Jackalope / jmath (public) (License: GPLv3 or later) (since 2018-10-11) (hash sha1)
C++ conxstexpr template Math library with:
- multidimensional vectors and matrices
- geometry primitives with projection, distance and intersection functions
- coordinate systems conversions
- some routines

Depends on GCE-math C++ library as git submodule.

Used with clang (version 9 or 10) and gcc (version 9).
Written with C++17.

Mode Type Size Ref File
100755 blob 124 0ff561d3c337a54fdb085aa73ec3b99b014c37ab .gitignore
100644 blob 80 af1d124ff786ba5acc07731e898e69c8e62f4b15 .gitmodules
100644 blob 142 39c0f4e01ff15a90880eabc11015f75b1a3733b1 CMakeLists.txt
040000 tree - e3b27633eacdd4f22ae96f55ac97faaef2a67854 include
040000 tree - 16e77a17eb082afe3aa9f8da4754eb41f96ad976 libs
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