/botly/db.py (afef9d710524530ad5d7137a9eeeb28794b61a69) (6640 bytes) (mode 100644) (type blob)
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Database class that loads the XML db, shared with daugther db classes."""
from lxml import etree
class Db:
dbxml = False
dbpath = ""
dbmodified = False
def __init__(self):
assert False, "No instance of this class should be created."
def load(cls, filePath):
"""Loads the database XML file at given path."""
cls.dbxml = etree.parse(filePath)
cls.dbpath = filePath
def save(cls, filePath=''):
"""Saves the database on the filesystem."""
if not cls.dbmodified:
return False
if not len(filePath):
filePath = cls.dbpath
cls.dbxml.write(filePath, encoding="utf-8", xml_declaration=True)
cls.dbmodified = False
return True
def was_modified(cls):
"""Returns whether or not the DB was modified an require a save."""
return cls.dbmodified
def get_node(self, path):
"""Returns the node at the given absolute path"""
return Db.dbxml.xpath(path)[0]
def is_loaded(self):
"""Returns whether or not the database was loaded."""
return Db.dbxml != False
def store_value(self, valueName, value, parentXpath = ''):
"""Stores a single value in the database."""
# If we provided a parent path, we use it, otherwise, use root
if len(parentXpath):
parent = self.root.xpath(parentXpath)
if len(parent):
parent = parent[0]
return None
parent = self.root
# If value exists in this parent, remove it. Then we create it
elem = parent.find(valueName)
if elem is not None:
elem = etree.Element(valueName)
elem.text = value
return True
def query_value(self, valueName, parentPath = None):
"""Loads a single value from the given parent."""
# Define parent: Either the root elem or given parent path
parent = None
if parentPath is None:
parent = self.root
parent = self.root.xpath(parentXpath)
if len(parent):
parent = parent[0]
return None
# Now query the value amoung the parent' subelements
if parent is not None:
valueElem = parent.find(valueName)
if valueElem is not None and valueElem.text is not None:
return valueElem.text
return None
def store_object(self, parentXpath, obj):
"""Store a single object in the db."""
parent = self.root.xpath(parentXpath)[0]
if parent is not None:
# Is the object already in the db? If so, remove it
for child in parent.iterchildren():
if child.get('Id') == obj['Id']:
# Now save the object
return True
return False
def query_object(self, parentXpath, objectId):
"""Loads a single object identified by its Id. None if not found."""
parent = self.root.xpath(parentXpath)[0]
if parent is not None:
for child1 in parent.iterchildren():
if child1.get('Id') != objectId:
return self._load_object_values(child1)
return None
def query_object_list(self, parentXpath):
"""Loads a list of objects, represented by a dict with its values"""
parent = self.root.xpath(parentXpath)[0]
if parent is not None:
objects = []
for child1 in parent.iterchildren():
return objects
return None
def _set_modified(self, modified):
Db.dbmodified = modified
def _obj_to_xml(self, obj):
"""Create an xml element out of an object (dictionary)"""
elem = etree.Element(obj['Type'])
for key, value in obj.items():
if key == 'Id':
elem.set(key, value)
elif key == 'Type':
# We already used that value to name the element's tag
elif isinstance(value, list):
# We found a list so loop through every value and create a
# child list elem. Its name is based on its parent's
childElem = etree.Element(key)
for lvalue in value:
listElem = etree.Element(key[:-1])
listElem.text = lvalue
childElem = etree.Element(key)
childElem.text = value
return elem
def _load_object_values(self, xmlobj):
"""Loads the given xml node in a dictionary, considered as an object.
Objects are suspected to have an Id specified as an attribute on their
root xml element. It will be loaded in the dictionary as 'Id'.
Elements containing no children are considered as simple values.
They are loaded in the dict using their tagname and their value.
Elements that contains children are considered a list of value. A list
is created in the dict under that element's tag name containing the
value of its children. Those children's tag name is ignored."""
obj = {}
obj['Id'] = xmlobj.get('Id')
obj['Type'] = xmlobj.tag
for child in xmlobj.iterchildren():
if len(child) == 0:
# We have no children, this node is value
obj[child.tag] = child.text
# We have children. We consider this node as a list
obj[child.tag] = []
for child2 in child.iterchildren():
if child2.text is not None:
return obj
def _pre_check(self):
assert self.is_loaded(), "The DB is not loaded."
assert self.root is not None, "Root node not defined."
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