Welcome to Packages tutorial!
This tutorial will teach you how to make available to the world
the distribution packages built from your git repositories.
You push your commits and RocketGit, automatically, by searching
for a specific distribution signaling (for example. for a
.spec file
on a .rpm based distribution), will generate the source
package (.src.rpm etc.), the binary package (.rpm, .deb etc.) and the
debug packages.
Then, it will populate the global and/or your personal repositories
with these packages and will expose them to the world.
It will make your life easier by allowing your users to use your project:
you just need to push and everybody, at the next update, will have your
new version installed. This will bring more users onboard. Some users
do not know how to install from source; the rest are forced to check for
a new version periodically and install it, over and over again.
Having a package repository added to your user's distribution
will mean faster testing cycles thanks to the automatically upgrade.
Also, having your package repository added to the distribution,
will allow your users to easily search and install other project
of yours.
Check first the
Continuous Integration tutorial
to learn the how to trigger a build when you push your code.