sylware / nyanlinux (public) (License: AFFERO GPLv3) (since 2019-09-09) (hash sha1)
scripts for a lean, from scratch, amd hardware, linux distro

Mode Type Size Ref File
040000 tree - 4c39738116c1045869b0f9d9e58d6608e10cb03b binutils
040000 tree - 0818104637b062ce5846ec0af3dd8dffe66817db busybox
040000 tree - 1669cb7011f1f8e278236801b857b97efd28fb3d cross-binutils
040000 tree - 9999af3573bd5867e755fcc67d3afc486b647f58 cross-gcc
040000 tree - cd8c175d0e038a53d376522f6ec65e20ae5ca770 cross-gmp
040000 tree - 0ac373d9d08d54437d9de1212bf5349f35823b19 cross-mpc
040000 tree - 8108eb8eec3f78a43febf3ade1d3655da9c0d480 cross-mpfr
040000 tree - 51e6aa0d2c8e0afc9c83c54c9a43190595fe4395 gcc
040000 tree - 01a82c187d3db5d82cdb6e79c09ba2088205f0af gmp
040000 tree - 3b045748060121efa7face31544af6ca50787699 libgcc
040000 tree - e45792467f2f7e3b5ff0aca3b3c389fdaa7fd8ba libstdc++
040000 tree - a64dd1f05fa49e6a06e0e8b79607e5e4ebcf1774 linux-5.12.1
040000 tree - b8e0bd0cb541dacb4f697bc78ff465d76b31a5ee linux-firmware
040000 tree - e34c0b16a47b295deb1f0d2da5fad3d91ffcc823 linux-headers-5.12.1
040000 tree - a9e0bf2206646d836bca4eb8e91326b1d9295d1f linux
040000 tree - ffe4fdf0e40db1cb5ef5267ae124e35cc8900bf3 make
040000 tree - 62d5fec6a2ac40b9761247ee70cd5c64336106d4 mpc
040000 tree - 6d4ef56a903701d6231a4fea8aca84f5a4da3d38 mpfr
040000 tree - d7ab9f18942f9735525de7f4dea0e501f2e04f4c mudev
040000 tree - 222ec33822a994b84882b4b8e9b76b95e58845a4 muinit
040000 tree - cedb3cca383150f1087ef2c5ea84fcbd98f33cc6 nyanglibc
040000 tree - e2f3324ca838214a7232df1eeed6de0e72af4556 zlib
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