/README (fd5b575c6ec27a39901eb2595eb795eab1c8fe81) (1466 bytes) (mode 100644) (type blob)
1.) Introduction
This project is a simple memory leak checker.
It is intended for simple (small) C projects
where memory leaks may be a concern. It is
not intended to replace the more powerful
debugging tools out there. Rather, it is
intended to be an easy to use simple check.
2.) Brief overview
It works my defining macros that logs memory
allocation, reallocation and freeing. If all
of the memory allocated is not freed, the
scanner will alert you of that.
3). Simple Howto
To start using this project you would add the line
"#include <mem_check.h>" into your program and replace
the stdlib functions as shown below.
data = (type)calloc(nmemb, size) ---> MEMCHECK_CALLOC(data,type,nmemb,size);
data = (type)malloc(size); ---> MEMCHECK_MALLOC(data,type,size);
new = realloc(old,size); ---> MEMTYPE_REALLOC(new,type,old,size);
free(data); ---> MEMCHECK_FREE(data);
Next, add the line "MEMCHECK_INIT();"
in your main function before any memory
handling function calls. Then, add the
line "MEMCHECK_CLOSE();" after your
last memory handling call. Lastly,
with your global variables in the
file with your main function (do not
put this macro anywhere else).
If you recompile your program and run it you
should see a new file mem_check.log
If you want to disable the new macro's and
reinstate the stdlib versions, then add the line
#define MEM_CHECK 0
above the line
#include <mem_check.h>
in your source code.
Mode |
Type |
Size |
Ref |
File |
100644 |
blob |
1466 |
fd5b575c6ec27a39901eb2595eb795eab1c8fe81 |
100644 |
blob |
4554 |
e0372fdd15b80632dfc7cb606f697dc0cf6d87c4 |
mem_check_scanner.c |
100644 |
blob |
1650 |
e94eea0e33ef14bb69ed5f2505f6c3c1c84bc52e |
memcheck.h |
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