Mode Type Size Ref File
040000 tree - 695a545d47fd1adeb26cb46fa1235bd38ec27a65 .cargo
100644 blob 34 4abda46c02639874bc6f52da82c8872098f16c01 .gitignore
100644 blob 25289 876eb3d441a523a86140f8fe6e638924b26f43fe Cargo.lock
100644 blob 183 1d5ddb52313cc1f95d821bbb4194b16bd8f778aa Cargo.toml
100644 blob 1689 78028c4805f93e783733866c81952445fcc19884
040000 tree - b4e3fc0f517b47c81de75b15cbcc8e9072189bf1 doc
040000 tree - 001845521842dbc45a99703ef2e8872e771c2ddf src
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