List of commits:
Subject Hash Author Date (UTC)
Sixth (6) layer 9a5a187152ddbccdceb3770420703c6a52ae5ba4 Maxim Leonov 2017-08-03 00:00:00
Fifth (5) layer 740c843d01cbed9fb118976e4fcd017b5c3dccc1 Maxim Leonov 2017-08-03 00:00:00
Fourth (4) layer eb46810e63eac246220593d99f319681195aa912 Maxim Leonov 2017-08-03 00:00:00
Third (3) layer 213beed2b88894e3a5ad5a4e388002e8fe827518 Maxim Leonov 2017-08-03 00:00:00
Second (2) layer f6b7facb0f678d6b887f4a8831e3e0a37bf27f3f Maxim Leonov 2017-08-03 00:00:00
First (1) layer 203bd3f71c7faf5a50d42d5e2ade73c1c5574c2a Maxim Leonov 2017-08-03 00:00:00
Commit 9a5a187152ddbccdceb3770420703c6a52ae5ba4 - Sixth (6) layer
Author: Maxim Leonov
Author date (UTC): 2017-08-03 00:00
Committer name: Maxim Leonov
Committer date (UTC): 2017-08-03 00:00
Parent(s): 740c843d01cbed9fb118976e4fcd017b5c3dccc1
Signing key:
Tree: e1744d65364fd9629b2d643e9417906a05bb0b0f
File Lines added Lines deleted
aboutkaylee.htm 181 185
aboutkaylee.htm-head.txt 7 7
cards.htm 138 104
cards.htm-head.txt 7 7
collar.htm 106 106
collar.htm-head.txt 7 7
copyright.htm 250 250
copyright.htm-head.txt 7 7
essayindex.htm 19 9
essayindex.htm-head.txt 7 7
index.htm 78 96
index.htm-head.txt 8 8
kayindex.htm 2 0
kayindex.htm-head.txt 7 7
lakajira.htm 4 4
lakajira.htm-head.txt 7 7
natorder2.htm 299 299
natorder2.htm-head.txt 7 7
simulation.htm 242 242
simulation.htm-head.txt 7 7
slavelinks.htm 312 312
slavelinks.htm-head.txt 7 7
trust.htm 256 256
trust.htm-head.txt 7 7
File aboutkaylee.htm changed (mode: 100644) (index 5eb1e36..2755105)
1 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
2 <html>
3 <head>
4 <meta
5 name="generator"
6 content="HTML Tidy, see">
7 <title>Sanctuary: kaylee</title>
8 <meta
10 content=
11 "Part of a series of Slave Musings: author's bio">
12 <meta
13 name="keywords"
14 content=
15 "Gor, consensual slavery, Gorean philosophy, kajira, Master, slave, Gorean lifestyle, Gorean slavery">
16 <script
17 type="text/javascript"
18 language="JavaScript">
19 <!--
20 // No rightclick script
21 // � 2001-2003 `kaylee
22 function click() {
23 if (event.button==2) {
24 alert('If you would like your own unique web graphics, please contact kaylee. Copyright �kaylee{G} 2001-2003. All Rights Reserved. ');
25 }
26 }
27 document.onmousedown=click
28 // -->
29 </script>
31 <style
32 type="text/css">
33 <!--
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72 <div
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74 <center><br>
75 <br>
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78 <table
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80 border="1"
81 bordercolor="#EFB85A"
82 width="85%"
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91 bgcolor="#000000"
92 border="1"
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97 summary=
98 "This table provides a colored background for the main text">
99 <tr>
100 <td
101 width="100%"><br>
102 <br>
103 <br>
104 <center><img
105 src="images/kaylee/title/aboutkaytitle.jpg"
106 alt="title graphic"></center>
108 <br>
109 <br>
110 <blockquote>
111 <p
112 class="a">kaylee met her owner over five years ago via the
113 internet. Within a year, she was moved to the East Coast to serve
114 as his household property. Although she was already aware of her
115 slave nature prior to this, her relationship showed her what a
116 long, winding path she had before her. Layers of emotional
117 protection were skillfully peeled back by his mastery, exposing
118 her soul well hidden even from herself for many years.</p>
120 <p
121 class="a">She loves the rush of adrenalin as much as she enjoys
122 the quiet peace found curling up at his feet. Her areas of study
123 at college included psychology, English and marketing, with some
124 post graduate work in communications. She can often be found
125 curled up reading a good book, searching for new recipes,
126 acquiring new skills to improve her service, learning HTML and
127 web site maintenance, or designing eCards and web graphics. Her
128 passion is writing.</p>
130 <p
131 class="a">During her journey, she has stumbled at times and
132 occasionally strayed from her path of focus. She is forever
133 grateful to the man who never lowered his expectations of her,
134 but inspires her daily to continually strive to meet his
135 expectations for her.</p>
137 <br>
140 <center><img
141 src="images/kaylee/background/tladivider1.jpg"
142 alt="divider bar"></center>
144 <br>
147 <p
148 class="b">At the feet of strong men, she found peace.<br>
149 <br>
150 At the feet of one man, she found rapture.<br>
151 <br>
152 Her life is his.</p>
154 <br>
155 </blockquote>
157 <center><a
158 href="kayindex.htm"><img
159 border="0"
160 src="images/kaylee/buttons/tlahome.jpg"
161 alt="Home"></a></center>
163 <br>
164 <br>
165 <p
166 class="c">Words and web graphics �Copyright 2001- 2003 kaylee. All
167 rights reserved. Please do not reprint without permission. Last
168 update: July 29, 2003</p>
169 </td>
170 </tr>
171 </table>
172 </center>
173 </td>
174 </tr>
175 </table>
177 <br>
178 <br>
179 <br>
180 <br>
181 </center>
182 </div>
183 </body>
184 </html>
1 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
2 <html>
3 <head>
4 <meta
5 name="generator"
6 content="HTML Tidy, see">
7 <title>Sanctuary: kaylee</title>
8 <meta
10 content=
11 "Part of a series of Slave Musings: author's bio">
12 <meta
13 name="keywords"
14 content=
15 "Gor, consensual slavery, Gorean philosophy, kajira, Master, slave, Gorean lifestyle, Gorean slavery">
16 <script
17 type="text/javascript"
18 language="JavaScript">
19 <!--
20 // No rightclick script
21 // � 2001-2003 `kaylee
22 function click() {
23 if (event.button==2) {
24 alert('If you would like your own unique web graphics, please contact kaylee. Copyright �kaylee{G} 2001-2003. All Rights Reserved. ');
25 }
26 }
27 document.onmousedown=click
28 // -->
29 </script>
31 <style
32 type="text/css">
33 <!--
34 BODY {
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53 font-family: Times New Roman,serif;
54 font-size: 15px;
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57 P.c {
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60 font-size: 12px;
61 color:#E9CE8E}
63 -->
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67 bgcolor="#000000"
68 text="#E9CE8E"
69 link="#EFB85A"
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71 alink="#385C5E">
72 <div
73 align="center">
74 <center><br>
75 <br>
76 <br>
77 <br>
78 <table
79 background="images/kaylee/background/orangeribbon.jpg"
80 border="1"
81 bordercolor="#EFB85A"
82 width="85%"
83 cellpadding="10"
84 cellspacing="0"
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86 <tr>
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89 <center>
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91 bgcolor="#000000"
92 border="1"
93 bordercolor="#000000"
94 width="100%"
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97 summary=
98 "This table provides a colored background for the main text">
99 <tr>
100 <td
101 width="100%"><br>
102 <br>
103 <br>
104 <br>
105 <br>
106 <blockquote>
107 <p
108 class="a">kaylee met her owner over five years ago via the
109 internet. Within a year, she was moved to the East Coast to serve
110 as his household property. Although she was already aware of her
111 slave nature prior to this, her relationship showed her what a
112 long, winding path she had before her. Layers of emotional
113 protection were skillfully peeled back by his mastery, exposing
114 her soul well hidden even from herself for many years.</p>
116 <p
117 class="a">She loves the rush of adrenalin as much as she enjoys
118 the quiet peace found curling up at his feet. Her areas of study
119 at college included psychology, English and marketing, with some
120 post graduate work in communications. She can often be found
121 curled up reading a good book, searching for new recipes,
122 acquiring new skills to improve her service, learning HTML and
123 web site maintenance, or designing eCards and web graphics. Her
124 passion is writing.</p>
126 <p
127 class="a">During her journey, she has stumbled at times and
128 occasionally strayed from her path of focus. She is forever
129 grateful to the man who never lowered his expectations of her,
130 but inspires her daily to continually strive to meet his
131 expectations for her.</p>
133 <br>
136 <center><img
137 src="images/kaylee/background/tladivider1.jpg"
138 alt="divider bar"></center>
140 <br>
143 <p
144 class="b">At the feet of strong men, she found peace.<br>
145 <br>
146 At the feet of one man, she found rapture.<br>
147 <br>
148 Her life is his.</p>
150 <br>
151 </blockquote>
153 <center><a
154 href="kayindex.htm"><img
155 border="0"
156 src="images/kaylee/buttons/tlahome.jpg"
157 alt="Home"></a></center>
159 <br>
160 <br>
161 <p
162 class="c">Words and web graphics �Copyright 2001- 2003 kaylee. All
163 rights reserved. Please do not reprint without permission. Last
164 update: July 29, 2003</p>
165 </td>
166 </tr>
167 </table>
168 </center>
169 </td>
170 </tr>
171 </table>
173 <br>
174 <br>
175 <br>
176 <br>
177 </center>
178 </div>
179 </body>
180 </html>
File aboutkaylee.htm-head.txt changed (mode: 100644) (index 17bdf7d..56f3bb3)
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2 2 Host: Host:
3 3 Connection: keep-alive Connection: keep-alive
4 4 Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1 Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
... ... Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8
9 9
10 10 HTTP/1.1 200 OK HTTP/1.1 200 OK
11 11 Server: Tengine/2.1.0 Server: Tengine/2.1.0
12 Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2017 15:49:41 GMT
12 Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2017 15:51:33 GMT
13 13 Content-Type: text/html Content-Type: text/html
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15 15 Connection: keep-alive Connection: keep-alive
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19 last-modified: Sat, 20 May 2006 02:47:59 GMT
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File cards.htm changed (mode: 100644) (index a1fa704..cad95f4)
... ... color:#FFFFFF}
32 32 P.body { P.body {
33 33 text-align: left; text-align: left;
34 34 font-family: Times New Roman,serif; font-family: Times New Roman,serif;
35 font-size: 17px;
35 font-size: 19px;
36 36 font-style: italic; font-style: italic;
37 37 color:#6495ED} color:#6495ED}
38 38
... ... color:#6B82B5;
96 96 width="20%"> width="20%">
97 97 <center><font <center><font
98 98 size="4" size="4"
99 color="#6495ED"><b>Card Galleries</b></font><br>
99 color="#FFFFFF"><b><i><a
100 href="cardgalleries.htm">Enter the<br>
101 Card Galleries</a></i></b><br>
100 102 <br> <br>
101 103 <font <font
102 size="3"><i><a
103 href="cards1.htm">Soul Surrender</a><br>
104 <a
105 href="cards2.htm">Slave Heart</a><br>
106 <a
107 href="cards3.htm">Special Messages</a><br>
108 <a
109 href="cards4.htm">Gorean Cards</a><br>
110 <a
111 href="cards5.htm">From Master</a><br>
112 <a
113 href="cards6.htm">Darker Passions</a><br>
114 <a
115 href="cards7.htm">Featured Artists</a><br>
116 <a
117 href="cards8.htm">Seasonal Devotions</a></i></font><br>
104 size="4"
105 color="#FFFFFF"><b><i><a
106 href="cardpickup.htm">Card Pickup Page</a></i></b><br>
107 </font><br>
118 108 <br> <br>
119 109 <br> <br>
120 <font
110 <font
121 111 size="4" size="4"
122 112 color="#6495ED"><b>Related Links</b></font><br> color="#6495ED"><b>Related Links</b></font><br>
123 113 <br> <br>
... ... color:#6B82B5;
133 123 target="new">Spirit of Giving site</a><br> target="new">Spirit of Giving site</a><br>
134 124 <a <a
135 125 href="slavelinks.htm" href="slavelinks.htm"
136 target="new">Useful slave links</a>
137 <br>
126 target="new">Useful slave links</a><br>
138 127 <a <a
139 128 href= href=
140 "mailto: of the Soul">email kaylee</a>
141 </i></font><br>
129 "mailto: of the Soul">
130 email kaylee</a></i></font><br>
142 131 <br> <br>
143 132 <br> <br>
144 133 <font <font
145 134 size="4" size="4"
146 color="#6495ED"><b>Copyright Information</b></font><br><br>
135 color="#6495ED"><b>Copyright Information</b></font><br>
136 <br>
147 137 <font <font
148 138 size="2" size="2"
149 139 color="#FFFFFF">Each card and web set is created by following color="#FFFFFF">Each card and web set is created by following
150 140 and respecting copyright laws. Please take a moment to read the and respecting copyright laws. Please take a moment to read the
151 141 <a <a
152 142 href="copyright.htm">Copyright Policy</a> for Reflections of the href="copyright.htm">Copyright Policy</a> for Reflections of the
153 Soul. <br><br>If you have any questions regarding copyrights and the
154 internet, she recommends the following links as a wonderful way
155 to educate and protect yourself. Please, help share awareness
156 with others. :)</font><br><br>
143 Soul.<br>
144 <br>
145 If you have any questions regarding copyrights and the internet,
146 she recommends the following links as a wonderful way to educate
147 and protect yourself. Please, help share awareness with others.
148 :)</font><br>
149 <br>
157 150 <a <a
158 151 href="" href=""
159 152 target="new"><img target="new"><img
... ... with others. :)</font><br><br>
170 163 <br> <br>
171 164 <br> <br>
172 165 <br> <br>
173 </center>
166 </font></center>
174 167 </td> </td>
175 168 <td <td
176 169 valign="top" valign="top"
177 170 width="60%"> width="60%">
178 171 <blockquote> <blockquote>
179 <p class="warn">Note: some of the following cards contain artistic
180 nudity or refer to a mature consensual relationship. You
181 must be 18 years of age to enter. If you are not at least that
182 age, or might be offended by tasteful nudity then please do not
183 enter these galleries.</p><br><br>
172 <font
173 size="4"
174 color="white">UPDATE: Several new cards have been added to Slave Heart and Long Distance/Thank you Galleries.</font><br>
175 <br>
176 <center><img
177 src="/images/kaylee/reflections/doublebar.jpg"
178 alt="divider"
179 border="0"></center>
180 <br><br>
184 181 <p <p
185 182 class="body">Welcome to Reflections of the Soul. Originally class="body">Welcome to Reflections of the Soul. Originally
186 183 established as an eCard site in February 2001, this site has established as an eCard site in February 2001, this site has
187 184 expanded over the past year to provide personalized web design. expanded over the past year to provide personalized web design.
188 Our goal is to provide unique e-cards and web designs with a
189 blend of eloquently expressive graphics and words that express
185 My goal is to provide unique e-cards and web designs with a blend
186 of eloquently expressive graphics and words that express
190 187 intangible emotions... or just speak to you from the soul :)</p> intangible emotions... or just speak to you from the soul :)</p>
191 188
192 189 <p <p
193 190 class="body">Please come inside, look around, and see if any of class="body">Please come inside, look around, and see if any of
194 her cards might suit your own mood. Browse our main library of
191 the cards suit your own mood. Feel free to browse our main library of
195 192 essays, checking out the assortment of slave links, or spend some essays, checking out the assortment of slave links, or spend some
196 193 time reading musings devoted to slavery. If you are looking for time reading musings devoted to slavery. If you are looking for
197 something unique to share with someone, you might enjoy
198 kaylee's most popular poem, <a
194 something unique to share with someone, you might enjoy my
195 most popular poem, <a
199 196 href="tobeaslave1.htm" href="tobeaslave1.htm"
200 target="new">If you want to be a slave</a>. Other writings are
201 also designed to be easily shared with others, and can be found
202 in the <a href="kayindex.htm" target="new">Slave Musings</a> section.</p>
197 target="new">If you want to be a slave</a>. Other writings have
198 designed to be easily shared with others, and can be found
199 in the <a
200 href="kayindex.htm"
201 target="new">Slave Musings</a> section.</p>
203 202
204 203 <p <p
205 class="body">During the last year, she began to receive requests
204 class="body">During the last year, I began to receive requests
206 205 for customized web graphics and web sets. Each web set is created for customized web graphics and web sets. Each web set is created
207 206 on a case-by-case basis so that it can uniquely reflect the on a case-by-case basis so that it can uniquely reflect the
208 person using it. The only requirement is a link back and agreement
209 to terms of use. Please <a href="mailto: of the Soul">contact</a> her at regarding web graphics if you
210 are interested.</p>
207 person using it. The only requirement is a link back and
208 agreement to terms of use. Please contact me at <a
209 href=
210 "mailto: of the Soul">
211</a> regarding web graphics
212 if you are interested.</p>
211 213
212 214 <p <p
213 215 class="body">This is a constantly evolving site, and hopefully class="body">This is a constantly evolving site, and hopefully
214 will offer you many reasons to return and browse often as kaylee
215 herself grows in her journey. If you have any suggestions on what
216 kind of cards you would like to see in the future, please contact her.</p>
216 will offer you many reasons to return and browse often as I
217 grow in my own journey. If you have any suggestions on what
218 kind of cards you would like to see in the future, please contact
219 me.</p>
221 <p
222 class="warn">Note: some of the following cards contain artistic
223 nudity or refer to a mature consensual relationship. You must be
224 18 years of age to enter. If you are not at least that age, or
225 might be offended by tasteful nudity then please do not enter
226 these galleries.</p>
228 <br>
217 229 </blockquote> </blockquote>
218 <br><br>
231 <br>
232 <br>
219 233 <center> <center>
220 234 <form <form
221 235 name="jump"><select name="jump"><select
222 236 name="menu"> name="menu">
223 237 <option <option
224 value="cards1.htm">Soul Surrender eCard Gallery</option>
225 <option
226 value="cards2.htm">Slave Heart eCard Gallery</option>
227 <option
228 value="cards3.htm">Special Messages and Thoughts eCard
229 Gallery</option>
230 <option
231 value="cards4.htm">Gorean eCard Gallery</option>
232 <option
233 value="cards5.htm">From Master eCard Gallery</option>
234 <option
235 value="cards6.htm">Darker Passions eCard Gallery</option>
236 <option
237 value="cards7.htm">Featured Artists eCard Gallery</option>
238 <option
239 value="cards8.htm">Seasonal Greetings eCard Gallery</option>
238 value="cardgalleries.htm">Enter the eCard Galleries</option>
240 239 <option <option
241 240 value="kayindex.htm">Library: Slave Musings</option> value="kayindex.htm">Library: Slave Musings</option>
242 241 <option <option
... ... Gallery</option>
253 252 <td <td
254 253 valign="top" valign="top"
255 254 width="20%"> width="20%">
256 <center>
257 <font
255 <center><font
258 256 size="4" size="4"
259 color="#6495ED"><b>Update</b></font><br><br><font
260 size="2"
261 color="#FFFFFF">Looking for a certain kind of card? Voice your opinion here!<br><a
262 href=
263 ";cpv=1"
264 target="new"><img src="" border="0" width="100" height="35" /></a></font>
265 <br>
266 <br>
257 color="#6495ED"><b>Update</b></font><br>
267 258 <br> <br>
268 259 <font <font
269 size="4"
270 color="#6495ED"><b>Coming Attractions</b></font><br><br><font
271 260 size="2" size="2"
272 color="#FFFFFF">Valentine Cards soon to be in our Seasonal Gallery</font>
273 <br>
261 color="#FFFFFF">Looking for a certain kind of card? Voice your
262 opinion here!<br>
263 <a
264 href=
265 ";cpv=1"
266 target="new"><img
267 src=""
268 border="0"
269 width="100"
270 height="35"></a></font><br>
274 271 <br> <br>
275 272 <br> <br>
276 273 <font <font
... ... Gallery</option>
287 284 size="2">Want to have a link to this site from yours? Download size="2">Want to have a link to this site from yours? Download
288 285 this logo to your computer, or visit this <a this logo to your computer, or visit this <a
289 286 href="copyright.htm" href="copyright.htm"
290 target="new">page</a> for other logos to use.</font>
291 <br><br><br>
287 target="new">page</a> for other logos to use.</font><br>
288 <br>
289 <br>
292 290 <font <font
293 291 size="4" size="4"
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File collar.htm changed (mode: 100644) (index 2693d50..329395e)
1 <HTML>
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3 <TITLE>Gor on Earth: Sanctuary</TITLE>
4 <meta name="Keywords" content="slavery, submission, D/s, Master, Norman, Gor, Gorean, slave, kajira">
5 <meta name="Description" content="Slave-oriented section of a site discussing consentual slavery and Master/slave relationships as lived 24/7">
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21 <basefont face="Times New Roman" size=4 color="#33463A"><center>
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24 <P><P><P><P>
25 <table border="2" cellpadding="35" cellspacing="0" width="90%" background="images/kaylee/background/softfrost.gif" bordercolordark="#773A22" bordercolorlight="#FFF7E0">
26 <tr>
27 <td width="100%">
28 <BR><center><img src="images/kaylee/background/necklace1.gif"></center><BR><BR>
29 <font face="Times New Roman" color="#773A22">
30 <blockquote><B>"To know what it is to be a slave one must be in the collar, one must be a slave."<BR>--p.286, Vagabonds of Gor, John Norman</b><P></font> </blockquote>
32 <font face="Times New Roman" color="#0D0146">
33 On the planet Gor, there were no uncollared slaves running around, unless they were runaways or escapees. As property, they were always owned, or they were free. Not every woman wearing a collar was best suited for slavery, and not every natural slave bore steel around her throat. At best, the girl was lucky if her nature and status were matched.<P>
35 In a consensual society where slavery is not recognised legally, much more focus is placed on the slavegirl's nature, not her status. Therefore, she may be unowned but still of a slave nature, and indicate as such without switching her status back and forth from free to slave. Rather, she is in the difficult position of owned vs unowned. <P></font>
37 <blockquote> <font color="#773A22"> <B>"The collar," I said, touching it, "is put on from without, but what it encircles, the slave, comes from within." <BR>--pg.210, Savages of Gor, John Norman </b><P></blockquote></font>
39 <font face="Times New Roman" color="#0D0146">
40 So what does a collar mean? It signifies ownership and possession. It indicates to the public not only her nature but the identity of her owner. It is an external symbol of her enslavement, something extremely strong and yet intangible. <P></font>
42 <blockquote>
43 <font color="#773A22"><B>"'What is the common purpose of a collar?' <BR>
44 'The collar has four common purposes, Master,' she said. <BR>
45 'First, it visibly designates me as a slave, as a brand might not, <BR>if it should be covered by clothing. <BR>
46 Second, it impresses my slavery upon me. <BR>
47 Thirdly, it identifies my master. Fourthly�fourthly�'<BR>
48 'Fourthly?' he said.<BR>
49 'Fourthly,' she said, 'it makes it easier to leash me.'"<BR>
51 <font face="Times New Roman" color="#0D0146">kaylee has seen many girls who first enter Gor that in order to be there, they *need* a collar, personal or tavern. To kaylee, that seems backwards. Without knowing who you are, how can one commit to such a deep level of ownership to another? The pressure put on girls seems enormous: a new girl hears that perhaps men view owned slaves differently, that perhaps the collar protects a slave from being pleasing to others, that her life is easier because she belongs to another, that a girl with steel on her neck is more desirable than one without.<P>
53 From someone who was unowned and is now owned: it doesn't mean *everything*. It doesn't change who you are inside.<P>
55 We all were unowned once. Chances are, we might be unowned again at some point in our lives. Bearing a man's collar does not excuse us from striving to please men. Ask yourself what this collar protects you from. From having to serve men you don't like? From being corrected by any Free person who takes the time to teach you? That is part of being kajira. And if you answer, honestly, from being thrown to a sleen... well, kaylee doesn't know what to tell you. <P>
57 A collar is not a "get out of jail free" card. We have just as much to lose as the uncollared girl, if not more. We must be on our toes and think quickly in situations where our owner is not there to guide us. We don't get to ride on past successes just because there is steel around our necks... we find that we are still expected to learn and grow each day. But we also learn at the feet of each Freeperson we are fortunate enough to serve. A collar indicates you are proclaiming yourself as slave: particularly as an owned one; expect to be treated as one. And that is something from which a "training" collar or little white silks cannot protect you.<P>
59 A collar will not validate you. <P>
61 Nor is the symbol of a collar required for a girl to become emotionally enslaved to a man. <P></font>
63 <blockquote><font color="#773A22"><B>"The condition of slavery does not require the collar, or the brand, or an anklet, bracelet or ring, or any such overt sign of bondage. Such things, as symbolic as they are, as profoundly meaningful as they are, and as useful as they are for marking properties, identifying masters, and such, are not necessary to slavery. They are, in effect, though their affixing can legally effect imbondment, ultimately, in themselves, tokens of bondage, and are not to be confused with the reality itself. The uncollared slave is not then a free woman but only a slave who is not then in a collar. Similarly a slave is still a slave even if her brand could be made to magically disappear or, if she has been made a slave in some other way, if she has not yet been branded."<BR>
64 --pg. 273, Renegades of Gor, John Norman </b></blockquote><P></font>
66 <font face="Times New Roman" color="#0D0146">A collar will not make you into something better than you are, deep inside. If a girl is nothing, who wants to own "nothing"? It is not meant to serve as an esteem booster. It will not assure you that men will see you of value. No steel is guaranteed for life: situations change. Fate happens, deaths happen, people evolve, men change their minds. That girl who's neck is bare, the one that you whisper is worthless because she's been in Gor for six months without being owned? You may be in her place one day. <P>
68 Worse yet... a collar is not the equivilant of going steady, wearing someone's class ring around your neck (literally). Can they truly own you, in a few days? Do they know who you are, deep down in your hidden alcoves of your soul and do you know the man you kneel before?<P></font>
70 <blockquote><font color="#773A22"><B>"Consider the matter of marriage. Most women, prior to marriage, do not truly know the man they are marrying. They will come to know him, truly, only in living with him, his. It is natural, then, that a woman should enter into such a relation with a certain amount of trepidation. How much more so, then, must this be the case with the female slave, whose new master, one who will have total power over her, is likely to be a total stranger, a fellow whom she has probably never even seen before her sale. Is he going to enfold her lovingly in his arms, and master her, and cherish her as a treasure, or is he going to feed her to sleen? She does not know. You strive desperately to please him. You are his. You hope for the best."<BR>
71 --pg.416, Kajira of Gor, John Norman</b></blockquote><P></font>
73 <font face="Times New Roman" color="#0D0146">Ownership is an absolute condition. One cannot be partially owned. To be owned means one lays her life at another's feet. It means that someone else has the final say so if they choose to use it in your life. That applies to all aspects that the man chooses to exercise it in, be it something as simple as how you wear your hair to something infinitely more difficult as career choices or childbearing. As this is a consensual society, and not Gor where the girl might not have a choice in who owns her... it behooves any girl to learn as much about the man as possible before begging his steel.<P>
75 Some men may own possessions but not wish to do much with them other than pull them out on occasion, brush the dust off them, and enjoy them for a limited time. Another man might polish and care for his possessions, testing their limits and abilities, and find much pleasure in their mere existence in the man's life. Either way, the man is completely within his rights to treat his possessions as he chooses, it is smart for the girl to discover the kind of man he is prior to even considering enslavement to him, to ensure she can and will be able to please him as he wishes. What type of collar are you hoping to wear?<P></font>
77 <blockquote><font color="#773A22"><B>"It is one thing to own a woman, and it is another to have her within the bonds of an excellent mastery." <BR>-- p. 465 Magicians of Gor, John Norman</b></blockquote><P></font>
79 <font face="Times New Roman" color="#0D0146">It is natural to want to be owned. It is natural to desire to progress in your journey. But if that is your sole reason for begging a collar... kaylee would say the collar will be ill fitting. It is not the girl's agenda that counts. It is the owner's. It is not so much that a girl *wants* to be owned, but rather that when he claims her, she can deny it no longer. <P>
81 If you can walk away, if you can say no, if you can place your will above his, you are not enslaved to him. You are not owned, at least, not yet. Becoming owned may be the last choice of free will a slave may make, if she chooses it well.<P></font>
83 <blockquote><font color="#773A22"><B>"`Is it true she begged bondage,' asked Boabissia, `that she chose slavery of her own free will?'<BR>
84 `Yes,' I said.<BR>
85 `What a fool,' said Boabissia.<BR>
86 `Perhaps,' I said. To be sure, such a decision should not be made lightly. <BR>Such a decision may be made of one's own free will, <BR>but it cannot be revoked by one's own free will, <BR>for, after it is made, one is then helpless to alter or influence <BR>one's new condition in any way."<BR>
87 --pg.234, Mercenaries of Gor, John Norman</b></blockquote><P></font>
89 <font face="Times New Roman" color="#0D0146">Being owned can be the most fulfilling emotion for a woman, if the collar is right. It is something that cannot be explained unless it is experienced firsthand. But to become collared for the wrong reasons can strip away some of the significance until all that remains is a pretty necklace with little or no value.<P>
91 What these well meaning advisors to new slaves often forget to mention is that ownership is surrendering all rights to another. That includes the right to walk away when it becomes hard, or when you realise you might not know the person as well as you first thought you did with stars in your eyes. It means that you might have to face the consequences for a hasty, poorly thought out decision. It is more than falling in love, or trusting him with her heart.... a broken heart may heal. The steel may last longer than the infatuation. <P>
93 It is trusting him with her life. <P>
95 So listen to those who warn that Gor is dangerous without a collar... they are speaking of well meaning predators like themselves, who use the excuse of "protection" to collar a girl, and will discard you just as easily. Be one of the girls who 's need to belong to someone, anyone, is so great that it overrides all else, and collects various collars on her bedpost without actually knowing the depth of ownership. <P>But if you need a collar to validate the person you are - then look within - because there is something missing that a steel necklace cannot change.<P><BR><BR><BR></font>
96 <center><BR><BR>
97 <a href="kayindex.htm"><img border=0 src="images/kaylee/background/steelhome.gif" alt="Home"></a>
98 <BR><BR><BR>
99 <font face="Times New Roman" color="#773A22" size=2><I>Words and page design �2001 kaylee<br>
100 Visit <a href="copyright.htm"></a> for our site's copyright policy.</i></font><BR></center>
101 </td>
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103 </table><BR><BR><BR><BR>
104 </BODY>
105 </HTML>
1 <HTML>
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3 <TITLE>Gor on Earth: Sanctuary</TITLE>
4 <meta name="Keywords" content="slavery, submission, D/s, Master, Norman, Gor, Gorean, slave, kajira">
5 <meta name="Description" content="Slave-oriented section of a site discussing consentual slavery and Master/slave relationships as lived 24/7">
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24 <P><P><P><P>
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26 <tr>
27 <td width="100%">
28 <BR><center><img src="images/kaylee/background/necklace1.gif"></center><BR><BR>
29 <font face="Times New Roman" color="#773A22">
30 <blockquote><B>"To know what it is to be a slave one must be in the collar, one must be a slave."<BR>--p.286, Vagabonds of Gor, John Norman</b><P></font> </blockquote>
32 <font face="Times New Roman" color="#0D0146">
33 On the planet Gor, there were no uncollared slaves running around, unless they were runaways or escapees. As property, they were always owned, or they were free. Not every woman wearing a collar was best suited for slavery, and not every natural slave bore steel around her throat. At best, the girl was lucky if her nature and status were matched.<P>
35 In a consensual society where slavery is not recognised legally, much more focus is placed on the slavegirl's nature, not her status. Therefore, she may be unowned but still of a slave nature, and indicate as such without switching her status back and forth from free to slave. Rather, she is in the difficult position of owned vs unowned. <P></font>
37 <blockquote> <font color="#773A22"> <B>"The collar," I said, touching it, "is put on from without, but what it encircles, the slave, comes from within." <BR>--pg.210, Savages of Gor, John Norman </b><P></blockquote></font>
39 <font face="Times New Roman" color="#0D0146">
40 So what does a collar mean? It signifies ownership and possession. It indicates to the public not only her nature but the identity of her owner. It is an external symbol of her enslavement, something extremely strong and yet intangible. <P></font>
42 <blockquote>
43 <font color="#773A22"><B>"'What is the common purpose of a collar?' <BR>
44 'The collar has four common purposes, Master,' she said. <BR>
45 'First, it visibly designates me as a slave, as a brand might not, <BR>if it should be covered by clothing. <BR>
46 Second, it impresses my slavery upon me. <BR>
47 Thirdly, it identifies my master. Fourthly�fourthly�'<BR>
48 'Fourthly?' he said.<BR>
49 'Fourthly,' she said, 'it makes it easier to leash me.'"<BR>
50 -- p. 80 Explorers of Gor, John Norman </b></blockquote><P></font>
52 <font face="Times New Roman" color="#0D0146">kaylee has seen many girls who first enter Gor that in order to be there, they *need* a collar, personal or tavern. To kaylee, that seems backwards. Without knowing who you are, how can one commit to such a deep level of ownership to another? The pressure put on girls seems enormous: a new girl hears that perhaps men view owned slaves differently, that perhaps the collar protects a slave from being pleasing to others, that her life is easier because she belongs to another, that a girl with steel on her neck is more desirable than one without.<P>
54 From someone who was unowned and is now owned: it doesn't mean *everything*. It doesn't change who you are inside.<P>
56 We all were unowned once. Chances are, we might be unowned again at some point in our lives. Bearing a man's collar does not excuse us from striving to please men. Ask yourself what this collar protects you from. From having to serve men you don't like? From being corrected by any Free person who takes the time to teach you? That is part of being kajira. And if you answer, honestly, from being thrown to a sleen... well, kaylee doesn't know what to tell you. <P>
58 A collar is not a "get out of jail free" card. We have just as much to lose as the uncollared girl, if not more. We must be on our toes and think quickly in situations where our owner is not there to guide us. We don't get to ride on past successes just because there is steel around our necks... we find that we are still expected to learn and grow each day. But we also learn at the feet of each Freeperson we are fortunate enough to serve. A collar indicates you are proclaiming yourself as slave: particularly as an owned one; expect to be treated as one. And that is something from which a "training" collar or little white silks cannot protect you.<P>
60 A collar will not validate you. <P>
62 Nor is the symbol of a collar required for a girl to become emotionally enslaved to a man. <P></font>
64 <blockquote><font color="#773A22"><B>"The condition of slavery does not require the collar, or the brand, or an anklet, bracelet or ring, or any such overt sign of bondage. Such things, as symbolic as they are, as profoundly meaningful as they are, and as useful as they are for marking properties, identifying masters, and such, are not necessary to slavery. They are, in effect, though their affixing can legally effect imbondment, ultimately, in themselves, tokens of bondage, and are not to be confused with the reality itself. The uncollared slave is not then a free woman but only a slave who is not then in a collar. Similarly a slave is still a slave even if her brand could be made to magically disappear or, if she has been made a slave in some other way, if she has not yet been branded."<BR>
65 --pg. 273, Renegades of Gor, John Norman </b></blockquote><P></font>
67 <font face="Times New Roman" color="#0D0146">A collar will not make you into something better than you are, deep inside. If a girl is nothing, who wants to own "nothing"? It is not meant to serve as an esteem booster. It will not assure you that men will see you of value. No steel is guaranteed for life: situations change. Fate happens, deaths happen, people evolve, men change their minds. That girl who's neck is bare, the one that you whisper is worthless because she's been in Gor for six months without being owned? You may be in her place one day. <P>
69 Worse yet... a collar is not the equivilant of going steady, wearing someone's class ring around your neck (literally). Can they truly own you, in a few days? Do they know who you are, deep down in your hidden alcoves of your soul and do you know the man you kneel before?<P></font>
71 <blockquote><font color="#773A22"><B>"Consider the matter of marriage. Most women, prior to marriage, do not truly know the man they are marrying. They will come to know him, truly, only in living with him, his. It is natural, then, that a woman should enter into such a relation with a certain amount of trepidation. How much more so, then, must this be the case with the female slave, whose new master, one who will have total power over her, is likely to be a total stranger, a fellow whom she has probably never even seen before her sale. Is he going to enfold her lovingly in his arms, and master her, and cherish her as a treasure, or is he going to feed her to sleen? She does not know. You strive desperately to please him. You are his. You hope for the best."<BR>
72 --pg.416, Kajira of Gor, John Norman</b></blockquote><P></font>
74 <font face="Times New Roman" color="#0D0146">Ownership is an absolute condition. One cannot be partially owned. To be owned means one lays her life at another's feet. It means that someone else has the final say so if they choose to use it in your life. That applies to all aspects that the man chooses to exercise it in, be it something as simple as how you wear your hair to something infinitely more difficult as career choices or childbearing. As this is a consensual society, and not Gor where the girl might not have a choice in who owns her... it behooves any girl to learn as much about the man as possible before begging his steel.<P>
76 Some men may own possessions but not wish to do much with them other than pull them out on occasion, brush the dust off them, and enjoy them for a limited time. Another man might polish and care for his possessions, testing their limits and abilities, and find much pleasure in their mere existence in the man's life. Either way, the man is completely within his rights to treat his possessions as he chooses, it is smart for the girl to discover the kind of man he is prior to even considering enslavement to him, to ensure she can and will be able to please him as he wishes. What type of collar are you hoping to wear?<P></font>
78 <blockquote><font color="#773A22"><B>"It is one thing to own a woman, and it is another to have her within the bonds of an excellent mastery." <BR>-- p. 465 Magicians of Gor, John Norman</b></blockquote><P></font>
80 <font face="Times New Roman" color="#0D0146">It is natural to want to be owned. It is natural to desire to progress in your journey. But if that is your sole reason for begging a collar... kaylee would say the collar will be ill fitting. It is not the girl's agenda that counts. It is the owner's. It is not so much that a girl *wants* to be owned, but rather that when he claims her, she can deny it no longer. <P>
82 If you can walk away, if you can say no, if you can place your will above his, you are not enslaved to him. You are not owned, at least, not yet. Becoming owned may be the last choice of free will a slave may make, if she chooses it well.<P></font>
84 <blockquote><font color="#773A22"><B>"`Is it true she begged bondage,' asked Boabissia, `that she chose slavery of her own free will?'<BR>
85 `Yes,' I said.<BR>
86 `What a fool,' said Boabissia.<BR>
87 `Perhaps,' I said. To be sure, such a decision should not be made lightly. <BR>Such a decision may be made of one's own free will, <BR>but it cannot be revoked by one's own free will, <BR>for, after it is made, one is then helpless to alter or influence <BR>one's new condition in any way."<BR>
88 --pg.234, Mercenaries of Gor, John Norman</b></blockquote><P></font>
90 <font face="Times New Roman" color="#0D0146">Being owned can be the most fulfilling emotion for a woman, if the collar is right. It is something that cannot be explained unless it is experienced firsthand. But to become collared for the wrong reasons can strip away some of the significance until all that remains is a pretty necklace with little or no value.<P>
92 What these well meaning advisors to new slaves often forget to mention is that ownership is surrendering all rights to another. That includes the right to walk away when it becomes hard, or when you realise you might not know the person as well as you first thought you did with stars in your eyes. It means that you might have to face the consequences for a hasty, poorly thought out decision. It is more than falling in love, or trusting him with her heart.... a broken heart may heal. The steel may last longer than the infatuation. <P>
94 It is trusting him with her life. <P>
96 So listen to those who warn that Gor is dangerous without a collar... they are speaking of well meaning predators like themselves, who use the excuse of "protection" to collar a girl, and will discard you just as easily. Be one of the girls who 's need to belong to someone, anyone, is so great that it overrides all else, and collects various collars on her bedpost without actually knowing the depth of ownership. <P>But if you need a collar to validate the person you are - then look within - because there is something missing that a steel necklace cannot change.<P><BR><BR><BR></font>
97 <center><BR><BR>
98 <a href="kayindex.htm"><img border=0 src="images/kaylee/background/steelhome.gif" alt="Home"></a>
99 <BR><BR><BR>
100 <font face="Times New Roman" color="#773A22" size=2><I>Words and page design �2001 kaylee<br>
101 Visit <a href="copyright.htm"></a> for our site's copyright policy.</i></font><BR></center>
102 </td>
103 </tr>
104 </table><BR><BR><BR><BR>
105 </BODY>
106 </HTML>
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80 <blockquote>
81 <p
82 class="quote">All essays on the Gor on Earth site are original.
83 If you find something you enjoy on this site, and would like to
84 share one of our essays with others, please feel free to
85 distribute the web address for the main site, or for the specific
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88 <p
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97 <p
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101 Please, do not quote any of the e-cards with original words
102 without credit or permission.</p>
104 <p
105 class="quote">In several essays on this site, quotes are
106 provided from the text of the Gor books. Each of these quotes are
107 written by John Norman, the author of the Gor novels, and the
108 pages indicated in the source are from the original printing of
109 the series. The first seven books of the series were originally
110 published by Ballentine Books, Inc. and the remainder of the
111 series (books eight through twenty five) were published by DAW
112 Books. For more information on where to purchase the books,
113 please visit this <a
114 href="books.htm"
115 target="new">page.</a></p>
117 <br>
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120 <p>For more information on copyright laws, please visit the
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138 <br>
139 <p
140 class="quote">If you wish to add a link from your site to Gor on
141 Earth, Reflections of the Soul, or Sanctuary: A Collection of
142 Slave Musings, please do. You're more than welcome to use these
143 logos as a link from your site to ours.</p>
145 <p
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80 <blockquote>
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82 class="quote">All essays on the Gor on Earth site are original.
83 If you find something you enjoy on this site, and would like to
84 share one of our essays with others, please feel free to
85 distribute the web address for the main site, or for the specific
86 essay.</p>
88 <p
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91 like to seek permission to reprint one of the essays, please <a
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93 also covers any original web designs or cards created for this
94 site- they may not be used without permission- either the
95 graphics, or the original words.</p>
97 <p
98 class="quote">You may certainly quote from or refer to any of
99 the essays; a link to the original essay is required so others
100 can find the quote in its full context from the direct source.
101 Please, do not quote any of the e-cards with original words
102 without credit or permission.</p>
104 <p
105 class="quote">In several essays on this site, quotes are
106 provided from the text of the Gor books. Each of these quotes are
107 written by John Norman, the author of the Gor novels, and the
108 pages indicated in the source are from the original printing of
109 the series. The first seven books of the series were originally
110 published by Ballentine Books, Inc. and the remainder of the
111 series (books eight through twenty five) were published by DAW
112 Books. For more information on where to purchase the books,
113 please visit this <a
114 href="books.htm"
115 target="new">page.</a></p>
117 <br>
118 <br>
119 <center>
120 <p>For more information on copyright laws, please visit the
121 following links:</p>
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139 <p
140 class="quote">If you wish to add a link from your site to Gor on
141 Earth, Reflections of the Soul, or Sanctuary: A Collection of
142 Slave Musings, please do. You're more than welcome to use these
143 logos as a link from your site to ours.</p>
145 <p
146 class="quote">Please right click on the graphic you like, and
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148 regarding this site's copyright policy or questions regarding the
149 banners, please feel free to <a
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156 is listed.<br>
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200 <b>Reflections of the Soul</b><br>
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206 alt="Reflections of the Soul Logo"><br>
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212 <br>
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214 <br>
215 <br>
216 <b>Sanctuary: a collection of slave musings</b><br>
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226 For other resources used in the creation of this site, visit our <a href="specialthanks.htm">'Special Thanks'</a> page.
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19 last-modified: Tue, 20 Jul 2004 23:09:13 GMT
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File essayindex.htm changed (mode: 100644) (index 0150438..fee621b)
... ... color:white;
31 31 <meta <meta
33 33 content= content=
34 "A collection of essays discussing the Gorean philosophy as depicted in John Norman's Gor series and it' application in everyday life here on Earth">
34 "A collection of essays discussing the Gorean philosophy as depicted in John Norman's Gor series and it' application in everyday life here on Earth. Special sections include enslavement, lifestyle; also excellent resource section and eCards.">
35 35 <meta <meta
36 36 name="keywords" name="keywords"
37 37 content= content=
38 "Gor,consensual slavery,Gorean philosophy,Gorean lifestyle,Master,slave">
38 "Gor,consensual slavery,Gorean philosophy,Gorean lifestyle,Master,slave,kajira, ecards">
39 39 <meta <meta
40 40 name="robots" name="robots"
41 41 content="index, follow"> content="index, follow">
... ... visit the Slave Musings section of this site.</p>
397 397 <p <p
398 398 class="title">Human Nature</p> class="title">Human Nature</p>
399 399
400 <b><a
401 href="naturestatus.htm">Nature vs. Status</a></b><br>
400 <a
401 href="naturestatus.htm">Nature vs. Status</a><br>
402 402 <a <a
403 403 href="unmastered.htm">Owned but Unmastered</a><br> href="unmastered.htm">Owned but Unmastered</a><br>
404 404 <i><a <i><a
... ... visit the Slave Musings section of this site.</p>
423 423 <p <p
424 424 class="title">Lifestyle</p> class="title">Lifestyle</p>
425 425
426 <b><a
427 href="mainstream.htm">Gor in the Mainstream</a></b><br>
426 <a
427 href="mainstream.htm">Gor in the Mainstream</a><br>
428 428 <a <a
429 429 href="marking.htm">Slave Markings</a><br> href="marking.htm">Slave Markings</a><br>
430 430 <i><a <i><a
... ... visit the Slave Musings section of this site.</p>
452 452 <br> <br>
453 453 <p <p
454 454 class="title">Enslavement</p> class="title">Enslavement</p>
456 <i><b><a
455 <i><b><a
456 href="gift.htm"
457 target="new">The 'Gift'</a></b></i><br>
458 <i><b><a
459 href="lib.htm"
460 target="new">Women's lib and the submissive female</a></b></i><br>
461 <i><b><a
462 href="envy.htm"
463 target="new">Jealousy and Envy</a></b></i><br>
464 <i><a
457 465 href="cornerstones.htm" href="cornerstones.htm"
458 target="new">Cornerstones</a></b></i><br>
466 target="new">Cornerstones</a></i><br>
459 467 <i><a <i><a
460 468 href="collar.htm" href="collar.htm"
461 469 target="new">A Necklace of Steel</a></i><br> target="new">A Necklace of Steel</a></i><br>
... ... visit the Slave Musings section of this site.</p>
515 523 <p <p
516 524 class="title">Online Gor</p> class="title">Online Gor</p>
517 525
526 <b><i><a
527 href="value.htm">Measuring One's Value</a></i></b><br>
518 528 <i><a <i><a
519 529 href="letter.htm">Letter to a new girl</a></i><br> href="letter.htm">Letter to a new girl</a></i><br>
520 530 <a <a
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17 This site is a library of essays written on Gorean philosophy, as it pertains to living this lifestyle on earth. No paga, no tarns, no Priest Kings. Just the ideals Norman laid out in his novels, to be lived on this world by real people.<P>
18 The essays are primarily addressed to an audience already familiar with the world and the ideas of the novels; while strangers to Gor might certainly enjoy or learn from them, they might find that the excellent <A HREF ="">Silk and Steel</A> website provides an incredible wealth of information about both the culture and the philosophies described in the Gor novels, which might be useful in providing context for the writings on this site. <P>The owner welcomes questions, comments, and submissions to the site. <BR>May you find the words here interesting and enlightening- enjoy!</font>
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73 <p
74 class="bodytext">kaylee can only give her perspective on Natural
75 Order, and hope that she is pleasing in doing so, or taught where
76 her thinking becomes flawed. For kaylee... one of the most basic
77 tenets of Gorean philosophy is the celebration of gender
78 differences. Women are *not* men, nor vice versa. They are
79 different, and to suppress those differences is *unnatural*.
80 Thus, the two genders are not equals, never will be equal
81 naturally (although legally, depending on the culture, they may
82 enjoy the same rights), and when the society in itself creates a
83 system in which gender is separated in terms of rights and
84 status, well, the differences are even more apparent than in an
85 "all men, women, slaves are created equal" type society.</p>
87 <p
88 class="bodytext">This girl did not say that men are superior to
89 women, nor that in recognizing the differences in gender, women
90 are inferior to men. They are simply different. And while men are
91 built physically, rationally, or in other ways superior for some
92 things, there are attributes to women that *might* surpass the
93 men's abilities and attributes. However, at times, a woman's
94 strength might be greater than a weak males, or her eyesight
95 better, her own will stronger than a weaker person's or her
96 intelligence, etc.</p>
98 <center><img
99 src="images/kaylee/buttons/golddiv.jpg"
100 height="22"
101 width="389"
102 alt="divider"></center>
104 <br>
105 <br>
108 <p
109 class="bodytext">The natural order for Dominance and submission,
110 for kaylee is simple: a person yields to a force more dominant,
111 and controls what naturally submits under it. It was stated in a
112 discussion forum: "It can be argued that Males dominant this
113 group." kaylee would have to say that men are biologically more
114 strongly predisposed towards dominance, both physically and
115 emotionally.</p>
117 <p
118 class="bodytext">Ideally, all men would be strong. Even so...
119 there would be differences in the level of strengths. It is human
120 nature to have those variances.But Gor is not for the masses, in
121 this girl's opinion. Gor is about celebrating the exceptional
122 individual (the "survival of the fittest" theory). Strong men can
123 control strong women. Strong men control weaker men. Strong women
124 can control weaker men. And strong women control weaker women.
125 Perhaps that is how the concept of "first girl" can work so well,
126 because there are slaves who can assume the responsibility given
127 to them to exert control over the other girls of the chain in
128 order to serve their Owner better. It doesn't make them any less
129 of a slave for having that position, which is given to them (or
130 removed) at an Owner's discretion, and they are still, at all
131 times, subject to the Masters or Mistresses' mercy.</p>
133 <p
134 class="bodytext">It's a natural progression, without the
135 pretense of mass equality.</p>
137 <p
138 class="bodytext">The power exerted over someone can take the
139 form of financial, emotional, legal, or physical, amongst others.
140 Some forces may or may not be recognized in this culture here,
141 and represent a major difference from the books, where slavery
142 was a thriving, legally enforced social structure. It is
143 precisely that lack of power which keeps kaylee from kneeling
144 before her mailman, begging for the daily mail. (However, if he
145 exerted some other form of power, such as withholding the mail,
146 forcing her physically, or Master applying the force to make her
147 beg for it, she would do so.) Add in the everpresent force of a
148 slave's own innate desire to be pleasing, as well as to
149 relinquish control and surrender, and the result grows even
150 deeper.</p>
152 <center><img
153 src="images/kaylee/buttons/golddiv.jpg"
154 height="22"
155 width="389"
156 alt="divider"></center>
158 <br>
159 <br>
162 <p
163 class="bodytext">By entering a Gorean community, in which the
164 social structure does give free men and women power over slaves,
165 as they are at their mercy (to change names, be gagged,
166 disciplined, not allowed to express their slavery through
167 service), there is power given to those social classes which the
168 individual may or may not be able to command on his/her own. This
169 is particularly true for men, they retain more rights and powers
170 than a free woman does. Does kaylee's belly burn deeply for each
171 and every male, based on their own attributes? Not necessarily.
172 She used to watch other girls trembling at the feet of every man
173 the girl approached, and wondered... "am I not a slave? I don't
174 feel that." She felt even more confused particularly if the man
175 demonstrates he is yielding to the girl through his comments and
176 interactions, and yet, the girl still trembled. Perhaps kaylee is
177 just a "confident stride, sassy strut" kinda slave. ;) Except in
178 the presence of strong men, somehow she tends to have a
179 breathing, shivering problem that arises then.</p>
181 <center><img
182 src="images/kaylee/buttons/golddiv.jpg"
183 height="22"
184 width="389"
185 alt="divider"></center>
187 <br>
188 <br>
191 <p
192 class="bodytext">The question does arise: is kaylee practicing
193 selective slavery? she doesn't think so. Her belly burns without
194 a conscious decision on who to burn for. The strong who affect
195 her deeply... even if she doesn't want to burn for them... well,
196 she has no choice. It is deeper than she can fight and it is
197 *involuntary*. And because of the slave she is, she would not be
198 able to resist their will.</p>
200 <p
201 class="bodytext">This is why she normally answers that Gor is
202 about celebrating gender differences, and following the natural
203 progression of who one truly is, regardless of societal
204 constraints - instead of just applying the term "Natural
205 Order".</p>
207 <br>
208 <br>
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266 height="37"
267 width="162"></a></center>
269 <br>
270 <br>
271 <center>This page features the painting <i>Phryn&eacute; before
272 the Areopagus</i> by Jean-L&eacute;on
273 G&eacute;r&ocirc;me.</center>
275 <br>
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54 width="100%"><br>
57 <center><img
58 src="images/kaylee/title/natordtitle.jpg"
59 height="130"
60 width="650"
61 alt="title"></center>
63 <br>
64 <br>
65 <img
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67 align="right"
68 height="222"
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70 hspace="15"
71 alt="phryne">
73 <p
74 class="bodytext">kaylee can only give her perspective on Natural
75 Order, and hope that she is pleasing in doing so, or taught where
76 her thinking becomes flawed. For kaylee... one of the most basic
77 tenets of Gorean philosophy is the celebration of gender
78 differences. Women are *not* men, nor vice versa. They are
79 different, and to suppress those differences is *unnatural*.
80 Thus, the two genders are not equals, never will be equal
81 naturally (although legally, depending on the culture, they may
82 enjoy the same rights), and when the society in itself creates a
83 system in which gender is separated in terms of rights and
84 status, well, the differences are even more apparent than in an
85 "all men, women, slaves are created equal" type society.</p>
87 <p
88 class="bodytext">This girl did not say that men are superior to
89 women, nor that in recognizing the differences in gender, women
90 are inferior to men. They are simply different. And while men are
91 built physically, rationally, or in other ways superior for some
92 things, there are attributes to women that *might* surpass the
93 men's abilities and attributes. However, at times, a woman's
94 strength might be greater than a weak males, or her eyesight
95 better, her own will stronger than a weaker person's or her
96 intelligence, etc.</p>
98 <center><img
99 src="images/kaylee/buttons/golddiv.jpg"
100 height="22"
101 width="389"
102 alt="divider"></center>
104 <br>
105 <br>
108 <p
109 class="bodytext">The natural order for Dominance and submission,
110 for kaylee is simple: a person yields to a force more dominant,
111 and controls what naturally submits under it. It was stated in a
112 discussion forum: "It can be argued that Males dominant this
113 group." kaylee would have to say that men are biologically more
114 strongly predisposed towards dominance, both physically and
115 emotionally.</p>
117 <p
118 class="bodytext">Ideally, all men would be strong. Even so...
119 there would be differences in the level of strengths. It is human
120 nature to have those variances.But Gor is not for the masses, in
121 this girl's opinion. Gor is about celebrating the exceptional
122 individual (the "survival of the fittest" theory). Strong men can
123 control strong women. Strong men control weaker men. Strong women
124 can control weaker men. And strong women control weaker women.
125 Perhaps that is how the concept of "first girl" can work so well,
126 because there are slaves who can assume the responsibility given
127 to them to exert control over the other girls of the chain in
128 order to serve their Owner better. It doesn't make them any less
129 of a slave for having that position, which is given to them (or
130 removed) at an Owner's discretion, and they are still, at all
131 times, subject to the Masters or Mistresses' mercy.</p>
133 <p
134 class="bodytext">It's a natural progression, without the
135 pretense of mass equality.</p>
137 <p
138 class="bodytext">The power exerted over someone can take the
139 form of financial, emotional, legal, or physical, amongst others.
140 Some forces may or may not be recognized in this culture here,
141 and represent a major difference from the books, where slavery
142 was a thriving, legally enforced social structure. It is
143 precisely that lack of power which keeps kaylee from kneeling
144 before her mailman, begging for the daily mail. (However, if he
145 exerted some other form of power, such as withholding the mail,
146 forcing her physically, or Master applying the force to make her
147 beg for it, she would do so.) Add in the everpresent force of a
148 slave's own innate desire to be pleasing, as well as to
149 relinquish control and surrender, and the result grows even
150 deeper.</p>
152 <center><img
153 src="images/kaylee/buttons/golddiv.jpg"
154 height="22"
155 width="389"
156 alt="divider"></center>
158 <br>
159 <br>
162 <p
163 class="bodytext">By entering a Gorean community, in which the
164 social structure does give free men and women power over slaves,
165 as they are at their mercy (to change names, be gagged,
166 disciplined, not allowed to express their slavery through
167 service), there is power given to those social classes which the
168 individual may or may not be able to command on his/her own. This
169 is particularly true for men, they retain more rights and powers
170 than a free woman does. Does kaylee's belly burn deeply for each
171 and every male, based on their own attributes? Not necessarily.
172 She used to watch other girls trembling at the feet of every man
173 the girl approached, and wondered... "am I not a slave? I don't
174 feel that." She felt even more confused particularly if the man
175 demonstrates he is yielding to the girl through his comments and
176 interactions, and yet, the girl still trembled. Perhaps kaylee is
177 just a "confident stride, sassy strut" kinda slave. ;) Except in
178 the presence of strong men, somehow she tends to have a
179 breathing, shivering problem that arises then.</p>
181 <center><img
182 src="images/kaylee/buttons/golddiv.jpg"
183 height="22"
184 width="389"
185 alt="divider"></center>
187 <br>
188 <br>
191 <p
192 class="bodytext">The question does arise: is kaylee practicing
193 selective slavery? she doesn't think so. Her belly burns without
194 a conscious decision on who to burn for. The strong who affect
195 her deeply... even if she doesn't want to burn for them... well,
196 she has no choice. It is deeper than she can fight and it is
197 *involuntary*. And because of the slave she is, she would not be
198 able to resist their will.</p>
200 <p
201 class="bodytext">This is why she normally answers that Gor is
202 about celebrating gender differences, and following the natural
203 progression of who one truly is, regardless of societal
204 constraints - instead of just applying the term "Natural
205 Order".</p>
207 <br>
208 <br>
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232 alt="Next Essay"
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266 height="37"
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269 <br>
270 <br>
271 <center>This page features the painting <i>Phryn&eacute; before
272 the Areopagus</i> by Jean-L&eacute;on
273 G&eacute;r&ocirc;me.</center>
275 <br>
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72 width="100%"><br>
75 <center><img
76 src="images/kaylee/title/simulationtitle.gif"
77 height="367"
78 width="367"
79 alt="title"></center>
81 <br>
82 <br>
83 <center>
84 <p><i>"It's the fine line between simulating slavery and being
85 enslaved."</i></p>
86 </center>
88 <br>
91 <p><img
92 src="images/kaylee/background/gbgbullet.gif"
93 align="left"
94 height="37"
95 width="58"
96 hspace="0"
97 alt="bullet">This statement is not speaking of slave nature, but
98 of enslavement, and having known both sides of the screen...
99 kaylee would stand by that statement. Simulation is a healthy and
100 profoundly meaningful way to create an environment to explore
101 various aspects of slavery in a safe way, with all the emotions
102 that it invokes. She is not saying that those who are online only
103 are any less than slave in nature or that the emotions are not
104 real, quite the opposite. But the actual state of enslavement, in
105 that case, you cannot know as long as you have the safety of
106 being online in your exploration of slavery.</p>
108 <p>kaylee does not own property, including her own car, money, or
109 clothes. She could not leave the home permanently, due to this
110 very reason (not even enough money to fill up with more than one
111 full tank of gas), even if she wanted to. She cannot buy the
112 little things she used to when she had her own money, such as a
113 favorite brand of shampoo, or food, or clothing, and if she is
114 given the right to have her own bank account or purchase items,
115 it is as a convenience to him more than anything else. He's there
116 to enforce his preferences, whether it is quitting smoking,
117 caffiene, meat, etc.</p>
119 <p><img
120 src="images/kaylee/background/gbgbullet.gif"
121 align="left"
122 height="37"
123 width="58"
124 hspace="0"
125 alt="bullet">She has been marked permanently and has been told
126 that she can/will be marked with permanent penalty markings as he
127 chooses. Her choices in career are entirely up to him now, with a
128 real means of enforcing his choices.</p>
130 <p>This is all the time and it does have some challenges that the
131 online medium itself does not address. There's no erasing what
132 you type in before you post, there's no break because you had a
133 bad day and you can go unwind before logging on, and there is no
134 X key at the top of your screen. There's not even that split
135 second of pausing before you hit the enter key. You take the
136 consequences for what you do, and you cannot avoid them or even
137 have the option of not logging on, hiding on icq, or changing
138 your name.</p>
140 <p><img
141 src="images/kaylee/background/gbgbullet.gif"
142 align="left"
143 height="37"
144 width="58"
145 hspace="0"
146 alt="bullet">That being said... online does provide a safe and
147 fulfilling means to explore, through the simulation of various
148 aspects of slavery, including the different status of being
149 property, a slave's lack of owning property, body modifications,
150 punishment, being sold or traded. These situations can be
151 simulated, the same way we simulate a dance, or serving a drink.
152 We get out of it what we put into it, for example: if we
153 disregard the commands given online that might affect us offline
154 (ie, chit chatting in PMs while giving a Master her "full
155 attention", or not following punishment orders...) then we miss
156 the emotions that can be drawn out of such an experience. The
157 same can be said for exploring slavery online.</p>
159 <p>The difference is a very fine line, but a very real one.</p>
161 <p><img
162 src="images/kaylee/background/gbgbullet.gif"
163 align="left"
164 height="37"
165 width="58"
166 hspace="0"
167 alt="bullet">Others have the ability to come online or log off,
168 to answer the phone when he calls. The few moments you can walk
169 off and breathe deeply, and compose yourself if upset. The
170 financial ability to travel away from your home if you wished.
171 The fact that you do it willingly as a slave does not matter,
172 because the *option* is there and in that is a certain safety
173 cushion.</p>
175 <p>But when push comes to shove... online only cannot enforce his
176 will over yours if you are not willing.</p>
178 <p><img
179 src="images/kaylee/background/gbgbullet.gif"
180 align="left"
181 height="37"
182 width="58"
183 hspace="0"
184 alt="bullet">Simulation is never meant to be discussing a girl's
185 emotions, or slave nature, although those who don slavery as a
186 "role play" may simulate the nature, that is not why most of us
187 are here, and certainly would not apply. It is possible to get
188 incredibly realistic, and simulating slavery is *not* the same as
189 role playing, because the slave nature and emotions are
190 inherently present in all that you do.</p>
192 <p>It's not a matter of being "deeper" or more "slave", its just
193 the two situations are different from each other.</p>
195 <br>
196 <br>
197 <center><a
198 href="kayindex.htm"><img
199 border="0"
200 src="images/kaylee/buttons/simulationhome.gif"
201 alt="Back to the Sanctuary"></a></center>
203 <br>
204 <p
205 align="right"><font
206 size="2">All rights reserved. Graphic design and words �
207 Copyright 2001 kaylee<br>
208 Cannot be reproduced without the author's permission.</font></p>
209 </td>
210 </tr>
211 </table>
213 <br>
214 <br>
215 <center><font
216 size="2"
217 color="#E7DBB7">kaylee was generously permitted to feature
218 artwork by William Whitaker for this web graphic.<br>
219 To see more of his wonderful art, please visit his site at: <a
220 href=""
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222 Contact <a
223 href="">kaylee</a> if you are
224 interested in unique graphics created for your website.<br>
225 See <a
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21 TABLE {border-color: #E7DBB7;
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26 <meta
28 content=
29 "A collection of essays discussing to Gorean philosophy as depicted in John Norman's Gor series and its application in everyday life here on Earth">
30 <meta
31 http-equiv="Content-Type"
32 content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
33 <meta
34 name="keywords"
35 content=
36 "Gor,consensual slavery,Gorean philosophy,Gorean lifestyle,Master,slave">
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41 name="revisit"
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67 cellpadding="35"
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70 <tr>
71 <td
72 width="100%"><br>
75 <center><img
76 src="images/kaylee/title/simulationtitle.gif"
77 height="367"
78 width="367"
79 alt="title"></center>
81 <br>
82 <br>
83 <center>
84 <p><i>"It's the fine line between simulating slavery and being
85 enslaved."</i></p>
86 </center>
88 <br>
91 <p><img
92 src="images/kaylee/background/gbgbullet.gif"
93 align="left"
94 height="37"
95 width="58"
96 hspace="0"
97 alt="bullet">This statement is not speaking of slave nature, but
98 of enslavement, and having known both sides of the screen...
99 kaylee would stand by that statement. Simulation is a healthy and
100 profoundly meaningful way to create an environment to explore
101 various aspects of slavery in a safe way, with all the emotions
102 that it invokes. She is not saying that those who are online only
103 are any less than slave in nature or that the emotions are not
104 real, quite the opposite. But the actual state of enslavement, in
105 that case, you cannot know as long as you have the safety of
106 being online in your exploration of slavery.</p>
108 <p>kaylee does not own property, including her own car, money, or
109 clothes. She could not leave the home permanently, due to this
110 very reason (not even enough money to fill up with more than one
111 full tank of gas), even if she wanted to. She cannot buy the
112 little things she used to when she had her own money, such as a
113 favorite brand of shampoo, or food, or clothing, and if she is
114 given the right to have her own bank account or purchase items,
115 it is as a convenience to him more than anything else. He's there
116 to enforce his preferences, whether it is quitting smoking,
117 caffiene, meat, etc.</p>
119 <p><img
120 src="images/kaylee/background/gbgbullet.gif"
121 align="left"
122 height="37"
123 width="58"
124 hspace="0"
125 alt="bullet">She has been marked permanently and has been told
126 that she can/will be marked with permanent penalty markings as he
127 chooses. Her choices in career are entirely up to him now, with a
128 real means of enforcing his choices.</p>
130 <p>This is all the time and it does have some challenges that the
131 online medium itself does not address. There's no erasing what
132 you type in before you post, there's no break because you had a
133 bad day and you can go unwind before logging on, and there is no
134 X key at the top of your screen. There's not even that split
135 second of pausing before you hit the enter key. You take the
136 consequences for what you do, and you cannot avoid them or even
137 have the option of not logging on, hiding on icq, or changing
138 your name.</p>
140 <p><img
141 src="images/kaylee/background/gbgbullet.gif"
142 align="left"
143 height="37"
144 width="58"
145 hspace="0"
146 alt="bullet">That being said... online does provide a safe and
147 fulfilling means to explore, through the simulation of various
148 aspects of slavery, including the different status of being
149 property, a slave's lack of owning property, body modifications,
150 punishment, being sold or traded. These situations can be
151 simulated, the same way we simulate a dance, or serving a drink.
152 We get out of it what we put into it, for example: if we
153 disregard the commands given online that might affect us offline
154 (ie, chit chatting in PMs while giving a Master her "full
155 attention", or not following punishment orders...) then we miss
156 the emotions that can be drawn out of such an experience. The
157 same can be said for exploring slavery online.</p>
159 <p>The difference is a very fine line, but a very real one.</p>
161 <p><img
162 src="images/kaylee/background/gbgbullet.gif"
163 align="left"
164 height="37"
165 width="58"
166 hspace="0"
167 alt="bullet">Others have the ability to come online or log off,
168 to answer the phone when he calls. The few moments you can walk
169 off and breathe deeply, and compose yourself if upset. The
170 financial ability to travel away from your home if you wished.
171 The fact that you do it willingly as a slave does not matter,
172 because the *option* is there and in that is a certain safety
173 cushion.</p>
175 <p>But when push comes to shove... online only cannot enforce his
176 will over yours if you are not willing.</p>
178 <p><img
179 src="images/kaylee/background/gbgbullet.gif"
180 align="left"
181 height="37"
182 width="58"
183 hspace="0"
184 alt="bullet">Simulation is never meant to be discussing a girl's
185 emotions, or slave nature, although those who don slavery as a
186 "role play" may simulate the nature, that is not why most of us
187 are here, and certainly would not apply. It is possible to get
188 incredibly realistic, and simulating slavery is *not* the same as
189 role playing, because the slave nature and emotions are
190 inherently present in all that you do.</p>
192 <p>It's not a matter of being "deeper" or more "slave", its just
193 the two situations are different from each other.</p>
195 <br>
196 <br>
197 <center><a
198 href="kayindex.htm"><img
199 border="0"
200 src="images/kaylee/buttons/simulationhome.gif"
201 alt="Back to the Sanctuary"></a></center>
203 <br>
204 <p
205 align="right"><font
206 size="2">All rights reserved. Graphic design and words �
207 Copyright 2001 kaylee<br>
208 Cannot be reproduced without the author's permission.</font></p>
209 </td>
210 </tr>
211 </table>
213 <br>
214 <br>
215 <center><font
216 size="2"
217 color="#E7DBB7">kaylee was generously permitted to feature
218 artwork by William Whitaker for this web graphic.<br>
219 To see more of his wonderful art, please visit his site at: <a
220 href=""
221 target="new"></a><br>
222 Contact <a
223 href="">kaylee</a> if you are
224 interested in unique graphics created for your website.<br>
225 See <a
226 href="copyright.htm">this page</a> for our copyright
227 policy.</font></center>
229 <br>
230 <br>
231 <p><a
232 href=""><img
233 border="0"
234 src=""
235 alt="Valid HTML 4.01!"
236 height="31"
237 width="88"></a></p>
238 </div>
239 </center>
240 </body>
241 </html>
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8 <meta
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11 "A collection of essays discussing to Gorean philosophy as depicted in John Norman's Gor series and its application in everyday life here on Earth">
12 <meta
13 name="keywords"
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15 "Gor,consensual slavery, Gorean philosophy,Gorean lifestyle,Gorean slavery">
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77 color="#302A66">
78 <div
79 align="center"><font
80 face="Times New Roman"
81 size="6"
82 color="#A9AFD4"><b><i>Useful Links for the Modern
83 Slave</i></b></font><br>
84 <br>
85 <div
86 align="center">
87 <table
88 border="2"
89 bordercolor="#FFF7E0"
90 cellpadding="25"
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98 <br>
99 <table
100 border="0"
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103 summary="this table is for structure">
104 <tr>
105 <td
106 align="center"><img
107 src="images/kaylee/learning.gif"
108 alt="L'Esclave Blanche image"></td>
109 <td
110 align="left"><font
111 face="Times New Roman"
112 size="4"
113 color="#302A66"><b>A slave's life is mostly composed of patience
114 and study.<br>
115 <br>
116 Yes, study. If not with actual books, then following the example
117 of greater, senior slaves. Or learning every nuance of their
118 owner's character, so that they can more completely and
119 seamlessly offer themselves at the right time and in the right
120 manner.</b></font> <br>
121 <br>
122 <p
123 class="author">~Laura Antoniou~</p>
124 </td>
125 </tr>
126 </table>
128 <p
129 class="intro">Being a pleasure slave can often be one of the
130 most difficult tasks to learn. Not only must she be pleasing
131 sexually, but skilled in various areas to ensure her worth.
132 kaylee's learned from her experience that a pleasing slave could
133 also be an excellent cook, an intelligent conversationalist, up
134 to date on politics and able to speak of philosophies, well read,
135 able to dance, competent in games or sport, run a household,
136 handle herself in unfamiliar situations with ease, knowing the
137 delicate line between when being a slut is appropriate or
138 kneeling quietly, not wishing to interrupt.... in short, being
139 prepared for *anything* the Master might request that would
140 please him.</p>
142 <p
143 class="intro">There is always something new to learn. These
144 links are just a few of the practical sites which helped kaylee
145 develop skills or techniques in order to be more pleasing to her
146 owner. She hopes you enjoy browsing this library of useful
147 links.<br>
148 <br>
149 <br>
150 </p>
152 <center>
153 <p
154 class="title">Around the Home</p>
156 <p
157 class="links"><a
158 href=""
159 target="new">Car Wash Advice Page</a><br>
160 <a
161 href=""
162 target="new">Organizational Skills</a><br>
163 <a
164 href=""
165 target="new">Time Management</a><br>
166 <a
167 href=""
168 target="new">Barnes and Noble online classes</a><br>
169 <br>
170 <br>
171 </p>
173 <p
174 class="title">More "Personal" Service</p>
176 <p
177 class="links"><a
178 href=""
179 target="new">The Henna Page</a><br>
180 <a
181 href=""
182 target="new">Erotic Massage</a><br>
183 <a
184 href=""
185 target="new">Exploring Tantra</a><br>
186 <a
187 href=""
188 target="new">Guide to Performing Fellatio</a><br>
189 <a
190 href=""
191 target="new">The Art of Middle Eastern Dance</a><br>
192 <br>
193 <br>
194 </p>
196 <p
197 class="title">Good food, Good spirits, Good health</p>
199 <p
200 class="links"><a
201 href=""
202 target="new">Mangiare Bene: Aphrodisiac cuisine</a><br>
203 <a
204 href=""
205 target="new"> the world's greatest recipe
206 collection</a><br>
207 <a
208 href=""
209 target="new">Fine Cooking</a><br>
210 <a
211 href=""
212 target="new"></a><br>
213 <a
214 href=""
215 target="new">Wine Spectator Online</a><br>
216 <a
217 href=""
218 target="new">Tea Ceremony</a><br>
219 <a
220 href=""
221 target="new"></a><br>
222 <a
223 href=""
224 target="new"></a><br>
225 <a
226 href=""
227 target="new"></a><br>
228 <br>
229 <br>
230 </p>
232 <p
233 class="title">Food for the Mind</p>
235 <p
236 class="links"><a
237 href=""
238 target="new">Art and Culture</a><br>
239 <a
240 href=
241 ""
242 target="new">Shakespeare</a><br>
243 <a
244 href=";list"
245 target="new">Great Books Web Ring</a><br>
246 <a
247 href=""
248 target="new">Readings in Modern Philosophy</a><br>
249 <a
250 href=""
251 target="new">History of Western Philosophy</a><br>
252 <a
253 href=""
254 target="new">History Net</a><br>
255 <a
256 href=""
257 target="new">The Healthy Female Submissive</a><br>
258 <br>
259 <br>
260 </p>
262 <p
263 class="title">Social Graces</p>
265 <p
266 class="links"><a
267 href=""
268 target="new">Emily Post's Etiquette</a><br>
269 <a
270 href=""
271 target="new">Everyrule: Etiquette directory</a><br>
272 <a
273 href=
274 ""
275 target="new">Library of Articles on Entertaining at Home</a><br>
276 <a
277 href=
278 ""
279 target="new">Test Your Communication Skills</a><br>
280 <a
281 href=""
282 target="new">Speak with Confidence</a><br>
283 <br>
284 <br>
285 </p>
287 <a
288 href="kayindex.htm"><img
289 border="0"
290 src="images/kaylee/bluebutton.jpg"
291 alt="Home"></a><br>
292 <br>
293 <br>
294 <center><font
295 size="3"
296 color="#302A66"><b>This webpage features the artwork <i>
297 L'Esclave Blanche</i>,<br>
298 painted in 1888 by Jean-Jules Antoine Lecomte du
299 No�y.</b></font></center>
300 </center>
301 </td>
302 </tr>
303 </table>
304 </div>
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311 </html>
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8 <meta
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11 "A collection of essays discussing to Gorean philosophy as depicted in John Norman's Gor series and its application in everyday life here on Earth">
12 <meta
13 name="keywords"
14 content=
15 "Gor,consensual slavery, Gorean philosophy,Gorean lifestyle,Gorean slavery">
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72 vlink="#302A66"
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74 <basefont
75 face="Times New Roman"
76 size="4"
77 color="#302A66">
78 <div
79 align="center"><font
80 face="Times New Roman"
81 size="6"
82 color="#A9AFD4"><b><i>Useful Links for the Modern
83 Slave</i></b></font><br>
84 <br>
85 <div
86 align="center">
87 <table
88 border="2"
89 bordercolor="#FFF7E0"
90 cellpadding="25"
91 cellspacing="0"
92 width="85%"
93 background="images/kaylee/mutedblue.jpg"
94 summary="this table provides a coloured background">
95 <tr>
96 <td
97 width="70%"><br>
98 <br>
99 <table
100 border="0"
101 cellpadding="10"
102 cellspacing="10"
103 summary="this table is for structure">
104 <tr>
105 <td
106 align="center"><img
107 src="images/kaylee/learning.gif"
108 alt="L'Esclave Blanche image"></td>
109 <td
110 align="left"><font
111 face="Times New Roman"
112 size="4"
113 color="#302A66"><b>A slave's life is mostly composed of patience
114 and study.<br>
115 <br>
116 Yes, study. If not with actual books, then following the example
117 of greater, senior slaves. Or learning every nuance of their
118 owner's character, so that they can more completely and
119 seamlessly offer themselves at the right time and in the right
120 manner.</b></font> <br>
121 <br>
122 <p
123 class="author">~Laura Antoniou~</p>
124 </td>
125 </tr>
126 </table>
128 <p
129 class="intro">Being a pleasure slave can often be one of the
130 most difficult tasks to learn. Not only must she be pleasing
131 sexually, but skilled in various areas to ensure her worth.
132 kaylee's learned from her experience that a pleasing slave could
133 also be an excellent cook, an intelligent conversationalist, up
134 to date on politics and able to speak of philosophies, well read,
135 able to dance, competent in games or sport, run a household,
136 handle herself in unfamiliar situations with ease, knowing the
137 delicate line between when being a slut is appropriate or
138 kneeling quietly, not wishing to interrupt.... in short, being
139 prepared for *anything* the Master might request that would
140 please him.</p>
142 <p
143 class="intro">There is always something new to learn. These
144 links are just a few of the practical sites which helped kaylee
145 develop skills or techniques in order to be more pleasing to her
146 owner. She hopes you enjoy browsing this library of useful
147 links.<br>
148 <br>
149 <br>
150 </p>
152 <center>
153 <p
154 class="title">Around the Home</p>
156 <p
157 class="links"><a
158 href=""
159 target="new">Car Wash Advice Page</a><br>
160 <a
161 href=""
162 target="new">Organizational Skills</a><br>
163 <a
164 href=""
165 target="new">Time Management</a><br>
166 <a
167 href=""
168 target="new">Barnes and Noble online classes</a><br>
169 <br>
170 <br>
171 </p>
173 <p
174 class="title">More "Personal" Service</p>
176 <p
177 class="links"><a
178 href=""
179 target="new">The Henna Page</a><br>
180 <a
181 href=""
182 target="new">Erotic Massage</a><br>
183 <a
184 href=""
185 target="new">Exploring Tantra</a><br>
186 <a
187 href=""
188 target="new">Guide to Performing Fellatio</a><br>
189 <a
190 href=""
191 target="new">The Art of Middle Eastern Dance</a><br>
192 <br>
193 <br>
194 </p>
196 <p
197 class="title">Good food, Good spirits, Good health</p>
199 <p
200 class="links"><a
201 href=""
202 target="new">Mangiare Bene: Aphrodisiac cuisine</a><br>
203 <a
204 href=""
205 target="new"> the world's greatest recipe
206 collection</a><br>
207 <a
208 href=""
209 target="new">Fine Cooking</a><br>
210 <a
211 href=""
212 target="new"></a><br>
213 <a
214 href=""
215 target="new">Wine Spectator Online</a><br>
216 <a
217 href=""
218 target="new">Tea Ceremony</a><br>
219 <a
220 href=""
221 target="new"></a><br>
222 <a
223 href=""
224 target="new"></a><br>
225 <a
226 href=""
227 target="new"></a><br>
228 <br>
229 <br>
230 </p>
232 <p
233 class="title">Food for the Mind</p>
235 <p
236 class="links"><a
237 href=""
238 target="new">Art and Culture</a><br>
239 <a
240 href=
241 ""
242 target="new">Shakespeare</a><br>
243 <a
244 href=";list"
245 target="new">Great Books Web Ring</a><br>
246 <a
247 href=""
248 target="new">Readings in Modern Philosophy</a><br>
249 <a
250 href=""
251 target="new">History of Western Philosophy</a><br>
252 <a
253 href=""
254 target="new">History Net</a><br>
255 <a
256 href=""
257 target="new">The Healthy Female Submissive</a><br>
258 <br>
259 <br>
260 </p>
262 <p
263 class="title">Social Graces</p>
265 <p
266 class="links"><a
267 href=""
268 target="new">Emily Post's Etiquette</a><br>
269 <a
270 href=""
271 target="new">Everyrule: Etiquette directory</a><br>
272 <a
273 href=
274 ""
275 target="new">Library of Articles on Entertaining at Home</a><br>
276 <a
277 href=
278 ""
279 target="new">Test Your Communication Skills</a><br>
280 <a
281 href=""
282 target="new">Speak with Confidence</a><br>
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285 </p>
287 <a
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289 border="0"
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291 alt="Home"></a><br>
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294 <center><font
295 size="3"
296 color="#302A66"><b>This webpage features the artwork <i>
297 L'Esclave Blanche</i>,<br>
298 painted in 1888 by Jean-Jules Antoine Lecomte du
299 No�y.</b></font></center>
300 </center>
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9 9
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12 Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2017 15:48:08 GMT
12 Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2017 15:49:40 GMT
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20 X-Archive-Wayback-Perf: {"IndexLoad":350,"IndexQueryTotal":350,"RobotsCache":7,"RobotsFetchTotal":7,"RobotsTotal":7,"Total":420,"WArcResource":70}
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17 Memento-Datetime: Thu, 05 Aug 2004 08:37:25 GMT
18 Link: <>; rel="original", <>; rel="timemap"; type="application/link-format", <>; rel="timegate", <>; rel="first memento"; datetime="Sat, 06 Oct 2001 06:18:41 GMT", <>; rel="prev memento"; datetime="Thu, 03 Jun 2004 20:36:27 GMT", <>; rel="memento"; datetime="Thu, 05 Aug 2004 08:37:25 GMT", <>; rel="next memento"; datetime="Tue, 12 Oct 2004 21:04:30 GMT", <>; rel="last memento"; datetime="Sun, 12 Apr 2009 03:45:37 GMT"
19 last-modified: Tue, 20 Jul 2004 23:09:44 GMT
20 X-Archive-Wayback-Perf: {"IndexLoad":148,"IndexQueryTotal":148,"RobotsCache":7,"RobotsFetchTotal":7,"RobotsTotal":7,"Total":250,"WArcResource":101}
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File trust.htm changed (mode: 100644) (index bbc2895..73d59c1)
1 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
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7 <title>Slave Musings: A Slave's Trust</title>
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26 <meta
28 content=
29 "A collection of essays discussing to Gorean philosophy as depicted in John Norman's Gor series and its application in everyday life here on Earth">
30 <meta
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62 "This table provides a colored background for the main body of the text."
63 cellpadding="35"
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66 <tr>
67 <td
68 width="100%"><br>
71 <center><img
72 src="images/kaylee/title/trusttitle.gif"
73 height="327"
74 width="402"
75 alt="title"></center>
77 <br>
78 <br>
79 <p>kaylee's been mulling over the mixed messages we get, from
80 serving all Masters and Mistresses and being subject to their
81 will to knowing who's feet you kneel before.</p>
83 <p>There is a conflict within her, and she is just now putting it
84 into words.</p>
86 <p>As a slave, kaylee discovered that she responds to strong men,
87 and by that she does not mean every capped name to whom she
88 serves paga. She has felt the vulnerability, even more pronounced
89 in her offline interactions, of her need burning more strongly
90 than her sense of self preservation.</p>
92 <p>A Gorean Man spoke to kaylee recently, and let her know he
93 noticed her in the rooms and was pleased by her general behavior,
94 since they had not interacted much. He touched her cheek. Her
95 response was well... embarrassing. She tried to hide it the best
96 she could, for he had no idea what that did to her. She felt so
97 foolish to have a casual comment and gesture move her.</p>
99 <p>*swallows hard, looking down*</p>
101 <p>kaylee wept.</p>
103 <p>She didn't describe it through typing it out, because when she
104 is touched so deeply, typing out "glistening tears trickle down
105 her cheeks" simply cannot be done during such a raw moment of
106 sheer emotion.</p>
108 <p>At that touch, she knew that she was helpless, because she
109 could not resist the need he brought out in her to please him. It
110 was unexpected, and left her in a shaky awe of the reminder of
111 what it means to be slave to her core.</p>
113 <p>The rest of this post does not refer to this man, but rather,
114 the emotions and helplessness men can bring out in slaves.</p>
116 <p>There are men, strong men, who inspire these emotions within
117 slaves. They simply command it without saying, through their
118 presence, their strength, the level you innately respect and
119 trust them. They compel it.</p>
121 <p>Conversely, you can't choose who they are, and with some, you
122 may not like the idea of what they can do to you, or the fact
123 that you respond on such a deep level. All those "limits" you
124 initially felt that the man would respect, the "requirements" you
125 sought in someone similar to yourself, suddenly useless because
126 of the need that man inspires, despite the difference in
127 outlooks. That knowledge terrifies her to an extent, because what
128 if that someone you respond to is not someone she could, or
129 should trust? We hear about it all the time, horror stories and
130 general warnings about knowing who you kneel before.</p>
132 Some say you can choose who you surrender to. With kaylee, she
133 can not. Those who are strong men, dominant men, Gorean Men,
134 wrench it from her despite her fears and self protective shell,
135 they take what comes naturally from deep within and the choice is
136 no longer there. Its instinctive, she doesn't find the fear of
137 "is kaylee 'slave' enough for him" or "is she acting the way he
138 wants". She merely responds naturally as a slave who is driven by
139 something she can't explain.<br>
140 <br>
143 <p>That doesn't mean she doesn't strive to please all Gorean
144 Masters or Mistresses, or that she ever forgets her place,
145 knowing she is subject to their discipline or whim, and knowing
146 how much she desires to make them happy with her efforts. It's a
147 certain difference that she can't define, she just knows when it
148 hits her overwhelmingly so.</p>
150 <p>Does that mean she would place her life in their hands, based
151 only on sheer belly? No. Because the difference between being
152 aware of your need, and placing yourself in danger is trust. As
153 property or potential property, there is a need to ensure that
154 you remain undamaged for the one who will ultimately own you.
155 It's getting to know the person well, so well, that you can
156 surrender to your owner and know how they act in various
157 situations, and still trust them above what you feel is best for
158 you (their will above yours).</p>
160 <p>That level of absolute trust needs to develop. Especially if
161 you are looking for true ownership, surrendering all he may ask
162 of you, including your money, your body, your home. Or even
163 online, giving up so much that it is truly renders you helpless
164 in your slavery to him. It's easy to be owned if you aren't
165 risking giving up everything. But introduce children into your
166 surrender, or your car and other possessions, the right to steer
167 your career the way you wish... and suddenly, trust isn't that
168 easy to give. Even surrendering your body is difficult, if you
169 realize he may truly wish you branded or whipped often. It's at
170 those moments, you realize the depths of ownership, forsaking all
171 rights and comforts, the paramount nature trust plays in these
172 relationships.</p>
174 <p>Absolute trust takes time. Ownership takes time. Anything
175 worthwhile takes time.</p>
177 <p>A man who recognizes the value of trust, and what exactly you
178 are surrendering to him, will understand that. It doesn't mean
179 he'll wait forever, nor should he follow a girl's agenda, but its
180 definitely a good indicator as to how he will handle you once you
181 have begged his collar. But time is necessary to let him know who
182 you really are, and finding out who he really is, so that you
183 know the man you kneel before, and he knows the slave who bears
184 his steel. Particularly in a medium which allows us to choose our
185 words to portray who we are.</p>
187 <p>Ask those who have had successful meetings offline vs. the
188 horror stories. Find out how long they knew their Master (or
189 slave), in how many ways they did, before meeting. An abuser does
190 not always want to take the time to build trust, because he isn't
191 in this for the long haul... he has another agenda entirely.</p>
193 <p>The initial feelings of helplessness are still there, and that
194 is natural. It's something which cannot be controlled. But
195 knowing you absolutely trust the person, and can surrender
196 everything with no doubts or fighting off your own self
197 preservation instincts, that "utterly slave" feeling... well,
198 there is no greater peace within your soul. It's a conflict, but
199 one worth taking on.</p>
201 <p>It's the difference between yielding and surrendering. And the
202 difference between being a victim of your own need to give too
203 easily, and to utterly give everything, secure that you trust and
204 know him enough to do so. It's not always easy, when that initial
205 feeling of vulnerability and need first emerge to remind herself
206 that absolute trust will make this infinitely more fulfilling to
207 both sides. kaylee was reminded of that this week, and is so
208 thankful to be allowed to kneel before strong men and experience
209 those emotions.</p>
211 <br>
212 <br>
213 <center><a
214 href="kayindex.htm"><img
215 border="0"
216 src="images/kaylee/buttons/trusthome.gif"
217 alt="Back to the Sanctuary"></a></center>
219 <br>
220 <p
221 align="right"><font
222 size="2">Graphic design and words � Copyright 2001 kaylee<br>
223 All rights reserved. No reproduction permitted.<br>
224 Visit for this site's
225 copyright policy</font></p>
226 </td>
227 </tr>
228 </table>
230 <br>
231 <br>
232 <center><font
233 size="2"
234 color="#C99C93">kaylee was generously permitted to feature
235 artwork by William Whitaker for this web graphic.<br>
236 To see more of his wonderful art, please visit his site at: <a
237 href=""
238 target="new"></a><br>
239 Contact <a
240 href="">kaylee</a> if you are
241 interested in unique graphics created for your
242 website.</font></center>
244 <br>
245 <p><a
246 href=""><img
247 border="0"
248 src=""
249 alt="Valid HTML 4.01!"
250 height="31"
251 width="88"></a></p>
252 </div>
253 </center>
254 </body>
255 </html>
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19 }
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23 -->
24 </style>
26 <meta
28 content=
29 "A collection of essays discussing to Gorean philosophy as depicted in John Norman's Gor series and its application in everyday life here on Earth">
30 <meta
31 name="keywords"
32 content=
33 "Gor,consensual slavery,Gorean philosophy,Gorean lifestyle,Master,slave">
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37 <meta
38 name="revisit"
39 content="14 days">
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48 <br>
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52 <basefont
53 face="Times New Roman"
54 size="3"
55 color="#733D3E">
56 <center>
57 <div
58 align="center">
59 <table
60 border="2"
61 summary=
62 "This table provides a colored background for the main body of the text."
63 cellpadding="35"
64 cellspacing="0"
65 width="750">
66 <tr>
67 <td
68 width="100%"><br>
71 <center><img
72 src="images/kaylee/title/trusttitle.gif"
73 height="327"
74 width="402"
75 alt="title"></center>
77 <br>
78 <br>
79 <p>kaylee's been mulling over the mixed messages we get, from
80 serving all Masters and Mistresses and being subject to their
81 will to knowing who's feet you kneel before.</p>
83 <p>There is a conflict within her, and she is just now putting it
84 into words.</p>
86 <p>As a slave, kaylee discovered that she responds to strong men,
87 and by that she does not mean every capped name to whom she
88 serves paga. She has felt the vulnerability, even more pronounced
89 in her offline interactions, of her need burning more strongly
90 than her sense of self preservation.</p>
92 <p>A Gorean Man spoke to kaylee recently, and let her know he
93 noticed her in the rooms and was pleased by her general behavior,
94 since they had not interacted much. He touched her cheek. Her
95 response was well... embarrassing. She tried to hide it the best
96 she could, for he had no idea what that did to her. She felt so
97 foolish to have a casual comment and gesture move her.</p>
99 <p>*swallows hard, looking down*</p>
101 <p>kaylee wept.</p>
103 <p>She didn't describe it through typing it out, because when she
104 is touched so deeply, typing out "glistening tears trickle down
105 her cheeks" simply cannot be done during such a raw moment of
106 sheer emotion.</p>
108 <p>At that touch, she knew that she was helpless, because she
109 could not resist the need he brought out in her to please him. It
110 was unexpected, and left her in a shaky awe of the reminder of
111 what it means to be slave to her core.</p>
113 <p>The rest of this post does not refer to this man, but rather,
114 the emotions and helplessness men can bring out in slaves.</p>
116 <p>There are men, strong men, who inspire these emotions within
117 slaves. They simply command it without saying, through their
118 presence, their strength, the level you innately respect and
119 trust them. They compel it.</p>
121 <p>Conversely, you can't choose who they are, and with some, you
122 may not like the idea of what they can do to you, or the fact
123 that you respond on such a deep level. All those "limits" you
124 initially felt that the man would respect, the "requirements" you
125 sought in someone similar to yourself, suddenly useless because
126 of the need that man inspires, despite the difference in
127 outlooks. That knowledge terrifies her to an extent, because what
128 if that someone you respond to is not someone she could, or
129 should trust? We hear about it all the time, horror stories and
130 general warnings about knowing who you kneel before.</p>
132 Some say you can choose who you surrender to. With kaylee, she
133 can not. Those who are strong men, dominant men, Gorean Men,
134 wrench it from her despite her fears and self protective shell,
135 they take what comes naturally from deep within and the choice is
136 no longer there. Its instinctive, she doesn't find the fear of
137 "is kaylee 'slave' enough for him" or "is she acting the way he
138 wants". She merely responds naturally as a slave who is driven by
139 something she can't explain.<br>
140 <br>
143 <p>That doesn't mean she doesn't strive to please all Gorean
144 Masters or Mistresses, or that she ever forgets her place,
145 knowing she is subject to their discipline or whim, and knowing
146 how much she desires to make them happy with her efforts. It's a
147 certain difference that she can't define, she just knows when it
148 hits her overwhelmingly so.</p>
150 <p>Does that mean she would place her life in their hands, based
151 only on sheer belly? No. Because the difference between being
152 aware of your need, and placing yourself in danger is trust. As
153 property or potential property, there is a need to ensure that
154 you remain undamaged for the one who will ultimately own you.
155 It's getting to know the person well, so well, that you can
156 surrender to your owner and know how they act in various
157 situations, and still trust them above what you feel is best for
158 you (their will above yours).</p>
160 <p>That level of absolute trust needs to develop. Especially if
161 you are looking for true ownership, surrendering all he may ask
162 of you, including your money, your body, your home. Or even
163 online, giving up so much that it is truly renders you helpless
164 in your slavery to him. It's easy to be owned if you aren't
165 risking giving up everything. But introduce children into your
166 surrender, or your car and other possessions, the right to steer
167 your career the way you wish... and suddenly, trust isn't that
168 easy to give. Even surrendering your body is difficult, if you
169 realize he may truly wish you branded or whipped often. It's at
170 those moments, you realize the depths of ownership, forsaking all
171 rights and comforts, the paramount nature trust plays in these
172 relationships.</p>
174 <p>Absolute trust takes time. Ownership takes time. Anything
175 worthwhile takes time.</p>
177 <p>A man who recognizes the value of trust, and what exactly you
178 are surrendering to him, will understand that. It doesn't mean
179 he'll wait forever, nor should he follow a girl's agenda, but its
180 definitely a good indicator as to how he will handle you once you
181 have begged his collar. But time is necessary to let him know who
182 you really are, and finding out who he really is, so that you
183 know the man you kneel before, and he knows the slave who bears
184 his steel. Particularly in a medium which allows us to choose our
185 words to portray who we are.</p>
187 <p>Ask those who have had successful meetings offline vs. the
188 horror stories. Find out how long they knew their Master (or
189 slave), in how many ways they did, before meeting. An abuser does
190 not always want to take the time to build trust, because he isn't
191 in this for the long haul... he has another agenda entirely.</p>
193 <p>The initial feelings of helplessness are still there, and that
194 is natural. It's something which cannot be controlled. But
195 knowing you absolutely trust the person, and can surrender
196 everything with no doubts or fighting off your own self
197 preservation instincts, that "utterly slave" feeling... well,
198 there is no greater peace within your soul. It's a conflict, but
199 one worth taking on.</p>
201 <p>It's the difference between yielding and surrendering. And the
202 difference between being a victim of your own need to give too
203 easily, and to utterly give everything, secure that you trust and
204 know him enough to do so. It's not always easy, when that initial
205 feeling of vulnerability and need first emerge to remind herself
206 that absolute trust will make this infinitely more fulfilling to
207 both sides. kaylee was reminded of that this week, and is so
208 thankful to be allowed to kneel before strong men and experience
209 those emotions.</p>
211 <br>
212 <br>
213 <center><a
214 href="kayindex.htm"><img
215 border="0"
216 src="images/kaylee/buttons/trusthome.gif"
217 alt="Back to the Sanctuary"></a></center>
219 <br>
220 <p
221 align="right"><font
222 size="2">Graphic design and words � Copyright 2001 kaylee<br>
223 All rights reserved. No reproduction permitted.<br>
224 Visit for this site's
225 copyright policy</font></p>
226 </td>
227 </tr>
228 </table>
230 <br>
231 <br>
232 <center><font
233 size="2"
234 color="#C99C93">kaylee was generously permitted to feature
235 artwork by William Whitaker for this web graphic.<br>
236 To see more of his wonderful art, please visit his site at: <a
237 href=""
238 target="new"></a><br>
239 Contact <a
240 href="">kaylee</a> if you are
241 interested in unique graphics created for your
242 website.</font></center>
244 <br>
245 <p><a
246 href=""><img
247 border="0"
248 src=""
249 alt="Valid HTML 4.01!"
250 height="31"
251 width="88"></a></p>
252 </div>
253 </center>
254 </body>
255 </html>
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