Jackalope / jlib (public) (License: GPLv3 or later) (since 2019-11-18) (hash sha1)
jlib C++ template library
Used to replace std functionality without exception handling.
- data structures
- filesystem routines
- crossplatform threads interface (currently only pthreads implementation)
- thread pool
- crossplatform dynamic memory functions interface (allocate, reallocate, deallocate) with alignment support
- high percision timer routines based on timespec

Mode Type Size Ref File
100755 blob 141 8b21f22b27ed070a5813b348da902d08169cb31f .gitignore
100644 blob 5080 38b888ab62d69a49558536fa4fec5d7478bdcaca CMakeLists.txt
100644 blob 35149 f288702d2fa16d3cdf0035b15a9fcbc552cd88e7 COPYING
100644 blob 560 6a65c0192e495aa731b56e996f45113137f5a3da Doxyfile.in
040000 tree - dd0e4bd03788fafc9bf0fd166c375308dd2bdb85 include
040000 tree - 5fb8b01596874225b21b197a743f4618104852df src
100644 blob 433 e2310426e91b5b52a63e348fbd7691e12b1ef368 version.cmake.in
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