mucbuc / circuit (public) (License: GPLv3) (since 2020-06-28) (hash sha1)
Synchronize container operations for single objects

Mode Type Size Ref File
100644 blob 27 6f7455b9e1a8e283090f58f85dad4e69f646df00 .gitignore
100644 blob 163 e8eeb01643cb01dfe88aa0de68639458d43ce9d5
100644 blob 185 cf28781387486366671abe36c5b1a99049128cd2 circuit.json
100644 blob 325 46fc3d5cd94171a392d117e4efabeedd8ee67a44 package.json
040000 tree - 2da52b90b5ad01652d946ec330365dc5b253cda8 src
040000 tree - 936d79a523921e795554eff8088373e3217d55e3 test
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