justworx / trix (public) (License: agpl-3.0) (since 2018-03-19) (hash sha1)
A python programming library, full of tricks I frequently use.
Merge request 1 (923127b8aa284773f97ca02bf277025b87ae9833 -> c943a5c1eef6b9bbf8b29c8dfe87bc32e799b1b0)
By: anonymous
Against ref: refs/heads/master
Date: 2018-04-06 06:21
This merge request can be merged without conflicts.
No commits found.
How to merge on your machine?
git fetch origin refs/mr/1:mr-1
git checkout main
git merge mr-1

To "see" all the merge requests as branches,
add, in the config file (.git/config), under the remote you want, a line like this:
fetch = +refs/mr/*:refs/remotes/your_remote_name_for_example_origin/mr/*
After you run a git fetch, you will have all the pull requests locally.
For example, you can merge one of them:
git checkout main
git merge mr/1