List of commits:
Subject Hash Author Date (UTC)
Moved mem_check.c to mem_check_scanner.c 4a6548f5dd52c419dfa3b46b53dc8ff17f044203 Josiah Mullins 2023-10-05 18:04:42
README: Added instructions to include init and close calls in program. 9ceea9c4ae0c169a69fc1a0840402bfc2a2843cc Josiah Mullins 2023-10-05 18:02:22
Fixed bug with allocate memory and added include guards. 01034908e928b996abf6b92804a9f68112617af1 Josiah_Mullins_E6440 2020-02-14 17:53:16
master: initial commit of mem_check ede7de7550d3243f98279b5bd69eba18748105fa Josiah_Mullins_E6440 2020-02-12 17:42:39
Commit 4a6548f5dd52c419dfa3b46b53dc8ff17f044203 - Moved mem_check.c to mem_check_scanner.c
The reason is because the old naming convention
made it appear that mem_check.h was a header
to mem_check.c.
Author: Josiah Mullins
Author date (UTC): 2023-10-05 18:04
Committer name: Josiah Mullins
Committer date (UTC): 2023-10-05 18:04
Parent(s): 9ceea9c4ae0c169a69fc1a0840402bfc2a2843cc
Signing key:
Signing status: N
Tree: 96dcd08740e9184c21bdef12aa6b9bb36b2fee59
File Lines added Lines deleted
mem_check_scanner.c 0 0
File mem_check_scanner.c renamed from mem_check.c (similarity 100%)
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