/build_new_version.sh (29dac83125cb84a0c3f095cfeb9319e9c7df5867) (601 bytes) (mode 100755) (type blob)


cd Linux_Version/
echo $PWD
if [ -f $PWD/inventory_synchronisation.dist ]; then
    echo "Delete all existing content of 'Linux_Version'"
    rm -irf *
echo "Build the script into a executable file using nuitka."
if [ ! -f $PWD/inventory_synchronisation.dist ]; then
    python3 -m nuitka --standalone --experimental=use_pefile --experimental=use_pefile_recurse --experimental=use_pefile_fullrecurse ../inventory_synchronisation.py
echo "Link the executable to a command in /usr/bin."
sudo ln -is $PWD/inventory_synchronisation.dist/inventory_synchronisation /usr/bin/Order_Script

Mode Type Size Ref File
100644 blob 71 047db8a7362e7ab9cb28c70d69d8c2247c28b4c1 .gitignore
100644 blob 906 3afb222619fd3b27013e96d2604c169dc4d2ec84 README.md
100755 blob 601 29dac83125cb84a0c3f095cfeb9319e9c7df5867 build_new_version.sh
100755 blob 35 842a6affcaddec0f7dc134889a531b100c62f473 clean_upload.sh
100644 blob 11252 28ffeb41c7301644158841f21bf716489f237aeb inventory_synchronisation.py
040000 tree - d1e34fd1b58f772285dd1613b097acac5ad6c081 packages
100644 blob 1258 d492d9625783c5fc476606a1ad145f004617439c producer_list_april_2019.csv
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