spicylord / clutils (public) (License: GPLv3) (since 2019-07-04) (hash sha1)
An assortment of new and rewritten preexisting tools written by me.

Mode Type Size Ref File
100644 blob 35149 f288702d2fa16d3cdf0035b15a9fcbc552cd88e7 COPYING
100755 blob 628 aea31675501c3d82c411eb99ff64d69446a550a0 INSTALL
100644 blob 2429 d98741b40437761e17e1fa301e70952d8ff98387 README
100755 blob 2477 b9a622397ba215256c724bdadc12e6b161cce6b8 c
100644 blob 4161 d3c21fdd338bf33819184988562e3961f7883484 clp.c
100755 blob 1743 15d2d1cd7b083c7d4120e7902d9cba9616afe151 comp
100644 blob 807 59c452396f94f50dbe567bc19530fd386a52b652 echo.c
100755 blob 695 a6ca102f88d4643c962a52dc416f1e7a159962b9 exho
100755 blob 783 5a9e33def49890e1fbbb5af04d35a39e078f17dd ins
100644 blob 979 89b230aabe515c66e967be21a4d9dff3ac5248da nl.l
100644 blob 1920 97b9e917313c878d8f4899893143c320b779de3f sc.c
100644 blob 1127 c105483de17bc09fe24e3b0fecfbce024fa380b0 spng.c
100644 blob 1178 1433a0105fd7a07e7ede04214e26552241f36b64 tee.c
100644 blob 2084 7c05702000203c8061b07e7238dc0b5049b91ca6 wc.c
100644 blob 796 7359238b347bc985adc97e744cde0f8aa2ee6fbc yes.c
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