sylware / nyanlinux (public) (License: AFFERO GPLv3) (since 2019-09-09) (hash sha1)
scripts for a lean, from scratch, amd hardware, linux distro

Mode Type Size Ref File
100644 blob 16743 355e07c2aa5382dabca220be20659ae24b433704 inotify.asm
100644 blob 2196 8332f67735f2a246263d98f2bab908931aec4b88 lib.asm
100644 blob 1853 d73421f545fc6d9b8e43bae9154a4158a0e32168 poweroff.S
100644 blob 1843 77b0bb48a96720100bbb57fd45ba15b5d0df579a reboot.S
100644 blob 1035 30356ef231de6a8a7cf053a81e93bbef25a6a9af user.S
100644 blob 859 07161ae54877165e581a1150dda883724b92b354 user_nodbus.S
100644 blob 1312 f818ab55a14f1bc79ccdb17b07aee91011997049 user_steam.S
100644 blob 1097 c8dde5aadedb55dc2c86ebd9a586dc6d2cb6ed93 user_steam_nodbus.S
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