By cloning
You can just clone the RocketGit project and install it from sources,
by following this
If you are running a Fedora distribution,
just add DinoRepo to your system
and install the rocketgit package:
yum install
yum install rocketgit
Then, follow the install section from the README file from
If you are running a RedHat based distribution distribution,
just add DinoRepo to your system
and install the rocketgit package:
yum install
yum install rocketgit
Then, follow the install section from the README file from
If you want to run RocketGit as a docker container, follow the next
docker pull rocketgit/rocketgit-postgresql
docker run -d -P --name rp rocketgit/rocketgit-postgresql
docker pull rocketgit/rocketgit
docker run -d -P --name rg --link rp rocketgit/rocketgit
Then, follow the install section from the README file from
To find the ports to connect, use
docker port rg command.
Other distributions
In the near future, we will provide packages that are ready for
installation for all major distributions. If you know how to make
a package, you are welcome to contribute. Thank you!
Virtual machines images
If you want to run RocketGit in a virtual environment,
follow this
We provide qemu/KVM, VMware and VirtualBox images.