mucbuc / circuit (public) (License: GPLv3) (since 2020-06-28) (hash sha1)
Synchronize container operations for single objects

Mode Type Size Ref File
100644 blob 42 9b920a41f28c9a32e8d7b31f4532aedd0e5bbf63 .gitignore
100644 blob 368 0505168d56b9669ba68698512cb88bb88ac78965
100644 blob 750 7b85e05cedc137b2bc91b5da7c70dd998b5263ac
100644 blob 185 cf28781387486366671abe36c5b1a99049128cd2 circuit.json
100644 blob 460 5a7c3ec6484afedba92bee83e6b84696a1dea25f package.json
040000 tree - 7f9d7ddb216799de0a2b48d828fb334e3769e8d6 src
040000 tree - e74793687f1c5806bc8a004179c242c54076f7c7 test
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