List of commits:
Subject Hash Author Date (UTC)
WIP: add can-adcrowdnet 5620b83449b31d00a367c8de77e431e19a5ccfb3 Thai Thien 2020-02-25 11:31:38
add readable timestamp viz ae1fdb49ddb9ea77659529dceb7fb87c2790c8dc Thai Thien 2020-02-24 03:49:57
change save name prefix c53a86f30fb8fd4e8f3a409eb67827d56a43ae5c Thai Thien 2020-02-02 10:48:15
training flow that work fb242273e8f696916f9d1ff4bb76b4e5869799ef Thai Thien 2020-02-02 10:42:01
fix the dataloader for shanghaitech 5f2aee9f316e6555e6a70c6ad037a4e6b491867b Thai Thien 2020-02-02 09:19:50
context aware visualize seem ok 1bdb6ffe77ca4e40ef8f299b2506df2266243db4 Thai Thien 2020-02-02 05:07:10
visualize eval context aware network seem ok f3fe45c23dfeab3730624737efabb0b14d23c25b Thai Thien 2020-02-02 04:50:34
visualize_shanghaitech_pacnn_with_perspective run without error 12366a2de2bd60ff4bd36e6132d44e37dedf7462 Thai Thien 2020-02-02 04:21:16
eval context aware network on ShanghaiTechB can run e8c454d2b6d287c830c1286c9a37884b3cfc615f Thai Thien 2020-02-02 04:09:14
import ShanghaiTechDataPath in data_util e81eb56315d44375ff5c0e747d61456601492f8f Thai Thien 2020-02-02 04:04:36
add 2a36025c001d85afc064c090f4d22987b328977b Thai Thien 2020-02-02 03:46:38
PACNN (TODO: test this) 44d5ae7ec57c760fb4f105dd3e3492148a0cc075 Thai Thien 2020-02-02 03:40:26
add data path 80134de767d0137a663f343e4606bafc57a1bc1f Thai Thien 2020-02-02 03:38:21
test if ShanghaiTech datapath is correct 97ee84944a4393ec3732879b24f614826f8e7798 Thai Thien 2020-02-01 03:57:31
refactor and test ShanghaiTech datapath 9542ebc00f257edc38690180b7a4353794be4019 Thai Thien 2020-02-01 03:53:49
fix the unzip flow b53c5989935335377eb6a88c942713d3eccc5df7 Thai Thien 2020-02-01 03:53:13
data_script run seem ok 67420c08fc1c10a66404d3698994865726a106cd Thai Thien 2020-02-01 03:33:18
add perspective 642d6fff8c9f31e510fda85a7fb631fb855d8a6d Thai Thien 2019-10-06 16:54:44
fix padding with p 86c2fa07822d956a34b3b37e14da485a4249f01b Thai Thien 2019-10-06 02:52:58
pacnn perspective loss fb673e38a5f24ae9004fe2b7b93c88991e0c2304 Thai Thien 2019-10-06 01:38:28
Commit 5620b83449b31d00a367c8de77e431e19a5ccfb3 - WIP: add can-adcrowdnet
TODO: test this
have not test it, don't sure if it can run
Author: Thai Thien
Author date (UTC): 2020-02-25 11:31
Committer name: Thai Thien
Committer date (UTC): 2020-02-25 11:31
Parent(s): ae1fdb49ddb9ea77659529dceb7fb87c2790c8dc
Signing key:
Tree: 43071e141cbf681abcc0f1baf1d58150d8feee59
File Lines added Lines deleted
models/ 2 1
models/ 135 0
models/ 143 0
File models/ changed (mode: 100644) (index 413a1dd..556c781)
1 1 from .csrnet import CSRNet from .csrnet import CSRNet
2 2 from .pacnn import PACNN, PACNNWithPerspectiveMap from .pacnn import PACNN, PACNNWithPerspectiveMap
3 from .context_aware_network import CANNet
3 from .context_aware_network import CANNet
4 from .deform_conv_v2 import DeformConv2d
File models/ added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..e022339)
1 import torch.nn as nn
2 import torch
3 from torchvision import models
4 import collections
5 import torch.nn.functional as F
6 import os
7 from .deform_conv_v2 import DeformConv2d
8 # from dcn.modules.deform_conv import DeformConvPack, ModulatedDeformConvPack
11 class CanAdcrowdNet(nn.Module):
12 def __init__(self, load_weights=False):
13 super(CanAdcrowdNet, self).__init__()
14 self.frontend_feat = [64, 64, 'M', 128, 128, 'M', 256, 256, 256, 'M', 512, 512, 512]
15 self.frontend = make_layers(self.frontend_feat)
16 self.concat_filter_layer = nn.Conv2d(1024, 512, kernel_size=3, padding=2, dilation=2)
18 self.deform_conv_1_3 = DeformConv2d(512, 256, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
19 self.deform_conv_1_5 = DeformConv2d(512, 256, kernel_size=5, stride=1, padding=2)
20 self.deform_conv_1_7 = DeformConv2d(512, 256, kernel_size=7, stride=1, padding=3)
21 self.concat_filter_layer_1 = nn.Conv2d(256 * 3, 256, kernel_size=3, padding=2, dilation=2)
23 self.deform_conv_2_3 = DeformConv2d(256, 128, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
24 self.deform_conv_2_5 = DeformConv2d(256, 128, kernel_size=5, stride=1, padding=2)
25 self.deform_conv_2_7 = DeformConv2d(256, 128, kernel_size=7, stride=1, padding=3)
26 self.concat_filter_layer_2 = nn.Conv2d(128 * 3, 128, kernel_size=3, padding=2, dilation=2)
28 self.deform_conv_3_3 = DeformConv2d(128, 64, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
29 self.deform_conv_3_5 = DeformConv2d(128, 64, kernel_size=5, stride=1, padding=2)
30 self.deform_conv_3_7 = DeformConv2d(128, 64, kernel_size=7, stride=1, padding=3)
31 self.concat_filter_layer_3 = nn.Conv2d(64 * 3, 64, kernel_size=3, padding=2, dilation=2)
33 self.output_layer = nn.Conv2d(64, 1, kernel_size=1)
34 self.conv1_1 = nn.Conv2d(512, 512, kernel_size=1, bias=False)
35 self.conv1_2 = nn.Conv2d(512, 512, kernel_size=1, bias=False)
36 self.conv2_1 = nn.Conv2d(512, 512, kernel_size=1, bias=False)
37 self.conv2_2 = nn.Conv2d(512, 512, kernel_size=1, bias=False)
38 self.conv3_1 = nn.Conv2d(512, 512, kernel_size=1, bias=False)
39 self.conv3_2 = nn.Conv2d(512, 512, kernel_size=1, bias=False)
40 self.conv6_1 = nn.Conv2d(512, 512, kernel_size=1, bias=False)
41 self.conv6_2 = nn.Conv2d(512, 512, kernel_size=1, bias=False)
42 if not load_weights:
43 mod = models.vgg16(pretrained=True)
44 self._initialize_weights()
45 fsd = collections.OrderedDict()
46 for i in range(len(self.frontend.state_dict().items())):
47 temp_key = list(self.frontend.state_dict().items())[i][0]
48 fsd[temp_key] = list(mod.state_dict().items())[i][1]
49 self.frontend.load_state_dict(fsd)
51 def forward(self, x):
52 fv = self.frontend(x)
53 # S=1
54 ave1 = nn.functional.adaptive_avg_pool2d(fv, (1, 1))
55 ave1 = self.conv1_1(ave1)
56 s1 = nn.functional.upsample(ave1, size=(fv.shape[2], fv.shape[3]), mode='bilinear')
57 c1 = s1 - fv
58 w1 = self.conv1_2(c1)
59 w1 = nn.functional.sigmoid(w1)
60 # S=2
61 ave2 = nn.functional.adaptive_avg_pool2d(fv, (2, 2))
62 ave2 = self.conv2_1(ave2)
63 s2 = nn.functional.upsample(ave2, size=(fv.shape[2], fv.shape[3]), mode='bilinear')
64 c2 = s2 - fv
65 w2 = self.conv2_2(c2)
66 w2 = nn.functional.sigmoid(w2)
67 # S=3
68 ave3 = nn.functional.adaptive_avg_pool2d(fv, (3, 3))
69 ave3 = self.conv3_1(ave3)
70 s3 = nn.functional.upsample(ave3, size=(fv.shape[2], fv.shape[3]), mode='bilinear')
71 c3 = s3 - fv
72 w3 = self.conv3_2(c3)
73 w3 = nn.functional.sigmoid(w3)
74 # S=6
75 ave6 = nn.functional.adaptive_avg_pool2d(fv, (6, 6))
76 ave6 = self.conv6_1(ave6)
77 s6 = nn.functional.upsample(ave6, size=(fv.shape[2], fv.shape[3]), mode='bilinear')
78 c6 = s6 - fv
79 w6 = self.conv6_2(c6)
80 w6 = nn.functional.sigmoid(w6)
82 fi = (w1 * s1 + w2 * s2 + w3 * s3 + w6 * s6) / (w1 + w2 + w3 + w6 + 0.000000000001)
83 x =, fi), 1)
84 x = F.relu(self.concat_filter_layer(x))
86 x3 = self.deform_conv_1_3(x)
87 x5 = self.deform_conv_1_5(x)
88 x7 = self.deform_conv_1_7(x)
89 x =, x5, x7), 1)
90 x = F.relu(self.concat_filter_layer_1(x))
92 x3 = self.deform_conv_2_3(x)
93 x5 = self.deform_conv_2_5(x)
94 x7 = self.deform_conv_2_7(x)
95 x =, x5, x7), 1)
96 x = F.relu(self.concat_filter_layer_2(x))
98 x3 = self.deform_conv_3_3(x)
99 x5 = self.deform_conv_3_5(x)
100 x7 = self.deform_conv_3_7(x)
101 x =, x5, x7), 1)
102 x = F.relu(self.concat_filter_layer_3(x))
104 x = self.output_layer(x)
105 x = nn.functional.upsample(x, scale_factor=8, mode='bilinear') / 64.0
106 return x
108 def _initialize_weights(self):
109 for m in self.modules():
110 if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d):
111 nn.init.normal_(m.weight, std=0.01)
112 if m.bias is not None:
113 nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0)
114 elif isinstance(m, nn.BatchNorm2d):
115 nn.init.constant_(m.weight, 1)
116 nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0)
119 def make_layers(cfg, in_channels=3, batch_norm=False, dilation=False):
120 if dilation:
121 d_rate = 2
122 else:
123 d_rate = 1
124 layers = []
125 for v in cfg:
126 if v == 'M':
127 layers += [nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2)]
128 else:
129 conv2d = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, v, kernel_size=3, padding=d_rate, dilation=d_rate)
130 if batch_norm:
131 layers += [conv2d, nn.BatchNorm2d(v), nn.ReLU(inplace=True)]
132 else:
133 layers += [conv2d, nn.ReLU(inplace=True)]
134 in_channels = v
135 return nn.Sequential(*layers)
File models/ added (mode: 100644) (index 0000000..02e98e8)
1 import torch
2 from torch import nn
5 class DeformConv2d(nn.Module):
6 def __init__(self, inc, outc, kernel_size=3, padding=1, stride=1, bias=None, modulation=False):
7 """
8 Args:
9 modulation (bool, optional): If True, Modulated Defomable Convolution (Deformable ConvNets v2).
10 """
11 super(DeformConv2d, self).__init__()
12 self.kernel_size = kernel_size
13 self.padding = padding
14 self.stride = stride
15 self.zero_padding = nn.ZeroPad2d(padding)
16 self.conv = nn.Conv2d(inc, outc, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=kernel_size, bias=bias)
18 self.p_conv = nn.Conv2d(inc, 2*kernel_size*kernel_size, kernel_size=3, padding=1, stride=stride)
19 nn.init.constant_(self.p_conv.weight, 0)
20 self.p_conv.register_backward_hook(self._set_lr)
22 self.modulation = modulation
23 if modulation:
24 self.m_conv = nn.Conv2d(inc, kernel_size*kernel_size, kernel_size=3, padding=1, stride=stride)
25 nn.init.constant_(self.m_conv.weight, 0)
26 self.m_conv.register_backward_hook(self._set_lr)
28 @staticmethod
29 def _set_lr(module, grad_input, grad_output):
30 grad_input = (grad_input[i] * 0.1 for i in range(len(grad_input)))
31 grad_output = (grad_output[i] * 0.1 for i in range(len(grad_output)))
33 def forward(self, x):
34 offset = self.p_conv(x)
35 if self.modulation:
36 m = torch.sigmoid(self.m_conv(x))
38 dtype =
39 ks = self.kernel_size
40 N = offset.size(1) // 2
42 if self.padding:
43 x = self.zero_padding(x)
45 # (b, 2N, h, w)
46 p = self._get_p(offset, dtype)
48 # (b, h, w, 2N)
49 p = p.contiguous().permute(0, 2, 3, 1)
50 q_lt = p.detach().floor()
51 q_rb = q_lt + 1
53 q_lt =[torch.clamp(q_lt[..., :N], 0, x.size(2)-1), torch.clamp(q_lt[..., N:], 0, x.size(3)-1)], dim=-1).long()
54 q_rb =[torch.clamp(q_rb[..., :N], 0, x.size(2)-1), torch.clamp(q_rb[..., N:], 0, x.size(3)-1)], dim=-1).long()
55 q_lb =[q_lt[..., :N], q_rb[..., N:]], dim=-1)
56 q_rt =[q_rb[..., :N], q_lt[..., N:]], dim=-1)
58 # clip p
59 p =[torch.clamp(p[..., :N], 0, x.size(2)-1), torch.clamp(p[..., N:], 0, x.size(3)-1)], dim=-1)
61 # bilinear kernel (b, h, w, N)
62 g_lt = (1 + (q_lt[..., :N].type_as(p) - p[..., :N])) * (1 + (q_lt[..., N:].type_as(p) - p[..., N:]))
63 g_rb = (1 - (q_rb[..., :N].type_as(p) - p[..., :N])) * (1 - (q_rb[..., N:].type_as(p) - p[..., N:]))
64 g_lb = (1 + (q_lb[..., :N].type_as(p) - p[..., :N])) * (1 - (q_lb[..., N:].type_as(p) - p[..., N:]))
65 g_rt = (1 - (q_rt[..., :N].type_as(p) - p[..., :N])) * (1 + (q_rt[..., N:].type_as(p) - p[..., N:]))
67 # (b, c, h, w, N)
68 x_q_lt = self._get_x_q(x, q_lt, N)
69 x_q_rb = self._get_x_q(x, q_rb, N)
70 x_q_lb = self._get_x_q(x, q_lb, N)
71 x_q_rt = self._get_x_q(x, q_rt, N)
73 # (b, c, h, w, N)
74 x_offset = g_lt.unsqueeze(dim=1) * x_q_lt + \
75 g_rb.unsqueeze(dim=1) * x_q_rb + \
76 g_lb.unsqueeze(dim=1) * x_q_lb + \
77 g_rt.unsqueeze(dim=1) * x_q_rt
79 # modulation
80 if self.modulation:
81 m = m.contiguous().permute(0, 2, 3, 1)
82 m = m.unsqueeze(dim=1)
83 m =[m for _ in range(x_offset.size(1))], dim=1)
84 x_offset *= m
86 x_offset = self._reshape_x_offset(x_offset, ks)
87 out = self.conv(x_offset)
89 return out
91 def _get_p_n(self, N, dtype):
92 p_n_x, p_n_y = torch.meshgrid(
93 torch.arange(-(self.kernel_size-1)//2, (self.kernel_size-1)//2+1),
94 torch.arange(-(self.kernel_size-1)//2, (self.kernel_size-1)//2+1))
95 # (2N, 1)
96 p_n =[torch.flatten(p_n_x), torch.flatten(p_n_y)], 0)
97 p_n = p_n.view(1, 2*N, 1, 1).type(dtype)
99 return p_n
101 def _get_p_0(self, h, w, N, dtype):
102 p_0_x, p_0_y = torch.meshgrid(
103 torch.arange(1, h*self.stride+1, self.stride),
104 torch.arange(1, w*self.stride+1, self.stride))
105 p_0_x = torch.flatten(p_0_x).view(1, 1, h, w).repeat(1, N, 1, 1)
106 p_0_y = torch.flatten(p_0_y).view(1, 1, h, w).repeat(1, N, 1, 1)
107 p_0 =[p_0_x, p_0_y], 1).type(dtype)
109 return p_0
111 def _get_p(self, offset, dtype):
112 N, h, w = offset.size(1)//2, offset.size(2), offset.size(3)
114 # (1, 2N, 1, 1)
115 p_n = self._get_p_n(N, dtype)
116 # (1, 2N, h, w)
117 p_0 = self._get_p_0(h, w, N, dtype)
118 p = p_0 + p_n + offset
119 return p
121 def _get_x_q(self, x, q, N):
122 b, h, w, _ = q.size()
123 padded_w = x.size(3)
124 c = x.size(1)
125 # (b, c, h*w)
126 x = x.contiguous().view(b, c, -1)
128 # (b, h, w, N)
129 index = q[..., :N]*padded_w + q[..., N:] # offset_x*w + offset_y
130 # (b, c, h*w*N)
131 index = index.contiguous().unsqueeze(dim=1).expand(-1, c, -1, -1, -1).contiguous().view(b, c, -1)
133 x_offset = x.gather(dim=-1, index=index).contiguous().view(b, c, h, w, N)
135 return x_offset
137 @staticmethod
138 def _reshape_x_offset(x_offset, ks):
139 b, c, h, w, N = x_offset.size()
140 x_offset =[x_offset[..., s:s+ks].contiguous().view(b, c, h, w*ks) for s in range(0, N, ks)], dim=-1)
141 x_offset = x_offset.contiguous().view(b, c, h*ks, w*ks)
143 return x_offset
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