sylware / nyanlinux (public) (License: AFFERO GPLv3) (since 2019-09-09) (hash sha1)
scripts for a lean, from scratch, amd hardware, linux distro

/files/mlterm.sample/main (2e3e82fd863c45b7a3b8fc55e01004abc6f5b9eb) (2552 bytes) (mode 100644) (type blob)

# geometry =
# screen_width_ratio = 100
# inner_border = 2
inner_border = 0
# layout_inner_border = 0
# use_login_shell = false
termtype = mlterm
# max_ptys = 32
# startup_screens = 1
# ENCODING = auto
# use_ctl = true
# bidi_mode = normal
# bidi_separators =
# use_combining = true
# use_dynamic_comb = false
# col_size_of_width_a = 1
# vertical_mode = none
# use_vertical_cursor = false
# use_multi_column_char = false
# receive_string_via_ucs = false
# auto_detect_encodings =
# use_auto_detect = false
# fontsize = 16
fontsize = 12
# font_size_range = 6-30
# step_in_changing_font_size = 1
# use_point_size = false
# use_variable_column_width = false 
# type_engine = xft
# use_anti_alias = false
# not_use_unicode_font = false
# unicode_noconv_areas =
# only_use_unicode_font = false
only_use_unicode_font = true
# iso88591_font_for_usascii = false
# box_drawing_font = noconv
# compose_dec_special_font = false
# use_bold_font = true
# use_italic_font = true
# leftward_double_drawing = false
# unicode_full_width_areas =
# unicode_half_width_areas =
# use_ot_layout = false
# ot_script = latn
# ot_features = liga,clig,dlig,hlig,rlig
# emoji_path =
# use_transbg = false
# alpha = 255
# depth = 0
# use_scrollbar = true
use_scrollbar = false
# scrollbar_mode = left
# scrollbar_view_name = simple
# fg_color = black
fg_color = white
# bg_color = white
bg_color = black
# sb_fg_color =
# sb_bg_color =
# cursor_fg_color = 
# cursor_bg_color =
# bd_color =
# ul_color =
# bl_color =
# rv_color =
# it_color =
# co_color =
# vt_color_mode = high
# hide_underline = false
# underline_offset = 0
# baseline_offset = 0
# wall_picture =
# fade_ratio = 100
# brightness = 100
# contrast = 100
# gamma = 100
# line_space = 0
# letter_space = 0
# borderless = false
# blink_cursor = false
# use_xim = true
# input_method = xim
# tabsize = 8
# logsize = 128
# word_separators = " ,.:;/@"
# regard_uri_as_word = false
# mod_meta_key = none
# mod_meta_mode = none
# bel_mode = sound
# use_urgent_bell = false
# daemon_mode = none
# use_extended_scroll_shortcut = false
# init_str =
# click_interval = 250
# static_backscroll_mode = false
# exit_backscroll_by_pty = false
# logging_vt_seq = false
# vt_seq_format = raw
# use_clipboard = true
# logging_msg = true
# default_server =
# always_show_dialog = false
# auto_restart = true
# use_local_echo = false
# use_alt_buffer = true
# use_ansi_colors = true
# allow_change_shortcut = false
# working_directory =
# trim_trailing_newline_in_pasting = false
# broadcast = false
# ignore_broadcasted_chars = false

Mode Type Size Ref File
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040000 tree - b7a22de7f5cbd97650dd45412ef7d4246e395eb8 x86
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