/notes/example.md (effe12db0fb12f4eb1ddd7a1e026869de840c1ce) (4703 bytes) (mode 100644) (type blob)

# ^^^ Beginning of YAML header.
documentclass: scrreprt                 # Document class
title: Example File                     # Title 
subtitle: To test your installation     # Subtitle
author: You                             # Author
institute: Augusta University           # Institution
papersize: letter
geometry: "vmargin=2cm"
bibliography: [ bib/entry.bib ]         # Bib file
link-citations: true
lang: en
numbersections: true
mainfont: Linux Libertine O
keywords:                               # Keywords.
    - Example File
 - \usepackage{latex/packages}          # Latex style
pandoc-numbering:                       # pandoc-numbering configuration
           listing-title: List of Examples

<!-- The list of example is generated automatically by pandoc-numbering -->

This is a small document to introduce to the syntax used in the document, and to test if [the installation](../install/INSTALL.html) of the required software was successful.

# Figures Examples

If you want to include a `png`, `jpeg`, or similar format, simply write

![Title](full/path/to/image.jpeg "Alt text")

To display the figure without the title, add `\` at the end of the previous line.

For scalar formats (`pdf` and `svg`), leaving off file extension makes your document more portable, as you can automatically append `svg` (prefered for `html` webpages and `odt` documents) or `pdf` (prefered for `pdf` documents) to the path using the options `--default-image-extension=svg` or `--default-image-extension=pdf`

## PNG example

This is an example that shows how to include a PNG image:

![Title for the image](img/ALG_logo_hires.png "Alt text")

## Entity-Relationship Diagram Example

This is an example that shows how to include an entity-relationship diagram.

![Title for the diagram](fig/er/abstract "Alt text")

## Functional Dependency Example

This is an example that shows how to include an functional dependency diagram.

![Title for the diagram](fig/fd/course "Alt text")

## Miscallenous Figure

This is an example that shows how to include another kind of figure:

![The life of a project](fig/misc/schema_design "Alt text")

## Relational Model

This is an example that shows how to include a relational model:

![Title for the model](fig/rel_mod/actor "Alt text")

## Unified Modelling Language

This is an example that shows how to include a UML class diagram:

![Title for the diagram](fig/uml_class/hand "Alt text")

This is an example that shows how to include a UML activity diagram:

![Title for the diagram](fig/uml_activity/teaching "Alt text")

# Code Examples

By defaut, the code is colored as `SQL` code, due to the

--lua-filter filters/default-code-class.lua -M default-code-class=sqlmysql
option given to pandoc.
You can refer to <https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/issues/2104> for a discussion on that topic.

## Entire Code File

Entire code files (from the `code` folder) are included using [pandoc-include-code ](https://github.com/owickstrom/pandoc-include-code):


## Classes

### `.plain` example

This is an example that shows the `.plain` class:

Hi, I'm a plain text with no coloration.

### `.java` example

This is an example that shows the `.java` class:

```{.java include=code/java/HelloWorld.java}

### `.numberlines` example

This is an example that shows how to use the `.numberlines` class:

```{.numberLines .sqlmysql include=code/sql/HW_HelloWorld.sql}

<!-- Note that if an option is given to pandoc-include-code, then the language, even if it is sql, as to be explicitely given. -->

### Ranges

This is an example that shows how to use the `startLine` and `endLine` attributes:

```{startLine=1 endLine=1 include=code/sql/HW_HelloWorld.sql}

### Snippets

This is an example that shows how to use the snippet attribute:

```{include=code/sql/HW_Department.sql snippet=solution1}

# Numbering

Numbering is done using [pandoc-numbering](https://github.com/chdemko/pandoc-numbering).

Example +.#the-id-of-my-example

: Hi, this is an example.

You can refer to @example:the-id-of-my-example

Example (I have a title) +.#
~ <!-- Note the space after the `~`. -->
    Hi, this is another example.
    It spans over mutiple lines.

You can refer to [%D %n (%T)](#example:3.2).

# Referencing

References are dealt with by [pandoc-citperoc](https://github.com/jgm/pandoc-citeproc), as follows: [@AubertCSCI3410-DatabaseSystems].

Refer to `bib/entry.bib` to see this entry in the [bibtex](http://www.bibtex.org/) format.

# References

<!-- References are automatically added after this point -->

Mode Type Size Ref File
100644 blob 15398 ee75155d2d99639acd17d31b2cc23cd752078e7e CONTRIB.md
100644 blob 20625 25b8e45e7f103089fb70fae5a219f09a29ef5312 KNOWN_BUGS.md
100644 blob 17217 e5c1f9f898cca948da42333b100e331d62b61d3c LICENSE.md
100644 blob 1997 f8801648fd4ba5843a2cbca8b10e4f69ba5d9b25 Makefile
100644 blob 6695 0b91924ffc7b73e2d36150369d4fd41a44b099c5 README.md
040000 tree - eb7afc38251ada69e1967e1ce3e49967eca2267c install
040000 tree - f16b283429b64b620b3bd7681a446ff54d504f84 notes
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