sylware / nyanlinux (public) (License: AFFERO GPLv3) (since 2019-09-09) (hash sha1)
scripts for a lean, from scratch, amd hardware, linux distro

/files/asm/lib.asm (8332f67735f2a246263d98f2bab908931aec4b88) (2196 bytes) (mode 100644) (type blob)

	[section .data]
; qword of 64 bits, means up to 64 chars + 1 terminating char
itoa_buf_sz:	equ 65
itoa_buf:	times itoa_buf_sz db 0
sysc_write:	equ 1
str_sz_max:	equ 1024
	[section .text]
; stolen and adapted from asmutils
;itoa (unsigned long value, char *string, int radix)
;print 64 bits number as binary,octal,decimal,or hexadecimal value
;<RAX	unsigned long value
;<RDI	char *string
;<RCX	base    (2, 8, 10, 16, or another one)

	push rax
	push rcx
	push rdx
	push rdi
	call	.printB
	mov	byte [rdi], 0	;terminating null char

	pop rdi
	pop rdx
	pop rcx
	pop rax

	xor	rdx, rdx 
	div	rcx 
	test	rax, rax 
	jz	.print0
	push	rdx
	call	.printB
	pop	rdx
	add	dl, '0'
	cmp	dl, '9'
	jle	.print1
	add	dl, 0x27
	mov	[rdi], dl
 	inc	rdi
;rax n
	push rax
	push rcx
	push rdi
	push rsi
	push rdx

	mov qword [itoa_buf], 0
	mov qword [itoa_buf + 8], 0
	mov qword [itoa_buf + 8 * 2], 0
	mov qword [itoa_buf + 8 * 3], 0
	mov byte [itoa_buf + 8 * 3 + 1], 0

	mov rdi, itoa_buf
	mov rcx, 16		; hex
	call itoa

	pop rdx
	pop rsi
	pop rdi
	pop rcx
	pop rax

; rax = str ptr
; rbx = buf sta
	push rax
	push rbx
	push rcx
	push rdx
	push rdi
	push rsi

	mov rdi, rax
	mov rbx, rax			; save str ptr in rbx

	xor al,al			; null character
	mov rcx, str_sz_max
	repne scasb			; the flags are from the cmp operation, not from counter termination condition
	jne .exit

	dec rdi				; rdi to point on the terminating null char

	sub rdi, rbx			; compute str len (namely excluding the terminating null char)
	mov rdx, rdi			; 3rd write arg (byte count)

	mov rax, sysc_write		; 1
	mov rdi, 2			; fd, "std error"
	mov rsi, rbx			; str ptr
	push r11
	pop r11

	pop rsi
	pop rdi
	pop rdx
	pop rcx
	pop rbx
	pop rax

Mode Type Size Ref File
100644 blob 5 8eba6c8dd4dcaf6166bd22285ed34625f38a84ff .gitignore
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100644 blob 2142 f19c2d6b293244bb11a3f74ee77c10675cadc7d6 INSTALL
100644 blob 30 c9b735fa1332286f4b3f5f81fa10527fd7506b6e LICENSE
040000 tree - 206d6a23693cdd25c4309f53d5017899c0668d34 builders
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100644 blob 479 8cc15efe46965ac7750fe304460f5a2b0aa4201c
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100644 blob 22800641 e9e6291054c857401f6835c728f31541dae4311e steam.tar.bz2
100644 blob 173 2047af328b22f9d146585cd9e759edbc18122250
040000 tree - b7a22de7f5cbd97650dd45412ef7d4246e395eb8 x86
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