/inc/util.inc.php (d0dee08c2b90656360222fc5ba0b737f30fe086b) (35473 bytes) (mode 100644) (type blob)

require_once($INC . "/prof.inc.php");
require_once($INC . "/log.inc.php");


define('RG_SOCKET_NO_WAIT', 0x01);

$rg_util_error = "";

function rg_util_set_error($str)
	global $rg_util_error;
	$rg_util_error = $str;

function rg_util_error()
	global $rg_util_error;
	return $rg_util_error;

 * This array will keep all registered function for templates
$rg_template_functions = array();

 * Register a function to be called when a @@func:func_name:var@@ construction
 * is found in a template.
 * Please note that the function is called once per template.
function rg_template_func($name, $real_func_name)
	global $rg_template_functions;

	$rg_template_functions[$name] = $real_func_name;

function sha512($m)
	return hash('sha512', $m);

function rg_1024($v)
	if ($v <= 9999)
		return number_format($v) . 'B';
	$v /= 1024;

	if ($v <= 9999)
		return number_format($v) . "KiB";
	$v /= 1024;

	if ($v <= 9999)
		return number_format($v) . "MiB";
	$v /= 1024;

	if ($v <= 9999)
		return number_format($v) . "GiB";
	$v /= 1024;

	return number_format($v) . "TiB";

 * Returns a binary string of random bytes
function rg_random_bytes($len)

	$ret = FALSE;

	$f = @fopen('/dev/urandom', 'r');
	if ($f !== NULL) {
		$ret = @fread($f, $len);

	if ($ret === FALSE) {
		$ret = '';
		for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++)
			$ret .= rand(0, 255);

	return $ret;

 * Unique ID generator
function rg_id($len)

	$id = rg_random_bytes(($len + 1) / 2);
	$id = bin2hex($id);
	$id = substr($id, 0, $len);

	return $id;

 * Locks a file
$_lock = array();
function rg_lock($file)
	global $php_errormsg;

	global $_lock;
	global $rg_lock_dir;

	if (!isset($rg_lock_dir))
		$rg_lock_dir = "/var/lib/rocketgit/locks";

	// Double locking?
	if (isset($_lock[$file])) {
		rg_internal_error("Double locking [$file]: "
			. rg_array2string($_lock));
		return FALSE;

	$f = @fopen($rg_lock_dir . "/" . $file, "w");
	if ($f === FALSE) {
		rg_internal_error('Cannot open lock [' . $rg_lock_dir
			. '/' . $file . '] (' . $php_errormsg . ').');
		return FALSE;

	if (!flock($f, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)) {
		return FALSE;

	fwrite($f, getmypid() . "\n");

	$_lock[$file] = $f;

	return TRUE;

function rg_lock_or_exit($file)
	if (rg_lock($file) === FALSE)

function rg_unlock($file)
	global $_lock;

	if (isset($_lock[$file]))

function rg_load()
	return intval(file_get_contents("/proc/loadavg"));

 * Outputs a string to browser, XSS safe
 * Thanks OWASP!
function rg_xss_safe($str)
	if (!defined('ENT_HTML401'))
		define('ENT_HTML401', 0);
	return htmlspecialchars($str, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML401, 'UTF-8');

 * Builds URLs
function rg_re_url($area)
	return $area;

	// TODO: not clear why this. related to the rewrite engine
	if (isset($_REQUEST['rwe']))
		return $area;

	return '/?vv=' . $area;

function rg_re_userpage($ui)
	if (isset($ui['uid']) && ($ui['uid'] == 0))
		return '';

	if (!isset($ui['organization'])) {
		rg_internal_error("rg_re_userpage called with wrong ui (no org)!");
		rg_log("ui: " . print_r($ui, TRUE));

	$prefix = '';
	if ($ui['organization'] == 0)
		$prefix = '/user';

	$s = $prefix . '/' . rawurlencode($ui['username']);

	return rg_re_url($s);

function rg_re_repopage($ui, $repo_name)
	$s = rg_re_userpage($ui) . "/" . rawurlencode($repo_name);

	return rg_re_url($s);

function rg_re_bugpage($ui, $repo_name, $bug_id)
	return rg_re_repopage($ui, $repo_name) . "/bug/" . $bug_id;

function rg_base_url()
	global $rg_web_url;

	if (!empty($rg_web_url))
		return $rg_web_url;

	if (!isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']))
		return 'http://' . php_uname('n');

	$port = '';
	if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) {
		$proto = 'https';
		if ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 443)
			$port = ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'];
	} else {
		$proto = 'http';
		if ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 80)
			$port = ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'];

	return $proto . '://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $port;

function rg_re_repo_ssh($organization, $user, $repo)
	global $rg_ssh_host;
	global $rg_ssh_port;

	if ($rg_ssh_port == 22)
		$port = "";
		$port = ":" . $rg_ssh_port;

	$prefix = "";
	if ($organization == 0)
		$prefix = "/user";

	return "ssh://rocketgit@" . $rg_ssh_host . $port
		. $prefix . "/" . rawurlencode($user) . "/" . rawurlencode($repo);

function rg_re_repo_git($organization, $user, $repo)
	global $rg_git_host;
	global $rg_git_port;

	if ($rg_git_port == 9418)
		$port = "";
		$port = ":" . $rg_git_port;

	$prefix = "";
	if ($organization == 0)
		$prefix = "/user";

	return "git://" . $rg_git_host . $port
		. $prefix . "/" . rawurlencode($user) . "/" . rawurlencode($repo);

function rg_re_repo_http($organization, $user, $repo)
	$prefix = '';
	if ($organization == 0)
		$prefix = '/user';

	return rg_base_url() . $prefix . "/"
		. rawurlencode($user) . "/" . rawurlencode($repo);

function rg_var_get($name)
	if (isset($_SERVER[$name]))
		$ret = $_SERVER[$name];
	else if (isset($_POST[$name]))
		$ret = $_POST[$name];
	else if (isset($_GET[$name]))
		$ret = $_GET[$name];
		return FALSE;

	return str_replace("\r", "", $ret);

function rg_var_is_set($name)
	$c = rg_var_get($name);
	if ($c === FALSE)
		return 0;

	return 1;

function rg_var_str($name)
	$c = rg_var_get($name);
	if ($c === FALSE)
		return '';

	return $c;

function rg_var_int($name)
	$r = rg_var_str($name);

	if (is_array($r)) {
		$ret2 = array();
		foreach ($r as $k => $v)
			$ret2[$k] = sprintf("%d", $v);
		return $ret2;
	return sprintf("%d", $r);

function rg_var_uint($name)
	$r = rg_var_str($name);

	if (is_array($r)) {
		$ret2 = array();
		foreach ($r as $k => $v)
			$ret2[$k] = sprintf("%u", $v);
		return $ret2;
	return sprintf("%u", $r);

function rg_var_bool($name)
	$r = rg_var_str($name);
	if (strcmp($r, '1') == 0)
		return 1;

	return 0;

 * Allow only @re chars
function rg_var_re($name, $re)
	$a = rg_var_str($name);
	return preg_replace('/[^' . $re . ']/', '', $a);

 * Extract a cookie from $_COOKIE
function rg_var_cookie_re($name, $re)
	if (!isset($_COOKIE[$name]))
		return "";

	return preg_replace($re, '', $_COOKIE[$name]);

 * Gets data from request and transforms it into an array
 * Usefull for checkboxes.
 * (a2s = array2string)
function rg_var_a2s($var)
	$r = rg_var_str($var);
	if (!is_array($r))
		return $r;

	$ret = '';
	foreach ($r as $s => $junk)
		$ret .= $s;

	return $ret;

 * Enforce chars in a name. It is used for user and repo.
function rg_chars_allow($name, $allowed_regexp, &$invalid)
	// Modifiers: u = UTF8, D = PCRE_DOLLAR_ENDONLY
	// http://php.net/manual/en/reference.pcre.pattern.modifiers.php
	if (preg_match('/^[' . $allowed_regexp . ']*$/uD', $name) !== 1) {
		$invalid = preg_replace('/[' . $allowed_regexp . ']/', '', $name);
		rg_log("chars_allow: [$name] does not match [$allowed_regexp]");
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;

 * Deletes a folder and the files inside it
function rg_rmdir($dir)
	global $php_errormsg;

	if (!is_dir($dir)) {
		rg_util_set_error("WARN: asked to remove a non-existing dir ($dir)");
		return TRUE;

	$scan = glob($dir . "/*");
	if ($scan === FALSE) {
		rg_util_set_error("invalid pattern [$dir/*]");
		return FALSE;

	if (count($scan) > 0) {
		$all_good = TRUE;
		foreach ($scan as $junk => $path) {
			if (is_dir($path)) {
				$r = rg_rmdir($path);
				if ($r !== TRUE)
					return FALSE;


			if (!unlink($path)) {
				rg_util_set_error("cannot remove [$path] ($php_errormsg)");
				return FALSE;

	if (!rmdir($dir)) {
		rg_util_set_error("cannot remove main dir ($php_errormsg)");
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;

 * Lookup a path in the current theme with fallback to default
 * Returns the correct path
function rg_theme_resolve_path($path)
	global $rg_theme, $rg_theme_dir;

	$url = "/themes/" . $rg_theme . "/" . $path;
	$xfile = $rg_theme_dir . "/" . $rg_theme . "/" . $path;
	if (!is_file($xfile))
		$url = "/themes/default/" . $path;

	return $url;

 * Loads a file if exists, else return ""
function rg_file_get_contents($f)
	global $php_errormsg;

	if (!file_exists($f))
		return "";

	$c = @file_get_contents($f);
	if ($c === FALSE) {
		rg_internal_error("Could not load file [$f] ($php_errormsg).");
		return "";

	return $c;

 * Merges an array (a) into another (src), using a namespace
 * Protects modifiers (HTML: etc.).
function rg_array_merge($src, $namespace, $a)
	$ret = $src;

	if (!empty($namespace))
		if (!isset($ret[$namespace]))
			$ret[$namespace] = array();

	foreach ($a as $k => $v) {
		if (empty($namespace))
			$ret[$k] = $v;
			$ret[$namespace][$k] = $v;

	return $ret;

 * Performs a lookup of a var of type 'a::b::c' into an array and
 * returns FALSE or the value
function rg_template_tree_lookup($var, &$data, $xss_protection)
	$tree = &$data;
	$t = explode('::', $var);
	$v = array_pop($t);
	foreach ($t as $token) {
		if (!isset($tree[$token]))
			return FALSE;

		$tree = &$tree[$token];

	// We prefer the HTML version
	$hv = 'HTML:' . $v;
	if (isset($tree[$hv]))
		return $tree[$hv];

	if (isset($tree[$v])) {
		if ($xss_protection)
			return rg_xss_safe($tree[$v]);
			return $tree[$v];

	return FALSE;

 * Evaluates a condition
function rg_template_eval_cond($cond, &$data)
	$t = explode('!=', $cond);
	if (count($t) == 2) {
		$negate = TRUE;
	} else {
		$t = explode('==', $cond);
		if (count($t) != 2) {
			rg_log("invalid condition [$cond]!");
			return FALSE;
		$negate = FALSE;

	$left = trim($t[0]);
	$left = rg_template_string($left, 0, $data, FALSE);

	$right = trim($t[1]);
	$right = rg_template_string($right, 0, $data, FALSE);

	$ret = strcmp($left, $right);
	if ($ret === 0) {
		if ($negate === TRUE)
			return FALSE;
	} else {
		if (!$negate)
			return FALSE;

	return TRUE;

 * Finds matching }} for an {{
 * We assume @off points to the byte after '{{'
 * Returns the offset of the byte before '}}'
function rg_template_find_closing(&$s, $off)
	$nesting_level = 0;
	while (1) {
		$end = strpos($s, '}}', $off);
		if ($end === FALSE)
			return -1;

		$start = strpos($s, '{{', $off);
		if (($start === FALSE) || ($start >= $end)) {
			if ($nesting_level == 0)
				return $end - 1;

			$off = $end + 2;
		} else {
			$off = $start + 2;

 * "Decodes" an 'if', returning 'true_start/end' and false_start/end'
 * s + off must point after ')'
 * Returns -1 on error, 0 on success
function rg_template_find_true_and_false(&$s, $off, &$true_start, &$true_end,
	&$false_start, &$false_end)
	//rg_log_enter("DEBUG: template_find_true_and_false s+off=[" . substr($s, $off) . "]");

	$true_start = strpos($s, '{{', $off);
	if ($true_start === FALSE) {
		//rg_log("DEBUG: no '{{'!");
		return -1;
	$true_start += 2;

	if (strncmp(substr($s, $true_start, 1), "\n", 1) == 0) {
		//rg_log("DEBUG: true starts with CR, remove it");

	$true_end = rg_template_find_closing($s, $true_start);
	if ($true_end == -1) {
		//rg_log("DEBUG: no true_end!");
		return -1;
	//rg_log("DEBUG: true_start=$true_start true_end=$true_end [" . substr($s, $true_end, 3) . "...]"
	//	. " true=[" . substr($s, $true_start, $true_end - $true_start + 1) . "]");

	// We try to detect if we have an else
	$false_start = -1; $false_end = -1;
	$x = strpos($s, '{{', $true_end);
	if ($x !== FALSE) {
		$gap = substr($s, $true_end + 3, $x - $true_end - 3);
		$gap = trim($gap);
		//rg_log("DEBUG: gap = [$gap]");
		if (empty($gap)) {
			$false_start = $x + 2;
			if (strncmp(substr($s, $false_start, 1), "\n", 1) == 0) {
				//rg_log("DEBUG: false starts with CR, remove it");
			$false_end = rg_template_find_closing($s, $x + 2);
			//rg_log("DEBUG: false=[" . substr($s, $false_start, $false_end - $false_start + 1) . "]");
		} else {
			//rg_log("DEBUG: gap prevents parsing stuff as false, we have only true part");
	} else {
		//rg_log("DEBUG: cannot find '{{'");

	return 0;

 * Helper for rg_tempalte_string to deal with 'if's
 * Returns how many bytes used from string @s in @next
function rg_template_string_if(&$s, $off, &$data, &$next, $xss_protection)
	//rg_log_enter("DEBUG: template_string_if s+off=[" . substr($s, $off) . "]");

	$ret = '';
	$next = $off;

	$off += 5; /* skip '@@if(' */
	$pos = strpos($s, ')', $off);
	if ($pos === FALSE) {
		rg_log("no closing ')' in [" . substr($s, $off) . "]!");
		return '';

	$cond = substr($s, $off, $pos - $off); $off = $pos + 1;
	$eval_cond = rg_template_eval_cond($cond, $data);
	//rg_log("DEBUG: cond=[$cond] eval_cond=" . ($eval_cond ? "true" : "false"));

	// TODO: Between ')' and '{{' must be only space, else ignore anything??

	$r = rg_template_find_true_and_false($s, $off, $true_start, $true_end,
		$false_start, $false_end);
	if ($r == -1) {
		rg_log("no if skeleton found [" . substr($s, $off) . "]!");
		return -1;

	$x = '';
	if ($eval_cond === TRUE) {
		$x = substr($s, $true_start, $true_end - $true_start + 1);
	} else {
		if ($false_start != -1)
			$x = substr($s, $false_start, $false_end - $false_start + 1);
	//rg_log("DEBUG: x=[$x]");

	$ret .= rg_template_string($x, 0, $data, $xss_protection);

	if ($false_start != -1)
		$next = $false_end + 3;
		$next = $true_end + 3;

	if (strncmp(substr($s, $next, 1), "\n", 1) == 0)

	//rg_log("DEBUG: next: [" . substr($s, $next) . "]");
	return $ret;

 * Replace all known variables in string @s
 * Example @data: a->a2->a3, b->b2; @s='@@a::a2@@ @@b@@' => 'a3 b2'
 * @xss_protection - TRUE if you want to apply rg_xss_safe on the value of vars
function rg_template_string(&$s, $off, &$data, $xss_protection)
	global $rg_template_functions;

	//rg_log_enter("DEBUG: template_string: s+off=[" . substr($s, $off) . "]");

	$ret = '';
	while (strlen(substr($s, $off, 1)) == 1) {
		//rg_log("DEBUG: template_string: s+off=[" . substr($s, $off) . "]");
		$pos = strpos($s, '@@', $off);
		if ($pos === FALSE) {
			$ret .= substr($s, $off);
		$var_start = $pos + 2;

		// copy everything before '@@'
		$ret .= substr($s, $off, $pos - $off);
		//rg_log("DEBUG: after copy all before @@, ret=[$ret]");
		$off = $pos;

		$s2 = substr($s, $off, 5);
		if (strcmp($s2, '@@if(') == 0) {
			$ret .= rg_template_string_if($s, $off, $data, $next,
			$off = $next;

		$off += 2; /* skip start '@@' */
		$pos2 = strpos($s, '@@', $off);
		if ($pos2 === FALSE) {
			// We have only start '@@'
			$ret .= substr($s, $off);
		$var_end = $pos2 - 1;
		$off = $pos2 + 2;

		$var = substr($s, $var_start, $var_end - $var_start + 1);
		//rg_log("DEBUG: var=[$var]");

		$value = rg_template_tree_lookup($var, $data, $xss_protection);
		if ($value === FALSE) {
			$value = '@@' . $var . '@@';
			if (strncmp($var, 'IMG:', 4) == 0) {
				$path = substr($var, 4);
				$path = rg_template_string($path, 0, $data, $xss_protection);
				//rg_log("DEBUG: found an img tag path=[$path]!");
				$value = rg_theme_resolve_path($path);
			} else if (strncmp($var, 'FUNC:', 5) == 0) {
				$rest = substr($var, 5);
				//rg_log("DEBUG: found a function call rest=[$rest]!");
				$fpos = strpos($rest, ':');
				if ($fpos === FALSE) {
					// no params
					$_param = '';
				} else {
					$_param = '@@' . substr($rest, $fpos + 1) . '@@';

				$func = substr($rest, 0, $fpos);
				//rg_log("DEBUG: func=$func _param=$_param");

				// out var may be with '@@'
				$param = rg_template_string($_param, 0, $data, $xss_protection);

				if (isset($rg_template_functions[$func]))
					$value = $rg_template_functions[$func]($param);
			} else if (strncmp($var, 'TEMPLATE:', 9) == 0) {
				$path = substr($var, 9);
				rg_log("DEBUG: found a template path=[$path]!");
				$value = rg_template($path, $data, $xss_protection);
			} else if (strncmp($var, 'SET:', 4) == 0) {
				$rest = substr($var, 4);
				rg_log("DEBUG: found a set rest=[$rest]!");
				$_t = explode('=', $rest, 2);
				if (isset($_t[1]))
					$data[$_t[0]] = $_t[1];
				$value = '';
			} else {
				//rg_log("DEBUG: VAR [$var] NOT FOUND!");
		//rg_log("DEBUG: value=[$value]");
		$ret .= $value;

	//rg_log("DEBUG: ret=[$ret]");
	return $ret;

 * Loads a template from disk without replacing vars or acting on 'ifs'
function rg_template_blind($file)
	global $rg_theme_dir;
	global $rg_theme;

	//rg_log_enter('template_blind: ' . $file);

	$ret = '';
	while (1) {
		$xfile = $rg_theme_dir . "/" . $rg_theme . "/" . $file;
		if (!is_file($xfile)) {
			$xfile = $rg_theme_dir . "/default/" . $file;
			if (!is_file($xfile))
				$xfile = $file;
				if (!is_file($xfile)) {
					rg_log("Cannot find $file!");

		$ret = rg_file_get_contents($xfile);

	return $ret;

 * Loads a template from disk and replase all known variables
 * @xss_protection - TRUE if you want to apply rg_xss_safe on the value of vars
function rg_template($file, &$data, $xss_protection)
	//rg_log_enter('template: ' . $file);

	$ret = '';
	while (1) {
		$body = rg_template_blind($file);
		if (empty($body))

		$ret = rg_template_string($body, 0, $data, $xss_protection);

	//rg_log("DEBUG: rg_template returns [$ret]");
	return $ret;

 * Builds a html output based on a template with header, footer and line
 * @data - in array of data for every out line: index 0 is line 1, index 1 is line 2...
function rg_template_table($dir, &$data, $more)
	global $rg_theme_dir;
	global $rg_theme;

	//rg_log('template_table: ' . $dir);

	$xdir = $rg_theme_dir . "/" . $rg_theme . "/" . $dir;
	if (!is_dir($xdir)) {
		rg_log("$xdir not found.");
		$xdir = $rg_theme_dir . "/default/" . $dir;
		rg_log("Using [$xdir]");

	if (!is_array($data) || empty($data)) {
		$ret = rg_template($xdir . "/nodata.html", $more, TRUE /* xss */);
		return $ret;

	$head = rg_template($xdir . "/header.html", $more, TRUE /* xss */);
	$foot = rg_template($xdir . "/footer.html", $more, TRUE /* xss */);

	$line = rg_file_get_contents($xdir . "/line.html");

	$body = '';
	foreach ($data as $index => $info) {
		$more2 = array_merge($more, $info);
		$body .= rg_template_string($line, 0, $more2, TRUE /* xss */);

	return $head . $body . $foot;

 * Outputs a numbered list
function rg_template_list($c)
	$a = explode("\n", $c);
	if (count($a) == 0)
		return "";

	$ret = "";
	$i = 1;
	$add = "";
	foreach ($a as $line) {
		$ret .= $add . $i . "&nbsp;" . rg_xss_safe($line);
		$add = "<br />";

	return $ret;

 * Show errors using a template
function rg_template_errmsg($a)
	if (empty($a))
		return "";

	$b = array();
	foreach ($a as $junk => $err)
		$b[] = array("error" => $err);
	return rg_template_table("errmsg", $b, array());

 * Show a warning using a template
function rg_warning($msg)
	if (empty($msg))
		return "";

	rg_log("Warning: $msg");

	$x = array("msg" => $msg);
	return rg_template("warning.html", $x, TRUE /* xss */);

 * Show an OK message using a template
 * TODO: OBSOLETE? Because we want the files to be in templates?
function rg_ok($msg)
	if (empty($msg))
		return "";

	$x = array("msg" => $msg);
	return rg_template("ok.html", $x, TRUE /* xss */);

 * Execute $cmd and returns the output as a string, binary safe
 * @input: some data to be sent to the process and received as stdin
 * @cb_stdout - call back called when there is something to be send to stdout
 *	if @cb_stdout is FALSE, stdout output will be returned in $ret['data']
 * cb_stderr - call back called when there is something to be send to stderr
 *	if @cb_stderr is FALSE, stderr output will be returned in $ret['stderr']
function rg_exec($cmd, $input, $cb_stdout, $cb_stderr)
	rg_log_enter('Executing [' . $cmd . ']');

	$ret = array();
	$ret['ok'] = 0;
	$ret['errmsg'] = '';
	$ret['code'] = 65000; // fake code
	$ret['data'] = '';
	$ret['stderr'] = '';
	while (1) {
		$desc = array(
			0 => array("pipe", "r"),
			1 => array('pipe', 'w'),
			2 => array("pipe", "w")
		//rg_log_ml('DEBUG: desc: ' . print_r($desc, TRUE));

		$a = proc_open($cmd, $desc, $pipes);
		if ($a === FALSE) {
			$ret['errmsg'] = "cannot call proc_open";

		//rg_log_ml('DEBUG: proc_open pipes: ' . print_r($pipes, TRUE));

		$rx = array($pipes[1], $pipes[2]);
		$wx = array();
		if (!empty($input))
			$wx[] = $pipes[0];
		while (!empty($rx)) {
			$revents = $rx;
			$wevents = $wx;
			$ex = NULL;
			$r = stream_select($revents, $wevents, $ex, 10, 0);
			if ($r === FALSE) {
				$ret['errmsg'] = "cannot select";
			//rg_log('DEBUG: stream_select returned ' . $r
			//	. ', revents: ' . rg_array2string($revents)
			//	. ', wevents: ' . rg_array2string($wevents));

			foreach ($wevents as $fd) {
				if (!empty($ret['errmsg']))

				//rg_log('DEBUG: write event on fd ' . $fd . '!');

				//rg_log('DEBUG: Writing to fd ' . $fd
				//	. ' [' . $input . ']...');
				$r = @fwrite($fd, $input);
				if ($r === FALSE) {
					$ret['ermsg'] = 'cannot write';
				//rg_log('DEBUG: fwrite returned ' . $r . '.');
				$input = substr($input, $r);
				if (empty($input))
					$wx = array();

			foreach ($revents as $fd) {
				if (!empty($ret['errmsg']))

				//rg_log('DEBUG: read event on fd ' . $fd . '!');
				$_d = fread($fd, 32 * 4096);
				if ($_d === FALSE) {
					$ret['errmsg'] = "cannot read";

				if (empty($_d)) {
					//rg_log('DEBUG: stream ' . $fd . ' returned no data.');
					foreach ($rx as $_k => $_fd) {
						if ($_fd === $fd) {

				if ($fd === $pipes[2]) {
					if ($cb_stderr === FALSE) {
						//rg_log('DEBUG: fd is pipes[2], append to stderr var: ' . $_d);
						$ret['stderr'] .= $_d;
					} else {
						//rg_log('DEBUG: fd is pipes[2], call stdout cb:' . $_d);
						// We want the last error message to be able to log something
						$ret['stderr'] = $_d;
				} else if ($fd === $pipes[1]) {
					if ($cb_stdout === FALSE) {
						//rg_log('DEBUG: fd is pipes[1], append to stdout var: ' . $_d);
						$ret['data'] .= $_d;
					} else {
						//rg_log('DEBUG: fd is pipes[1], call stdout cb: ' . $_d);
				} else {
					rg_internal_error('invalid fd');

			if (!empty($ret['errmsg']))
		$ret['stderr'] = trim($ret['stderr']);
		$ret['data'] = trim($ret['data']);

		for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++)
			if (isset($pipes[$i]))

		$err = proc_close($a);
		if ($err != 0) {
			rg_log('DEBUG: exec returned ' . $err);
			$ret['code'] = $err;
			$ret['errmsg'] = 'task returned code ' . $err
				. ' (' . $ret['stderr'] . ')';

		//rg_log('DEBUG: exec returned ok');
		$ret['code'] = 0;
		$ret['ok'] = 1;

	return $ret;

 * Force browser to redirect to another page
function rg_redirect($url)
	rg_log("Redirecting to [$url]");
	header("Location: $url");

 * Force browser to redirect to another page, using a HTML header
function rg_redirect_html($seconds, $url)
	global $rg;

	$rg['rg_redirect_html'] = 1;
	$rg['rg_redirect_html_seconds'] = $seconds;
	$rg['rg_redirect_html_url'] = $url;

 * Transforms strange chars to hexa
function rg_callback_hexa($matches)
	$n = pack("a*", $matches[0]);
	$tmp = unpack("H*", $n);
	return "[" . $tmp[1] . "]";

 * Transforms an array in a string
function rg_array2string($a)
	$what = array("/[^\pL\pN\pP\pS ]/uU");

	if (!is_array($a))
		return preg_replace_callback($what, "rg_callback_hexa", $a);

	if (empty($a))
		return "";

	$ret = "";
	$add = "";
	foreach ($a as $k => $v) {
		if (is_array($v))
			$s = rg_array2string($v);
			$s = preg_replace_callback($what, "rg_callback_hexa", $v);
		$ret .= $add . "$k=[$s]";
		$add = " ";

	return $ret;

 * Load files from a folder using a pattern for match
function rg_dir_load_pattern($dir, $pattern)
	global $php_errormsg;

	$ret = FALSE;
	if (!file_exists($dir)) {
		rg_util_set_error("$dir does not exists");
		return $ret;

	$d = @scandir($dir);
	if ($d === FALSE) {
		rg_util_set_error("cannot scan dir $dir ($php_errormsg)");
		return $ret;

	$ret = array();
	foreach ($d as $file) {
		if ((strcmp($file, ".") == 0) || (strcmp($file, "..") == 0))

		if (preg_match("/" . $pattern . "/", $file) !== 1)

		$ret[] = $file;

	return $ret;

 * Load all files from a folder
function rg_dir_load($dir)
	return rg_dir_load_pattern($dir, ".*");

 * Recursive dir load (used for references)
function rg_dir_load_deep($dir)
	$ret = array();

	if (is_file($dir))
		return array($dir);

	$d = rg_dir_load($dir);
	foreach ($d as $obj) {
		if (is_dir($dir . "/" . $obj)) {
			$c = rg_dir_load_deep($dir . "/" . $obj);
			foreach ($c as $obj2)
				$ret[] = $obj . "/" . $obj2;
		} else {
			$ret[] = $obj;

	return $ret;

 * Copy a fs tree to another place
function rg_copy_tree($src, $dst, $mask)
	global $php_errormsg;

	rg_log_enter("copy_tree($src, $dst, mask=$mask)");

	$ret = FALSE;
	while (1) {
		if (!is_dir($dst)) {
			$r = @mkdir($dst, $mask, TRUE);
			if ($r !== TRUE) {
				rg_log("ERROR: Cannot mkdir [$dst] ($php_errormsg).");

		$d = rg_dir_load($src);
		if ($d === FALSE)

		$err = FALSE;
		foreach ($d as $obj) {
			if (is_dir($src . "/" . $obj)) {
				if (!is_dir($dst . "/" . $obj)) {
					$r = @mkdir($dst . "/" . $obj, $mask);
					if ($r !== TRUE) {
						rg_log("ERROR: Cannot mkdir [$dst/$obj]"
							. " ($php_errormsg).");
						$err = TRUE;

				$r = rg_copy_tree($src . "/" . $obj, $dst . "/" . $obj, $mask);
				if ($r !== TRUE) {
					$err = TRUE;
			} else {
				$r = @copy($src . "/" . $obj, $dst . "/" . $obj);
				if ($r !== TRUE) {
					rg_log("ERROR: Cannot copy file ($php_errormsg).");
					$err = TRUE;

		if (!$err)
			$ret = TRUE;

	return $ret;

 * Recursively deletes a tree
function rg_del_tree($dst)
	global $php_errormsg;


	$ret = FALSE;
	while (1) {
		if (!is_dir($dst)) {
			$ret = TRUE;

		$d = rg_dir_load($dst);
		if ($d === FALSE)

		$err = FALSE;
		foreach ($d as $obj) {
			if (is_dir($dst . '/' . $obj)) {
				$r = rg_del_tree($dst . '/' . $obj);
				if ($r !== TRUE) {
					$err = TRUE;
			} else {
				$r = @unlink($dst . '/' . $obj);
				if ($r !== TRUE) {
					rg_log("ERROR: Cannot del file [" . $dst . '/' . $obj . "] ($php_errormsg).");
					$err = TRUE;

		$r = @rmdir($dst);
		if ($r !== TRUE) {
			rg_log("ERROR: Cannot del dir [" . $dst . "] ($php_errormsg).");
			$err = TRUE;

		if (!$err)
			$ret = TRUE;

	return $ret;

 * Called by PHP in case of error
function rg_error_handler($no, $str, $file, $line)
	if ($no == 0)

	// call was prepended with '@'
	if (error_reporting() == 0)

	$msg = "PHP ERROR: $file:$line: $str (errno=$no)";

	if ($no == E_ERROR)

	$key = md5($msg);
	$rg_error_seen[$key] = 1;

	return FALSE;

 * Shutdown function to log fatal errors
function rg_error_shutdown()
	$a = error_get_last();
	if ($a === NULL)

	rg_error_handler($a['type'], $a['message'], $a['file'], $a['line']);

 * YYYY-MM-DD -> timestamp
function rg_date2ts($s)
	rg_log("rg_date2ts s=[$s]");

	if (strlen($s) != 10)
		return FALSE;

	$f = explode("-", $s);

	if (count($f) != 3)
		return FALSE;

	return gmmktime(0, 0, 0, $f[1], $f[2], $f[0]);

 * YYYY-MM-DD -> timestamp (last second of the day)
function rg_date2ts_last_second($s)
	rg_log("rg_date2ts_last_second s=[$s]");

	if (strlen($s) != 10)
		return FALSE;

	$f = explode("-", $s);

	if (count($f) != 3)
		return FALSE;

	return gmmktime(0, 0, 0, $f[1], $f[2] + 1, $f[0]) - 1;

 * Special implode, with prefix/postfix
function rg_implode($prefix, $a, $postfix)
	if (!is_array($a))
		return $a;

	if (empty($a))
		return "";

	$ret = array();
	foreach ($a as $index => $data)
		$ret[] = $prefix . $data;

	return implode($postfix, $ret);

 * Here we will cache the connections
$rg_socket_cache = array();

 * Receives buffers and test if @wait string is present.
 * @timeout - in miliseconds, NULL=forever, 0=no_wait
function rg_socket_recv_wait($socket, $wait, $timeout)

	$ret = FALSE;

	if ($timeout === NULL) {
		$tv_sec = NULL;
		$tv_usec = NULL;
	} else {
		$tv_sec = $timeout / 1000;
		$tv_usec = ($timeout % 1000) * 1000;

	$ret_buf = '';
	while (1) {
		$reads = array($socket); $writes = array(); $ex = array();
		$r = @socket_select($reads, $writes, $ex, $tv_sec, $tv_usec);
		if ($r === FALSE) {
			rg_log('Cannot select(' . socket_strerror(socket_last_error()) . ')!');

		if ($r === 0) { // timeout
			rg_log('Timeout in reading!');

		if (!in_array($socket, $reads)) {
			rg_log('Select returned > 0 and my socket is not in reads');

		$r = @socket_recv($socket, $buf, 32 * 4096, 0);
		if ($r === FALSE) {
			rg_log('Cannot receive (' . socket_strerror(socket_last_error()) . ')!');
		//rg_log("Received [$buf]");
		$ret_buf .= $buf;

		$pos = strpos($buf, $wait);
		if ($pos !== FALSE) {
			$ret = $ret_buf;


	return $ret;

 * Sends a full buffer
 * TODO: Take timeout in consideration.
function rg_socket_send($socket, $buf)

	$ret = FALSE;
	$len = strlen($buf);
	$off = 0;
	while (1) {
		$r = @socket_send($socket, substr($buf, $off), $len - $off, 0);
		if ($r === FALSE) {
			rg_log("Could not send (" . socket_strerror(socket_last_error()) . ")!");
		//rg_log("Sent $r bytes (" . substr($buf, $off, $r) . ").");

		$len -= $r; $off += $r;
		if ($len == 0) {
			$ret = TRUE;

	return $ret;

 * Connects to a socket, send @buf and returns the answer.
 * @timeout: NULL=forever, 0=no_wait
 * @tries - how many time to retry if it fails
function rg_socket($path, $buf, $timeout, $tries, $flags)
	global $rg_socket_cache;


	$ret = FALSE;
	while ($tries > 0) {
		if (isset($rg_socket_cache[$path])) {
			$socket = $rg_socket_cache[$path];
		} else {
			$socket = @socket_create(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
			if ($socket === FALSE) {
				rg_log("Could not create socket (" . socket_strerror(socket_last_error()) . ")!");

			while ($tries > 0) {
				$r = @socket_connect($socket, $path);
				if ($r === FALSE) {
					usleep(50 * 1000);

			if ($r === FALSE) {
				rg_log('Could not connect the socket [' . $path . ']'
					. '(' . socket_strerror(socket_last_error()) . ')!');

			$rg_socket_cache[$path] = $socket;

		$r = rg_socket_send($socket, $buf);
		if ($r !== TRUE) {

		if ($flags & RG_SOCKET_NO_WAIT) {
			//rg_log('We do not have to wait. Exit.');
			$ret = '';

		$ret = rg_socket_recv_wait($socket, "\n", $timeout);

	return $ret;

 * Check if referer matchces current website
function rg_valid_referer()
	$ref0 = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : "";

	// If not provided, we can do nothing about
	if (empty($ref0))
		return TRUE;

	$ref = preg_replace('|http(s)?://|', '', $ref0);
	$ref = preg_replace('|/.*|', '', $ref);

	$we = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : "";

	if (strcasecmp($we, $ref) == 0)
		return TRUE;

	rg_security_violation_no_exit("invalid referer for form submission"
		. " we=[$we] ref=[$ref] ref0=[$ref0]");
	return FALSE;

 * Returns the age of an object
function rg_age($ts)
	$diff = time() - $ts;

	$ret = ($diff % 60) . 's';
	$rest = intval($diff / 60);
	if ($rest == 0)
		return $ret;

	$ret = ($diff % 60) . 'm' . $ret;
	$rest = intval($diff / 60);
	if ($rest == 0)
		return $ret;

	$ret = ($diff % 24) . 'h' . $ret;
	$rest = intval($diff / 24);
	if ($rest == 0)
		return $ret;

	$ret = ($diff % 12) . 'm' . $ret;
	$rest = intval($diff / 12);
	if ($rest == 0)
		return $ret;

	$ret = $rest . 'y' . $ret;

	return $ret;

 * Returns the path into the temporary area
function rg_tmp_path($file)
	global $rg_state_dir;

	return $rg_state_dir . '/tmp/' . $file;

 * Creates and stores content into a temporary file
function rg_tmp_file($file, $content)
	global $rg_state_dir;

	$final_name = $rg_state_dir . '/tmp/' . $file;
	$r = @file_put_contents($final_name, $content);
	if ($r === FALSE)
		return FALSE;
	// TODO: log error messege?

	return $final_name;

 * Function to short the certificates
function rg_cert_short($s)
	if (empty($s))
		return 'n/a';

	if (strlen($s) < 12)
		return $s;

	$s = str_replace('-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----', '', $s);
	$s = str_replace('-----END CERTIFICATE-----', '', $s);
	$s = trim($s);

	return substr($s, 0, 4) . '...' . substr($s, -4, 4);

 * Remove ::ffff: prefix
function rg_fix_ip($ip)
	if (strncasecmp($ip, "::ffff:", 7) == 0)
		$ip = substr($ip, 7);

	return $ip;

 * Escape json fields - TODO - for now do nothing
function rg_json_escape($s)
	return json_encode($s);

 * Escapes texts inside XML tags
 * Example: <a>&</a> -> <a>&amp;</a>
function fn_xml_escape($s)
	return strtr($s,
			'<' => '&lt;',
			'>' => '&gt;',
			'"' => '&quot;',
			'\'' => '&apos;',
			'&' => '&amp;',

 * Removes from a string all non-alpha characters
function rg_force_alpha($s)
	return preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z]/', '', $s);

 * Removes from a string all non-alpha/num and _ characters
function rg_force_alphanum($s)
	return preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9_]/', '', $s);

 * Dummy function to be used in rg_exec callback
function rg_echo($s)
	echo $s;


Mode Type Size Ref File
100644 blob 9 f3c7a7c5da68804a1bdf391127ba34aed33c3cca .exclude
100644 blob 102 eaeb7d777062c60a55cdd4b5734902cdf6e1790c .gitignore
100644 blob 289 fabbff669e768c05d6cfab4d9aeb651bf623e174 AUTHORS
100644 blob 1132 dd65951315f3de6d52d52a82fca59889d1d95187 Certs.txt
100644 blob 549 41c3bdbba8ec2523fe24b84bdd46777fc13e8345 History.txt
100644 blob 34520 dba13ed2ddf783ee8118c6a581dbf75305f816a3 LICENSE
100644 blob 2792 49fb9ac116dad2789e2b30046be0c9040ec2e880 Makefile.in
100644 blob 4875 351369ca6f3895965cd98b847161c696d2052146 README
100644 blob 110503 48e2f69a9b9e2a31c1b725822495c917f741489c TODO
100644 blob 1294 f22911eb777f0695fcf81ad686eac133eb11fcc4 TODO-plans
100644 blob 203 a2863c67c3da44126b61a15a6f09738c25e0fbe0 TODO.perf
100644 blob 600 5525d768c22262f90a504a11db4fabc25ddbab8f TODO.vm
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100644 blob 3907 6ae9158d019f8075b0e0cb5b5b18a783b3a10fbf compare.csv
100755 blob 30 92c4bc48245c00408cd7e1fd89bc1a03058f4ce4 configure
040000 tree - 8ffdcb3d5e12de55f23f507ed41bfda98d7e9595 debian
040000 tree - c762634e95d46059f3d8e964a7f76c9f0f73139f docker
040000 tree - f67d3605efbd6422a8acdd953578991139266391 docs
100755 blob 16711 924262b2f8dbf3bbe02358e7f404175732e970d1 duilder
100644 blob 536 4af4a0b5ba5e8c7c33ad12d7a552517bc0acf098 duilder.conf
040000 tree - b0cc8cc0386eddf4373339a7860e46e8f74e0202 hooks
040000 tree - 0700636b897dc72c30e764ad09f1a6b302963779 inc
040000 tree - 893c467cc64247dbe6360f5688c896e5b928c257 misc
100644 blob 3924 d71949b4bc4b8290aff66bc140e349c763d1d2cc rocketgit.spec.in
040000 tree - e56e45b6dfaeb3ae44f6fc11d5d3b2cd2e117e02 root
040000 tree - 27c2b5605627048c31d9bffe40a779ffb5a23561 samples
040000 tree - e7d8b1acea02964ab7203488eba7f45c51955f3f scripts
040000 tree - b2126466c4b21ed1182f727f36de39ec6fc05d02 selinux
100755 blob 256 462ccd108c431f54e380cdac2329129875a318b5 spell_check.sh
040000 tree - cb54e074b3ca35943edfcda9dd9cfcd281bcd9e7 techdocs
040000 tree - 4cee612f5f854d74a13c4f95f1045d94fc046e13 tests
040000 tree - 63f68e921ac8d6a62ea9c3d180e072c7c4725b7d tools
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