sylware / nyanmp (public) (License: AGPLv3) (since 2020-02-12) (hash sha1)
intended to become a collection of media players for gnu/linux based on ffmpeg, alsa, vulkan, x11, wayland, etc.

/npa/npa_config.h (853a08203dc1a8e1cc6a579eadd2e41e890df33e) (1445 bytes) (mode 100644) (type blob)

 * only basic esc seq soup for keyboard input, "ansi/ecma-48 + VTXXX + xterm"
 * utf8 terminal configured for 2 bytes c1 codes, hence the csi is the esc
 * ascii byte followed by the '[' ascii char. to account for any unknown esc
 * seq, we have a global timeout.
 * you have very good documentation on VTXXX (52/100/5xx) on the web, that
 * to understand well what is a terminal and from "where" all that comes
 * from.
 * or 1 utf8 char (up to 4 bytes and not 6 like in legacy iso)
struct tty_bind_t {
	u8 *c;			/* utf8 char, up to 4 bytes, or esc seq */
	u8 sz;			/* size of whatever is c */
	u8 *name;		/* friendly name */
	void (*cmd)(void);	/* bound cmd */
#define TTY_BIND(x, y, z) {.c = x, .sz = (sizeof(x) - 1), .name = y, .cmd = z}
struct tty_bind_t tty_binds[] = {
	TTY_BIND("q", "letter q", cmd_quit),
	TTY_BIND("i", "letter i", cmd_info),
	TTY_BIND("\x1b[D", "arrow left", cmd_rewind),
	TTY_BIND("\x1b[C", "arrow right", cmd_fastforward),
	TTY_BIND("\x1b[A", "arrow up", cmd_vol_up),
	TTY_BIND("\x1b[B", "arrow down", cmd_vol_down),
	TTY_BIND("\x1b[H", "home", cmd_rewind_big),
	TTY_BIND("\x1b[4~", "end", cmd_fastforward_big),
	TTY_BIND("m", "letter m", cmd_mute),
	TTY_BIND(" ", "space", cmd_pause)
#undef TTY_BIND

#define VOL_DELTA 0.1 /* from 0.0 to 1.0 */
#define SEEK_DELTA INT64_C(10) /* 10 seconds */
#define SEEK_DELTA_BIG (INT64_C(4) * INT64_C(60)) /* 4 minutes */

Mode Type Size Ref File
100644 blob 422 9a52a592d1900f30202d2059a04755caece4397a README
040000 tree - 64000f430ecff95843cc492e331d542c781fe34c npa
040000 tree - d8c9e46e32552027194f9d8d98da17dcf1a4dcaf npv
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