounts to the definition of % - The (new) scaling Q = QC/dt and R = RC/dt [5] amounts to the definition of
59 59 % - n_k = int_{t_{k-1}}^{t_k} n(s) ds/dt (rescaled by dt) % - n_k = int_{t_{k-1}}^{t_k} n(s) ds/dt (rescaled by dt)
60 60 % - w_k = int_{t_{k-1}}^{t_k} n(s) ds/dt (rescaled by dt) % - w_k = int_{t_{k-1}}^{t_k} n(s) ds/dt (rescaled by dt)
... ... function [F,G,H,D,L,Q,R,M]=discretize(FC,GC,HC,DC,LC,QC,RC,MC,dt,varargin)
62 62 % advantage that G and L = LC*dt are treated identically, which is important % advantage that G and L = LC*dt are treated identically, which is important
63 63 % for connecting them! Additionally, this is supposed to be more % for connecting them! Additionally, this is supposed to be more
64 64 % exact [5]. This method is/seems to be the same as c2d with 'zoh'! % exact [5]. This method is/seems to be the same as c2d with 'zoh'!
65 %
65 %
66 66 % References: % References:
67 67 % [1] Simon, p.231f; % [1] Simon, p.231f;
68 68 % [2] Stengel, p.326f; % [2] Stengel, p.326f;
File stochasticintegration/simgauss.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 8c54a13..a73d84d)
... ... switch method
115 115 % Note: this is the prefered method as % Note: this is the prefered method as
116 116 % its most robust to numerical errors which % its most robust to numerical errors which
117 117 % lead to non positive definiteness % lead to non positive definiteness
118 % Does NOT work for SEMI-DEFINITE matrices!
118 % Does NOT work for SEMI-DEFINITE matrices!
119 119 alpha = max(0,max(sum(abs(sigma),2)./diag(sigma))-2); alpha = max(0,max(sum(abs(sigma),2)./diag(sigma))-2);
120 120 C = ichol(sparse(sigma),struct('droptol',droptol,'type','ict')); C = ichol(sparse(sigma),struct('droptol',droptol,'type','ict'));
121 121 seq = C*randn(size(C,1),NT)+mum; seq = C*randn(size(C,1),NT)+mum;
File stochasticintegration/simlinsys.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 2938192..8bbc262)
1 1 function [z,x,varargout]=simlinsys(F,G,H,D,L,Q,R,M,u,xinit,NT,varargin) function [z,x,varargout]=simlinsys(F,G,H,D,L,Q,R,M,u,xinit,NT,varargin)
2 2 % [z,x] = simlinsys(F,G,H,D,L,Q,R,M,u,xinit,NT,...) % [z,x] = simlinsys(F,G,H,D,L,Q,R,M,u,xinit,NT,...)
3 3 % [z,x,statenoise,obsnoise] = simlinsys(F,G,H,D,L,Q,R,M,u,xinit,NT,...) % [z,x,statenoise,obsnoise] = simlinsys(F,G,H,D,L,Q,R,M,u,xinit,NT,...)
4 %
4 %
5 5 % Sample a linear discrete system % Sample a linear discrete system
6 %
6 %
7 7 % x(k+1) = F(k) x(k) + G u(k) + L(k) w(k) % x(k+1) = F(k) x(k) + G u(k) + L(k) w(k)
8 8 % z(k) = H(k) x(k) + D u(k) + n(k) % z(k) = H(k) x(k) + D u(k) + n(k)
9 %
9 %
10 10 % with time-dependent state-space matrices F(k), G(k), H(k), D(k), % with time-dependent state-space matrices F(k), G(k), H(k), D(k),
11 11 % L(k). The noise statistics are given by % L(k). The noise statistics are given by
12 %
12 %
13 13 % w ~ N(0,Q) % w ~ N(0,Q)
14 14 % n ~ N(0,R) % n ~ N(0,R)
15 15 % E[w*n'] = M % E[w*n'] = M
16 %
16 %
17 17 % Note that time-dependent cross correlations in M are not sampled % Note that time-dependent cross correlations in M are not sampled
18 18 % correctly! % correctly!
19 19 % %
... ... end
76 76
77 77 % check if inputs are time-dependent % check if inputs are time-dependent
78 78 % x_TD=true <> x is time dependent! % x_TD=true <> x is time dependent!
79 if size(F,3)==1, F_TD=false; f=F; else F_TD=true; end
79 if size(F,3)==1, F_TD=false; f=F; else F_TD=true; end
80 80 if size(G,3)==1, D_TD=false; g=G; else G_TD=true; end if size(G,3)==1, D_TD=false; g=G; else G_TD=true; end
81 81 if size(H,3)==1, H_TD=false; h=H; else H_TD=true; end if size(H,3)==1, H_TD=false; h=H; else H_TD=true; end
82 82 if size(D,3)==1, G_TD=false; d=D; else D_TD=true; end if size(D,3)==1, G_TD=false; d=D; else D_TD=true; end
... ... for tt = 1:NT
131 131 if H_TD, h=H(:,:,tt); end; if H_TD, h=H(:,:,tt); end;
132 132 if D_TD, d=D(:,:,tt); end; if D_TD, d=D(:,:,tt); end;
133 133 if L_TD, l=L(:,:,tt); end; if L_TD, l=L(:,:,tt); end;
135 135 x(:,tt) = x0; x(:,tt) = x0;
136 136 z(:,tt) = h*x0 + d*u(tt,:).' + obsnoise(:,tt); z(:,tt) = h*x0 + d*u(tt,:).' + obsnoise(:,tt);
137 137 x0 = f*x0 + l*statenoise(:,tt) + g*u(tt,:).'; x0 = f*x0 + l*statenoise(:,tt) + g*u(tt,:).';
File tests/kalmanfilter_test.m changed (mode: 100644) (index b7819cd..3dce5e1)
... ... tsMSESS(1).label = 'actual means square error';
161 161 % figure(); % figure();
162 162 % plot(tvec(PLOT_TIMEDATA)/dao.refF,tsEstSS(2).yData(PLOT_TIMEDATA,1),'g',tvec(PLOT_TIMEDATA)/dao.refF,tsSim(2).yData(PLOT_TIMEDATA,1),'k'); hold on; % plot(tvec(PLOT_TIMEDATA)/dao.refF,tsEstSS(2).yData(PLOT_TIMEDATA,1),'g',tvec(PLOT_TIMEDATA)/dao.refF,tsSim(2).yData(PLOT_TIMEDATA,1),'k'); hold on;
163 163 % plot(tvec(PLOT_TIMEDATA)/dao.refF,tsEstSS(2).yData(PLOT_TIMEDATA,2),'r',tvec(PLOT_TIMEDATA)/dao.refF,tsSim(2).yData(PLOT_TIMEDATA,2),'y'); hold off; % plot(tvec(PLOT_TIMEDATA)/dao.refF,tsEstSS(2).yData(PLOT_TIMEDATA,2),'r',tvec(PLOT_TIMEDATA)/dao.refF,tsSim(2).yData(PLOT_TIMEDATA,2),'y'); hold off;
164 %
164 %
165 165 % frStart=100; % frStart=100;
166 166 % [frSim1,w]=pwelch(tsSim(2).yData(frStart:end,1)); % [frSim1,w]=pwelch(tsSim(2).yData(frStart:end,1));
167 167 % frSim2=pwelch(tsSim(2).yData(frStart:end,2)); % frSim2=pwelch(tsSim(2).yData(frStart:end,2));
... ... tsMSESS(1).label = 'actual means square error';
173 173
174 174
175 175 %% time-dependent kalman filter %% time-dependent kalman filter
176 if RUN_TDF
176 if RUN_TDF
177 177 fprintf('******** t-dependent kalmanfilter ********\n'); fprintf('******** t-dependent kalmanfilter ********\n');
178 178 % initialize data structures % initialize data structures
179 179 tsEst = dadac(2,'xData',tvec); tsEst = dadac(2,'xData',tvec);
180 tsErr = dadac(2,'xData',tvec);
180 tsErr = dadac(2,'xData',tvec);
181 181 tsMSE = dadac(2,'xData',tvec); tsMSE = dadac(2,'xData',tvec);
183 183 % run Kalman filter % run Kalman filter
184 184 if isempty(x0est) if isempty(x0est)
185 185 x0est = [0;0]; x0est = [0;0];
186 186 end end
187 187 if isempty(p0est) if isempty(p0est)
188 188 p0est = kfsscov(sys,'posterior'); p0est = kfsscov(sys,'posterior');
189 end
189 end
191 191 [tsEst(2).yData,tsMSE(1).yData,tsEst(1).yData] = kalmanfilter(sys,tsSim(1).yData,[],x0est,p0est,nisOpts); [tsEst(2).yData,tsMSE(1).yData,tsEst(1).yData] = kalmanfilter(sys,tsSim(1).yData,[],x0est,p0est,nisOpts);
192 192 % $$$ [tsEst(2).yData,tsMSE(1).yData,tsEst(1).yData] = informationfilter(sys,tsSim(1).yData,[],x0est,[]); % $$$ [tsEst(2).yData,tsMSE(1).yData,tsEst(1).yData] = informationfilter(sys,tsSim(1).yData,[],x0est,[]);
193 193 Ptend=tsMSE(1).yData(:,:,end); Ptend=tsMSE(1).yData(:,:,end);
194 194 tsEst(1).label = 'estimated measurement'; tsEst(1).label = 'estimated measurement';
195 195 tsEst(2).label = 'estimated statevector'; tsEst(2).label = 'estimated statevector';
196 196 tsMSE(1).label = 'estimated mean square error'; tsMSE(1).label = 'estimated mean square error';
198 198 tsErr(2) = tsSim(2)-tsEst(2); tsErr(2) = tsSim(2)-tsEst(2);
199 199 tsErr(2).label = 'estimation error sequence'; tsErr(2).label = 'estimation error sequence';
200 Ptreal=cov(tsErr(2).yData(teststart:end,:));
200 Ptreal=cov(tsErr(2).yData(teststart:end,:));
201 201 tsMSE(2).yData = zeros(NT,sn); tsMSE(2).yData = zeros(NT,sn);
202 202 tsMSE(2).yData(:,1) = tsErr(2).yData(:,1).^2; tsMSE(2).yData(:,1) = tsErr(2).yData(:,1).^2;
203 203 tsMSE(2).yData(:,2) = tsErr(2).yData(:,2).^2; tsMSE(2).yData(:,2) = tsErr(2).yData(:,2).^2;
204 204 tsMSE(2).yData(:,3) = tsErr(2).yData(:,1).*tsErr(2).yData(:,2); tsMSE(2).yData(:,3) = tsErr(2).yData(:,1).*tsErr(2).yData(:,2);
205 tsMSE(2).label = 'actual means square error';
205 tsMSE(2).label = 'actual means square error';
206 206 % NEES test % NEES test
207 207 % if NEES test of ss filter has been run % if NEES test of ss filter has been run
208 208 % this one is not required % this one is not required
... ... fprintf('\ncov Sim:\n');
239 239 fprintfarray(1,'%g\t',cvSim); fprintfarray(1,'%g\t',cvSim);
240 240
241 241 %% export to file %% export to file
242 if export_results
243 save(exportfile,'Pss','Pssreal','Pss2','Ptend','Ptreal','-ascii');
242 if export_results
243 save(exportfile,'Pss','Pssreal','Pss2','Ptend','Ptreal','-ascii');
244 244 end end
245 245
246 246 %% plots %% plots
... ... if show_plots
250 250 plot(tvec,tsSim(1).yData,tvec,tsSim(2).yData,tvec,tsEst(2).yData) plot(tvec,tsSim(1).yData,tvec,tsSim(2).yData,tvec,tsEst(2).yData)
251 251 title('timetraces: simulation + estimation') title('timetraces: simulation + estimation')
252 252 legend('simulated measurement','simulated statevector','simulated statevector','estimated statevector','estimated statevector') legend('simulated measurement','simulated statevector','simulated statevector','estimated statevector','estimated statevector')
254 254 fssMSE=figure(); fssMSE=figure();
255 255 plot(tvec,tsMSESS(1).yData); plot(tvec,tsMSESS(1).yData);
256 256 title('ss actual mean square error') title('ss actual mean square error')
258 258 if export_pics if export_pics
259 259 saveas(ftt,strcat(imagefilehead,'_ftt',imageft)); saveas(ftt,strcat(imagefilehead,'_ftt',imageft));
260 260 saveas(fssMSE,strcat(imagefilehead,'_fssMSE',imageft)); saveas(fssMSE,strcat(imagefilehead,'_fssMSE',imageft));
261 261 end end
263 263 if RUN_TDF if RUN_TDF
264 264 % actual mean square error % actual mean square error
265 265 ftMSE=figure(); ftMSE=figure();
266 266 plot(tvec,tsMSE(2).yData); plot(tvec,tsMSE(2).yData);
267 267 title('actual mean square error') title('actual mean square error')
269 269 % show actual z and zpred % show actual z and zpred
270 270 tsZ = dadac(1,'xData',tvec); tsZ = dadac(1,'xData',tvec);
271 271 tsZ(1).label = 'predicted measurement'; tsZ(1).label = 'predicted measurement';
272 tsZ(1).yData = tsEst(2).yData*sys.c';
273 fzzpred=figure();
272 tsZ(1).yData = tsEst(2).yData*sys.c';
273 fzzpred=figure();
274 274 plot(tvec,tsSim(1).yData,'+m');hold on; plot(tvec,tsSim(1).yData,'+m');hold on;
275 plot(tvec,tsZ(1).yData,'-r');
275 plot(tvec,tsZ(1).yData,'-r');
276 276 title('actual z and zpred') title('actual z and zpred')
277 277 legend('actual z','zpred') legend('actual z','zpred')
279 % estimated mean square error
279 % estimated mean square error
280 280 fMSE=figure();hold on; fMSE=figure();hold on;
281 281 ov = ones(NT,1); ov = ones(NT,1);
282 282 plot(tvec,squeeze(tsMSE(1).yData(1,1,:)),tvec,squeeze(tsMSE(1).yData(2,2,:)),tvec,squeeze(tsMSE(1).yData(1,2,:))); % time-dependent plot(tvec,squeeze(tsMSE(1).yData(1,1,:)),tvec,squeeze(tsMSE(1).yData(2,2,:)),tvec,squeeze(tsMSE(1).yData(1,2,:))); % time-dependent
... ... if show_plots
290 290 't-dep actual MSE','t-dep actual MSE','t-dep actual MSE',... 't-dep actual MSE','t-dep actual MSE','t-dep actual MSE',...
291 291 'ss MSE','ss MSE','ss MSE',... 'ss MSE','ss MSE','ss MSE',...
292 292 'ss actual MSE','ss actual MSE','ss actual MSE') 'ss actual MSE','ss actual MSE','ss actual MSE')
294 294 if export_pics if export_pics
295 295 saveas(ftMSE,strcat(imagefilehead,'_ftMSE',imageft)); saveas(ftMSE,strcat(imagefilehead,'_ftMSE',imageft));
296 296 saveas(fzzpred,strcat(imagefilehead,'_fzzpred',imageft)); saveas(fzzpred,strcat(imagefilehead,'_fzzpred',imageft));
297 297 saveas(fMSE,strcat(imagefilehead,'_fMSE',imageft)); saveas(fMSE,strcat(imagefilehead,'_fMSE',imageft));
298 end
298 end
299 299 end end
300 300 end end
301 301
File tests/kfcomparison_test.m changed (mode: 100644) (index ac8fa60..0cee07d)
1 1 % Kalmanfilter comparison: % Kalmanfilter comparison:
2 %
2 %
3 3 % Compare different filters (kfss, kalman, kalmanfilter). % Compare different filters (kfss, kalman, kalmanfilter).
4 4 % - kalman and kalmanfilter should be the same in steady-state (Note % - kalman and kalmanfilter should be the same in steady-state (Note
5 5 % that kalman returns the prior estimation error while kalmanfilter % that kalman returns the prior estimation error while kalmanfilter
... ... end
68 68 [kf2,~,Pss2] = kalman(sys,'current'); [kf2,~,Pss2] = kalman(sys,'current');
69 69 % compare prior error variances % compare prior error variances
70 70 disp('filter steady state error variances') disp('filter steady state error variances')
71 Pss1 - Pss2
71 Pss1 - Pss2
72 72 % apply filters to simulates timeseries and calculate errors % apply filters to simulates timeseries and calculate errors
73 73 if isempty(u) if isempty(u)
74 74 xest1 = lsim(kf1('StateEstimate','Measurement'),zvec,tvec,x0est); xest1 = lsim(kf1('StateEstimate','Measurement'),zvec,tvec,x0est);
File tests/montecarlo_test.m changed (mode: 100644) (index 3b5bd41..a5db4a5)
... ... pss
50 50 % $$$ neesAv = sum(nees); % $$$ neesAv = sum(nees);
51 51 % $$$ neesTestF = @(x) chi2gof(x,'cdf',@(z)chi2cdf(z,NM*sn),'alpha',alpha); % $$$ neesTestF = @(x) chi2gof(x,'cdf',@(z)chi2cdf(z,NM*sn),'alpha',alpha);
52 52 % $$$ [h,p] = neesTestF(neesAv) % $$$ [h,p] = neesTestF(neesAv)
53 % $$$
53 % $$$
54 54 % $$$ figure; % $$$ figure;
55 55 % $$$ xx=(0:1/NT:1)*60; % $$$ xx=(0:1/NT:1)*60;
56 56 % $$$ cdfplot(neesAv);hold on; % $$$ cdfplot(neesAv);hold on;
File tests/qfactor_test.m changed (mode: 100644) (index b9cf64b..a88ecd6)
1 1 % Test Q-factor of sampled timeseries % Test Q-factor of sampled timeseries
2 %
2 %
3 3 % Initial condition must be far out from equilibrium such that we can % Initial condition must be far out from equilibrium such that we can
4 4 % actually see a real ringdown!! % actually see a real ringdown!!
5 5
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