mucbuc / circuit (public) (License: GPLv3) (since 2020-06-28) (hash sha1)
Synchronize container operations for single objects

Mode Type Size Ref File
100644 blob 33 ab68be67a6de02c61610a595c34d40bc99d8570f .gitignore
100644 blob 927 e20dfe6afe16f5d2e6f0fa37d55ad1ed968a1cf7
100644 blob 152 c9c94f2cc99fa53500a86a939013192d06ace351 circuit.yml
100644 blob 469 b5962bd1dd748f0b44f32b7658ba8f7c21f2117c package.json
040000 tree - 74a05423bbc46f69f294332b5425bb98f42ba23e src
040000 tree - 7230090b9aa62be69ad5b4856dfaa7b8059dc780 test
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