/persia_pytorch_toolkit/meter_utils.py (57d3a08765ebb17b5b7df946fb2761b522749473) (2306 bytes) (mode 100644) (type blob)

import torch
import queue

class RiemannAUCMeter():
    Efficient PyTorch AUC Estimator.
    def __init__(self, num_bins=100000):
        self.num_bins = num_bins

    def add(self, outputs, labels):
        """Outputs should be probabilities from 0 to 1."""
        indices = torch.clamp(outputs * self.num_bins, min=0, max=self.num_bins - 1).long()
        p_indices = torch.masked_select(indices, labels != 0)
        n_indices = torch.masked_select(indices, labels == 0)
        self.p_mask = torch.sparse.FloatTensor(p_indices.unsqueeze(0), torch.ones_like(p_indices), torch.Size([self.num_bins]))
        self.n_mask = torch.sparse.FloatTensor(n_indices.unsqueeze(0), torch.ones_like(n_indices), torch.Size([self.num_bins]))
        self.p_cnt += self.p_mask
        self.n_cnt += self.n_mask

    def value(self):
        p_sum = self.p_cnt.sum().item()
        n_sum = self.n_cnt.sum().item()

        prod = torch.dot(self.p_cnt, self.n_cnt).item() * 0.5
        n_cumsum = self.n_cnt.cumsum(0)
        up_sum = torch.dot(self.p_cnt, n_cumsum).item() + prod
            return float(up_sum)/float(p_sum*n_sum)
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            return 0

    def reset(self):
        self.p_cnt = torch.zeros(self.num_bins, dtype=torch.long)
        self.n_cnt = torch.zeros(self.num_bins, dtype=torch.long)

class RiemannRunningAUCMeter(RiemannAUCMeter):
    def __init__(self, num_bins=100000, buffer_size=100):
        self.buffer_size = buffer_size
        self.buffer = queue.Queue(maxsize=self.buffer_size)
        self.p_cnt = torch.zeros(self.num_bins, dtype=torch.long)
        self.n_cnt = torch.zeros(self.num_bins, dtype=torch.long)

    def add(self, outputs, labels):
        super().add(outputs, labels)
        if self.buffer.full():
            p_mask, n_mask = self.buffer.get()
            self.p_cnt -= p_mask
            self.n_cnt -= n_mask
        self.buffer.put((self.p_mask, self.n_mask))

    def reset(self):

if __name__ == "__main__":
    meter = RiemannAUCMeter()
    outputs = torch.rand(10000)
    labels = torch.rand(10000) > 0.4
    for _ in range(100):
        meter.add(outputs, labels.float())

Mode Type Size Ref File
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100644 blob 106 31e29114018d9b0254e2e8d2d46797c484362eff README.md
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100644 blob 354 60b2cf036b92d2c0c4be4ceec72b98c30ca04ccb setup.py
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