List of commits:
Subject Hash Author Date (UTC)
Add example for demonstration. 19c532f4bb40e5485159b3e13ed78514cf85b5ee Jan Allersma 2019-01-20 15:20:51
Fix module concurrency. f39efe6c3981d1097e6ee8ced0f3d7a8c913a256 Jan Allersma 2019-01-20 14:46:26
Revise git(ignore) integration. 192f93a160ead0165ca15c21f5cc046d89b7ba5d Jan Allersma 2019-01-19 16:39:10
Run modules concurrently. 0100f680f4054ffe4948278a5dae93b4fcb0d333 Jan Allersma 2019-01-19 16:24:27
Fix `dep_config::scan`. ed8759345a07e93b30bd802b1e6ecb8d5eeb3b85 Jan Allersma 2019-01-18 14:53:50
Fix fetching with single-file-modules. d1a2173433bf45648da9a85cda04d7ace9148439 Jan Allersma 2019-01-15 16:24:27
Add feature: initialize hidden dependencies. fc99666c48da1653b3097a0251d8219bc49886cb Jan Allersma 2019-01-12 15:52:45
Revise `hide` command. 482bad08f949eaedbd61e2cb7c53870271d47997 Jan Allersma 2019-01-11 15:45:26
Rename project to 'Ambassade'. 4f9c0e27ca25042a97acebc9f3282e4f941706fe Jan Allersma 2019-01-10 15:01:39
Git integration. 0ebc5b3769e50c3463bdc39af0160c7db0d3f00b Jan Allersma 2019-01-03 17:34:18
Implement `hide` command. ab693b8fd91c93dfd7ee7b82cbae75b2a6043b0f Jan Allersma 2018-12-29 15:13:25
Resolve missing/erroneous build/run commands. e81d57882036a6475718b0653169c609d23b1c30 Jan Allersma 2018-12-25 13:06:00
Show working directory in status. ab188603dda062de4b2ea76c5bc1d2d41d98b8c2 Jan Allersma 2018-12-25 10:36:35
Add shell fallthrough. 02078135791fb3889152c11defaa2df21d0ae597 Jan Allersma 2018-12-22 19:47:36
Show dependencies when using `delete` command. cfa9779714d5e6d46ab5b4eeb84a915a15f23f54 Jan Allersma 2018-12-20 15:46:05
Resolve dep-tree by building project recursively. f53e38d790ec67d99ec8204af97273a53b73a9dc Jan Allersma 2018-12-19 14:54:07
Improve `dep-tree` command. 90bfa0340b7b874d65c08dc05c3d711abda1c469 Jan Allersma 2018-12-17 20:10:14
Implement experimental `dep-tree` command. 45d9dfdbfc99c59174e7c587621276b78ab7a4e9 Jan Allersma 2018-12-14 16:11:53
Implement `add` command. bbb2544bd06f29866465d651c32ca4d6e017f5e9 Jan Allersma 2018-12-11 15:43:10
Implement `exe` command. 1eaa36242201cf7ade5f23a14340e630c267db07 Jan Allersma 2018-12-11 13:23:32
Commit 19c532f4bb40e5485159b3e13ed78514cf85b5ee - Add example for demonstration.
Author: Jan Allersma
Author date (UTC): 2019-01-20 15:20
Committer name: Jan Allersma
Committer date (UTC): 2019-01-20 15:20
Parent(s): f39efe6c3981d1097e6ee8ced0f3d7a8c913a256
Signing key:
Tree: d19d09ec6022243b19f90b89d350b4e3bd91b2ef
File Lines added Lines deleted
.gitignore 1 1
example/ 45 0
example/dep_config/elasticsearch-6.5.4.json 12 0
example/dep_config/requests.json 12 0
File .gitignore changed (mode: 100644) (index cec1169..4abda46)
1 1 /target /target
2 2 **/*.rs.bk **/*.rs.bk
3 *ambassade.json
3 ambassade.json
File example/ added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..92ef75f)
1 # Voorbereiding
2 cargo build # in ambassade dir.
3 sudo cp -v ./target/debug/ambassade /usr/local/bin/ambassade
4 sudo npm i --global http-server
6 # Initializatie:
7 git init example
8 ambassade init
10 # Een 'module' ergens vandaan halen zonder een config file in de module zelf aan te maken:
11 ambassade hide elasticsearch-6.5.4 wget
13 # Modules toevoegen die al een config file hebben:
14 ambassade add Ambassade-example-login-stats git clone
16 # NPM packages werken nog niet zo lekker:
17 ambassade add Ambassade-example-login-user git clone
18 pushd ./dep/Ambassade-example-login-user
19 npm i
20 popd
22 # Hide past het 'add' behavior aan:
23 ambassade hide requests git clone git:// --depth=1
25 # Bouw het project:
26 ambassade build
27 # Build command voor requests: pip install ./dep/requests --user
28 # Build command voor elasticsearch: tar -xvzf ./dep/elasticsearch-6.5.4.tar.gz -C ./dep
29 # Build command voor example: echo no build command
31 # Set run command for elasticsearch:
32 ambassade run elasticsearch-6.5.4
34 # Verander commando voor Windows:
35 nano ./dep_config/elasticsearch-6.5.4
37 # Run het project:
38 ambassade run elasticsearch-6.5.4 Ambassade-example-login-user
41 # Open browser zonder CORS:
42 about:config -> security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy -> false. # en daarna weer reverten ofc.
44 # Run het beheersysteem:
45 ambassade run Ambassade-example-login-stats
File example/dep_config/elasticsearch-6.5.4.json added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..dc4e71d)
1 {
2 "build": {
3 "linux": "tar -xvzf ./dep/elasticsearch-6.5.4.tar.gz -C ./dep",
4 "os-x": "tar -xvzf ./dep/elasticsearch-6.5.4.tar.gz -C ./dep",
5 "windows": "tar -xvzf ./dep/elasticsearch-6.5.4.tar.gz -C ./dep"
6 },
7 "run": {
8 "linux": "./bin/elasticsearch",
9 "os-x": "./bin/elasticsearch",
10 "windows": "./bin/elasticsearch"
11 }
12 }
File example/dep_config/requests.json added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..6feb895)
1 {
2 "build": {
3 "linux": "pip install ./dep/requests --user",
4 "os-x": "pip install ./dep/requests --user",
5 "windows": "pip install ./dep/requests --user"
6 },
7 "run": {
8 "linux": "",
9 "os-x": "",
10 "windows": ""
11 }
12 }
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