Mode Type Size Ref File
040000 tree - 3585a5a7e45ee4de850c095c68cd048ccce43b56 a2dp_sink
040000 tree - fca503251ea3fad2e5057845baeb6eaac1323328 blink
040000 tree - 191f6cb3272ce156ee6bbb7a5f2637abee54ba2a esp32_bt_spk
040000 tree - a3416c68e4171497b475230d15f1eac7ed81e2a7 hello_world
040000 tree - 45be2b4bfe800c002cc370adb3b5efefbd40e450 sd_card
040000 tree - dec0e412044550b294e6fca67a5292390d3a1c5b simple_wifi
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