sylware / nyanlinux (public) (License: AFFERO GPLv3) (since 2019-09-09) (hash sha1)
scripts for a lean, from scratch, amd hardware, linux distro

Mode Type Size Ref File
100644 blob 11633 26714c7f9eacb10ac3d2c6b19dd5fd6eb3335d49
100644 blob 468 d23ec4e0296868e5f81e7e7d0891ab805e1efe19 radv_device.c.patch
100644 blob 5001 a0757cfa2e8fde8004a0745c1585a30bc3357f89 radv_meta.c.patch
100644 blob 3012 5431fd07b0921fc05c6a7909b09be03e794fd98a radv_meta_copy.c.patch
100644 blob 2578 0b49f032cfdd7845de94b76e9f632056b4b9bb02 radv_no_tracers.c
100644 blob 415 d764859d7290236265ef9e1e4273acef04617ccb vk_enum_to_str.c
100644 blob 259 85e5bec9668b57d24ee1226e87e116c85b0b111c vk_enum_to_str.h
100644 blob 462 68cb58225db26aef172615d991c5bc879e767b70 vtn_opencl.c
100755 blob 51997 9aabca528e803c6ade348c376c7aa1343c199767
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