/Makefile.in (a17bee5df8accb7f7b5161e35b5dc0cf43fec703) (1110 bytes) (mode 100644) (type blob)

export DESTDIR

include Makefile.common

ALL := common agent ingestd webd trace misc tools docs

all: $(ALL)

	make -R -C common compile

	make -R -C agent

	make -R -C ingestd

	make -R -C webd

	make -R -C trace

	make -R -C misc

	make -R -C tools

	make -R -C docs

.PHONY: install
	@mkdir -p $(I_VAR_LOG)/ninedogs
	@-chown -R ninedogs:ninedogs $(I_VAR_LOG)/ninedogs
	@mkdir -p $(I_USR_SHARE)/ninedogs
	@mkdir -p $(I_VAR_LIB)/ninedogs
	@-chown -R ninedogs:ninedogs $(I_VAR_LIB)/ninedogs
	@make -C agent install
	@make -C ingestd install
	@make -C webd install
	@make -C trace install
	@make -C misc install
	@make -C tools install
	@mkdir -p $(I_ETC)/nginx/conf.d
	@cp -vd              samples/nginx.conf $(I_ETC)/nginx/conf.d/ninedogs.conf.sample
	@cp -vd --no-clobber samples/nginx.conf $(I_ETC)/nginx/conf.d/ninedogs.conf

.PHONY: clean
	@make -R -C common clean
	@make -R -C agent clean
	@make -R -C ingestd clean
	@make -R -C webd clean
	@make -R -C trace clean
	@make -R -C misc clean
	@make -R -C tools clean

Mode Type Size Ref File
100644 blob 171 fe99470392637305c55f33ec897faf76a5994537 .gitignore
100644 blob 95 7642b9826e1e2c9b5c5c7aa9c940f97939d2571a History.txt
100644 blob 34520 dba13ed2ddf783ee8118c6a581dbf75305f816a3 LICENSE
100644 blob 783 70c9e3f19e0023cd079edde5ef8eba3ef692ca0e Makefile.common.in
100644 blob 1110 a17bee5df8accb7f7b5161e35b5dc0cf43fec703 Makefile.in
100644 blob 42 d7c52ebbfd48ca77062939fdbb338cd89ec8c432 README
100644 blob 1321 1b0b4988e524fdc87bb30a5b7d253f0b443e2643 TODO
040000 tree - a0267106f3cdf0ce463ef4402194b7af202f1e9b agent
040000 tree - 399a568a464fefb539511efcb7dbc54cad41ee92 common
100755 blob 30 92c4bc48245c00408cd7e1fd89bc1a03058f4ce4 configure
040000 tree - 5105db024880a7770cdfe3463ff616a19ccf5cb4 debian
040000 tree - c1cfcc561884a634816ab2ceae10e876b00767ad docs
100755 blob 18446 beaa5e023f0e7140d175aead85031193fad85937 duilder
040000 tree - b8c35f2c2d3465319cd9f7bd0c02451ce6421ce8 ingestd
040000 tree - 659fed7afcfeec6403073b9243c7add55280a964 misc
100644 blob 2191 ea74dbbb5e268c8b5da88993eef0d15e7a62bf27 ninedogs.spec
040000 tree - ed2ce950c8d76542b032c32b6414eb756393ae87 rocketgit
040000 tree - 6886f025e0842ae23d3f40ad0732c25d56007f2f samples
040000 tree - 6ce804cfa819b8fc8b5f0e31198a88f3f4045b53 test
040000 tree - 7f5aa582c06d0c8dfc84804c3f63de9a1dd990bd tools
040000 tree - 513f4b3efbe76eef7482b08ed5ec7082e7500344 trace
040000 tree - d27a61635733d1c26893421480f8ef959ff09181 webd
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git config --global user.name "your_name_here"
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git clone https://rocketgit.com/user/catalinux/ninedogs

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git clone ssh://rocketgit@ssh.rocketgit.com/user/catalinux/ninedogs

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git clone git://git.rocketgit.com/user/catalinux/ninedogs

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This means that your pushed commits will automatically be transformed into a merge request:
... clone the repository ...
... make some changes and some commits ...
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