/README.md (c186961772400b47ceb1ece2b46323687112cb13) (2035 bytes) (mode 100644) (type blob)

# nasa test application

Nasa test application

## Build docker

### On GNU/Linux and Mac

use ./build script from root folder

### On Windows

build images from the docker folder and map the source of the application to the src from root folder

## Run on local

### On GNU/Linux and Mac

- if you use the ./build script open localhost:8080
- if you build in another way follow the port forwarding

### On Windows

- follow the port forwarding after image is run

## Run images manually

### On GNU/Linux and Mac

If you do not follow build till the end you can ./run and follow the steps

### On Windows

Run manually mysql image and app/server image you build in the previous step

## Starting containers

- docker ps -a
- start mysql-server
- start dev-server

## Installing db

It shall be automatic on dev-server start - it takes time for the first run, so be patient

If it does not run automatically by some reason in dev-server in /nasa there shall be a ./nasa-start
If errors occured they shall be in /nasa/nasa.initialization.log
While waiting you can tail -f /nasa/nasa.initialization.log

## DB

For now it's with mysql - mongo is not supported with php 7.1 and the ports were not working
at the moment of implementation. Did not want to waste time on this so I can provide solution
faster. If mongo is required will downgrade php or try to patch something to make it work.

Current implementation is almost always with doctrine - so mongo in case it works shall be
pretty smooth transition. Best Month and Best Year are done right now with pure sql just
to show off - in case of mongo they can be done in a generic way or with pure js inside
mongo queries.

## Commands

- bin/console neo:import:lastThreeDays - gets the latest 3 days
- bin/console neo:import:variableDays <int> - gets as many as you want

## Access dev-server

docker exec -it dev-server bash

or if you created it without ./build script

docker exec -it <image> bash

## Run tests

- enter bash in dev-server
- enter nasa in /var/www/html
- run phpunit

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