/botly/settings.py (bad6ea32f4705ce281bece3182f92778e472c3fa) (939 bytes) (mode 100644) (type blob)

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Loads and manages the bot settings."""

from botly.db import Db

class Settings(Db):
    def __init__(self):
        self.settings = {}

    def get_string(self, key, default='None'):
        """Returns the string value if it exists."""
        if not key in self.settings: 
            self.settings[key] = self._load_setting(key, default)
        return self.settings[key]

    def get_int(self, key, default='0'):
        """Returns the int value if it exists."""
        # Default default is a string because passed to get_string.
        # It's converted back to int below
        v = self.get_string(key, default=default)
        return int(v)

    def _load_setting(self, key, default):
        assert self.is_loaded(), "Database is not loaded."
        setting = Db.dbxml.xpath('/BotDb/Settings/' + key)
        if setting:
            return setting[0].text
            return default

Mode Type Size Ref File
100644 blob 896 ac3944627b46e5914bc225d541cab61e13102ad4 README.md
040000 tree - c3633971c8e36cc59dd5c41fd76fa9255765416e botly
100644 blob 172 3f148ab99d152565c46e51fd45e51030417f7faa example.py
040000 tree - 902cb30cdf6276223ffa4043fbdaee680d0a984c examplebot
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