sylware / nyanlinux (public) (License: AFFERO GPLv3) (since 2019-09-09) (hash sha1)
scripts for a lean, from scratch, amd hardware, linux distro

/x64/elf/ (713fba47e29c260d1887236a19067b1cf6d95a04) (1578 bytes) (mode 100755) (type blob)


# The glibc is lost. With the help of the ELF design failures, their manic abuse of gnu symbol
# versioning, mandating a recent gcc compiler... actually some recent gnu only tools, this is just a
# text-book case of planned obsolescence. There is also the libs still requiring static loading
# because of the ELF static TLS flag (not fixed already?). Some glibc objects which are statically
# linked into binaries which require specific gnu symbol versions in the shared glibc libs.

# In the end, you don't really have more freedom than with msft windows. At least it has the decency
# to cost 0 and nobody should be paid for that work or even worse, pay for it. If anybody is, this
# is a scam.

# Downgraded to obsolete/scam and should be replaced.

# This is not a host != build script.


set -e
top_dir=$(readlink -f $(dirname $0))

printf "TOP_DIR=$top_dir\n"
printf "TOP_SRC_DIR=$top_src_dir\n"
printf "TOP_BUILD_DIR=$top_build_dir\n"
printf "INSTALL_DIR=$install_dir\n"
printf "USING $jobs_n PARALLEL JOBS\n"
rm -Rf $top_build_dir
mkdir -p $top_build_dir
cd $top_build_dir
(. $top_dir/glibc/ &
(. $top_dir/glibc/ &
(. $top_dir/glibc/ &
. $top_dir/glibc/
. $top_dir/glibc/

Mode Type Size Ref File
100644 blob 5 8eba6c8dd4dcaf6166bd22285ed34625f38a84ff .gitignore
100755 blob 1587 57fa4264b9ee0ae0a6f678f2527a05d3b22dda78
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100644 blob 2142 f19c2d6b293244bb11a3f74ee77c10675cadc7d6 INSTALL
100644 blob 30 c9b735fa1332286f4b3f5f81fa10527fd7506b6e LICENSE
040000 tree - 28209ba227eef88ff7a877e2f760793714db547e builders
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100644 blob 479 8cc15efe46965ac7750fe304460f5a2b0aa4201c
040000 tree - 37fb4df620fed5aaca7f238f575dacc41ad90178 files
100755 blob 356 8fb8be28ac72f7214b59934b9f74a682665f2d32 pkg-build
100644 blob 22800641 e9e6291054c857401f6835c728f31541dae4311e steam.tar.bz2
100644 blob 173 2047af328b22f9d146585cd9e759edbc18122250
040000 tree - 8e23f551092a35f82b37129dd08c35c4d313c17b x64
040000 tree - b7a22de7f5cbd97650dd45412ef7d4246e395eb8 x86
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