List of commits:
Subject Hash Author Date (UTC)
changed file extension 90d128a8f1de5efa3db673e559e057b8e9e3fa8c Launfal 2018-01-06 13:32:08
changed extensions on text files a9e53ce89fa4d68f0ae8a5b96a3b866e3b741a99 Launfal 2018-01-06 13:07:42
removed control characters from text files 8c5e47f8455655319792ff0be964a6e5c384dee5 Launfal 2018-01-02 11:51:26
making the text files readable b2fdff00b506c4adc92ad7bc9d7dcb9a7302d40d Launfal 2017-12-24 19:02:34
Delete 01.chapter_one.text a51cd38f07a4c15370399914b44254e56180a68c Launfal 2017-12-24 17:51:06
Add files via upload 5015d95f599e5171ead56b8280b42a402f66e32b Launfal 2017-12-24 17:50:49
Delete temp 82834f220afe570c82e8ba80659a8ba65648de9d Launfal 2017-12-24 17:48:35
Add files via upload c166ec5cdc35b19ee06c51cfe665332bc4fd70f9 Launfal 2017-12-24 17:48:22
Create temp 486c3704e2242ed951b4bad5b3af9613a74c4558 Launfal 2017-12-24 17:47:38
Add files via upload e78c032a2daaa4d06262f28bbeed4fd6f7733a03 Launfal 2017-12-24 17:18:18
Create temp 5aab79dd31d19737c1bfb8269b63968e1d496fff Launfal 2017-12-24 17:17:16
Delete temp d0af5207e1a9793eb70e26c39dd763c9ae9ffc07 Launfal 2017-12-24 17:16:39
Add files via upload 9aa22a6cccaaebe4b2207f06669b78ca363c0d0c Launfal 2017-12-24 17:16:17
Create temp e5952b7ef9fe2d076aae3c5cc4e00eadeb5fd67c Launfal 2017-12-24 17:15:33
Rename hump_day.pdf to hump_day/hump_day.pdf e5b84a2c2bdcaa65718a270ffff49712bed7d62a Launfal 2017-12-24 17:14:51
Delete .gitkeep 9833cadafeb14fcd2256103ef57faee4930c26c0 Launfal 2017-12-24 17:13:58
Rename hump_day.fold to hump_day/hump_day.fold e4ffdf2c840814fb6dd26177d28deb9e6a4bd2cd Launfal 2017-12-24 17:13:40
Create .gitkeep dd59f17dc83ef1c5114b21bdb376d6f9665dd9ef Launfal 2017-12-24 17:10:22
Update 09d6a65cecf12cd5b951294cbfbae1ac3de33080 Launfal 2017-12-24 17:07:49
Add files via upload 2da03ecfbb8b721069d535aefe2528f2d5926416 Launfal 2017-12-24 17:06:15
Commit 90d128a8f1de5efa3db673e559e057b8e9e3fa8c - changed file extension
Author: Launfal
Author date (UTC): 2018-01-06 13:32
Committer name: Launfal
Committer date (UTC): 2018-01-06 13:32
Parent(s): a9e53ce89fa4d68f0ae8a5b96a3b866e3b741a99
Signing key:
Tree: a212e29718751c47706d948571e18d9808dd94ff
File Lines added Lines deleted
WIP/01.chapter_one.text 0 0
File WIP/01.chapter_one.text renamed from WIP/01.chapter_one.fold (similarity 100%)
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