maav / guix-mirror (public) (License: GPLv3+) (since 2019-11-02) (hash sha1)
Mirror of GNU Guix ( with personal branches integrated into master branch.

/ROADMAP (2475cb637ceb6eb43f54d080c56e5793041b76e5) (3237 bytes) (mode 100644) (type blob)

-*- mode: org; coding: utf-8; -*-

#+TITLE: Tentative GNU Guix Road Map

Copyright © 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 Ludovic Courtès <>

  Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
  are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
  notice and this notice are preserved.

The goals of the GNU Guix project are two-fold:

  - to build a purely functional package manager, based on Nix and

  - to use it to build a practical 100% free software distribution of
    GNU/Linux and possibly other GNU variants, with a focus on the
    promotion and tight integration of GNU components–the GNU system.

Since its inception, the project has gone a long way towards that goal.  Below
is a list of items we want for version "1.0" of the Guix System Distribution.
There will be a few 0.x releases by then to give the new features more
exposure and testing.

You're welcome to discuss this road map on or #guix on

* Features scheduled for 1.0

  - larger & more robust build farm
    + we need a powerful, dedicated front-end
    + armhf-linux build machine
    + leave Hydra in favor of 'guix publish' + custom code?
  - more OS features
    + LVM support
    + encrypted root
    + configurable name service switch
    + whole-system unit tests, using VMs
  - more service definitions
    + mcron, postfix(?), wicd(?), etc.
  - better 'guix system'
    + 'reconfigure' should be able to restart non-essential services
    + support for '--list-generations' and '--delete-generations'
  - better 'guix pull'
    + using Git to fetch the source instead of re-downloading everything
    + build more quickly
    + install new .mo files and new manual
    + authentication of the Guix source: use signed commits?
  - simplified, purely declarative service list in 'operating-system'
    + it should be possible to inspect the service instance declarations and
  - GUIs
    + integrate guix-web?
    + guile-ncurses installer?
  - 'guix publish'?

* Features for later

  - complete GNU/Hurd port
  - use content-based addressing when downloading substitutes to reduce
    bandwidth requirements
    + design nar v2 format where file contents are replaced by their hashes
    + leverage /gnu/store/.links
  - binary origin tracking
    + keep signatures in sqlite.db
    + preserve signatures upon import/export
  - peer-to-peer distribution of updates (GNUnet?)
  - more deterministic builds
    + identify & fix sources of non-determinism in builds
    + strengthen guix-daemon containers to further increase reproducibility
    + trusting-trust: bootstrap with different tool chains
    + fixed-point: re-bootstrap until fixed point is reached
    + distributed validation: compare contents of store items with others
      * resist a compromise
  - reproducible containers: mix of 'guix environment' and 'guix system vm'
  - execute code with least privilege
    + build containers like guix-daemon does
    + provide a Plash-like interface in Bash
  - daemon rewritten in Guile
  - more shepherd integration
    + monitor network interfaces and start/stop events based on that
    + include a DHCP client written in Scheme

Mode Type Size Ref File
100644 blob 6139 7f310d2612983845551d0a641b730a269a180a3f .dir-locals.el
100644 blob 2533 e2f745b42a5a1591a93a3e9a7ccfc107a6178eff .gitignore
100644 blob 6296 fc52e3fc198bdb9a1056f4db7d4bf74e370d8729 .guix-authorizations
100644 blob 182 b852180cf2563ec7b74b93c954de38d77237f23f .guix-channel
100644 blob 4499 146e65184a2f987b0307d0ec7300c93e84110625 .mailmap
100644 blob 472 1e30a74a64f51ec735dcc44ff4dfe5fa4fa13c6f AUTHORS
100644 blob 3273 ef90330cdacb9ecf7dbf38a03cdb490db131a4ad CODE-OF-CONDUCT
100644 blob 35147 94a9ed024d3859793618152ea559a168bbcbb5e2 COPYING
100644 blob 163 d6ea6943261fcae51c095ad39fe59140fc62de22 ChangeLog
100644 blob 749 aaa673fc93b0bb74feca4783ae427b9ea1b604ea HACKING
100644 blob 33109 a75d9c1ffc4237c0478b62a235b9b521fd840517
100644 blob 359348 bb1de1e93802064ff44392db56d05cd0a11fcc15 NEWS
100644 blob 5260 5e9069f80f58d3946cdd588f30919a177eaccb55 README
100644 blob 3237 2475cb637ceb6eb43f54d080c56e5793041b76e5 ROADMAP
100644 blob 2381 af7afd3576f2e6aa5cbafc3c6354bbab1ae00774 THANKS
100644 blob 4360 f854f7fa98e09c7b512f3efb702c290b615186a0 TODO
100755 blob 906 a47269d87f1d6fd27bbaf634ac7439b38b32cca3 bootstrap
040000 tree - b15b9ede344760715e240528bc322c7b0194bbe7 build-aux
100644 blob 4808 50ead355a81edebf5c9419bd76a1dd69e85f5adf
100644 blob 8760 6861112eafaed85e107f8976f12e0ddb795571b7
100644 blob 339545 d234c4ec8668cead20279d903589d29c513b4cb6 d3.v3.js
040000 tree - a0dad2b27584bf82fb755403205ba8ed31a934ec doc
040000 tree - 7f3c5b3c9841663f42a8275e8d1dd9f11040bae3 etc
100644 blob 5289 f139531ef3ecf56a790ae73934e2d91016c1aba4 gnu.scm
040000 tree - 7239408eaabb43b02bfc403aa6148ad640fe3bf0 gnu
100644 blob 4207 ad8279395d8eb1fe5a836d54ec563a4577f4d135 graph.js
100644 blob 1357 8753c21e423f880e7a6d9f7f6f6ff1139f8b7254 guix.scm
040000 tree - 229c01ff8f84f0f1c709f225703ae91b2b41f75a guix
040000 tree - 8df9aaabfb400159e2559fd4331fb861cb0a5adc m4
040000 tree - d0ec05821e49fa1536a9c19a33ad13b5ba3ea0c2 nix
040000 tree - f3f7e89363a260b8bcbdfb31d8f8384b21f99cb9 po
040000 tree - 8c4db11917d51c4d71a841813cf8951000b76687 scripts
040000 tree - f284abae7ee6e17f37f6ca942999e84bd2ac74e3 tests
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